• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter Fourteen - This issue won't stop bugging me.

Midnight Song hummed happily as she practically skipped towards Fredricks restaurant. Over the last day, she’d put a plan in motion and was about to reap the fruits of her... admittedly minimal labour. She’d put a lot of thought into what Princess Luna had said to her the other night, and the more she thought about it, the more it could work out for everypony.

She’d sent messengers to both Level Ledger and Apple Cider, requesting a private lunch that they weren’t allowed to refuse. Neither knew the other was going to be there, so a few fireworks were to be expected.

Ledger wouldn’t make a scene at Fred’s, so it was the venue of choice. And Apple Cider seemed like a reasonable mare. The door’s bell gave a familiar chime as she walked in, her mind consumed with thoughts on what she was going to say and how she’d handle it.

“Hello ma’am,” an unfamiliar pegasus greeted Midnight. “Booth for one?”

“Awah?” Midnight was so lost in thought, the pegasus startled her. “Sweet Luna!... uh, no, I need one for three actually.”

“Booth or table?” the pegasus asked with only a hint of a smile as he pulled three menus out from behind the podium that his employer was normally stationed at.

“Private booth please,” Midnight nodded. “I’ll place our orders now, as we want to be disturbed as little as possible.”

“Very well,” the stallion said as he put the menus back and pulled out a pad of paper and a pencil. “What would you like to order?”

“Hmm, I’ll take a mango parfait and the caesar salad. A rigatoni with clam sauce and this apple salad and sparkling cider. Also, a coffee with three sugars and a jug of chilled water please?”

The pegasus wrote it all down as fast as he dared, and kept scribbling for a minute longer once Midnight was done ordering. Giving it a quick double-check, the orange-coated pony nodded and looked up to the thestral mare. “Mango parfait, caesar salad. Rigatoni with clam sauce, apple salad, sparkling cider. One coffee, three sugars, and a jug of water. All of that sound correct, ma’am?”

“Correct, top marks!” she smiled. “Also, you new here? I’ve never seen you before.”

“Yes, the boss thought I should try my skills at greeting the customers...and he’s also busy making a loaf of bread at the moment,” the stallion said with a nod. “I’ll pass this on to the kitchen once we get you seated in the private room. Once your party joins you, we’ll begin work on those dishes.”

“That would be wonderful,” Midnight replied as she hoofed over the bits for the meal, as well as a generous tip for the Pegasus.

“This way, ma’am,” the stallion said as he began to lead the mare to what turned out to be a very fine dining room. The sole table sat in the middle with a pristine white tablecloth on it. There were a few candlesticks placed strategically around the circular platform, and four chairs sat around it. With a bit of maneuvering, one was removed and put up against one wall, while the other two were pushed into roughly equidistant positions around the table.

“And would the lady prefer to have the window open or closed?” the stallion asked, gesturing to the fixture on one wall.

“Closed please,” Midnight replied. This was a pretty romantic setup, not what she’d planned, but it could work. “This is a nice room,” she said and winked at the stallion. “I’d almost say you were trying to impress me~”

“The Boss is the one that gets the most use out of this room,” the stallion said with a roll of his eyes, before snickering. “Though he does offer it to us if we ever need a place to bring a ‘hot date’ as he calls it.” The pegasus shut and drew the curtains over the window before walking to one wall and knocking on it with his hoof. “Soundproofed too, so that you can be assured of privacy...and some days, that’s all that saves our ears or sanity.”

“I suddenly feel like taking a shower,” Midnight said, looking at the table with a questionable expression. “Well, no matter. My guests are a Unicorn stallion named Level Ledger, and an Earth Pony mare named Apple Cider. Please show them here once they arrive.”

“Will do ma’am, and in case you were wondering, not only are the table and chairs of sturdy make, but they’ve been enchanted to be very difficult to break,” With that, the stallion left the batpony to her musings as he left the room, the door being pulled shut with a soft click.

“Good to know, prolly shouldn’t have told me that though...” Now she wondered if Fredrick had brought Narrow here and... Oh Celestia, she did not need to picture that!!

“Dammit Fredrick!” she shouted as she took a seat. “Okay, so... I guess I wait?”

Yeah, Midnight hated waiting…

It was about five minutes before the first guest arrived, Level showing up with a bemused expression on his face. “Dare I ask why you reserved Fredrick’s private room?” the unicorn asked his roommate slash lover slash marefriend…

Some days even he was confused what they were to each other.

