• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,660 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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63 - Aquatic Showdown

Long Road descended the stairs as an odd sound reached his ears. Following it, he peeked his head around the corner to see the stallion shopkeep was exchanging saliva with Sonata in a kiss without an end in sight. He flushed and glanced away, spotting Soft Mane watching with wide eyes. "What is she doing?" he asked towards the Soft as he approached her.

"Kissing," said Soft. "A lot."

"I can clearly see that, but why?" asked Long Road as his eyes looked everywhere but at the lip locked couple. "She isn't up to her old tricks, is she?"

"What? No, I mean, sort of, but I told her to," explained Soft as she held up her hands in a placating fashion. "I want to prove a point. You're lucky, I asked her to do it to you first."

Long Road jumped in place, "Me? Why on Everglow would you do that?" He glanced at the exchange, guiltily considering what it would be like to receive such a kiss from the comely, if manipulative, mare.

"You'll see," said Soft before she raised a hand. "Alright, that's enough kissing, Sonata, but you still haven't won."

Sonata pulled back from the stallion with an audible pop and turned at Soft with an angry noise, "Not won? I said I've have him in palm of my hoof and here he is."

Soft shook her head, "No dice." She held up a finger, "I said you had to get him. Getting a kiss is easy, but he doesn't like you."

Sonata looked baffled at this a moment before she turned back to the dizzy looking stallion, "Don't you like me?"

He nodded hesitantly, "Um, I suppose. I don't know you that well, but you're good at kissing."

Soft nodded, "Your magic can make him kiss you, but not love you." She crossed her arms over her chest. "If you want to make a real friend, you have to be nice, and learn about them."

"That sounds like a lot of work," complained Sonata, walking away from the stallion even as he stared at her. "Do I have to do that with every person?"

Soft extended a hand, "Every one, but it's worth it. You made one friend at least."

Sonata paused before slowly reaching a hoof of her own to rest on Soft's offered palm, where Soft grabbed it and shook gently. "We're friends?"

Soft nodded quickly, "Sure, you seem nice, if a little... funny. I like funny. Me and Pinkie Pie get along just fine, I'm sure we can too."

Sonata smiled and perked up, "It's good to have a friend—wait. Are you going to start bossing me around like the others? They said they were my friends before too."

Long Road interjected, "They were not your friends. You were using each other, and that is not friendship. Friends give, they do not take. I don't mean to be the wet towel over this, but if you used magic on that stallion, you should apologize to him."

Sonata glanced back at the innkeeper, "He doesn't look upset. He's smiling?" She raised a hoof along with her voice, "Hey, sorry about that!"

The innkeeper just nodded mutely, watching Sonata before he blinked, "Uh, no problem, miss."

Long Road gave a soft chuckle, "I will assume he's not married. Sonata, you have a great skill, but it can leave people broken inside to be forced to do what you want, even if it's fun at the time."

Sonata pouted at this, "I'll be careful, sheesh. I was just having a little fun. So when are we going to rescue Twilight?"

Spike's voice joined the conversation, "That's a good question. Sonata, we need your advice. They have powers like yours, how would you defeat... you?" He glided down the stairs and joined the group, looking rested.

Sonata went blank in expression for a moment before she gave a hmm, "Well, if you can't hear them, that will block a lot of it. It doesn't work on things without... thinking? Like machines." She gestured with her hooves a lot more than most ponies, showing her acclimation to having hands. "Um, like, you could attack from far away?" She moved over to get a drink, peering balefully at the pitcher before she stomped a hoof. "I won't." She stared at it witheringly until it began to shake in place then slowly raise from the table. She giggled in delight, though her concentration lapsed and the pitcher fell, splashing water wildly in the process, "Oops."

Pinkie Pie was abruptly there, grabbing the still half full pitcher in her mouth and pouring a glass quickly before setting it back where it came from, "There ya go."

Sonata jerked back in surprise, then smiled, "Thanks!"

Long Road nodded lightly, "Alright, well, I'm stubborn enough to give them pause. Spike, focus on strafing runs with that lightning of yours and never stay close to them. Pinkie, I know bards can counter this sort of thing? Do you know how?"

Pinkie got a blank expression, "Huh?"

Long Road shook his head, "Nevermind that, just support us. Soft, stay out of sight and only approach if things get dicey and you need to do what you do, then get away."

Pinkie slid up beside Sonata and wrapped a leg around her withers, "You and me, we're gonna play a song together."

"We are?" asked Sonata. At Pinkies enthusiastic bobbing she nodded back, "Well, ok!"

Long Road pointed to the door, "Let's get moving. Speed is the most important factor. If we take too long, there will be guards everywhere. To be clear, we must not harm the guards, or Twilight, even if they're trying to hurt us."

The group filed out of the hostel, leaving the stallion behind the counter as frazzled as he was at the start of the conversation. Pinkie Pie paused at the corner of the street, "They didn't get your good side at all."

Spike zipped over to see what she was looking at and saw papers posted with crude drawings of Spike and Swift Strike, "Wanted posters, great."

Pinkie smiled, "See, you're wanted."

"Not the kind of wanted I was hoping for," moped Spike, "Huh, it's just like that issue, where the good guys are framed by the villains. We'll clear our name!" Emboldened by the stories of heroism he was not living, Spike rushed ahead, into the stare of an imperial guard.

As Spike came to a screeching halt, Sonata walked up beside him, "Hey there. Isn't it a nice day? I hope you find something to do soon."

