• Published 2nd Mar 2013
  • 2,460 Views, 80 Comments

My Little Fortress: Dawnpick - Paaaad

Seven Ponies, One Fortress. Let's see how this goes. 149 chapters and counting.

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37: Journal Entries

Jaxler's journal

3rd Sandstone, 256
I’m in the hospital right now. My front legs, my right wing, and ribs are broken and I can hardly see straight with all the medical magic Wool cast on me. I can’t believe I went down to the caves yesterday, I heard the stories about the monsters down there but I was foalish enough to go into them. I ended up being a meat shield for Flux, when some cave swallows and a cave Ogre attacked us. In the end Stiletto had to save my life and drag me all way up here. I also think I might have dropped my crossbow down there.

4th sandstone, 256
Note to self: never mix alcohol with medical magic.
I feel really funky right now. Earlier in the day I had Arbalest bring in some booze, I knew Panacea would take it away the moment she saw the barrel so I took the closest bucket and filled it with booze. So I've been drinking moonshine and right now I feel really funky. In fact I’m amazed I can even wright right now.

8th sandstone, 256
I got out of the hospital today. I’m in casts and need a crutch to move around but aside from that I’m fine. The first thing I did today was walk down to the caves and grab my crossbow, which is in pretty bad condition. The things covered in mold, is rotting, all the metal parts are rusted, the string is gone and it has a few cracks in it. Also turns out somepony named Kat wants to join the guard, she said she would be willing to die in the place of a civilian no matter what so she seems right for the job. Oh, almost forgot, today’s my birthday. today I turn 73.

11th sandstone, 256
Today was more eventful than normal. I spent the first five hours of the day walking around town trying to get my crossbow fixed. Wool apparently was able to un-rot the wood and I had to talk to 3 woodcrafters before one said he would help with the cracks. Then I had to steel some string from the stockpiles and finally I had to get a mechanic to redo the firing mechanism. In the end I spent 800 bits but at least my crossbow seems to be fine now. I even got to test it on a diamond dog today. The poor bastard tried sneaking up on, probably thought I’d be easy seeing how I’m in a cast. in the end I put 7 bolts in him.

25th Timber, 256
We wiped out some thieves today. So, nothing out of the ordinary happened.

9th Moonstone, 256
I got my casts off today. I can now walk and fly. The more I look at my wing the more I realize that it really got mauled, it’s just scarred like hell. I've got tree huge scars plus the one that diamond dog gave me last year. I also got a scar from where Panacea cut me open and put my ribs back together, and then of course of got my burn scar. My left leg looks a bit dented too.

21st Moonstone, 256
Well, I woke up on top of the keep for some reason. I have I splitting head ache and the sunlight burns. I had to fly away the moment I realized where I was because I didn't want Partisan to catch me up there. I also found my crossbow under a tree on the other side of the fort.

8th Granite
Yesterday Virtue got promoted to baroness, so Harvest Moon organized a party. Everypony showed up, the moment Virtue came in Harvest Moon showed her the letter from the king. After that my memory gets a bit fuzzy so I’m assuming there was some free booze at the party.

5th Felsite, 257
Totem apparently made something “amazing” today. It’s a peace of armor made from bone. Now that’s just impractical. I guess it could look good as an ornament or something but aside from that it’s just a waste of time and resources.

11th Malachite, 257
Some giant abomination from the caves showed up again. This time I didn’t get shot out of the sky, but we failed to even harm the thing. Our wooden bolts could hardly break the thing’s skin. We really need to use something a bit more deadly when making our ammo.

17th Malachite, 257
Well, I feel nasty right now. I’m wringing five feet away from the moat right now, I woke up here. I see a stone pot at the bottom of the moat, and I can also see my crossbow floating off. Man, Panacea's wedding reception must have been something, all I remember was showing up to the event.

20th Malachite, 257
Well, we killed the monster today. The damned thing took forever to go down. In the end the new iron bolts bade a real difference.

Glaive's Journal 28th Limestone, 256

Miss Virtue had her foal today. A young unicorn filly named Rose. The name is obvious if you see her.

