• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,648 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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15 - Vengeance

Spike flew northwards away from the bustling city. He had been given another mission in the dead of night. At first, he was surprised and resistant, but when he heard who the target was...

They would never hurt Twilight again.

Each spot the orcs had stopped at was like a small blight in the land, browned of grass and littered with random refuse. Soaring high as he was, Spike found following them was not difficult. The client was a very very short human. A halfling, the others had said. She seemed like a nice sort, but her money was on the orcs being removed as a problem, from anyone, forever.

Spike frowned a little. People of this world seemed less willing to talk things out, but he had personal experience with these... things. The orcs were loud, rude, and violent. They were like griffons, but worse, much worse.

Ah. He could see an orcish rider, but he looked alone. A scout, perhaps? Spike soared in the direction the scout had come, hoping to find the actual camp, but no luck. The scout was probably turning as much as he was. The sun was growing heavy into the afternoon when he came across a full raid in-progress. They were on all sides of some humans who were looking as roughed up as Twilight was. Spike scowled, but remained in the air. It was too important that he find their main camp.

He watched, half hidden behind a low-lying cloud, as they started clasping the humans in irons until they got to one of the smaller ones. A halfling? Or a child? He couldn't tell at the distance. One of the orcs ended whatever it is with a sudden strike with an axe, killing the small one and shouting something at the remaining humans. Deflated, the humans began trundling off under the orc's watch. Spike winced at the display, wondering if he should have acted faster. No, if he can defeat them all, that will save countless more than if he just engages this raiding party.

Spike followed them easily. While the orcs were on high alert, their eyes carried across the field, very rarely did they even glance up to where they would have a chance of seeing the floating dragon. They arrived at their camp. It hadn't changed much since last Spike saw of it, even if some of the tents were in a different order than before. Spike reached into a pocket and drew out a handful of orbs he'd been given for the task. Two had little flames on them, and one had a cage etched onto its glass.

While the raiding party was still approaching the camp, Spike soared in at top speed, releasing the fire orbs over the thickest collections of tents as he went. They exploded in violent eruptions of flames that consumed the tents easily and began spreading fire through the camp. The orcs began screaming in their strange tongue and hurrying to fight the fire, at least those that hadn't seen him do his low pass. As he spun around and came back at the camp, only inches above the ground, he could see six orcs ready to play. They were grouped together, shields raised high and looking ready to deal with a fresh blast. But not a breath. He stopped just in front of them as he let go, almost breaking with the lightning that violently knocked them off their feet. Two had avoided the worst of the blast with timely rolls and were coming up on him.

Practiced with his new form, Spike waited for them to come up, ducking under one axe swing and catching a sword in his tough scales. He gave his best roar before lashing out, raking his claws across their fronts before sinking his teeth into the right orc. It fell over bleeding and he whipped his head around, knocking the other orc over with fresh wounds from his wicked horns. The orcish riders were returning, hastened with the sight of their burning camp. Though he had been instructed to take out their horses, Spike did not want to hurt them, as similar as they were to the ponies he loved, smart or not. He propelled himself at the first rider in sight, throwing himself at the orc's chest. He felt the burn as the orc's spear caught him in the side, but he ignored it as he had Fast Shadow's brutal strikes. He left the limp orc to tackle the next, bouncing from one to the other. Their long spears let them strike at him before he could bring his natural weapons to bear. By the time he had dispatched them, he sported several new cuts, but still felt ready for battle. "Bring out the war chief, or... is he a coward!" he shouted, "Will he... watch you die from behind?" He faltered as he gave the speech, swallowing heavily and growing nervous.

The response was swift. The largest orc he had ever seen came riding out, mounted on a bison large enough to match the tribals that he remembered from Appleloosa. He had a huge axe that he swung in Spike's direction, "You die, now!" he shouted as spit flew from his tusked mouth.

Spike's eyes widened, then he hurled the last of the marbles he had been given. It exploded with force, but by the time it became a cage, the orc had urged his mount to leap free, and was charging at the dragon with death in his eyes.

"Aw nuts," said Spike dejectedly even as he raised his claws at the ready.

"Are you scared? Good! I am Ur-Gosh, Dragon Slayer," proudly boasted the orc as he ran down Spike and brought down his axe. Spike tried to leap out of the way, but caught the blade biting through his scales to his leg more powerfully than he had felt before. He let loose with his breath as the rider went past, but the orc ducked under the crackling sheet, avoiding it entirely. Spike scrambled away before he remembered he could fly and started to lift from the ground just as the orc rushed into him again. His axe swatted him to the ground just as the bison drove a powerful horn into Spike's side, sending him to the ground where he bounced himself to his feet, woozy but bearing his teeth.

