• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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10 - Claw to Hoof

While Twilight eagerly threw her efforts into honing her skills under the watchful gaze of Under Score, Fast Shadow returned and gestured to the waiting Spike. When he approached her, she closed the door behind him and began leading him back to the stairs, "Now that she's settled, let's get some training under your belt."

"I don't have a belt," pointed out Spike, "I think I get one tomorrow."

Fast Shadow snorted, "Let's see if we can't hurry that along then, this way." She led the way back out, not responding when Firm Promise shouted out a few lighthearted barbs along the way. The sky was turning hues of red and purple as evening came strong. The crowds were still as present as ever, though they still kept their distance from Fast, a fact that Spike exploited to keep up with her.

"Uh," said Spike, getting her attention, "I know we just met and all, but I have small legs, and Twilight let me... ride, when we went far."

Fast stopped and looked him over a moment before she nodded her head, "If I thought you had impure thoughts, I'd see how far you would fly with a solid kick, but I get the idea that's not the case. Remember this, ponies don't give rides lightly. Since you're my student, I'll make an exception." She lowered down to her knees, sitting on the road. Spike quickly bobbed his head before clambering onto her back. As she rose back up and started walking, he leaned forward, speaking quietly.

"Is it really that big of a deal?"

Fast spoke back at him, though her eyes remained on the crowd as she weaved through it, "Of course it is. We're not beasts of burden. Now, hold on firmly, I'm tired of walking." Warning given, she surged forward. The crowd parted before her with angry shouts, waved fists and hooves, and increasingly ornate curses. She was not stopped, and was soon in front of Stitch in Time. She raised a hoof and rapped against the door.

There was a pause before Dawn Event opened the door. "Hello, Fast Shadow. The store is closed."

"Then why are you in there?" asked Fast, "Let me in, I want to hurry up the dragon's order."

Dawn shook his head, "I am here because I must be. Miss Thoughts is upstairs. Come in. I know you will enter regardless of my words."

As Fast Shadow stepped past the cleric, Spike spoke up, "He's here because I, uh, kinda torched things in here before. Sorry."

Dawn looked to Fast's back, where Spike rode. "There are many stallions that would give much to have your place."

Spike looked confused, while Fast Shadow gave him a stare. "I expected better of you, cleric."

"Do not forget," spoke Dawn, "That the Unspoken is also a god, and I am a servant to all."

Fast Shadow rolled her eyes before calling out, "Lofty! Ten gold says you have the dragon's outfit ready right now!"

Spike muttered about his name being Spike, but no one paid him any mind. Hoofsteps could be heard descending the stairs before Lofty's head peeked out from the back, "Who's shouting? Fast Shadow? Well there's a face that's always worth a few coin. So did Mister Zappy seduce you into helping?"

Fast Shadow shook herself, making Spike cling to her armor to stay in place. "You too!?" she growled, "Enough of that. Bring out his outfit right now."

"Who's to say I finished it?" asked the pegasus as she crossed her forelegs, standing on two legs. "I told him to come back in the morrow."

Fast Shadow reached into one of many pockets, producing a small bag with only two coins, "Yours if you go back there and find it."

Lofty approached, falling to all fours and plucking up the bag in her mouth. She got it open and peeked inside before smiling, "You know, I think it may be done after all." As she withdrew into the back, Spike leaned in closer to Fast's ears.

"She seems kinda mean to you. Did you guys get into a fight or something?"

Fast replied, "Oh, no, we just love trading words like sparring partners trade swords. I love the little feather brain."

"I heard that!" came the voice of the tailor just before she came out with a package, "You have hands, I expect you can dress yourself."

Fast Shadow narrowed her eyes, "For the price I paid, you'll dress him and smile while you do it."

Lofty Thoughts stuck out her tongue at Fast before reaching up with her hooves to pluck a surprised looking Spike from Fast's back, "It's my turn to give you a ride," she said in a joking tone as she took him behind the screen. When he emerged, he was dressed in sandals, loose breeches and a white shirt, with a few sashes to tie it all together. More subtle pockets were available to him, and he slipped the ring he had been carrying into one of them.
Fast Shadow nodded in appreciation, "You did fine work, for all your complaining. Come on, Spike, I plan to make you sweat for dinner."

Spike was looking himself over, seemingly approving of his new look, but when Fast Shadow lowered, he abandoned self-appreciation to scramble back on top of her.

"At least your little boy isn't naked this time," pointed out Lofty Thoughts with a smirk, "And now, I have a personal date with the moon princess. Good night." She saw them to the door before the sound of it being locked with finality reached their ears. Dawn Event remained where he had started, watching quietly until he was out of their line of sight.

