• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,660 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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93 - Where the Green Dragon Lies

Twilight looked around slowly, sweeping the horizon, "Anyone know where we landed?"

Applejack offered a quick shake of the head before hollering upwards, "Hey, Dash! Come on down here!"

Rainbow soon joined them, hovering in place, "Huh, it's definitely different. I don't fly as fast, but all the control is there, and I can move clouds just like before. What's up, AJ? You try your new self out yet?"

Applejack shook her head again, "Calm down, Dash. Did ya see anything at all up there? We're a might lost."

Rainbow quickly bobbed her head and thrust a hoof eastwards, "Little town, thattaway. I could see smoke coming up from chimneys." She landed beside Spike and nudged him, "So, same for you? Are you faster or slower here?"

"About the same," replied Spike, "It seems like once you go Everglow, it sticks to you. I don't get it." He shrugged, "Not that I'm complaining."

Rainbow snorted hotly, "No fair! You're faster than me now."

Spike smiled and made a placating motion, "But I'll never be even half as cool."

Rainbow's irritation faded as she laughed and bowled Spike over in a sudden tackle, "You got that right! But you got the awesome part down pat."

Twilight rolled her eyes before pointing in the direction Rainbow had indicated, "Alright everypony, we know where we need to go."

They began to hike, with Spike, Rainbow, and Twilight choosing to not touch the ground while Applejack bore Soft Mane on her solid frame and trotted along at an easy pace.

Soft Mane gave Applejack a light pat along her mane, "I'm not an expert, but I swear we're not that far off."

As they traveled, grassland became forest swiftly. The smell of smoke began to reach them and Spike tapped his chin as he floated along, "Is that what chimney smoke is supposed to smell like?"

Twilight shook her head, "I can't... smell really."

"I got this!" exclaimed Rainbow before she took off into the sky straight up, bursting through the trees and coming back down as quickly, "It looks like one of the houses is on fire!" Without waiting for prompting, Rainbow flew ahead. Spike was after her after a moment to realize what had happened.

Those left behind were slower, with Soft Mane weighing down Applejack and Twilight's spectral form only moving so quickly. Though they put all diligence, the others would get there before them by a good measure. "We really gotta teach that gal not to rush in," grumbled Applejack.

Spike and Rainbow arrived on the scene to see a small group of ponies, most of which wielded farming implements in their jaws, fighting off bipedal hyenas with swords. "Hardly a fair fight," huffed Rainbow before charging in without hesitation. Spike zipped in just as quickly, "Be careful, Dash."

Rainbow descended on one of the hyenas, using her speed to drive a hoof into the creature's gut before it know she was there. With a quick back flip, she smashed its jaws with her back hooves, sending it sprawling, "Easy." One of its friends brought down a sword with true aim, forcing Rainbow to back away with an angry cut across her front. "Son of a... I'll get you for that!"

Lightning burst across the hyena and several others nearby as Spike joined the fray. The desperate ponies immediately began to pound the ground in a group applaud. "The dragons have come to save Arcysus again! And they brought a mighty warrior with them!" came an enthusiastic call.

'Mighty Warrior' would do, even if Spike got first billing. Grinning smugly, Rainbow launched herself at the biggest hyena she could see. It wielded a huge two handed axe, which it swung at her as she approached in warning. "Speed beats Brawn every time," she huffed, "Good thing I have both!" Before she could decide on the best way to avoid that axe, Spike barreled into the hyena. The axe came down on Spike, but couldn't find purchase on tough dragon scales.

"My main man, Spike!" she called encouragingly before diving into the brawl. She battered him with rapid strikes, bludgeoning him through the riveted leather armor he was wearing. With her crushing hooves and Spike's tearing claws, the hyena stood little chance. The fight was removed from him swiftly and he fell to the ground. What few hyenas remained broke, fleeing into the forest as fast as their furry legs could take them.

A sudden loud hissing was heard. All heads turned to see water being rained down on the burning building. Twilight and the others had arrived. Soft Mane was quite the sight, riding Applejack, who was not large enough to serve as a battle steed, while praying and conjuring the water that slowly put out the blazing house.

The ponies of the town were delighted, at least until they saw Twilight among their savior's numbers. One of them, the best dressed and officious looking, advanced, "Thank you, one and all, for your quick action." He raised a hoof to direct at Twilight, "Are you a powerful wizard, or a restless spirit?"

"Yes?" replied Twilight. "Nice to meet you. I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends." She gestured with her wings, "Soft Mane, Applejack, Spike, and Rainbow Dash."

"A, uh, pleasure to meet you all," replied the well dressed mare, "What business brings you to Arcysus, besides your timely saving of the day?"

Rainbow zipped over Twilight's head, "As if that wasn't enough reason!"

"It isn't," said Spike in a more flat tone before he looked at the well dressed mare, "We're headed for Viljatown."

The mare turned and pointed onwards, "Four days that way by hoof. There's a trade trail, well worn by wagon wheels. Follow it and you won't get lost. May the Sun Queen warm your way."

Soft Mane waved Rainbow Dash closer. Once the pegasus was in reach, soft prayer and pink light banished the cut she had received, leaving little but exposed flesh behind. "The fur will grow back."

Rainbow extended a hoof, and Soft Met it with a bump of her fist. "Thanks, kid," said Dash before she landed lightly.

The crowd had begun to disperse, returning to their former activities as the town recovered from the incident. The well dressed mare introduced herself, "I'm the mayor, Clover Hoof. I would... invite you to stay the evening, but I fear your presence will unsettle others." She bowed her head, "Not that we aren't appreciative, but dallying with the unfulfilled rarely ends well."