“You’ll see soon enough,” Midnight replied. She had been about sixty seconds away from climbing the walls.


After he’d taken his seat, the door opened again as Apple Cider was led into the room. “Well, ah’m here like y’all asked Miss...Midnight...?” She paused as she saw Ledger sitting there and her heart skipped a beat. “Uh...”

“Sneaky Midnight,” Ledger mock-chastised her. “You got us both in the same room as you.”

“Wasn’t hard,” Midnight shrugged. “The both of you are surprisingly gullible.”

“Ah feel like ah should take offense to that,” Cider deadpanned as she sat down. “So uh, why did y’all want us here?”

“Don’t look at me,” Ledger said as he looked at Midnight. “I have some idea, but I’m not the conductor today.”

“What, a pony can’t have lunch with her coltfriend and his mistress?” Midnight shrugged as she folded a napkin.

Ledger shot a look at Apple Cider at that statement. “I was unaware you were okay with...that situation,” he said aloud.

“So was I,” Cider replied. She was getting a little nervous now, eyeing Midnight’s sharp fangs and gleaming eyes. She gulped audibly as she put a hoof to the side of her neck.

Midnight caught that and sighed. “Oh for the love of- I’m not going to drink your blood!” She tossed her napkin and frowned. “And for the record, I am not okay with the fact that you lied about it. I want you to be able to trust me Ledger. Let me ask you this. Do you feel like you made a mistake, either of you?”

“I...felt bad about it at the time, and I felt bad about lying about it to you, but that was because I didn’t know how you would take it,” Ledger said, tapping his forehooves together. “You know our...values don’t exactly align, and we hadn’t had that talk yet.”

“Well, ah did feel bad that Ledger might have been a little tipsy,” Cider said. “But he seemed to be in his right mind, and he never mentioned that he had a marefriend-”

“Good enough,” Midnight said, cutting her off. “But I have a more important question. “What do the two of you feel now. And I want total honesty. I swear, on my honour as a Guard to Princess Celestia, that I will not get mad about your answer. I just want to know how you two feel about each other now.”

“Well,” Ledger started. “She’s a nice mare, she’s got a level head on her shoulders, she’s a great business partner, and,” here Ledger blushed before looking away and muttering something about their romp together under his breath.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t quite catch that,” Song said smugly.

Ledger sighed and looked at Midnight before repeating himself a little louder. “She could teach you a few things about ‘muscle control,’” the unicorn said.

Midnight just blinked, looking at a profusely blushing Cider and a rather abashed Ledger. Now, stop and think. You said you wouldn’t get mad. You said you wouldn’t get mad. You said you wouldn’t get mad.... I’m going to bucking-!!!

She took a deep breath and smiled sweetly, even as she radiated a dark aura. “I see, thank you for that information Level Ledger.”

Rule One of a relationship. If a mare uses your full name. You are fucking bucked!

“So, how about you Miss Cider? I’d like to hear your opinions.”

“I ah, I feel like ah really shouldn’t...” She shot a look to Ledger. “Especially since he don’t have all that long ta live...”

“Nonsense,” Midnight smiled a-little-too-widely. “Level Ledger will be just fine!”

“...Something tells me to make sure my will is up-to-date, and to make sure Scope doesn’t see the sorts of things you’re going to put me through,” Ledger deadpanned.

Midnight waved a hoof, she’d show him ‘muscle control’ later. “Well Miss Cider? Your thoughts?”

“Uh, well, ah think Level is a fine stallion. He’s kind, considerate, if not a little shy and awkward. He tended to blush and stammer a lot... and has a weird obsession fer sugar...”

Midnight would forget Ledger’s punishment. Apple Cider wasn’t pulling her punches.

“Ta be honest, ah wasn’t lookin’ fer anything permanent... but ah guess, it wouldn’t be so bad.” She blushed as she hid her face behind her napkin. “At least... at least ah wouldn’t have ta wake up alone everyday...”

Midnight was stunned. Again!

“Dear Luna, she’s bucking adorable,” she whispered. “I no longer blame Ledger. I wanna hug you so bad right now...”

“Still, what is the point?” Ledger asked, an eyebrow raised. “Apparently we still think of each other as ‘acceptable enough’, but as long as we’re dating…” Ledger pointed a hoof between himself and Midnight. “Then…”

“Well,” Midnight hummed, having wormed her way around the table as she was running a hoof through Cider’s mane, playing with one of her braids. “I may have a... solution.”