"Fine," he said, "You want to fight, we fight." He watched the axe when it came down again, but grabbed it by one of its holes and using the momentum to send him flying up at the orc. He wrapped his arms around the brute of an orc, tearing at him and refusing to let go even as the bison bucked and thrashed below the two. The orc couldn't use the axe well with him attached and drew a small dagger, giving Spike new slices and stabbing into his exposed back, but his struggled weakened when Spike tore at him with teeth perfectly suited for rending meat.

The wounds took their toll, and Spike was forced to let go, drifting away from the orc as he labored for breath. He expected an axe at any moment, but none came. Cracking open an eye, he saw the orc was slumped over his bison. The bison was wandering off with him aimlessly. Spike gave a pained giggle, unable to give a proper triumphant pose at the moment, to say nothing of the pain he felt everywhere.

He looked over the burning camp that showed no sign of slowing, and instead took off in the direction the riders had come from. The humans were still there, seated and looking dejected. "You're free!" he declared as he landed among them, "Those jerks won't bother you ever again."

They looked surprised and alarmed as the bloodied dragon landed, but his words were encouraging. A woman raised her shackles at him, "Do you have the key?"

Spike did not. He stepped up and moved the lock into his mouth, worrying it until it fell to the ground in several portions. "Tougher than gems," he noted as he moved on to the next one, "And not nearly as tasty." Soon all four humans were free, rubbing their wrists and embracing one another with relief.

While quite thankful for being freed, "We have nothing," said one of the men, "The orcs took it all, and now it's on fire. How will we get anywhere without dying?"

Spike frowned at that. He could lift one of them, perhaps, but there were more than that. "Well... let's get going. I'll try to hunt for you, and the city's that way," he pointed Southwards, "Kadiston."

Seeing little alternative, they accepted Spike's advice and they began to walk with Spike at the head, even if he would have preferred to lay down, or hurried home to a healer. Every step was a multitude of dull and sharp pains, reminding him of the battle he had just barely won.

Twilight returned home in the evening, somewhat uneven on her hooves. Full of cheer and a little intoxication(A lot of intoxication), she was eager to hit the sack. When she arrived at her room she looked for Spike, still not there. Wonder turned to outright worry as she half-staggered out of her room and went to look for Fast Shadow. She was in the common room, sharpening her lance. "Fast," asked Twilight, leaning against a wall for support, "Where'sh Shpike?"

"He had a fresh assignment," explained Fast, "Though he should be back soon if all went well."

Adrenaline began pumping, the alcohol leaving Twilight's senses as she jerked upright, "What! Why wasn't I with him? He could be hurt! Where did he go, I'll join him right now."

Fast Shadow raised a hoof, "It was far to the north, a week by hoof, half the day with his flying."

Twilight let her head slap up against the wall she was near, "Why wasn't I sent with him?"

Fast Shadow let out a soft sigh, "The client wanted speed, your friend has speed, which he wouldn't have carrying you around. He has to learn to fight on his own in addition to fighting alongside you."

Twilight waved a hoof a little frantically, "That's all well and good. I'll remember that if he's hurt... or worse. Where did they send him?"

Fast Shadow turned reluctant to speak, but Twilight proved quite compelling when she started frantically repeating the question while melting down at the warrior's hooves in a puddle of frustrations and tears.

"He was sent north, to deal with those slavers. A quick raid, and a strike on their leader to discourage them from returning to the area," Fast Shadow relented, "Now before y--" She could not finish her warning, Twilight had vanished in a flash of lavender and white. Fast Shadow sighed as she settled back, "Blasted mare. Heart's in the right place at least."

Twilight appeared in Under Score's personal chambers, where the older stallion had already retired for the evening. "Mister Score!" she shouted as she arrived, startling him. She quickly adopted a sheepish expression on waking him, "Oh, sorry, but it's urgent. They sent Spike to fight the orcs alone without telling me."

Under groped around blindly before he could wrench the cover off one of the torches, lighting the room properly. "Miss Sparkle? Why are you in my room while I'm sleeping."

Twilight shook her head quickly, "No time for that. Can you get me to Spike quickly! Please!"

Under Score rose from his bed, keeping his blanket around him for lack of other clothes. "I cannot without knowing where he is." He cut her off as despair built in her already desperate expression, "But I know how to find out where he is. Please, sit down. I will help you but you must calm down."

Twilight crashed to her haunches and was still breathing heavily, her mind was whirring with all the ways Spike could be injured.

Author's Note:

Spike gets sent on his own, and Twilight predictably panics.

I didn't hear much about chapter 11? Not interesting for folks?

As always, I love feedback, so gimmie!

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