• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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17 - Look Out, Here Comes Twilight

Under Score approached the mirror set on his wall and waved a hoof over it while speaking words to a spell Twilight was not familiar with. Frazzled or not, it was never a bad time to be attentive to magic, and she watched him intently until the spell was complete. There was spike! He had appeared in the mirror laying on his side in a crude camp with four humans sleeping around him, out in the wilderness. They all looked like they'd been to Tartarus and back.

"There he is," stated Under Score, "It is good fortune we caught him sleeping. One's defenses are typically lower."

"Defenses?" asked Twilight, "We're saving him, not attacking him!"

"He doesn't know that. He can throw aside my view if his will is too strong," explained Under. "Well, I gather I will not be getting any sleep until I get you to him."

Twilight bobbed her head fiercely, "Yes yes yes. Please. Look at him!" She raised a hoof at the mirror, "He's a mess, and so is everyone around him! I can try that healing spell I read about!"

Under raised a shaggy brow at her, "There are few healing tricks in the arcane bag that do not come with some sort of price. What spell do you plan to use?"

Twilight began to look nervous as Under's gaze grew more intense in reply to her own hesitation, "Well, uh, I saw a spell called 'infernal healing', an--"

"No," stated Under Score in no uncertain terms. "That spell is an act of evil, and draws the plane imperceptibly closer to the infernal reaches. Unless your friend is dying on the spot, it is better to not use it. He is clearly still alive." He directed at the mirror, "Just hurt. You must promise, swear, that you will not cast that."

Twilight folded her ears back, cowed, "Unless he's dying," she muttered before raising her ears sharply with a thought, "Do you have a potion I can give him?"

He shook his head, stance still firm and unwavering, "Learning to supply yourself is another lesson in learning to adventure properly. He's not dying, and I will take you to him. Are you ready?"

Twilight looked herself over before dashing out of the room. She returned a short while later, saddlebags stuffed with snacks and supplies secured from the common room, "Ready!"

Under reached out to place a hoof on her before speaking words of a powerful spell. Space and time submitted to his will, and soon the two appeared with a sudden pop of displaced air not far from the little camp. "Good luck," said Under before the same spell sent him home, back to his warm bed and needed sleep.

Twilight tilted her head at the empty space, "Why didn't he take us all back?" She quickly dropped the thought in favor of rushing over to Spike with a growing smile. Her eager hoofsteps brought Spike to sudden awareness with a yelp. He smiled when he saw who it was and rose painfully to his feet to return the crushing embrace coming his way.

"Number one assistants do not go without their best friend," she chastised, head buried in his neck. "What happened? It looks like you got run over by a train."

Some of the humans were stirring at the motion and conversation, but seeing the two appeared to be on friendly terms, tried to settle back to slumber. Spike flashed a bright smile, "I fought the biggest orc I ever saw! He had a bison even! I almost didn't make it, but you should see the other guy?" He ribbed Twilight, but Twilight didn't look in the joking mood. She drew out a muffin and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Eat," she commanded. "I am now your official nurse and you're not doing anything or going anywhere without my say so."

Spike gave a sharp salute before he began chewing on the muffin, "Yesh maam."

The excitement starting to ebb, Twilight's intoxication and fatigue started to catch up to her, pulling her to the ground, "And... don't you... for..." She was out, snoring loudly.

Spike smiled gently, setting the muffin aside and lifting his dear friend carefully, setting her beside the others and tucking her in. Reclaiming his muffin, he snuggled in beside her and soon the entire camp was resting a little more peacefully.

The night had treated Spike well, with his aches no longer quite as omnipresent. The camp was in high spirits as Twilight introduced herself to them and promised to see them safely to Kadiston.

"That is where we were headed," said one of the humans, "When we were waylaid."

"I know the feeling," agreed Twilight as the group began moving across the plains. "You're lucky Spike came along when he did."

Spike inflated with pride as the humans gave their thanks to him. One of them continued, "We do a lot of trade with the ponies. It will be difficult recovering, with all of our things smashed and ruined... to say nothing of the children."

Spike suddenly looked not as proud as Twilight asked, "Children?"

"Foals," he corrected, knowing the term the ponies preferred. "They apparently didn't want foal slaves." The mood soured as the painful memory was brought to the forefront. "They left them to rot in the sun," said the human as they all looked dejected and sad.

"Well that's terrible," said Twilight in a shocked voice, unsure of what else she should say. "Here, please. It won't... bring your foals back, but how much is it to buy a new caravan and supplies?"

The man looked towards a woman, who appeared to be doing some calculations in her head as she walked. "The wagon will be between fifty and a hundred, depending on how large, and ten will be enough for basic supplies, but twenty five would be ideal."

Twilight's head span. They had been paid two hundred for such a short job, when half that much would pay for this entire family's livelihood. She fished out fifty coins, then nudged Spike, getting another fifty from him, "Here, one hundred coins. No one deserves to lose everything."

