• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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Jaxler was in the meeting hall sitting in his favorite seat. He had a barrel of booze and some food and was about to drink away another night of boredom when suddenly he saw a familiar militia pony walk by. "Yo Glaive"

Glaive notices a familiar sight, Jaxler next to a whole barrel of booze, but this time something was different. He was calling out to him. Glaive hesitated for a moment, what did the drunken guard want with him. They'd never really talked before. But he approached the table anyway. "Uh, hello Jaxler, what's going on?"

Jaxler sipped some of his booze "Well, I'm just sitting here and drinking some moonshine."

Taking a seat across from Jaxler, Glaive says, "So I see. Where's your drinking buddy? Little Granite not with you today?"

"Um, Granite's been trying to slow down on the drinking recently."

Glaive smiles when he hears this news. "That, that is very good to hear. He's shown up at the stables hungover more than once, when I was there helping out. I considered talking to his parents... anyway, how've you been doing?"

Jaxler shrugs at the question "I haven't been doing to good recently"

"Oh, I'm uh, sorry to hear that. Did you want to talk about it?"

"Sure, now you know how I'm second in command of the guard, right? Well, one of the new members is trying to snatch away my rank."

"Who would try and take your position? Why would they do that?"

"Well Kat is, she thinks that I'm too much of a drunken mess to be second in command"

Glaive thinks, Kat might have a bit of a point, but Glaive thinks back, he can't remember Jaxler ever being too drunk while on duty, though, not being in the guard he couldn't be sure about that. "Well, uh, have you been drunk on duty before? I've seen you drinking after work sure, but you usually seem alert when your on the clock."

Jaxler though for a second "well, I think I've only been drunk while on duty about three times in my entire time serving under Partisan and only once while Kat was a member. though I do have tenancy to show about late and hung over."

"Well, if you don't make a habit of it, I don't think you'd have to worry about Partisan or Virtue demoting you. I know you do good work, and you've been around long enough, you deserve your position. Still, probably best, not to give them ammunition to use against you. Maybe, if you try to cut back on the drink, just a smidgen and show up on time from now on then you won't have to worry about what Kat is saying about you."

Jaxler took a swig of booze and said jokingly "If I cut back on drinking then bad things will happen"

"What do you mean by that? What bad things could come from being a bit more sober?"

"No offense, but I really don't know you well enough to go into detail."

Glaive decided not to press the issue, it's true he didn't know the Pegasus that well. "I understand, I'll say no more of it. But still, showing up late and hungover, won't help your case to keep your position, you've earned your place, but keeping it might require sacrifices. You'd do well to keep that in mind."

Jaxler sighed "yeah I know, but I really shouldn't haft to.I mean it really just pisses me off that somepony new walks in and tries to steal my position and that I am expected to trust this pony with my life."

Glaive sighs "I can understand your frustrations. But have you confronted Kat about it? I mean, why sit here getting drunk about it, when you can go tell her, what you think of her trying to usurp your position? Or maybe go see the Captain, have you talked to him about it?"

"Well, whenever I talk to Kat we usually end up yelling at each other and if I talk to Partisan about it I'll probably end up sounding paranoid."

Glaive shrugs. "I guess so. Don't really know what else to say, Jaxler, other than that I'd rather have you in the position then Kat, or any of Stiletto's other friends."

Jaxler smiled "thanks"

Glaive stands, "Well Jaxler, it was nice talking to you, we should do this again, but I've got places to be. May the gods watch over your path."

Jaxler chuckled "If there are any gods"

Glaive considered saying something to the pegasus, but decided that now wasn't the time for that. "Good-day Jaxler." bids Glaive as he walks away from the table.

Jaxler waved "See ya later Glaive"

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