• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 101 - Testing the bat

Scope and Ledger lay in the destroyed office. Even now, they had no idea how some that stuff got on the ceiling. Things had gotten… weird at some point.

“Do you even have enough money to replace the furniture we literally fucked up?” The nymph yawned and rubbed her belly. “Hives I'm full…”

“I have a few savings funds set aside, under various names and aliases,” Ledger replied. “Of course, this was when ponies were less paranoid about changelings...it’ll be, fun, getting all that money again.”

“Meh, I'm sure you'll be fine,” Scope shrugged and nuzzled him. “You always are.” She stretched her front legs and groaned. “You think Middy will be alright? It seemed like a good idea at the time to sic your mother on her.”

“I’m sure Middy will come out on top,” Ledger said before kissing the nymph. Once he was done with that, he continued the thought. “Very little has succeeded in beating her, after all. Ace and Tirek come to mind, but that’s about it.”

Scope nodded, “But still… these are changelings, and if Gossip is to be believed, skilled ones at that. I'm… a little worried I guess.”

“And if she is to be believed, they won’t cause any serious lasting harm to either Twilight or Middy during this little test,” Ledger reminded her. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. And if she succeeds, and we know she will, then she’ll have a nice, secure job.”

“Well, I hope you’re right,” she said and nuzzled him again. “Though, with Middy’s pregnancy hormones, I should be hoping those mercenaries are the ones that come out unscathed.”

“I rather doubt anyone is going to come out completely unscathed, except for Twilight,” Ledger said. “I’ll be surprised if her palace is still standing at the end of the night.”

“Sucks to be Ponyville I suppose,” Scope giggled and stretched again before gazing at Ledger. “Buckle up. Round Seven starts now~”

“Hives, aren’t you sated yet, you lusty nymph?” Ledger mock-complained. “I would think that after I made sure so many times you were carrying my foal that your heat would eventually slacken a little.”

“Huh?” Scope blinked and then giggled. “Ah, my Heat was sated after the Cadence bit.”

“...So we’ve been wrecking furniture for no reason other than you wanting to imitate a Violet?” Ledger asked.

“Are you complaining?” the nymph smiled and gave him a brief but passionate kiss.

Once it broke, Ledger smirked at her before running a hoof along her flank. “Only that we’ve run out of furniture...again.”

“Hmm, wanna see if we can use a storage container without getting caught?”

“Unlikely,” Ledger retorted. “With the way you scream, I’m pretty sure somebuggy’d hear us, even with a soundproofing charm.”

“Damned emotivores,” Scope muttered and smirked. “Wanna do sexy science~?”

“What will be the nature of the experiment?” Ledger purred.

“The effect of Blue pheromones on a variety on unsuspecting colors,” she giggled and looked towards the door.

“So long as you can do it without getting caught,” Ledger mused. “Then I suppose I can lose one day’s worth of productivity...so long as you ask quite nicely.”

“May I please mess with your workers?” Scope asked cutely. Even in a larger, older-looking form, she was cuteness incarnate.

“Once again, as long as you don’t get caught,” Ledger said before pecking her on the nose. “Then sure thing. Though I’m going to have to sit outside my office and intercept complaints before they see the damage we’ve done to the inside…”

Scope winked and walked over to one of the ventilation ducts in her office. After creating a generous amount of pheromones, she used a breeze spell that Twilight taught her and flooded the air ducts with them.

“And now we wait~”

“You can be so evil sometimes,” Ledger said, gesturing for her to join him on the floor. “Quick snuggle before I have to go ward off the complaints?”

“I'm curious to see what the complaints will be about…” Scope smiled and snuggled against him. Mmm, nice and warm~

“Probably something along the lines of the drones being too horny to work properly due to all the pheromones in the air,” Ledger snickered. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they started imitating us soon.”

“Wanna go watch?”

“Teeeempting,” Ledger hummed. “Better idea. You use invisibility and go watch from the rafters, while I play the part of a concerned manager. You could even add more pheromones from up there, you know, in case you think the party isn’t lively enough.”

Scope vanished, the only thing that remained was a mischievous giggle and a closing door. Ledger lay there for a minute more before getting up and walking back to his office and sitting down in front of it. At times like this, he wished he really knew a repair spell. It would make fixing the mess so much easier.

The sheer amount of Lust that hit him when he exited the office… it made him wonder if Midnight was here for a second…

Well, this should prove entertaining. He sat in front of his office and pulled out some paperwork that he could pretend to do while waiting for his first customer.

“Dance my little fuckpuppets. Dance! Mwahahahahahahaaa!!”

Somebuggy’s enjoying this a little too much,” Ledger thought back at her.

“Maybe a little. Somebuggy needs to step up now Chrysalis is a goodie-horseshoes.”

Just keep in mind, we’re not the Violet Hive, nor do we need to be nearly arrested like they were.