“Ah knew it, this is mah last meal isn’t it?” Cider moaned.

“Cider. Seriously. Those books? BURN THEM!” Midnight replied.

“To be fair, not many who aren’t very well-read know about Thestrals or the facts around them,” Ledger pointed out. “I only know as much as I do because I’ve read through so many libraries.” Hopefully Cider wouldn’t ask where those libraries were...

“So uh, whut’s this ‘solution’ of yours?” Cider asked, wishing to change the subject, especially with those fangs so close to her neck.

“Well...” Midnight hummed. “It’s a little thing a friend of mine told me about.” She moved back to her seat as she recalled that night. “Oh man that kiss was so hot....”

“...Midnight, we’re not psychic,” Ledger deadpanned. “We can’t read your mind to determine the solution you were given...and at times, I doubt I would look in your head even if I could.”

Midnight snapped back to reality and pouted. “Okay, one. That’s mean, and two... Cider? How do you feel about mares?”

“Mares?” she repeated. “Uh, I’m going to hafta ask about the context.”

“Would you buck a mare?” Midnight stated with all the subtlety of a brick to the head.

“Yer assuming ah haven’t already?” Cider smirked, before blushing. “Ah, well... you know. Ah experimented... a few times...”

“...I am not sure where this conversation is going anymore,” Ledger admitted, thoroughly lost.

“That’s cause you’re cute,” Midnight patted his head. “And I’m being all mysterious and enigmatic.”

“Ah think yer jus’ dragging out the main event, but that’s just me,” Cider shrugged.

“Cute, sexy and sassy?” Midnight gasped. “Oh, she is good.”

“Out with it Midnight, or I might just go get lunch elsewhere,” Ledger mock-threatened. Midnight pouted as she folded her arms.

“Fine. We form a herd. There. Happy?” Her moment was totally ruined now. Ledger blinked a few times as he tilted his head to one side, apparently trying to wrap his head around the idea...and failing.

“A-A whut?” Cider asked, equally as confused.

Midnight sighed as she unfolded her legs. “It’s simple, you,” she pointed at Ledger. “You,” moving to Cider. “And me, in a relationship. Together. We all date one another.”

Ledger blinked a few more times before shaking his head. “I’m sorry, I must have misheard. You said something about sharing me, and my brain just shut down.”

“Ah have to agree,” Cider nodded. “This uh, this was not whut ah was expectin’.”

“When I first heard... hehheh, ‘herd’... about it. I didn’t believe it either, but my source knows better than anypony. There hasn’t been one in a long time... but it’s a solution yeah? Cider gets all the company she wants. Ledger gets all the love he could ever need and I get... well, I guess the one I care about is happy so...”

Ledger pulled Midnight over to himself with his magic and gave her a hug, kissing at her ears while he did. “I love you so much,” he muttered. “Did I fail to mention that?” The unicorn rested his head atop Midnight’s and looked at Cider while he made the next observation. “Company for Cider, healthy female company for me...And I’m certain you have a few ideas as to what you could wring out of us beyond cooking and cuddles.”

Midnight didn’t hear that last part, she was too busy drowning out the sound of her heart pounding in her ears as she blushed. “You-You said... you love me?” Even Cider gushed at the adorable display.

“Yup, and I’ll say it as many times as I need to for it to sink in,” Ledger agreed with only a slight nod. “But a problem comes to mind...she’ll need to be fully read in, Midnight.”

“And that’s the real problem,” Midnight sighed, her elated mood deflating. She looked at Cider and her expression turned serious. “So, Apple Cider? What do you think of this idea?”

“Well,” Cider admitted. “It’s unconventional, that’s fer sure.” She fiddled with her napkin as she looked at the two. “Ah mean, ah don’t want to come between you two. Yer awful cute together and ah feel like a third wheel...”

“That’s the point,” Midnight said. “This is about all of us. Like I said. Together. Nopony gets ignored, nopony is considered ‘in the way’.”

Cider hummed quietly. She never expected this, and if she said yes... “W-Well what about the contract that Ledger and ah have? Wouldn’t that be a problem if ah started dating him?”

“Others might assume that, yes,” Ledger said with a smile. “But I am perfectly capable of separating business and pleasure, public and private. You won’t be able to use sex or our dates as negotiation tools, and your contract is no better or worse than anypony else’s. Our business lives should have no impact on our love lives unless we let them.”

