• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,659 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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112 - Picking through the Pieces

Sonata moved slowly as she dragged an unconscious, but breathing, stallion back to the exit of the train. When they emerged into the evening air, she stopped with surprise. Where she had left the single mare before, there was a small group of five plus one. That one was Lex. Sonata raised a hoof to wave eagerly back and forth before she started to hurry over. The kitten on her back gently pricked her with a claw, "You're forgetting th'pony!" Sonata stopped, snorted, and went back for the stallion.

Soon she had brought him over to the others, but she barely paid him any attention after getting him there. She hopped over another sleeping form to get to Lex, "There you are! What happened? I was so worried you were one of the ones I'd find crushed under something."

At the sight of Sonata, a look of surprise had flashed across Lex's features, one that changed to a look of relief only for a split-second before his features changed into discomfort at her question. "...we can discuss that later. Are there any other survivors?" He glanced over the wreckage, before turning his gaze back to the group gathered around him, who were looking around dazedly. "These were all I was able to get out, but-"

He was cut off as one of his group, a purrsian female, let out a wail. Racing forward, she snatched the kitten of of Sonata's back. "Sunflower!" she sobbed, hugging her child tightly.

"M-Mommy...?" squeaked the kitten, apparently shocked at his mother's miraculous return, before he descended into tears. "Mommy!"

Sonata started with surprise at the feline's approach, but relaxed when the kitten responded, bobbing her head, "That totally coulda gone worse." She waved at the kitten who was paying her little mind, then looked back at the train, "It's not as easy at it looks getting people out. Why are ponies so heavy? Wait here, I'll do one more look." She trotted quickly back to the train and moved alongside it, listening intently for other survivors as she went.

To her surprise, Lex kept pace with her, ignoring her instructions to stay put. They'd gone about halfway down the train when he held out a hoof, stopping her from continuing any further. "This is taking too long, and if there are any survivors we might miss them like this." He paused for a moment, glancing at her before continuing. "I'm going to use my magic. Don't be alarmed."

With that rather unhelpful advice given, Lex closed his eyes for a moment. He didn't chant or gesture, but his horn glowed purple, the light contrasting oddly against its dark red color. When his eyes opened a second later, they were dark green, and purple contrails were sprouting from the corners. Slowly, he turned his gaze over the wreckage. After several seconds, his eyes narrowed, and he pointed to the far end of one of the smashed cars. "There."

Galloping over to it, it was obvious that this was going to be a problem. The twisted metal had collapsed in on itself, and there was no clear way to get in.

Sonata had never seen dark magic before, and its implications largely sailed over her head. She watched with wonder at the display of magic, then dashed forward to where he pointed. She paced back and forth once before she said to herself, "Are you gonna let those ponies die? I thought you were strong, like way strong! Time to show it, get in there and save those people!" She shuddered as her magic went to work and a furious strength flowed through her body.

She worked her hooves into a bend in the metal and started pulling with all her enhanced strength, slowly forcing the crumpled metal up and away. Already abused, the side of the car began to sheer off under the continued pressure as Sonata slowly backed away, dragging much of the side with her as it collapsed, almost crushing her with it. "Ta da!"

Lex raised a brow at Sonata's unexpected show of strength, silently reevaluating her. She was still a vacuous imbecile with little sense of anything beyond herself, but she certainly had her uses. He could have removed the metal on his own, but doing so would have forced him to dip deeply into his magical reserves, and the expenditure would not have been easily replaced.

Stepping into the hole that the sea pony had opened up, Lex looked around for the occupant. They weren't hard to find. In the corner of the wreckage was a red-and-orange wolf, their fur flickering softly in a manner that strongly resembled flames. Moving over to - him? her? - Lex grimaced as he saw the jagged metal shard protruding from the phoenix wolf's stomach. They were unconscious, but clearly still alive, judging from the wet, raspy breathing that was audible as Lex got closer...but it didn't seem that they'd be that way for long.

Cursing under his breath, Lex turned back to Sonata. "This one is critically injured, do you have-" he cut himself off. Of course she didn't have any healing potions. She was still in her swimsuit! Gritting his teeth, Lex considered his options before returning his attention to the sea pony. "Help me with this. If we do this fast, I can save them."

Sonata approached quickly, making a face at the wolf, "That looks bad." With the obvious stated, she moved in with her still-enhanced strength and helped Lex extract the wolf from the tortured metal. The wolf suddenly regained consciousness and began to whimper and squirm, making their aid all the more difficult. Sonata smiled gently, "No time for that, sleep. Everything's going to be totally alright." Her magic settled over the wolf, sending it into a deep slumber.

Sonata looked to Lex once the wolf was set down on a relatively flat surface, "Kinda wish that half pony was here, Soft Moon? What do we do?" She surely had no healing ability, and looked to the bleeding patient with increasing worry.

