• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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Jaxler woke up in front of a random apartment. He had an ache in his head and was violently offended by the sunlight. Jaxler looked around and took in his surroundings he saw a stone pot was laying a few feet to his left and his crossbow a few feet to his right. Jaxler started to get up when suddenly the door to his left swung open and pushed his crossbow further away from him.

The copper unicorn was contemplating the trade-offs of a decision she wished to make soon. Sarissa rubbed her chin with a hoof as she eyed the dragon skull mounted on her wall. During the fight with the beast, she had knocked one of its teeth out with her shield. She was now levitating this same tooth before her in an emerald glow of magic light. She meditated on the problem. Earrings made from dragon teeth? I really like that idea. However, I would need two and I only have one loose one. Should I spoil my trophy by pulling another tooth from its mouth? The mare examined the pearly-white jaw bones. It seemed that this dragon was missing several teeth already. Surely it wouldn't hurt to lose just one more? Sarissa closed her eyes and nodded as she decided that it was worth it. It would bring her one step closer towards completing her dream dress.
After carefully prying another of the pointy fangs from the skull, she figured she would need another pony to carve them into the way she desired. She lacked experience with bone-carving, and thus didn't want to take a chance on ruining the teeth by attempting a do-it-yourself job. The axe-pony opened the door with a hoof as she wondered who would be best to ask for this favor. Sarissa felt the opening door bumping a heavy object to the side. Upon inspection, she noticed that it was Jaxler's trademark weapon, with its owner only a hoof's reach away from it. Plastered as usual, she sighed.
The soldier marched over to the prone pegasus and tapped him on the back with her hoof. A bit roughly. "Hey Jaxler! Can't you go be a useless lump in your own room? You're in the way here!"

Jaxler picked up his newly repaired crossbow and got up of the ground before responding to the annoying Mare. "Sarissa... Up yours"

The annoyed unicorn rolls her eyes, "Really? That's all you've got to say? You really are a piece of work, Jaxxy. Laying out hung-over in front of other pony's rooms. You're really quite the role model."

Jaxler gives Sarrisa a nasty gaze. "It's great to know that somepony agrees with me."

Sarissa narrows her eyes, "You willingly acknowledge that, and yet you don't do anything about it? Why not? What good is wallowing on the floor in drunken self-pity going to do you?" She shakes her head.

The mare folds her ears back over her head, lowering her eyebrows, "I know that whatever your problem is, you ain't fixing it with booze! It seems like every other time I look at you, you're drunk or aiming to get there! You can't seriously tell me that years of alcoholism has made you a better pony."

Jaxler's eye's darted down to his crossbow. "Well, it sure as hell has kept me from becoming a worse pony!"

"So that's it? You're only concerned about not getting 'worse', whatever that means? You need to stand on your own four legs and try to become a more productive, more responsible member of Dawnpick! Instead of hiding from your problems behind a mug of the hard stuff, you need to confront your demons head-on and regain control of your life," Sarissa felt like she was talking to a stone wall, but she often let her impulses get the better of her concerning her vices.

"I was under the impression that demons were immortal, and it's not like I can just stop drinking"

"The demon comment was metaphorical..." Sarissa groaned, "...and it's not like I would expect someone like you to drop it cold turkey. Why not at least try to slow down? Don't let it have so much control over you. I've seen what this does to ponies, and I don't like it."

"Have you ever taken a lunatic off his medicine? Because I really shouldn't go to long without booze."

"That's why you need to do this gradually. I'm no shrink, but I'd say that you need to find a different way to relieve your stress. That's my advice. Do some thinking about that."

"If I go more then a week without my medicine I..." the stallion paused "You shouldn't give advice on things that you know nothing about."

"You know what? Forget I even said anything; I'm not in the business of helping ponies who won't even try to help themselves!" The disgruntled unicorn lowers her head and brushes past Jaxler as she heads off towards the staircase.

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