• Published 2nd Mar 2013
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My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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Jaxler woke up. As soon as Jaxler tried to move he realized that he was chained to the bed and couldn't move an inch. He then tried to look around, and managed to deduce that he had ended up in the hospital, and he couldn't find his crossbow. Jaxler felt shear fear as he came to the realization that his crossbow might no longer be his.
"Panacea... Panacea."

Panacea shakes off the grogginess she had felt up to this point trying to remain vigil over her unconscious patient. He was awake... that was good, that meant he would be okay. She stands and steps over to him. "What is it? Do you need something for the pain?" Perhaps not the best thing to start off with, but she was too sleepy to think clearly after having stayed up all night.

Jaxler was confused, afraid, and had a massive pain in his head and All he could manage to say was "P- Panacea... w- where is... where's my... my crossbow?"

"Crossbow?" She blinks heavily and barely manages to recollect something. "I... saw Partisan with two, now that you mention it. I suppose he took it to the armory."

"I- I need my crossbow. C- Could you please, go get my crossbow from the armory... I can't really move right now with all these chains."

She gives him a concerned look. "I'm sorry... I don't have access to the armory. It's very early in the morning, everypony with access to the armory is still asleep."

"Could you please unchain me? I need to go get my crossbow back."

She nervously paws the ground for a moment and avoids his gaze. "Partisan... told me not to let you go, and not to even let you out of the chains unless somepony in the guard or militia were in here with me. I... didn't question him."

"Can you at least give me enough booze to put me into a coma? I really don't want to be conscious if anypony from the guard shows up."

"I can Ignore the pain. I just need a sedative, or my crossbow."

A knock can be heard at the door. It is followed by a vocal request, muffled slightly by the solid wood that the sound must pass through.
"Panacea? Are you in? Is this the right room?"

"Oh god, what does she want? Can you please hurry up with the sedatives? I Don't want to be completely aware with her in the room."

"Thank you, Panacea. I was just looking for..." turning her head, Sarissa took notice of the pony lying strapped to the bed, "...Jaxler. Looks like this is the right room afterall." She trots over to the bedside, giving a slight chuckle as she smirks, "Well, well, well, I know about your little scrap with Partisan. When I heard I just had to come see for myself. Looks like your temper finally caught up with you, eh?

Jaxler gazed over to panacea, hoping that she would give him something to make Sarissa's annoyance go away. He then said somberly, "Please just go away Sarissa... You shouldn't kick a pony while their down."

"Now who said anything about that? I'd say you've done a pretty good job of getting yourself kicked down." Sarissa prods the heavy metal shackles with one of her front hooves, "Wow, looks like Partisan really doesn't want you escaping. What exactly did you do to him?"

"Please just go away, I don't want to talk to you right now... I can't talk to you right now."

Panacea gives Sarissa a concerned look. "He's still recovering. It... would probably be best not to agitate him..."

Interesting. Jaxler really seemed down right now. Where was that fiery temper he usually had? Guess losing the guard position and getting hospitalized in one day was a bit much on him. Even though Sarissa believed he deserved it, perhaps she should back off for the time being. "Well, hopefully you'll take this lesson to heart. You can't run around starting fights with just anypony that makes you angry without consequences eventually following. As a guardsman, you should have had better discipline." Sarissa looks down at the bruise on his head, "As much as the results of your tussle amuse me, I'd have to say that I'm still rather disappointed in you." The medium brown unicorn begins to walk back towards the door, "Hopefully, you'll find some way to be more responsible in the future."

Jaxler sighed when she left, he already felt horrible and didn't need her scorn. All, he needed was something that would make yesterday's events seem to disappear.

"Panacea, How many painkillers would I need to take before I lost consciousness?"

She sighs and gives him a sad expression. "I'm sorry Jaxler... that much might kill you. I can't take that chance."

"I already know that and honestly, I wouldn't mind death at this point."