Glaive's Journal 2nd Sandstone, 256

Jaxler and Flux were in the caverns today, while I was on patrol. Apparently they ran into a cave ogre and some giant cave swallows. Nasty luck. By all rights Jaxler should be dead, but apparently Stiletto heard the yelling and managed to save them both. Flux has some minor injuries, but Jaxler will be out of commission for awhile.

Glaive's Journal

We were drilling formation fighting in the caverns. It was certainly needed practice. A lot of the recruits have never fought in an organized manner. We've spared with them, and taught them how to fight on their own. But the warrior who fights alone, dies alone. But what really troubles me is that that alicorn, Stiletto was giving the orders. And Commander Halberd was right there, even listening to her himself. I want to know what gives her the right to command us. She hasn't been promoted as far as I know, nor was she wearing anything to signify her new position. Is everypony just going along with this because she's an Alicorn? Or because she's from Deutchmeinerland? I wanted to talk to the Commander, or Captain Naginata, or even Miss Virtue about it, but I don't think that's wise. Stiletto is a good soldier and ((the sentence ends abruptly here))

I need to try harder.

Glaive's Journal 11th Sandstone, 256

They have finished the construction on that preacher's chapel. Can't say, I approve of Virtue setting aside that much of our resources for his church when we don't even have a proper shrine to the old gods. Of course we also don't have a priest for them. I'd bring it up but I can't say I was ever very pious, and without somepony to properly perform the rituals, our individual prayers will have to be enough.

Also, Falcata had some wonderful gilding done to her armor under Virtue's orders. The steel and gold look good on her, though if it's her reward for being injured I hope she never get's any more. She's also being given a new thicker steel chain mail shirt. I just hope she doesn't take it as an insult to her fighting ability. She's certainly a tremendous fighter, but her speed can get her in over her head.

Glaive's Journal 17th Sandstone, 256

Another one of those strange moods has struck. This time a mere foal. All the others have been fine. I hope this one goes as peacefully as before.

Glaive's Journal 9th Moonstone, 256

Construction on the keep is coming along nicely, and it seems that miss Virtue is setting up her new office as I write this. Seems a little small to me honestly, if we are going to be calling it a keep, but it's stone and it's strong. I'm going to suggest setting up a stock of food and drink in the basement along with a large stockpile of bolts and crossbows on the second floor (with fortifications to shoot from.) if the outer defenses are breached we need to be able to hole up in there for potentially a long time.

Glaive's Journal 21st Opal, 256

So it seems that Stiletto and her coltfriend Flux have set up a water purifier. That is great news, the water the well has been providing is muddy as hell, I've been having to make due with grog. But it is nice to have some clean pure water to drink. I looked over the contraption, I'm no mechanic but, it seems that they got it powered by a self maintaining spell, it should run for ever, or near to it. That's some very advanced magic, didn't know Stiletto could do that. If she's got that kind of talent, she's wasted as a warrior, should be making more use out of her skills.

Glyph's journal 16

I was late to training in the caverns today, well technically I skipped it. But I had a good reason journal! There was a Pegasus there that I didn't know, a civilian, so I decided to stay with her just in case anything decided to attack. Her name was Kat, and she wants to be a guard. I hope she makes it in, she seems like a good pony. She's nice, and well I guess I can write this seeing as nopony else will read it, I think she's really cute... After Stiletto started teaching me about all the things in her culture... Umm maybe I won't write that... even if Kat won't see this.

Glyph's journal 18

Virtue had a foal journal! I was even able to see her, such a cute little unicorn... I haven't seen any stables like back home, maybe I should talk to Virtue about that. Even if the families want to look after their foals, they still need to work, not to mention the militiaponies who have foals. I could volunteer as Pen-Father even! I have all that free time, would be nice to take care of the sweetlings while their parents worked... and if I did... I wouldn't have to worry about ((The page is stained a bit here, as if water had dripped onto it))

Flux' Journal Limestone 28

Virtue had her foal today! She's an absolutely adorable little unicorn, named Rose after her coat.