"So where are we going?" asked Spike, "You said something about dinner?"

"We'll get you some food, but first, we'll see how good of a warrior you already are. Little Miss Sparkle's doing her own evaluation, don't think you're off the hook," explained Fast Shadow as she returned to the Seeker's safehouse. She let him off just in front of it, and circled around to the side where there was an open space. "Right now, we fight. To be fair, I'll not use the lance."

Spike slid to the ground and looked around the area as he asked, "Anything, uh, goes? I don't want to hurt you, Miss Shadow."

Fast Shadow smiled, "Oh, what a little chivalrous one you are, but don't you worry. I've broken more bones than you have. I'll take my lumps, and I expect you to do the same. We fight until someone gives up or passes out."

Spike flexed his claws menacingly, baring his teeth, "Well, alright, if you're sure. I'll do my best."

Fast Shadow raised a hoof, a blade slipping from underneath it, gleaming in the dim evening light, "Do better. Remember, your friend will be counting on you. When something is reaching to tear her apart, you will be the one that saves her little scholarly hide. It is a warrior's job to protect."

Spike shook his head quickly, a tremble running through his form, "I won't let Twilight get hurt!" he exclaimed with conviction as he charged the mare. While his attack was spirited, his defenses were down. Fast Shadow stepped aside and lashed out a foot as he passed, sending him tumbling across the dirt.

"She'll be more than hurt if you fight like that," warned Fast Shadow. "I won't be there, you will be. You love her; I can see it in your eyes. Show it."

Spike scrambled back to his feet and wheeled around. A short inhale was the only warning before lighting washed over the warrior mare. She ducked and rolled with it, allowing most of the charge to pass through her armor to the ground, though it was clear some of it had connected by the way her fur was singed in places, "Now that's some fight, but you won't always have that. Come at me, get those claws in me, taste me," she bade, letting the other blade slip free, both fore-hooves now armed. "Fight as if she were dying in front of you."

Her words struck Spike deeply, eyes wide and unfocused. He roared as he approached her, trying to get his claws onto one of her hooves. Though she swatted him back, his claws scored thin lines along her fetlock, and he was back on her in an instant. She was ahead of him at first, dodging just in time to avoid his claws and his teeth, minus a few marks, but soon she held up a hoof, "Let's make this more fair." she said. She lowered her head and shook it, allowing a pendant to fall free. "That was making my flesh tougher, so you couldn't get at me. Maybe you'll earn your own, or find one." She shook a hoof, allowing a bangle to fall free, "And that warded your blows aside. I'm not as fast as I look." She stuck out her tongue at that.

Spike was panting for breath as she divested herself of some of her magical equipment. "That's cheating," he huffed.

"Oh?" she countered. "You're going to say that when your friend is being mauled? Do you think a monster will care about fairness? Your enemies will often be better equipped than you, and they will not feel bad about it. Be smarter, be faster." She suddenly lashed out a hoof, catching Spike in the shoulder with the blade, "Always be prepared."

Spike staggered back, a claw covering the bleeding wound a moment before he moved back in to fight. He waited until she lashed out again, then sunk his teeth into her extended fetlock. She yelped satisfyingly and staggered back away from him. As she fell back, he let loose with his breath, washing his unbalanced opponent in an electric bath. The smell of singed fur and ozone became thick as he caught her fully in the blast.

"Enough!" she called, "I yield, for now. You've earned your dinner for today. Tomorrow, we go over protection of that friend of yours, not just getting in hits on an enemy." She went to retrieve her trinkets, taking slow and ginger steps.

"Oh, uh, did that... hurt?" asked Spike.

Fast Shadow laughed at him, "Of course it hurts. It isn't fighting if it doesn't hurt. Don't worry, Firm's on duty, and he can patch us up before we eat."

As they approached the door, Fast paused, and leaned in, "Just remember. Miss Sparkle will be counting on you. She looks the sort to be all book smarts. She will need you to be her shield."

Spike frowned a little at her, "Of course. I'm her friend, her number one assistant." Spike crossed his arms, "She's a smart pony though, why are you putting her down?"

"Putting her down?" asked Fast, "No. She's amazing, in her own way, but she's still a book smart little scholar. You will complete her. After we're done with the two of you, you'll be an amazing team. I should know." She directed her head back at her brand of destiny, the lance over the figure of a pony. "I am called to guard. I protect others, with my lance, and with my body. I make sure everyone gets out safe, and I'll show you a few tricks."

Spike nodded slowly, then began to smile. He opened the door for Fast, and the two went to eat a well-deserved meal.

Author's Note:

A Spike-centric episode? Whoda thunk! Little guy prepares to become the other half of the amazing adventuring duo.

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