• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,660 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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118 - Let's get this Adventure Back on its Rails

No monster had much of a chance against the fully assembled party. The martial and arcane might of their combined talents kept the path clear. Most beasts simply didn't approach, rightfully looking for easier prey. An owlbear attempted to make a move, but learned the error of its way when it tried to fight through a rain of lightning and a savage beating of hooves and claws. To Dash's disappointment, the creature had no coinpurse to take after the battle quickly concluded.

Soft Mane suggested, "You could always take its hide if you wanted."

Rainbow was not that eager to make a few coins, and they proceeded past. Twilight gathered the others around, "Let's not chance any further interruptions. Though I have little doubt in our collective ability to fight, we're not looking for trouble." With a twisting of her magic, two great chariots appeared. She assigned Spike to guide one, while Soft took the other. All the slower members boarded them, and soon they were smoothly pulled silently by horses that looked suspiciously like Celestia and Luna.

Applejack looked to Twilight, "Was... that on purpose?"

Twilight lifted her shoulders, "The spell lets you specify and they're the right size..."

The humor was lost on the Everglow residents, but the speed was appreciated. They arrived back in the town of Yi Sheng quickly. While most of the passengers quickly departed with a word of thanks and little else, Willow fished out a bag of money and gave each of her rescuers a platinum coin. "Always pay your debts if you want to receive service again," she said, sounding like she was quoting some saying. "Good luck in your journeys." She then departed, Sunflower in her grasp.

"Now that we're all here," started Applejack, "We can get on with saving those other ponies?"

Rainbow nodded, "I'm at full speed and ready to kick flank."

"Just remember to exercise caution," warned Lex. "We still don't know anything about what happened, or the suspicious circumstances by which you learned of this."

Twilight nodded, "With everypony gathered there's no reason to delay further. Let's get fresh supplies, then we head out. Meet back here in half an hour."

The group separated out through the town, each with some coin to their name. Rations were topped up, water flasks refilled, hot meals enjoyed quickly, and soon they were ready to set off. "Wish there was time for a bath," complained Spike.

Twilight cast a quick spell and soon everyone present was sparkling clean and even smelled ever so faintly of soap. "There you go. Everypony ready?" She conjured a fresh chariot and hopped aboard. The others were soon with her, though Spike hovered above.

As the chariot began racing across the countryside, born by the royal facsimiles, Rainbow shook her head, "Twi, what would they say if I told them about this?"

Twilight colored lightly, "Why would you do that? I have nothing but respect for Celestia and Luna!"

Soft just then put it together, "By the Sun Queen, you modeled them after your queens!"

"Princesses," corrected Twilight.

Applejack shook her head, "Ah reckon you've been waiting for this too long, Twi."

Twilight grumbled softly, but didn't argue.

Standing as much apart from the others as he could in the close confines of the chariot, Lex was barely paying attention, apparently lost in his own thoughts.

Soft suddenly frowned, "I feel something... odd... I think Lashtada is trying to tell me something, but I don't know how to hear it."

Sonata tilted her head at Soft, "Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Soft shrugged softly, "It's a thing."

The chariot made good time, even over the rough terrain presented by the mountain trails, and often the lack of any trail at all. Spike asked, floating over the chariot, "Do you have any idea where we're going?"

Twilight gave a soft huff, "Fly up and look for interesting things. I don't think what we're searching for is going to be that subtle."

Spike gave a shrug before zipping up into the sky. It was several quiet minutes before he returned, "I see more of those hyena people. I think they live by here." He pointed a bit to the right, further down the incline. "Three of them were just coming out of a cave, with two more standing guard."

Applejack nodded, "Good work there, Spike. So how are we doing this?"

Sonata raised a hoof, "I could totally sweet talk them?"

Twilight raised a brow, "With your words or your words?"

Sonata blinked softly, "Huh? I was gonna use my magic and make them talk."

Applejack shook her head, "Why don't we try the straight-forward way first."

Shaking off whatever had been preoccupying him, Lex turned his attention back to the group. "We can't just barge in without a plan. We should reconnoiter the area first, and find out where these endangered ponies are. Those things," he gestured at the ground, "are savages, and won't hesitate to use violence as a first resort."

Sonata bobbed her head with agreement, "Exactly, so I'll put them under my spell and we'll learn what we want to learn without being poked by sharp things." She hopped off the chariot and began the stretch out, "This'll be totally easy."

Lex paused for a fraction of an instant before retorting, "No. If they shake off your magic, or if others show up unexpectedly, things could fall apart." He turned, gesturing to Twilight. "I think that Twilight and I should enter the cave invisibly - I assume you know that spell? - and scout the area before returning here."

Sonata pouted at being told to not go ahead as Twilight looked thoughtful, "I do. It will only last about ten minutes. Do you want me, or someone more physical for backup? Rainbow, for instance, has mobility and physical strength, if you need it, to say nothing of Spike."

Lex shook his head. "We don't know how deep those caves go or how long it will take to explore them. If we're in there for a longer period of time, you'll be able to cast the spell on yourself more than once. It should be the two of us."