Spike was a little saddened to see his money go, but the cause was good, so he kept his mouth shut but the slightest of grumblings. The humans were grateful to accept the gift, "We will be able to get back on the road swiftly, with this." stated the female, "You are a very generous pony. You have already put us in your debt by saving us."

Spike shook his head at the lot of them, "What? No. It's in the revised dragon code of honor." They looked at him quizzically, and he eagerly explained, "If somepony does something amazing for you, you should look for a way to do something amazing for somepony else later. You don't have to worry about us. We did it because we wanted to."

"Ah," said the woman, "Yes, that is a good philosophy. We will be sure to pay your kindness forward, sir Spike."

"Sir?" asked Twilight before a grin erupted on her face, "Enjoy your knighthood while it lasts."

Spike flushed red through his scales and said nothing as they hiked.

The first two days passed peacefully enough. Though Spike attempted to hunt, he was not very skilled at it. Twilight's last minute grab bag of snacks were devoured eagerly, and they found small rivers to refill the water skin she carried. On the third day of walking, fate gave them a present in the form of two black chitinous creatures that seemed to just appear from the tall grass, scuttling towards them with stingers held high.

In the surprise of their ambush, one got their claws on Spike, grabbing him and shaking him around. He reacted by digging both claws into the menacing pincer, forcing it open as he bit into the soft tissue binding the two halves of it together. The creature chittered angrily as its friend marched down on Twilight and the others. Twilight raised a hoof, lashing out with two streams of fire. The large target of the creature and her lessons with Fast Shadow paid off as both crashed into the oncoming bug, burning it painfully.

The creature was not finished, however, bringing down its stinger in a flash to bury in Twilight's barrel. She screamed in pain as she felt fire spread through her in the form of its poison. The first scorpion was still wrestling with Spike, bringing its other pincer to bear on the still trapped, if resisting, dragon. As it squeezed him, it drove its pincer home, but it skid along his toughened scales. Spike growled at it, "You're not keeping me away from Twilight," he roared before he unleashed his lightning fury across the beast, sending it backwards in a twitching pile and leaving him to zip towards the second scorpion in a determined bee-line.

Twilight was sliding away from the beast as it menaced her, edging back as pain distracted her. She decided to go for a simple but trustworthy spell. With barely two words, she glowed a soft purple as bolts of force erupted from her front, crashing into the creature in painful blasts. It wobbled to and fro, dizzy from the assault but determined with all its insect mind to have the purple pony. It reached forward, grabbing her and squeezing painfully in its pincer, but it was short lived. The squeeze proved to be its last gasp of life as it slumped to the ground, allowing the purple alicorn free to stagger and collapse onto the ground, panting.

Spike was on her in an instant, "Are you ok, Twilight?" he said as he looked her over for bleeding. "I'm sorry I wasn't doing a good job, the other one was keeping me busy."

Twilight winced softly, "I'm... fine, but I feel weak. I can hardly move."

One of the human males spoke up, "That's how scorpions hunt. They sap your strength with their poison."

Spike carefully slipped under Twilight and balanced her on his back, "Time to return a favor," he said with a smile. Twilight smiled back at him before closing her eyes, passing out as the last of her strength fled her. It was a burden Spike gladly accepted, now hiking with Twilight sprawled over his back.

They continued hiking to the city. The next day, Twilight could move stiffly, but kept up with the group under her own power, no matter how often Spike offered to let her rest, and apologized for failing as a bodyguard.

"You did fine," argued Twilight. "There were two of them, and they were big! You did everything that you could do in such a sudden attack. Besides, I can walk."

"But, Twilight," said Spike in a soft whine, "You were hurt."

"So were you," sniped Twilight. "We're a team, Spike. We'll watch out for each other, both of us. We're both in charge of making sure we both get through alright. All right?"

Spike nodded softly at her words as he reviewed the short but frightful battle in his head, considering how he could have reacted better. "I'm just glad you weren't seriously hurt."

Twilight shook her head, "What? No, I mean... that pincer hurt a little... but hey, free nap all day long," she joked, sticking out her tongue when Spike shot her a sour look. She offered a hoof, and soon they were hugging, forgiving all between them.

The city came into view on the next day, and they were eager to be back in its embrace. They separated ways with the human group with hoof, claw, and hand shaking and bumping in equal measure.

"You did not mention you were with the Seekers," said one of the human females, who had introduced herself as Clara. "I always thought they were grave robbers, but you prove me wrong."

Thomson, one of the human males, nudged her with a rib, "We'll be sure to visit before we leave, and show you the wagon you two financed."

Goodbyes said, Twilight and Spike returned to the Seekers, to give their report and get some needed sleep.

Author's Note:

Twilight, to the rescue! The group fights two at once, and make some friends along the way. A week well spent, I say.

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