Sandstone 17

Another pony was inspired to make something today. The thing that's kinda concerning is that it was one of the foals: Sienna. She's doing like everypony else, though, and just yelling about needing something to work with. I wonder if she'll earn her mark for whatever she makes?

Sandstone 23

She finished her project: a crown. It's got quite the engraving on it, though I'm not sure what it actually is. It's a really nice crown, though. Oh, I also finished securing the mine entrance with more traps. I still prefer the blade traps to anything else so far. They're... messy, but effective. Stiletto is bringing over her plans for a water purifier for the well so we can refine them, so I'll write more later.

Opal 15

We finished the purifier and started it up, but I think I may be cursed when it comes to seals. It sprayed water all over the place, but nopony was hurt. Stiletto and I had a good laugh about it, even. We just need to redo that seal and try again.

Opal 21

It works! The seals held and now the water should be totally free of mud! The power source took a bit of Stiletto's magic to keep going, but it's apparently not too hard a spell. It's kinda weird to watch it go, a water wheel powered by a pump that's powered by the same wheel. Ah well, it works!

27th Galena, 256

Hello Journal! nice to meet you. heh.
The Trade Caravan came today bringing all sort of stuffs, And there it is, just laying there amongst the other stuff.. a Journal! just what i've always wanted. Ponies keep saying that i'm bad with memories and forget things often.. well not anymore! now i'll have something to write in and remind myself of!

Speaking of Reminding, looks like there were some some trouble with the Caravan, a Foal attacked the guards or something. I couldn't imagine how that went.. but hey! at least i gets this Journal for free! Fighting ponies are best distraction.

19th Limestone, 256
It's my Birthday today, i was thinking of buying myself something new. Maybe getting a new dress or something to put in my cabinet. But the next Trading Caravan hasn't come yet and there's really nothing much i can get, and stealing from the storage doesn't sounds so good. So i settle with just a big fancy meal in the dining hall and a day of not-working. A year older..

28th Limestone, 256
Lady Virtue gave birth today! good times all around Dawnpick, I swear my heart melted and then exploded twice by how Adorable her foal is, how lucky of her to be born with such wonderful parents. Maybe i should go visit them sometimes if they're not too busy.

It seems a little odd that her Daughter's a Unicorn though, but i guess there's unicorn blood in them somewhere. Just how things works i guess.

2nd Sandstone, 256
Someponies went down the Cavern today from what i heard, and got beaten up pretty badly as well! why would they even want to go down there is beyond me.
Maybe if we have more guards.. then maybe less ponies would get hurt..

3rd Sandstone, 256
I've decided that i want to join the guards, and gathered enough Courage to go talk with that Militia Alicorn and her coltfriend today. Meeting new ponies, They said that i should go ahead and talk with Partisan about it.

Stiletto seems surprisingly nice, at first i thought she'd lodge an axe in my skull if i startled her or something.. turns out, no axes! Lucky me i guess.

7th Sandstone, 256
I heard there's some Militia training down in the Cavern today, Maybe this is my chance to get to talk to some so that i can join!.. but i think they're not the same as the guards. oh well.

I Hauled down a barrel of Cider into the Cavern so i'll have an excuse to be there and watch them train. Met even more Ponies today, One of them is a Second-In-Command of the guards! he asked me some questions and seems to like my answers. And then there's this Militia pony named Glyph, he seems like nice. Maybe Lazy seeing how he skips the training to sit with me though. But i think he have his reasons, don't know what though.

11th Sandstone, 256
So many good things happened today, First off, a Church finished. a Church! in Dawnpick! for the sisters! Faust save us all.
Then Partisan came over while i was having lunch and said that i can join the guards, i think i squee'd.

I Moved some things out of my house to the Barracks and they gave me a set of Leather armor and a Crossbow! I can't even begin to describe how great i feel right now. I'm going to spend the rest of the day trying to hit that Target that Partisan set up for us.

17th Sandstone, 256
Another Strange mood! This time a Foal! i didn't even think whatever gave ponies strange mood would do it to a foal as well! this is crazy.
But at least nopony got hurt from strange moods like theses. But they were grown Ponies.