"Unfulfiled?" asked Twilight, "What's that?"

"You," replied Clover. "When a pony perishes with their destiny tragically left incomplete, sometimes they spurn death itself, so desperate to achieve their goals." She pointed at Twilight, "See how your brand of destiny shines so more solidly than the rest of you. Your destiny is all that anchors you."

Twilight turned her head to look at the star of her cutie mark before looking back at Clover, "Well, OK. We don't want to cause any trouble. Is it alright if we buy some food?"

Applejack looked up at Twilight, "Do they take bits?"

Twilight shook her head at Applejack, "No. Spike, you have the coins?"

Spike quickly produced a clawful of platinum coins. On spotting the valuable currency, Clover's expression brightened, "Of course you can buy supplies! Follow me." She turned and lead the group through the streets of Arcysus to a small market area. She gestured over it with a sweep of a hoof, "Please, avail yourself of our high quality goods." Fear of the ghost apparently taking second place to securing those coins quickly.

Spike trotted ahead of the group with his coins held firmly, "What do we need?"

Applejack volunteered, "Some food for a start. Ahm mighty hungry, and maybe some flasks for water?"

Twilight nodded in agreement, "Get Applejack a full survival kit. She's naked, almost literally if you don't count her ever fashionable hat."

Spike approached the first booth that looked like they had camping supplies and began chatting with the mare there, "It's for her," he said, pointing at Applejack, "A full set please."

The dark purple mare nodded her head, "She looks like she's used to heavy burdens, but let us make it easier for her." She ducked her head down and pulled out a well crafted set of saddlebags, "They distribute the weight properly, making it easier. They cost a little more, but your back will thank you!"

Applejack approached the bags and nudged them with a hoof before sniffing them, "They look alright... Tell ya what, you put mah cutie mark on these and we'll take 'em."

The mare tilted her head, clearly confused, "Cutie mark?"

Soft Mane quickly volunteered from on top of her, "Her brand of destiny."

"Ah!" said the merchant mare, "Of course. I can have that done in about fifteen minutes. What a helpful daughter you have."

Applejack's ears twitched violently, "Daughter?"

Rainbow nudged her on the side lightly, "Go with it."

When the coins were surrendered and the mare trotted a short distance to begin sewing the pattern onto the saddlebags, Soft Mane gently patted Applejack's neck, "If it makes you feel better, my mom is an earth-bound pony like you, a farmer even. She believes that a hard day's work is good for you."

Applejack smiled gently, "She sounds like a good mare. Uh, is she, you know..."

Soft Mane gave a soft hmm, "Is she what? She should be in Turves. When we get to Viljatown I'll send her a message! Maybe we'll get a chance to say hi."

Soon the saddlebags were not only complete, but filled with camping gear. The purple salesmare explained the contents, "One bedroll, a mess kit, some flint and steel, a pot, some rope, and soap." She rolled her eyes, "You'd be surprised how many travelers forget about the soap. Five days of preserved rations, mostly apple jerky and dried wheat cakes. Tough chewing, but filling." Applejack moved to snatch up a bit of jerky and the salesmare gently set a hoof in the way, "You should save that, miss." She pointed to a brightly lit building, "Why don't you get a nice hot meal before you head out?"

Twilight made a soft sigh of a noise, "I'll wait out here." The salesmare jumped in surprise, as if she hadn't noticed Twilight hovering there behind her friends. "We don't need more of that," said Twilight. "You all get something to eat, I'll be over there." She pointed a hoof at a tree outside of town, "I'm not hungry."

Spike scratched behind at his neck as he shrugged, "I'm not sure ghosts can get hungry."

Applejack softly bonked Spike on the head for his words, "Don't you worry none, Twi. We'll just get a quick nibble and be right with ya."

The group, minus Twilight, approached the lively looking Tavern. A sign hung above the door, announcing it to be the 'Swaggering Stallion'. Rainbow barely restrained her giggles as she pushed open the door for the others and waved them in. Soft Mane slid off Applejack's back as they approached the low door and trotted in. The room was well lit, with about four other ponies enjoying drinks or light meals. Two of them were at the same table, playing some kind of card game with intense focus.

Applejack took the lead, moseying up to the bar, "We'll take ah full round of vittles for everypony," She gestured back at the others. "Whateva the local special is. And ah round of cider. Ya have apple?"

The bartender, a stallion pegasus, shook his head, "Fraid not, all out. We have a great pear cider in though. Sweet and tangy, practically dances all the way down. Want a round?"

It wasn't apple, but it served the purpose. Soon the group was assembled around a table and ate well. Spike kept glancing out the window all through the meal, which he seemed to eat lifelessly.

"What's wrong?" asked Soft Mane, "Is it Twilight? We'll help her. That's why we're here."

"Yea, thanks," he said, chewing softly on the honey glazed wheat cake in his claw, "But she's all alone. She doesn't even have a book to read."

Soft Mane took his free claw in one of her hands and pulled him gently to his feet, "We'll bring back the plates in a bit!" She grabbed her own and soon Spike held his before she pulled him from the tavern. They would eat their food with Twilight in the dark. That's what friends were for.

Author's Note:

Rainbow has a much easier entrance than Twilight did, all those months ago. Applejack finds some bonds with Soft Mane, and Twilight isn't allowed to be all alone as the sun sets over Arcysus.

The gnolls transcribed most of the chapter, and they aren't known for taking writing very seriously. See if you can't catch where they took shortcuts.

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