• Published 29th Dec 2014
  • 9,660 Views, 3,428 Comments

A Dangerous Sparkle - David Silver

Twilight Sparkle botches a spell and ends up in a whole new realm of danger and adventure, where the land is ruled by a much more pragmatic pony empire, ruled by a very mortal queen. A Ponyfinder crossover.

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69 - An Exchange of Letters

Twilight gathered Spike after making amiable, if stiff, goodbyes with Iliana. Spike appeared to be fine, minus a few small bruises. He didn't appear upset, so Twilight didn't pry into the matter and just walked home, mind occupied with what she had just been told. Though Spike tried to get her attention, her thoughts were a universe away. She only reacted when they reached the Seekers, turning to him to command softly, "Gather the others, especially Pinkie, and meet in my room. We have much to discuss and a letter to write."

Spike hurried off on his assigned task, leaving Twilight to return to her chambers and gather a quill. She began to write a letter on her own, scratching at the paper with the levitating quill.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have learned how we can return home, but there is a certain measure of risk to it. This risk is not to myself, but rather to Equestria as a whole. The method of bringing me back will make known the 'harmony' or 'song' of Equestria, allowing others to follow behind me, just as I will return with the song of Everglow with me (be sure to inform your researchers. I am certain they will be excited). Before I embark on this journey, I would not do anything that could bring risk to Equestria without your permission and knowledge. I have little fear for the average pony or human of this world, they do not know how to weave the complicated spell required to travel worlds, but expert wizards, strange demons, and other creatures do know how to make the jump, and they will have to be dealt with.

There is also the possibility that the gods of this world will seek followers on ours, though the gods I have encountered are kind and gentle, and well disposed to the inclinations of Equestrians. Perhaps that would be a boon? You would have allies of equal stature to help defend Equestria from that which would do it harm. They would bring intense healing arts with them, including the ability to banish disease and injuries with a few words, or even to turn back to hand of death for those robbed of life prematurely. Pinkie will be returning with some of these gifts, but we both know the odds of getting useful research out of Pinkie.

Ever Faithful and Awaiting Your Decision,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

She looked up from her writing to see the others had filed in and were parked around the room. She smiled at them as she rolled up the paper she had just written and held it before Spike, "Send it."

With a small flash of electricity, the paper was sent across the divide. Twilight frowned, "I... just realized something. I've been worrying about nothing at all!"

Spike blinked, "You haven't told us what you're worried about."

Twilight spread her wings wide, "We found out how to go home, but we were worried we might be making the way clear for other things to follow us."

Pinkie Pie flashed a bright smile as she pointed where the letter had been, "Because you were already sending things back and forth?"

Twilight quickly nodded, "Exactly. Anything paying attention already knows how to get home." She looked proud of herself, "I'm glad I figured that out before working into a rut. So! Team! We still have a heavy decision to make. With the way home clear, and Spike not being forced to return to his less mature state, my world needs me, us, Spike, Pinkie, and I. What do you two want to do?" She pointed a hoof at Long Road, then Soft Mane.

Long Road dipped his head, "I would follow you into the void between stars, m'lady Sparkle. Your home sounds quite lovely, though it has its dangers I can put my sword against. I will continue to be your sword and your shield."

Soft Mane wasn't as quick to agree, "I'd... need to tell my mom or she would die of worry. Will Equestria be OK with a... me?" She gestured over her hybrid form, "Didn't you say there weren't any humans at all?"

Pinkie grabbed Soft Mane in a hug from the side, "Oh don't be silly! I'll throw a big welcome party for you both and everyone in Ponyville will get to know you. Besides! You're, like, heroes. You protected the princess in foreign lands at great personal risk." She said the last with a faked stuffy voice before breaking into loud giggles, "It'll be fine."

Spike suddenly let loose a small blast of bright light, a letter appearing in the center. He grabbed it and unfurled it. Clearing his throat, he began to read.

Dear Princess Twilight,

I didn't mean to worry you, but we have already had some visitors. If you have the means to return, please do so immediately. We are all anxious to see you again. The girls have been quite busy recently taking care of urgent matters and would gladly accept your help and presence. We haven't seen any signs of these 'gods' you wrote about, but if they are as benign as you implied, there shouldn't be any issue with them. We will discuss this in person.

I Miss You,
Princess Celestia

PS: This is Princess Luna. I have missed you the last Nightmare Night. Your presence always makes the holiday so much better. Please return to us.

"Awww," said Pinkie as Twilight just nodded.