23rd Sandstone, 256
Looks like this strange mood made a Crown, with a creature on it.. what is it i don't even..
i need a drink.

25th Timber, 256
Some Thieves tried to sneak into our fort today, I thought I'd finally get something to shoot at more than targets but the Militia took on all of them and none were left for us. Well, Back to shooting Targets i guess.. i'm honestly getting tired of shooting the same target in the same pattern over and over and over again. Although i think it helps make me shoot better.

9th Moonstone, 256
Today Lady Virtue moved into the Keep, and Partisan moved into her old Office, well good for them!
There's Rumors that Partisan dropped socks all over his new place when he got there. No idea how true this is, but if it is, i think maybe he have something Against Lady Virtue.. but it's just a silly rumor anyway.

21st Opal, 256
I was surprised when i saw Clean water in the well, looks like Stiletto and her Coltfriend Flux finished a Water purifier! FINALLY clean pure water to drink and wash.
Speaking of wash, i need to take a bath.

24th Obsidian, 256
The Trade Caravan arrived today, i heard that they lost an Animal by a thief. Then their guards took care of them. I just don't get what Thieves think when they decide to attack a heavily armed Caravan... that's just stupid.
Worst of all, there's nothing that i wanted coming with the Caravan neither! No Carrots, no new dresses, Guess i'll have to wait for the next one..

7th Granite
We Made a Surprise Party for Lady Virtue today, Dawnpick has become a Barony! I'll have to start calling Lady Virtue "Baroness Virtue" or something now i guess.
and Jaxler emptied the drinks again.. But otherwise, It was a good day.

19th Slate, 257
Apparently another strange mood happened to another pony again, i think it's becoming a common thing.. and since nopony's getting hurt, maybe it's not a bad thing after all?

11th Malachite, 257
Dear Journal.
I'm so bucking Excited.
the Ballista trap caught one of the beasts! sadly it fails to get a clear view to shoot.. so the Miners craved some fortifications for us and boy did we have a good time!
We spent the whole day just shooting at the poor thing with our wooden bolts, i think it hurts the thing or annoy it at least. but seems like we can't kill it with theses bolts, i'm kind of worried what would've happened if we didn't have this fortifications to shoot from. At least we had fun though.

16th Malachite, 257
Another Marriage! Today Doctor Panacea and her long-time Coltfriend Saw Dust got married, i think we partied almost as hard as Virtue's surprise party. as usual, Jaxler got wasted. Again.

20th Malachite, 257
Dear Journal.
Baroness Virtue gave birth to a little colt, now our Fort full of Foals! I really hope we'll be able to build something for the Foals to play and be at soon, i don't like the idea of letting them wandering around and all over the place, some might be caught in something Dangerous! Glyph have been saying something about something like that. Can't remember the exact word that he used but it seems nice, he's a Nice pony. Maybe too nice.

And by Faust!, The Iron bolts that they gave us worked better than i thought it would. Finally we manage to kill the thing. I feel kind of sorry for it that it's death weren't very quick though, but damn it feels great. Storm Clouds got the killing shot, maybe we'll throw a party for him or something.

Missionary Log
Galena, 256
The scrolls have finally arrived by caravan. Unfortunately, they came with my past. Skrillnozh. An old droog from my bandit days. It had been a long time since I last seen him, longer if I could have helped it. After he announced to half the SCHEISSE SOD FRACKING town about me being a bandit I roped him in to taking the scrolls back to the church. We had a talk there. I told him strait, not to come back. This wasn't some dammed bandit town, or black inn, or pirate port, or corrupt border watch, or a capital slum town, or a Sodding dark fortress. This is a good town, with good ponies and ponies like him were not welcome here. I wasn't his brother no more.
I expected him to stab me. He just walked out though. I hadn't seen it before just then, but the way he moved just then, the way he looked... He was broken. Just like all the others, he was just going though the motions now. That was the last time I saw him.

I should have killed him when he was walking out.

Limestone, 256
Ms. Virtue had her first little foal today. A beautiful little filly named Rose. Not much else this month. I'm surprised really. They haven't yet forced me out even when they know my past as a bandit. No pony even says anything to me.

