• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,659 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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101 - Learn Something New

Applejack approached Twilight during one of her meal breaks. "Sugarcube, I'm ready to take you up on that offer."

Twilight perked an ear, "Which offer?"

"Ta learn magic," explained Applejack, "Ya said even an earth pony or a pegasus could learn it, so lay it on me."

Twilight tapped at her chin, "Alright. I saw a book that would be useful. I don't think you want to learn magic the way I do." She hovered her spellbook over, "You don't strike me as the study all day kind of pony."

Applejack shook her head, "Reckon not. There's more than one kind?"

Twilight clopped her forehooves together, "The ponies of this world never stop amazing me! There are so many styles to choose from. You're a physically active earth pony, so we'll start with a physically active magic style."

Rainbow suddenly descended from above, "What about me? I don't get to learn magic?"

Twilight blinked, "I didn't think you'd want to do 'egghead' stuff."

Rainbow considered this and nodded, "You have an excellent point there, Twi. I'll leave you two to nerd it up." She suddenly grabbed Applejack's hat. "Good luck," she said in a sincere tone, ruffling AJ's mane before setting the hat back down. "Hey Spike! Let's go practice!" She was soon off into the air, with Spike flying alongside her.

Applejack shook her head at the departing Rainbow, "She's a good pony."

Twilight snorted, "She is. Now, about you..."

Twilight's study sessions changed a bit, as she mixed her study time with giving Applejack assignments, teaching her how to read magic, and from there, how to use it with the natural strengths of her body. Applejack was an eager student, and was soon seated besides Twilight, reading Twilight's first spell book and practicing the spells there. When she conjured her first ball of light, her delight was overwhelming.

"Look look! Twilight!" She had cried, holding the ball of light between her hooves.

Twilight gently brushed away a tear that was running down Applejack's snout, but said nothing.

Applejack tensed a little when she realized she was really crying. She settled back onto her haunches, the light just floating there, "Ah guess ah got a mite over-excited..."

"It's OK, Applejack. I got just as happy when I first did that," replied Twilight in soft tones, then smiled, "You're doing really good."

"Ah am?" asked Applejack, "All these words seem right complicated to me."

Twilight nodded, "They'll get easier with practice, but you really are, AJ. It took me a lot longer than a day to master light magic when I was a filly."

Applejack looked cautiously optimistic as a smile spread over her face, "Yer not jus' saying that are ya?"

Twilight quickly shook her head, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

They both shared a soft giggle at the Pinkie Promise. The noise apparently attracted the newest member of the party. Lex stepped closer, "Have you discovered something?"

Twilight shook her head again, "No, just that Applejack is making excellent progress in her magic lessons. She'll be a top grade wizard in no time at all."

"Really?" asked Applejack.

"Well, no," confessed Twilight. "The art you are learning is that of the 'magus', which is technically different from that of the wizard, if we want to get nitpicky about it."

Applejack tilted her head, "What's the difference?"

Lex had the answer for this, "The magus is a minor magical discipline that crosses martial training and spellcasting. They are not as good at fighting as a specialized warrior, nor do they have the magic of a real wizard, but they are able to use both together. I believe they call it 'The dance of spell combat', their way of trying to make it sound like it has subtlety or nuance. Still, it is a very practical magic." He looked over Applejack, "For a practical pony."

Applejack nodded then, "Yessir. That sounds like my kinda magic. Practical." A brow was raised at Lex lightly, wondering at the tone and other words he had chosen to use.

Twilight clapped her forehooves together, "That's exactly why I picked it for you."

Twilight was quickly settling down to resume her studying. Applejack wasn't as ready to get back to it and turned to Lex, "Look!" She conjured a fresh ball of light with a few tricky words. The first blinked out of existence. "Huh? That's funny."

Lex shook his head, "A spell of such trifling power has limitations. Only one light source can be created at once. Very good for you. Soon you will be practicing real magic."

Applejack looked put out for a moment before she huffed, "Ah better get back ta reading, so ah can get to the 'real' magic."

The days passed quickly and peacefully for most, but not everypony was willing to enjoy the week of relaxation.

"I'm telling you, Spike. It'll be great!" exclaimed Rainbow excitedly as she flew alongside Spike in the evening sky. "We're both great. There's no way we won't take the prize, and we could use the money to prepare for this trip right?"

"I guess," said Spike with far less conviction, "How'd you hear about this?"

Rainbow shrugged, "Does it matter? I saw a little flyer in an alleyway while I was flying around. Ten thousand bits! All we have to do is show we're the best."

They touched down in the poorer side of the city. The cobble was starting to wear in spots, making the road uneven and slightly treacherous. Rainbow ignored this, practically strutting her way towards a darkened building. She rapped on the door, "Hey, we're here for the fight!"

The door swung open to reveal a huge humanoid. "An ogre," provided Spike helpfully. His time reading alongside Twilight had proven quite useful.

Rainbow raised a brow at the ogre, "Hey big guy. We're here to get messy for the bits!"

The ogre grunted, "Down the stairs." A great finger pointed off into the dark behind it. Spike could see the stairs he meant, but it was too dark for Dash's eyes to see. As she squinted and tilted her head at the dark, Spike walked past her and guided her along. At the stairs, they could see dim light spilling up from below and descended the creaking wood towards it.

