• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,659 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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50 - Let's Fly to the Castle

The group walked in close formation through the crowded streets of Viljatown. The distant muddled scents of the city reached sharp noses as the din of the crowd washed over their senses. Long Road had half an eye on Soft Mane, "You've trained well. What's that you're wearing?"

She tapped at the well fitted armor she wore. It was a solid piece of steel over her chest, vambraces over her hands along with a light helmet and a metallic skirt that rested over other clothing. The armor did little to accent her normal curves, instead muting them in favor of survivability. Across the chest was the holy symbol of her still largely unknown god. "One of the smiths working with the Seekers made it for me. It's not nearly as restrictive as it looks, almost like a glove now that I know how to wear it right."

Spike offered a quick, "It looks great!"

His casual compliment brought a rosy hint to Soft's cheeks as she did a little skip on her green furred legs. "Thanks. So how did we get an appointment at the castle?"

Pinkie thrust a hoof into the air, easily bouncing along on her other three, "That was my fault! I went to visit and had a nice chat with the guards. They were super bored, so I threw them a little pick-me-up party."

Twilight raised a brow as she walked, weaving around a barrel placed in the middle of the road, "You bribed them?"

"What, no! I just showed them how to have a little fun," said Pinkie, "And they introduced me to another nice pony that schedules stuff. She was a little stuffy, but here we are."

Pinkie stepped into the stuffy office, looking around curiously. The sound of a pony clearing her throat brought her eyes up to a mare seated on a stiff pillow behind a desk overrun by piles of papers. "Hello there! I was told this is the place?"

"For?" asked the mare in a slightly irritated tone.

"Appointments and stuff. My friends reaaaally want to have a peek at some books you have," she explained, bouncing in place. "We'll be super careful with them, honest."

"What manner of book do you need access to?" asked the mare, brow rising as high as the top of her skull as her ears went off to the sides.

"God books," said Pinkie. She paused a moment before it came to her, "Lashtada is their name. Say, why are all your papers like that?"

Pinkie was soon at the then-distressed bureaucrat's desk and started moving things around despite being told to stop. For a moment all was chaos, with the other mare just staring with horror. Soon though, Pinkie had arranged things in a new sort of chaos. "Here you go. In, out." She said, pointing at different piles. "I learned from the best."

"The best?" she asked.

"Twilight Sparkle. She's going to be doing the research too. She's the best at organizing," explained Pinkie.

"If I grant this, will you have your associate, Miss Sparkle, stop by?"

"Of course I will!" exclaimed Pinkie, bouncing in place, "It's always nice to meet new friends."

"You volunteered me?" asked Twilight with a roll of her eyes. "Ah well, if anypony can crack a case of messy papers, it's me."

"And me," said Spike with an upheld claw, "Don't go forgetting your number one assistant."

"Of course not, Spike," assured Twilight as she gave Spike a brief embrace. "Soft, you said it was comfortable, but you're having a hard time keeping up," she pointed out.

Soft hustled to rejoin the group as she huffed, "Yea... maybe I should have spent the extra."

Long Road gave a soft 'hmm', "What matter of extra?" he asked even as he moved to shove his head between Soft's legs and heft the girl up onto his back, carrying her along without much difficulty.

Soft started to softly scratch beside one of Long's grey-edged ears as she answered, "The smith was saying that mithral is lighter, but it costs so much! He wanted another four thousand gold for it. My mother could retire on that!"

Twilight looked embarrassed, but didn't explain why. Spike whistled, "That's a lot of money! Still, if it keeps you alive, that's kinda worth it right?"

Long Road nodded as he walked, "Being prepared is the first step. You don't have four legs like us, you're a little slower to begin with."

Soft moved her fingers to rub along Long's neck, making Long swerve a little left and right. "I have hands though," she said with pride as she teased her mount mercilessly with soft attentions. "At least I don't have to lick every doorknob."

Spike giggled softly at Soft's words before he cried out, "Hands unite!" He slowed to be alongside Long and raised a hand, getting a solid high five from Soft before he resumed.

Twilight and Long Road shared a glance of mutual suffering before they broke into a soft shared chuckle. Pinkie surged ahead suddenly, only to rejoin with a sweet treat that she was suckling on loudly. "This place has everything," she complimented between sucks.

They arrived at the castle to find the way barred by soldiers. Two mares and a stallion. One of the mares stated in firm tones, "The castle is off-limits." A look around showed there were no ponies in the entryway that didn't sport the imperial colors. or icon of the 'blessed wings'.

Pinkie raised a hoof, "We have an appointment, c'mon!"

She shook her head, "I'm sorry. There's been an elemental unbalance and, for public safety, the castle is closed until that is dealt with."

Spike clapped his claws together, "Then we're just in time! We're Seekers. We can clear out your elementary problems in no time."

She looked over the diverse group before nodding, "You have proof?"

Spike produced his Seeker's mark and held it up for the mare to examine. She held up a hoof, "I'll check if we're hiring. Please wait here." She turned and marched to the castle while the other two kept an eye on the group.

"Are you sure that was wise?" said Twilight, "I've read about elemental unbalances but never took care of one myself before. I thought they usually happen away from cities anyway?"

"Usually," agreed Spike. "Anyway, it gets us in, gets Soft Mane some good practice, and gets us good points with the Imperialists. Win win win. We can handle it!"

Long Road raised an ear, "Elementals are rarely good or evil, being forces of nature turned destructive. I'm afraid my usefulness will be limited."

Soft Mane softly pinked the end of Long's left ear, "Don't say that. You'll be more useful than me. I'm still new to all of this. You're a veteran warrior."

The mare returned with another at her side. The new mare was dressed in fine clothing instead of armor, but had the holy wings worn at her shoulders and an assortment of bands of steel across her chest to show rank. She spoke as she came into easy conversation range, "I hear you're volunteering to clear out the unbalance?"

Twilight shook her head, "Not volunteer. A fair price, but other than that, yes."

The new mare examined the group with intense eyes, "You understand the Queen cannot take responsibility for you. You will be paid when the elements are back in balance at your hooves and in no other circumstance. Is this acceptable?"

Spike gave a quick thumbs up, "We're ready! Just point us at those elementals and stand back."

"Eager," she said, "We'll see how long that lasts. The elementals are trying to gain entrance through the basement. Proceed down through the kitchen." She pointed to the castle, "Sunshine, lead the way." The mare that had gone the first time nodded and began walking towards the castle, guiding the group along to their first venture as a whole group.

Author's Note:

Oh that Pinkie, throwing mad Diplomacy skills at everything in sight.

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