There was a pause and the pheromones dissipated as Scope sighed. “Fine. Party pooper…”

I’m just saying, try to make sure they all stay inside. I’m not saying you can’t, but there is such a thing as public decency laws.

“I'm aware. Also. Incoming.”

A Yellow nymph hobbled towards him, her magic keeping several amorous drones at bay.

“Boss. Lil’ help here?”

“What seems to be the trouble?” Ledger asked, not looking up from his paperwork.

“Are...are you serious?” she blinked. “I have five drones that seem to think that fucking my brains out is preferable to work. That's what!!”

“I see,” Ledger said as he flipped through the papers. “Have you tried telling them no?”

“Have I… what the fuck do you think!?!?” Her magic flared and she tossed them over the side of the railing. “The hell is going on?”

“I don’t know myself, but I assure you, I will look into it,” the drone said. “Right after I get done with my paperwork.”

“...” The Yellow sighed. “Boss. I love you man. But if you don’t fix this. I will send you home in a tiny box.”

“I have paperwork from all of my honeymoon to go over, even though you all could have looked it over yourself and determined whether or not it actually needed my approval before just shoving it on my desk,” Ledger retorted. “I’m sure you can deal with a little discomfort while I deal with a full desk.”

“A little discomfort?” The nymph looked ready to murder. Then, she suddenly smiled and looked away. “Okay. Best of luck with your work Boss~”

“I’m glad we could resolve this,” Ledger said. “Take care out there.”

And that was when three nymph’s descended on him, two Red’s and a Silver.

“Such a big, strong drone~” One of the Reds purred and nuzzled him.

“And we know how virile he is~” the Silver giggled.

“Ladies, I’m flattered,” Ledger said, before teleporting out of their grasp. “But I’m also taken. Many times over. I’m not in any mood to give my wives reason to strangle me.”

“Don't be like that,” The second Red grabbed him from behind. “We just wanna play a little~”

“Hah, do ‘em hard Levvy~” Scope cackled from her perch.

“Sorry ladies, I’m not interested in being your plaything,” Ledger said before he mimicked the nymph from earlier and tossed the amorous nymphs over the railing...right onto the group of amorous drones.

“Aw, I was waiting for you to sick your clones on them,” Scope laughed.

Not happening, I’m a married stallion, unless they’re spontaneously one of my wives, I’m not even considering it.”

Just like that, the pheromones dissipated and left quite a few embarrassed changelings milling about.

The nymphs had still dragged those drones off for...things.

“I have an idea!” Scope said, teleporting right in front of him. “Let’s go home!”

“Okay,” Ledger replied. “Why?”

“Because Cidey is home aaallll on her lonesome,” Scope pointed out. “Wanna go and play with her?”

“I thought this was all about you,” the drone replied. “Sure you want to get her involved as well?”

“Mhmm, I'm sated for now. What I want-” she leaned in close and licked his ear. “-Is for you to push her up against one of her beloved apple trees and buck her til she can't walk~”

“Then lead the way,” Ledger purred. “I’m all for seeing to more of my mares~”

“Yay!” Scope grabbed him. “Early day for everyone!” she shouted and then teleported him off.

The workers were confused for a moment, at least, those that still weren’t affected by her earlier pheromones. Then they shrugged and decided to roll with it.

The boss and his mares always were crazy.

Midnight had followed Twilight back to her castle. She didn’t know when these assassins would show up, so she planned to shadow the alicorn until they did.

Added bonus, it was a nice flank to follow~

“Now Midnight,” Twilight said as they walked the halls. “To be fair, you are not the only candidate for this job. While Princess Celestia said I could test you like this… she also recommended another guard.”

Well, this was interesting. Tia thought there was another pony that could keep up with her?

“And please play nice Midnight,” Twilight said sternly. “Promise?”

“Bat’s honour,” Midnight replied and crossed over her heart with a wingtip. They headed down to the training room Midnight and used a few times and the thestral saw the guard in question.

It was a unicorn stallion, his coat was an off-white color, more of a cream really. His mane and tail were quite the contrast, being a blazing hue of oranges and reds. His cutie mark was obscured by the leather barding he wore, but…

Holy crap! He just bucked that training dummy clear across the room.

“We’re back,” Twilight called out, getting the stallions attention. He stopped his training, turned and saluted, before his gaze fell on Midnight. “Midnight Song, this will be your partner and your competitor. Flare Blitz.”

“Hello,” he replied, his voice was pretty young-sounding. “Nice to meet the infamous Midnight Song.”

“Oh? I’m infamous?” Midnight grinned and bat her eyes at him.

“Only if the rumors are true,” he smiled back.

“Believe me, they’re true alright,” Twilight sighed. “Now, neither of you will be getting special treatment on this. And you’ll be judged in several categories. So act to the best of your abilities okay?”