Kat Knocked on the door, having two crossbows with her. She didn't notice Sarissa exiting and was hoping she's at the right room. "Hello? Panacea? Is Jaxler in there?"

She sighs and fails to find a satisfactory response to Jaxler. She opens the door, hoping whoever it was wouldn't make the situation any worse. "Oh, hello Kat. Yes, he's here."

Kat nodded as she enters the room, seeing Jaxler being tied down like that, "I brought the Crossbow back to it's owner." She said as she unslung that wooden crossbow to let Jaxler sees it.

Jaxler was visibly relieved to see his crossbow back.
"K-Kat, please bring my crossbow over here."

"Yes actually... So, are you going to unchain me, or am I supposed to just lay here until Partisan comes up with a decent way to execute me?"

"Execute this Execute that, what do you think this is, Executionville? Hel-Lo Jaxler? Time to wake up? do you honestly think we're going to execute you? I mean, I know you're not the brightest tool in the shed but, Seriously? Execute you just for that? I'm honestly awed by your ability to focus on getting executed. It's getting old Jaxler, we're not going to execute you. Until you start killing ponies that is.. So just enjoy getting your crossbow back until somepony decide otherwise." Kat vent out all those frustration.

"I'm Sorry, but I've traveled to a lot of places in my life, and I've been places where you get executed for saying a god's name in vain, or for looking at someone the wrong way, for having the wrong fur color and I've been places where insulting a government official in the privacy of your home is gets you assassinated. So, I'm kinda used to being in a position were hitting the captain of the guard or calling the Baroness a coward would get me killed and I'm honestly sorry if that's an inconvenience."

"Look Jaxler, those places doesn't matter anymore. You're in Dawnpick now so might as well act like you are. I'm also from places different than this, A place where i'd be traded away like an item and gets stoned to death just for wanting to join the guards. But that doesn't matter now, Because we're in Dawnpick now. See? Live with the present Jaxler. Carrying the past on your back is just going to slow you down."

"Those whom forget the past are bound to repeat it, and why would I personally want to be stuck in the present? And considering how much I drink, I really doubt I have much of a future left."

Kat let out a sigh before continuing "To let go the past does not mean to forget it. But means to not let it be a burden. You know what? I don't care anymore. They say that only you yourself can help yourself, and seeing that you don't want to help yourself, Then I'm in no place to try and help. The sisters gave us the ability to choose, Jaxler. Choose whatever, However, Whenever. You choose to be a thief, you choose to came here, then you choose not to steal. I don't know what you'll be choosing next, and frankly, I don't care. Just realize wherever you stand, it's because of what you choose."

"Heh, you call me simple minded when you fail to realize the obvious. I do wish I could fix myself, I do with all my bucking heart, but I can't. no mater how much I drink and how much I try I only damage myself even more. Isn't the fact that I'm chained to this bed proof enough. And don't give the 'sisters' or any god any credit for anything. If they do exist then all they do is sit up on a gilded throne and laugh at us as our world rots... At least you're smart enough to realize that I'm beyond help."

"You know you can fix yourself Jaxler. You simply choose not to. You choose to continue to drink and damage yourself. So if that's what you choose, then why should i make you choose otherwise? I don't care if you believe in the sisters or not, You choose not to, that's your choice. I care not for what you choose Jaxler, but as long as your problem does not cause other ponies problems, then we'll all be fine. You can be as drunk and as damaged as you'd like to, but when you start damaging other ponies, then consequences happens. Just know that, alright? I choose to let you keep your Crossbow and if anyone ask, tell them to come to me about it. Even Partisan."

"A crippled pony can't walk, a deaf pony can't hear, a blind pony can't describe red, an earth pony cannot fly, and the damned cannot escape hell. I chose to try to help ponies and now I'm chained to a bed. I chose to govern myself and I about had my most precious possession stolen from me. I chose to try to enjoy me life and look at the hell I've made for myself in trying to do so. I've learned over the years that you can chose something, but that doesn't mean that the ending will be any different because you chose otherwise... AND please, don't insult the booze. It's the only poison that can make this world bearable."