They emerged into a better lit room and the sound of excited ponies and humanoids. They were gathered in a rough circle and were cheering wildly. At the bottom of the stairs stood a biped with pointed ears and a graceful demeanor, made hollow with several scars adorning his otherwise delicate face. The elf stared at the two approaching, "Watching or participating?"

Rainbow quickly replied, "We're here to kick tail and take that money."

"Partners?" asked the elf, making a scratch in a small journal he was holding, "Join the crowd. We'll let you know when it's your turn."

Spike and Dash nudged their way to the front of the crowd. It seemed few were willing to outright challenge the presence of a dragon, even a young one like Spike, and soon they reached the rope that formed the perimeter of the fighting ring. Inside was a one on one fight in progress. A large mare was wielding a larger hammer. It was big enough to look like a proper two handed weapon for the ogre they had left behind, but this large mare wielded it in her snout alone. She was facing a small, brightly colored, pony with gossamer wings much like Rarity had once been given.

While the large mare's swings were powerful enough to leave divots in the dirt floor, the smaller pony would dart and bob out of the way at the last moment, just to nick her with the tiny sword he held in maw. When the third strike was landed, a shrill whistle called the end of the battle. A stallion stepped into the ring, "That's enough of that. Dazzlewing takes the round!"

The large mare spat her huge hammer to the ground where it landed with a resounding thud. "Lucky little sprite. I would have crushed your bones to paste on the first blow."

Dazzlewing stuck out his tongue after sheathing his sword at his side, "If you could ever touch me!" They were escorted out of the ring by the stallion, who quickly returned.

"Our next fight..."

Rainbow whispered softly to Spike, making note of the various winner's styles and tactics before adding in confidently, "We have this in the bag. Nopony here looks half as tough as you, and you have me!"

Spike seemed to be gaining some confidence at Rainbow's encouragement, "Yeah, none of them saved the world before. I bet they never even closed a small unbalance."

Filled with confidence, when their names were called, they hopped over the rope into the ring.

"I hope you're all ready for a real brawl!" shouted the stallion, "On this side, a new duo. The grace of a pegasus and the ferocity of a dragon put together in a deadly combination." He gestured with a hoof at Rainbow and Spike. "In the other corner, our favorite bouncer. You know him, you love him, it's Thr'urk, crusher of skulls!" There stood the ogre from upstairs. He had a large stick with a skull on top that neither could identify. He roared and raised his weapon high to the cheers of the crowd.

The stallion moved quickly out of the way, "The battle is to the knock out blow. We've tried to limit Thr'urk to three blows, but it rarely works out. Good luck!"

With a sharp whistle, the ogre came at them with murder in his eyes. Rainbow flew straight up as Spike went forward. The crackling fury of his lightning breath started the battle, to the delight of the watching crowd. The ogre's crude mace smashed into Spike, knocking him back with the intense force of the blow. He winced as bones were bruised and scales dented. "Geeze, this guy's strong," he complimented as he regained his footing.

Rainbow came in from above, but the ogre was not surprised. A quick lash of the mace knocked Rainbow aside with a yelp. She rolled to her hooves quickly and wiped away the blood from her snout, "Aw now it's on..." She leaped at his back as Spike pressed from the front. As brutal as his offensive was, the ogre could do little to avoid punishing hooves or lashing claws.

Howling with pain, the ogre swung his mace around in a great circular arc. It caught Spike in the leg, knocking him to the ground as pain exploded up from the abused limb. Rainbow ducked under the weapon, then spun around, lashing out with her legs in a fair imitation of a tree bucking. The ogre staggered from the blow, almost tripping over Spike. Spike took the opportunity to surge upwards. He went head first into the ogre's back, driving his horns deep into the tough hide.

The ogre dropped his mace in favor of grabbing Spike and wrenching him free. He appeared about to hurl Spike across the arena when Rainbow began using his belly as a punching bag. She screamed in fury as she dealt four rapid, back-and-forth blows across his gut. His flesh rippled out from each place her hoof struck, and he cursed vilely, releasing Spike. Spike bit into the arm that had held him, crushing flesh and bones in his terrible jaws. The ogre staggered, falling to one knee.

"And now the finishing move," stated Rainbow confidently as she winded back a hoof and came in flying. The ogre suddenly grabbed her mid-charge and squeezed her painfully. She squawked in surprise and pain, but Spike saw an opening. He took over where she left off, driving a fist into his jaw with a satisfying slap of a sound. Thr'urk fell to the floor limply and the crowd began cheering and booing in equal measures as bets were won or lost on their performance.

"Now that's a fight we'll remember!" said the announcing stallion as he stepped back into the ring, "It looks like our brave new fighters will be moving on to the next round. Will they take the prize home this evening? We'll find out!"

Author's Note:

Applejack retrains a level of fighter into magus.

RD and Spike get into some pit fights, because RD doesn't want to sit around watching Twilight read books all day. What an egghead...

It was pretty dark in that pit arena, so I couldn't see what I was writing that well.

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