“Yes ma’am!” both ponies saluted, though Midnight also gave her a sultry wink and blew her a kiss.

Twilight just rolled her eyes and turned, leaving to two alone.

“Aww, my little wifey princess loves me,” Midnight giggled. “And yes Flarey, before you ask, we actually are married. But that won’t count for anything. I trust Twilight to remain professional.”

“Yes, and I already knew that,” Flare replied. “As soon as I found what what this job would entail, I studied extensively on whom I’d be working for and who with.”

“Oh?” Midnight giggled and turned towards him. “I bet I could teach you a few things about myself that no report could tell you~”

“A year ago, perhaps,” Flare smirked. “But I know you wouldn’t now. Especially after getting married.”

Midnight actually blinked and took a step back. Oh. He was good.

“Well, seems I’ll have to try harder to get you all flustered then,” the mare smirked, only for Flare to lean closer, his lips almost touching hers.

“Good luck,” he said in a husky tone. “I welcome the challenge of you, cute little Miss Midnight~”

Midnight blushed and backed up rapidly as Flare laughed. Fighting fire with fire seemed to work well. He’d have to thank Luna for that little tip.

“W-Well, just… GAH!” Midnight turned and flew out of the room. Flare just laughed harder.

Tomorrow morning, Twilight had open court as Midnight and Flare stood on either side of her throne. They both agreed that training could wait until Twilight wasn’t so easily assessable.

It didn't stop Midnight from wanting to ‘access’ Twilight all over her throne. It took a solid twenty minutes for the princess to stop blushing.

Some ponies had come and gone and it was almost time to close up shop for the day.

“Well, today has been… uneventful,” Song yawned.

Then one last pony walked in. He had a yellow coat, a brown mane and tail, and orange eyes. He lacked either a set of wings or a horn, and he wasn’t a resident of Ponyville at all. At least, as far as Twilight could remember.

“Hmm, somepony from out of town?” Twilight spoke up. “Welcome to Ponyville good sir. How can I help you today?”

“I’ve...been hearing all sorts of things about Equestria’s stance on Changelings,” the Earth Pony said. “I just...wanted to know, what the official stance is regarding them.”

Twilight smiled and nodded, though her mind was working. So, he was either from a remote region of Equestria, or he might have been…

“Our stance on Changelings is quite simple,” Twilight said. “They are free to enter Equestria like any other species. They must obey our laws of course, as does everypony else. Nor are they allowed to drain emotions against the victim's will. I am fully aware that you can absorb ambient amounts from the atmosphere, and I was informed recently that we’re setting up special facilities where a Changeling can get freely given love from a pony, much like a griffon could order meat from a restaurant.” Celestia hadn’t told her the details though. “So our stance is simple. Changelings are our friends and are more than welcome.”

“That’s...interesting to hear,” the pony said. “For a moment, it sounded like you thought I was one…”

“I make no assumptions,” Twilight continued her regal smile. “Even if you are, you’ll find only friends here. Otherwise, I’m also glad I could help you, my little pony.”

Wow it sounded weird saying that.

“Thank you all the same for clearing that up, your highness,” the stallion said, bowing to her.

“Quite alright,” Twilight smiled. “Have a safe journey.”

With that, the stallion walked out of the room again. Once he’d left, Twilight turned to Midnight.


“Maybe,” Midnight replied, her eyes had been narrowed the whole time, so it looked like she’d been glaring at him. “I’m still training to read leylines like Master Aerial. But… there were… similarities to Ledger and Scopey. I’m going to hedge my bets he was a changeling.”

“That’s an impressive ability,” Flare noted. “Could I learn something like that?”

“Maybe,” Midnight said, rubbing her eyes. “It’s something that just seems to come naturally to Ace, so teaching it is difficult. Besides, you’re a unicorn, you could simply use a spell to do that.”

“I guess,” Flare replied. “But I’m only skilled in offensive and defensive magic. Even my basic levitation is somewhat below average.”

“I’d be happy to teach you some basic spells,” Twilight smiled. “And I’d know I’d feel safer with more skills under your belt, so to speak.”

“He is cute,” Midnight smirked. “Wanna see what else he has hiding under that belt~?”

Flare blushed and Midnight was smacked upside the head by Twilight. “Bad Middy. Sit. No picking on the cute stallion.”

“Oh? So you admit he’s cute too?” Midnight smiled. Twilight blinked and blushed, smacking Midnight again and groaning. Midnight just giggled and rubbed her head.

“Heh, always fun teasing you,” she kissed the alicorn’s cheek. “Okay Flarey. Let’s go practice. You get to make me all hot and sticky~”

“I’m never going to survive this,” the stallion sighed and followed her regardless. He couldn’t help but let his eyes wander over her flanks though…

A few days later…

“Well, so nopony turned up for court today,” Midnight groaned as she and Twilight wandered the halls, heading for the alicorn’s room.