Twilight hopped from the chariot, which promptly vanished, dropping the others a few inches to the ground suddenly. "Alright, let's try to do this the smart way." She vanished from sight shortly. "Ready when you are," came her voice from the air.

One Lex had joined her in the unseen, they walked together up to the entrance of the cave. The guards sniffed the air, looking around with confusion, but they hurried past them before they could figure out what was bothering them. The caves were well lit and roughly hewn as if by miners that weren't sure which way they wanted to go. They wandered through the tunnels, staying close together, lest they lose track of the other invisible presence with them.

"Should we try to go up, or down?" came Twilight's hushed whisper, "The tunnels go both ways."

Lex was silent for a moment. "Let's try down. It seems like a more natural place to keep prisoners." He had considered enhancing his senses, but elected to conserve power for now. He'd already used more magic today than he had in well over a week, plus he was still feeling the damage from his miscast spell to feed everypony earlier that morning.

They began to trot downwards into the mountainside, narrowly avoiding several wandering gnolls with heavy mining picks slung over their shoulders. The sound of picks being put to work began to reach their ears. They arrived at a turn off where the sounds were loudest. Twilight softly tapped Lex before moving to peek down the tunnel. At the end of it, in dim light, worked two ponies with picks in their mouths. These ponies were quite small. They had short stubby legs and shaggy fur. Whatever color their fur once had was caked in the dust and grime of the mines.

Twilight reached out until she found Lex again, then whispered, "I think that's them? Or some of them?"

Lex started to nod before realizing the motion was wasted. "Most likely. We should keep searching so that we know where they all are. The more information we have, the better." He paused as something occurred to him, mentally going over how long they had been there before reconsidering. "Actually, let's find someplace isolated. I think we may be pushing our time limit." That was risky, but so was casting a spell openly - even invisible, the chanting would still be plainly audible to anything around. Besides, he wanted to get Twilight alone for a few minutes...

Twilight obliged, tapping him before moving off down a more isolated tunnel. It was completely dark there and smelled as if noone had been around in some time. "We should do it one at a time, so it's less loud. Did you see how small those ponies were? Are they foals? Who would use foals to mine!" Her voice elevated a little before it came back, "It's awful."

"What did you expect from these savages? They probably use their own young to do things like this when they can't bully others to do it for them." Inwardly, Lex cursed at the darkened conditions. This wasn't going to work nearly as well if he couldn't see her! "Twilight, you realize that if we're in total darkness, we won't be able to tell when our invisibility wears off."

There was quiet before a brief spell caused a rock at the end of the cave to glow dimly, showing that both Twilight and Lex were quite visible in the low light, "There we go," whispered Twilight.

Lex nodded, more to himself than to her, before directing his gaze to the lavender alicorn. "Twilight," he started without any preamble, "I think you're pretty."

His face was completely neutral as he awaited her reaction. Saying that to Sonata earlier that morning had had shockingly-positive results, with her all but demanding elaboration. It had been completely beyond his expectations, and that vexed him. Why had that worked so well? He had initially wondered if it was simply Sonata's capricious nature, but that clearly couldn't be the case, since Willow had been the one to suggest that line to him.

After ruminating on it for the better part of an hour, Lex had finally decided that there simply wasn't enough information to make a proper evaluation. He needed to conduct an experiment - try that line on another mare and see how she reacted, using Sonata's reaction as a baseline. Twilight seemed different enough that any commonalities in their reactions could be tentatively considered a general rule.

Twilight adopted a stunned expression. It wasn't actually that far off from Sonata's for a moment before she frowned, "That's very sweet, but I hardly know you. We should focus on the task at hoof and save dating for after ponies are not in danger." If ever, she silently added to the statement, baffled at Lex's sudden approach. Was there something in Everglow's water that made ponies seek out mates?

Lex canted his head to the side inquisitively, pausing for a moment until it became clear that that was the sum total of her reaction. Frowning slightly, he nodded, starting to cast his invisibility spell again. As with the first time he'd used it, he channeled the energy through his body rather than expending the spell directly, so that it would remain prepared in his mind. Doing so caused his muscles to spasm and slacken, but he knew from experience that they'd recover in a few days.

At the moment, he was more concerned with how Twilight had reacted so differently than Sonata. Rather than pressing for more information, she had apparently wanted to drop the topic. Or had she...? Was the phrase "save dating for after" indicative that she wanted to date him now? If so, had Sonata been making the same implication? The possible interpretations were myriad.

Twilight followed suit shortly after, "Let's go." The light went out at her silent command, and they pressed deeper into the tunnels. Following the sounds of mining found more slaves. Most were not the smaller ponies, though there were more of them. The gnolls even seemed to have other, slightly smaller, gnolls enslaved. There were also humans and orcs put to work, hammering away at the stone. Twilight made faces at the sight, though they went unseen. She guided Lex to another out-of-the-way corner to speak, "This whole place is just... terrible. I thought those orcs were bad, but I think I have a new least favorite people in Everglow."

"I agree," he replied softly. "Those in power are supposed to work for the benefit of those without it, not exploit them. This is an insult to basic pony decency." He paused to mentally tally how long they'd been invisible this time. "We've seen enough. We should get back to the others."

Author's Note:

The enemy is known!

Spoiler: It's typos.

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