The officer nodded slowly, "I hope so too. Have a nice day." He wandered past, expression returned to a neutral boredom.

"Ok," said Spike, "That was kind of cool."

"What are friends for, right?" asked Sonata, offering a hoof. Spike met it with a fist, bumping.

Thankfully they didn't run into more curious guards on their way, soon standing at the wall surrounding the castle. Spike volunteered, "I can get us all over, one at a time."

Long Road frowned, "That's all well, but our retreating options will be very limited."

Sonata grinned alongside Pinkie as both said, "Then we win the first time."

Long Road sighed but did not further object. Spike ferried them up and over the wall one by one until the whole group was on the other side. They crept together until they arrived at a thicket of bushes. Soft Mane ducked into them, giving a thumbs up before they approached the pond directly. Pinkie Pie and Sonata broke off, and Spike lifted into the air. They could see two guards were already near the pond, looking for trouble.

Sonata rose up onto her hind legs along with Pinkie. "Hush now quiet now," started Pinkie

"It's time to rest your weary heads," said Sonata, the magic settling over the guards as they slumped in place, then curled up to sleep where they had been standing.

Two heads popped free of the waters. Adagio called out, "Sonata, is that you?"

Aria turned to face the former siren, "Enough playing, Sonata. If you come over right now, we'll put this behind us."

Sonata's tail twitched as she glanced around, "You won't be mean to me?"

Pinkie nudged her in the side gently, "Don't let them fool you, Sonata. When have they ever been nice to you?"

Long Road stopped at the water's edge, "In the name of good, surrender yourself and you will be given proper chance at redemption."

Aria gave Long Road a flat stare, "Seriously?"

Adagio splashed water at him, "As if. Why don't you just take a bath." Her words were heavy with magic, and Long Road shuddered as he fought against it. He took a step into the water before he forced himself back.

"No, I don't think I will. Do you surrender?" demanded Long Road.

Pinkie burst into song, which Sonata supported with a flash of blue light that clung to Long Road, Pinkie, and the others.

Aria peered at Adagio, "What's the plan, glorious leader?" Her tone dripped with accusing sarcasm.

Adagio snorted, "It hasn't changed. Call the guards and let them deal with it." She dropped back beneath the waves. Spike came in quickly, bathing the two in electricity. Aria screeched in pain and bubbles came up from where Adagio had vanished to.

"Stupid dragon!" shouted Aria, "Why don't you come down here and fight fair!" Spike's ascent paused and he looped around to splash into the water beside her, "No, wait, I didn't mean actually fight!" she yelped as she flailed her hooves at the dragon in a futile effort to keep him away. Fortunately for her, she was much more agile in the pond than the dragon was, but this didn't stop her from catching the occasional painful swipe of the dragon's sharp talons.

"Bring her to the side," shouted Long Road, circling to keep the two of them as close as possible and waiting for the chance to strike.

Suddenly Spike went still, eyes drooping before he sank into the pond. Replacing him was a smug looking Adagio, "I don't see guards coming, Aria."

"Gee, it's like I was being mauled by a dragon or something," retorted Aria before she let loose the haunting melody that would summon help to their side.

Sonata trembled with indecision. Pinkie gently squeezed her, "You can do it." Sonata smiled at the support, then stepped forward.

"Aria!" she called.

Aria spun to look at Sonata, "What?"

"You are the worst!" she shouted, stomping a hoof.

"Is that the..." she slowed as she spoke, then froze, sinking much like Spike had.

Adagio scowled at Sonata "Two can play that game. Why don't you take a little nap?"

Sonata's eyes drifted shut as she sank to the ground, finding the idea of sleeping irresistible. At least there was a pink pillow available. She snuggled into its warmth and was soon out.

There was a splash in the water as Long Road dove in. He swam inarticulately, but his armor pulled him down. This was just as well, as down was where he wanted to go. He grabbed the unconscious Spike when he came into reach with his mouth and gave the dragon a good shaking, waking him up with a start. The water logged dragon went wide eyed, scrambling his way to the surface to flop out on the edge of the pond, sputtering and coughing up water.

Soft Mane hurried from her hiding place after Adagio went underwater to deal with Long Road. Soft reached the sleeping forms of Pinkie Pie and Sonata and shook the former siren first, "Come on!" She was quickly moving to nudge Pinkie awake next, "There's no time for sleeping!"

Adagio reached Long Road in the water with a loud growl and darted forward to sink sharp teeth into the donkey. Long Road grimaced but grasped his sword in his mouth and swung it into the scaled flesh of Adagio. Their blood mixed in the water as they fought fiercely, though only one of them could breathe.

As the two recovered from their nap, Soft Mane was already rushing for Spike's prone form. He wasn't underwater, but he wasn't moving either. Just as she reached his side, the surface broke with a recovered Aria. "Who are you? I don't care, buzz off." the last word rang out loudly in Soft Mane's ears and she went down like a sack of bricks, hands clutched over her ears.

A loud bang erupted. Aria twisted to see the pink one was beside a large cannon. She caught the glitter it had fired in her face and grunted in annoyance as everything went dark for her. "Adagio, where are you?"

Author's Note:

Will the sirens come out on top, or our heroes prove the power of friendship is greater? Things are looking chancy with two party members knocked out and one fighting underwater.

All this excitement may have made my fingers slip a little, be wary of typos.

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