“Well, it’s usually like this, unless Filthy Rich is asking me to attend some event, or the Flower Sisters fainting over something like a broken flower stem…” She really wished she was kidding about that last one. “I’m just going to go to bed and read for a bit.”

“Okay, I have to swap shifts with Flarey anyway. Oohh~ Should I send him for some quality time with his Princess?”

“You need to stop teasing him,” Twilight sighed. She did blush over the mental images in her head though. “Gah! You’re impossible!”

“No, I’m Midnight,” the bat smirked and kissed her cheek. “See you later TwiTwi.”

“Yes, good night Midnight,” Twilight replied and returned the kiss before heading into her room. When she closed the door, she shivered and looked around. There was a draft from an open window, the alicorn sighed and moved over to close it…

When two changelings dropped from above and pinned her to the ground with their weight.

She shrieked as her horn flared, a bubble-shield bursting out from her body and blowing them back. One of them chittered, and a beam of magic came from above and impacted the shield, severely damaging it.

Three of them? Oh Celestia, this was it. And…

Why were they actually trying to kill her!?

She grit her teeth as she strengthened her shield. “I’m afraid you won’t find this so easy!” she yelled.

That was when three of them blasted her, as the entire team dropped down to reveal a team of five changelings all told. “Sorry,” one of them said. “We’re under a contract that we have to make this as real as possible, excluding the usual last step. And we’ve taken down Queens before.”

“But you’ve never fought an alicorn,” she smiled and then dropped the shield. “Oh, permit me a little question. Do you know what Changelings and Thestrals have in common?”

“No, what?” one of them asked.

“They can walk on walls too~” a voice said from above them as one changeling felt himself being thrown out of the window. The other four turned to the new player in the game, as she was the one they were meant to be testing, and decided to try their magical might on her.

The the door exploded and a second changeling was tackled, as Flare Blitz grabbed one of his hooves and tossed him into the wall so hard it left cracks in the crystal surface.

“Aw Flarey, pull your punches at least a little against the cute little buggies,” Midnight cooed as she side-stepped one of the beams fired at her. The one she’d thrown out the window had come flying back in, and the four still standing split their attention between the two targets. This hadn’t been in the mission briefing, but they’d expected it thanks to the scouting mission the other day. They could handle it. Most likely.

“We got this,” Midnight said as Twilight had snuck around the group and fired up the portal to Las Pegasus. “Get out of here Twiley. We gotta house to clean.”

“Oh no you don’t!” One of them said as he darted at the portal and removed what looked like an important part, even if it was just a book. “You’re not going anywhere!”

“Damn!” Twilight swiped at the book, but the changeling was too quick. She looked at Midnight and Flare, the bat nodding as Twilight teleported away.

“Aww, too bad, she’s probably halfway to Canterlot now,” Midnight said. “So little buggies. Wanna play?”

“Dammit,” one cursed. “We can hardly make this a fair fight if you’re not trying to ‘protect’ her. That’s sorta the whole point of this.”

“Well, you’re taking on one of the four alicorns,” Flare pointed out. “You didn’t think to set up some kind of anti-magic field?”

There was a zapping sound, and Twilight teleported back, looking a little frazzled.

“Apparently there’s an anti-magic field around the castle,” she groaned.

“We did,” one drone said. “We used standard protocols for taking a queen out. Anti-magic, wait until they’re at the end of a long, boring day. All that’s left to do is wear her down with teamwork and our wonderful hex spells.” With that, two of them shot beams of magic at the Alicorn.

She shrieked, but her magic was still too zapped to put up a shield.

She didn’t have to, as Midnight dived in front of her, ebony blades intercepting the spells as they shimmered with a dark glow, dissipating the magicks.

“Flare, shield Twilight, I got this!”

“On it!” the unicorn said, surrounding Twilight with a crimson barrier. Of course, that didn’t dissuade the two that had sat out the latest barrage in the slightest, as they now joined in on the ‘let’s try to get to Twilight’ fun and fired their own hex spells at it.

Midnight rushed forward, “Silent Symphony,” she hissed as she spun around and her wingblades detatched, whipping around using wires as one hit the wall, shearing through the crystal like it was paper. The changelings in the room rapidly moved out of the way, or at least tried to. One didn’t quite make it…

The blade narrowly missed his neck as Midnight whipped it back. Though to did leave a hairline scratch along his chitin.

“You know you’re missing a head,” she smiled sweetly.

“Dammit,” that one cursed. “Ah well. Guess I’ll have to sit this one out. Take it easy on my fellows, I’m the one that has to patch them together.”

“Aww, you killed the medic?” Flare called out. “That’s rough.”

“Always go for the white mage,” Midnight smirked and looked at the remaining three. “Well, any of you got armoured balls? You’re gonna need ‘em~”

The other three got in a line and all shifted...into Earth Pony forms. “Bring it,” they all said at once.