"I can repair the worst of it. Hopefully that will be enough," replied Lex, letting out a slow breath. He was already going to have to answer some uncomfortable questions about how he'd helped the survivors escape anyway. At this point, a few more wouldn't make a difference. Besides, his moral philosophy was clear on this sort of situation; the duty to rescue those that were in imminent danger was absolute.

His dark purple aura lifted a vial filled with a black, viscous substance out of one of his saddlebags - yet another reminder since he'd come to this world to never divest yourself of your possessions if at all possible - and slowly let a drop of it fall onto the wolf's punctured stomach. As it did, Lex lowered his horn to the injured wolf, chanting a soft, liturgical melody.

For a moment, nothing happened, but then the wound started to close with unnatural speed. Unlike the healing that Soft Mane had so often granted, this left angry red scars over the affected area, slowly spreading until the hideous puncture had been completely sealed almost a full minute later. The sleeping wolf shuddered as their breathing became less labored.

Replacing the vial, Lex closed his eyes, and when he opened them the green light and purple contrails were gone. "Let's regroup with the others. I want to see if anypony else is injured before we figure out what to do next."

Sonata watched this with amazement, moving to pick up the wolf by nudging under it and sliding it onto her back, "Are you a priest too? Was that, like, a prayer or something?" She followed after him, full of questions as they went, "What kind of god makes your eyes glow all crazy purple like that? Does that hurt?" Her questions only broke off to throw a compliment, "You did totally good back there."

When they rejoined the group, many of the ponies had gathered into a loose circle, almost instinctively. Those who were most injured were kept towards the center, while the least injured formed on the outside, looking into the darkening evening with growing fear in their eyes.

Lex, who had been glancing at Sonata and biting his lip intermittently on the short walk back, sighed as he tried to figure out what to do next. There were eleven of them altogether, including himself and Sonata. A fairly large group, those numbers would have been reassuring if they had all been proper adventurers. But as ordinary people they simply presented a larger target. Getting them all back safely to civilization wouldn't be easy.

"Everypony listen," he spoke up, drawing all eyes to himself. "It's growing dark, and we don't know where we are. We'll camp here for tonight, and tomorrow we'll follow the train tracks to the next town." He didn't mention that the next town was likely Yi Sheng itself, and that it probably wouldn't be a quick or easy trip, to say nothing of safe. "I have a tent and some food in my pack, and some defenses that I can set up in the meantime. If any of you have magical or martial training, I want to speak with you. Otherwise, try to help those who are wounded. Once we're set up..." he heaved another sigh, briefly closing his eyes before glancing around again, letting his gaze end on Sonata, "...I'll answer any questions you have."

Without waiting for a response, he let his horn glow again as he opened his pack. Even this simple action caused his dark magic to manifest, changing his eyes as he drew out a folded tent - one that was quite clearly larger than the pack it was held in. "I'm going to see to the injured," he stated curtly as he set it down. It was going to be a long evening.

If this had been Equestria, more questions would have flowed. In the world of Everglow, most seemed to assume various things about Lex without terribly dark intent. One thing they shared was a general lack of knowledge of what to do in the dark in the wilderness. One pony pointed at the train, "Why don't we sleep in there for tonight?"

Sonata looked where she was pointing and tilted her head, "We just finished getting out of that."

The pony nodded, "Right, but now that none of us are... trapped... we could use a car as a big tent, for tonight?"

Another pony, a stallion, shuddered, "There are still... people on that train. I won't sleep next to their... dead bodies."

The mood soured palpably as hooves and feet shuffled and eyes went downcast.

Sonata strode around and through the crowd, "Come on everyone! We have to work together. This isn't near the worst. We have each other, at least?" She smiled brightly, "Besides, you got Lex and me, we won't let you get hurt."

The purrsian mother looked at Sonata skeptically, "Who are you?"

Sonata tilted her head, "My name's Sonata, nice to meet you. He's Lex." She pointed off at Lex, who was setting up the tent. "He even knows some healing magic! Like, how awesome is that?"

Ignoring the snatches of conversation around him, Lex finished setting up the tent before looking around. None of the others had approached him so far, meaning that he and Sonata were likely it insofar as any sort of possible defense went. As his eyes swept over the camp, he amended his conclusion...none of the others who could approach him had done so. The phoenix wolf was still unconscious, and there was one other that hadn't done anything so far since he'd arrived, a mare that was reclining.

Walking over to her, Lex noticed her flinch as she saw him approaching. Chalking it up to his eyes, still glowing with dark magic as he put his tools away, Lex looked her over, noting the blood on her clothes. "Are you able to stand?"

She shook her head slowly, "I haven't tried. It feels like there's glass in my legs. I'm not sure if that's better than not feeling them." She made no move to stand, instead sinking in place, "Are you a sorcerer? Is it some kind of... terrible blood that makes your eyes like that?" She shrank as soon as she asked it, "I'm being impolite. You're working so hard for us... Thank you."

It promised to be a long evening.

Author's Note:

This chapter was written heavily (collab powers go!) by the co-author, Lex's proud owner, Alzrius!

Blame him for all the typos.

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