"They can't, but they can try. You Tried and you seems to have failed, but at least you tried. That's a credit i can give you. I don't mind you drinking your booze Jaxler, and you can always help the others in other ways. Become a hunter then, that way you can help the fort and still keep your crossbow and drink as much as you'd like without people whining about it."

Jaxler was silent for a long while before retorting.

"Why didn't you just shoot me when I was in the jail cell. You seemed rather thrilled to be able to strike me down, and you'd be doing this fort a favor if you did."

Kat seems slightly surprised by Jaxler's question "Because I choose not to. And I don't really have enough reasons to shoot you."

"Did you want to shoot me?"

"I Both wanted and doesn't want to shoot you." She answers "I just doesn't want to shoot you enough to shoot you. It'll be too easy anyway if i did."

"What do you mean? What does me being an easy target have to do with wanting to shoot me? And would you have still have shot me if Partisan hadn't been there to order you not to?"

"It's the past, I don't really care about it now. But if were going to shoot you, know this, you'll be armed, properly, with a loaded crossbow and aiming at me. Then I'll shoot you."

"So, when do I get out of these chains and is partisan gonna do anything about me hitting him?"

"Honestly? I don't know. It's really up to Partisan or Virtue to decide it, not me. But if I have to guess, you'll probably be like this for a while."

"Great... Bucking great... If your not going to unchain me, then can you please just go away."

Kat shrugs slightly "Well if you're so tired of me, I guess? After all, I wasn't planning to stay for so long after giving you back your crossbow." She said then turns around to leave

"Kat... thanks for bringing back my crossbow."

"It's alright." She said before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Flux notices Kat leaving the hospital as he heads towards the wood pile to make some more charcoal, and decides to take a short break and see how she's doing. He trots up to her, smiling, and gives her a loving nuzzle once he reaches her.
"Heya Kat! Why were you in the hospital? Visiting with Panacea?"

Kat's mood has been obviously lifted from seeing Flux and getting a nuzzle from him, She returns the nuzzle happily "Mm, Hey Flux! Oh, I'm just bringing Jaxler back his crossbow is all."

Flux's look of happiness quickly shifts to concern as Kat explains what she was doing.
"Bringing him back his crossbow? Did he get attacked? Is he hurt? Can... can I see him?"

"Oh don't worry. He just kind of got mad, resigned from the guards then punched Partisan in the face. So me and Partisan kind of beat him into a cell with our crossbows, Then he passed out. Partisan confiscated his Crossbow but I think it's a better idea to let him keep the thing so that's why I returned it to him! And yeah, I don't think there's anything wrong with you visiting him. After all, he's in chain and couldn't punch anypony else." Kat said with a smile.

'He attacked Partisan?'
"Well... at least he has his crossbow back. It means a lot to him, Kat. Um... you said it's alright if I talk to him, right?"
Flux takes a step towards the door, still a bit uncertain.

Kat nods "Honestly, I don't want Panacea to be alone with him in there..."

Flux gives Kat a quick kiss before returning to the door.
"Thanks, Kat."
He heads inside and looks around for Jaxler. He's not too hard to find. After all, there aren't very many pegasus stallions chained to a bed in the hospital. He slowly approaches, unsure what to say first.
"Um... Jaxler? Are you alright?"

Jaxler was surprised to see Flux walk in.
"Oh, hay Flux and I've been worse."

Flux look a bit confused at that as I walk up to him.
"Worse than chained to a hospital bed?"

"Yeah, I've been mortally wounded, on more than one occasion... anyway, how did you find out I was here?"

"I, uh, spotted Kat leaving the hospital and asked her what was happening. She said you were here, and she... brought you your crossbow?"