“Ohh, sparring huh?” Midnight folded her wings and smirked. “This should be fun~” She charged at the closest and dropped into a slide to take his hooves out from under him. He rolled and tumbled for a bit while one of the others closed with her to try and get a few easy punches in. They struck her armour, but one managed to clip her head and she winced and jumped back.

“Ahh, you guys aren’t playing huh?” she rubbed her head. Well as long as Flare was shielding Twilight, she could cut loose a little. But this area…

She smirked and charged at the three, before flinging herself sideways and letting momentum carry her like a battering ram…

One that launched all four of them out of the window.

“Wow,” the ‘dead’ one said before walking over to the one that had been embedded into the crystal wall and trying to extract him. “Guess she really wasn’t overselling how bad this could be. Even as a job where we’re just testing someone.”

“Unless you start taking this seriously,” Twilight explained from behind the shield, rubbing her aching horn. “She’s going to chew you up and spit you out.”

“Oh, don’t worry, the other three are pretty good at close-combat,” he said before pulling his comrade out and laying him on the ground. “I doubt they’ll go down without a fight. If at all.”

Outside, Midnight spread her wings and took to the air as the three ponies fell towards the ground. She wasn’t even going to let them transform as she screeched and dove towards them…

Of course, panic can inspire ponies in all sorts of wonderful ways. By the time she’d caught up with one, the other two were midway through a transformation into their more airborne guises. The third was torn between fighting her and flying.

Midnight grabbed the third one and tussled with his as she spun and tossed him through another window. She wasn’t actually going to let them splatter on the ground. She then whipped around to face to two airborne ones. “Two down,” she smiled.

“Bring it,” they said again, both of them flying to be only slightly above her.

Now things could get tricky, they could fly and cast. It was like fighting little alicorns. Only cute little buggy ones…

Her eyes widened and she figured out how to win. She drew back her lips and screeched as she flew directly at one of them. They hadn’t been too disabled by the screech, seeing as how they were changelings underneath their disguises and had heard and used similar themselves, but her sudden charge took her victim off-balance. Whereas the other grew a horn and tried to blast her mid-flight.

She spun, the spell grazing her flank and scorching the armour covering it. She hissed a little, but still grabbed the changeling she was charging at. She smiled and then kissed him, pumping every ounce of love and lust she had into the hapless bug. He moaned a little as he was overwhelmed before lazily falling from the sky, no longer interested in fighting.

“And then there was one,” she giggled and wiped her lips. “Do you want a hug little bug~”

“I am not in the mood,” he retorted before firing another blast at her. She dodged again, though his aim was getting better.

“You seem a little frustrated,” she said. “If it helps, four changelings in five minutes is a personal best for me~”

“And we don’t fail our contracts,” the disguised drone said. “Never have.” Another blast charged…

Midnight moved to dodge, but the changeling anticipated it this time and turned his head. The beam struck her in the chest and the thestral screamed as she fell into the darkness below…

“Well,” he said. “Guess that just leaves the original contract to follow through on…”

“Permission granted. Activating Trace state.” There was movement next to him, before a thin cut appeared on his chitin…

“Holy hell!” the drone said, jumping back and touching it. “That stings, you-” He looked up as he saw the bat hovering a few feet above him. Her crimson eyes shining against the darkness. he could see her, hovering there like a silent wraith.

So why the fuck couldn’t he feel her. Just an empty, cold space where she should be…

“Oh bloody hell,” the drone whispered. “Those stories are true?”

“I am the sacred blade of my Princess…” Midnight’s voice came out and his chitin crawled, his instincts screaming at him to run. “Dirge… of Death!” She done at him, her dark blades humming with magical power…

The drone tried, he really did. Quick winking teleportation to avoid her blades could only take him so far, though. This…

This wasn’t something they’d prepared for.

He rounded a corner as Flare’s hoof came out and tagged him. “And you’re dead,” he smiled as he looked up. “Thanks Midnight.”

Her blade impacted the hall just a few scant inches short of the changeling’s head. Whatever magic coated her blade didn’t cut the crystal, it melted it…

“Huh? Aww, are we done already? I was just starting to cut loose a little,” she pouted, becoming the mare she was a few moments ago.

“You just took down the best the Lands had to offer in under twenty minutes,” the drone said. “We’ve taken out queens before. Yet even when we had your charge nearly dead to rights, you protected her. You two will be a formidable team for her protection.”

“Whoo!” Midnight cheered and kissed Flare on the cheek. “Thanks for the awesome shield-work by the way.”

“Well, I did learn everything I could from Captain Shining Armor,” Flare nodded.

“If we didn’t have to worry about her, I’m pretty sure we’d have worked our way through your shield soon,” he said. “Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to gather up my team before we have to limp back home.”

When they returned to Twilight’s bedroom, she’d gotten the other changelings sitting down at a table, drinking tea and eating cookies.