Sandstone, 256
A busy month this time around, and not all good news. Jaxler, one of the best guards we have was terribly injured in the caves. I have seen ponies die from wounds half as terrible as his. He lived though, praise the sisters and praise our doctors! He has inded made a full recovery by the time of my writing.
Another of these odd moods has croped up again as well. I have heard stories of such moods among the dwarfs, but never among pony kind. Is this a blessing that creates these wonders, or a curse as the tails of mad murderous dwarfs would suggest?
Finally, the Church has been completed at last! Praise the sisters! Now I can begin my proper duties as a priest of the astrial ones.

Timber, 256
We had six thieves try to sneak in today. That is an unusually large number to say the least. I got a look at there equipment and it looks like a bunch of low quality stuff, mostly for other races. No doubt about it, were being used to bleed off unwanted recrutes for a raiding army. I can only hope we don't become a noticeable target, like a barony or something.

Moonstone, 256
I have been shaken in my faith. Granit came to me asking about what it was like to be a bandit. The question was not unsuspected. In fact, I expected it a lot sooner then now. It was the way he said it. That innocent way... with a hint of... wonder... adoration, even just the tiniest...
I told him to never ask again or I would tell his parents who was stealing from the stores again.
He brought up more bad memories than Skrillnozh did. If these ponies knew half of what bandit do, what I have done, they would have strung me up by now. I would deserve it too.

Opal, 256
Stiletto and Flux finally got there new well contraption working after quite a bit of trouble. They nearly flooded the tow on the first try. I wanted to congratulate them but...
It's better this way. Let others come to the light of the sisters rather than have me forcing it down there throat. All my free time is now spent in quiet prayer in the church now.

Obsidian, 256
Two caravans arrived this month, along with the outpost liaison. It all seemed to be an on the level operation from what I could tell. Surprising to say the least. I even here we made quite a good trade as well.
I have also begun to fast to further my meditations. I take only one meal a day of modest size and drink only water to purify my body and soul. I do not know when I will end, but I think not for a long time. My robes have hid the lost waight and skinny frame and I do my best too keep well groomed for ad the book of Harmony says, "Only the hypocrite goes into the temple to flaunt his pain to the others declaring it for the sisters. Fast in your home and let none know, for purity is it's own reward. Let your pain fro the sisters be for the sisters alone." (HARMONY 6:4-6)

I almost forgot, another foal was born today. There are so meany running around now a days, I seem to lose track.

Dear Diary,

I haven't wrote in you for such a long time. I lost track of where I left you and... well I found you. I've already lost track of time after the incident... I really pissed off that caravan and after looking through Virtue's diary I caused a serious dent in the economy. I hope nopony mentions that day anytime soon. I might make an appearance today, after Father finally released me from the prison known as the attic. I heard that Jaxler got really banged up in the caverns recently, I should of visited him, I've broken out of this god forsaken room so many times before it's not even funny. I think I actually learned how to pick locks in here, oh the memories.
I have another sister now. Great. Now I have two unicorn sisters. Does that run in the family or something? Or am I lucky enough to have the magical abilities of an earth pony, hah.
I haven't learned jack from Flux, but that's probably because I was locked in the goddamn attic for about, I don't know? Three? Maybe four months? Whatever. That punishment was way too harsh- wait, what the hell am I saying?! I could- and should- have lost a hoof for that or something! I should be thankful my body is relatively intact, I mean I severely pissed off a lasher! L-A-S-H-E-R! They are perhaps the deadliest type of soldier alive.
Oh Dawnpick is now on the map! Virutue is the baron... ette? Ess? Whatever, again. I probably bring shame to this town colony thing...
I bet everpony is ashamed of me. The only thing I ever gave to society was a very good reason to hate my guts. Ponies are going to glare at me everywhere I walk. "Oh hey did you see Granite? That drunk foal that put a massive dent in our economy? The foal that can't do anything right?! THE LESSER SON OF GLAZE AND CLEAVER!!!"

*the rest of the page is violently torn off, and there are a few damp spots on the page*

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