• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,660 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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68 - Royal Conversation

Twilight settled on a cushion, wiggling her bottom lightly as she sank into the comfortable material. Iliana sat across from her and lifted a bell in her golden glow. With a soft shaking a door opened and two servants entered, one a pegasus and the other an earth pony. Both had a tray held firmly in mouth and set it on the table between them. One had a steaming pot of what smelled to be tea and this was quickly proven as a cup was poured for both. The other tray had a selection of cookies and cakes and was simply left for Iliana or her guest to take at their leisure. With a bowing of their heads, the servants smoothly strode out and the door shut behind them.

Iliana spoke first, "This is the first time I've enjoyed tea in this room in some time. It is fitting, perhaps, that trouble would chase me away, and a new trouble would require my return." She lifted her cup in her magic and sipped gently, "You have been quite busy, Miss Sparkle. You brought tidings of a new goddess, struck a decisive blow against a raiding band in the East," She raised a fine brow lightly, "and spent a night in a cursed town without losing your sanity or limbs. You are a mare of talents."

Twilight looked more uncomfortable with each retelling of her accomplishments, "And let's not forget the most famous. You defeated enchanters that had the lofty goal of enslaving the city, but your little band had the compassion to bring one of the, what many would easily consider monsters, under wing, offering redemption." Iliana lifted a cookie from the plate, "Please, try some. They're quite good." Twilight remained paralyzed in place and Iliana continued. "I have heard little of the place you call home. Tell me of it."

Twilight shook out of her funk and cleared her throat. She quickly grabbed one of the little cakes, holding it beside herself in a pink field as she considered the question. "Well, it's called Equestria, um, that is, Equestria is the name of my nation. I never did get that clear, is Everglow the name of the world, or the land? I've seen it used for both in different places."

Iliana gestured at the table, where a map of Everglow appeared to hover in ghostly translucence, "This is Everglow. There are lands to the East and West, East by way of land and West by way of water. For most people who live here, this is the world, and it became popular to call the entire world Everglow. What are you to Equestria?"

Twilight nodded slowly at the information before being caught by the question. She jerked upright, wings fluttering, "Oh, I'm a princess there."

The Queen gave a soft 'hmm', "So you are the child of a monarch? You do not hold yourself like that, I say with little offense intended."

Twilight shook her head quickly then, "Oh! No, no offense taken. I was born to a high class family in the capital, but I didn't become a princess until I became a master of magic."

Iliana leaned forward, Twilight leaning back almost an equal measure, "Master of magic? From what I've heard, you are hurriedly learning magic. Talented, to be certain, but no master."

Twilight's ears were pinned to her head as her eyes darted about nervously, "Oh, well, magic isn't the same in Equestria. Only unicorns could use it, for one." She held up a hoof, "And we don't have nearly as many spells just... laying around for anypony to use. Most unicorns only learned magic closely tied to their special talent, besides levitation."

Iliana pointed her tea cup at herself, "Did you know I was born to the earth-bound tribe? I had an eagerness for magic from a young age, horn or not. Your world sounds peculiar, but I'm certain ours must seem quite strange to you. Tell me, if you are not daughter of a ruler, who is the ruler? Did they adopt you?"

Twilight shook her head quickly, "No, Princess Celestia rules with her sister, Princess Luna. I am not their daughter, by birth or adoption, but I was the student of Celestia until I became a princess myself. So, who taught you how to be a Queen if there weren't others?"

Iliana lifted her shoulders, "Who taught your own? I learned the hard way. I made some terrible mistakes along the way, but I continue to learn and I will provide for my people as best I can. But explain this, how do you have three princesses, and no queen? Are they not the rulers, why do they not take the title?" She dipped the cookie she held into the tea before nibbling it away, eyes on Twilight.

Reminded she was holding food, Twilight took a small bite of the cake and gave an appreciative 'mmm' at its soft strawberry flavor. "They are, and they are not... They were pushed up into the title, when it was discovered they were immortal and that they could do the work of over a dozen unicorns by themselves. They raised and lowered the sun and moon, you see." She explained this with a few gestures of a hoof, "And since they lived on, everyone looks at them as the rulers, but they don't want to be the final word in Equestrian law, so they remain princesses, and most towns have their own mayors or governors with their local policies."

"The sun and the moon?" asked Iliana with some surprise. "We would not think to meddle with such things. Only the gods themselves hold dominion over such heavenly bodies. Does your Celestia and Luna purport themselves to be gods?"