“Oh? You’re done already?” the princess asked. “Who won? Am I dead?”

“Sadly no,” the drone said. “Your duo of guards here bested us all. You should be proud of them.”

“I am,” Twilight smiled as she kissed Midnight and even offered Flare a kiss on the cheek, which had him turning redder than his mane. “I am very proud of my protectors.”

“Still, if this had been real…” Midnight shook her head. “Oh, you’d have been lucky it was us you fought.”

“We normally do things over a longer period of time, destabilize the queen’s grip on the surrounding Hive, get them paranoid and jumping at shadows, distrustful of their guard...but we were sort of rushed here,” the medic said. “Otherwise we would have played the long game for sure.”

“Middy’s got no patience for that,” Twilight giggled. “The moment she figured out something was wrong, it’d be you jumping at shadows.”

“This was quite fun though,” Flare said as he bit into a cookie. Sweet Celestia these were good. “Hmm, you know that the Crystal Guards and Canterlot Guards are looking at making some sort of Games for us to compete in. Maybe we could get some Changeling Guards in on it too?”

“That would require that the Hives be unified for longer than ten years at a time,” one of the drones said.

“And if they were, that would mean less work for us,” another said.

“Though, that Madame always knows exactly where to find the interesting jobs,” a third mused.

“Maybe you could try that slow and steady pace sometime?” Twilight said as she put her book back in the portal and turned it on. “Might be good in case a pony tries it.”

“Lemme guess, I’d have to stay out?” Midnight giggled.

“Probably,” Twilight said. “Though… I have a Ledger.”

“Ah well,” one drone said. “We technically didn’t fail, as we still tested your guardians. The fact that they bested us is commendable.”

“Though I’m sure they’ll count this as a win for them,” another said. “Also, thank you for not seriously hurting them.”

“S’all good,” Midnight nodded and bumped the last of the changeling’s she fought. “You okay there? I didn’t scare you too badly did I?”

“Oh, I’m surprised I didn’t shed my chitin out of sheer fright,” he said. “You could scare off any changeling with that skill.”

“I have… a couple of times,” she said, her tone only just holding back some sadness. “Ah well, That was fun none-the-less.”

Twilight gave a curious look to the one Midnight kissed. “Um, is he… okay?” she asked, pointing at him.

“He’ll be fine,” the medic said, waving her concerns off. “He’s just a little overcharged, once he processes all that he’s taken in, he’ll be even better.”

“And all he got was a little kiss,” Midnight smirked and licked her lips.

“Well, that’s one way to defeat the enemy I suppose,” Flare chuckled.

“I should have used my superpower…” Midnight started before her muzzle was silenced by magic.

“No!” Twilight almost yelled. “Absolutely not!!”

“We already got beaten,” one of the drones said. “I think it’s pretty definitive that you can keep her safe.”

“It’s not like we needed to bring back a story of a complete and utter humiliation,” another added.

“Mmmphhh!” Midnight wiggled and Twilight sighed before releasing her. “Phew, and hey, don’t beat yourselves up. You did well for not having a lot of intel. Shoulda posed as somepony and watched us train or something. Get a feel for what we could do.”

“Yeah, well, normally we play the long game,” one said. “We were told to do this quick, though. And now I’m regretting it.”

“Well, thank you for assisting,” Twilight said. “Would you like to stay the night? Get some rest before travelling home?”

“Only if you’re sure you’re comfortable with having a mercenary group in your home,” one of them said with a wicked smile.

“Did you guys happen to see the Everfree Forest on your way over?” Midnight asked as Twilight went to fetch the spare blankets. “Or more importantly, a section of it missing?”

“No…” they said as one. “Why?”

“Oh.” Midnight flashed her fangs as she looked towards the alicorn that had annihilated said part of the forest. “No reason.”

“All in favor of not asking?” one drone asked before they all raised a hoof.

“Aww, party poopers,” Midnight giggled. Twilight had raided enough pillows and blankets as Spike came back through the portal.

“Everything all cool now?” he asked.

“Yes, I’m fine,” Twilight giggled and nuzzled him. “Think you could whip us up some of your nachos?”

The dragon sighed and looked at the merc group. “Well, only because you asked nicely,” he smirked and walked off after giving Midnight a hug and Flare a brohoof.

“Okay, so now we’re all friends…” Midnight grinned and leaned over the table. “Got any wicked stories?”

“Only ones from when we all took various jobs,” the apparent leader, a Yellow, stated.

“Like the time we helped out the Yellow Hive from a bit of a problem with a never-ending infestation of Scorpios, or when we were hired to help work out a kidnapping,” a Red said.

“Though we had a lot of fun with the Madame,” the Blue of the group said.

“Oh?” Midnight smiled as her Lust permeated the room. “What kind of… fun~?”

“She always had the best jobs, though the ones she paid us well for, we can’t really talk about,” the medic of the group, an Orange, said.