"So, does that mean that she told you what happened?"

"Kinda? She said you got angry, resigned, and attacked Partisan. They locked you into a cell and took your crossbow, then brought you here because you got hurt?"

"Did she tell you about me getting arrested and demoted before hitting Partisan and resigning?"

Flux blinks a few times, dumbly, before answering.
"Uh... no? What happened?"

"I got arrested for something... I did before I came to Dawnpick. Partisan must have decided that that was the last straw and told me that I was demoted. The hell am I saying, the sick bastard didn't demote me he bucking demoralized me, he didn't just lower my rank, he put me at the very bottom of the ranks. The bastard thought that he could just do that to me and get away with it. SO, I put a dent in his face for treating me like dirt. Then Kat ran up and slammed the blunt side of her crossbow into my head. the last thing I can remember was Partisan yelling at me trying to get me to give up my crossbow. I think Kat's crossbow strike gave me a concussion and it took me a few minutes to pass out. Anyway I woke up chained to this bed with a splitting head ache and I couldn't find my crossbow anywhere."

Flux would need to be careful about how I phrased this...
"You... resigned because you were demoted?"

"Yes, and the bruise I left on Partisan's face is the resignation letter. Heh, I actually feel pretty crappy right now, seeing how I Let that backstabbing jackass walk out of that fight with all his bucking teeth."

"But... why? Why resign over being demoted? You didn't join the guard for prestige, you joined to help ponies. I know the question you ask everypony who wants to join... so why does your rank matter?"

"Rank matters because it shows how much the captain respects you. Partisan put me at the top and then he just shoves me to the bottom, like freaking garbage. The bastard thought that he could demoralize me in order to make me more manageable. That's just bucking sick! And you know what? I'm willing to die for anypony in the fort but I'm not willing to work under somepony who blatantly disrespected me in the worst of bucking ways."

"Why did he demote you?"

"Kat has been pressuring Partisan to demote me for months now... and I kinda got arrested... "

"Um... what were you arrested for?"

"Something I did in my past."

"Um... w-what did you do?"

"I was a thief, and apparently I'm wanted in this country for once being such."

Flux looks a bit worried.
"We're not going to... extradite you, are we?"

"Well I probably won't get deported. When Virtue realized that I'd be executed for my crimes she got all sad about it, and told me that she wouldn't send me off. But then again, I am currently chained to a bed so I guess I might."

"Um... I don't think this will change her mind, Jaxler. What, uh... are you going to do after they unchain you?"

"I'm gonna go binge drinking for the next couple days, and after that I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do. Its not like I have anything to do during the day anymore."

"Join the militia? Become a hunter?"

"I honestly hate killing things, and the militia is full of ponies that really don't like. I'd ether get put into a group with Sarrisa or Stiletto... no offense. And it's not like I have any special talent or anything aside from shooting things until they stop moving and taking pony's stuff, both of which I really don't like."

"No offense taken, Jaxler. I know you don't like her, and I appreciate that you don't talk ill of her around me. Um, maybe learn a craft? Stone or wood, or maybe join me in the furnaces?"

Jaxler shrugs as best he can in the chains.

"I guess, I used to be pretty good at whittling. Maybe I could try my hoof at woodcrafting and I suppose I could try to help with the furnaces."

"Um... can I get you anything? Food or a drink, something to, uh, read?"

"Well I do need something. You see that bucket of water over there... spill it, then offer to refill it, but instead of going and filling it with water fill it with the strongest drink you can fine, and don't let Panacea know what's in it."

"Uh... I think she'd be able to smell the alcohol. Anything else?"

"Not really..."

I sit next to his bed and give Jaxler a small smile.

"How about some company?"

We talked for a while, oddly happy even with my friend chained down. Eventually, he drifts off to sleep, needing to rest more from his concussion. I quietly make my exit afterwards, wondering if there's anything that I could do to make him feel better.

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