Twilight moved up to her friends and embraced them one by one, "It sounds like Equestria needs us more than ever. Queen Iliana said she'd have the fork ready by the end of the week."

Spike raised a brow, "Fork?"

Pinkie rolled a hoof, "Duh, a fork."

Twilight snorted, "A tuning fork. It vibrates in a special way that reveals the 'song' of a world." She pulled out her everglow fork and gently struck it, making it hum softly, "This is Everglow's note. I wonder what Equestria's will sound like."

Soft Mane hopped up and moved for the door, "I have to get a letter to my mom. You guys should report this to the guild leader so people don't worry when we vanish." She was through the door and hurrying down the hallway with a receding clip-clop.

Long Road turned to the others, "She is giving up a lot. Her mother will not be able to visit her on another world."

Twilight pointed at Long, "What about your own family?"

Long Road softly shrugged, "I'm an adult, and my parents live a quiet life. I haven't been part of their world for years, but I will send them a letter. I forgot to ask, are there donkies in Equestria?"

Pinkie nodded, "Uh huh, I'm personal friends with two of them in Ponyville, Cranky and Matilda. They're a couple and so cute!"

Twilight bobbed her head in agreement with Pinkie, "They're a minority, but present. They have full rights to citizenship, including land ownership, taxes, and even military service, though I can't really recall the last time we had a donkey for a guard." She reached a hoof and poked Long Road in the chest, "That will change soon."

Long Road seemed surprised, "What do you mean by that?"

"It's not obvious?" aksed Twilight. "I will hire you as my official guard, with all the rank that entails. It will be nice having a guard I know so well at our castle."

Long Road's ears flopped as he began to flush a little, "I don't need any fancy titles or payments to protect you, Twilight."

Twilight held up a hoof, "And that's exactly why you will be given the title and the payment. You're a part of my family, and I want the world to know it. Besides, this will let you accompany me almost anywhere without trouble."

Long Road gestured with a sweep of his head towards the door, "What about Soft Mane? She's a little young to be hired as a guard of anything. I don't think the story would be believed."

Spike shook his head, "That'd be silly. She's kinda my responsibility." He looked to Twilight, "Is it... ok if I adopted her?"

Twilight opened her mouth to answer, then closed it. She looked thoughtful a moment before replying, "Spike... that's very sweet, but you would destroy her."

Pinkie nodded quickly in agreement, "She wants to be your special somepony, not your daughter, Spike." She poked Spike in the belly.

Spike sank down onto Twilight's bed, looking confused, "I... like her. I mean, she's great, as a friend, and I'm happy when she's around, but I don't know if I like like her."

Twilight nodded, "You can't force these things. Just take her as a friend for now, and give her a chance. Now remind me what promise you made to her?"

Spike raised a claw, "That I would protect her until she got bored of me."

Twilight tilted her head, "That could be a long time, or tomorrow, but we'll leave that as it is. My brave Spike has a sworn protected. Rarity would swoon at the romance of it, but it does allow her to remain at your side, and since you're always at my side, that's good enough."

Pinkie tilted her head, "What was all that about in the letter? What has the girls all busy?"

Twilight sighed, "Figuring out how to get the letters going back and forth through Spike was enough to let some things visit Equestria. She didn't really go into details, so we'll find that out when we get back. Here's to hoping it's just a bunch of curious tourists that need to be led around and kept out of trouble."

Long Road trotted from the room, vanishing down the hallway without another word, leaving the three original Equestrians behind.

Pinkie tapped her front hooves together, "I don't have anyone to send letters to and I'm already packed. Oh!" Suddenly Pinkie Pie was gone, dashing out the door. She gallop-bounced to the guild master's room and knocked twice before entering. "Hey! There's this super friendly dragon." She approached the map of Everglow that hung on the wall and pointed, "Right here. If you get someone to pay him a little and make a road through there he'll be super mega happy and keep all the bad monsters away."

Lilac pulled away from a stallion she had been in an embrace with, coughing softly. "Yes, thank you Pinkie. I will bear that in mind."

Pinkie bobbed her head and dashed off as if nothing untoward had been seen, closing the door behind herself.

Lilac rolled her eyes and spoke to her guest, "Go lock that door and let's pick up where we left off."

Author's Note:

The group prepares for the next leg of their journey through the multiverse. A lot of chit chat, not a lot of action, I admit, but talking, it happens! Letters, they also occur!

In their rush to write all these letters without Spike doing the writing, a few typos may have appeared.

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