“Shame, too,” the other Red said. “I mean, if others knew exactly how we took down the targets she assigned us, they’d prepare for us, and by extension, her.

“Aww, is that all?” Midnight pouted.

“Not everything involves bedsheets Midnight,” Twilight sighed as her portal rippled and Apple Cider bolted inside, hiding behind Twilight.

“Y’all gotta help me,” she panted. “Those blasted bugs. They're worse than a tomcat in heat!”

And then said bugs arrived, having chased the mare here.

“Boys,” Midnight addressed the mercs. “Meet my cuddlebugs.”

“Cider,” Ledger whined. “We just wanna play~”

“Then why do y’all got those hoofcuffs!?” she yelled back. “Ah got an alicorn and ah ain't afraid to use ‘er!”

“We can play with her next~” Ledger cooed. “Now just come a little closer, sweet mare…”

“Eat alicorn!!” Cider yelled and cranked Twilight’ s tail as the princess yelped and unleashed a barrage of stun bolts. Ledger yiped and fell back under the barrage, doing his best to shield himself.

Cider cackled… then everyone paused as an aura of death filled the room. One that may have lowered the temperature a few degrees.

“What. Are. You. Doing~” Midnight said in a frosty tone, her eyes gleaming crimson. Cider yelped and dropped the alicorn minigun as she cowered behind Ledger and Scope.

“Middy!” Ledger cooed before jumping at her and giving her a snuggle. “Wanna help us recruit the others for fun?”

The thestral vibrated with a low growl as she pointed at the mercs. “We have company. Could you make our family look at least somewhat normal?”

“I am so confused,” Flare said as he sipped his tea.

“So am I,” Ledger said as he looked at Midnight. “What’s ‘normal’? Is it something you eat?”

“...Did you hit your head or something?” Midnight questioned. Ledger was acting weird, like he did in the Crystal Empire…

She raised a wing and whapped him upside the head. The drone shook his head a few times as the cloud of pheromones stopped fogging his mind. “What…?” he asked.

“Y’all chased me halfway across Equestria!” Cider complained. “And that was after y’all had yer way with me a half dozen times!!”

The mercs and Flare all wore a fierce blush at that comment.

“I...I did that?” Ledger whispered.

“Ah believe yer words were ‘Ah’ll buck the apples out of you’... or somethin’ like that.”

Silence pervaded the room… until almost everypony burst out laughing.

“Scope, make a note. Until I’m used to pheromones again, you’re to use yours in lighter quantities.”

Scope just shrugged and looked at the five mercs. The now Blue Noble licked her lips. “So who's the fresh meat… uh, guests. Yes. That's totally what I meant.”

“...Is she in her season?” the Yellow asked, as all five drones subtly edged away from her.

“Eeyup,” Cider sighed. She looked at Flare and smiled sweetly. “And who's this handsome stallion?”

“Captain Flare Blitz.” Twilight smiled as both Flare and Midnight looked a little confused. “Well, Midnight’s pregnant, so I thought you could both share the position of Captain…”

“I'm… a Captain?” Midnight blinked.

“You’re a Captain?” Ledger echoed.

“Yes, they both are,” Twilight explained further. “I've read your file Captain Blitz. You're something of a night owl?”

“Perhaps a little,” the stallion nodded.

“Well, once Midnight returns to full duties, would you like to stay on as my Captain of the Night Guard?”

Flare’s eyes widened and he nodded.

“Excellent, so until then, you'll be sharing the position.”

“That’s not the only position I'd like to share…” Flare smiled at Midnight. Unfortunately for him, seven emotivores also resided in the room.

Two of whom were married to the mare he was flirting with, and started to growl a little at him…

“Hmm? Now what?” Midnight said and poked Ledger. “Do I have to smack you again?”

The drone merely pulled her close and chittered at the stallion in Changeish.

Flare blinked and looked away as Midnight rolled her eyes.

“He's a jealous sort,” she giggled. “Don't mind him Flarey.”

The unicorn nodded and decided that a late night exploration of the castle was in order. He excused himself and left on his ‘patrol’.

“Aww, you scared him away,” Midnight pouted.

Mine,” the drone chittered before nuzzling her.

“Such a foal,” Midnight giggled and nuzzled him. “Remind me again on whose idea it was to get a second stallion? Flarey is awfully cute.”

“Too late, married now,” Ledger said. “You all didn’t take me up on the offer then. You’re stuck with me now.”

“I suppose I can live with that,” Midnight nodded and looked at Scope. “So is cute little Scopey now big sexy Scopey?”

“Tryin’ to get pregnant,” Scope said as she munched on a cookie.

“Okay,” Midnight nodded.

“And we may be conducting a magical experiment,” Ledger said. “To help keep her stable.”

“Ohhh~” Twilight’s ears perked up at ‘magic’ and ‘experiment’. “Let me get a fresh scroll and you can give me all the details!”

