• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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98: Virtue's Diary, 17 Galena 258 to 14 Felsite 259

Virtue's Diary - 17th Galena, 258

I don't know what to think. Today, Kiln came to me, and admitted to me that she is a spy. She actually told me that her name is Amor, and that her family has some claim to these lands. She tells me that the lands are really ours, but I don't know what to believe. She seemed to be concerned about my response, but if I'm honest I still don't know what to think.

At least she doesn't appear to be dangerous. For now, I told her that she is free to remain in Dawnpick and to continue whatever work she can find.

I fear that this may one day escalate to conflict. I dearly hope not, but if it does I don't know what I will do. Today is one of those days that I really don't know if I have the strength to go on. If I was given the opportunity to give this job to somepony else... to go back and live in Coupledye with my family as a nopony... I might would take it.

22nd Galena, 258

Today Copper Trim is officially a mare! Detergent and Savory were happy to see their little filly start her first day working with Castiron and the other smiths. She has always had a fascination of working with metal, and we've got tons of it for her to practice with. Watching the young ones start their first days among the adults is always heartwarming, but I know she's going to be tired by the time the day is out.

20th Felsite, 258

Today was... stressful, to say the least. Indigo came to me today with grievances against Stiletto, telling me about how she was corrupting everypony and flaunting our laws. I admit that I don't feel the same way she does about family, but I don't think there is any reason to punish her for that.

Indigo insists that she be punished for the damage she has done. I tried to talk him down, since she has already replaced the chair, but he was persistent. He also asked for me to begin training civilians as reserves for the militia. I don't think it's really needed, but if it's something to take his mind off of all of this then maybe it will help. I just dearly hope I don't come to regret that decision. I'll speak with Halberd privately later and ask him and Naginata to keep an eye on Indigo.

Stiletto came to me later today and we talked a bit. She's a pleasant pony to speak with, and I really don't understand why Indigo holds such contempt for her. Anyway, I told her what he plans to do, and she seemed to be as mystified as I was. At least she didn't get consumed with anger, not that I really worried she would.

I just don't know what I'm going to do. Jail time seems excessive for it, even if Panacea agreed that she was intimidated and frightened by her, a fine is the most I would think is appropriate. Indigo isn't going to like that, I know.

Why must I be presented with these problems? And worse, why can't I face them like a mare?

14th Limestone, 258

Glaze gave birth today to an adorable little pegasus filly that the parents named Violet. I'm sure her siblings will be happy to have another join them. Granite is still the only colt in the family, but he now has a pegasus sister to add to the little unicorns in his family.

24th Limestone, 258

I knew that Hickory couldn't be far behind Glaze, and she proved me right today by giving birth this afternoon. She also gave birth to a little pegasus filly, who the family named Peony. I was also happy to see her adult siblings among those present afterward. It reminds me of just how far we've come in Dawnpick, and just how long we've been out here.

I can't help but wonder how long it will be before we see our first grandchildren born here.

6th Timber, 258

Early this morning Loom gave birth to her third son, a little unicorn colt the family named Heliotrope for his color. As I always do, I gave the family some time off to recover and get to know the newest member of their little group. I realized today with the town's newest member, we're up to ninety-nine ponies! I'd have never believed we'd have so many out here in our modest little mining town, but nearly a third were born here.

I wonder who will be the magical newborn that pushes over the 100 mark?

I set the child cap to 25 at this point. I won't be getting any new births for a while, not until a few foals grow up. I've got room for them all, but finding work for the growing foals will be hard enough!

20th Timber, 258

We had a bit of an interesting development today. A new mare arrived at Dawnpick this afternoon, and she calls herself Oil Macepony. She was injured and doesn't speak much midpony, so we had a bit of trouble getting a complete story out of her. I'll go by and see Panacea later and find out how she is doing. Her wounds didn't seem life threatening at least, so she should be alright.

I had to reassign Spool to Oil Macepony, then back to Spool, then to Sweet Nectar, so the official explanation is that she did jack diddly for now.

18th Moonstone, 258

It's been a while since we've seen any Diamond Dogs around Dawnpick, but one showed up today and managed to sneak his way past the traps. It's a very unnerving thing they've learned to do. Regardless, Jaxler and Kat were right there to drive him away. I didn't go chasing after them of course, but I hear they put him down somewhere in the hills just outside the north wall. I know it won't matter though, there will be more soon.

28th Moonstone, 258

Seems I was right about the Diamond Dogs! Another made its way inside today, and attacked Valor! I was nearly hysterical when I saw the thief approach my son, but Partisan heard my cries and came galloping. When the thief saw him, he made a run for it, but Jaxler cut him off at the gate. He and Partisan shot the thief dead on the drawbridge, fortunately out of sight of both Valor and me.

The little colt was terrified after the incident, and I'm not afraid to admit I was too. He said he's scared to even go outside now... it tears my heart out, but I know he just needs some time to recover. Either Harvest Moon or I will be with him at all times, my poor little pony.