Twilight became lost. She took another uncertain bite of her cake and tried the tea. It had a strong nutty flavor. "That's complicated. They are immortal, and they do have an immense amount of magic. I held it, once. I could barely function with it rattling around... But I met one of your gods before, it was... different. And another changed somepony's cutie mark, their purpose. I don't think Celestia could do that."

The Queen took a soft pull of her tea before she spoke, "Every other sentence from you, my intriguing guest, brings more questions. You say you held their magic? Are you also immortal?"

Twilight shook her head, "No, at least, I don't think so." She tapped at a chin softly, "They were born as alicorns, and I was turned into one, it's different."

Iliana gave a soft smile, "I am also created. In this we have something in common. You only appear to have two tribes in you, however. You have much to learn yet."

Twilight glanced out at an extended wing, "What would the third tribe be?"

Iliana shrugged softly, "Any of them. I have seen other unificationists take on the size of the Anteans, or the water elegance of the sea horses, or even the durability of the earth-bound. Do your princesses look just as you?"

Twilight shook her head, "No, they're larger, oh. You just said that. I never heard of an 'Antean' before?"

Iliana gestured dismissively, "Put that aside for now, Twilight Sparkle. Did you come to Everglow intentionally, and do you plan to return home?"

Twilight took another half sip before she put the glass down, "It was an accident, your majesty. I was trying to bridge distances, and ended up going a lot farther than I intended. I do want to return, and restore our usual forms to myself and Pinkie Pie, but Spike has grown fond of the gifts Everglow has given him and I don't want to deny him those."

"Spike is a fine example of a dragon," agreed Iliana, "How did you end up with a dragon as a friend, in the world you came from?"

Twilight explained her test as a filly and this brought a look of surprise to Iliana's face. "You realize, there is no way that could have been a viable dragon's egg, unless all students at this academy had a dragon of their own?" Twilight shook her head quickly, "That is what I thought. You created life. I can see why your people would call you a master of magic. More impressive, this life you have fashioned has will of his own, dreams, and love. He would not stop speaking of all of you when you were not visiting him, and it was not the speech of a slave or automaton. If you had not told me, I would never have guessed it."

Twilight swallowed heavily as she fidgeted in place, "You're not going to take him, are you? He's my friend."

Iliana shook her head slowly, "Have I painted such a poor picture of myself? I would not even dream of taking your precious friend away. You two are clearly tightly bound on a variety of levels. Now tell me this, can you reach your princesses?"

Twilight brightened as she nodded, "Yes, through Spike. He can send messages to them and receive them."

Iliana nodded, "I thought you might have a way. I have an experiment, that will surely get you home." Another, tiny, metal box opened and a small tuning fork floated out before landing in front of Twilight, its golden aura fading. "Take this. This will bring you back to Everglow with the proper spell. It vibrates with the unique harmony of this world. All we need is the song of your world and we can send you there. You carry a part of that song with you."

"A part?" asked Twilight, gently lifting the fork in her magic before softly striking it, making it hum.

"As you said, you are not what you once were. Whatever magic you used, it changed you. You carry a part of your world's song, but also a part of Everglow's," explained Iliana, "So I can't use you to find that song. Can you get your princess to send us something of your world through Spike?"

Twilight blinked, "I have something!" she quickly dug out the last letter she received from Celestia and set it on the table.

A gold aura surrounded the scroll. "May I?" asked Iliana. When Twilight nodded it was lifted gently and tucked into a pocket in Iliana's clothing. "You understand, just as you have visited our world, my scholars would not forgive me if I didn't give them a chance to visit your own. When we have fashioned a tuning fork, like the one you hold, that will become a possibility."

Twilight swallowed nervously, "Oh, uh, as long as they follow the laws, I don't see a lot of harm in that."

"Then you are not considering the issue deeply enough," said Iliana with a gentle scolding. "This is a floodgate, not a simple door. Once your world is open to other worlds, things tend to make the cross, one way or the other. You are far from the first being from another world to appear on Everglow, and will be far from the last. Is Equestria ready? Your return, for better or worse, is the start of a new age for your people."

Author's Note:

A comparison of cultures along with tea and snacks, mmm.

Is Twilight ready to finish what she started?

We had to rely on eavesdropping servants by the door. they may have misheard a word or two, resulting in typos.

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