“Maybe when we’re not in front of mixed company?” the drone suggested.

“Believe it or not, this is normal for us,” Midnight sighed and gulped down her tea. Her eyes shrank as her ears flattened against her head.

“Hooooooooot…” she rasped.

Ledger snickered a little before kissing his silly bat. “What are we going to do with you?”

She grabbed the small pitcher of milk and gulped it down, sighing as the ice-cold liquid soothed her burnt throat.

“Oh?” Twilight smiled and looked at the mercs. “Guess what Ledger, Midnight set a new personal best tonight.”

“Pfft, I bet you guys got fucked up so hard,” Scope snickered.

“We’d normally be the ones on the winning side,” the Yellow of the group said.

“This is the first mission we’ve failed,” one of the Reds added.

“Though even in failure, there is a measure of success,” the Blue finished.

“Oh? That you actually survived a fight with a Changeling Hunter?” Scope mused and licked her lips. “The Madame did tell you what Midnight is capable of yes?”

“She wanted to keep that a surprise,” the other Red said.

“Surprise,” Midnight giggled and booped the Red’s nose.

“Yeah, if we’d had more time to prepare, we would have been able to take care of Princess Twilight without any problems,” the Orange said.

“Excuses, excuses,” Scope sang. “All I see are five little drones pouting that they got beat by one sexy mare.”

“Flare helped too,” Midnight said.

“You’re just lucky we were only contracted to test your capabilities in a combat situation,” the Yellow said. “And only the once as well.”

Scope leaned in close and her smirk grew. “You do realise, that if my Mistress was serious, one chance is all you’d get. We’d not even be having this conversation if she thought Twilight’s life was really in danger.”

“Which is why we usually only try the once,” the Orange said. “It’s too much trouble to fail.”

“Well, all that aside, thank you for not killing me,” Twilight smiled as Cider shook her head. Conversations with this family never failed to get weird.

“Maybe you guys should come back sometime, I could teach you a few tricks~” Midnight giggled.

“Mistress, they do not need to know how five stallions can take one mare,” Scope groaned.

“So you want four clones now?” Ledger asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I could totally take ‘em,” Midnight smirked, before blinking. “Wait, what are we talking about?” She had the sneaking suspicion she was misunderstood.

“I’ve lost track,” Ledger admitted.

“Eh,” Scope shrugged and licked her lips again as she gave the five drones a half-lidded gaze. “Now, let’s see about putting these cute little drones to good use~”

“Scope,” Ledger said. “Down. We don’t need to terrorize them.”

“I don’t want to scare them,” she purred. “I just want to play for a little while~”

“What’s wrong with her?” Midnight said. Scopey was never this forward to anypony outside of their marriage.

“I dunno,” Ledger admitted. “I think she was lying when she said her season was sated.”

“Mine~” Scope chittered and leapt across the table, pouncing on Ledger. The drone fell back under the assault before kissing her.

“Something’s gotten into you, and it wasn’t me,” he observed.

“Not yet anyway~ Give me a second, I’ll fix that riiiight up~”

“If a Changeling’s season is like a pony’s,” Twilight said as Scope rubbed herself against Ledger. “She’ll be like this all week.”

“It should have stopped once I sated her,” the drone mused. “Changeling seasons typically do…”

“There’s a simple explanation fer that,” Cider smirked as she dangled an empty bottle from her hoof and pointed at Scope’s teacup. “Revenge is a dish served sexy.”

“...So you’re doing this just to mess with us?” the drone asked Scope.

“Mmm, I’ll make you mine~” she purred as Cider gave him a closer look at the bottle she’d spiked Scope’s tea with. ‘Heat in a Bottle’...

“Oh you little…” the drone said.

“Have fun~” the earth mare winked and smiled at him.

“Cidey…” Midnight frowned at her before smiling widely. “Good job!”

“She was insatiable before,” Ledger sighed. “We broke the furniture in both of our offices.”

“Oh wow,” Midnight said and looked at Scope. “Maybe I should take her off of your hooves then~”

“Help would be appreciated,” the drone said.

Midnight sat back and pondered her options. She shrugged and bid goodnight to the mercs, before taking Scope’s tail and dragging her out of the room…

“Glad that’s sorted,” Ledger sighed. “I’ll probably join her once I have a minute or two to recover.”

The Yellow drone snorted and shook his head. “Tonight has been… weird…”

“Welcome to our house,” Ledger said.

Oh, they were going to have some interesting words with Madame Silver when they got home. That was for sure.

Until then?

Might as well enjoy tea with the Princess.

Author's Note:

In which a bat cuts loose in more ways than one.

Apologies for this one being later than usual, the site was being...weird.

Like the story? Consider dropping Aus and me a dollar on my Patreon. It really does help.

Half of the money will not go to the valley of stardew.

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