1st Obsidian, 258

As many bad days as I've had lately, today makes up for it. Glaive and Falcata were wed today, and I presided over the ceremony. I don't think I've ever seen the two of them so happy, and thinking back to my own wedding with Harvest Moon I don't blame them. After Falcata's heartfelt vows to her husband, I really put it in perspective. It's really no small miracle that she is even alive, and I thank everything that is good in this world every time I think about those terrible events.

I gave the two some time off for whatever celebrating they want. I hope the best for them and their future. I can think of no two ponies who were more made for each other.

Hacking success! Proof of concept that I can force ponies / dwarves to marry! The two didn't seem to want to get together so I waved my magic wand over them, and presto!

5th Obsidian, 258

Another pony was gripped by a strange mood today, which was becoming a bit rare, much to my delight. This time it was Alpine, Hickory and Splinter's son. His parents rushed off to be with him while it happened, and I don't blame them. The little colt quietly plodded off to one of our craftshops and set off to find everything he needed.

So far everypony who has suffered through these moods has turned out just fine, so I'm not worried. I'm sure he'll be okay. I'm still going to head over to see them tomorrow if he isn't done with whatever he is working on and offer what moral support I can.

19th Obsidian, 258

Another of Naginata's little colts is officially a stallion today! Much to her and Marble's relief, he didn't want to join her in the militia and opted for a more simple life helping the farmers with the growing number of animals we've come to acquire here in Dawnpick. It might be a simple life, but there's little more rewarding than knowing that you're a corner stone of the life of everypony in the town.

21st Obsidian, 258

A merchant caravan from home was spotted in the distance today, along with a caravan from the rainbows near behind. As has been the case in the past, I asked the militia and guard to watch out for thieves nearby. They seem to know when to strike, and my hunch turned out to be right.

Glyph ran into the first thief just outside the gate after the merchants made it inside. The thief didn't make it far from what I heard, and Glyph slew him with his axe near the moat.

Falcata found the next thief, approaching from the opposite direction. She dealt with it as she always does, dispatching him before the rest of the militia even made it to her.

While the carnage was going on outside the gate, Alpine at least finished what he was working on. He made a pick out of some of the giraffe bone we had lying around underground. It is truly superb in its manufacture, but I have no idea what we'll do with it. The miners have enough picks as it is, so for now at least I just let the family keep the tool and mount it as a testament to Alpine's achievement.

23rd Obsidian, 258

I met with our liaison today and with the merchants soon after. So far everypony in Coupledye seem to be happy with what we've done out here so far, and we need to keep up the good work. As a show of that, we sent back about 50,000 bits worth of steel bars, weapons and armor with the merchants.

We also traded some of our home grown food for a variety of things from home and the rainbow ponies. We got a lot of cloth, some exotic metals (particularly a few alloys we can't get or make here), some exotic food and the seeds to grow a few new plants here. I know I'm looking forward to the first bread that Skillet makes from the longland flour we'll be producing here soon!

13th Felsite, 259

It came to my attention some time ago that the dining hall was becoming a bit crowded. It was high time we started doing something about that, so I sent the order down to the masons and architects to start expanding the dining hall. It should hold a fair bit more ponies inside now, and I'm sure we'll all enjoy the extra room.

While I was at it, I sent the word for the masons to start fixing up the walls in some places. Early on when we were desperate to get closed off from the thieves, we built the walls in the fastest way we could, taking care of the local geography. Now though, we've got a bit of extra time on our hooves and a moat to keep us safe, so a little extra room inside the walls would go a long way.

We've started fixing them to be even now. It will give us some room to build a few more smelters, which we'll probably need soon to keep up with demands for the steel here.

14th Felsite, 259

Something horrible happened today. I didn't know what had happened when I first heard Falcata's cries of despair coming from the hospital. I thought somepony was badly hurt or killed, maybe even Glaive. The truth was maybe worse.

She and Glaive had been sparring, and there was an accident. I didn't ask the details from Panacea, but she said the way Falcata got hurt... it... it killed her unborn foal. I can't imagine what she and Glaive must be going through right now.

The child might not have even been born yet, but it still tears me up inside thinking about it. If anything happens to any of my children, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

I've sent the order to Halberd for them to be given as much time off as they need to cope with this. This is something I'd go over his head about if I had to, but I don't think I will.

I just can't imagine...

This is kind of my fault, I think. There are three known things that can cause miscarriages in game: physical trauma, dehydration and starvation. Falcata hasn't been attacked an enemy in a long time, but she has been working in the gym, where she stays until she's hungry or thirsty. I'm not convinced she got to dehydration or starvation levels, but maybe she did when I wasn't looking.

I think it happened because of her sparring with Glaive. I've read that when unlucky, sparring can cause this, but I've never noticed before since you don't get notifications for miscarriages like you do for births.

The only other explanation is I managed to flub something with the hack, which is possible but unlikely since she did get pregnant in the first place. I'll continue to watch and see if it happens again...

Oh, and here's the link to the save if anyone is interested: http://www.filedropper.com/dawnpick

I had to change download providers. I need to sign up for Dropbox or something, because this one kinda sucks. If people have problems with the download I'll try another provider.

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