Cider blushed, “L-Like ah’d use that as something like that!” she stammered. “Ah ain’t that kind of mare mister!”

“Fantastic!” Ledger said with a smile. “So with that out of the way, there are only a few issues that come to mind. One is...that, and the other is our food being so late.”

As if summoned by magic, there was a resounding knock on the door. That was all the warning they got before a unicorn started pushing a cart into the room, stocked with all their food that Midnight had ordered.

“I sometimes wonder if you manipulate fate on purpose,” Midnight said as the waiter levitated their food onto the table. Ledger sniffed and let go of Midnight from his hug so that she could eat her own food while he looked at his.

“Oooh, Fred’s rigatoni,” Ledger said while salivating. “You know me so well.”

“I do try,” Midnight replied as she drooled over her parfait. No, she was saving that for dessert... but, mmmm... mangoes~

“This looks nice,” Cider agreed, nibbling at her own salad. “Mm, really crisp and fresh... and... are these my apples?”

“You are the best supplier in the city,” Ledger pointed out as he sipped at the coffee Midnight had ordered. “I think Fredrick was most upset by the hiccup in service.”

“Indeed he was,” the unicorn said as he began leading the cart out. “In his words, ‘no ingredients, no food! I can’t cook with air!’”

“Tell him he’s not trying hard enough then,” Midnight giggled. Ledger and the other unicorn joined in with the giggling as the door softly closed shut once more as their server left. With that, the soundproofing sealed the inhabitants of the room from all outside influence again.

“So, what do you say Cider?” Midnight asked between bites. “Do you think it could work?”

“Well...” Apple Cider blushed lightly as she ate. “Ah guess so... but, is this really an okay solution? Ah mean, if ah hadn't seduced Level in the first place...”

“I gave in,” Ledger pointed out between bites. “I could have walked away. And really, you being all alone on that farm? I’m sure you’re a big, strong mare...but I’m also sure there was a reason I ended up in that bed beyond my weakness.”

“So this is fate then?” Cider asked. “Ah ain’t real big on believing in that. Life is what you make of it.”

“Then make something of it,” Ledger said with a smile. “Do you want me, us, in your life, do you want to join us in ours...or do you want to go to bed alone again?”

“Ah, ah dunno if ah can decide on something like this right away,” Cider replied. “This is a pretty big decision after all...”

Midnight would respond, but she was tongue-deep in parfait.

“Will you at least agree to join Midnight in dating me properly?” Ledger asked as he took another sip of coffee. “I find you to be a nice mare, and I could do with more nice mares in my life.”

“Why is that?” Cider asked as she sipped her cider. “Y’all mentioned love before, and Midnight said y’all had a... certain way of being raised. Ah need to know if ah’m gettin’ into anything weird.”

“I was raised in an area that didn’t value stallions...or colts,” Ledger said as he took another bite of his food. “As a result, some terrible things happened to me not long ago. Thanks to Midnight, I’m recovering quite a bit, though...there’s always going to be a mark of what happened.”

“My life was kind of the opposite,” Midnight said. “In the Thestral lands...” she paused, realising that she’d never told any suitors of hers this before... heck, aside from her parents and Celestia, nopony knew. “A stallion’s rule is absolute. A mare must be obedient at all times. She cooks, cleans and... provides services to her stallion and whomever he deems fit...” She paused and frowned, realising that the parfait glass she was holding had shattered in her tight grip, causing small cuts on her hoof…

Ledger reached over with one hoof and rubbed her hoof gently as his magic checked to make sure there was no glass lodged in the wounds. “So we’re two broken souls,” he explained to Apple Cider, “Mirror images of each other. We could do with a healthy influence...if you wouldn’t mind being that influence, so much the better.”

“Ah... ah dunno if ah could do something like that,” she said quietly. “Ah’m just a simple farmer... nothing special or the like.”

“And that’s what we need,” Midnight said. “Normal, simple... We tried to make this work, but there’s just... too much to deal with on our own.” Midnight didn’t want to say it, she didn’t want to admit to the stallion that she’d almost run away that night he’d confessed to her.

Apple Cider sat there, unable to figure out how to respond. She was a working mare, she was alone, because her farm work didn’t allow the luxury of company. “Ah wouldn’t be there all that often,” she said. “Mah work takes up a lot of time. You... you shouldn’t waste your time on a mare like me.”

Ledger paused in his eating, got up from his chair, and walked over to Apple Cider’s place. He stared at her for a moment before drawing the Earth Pony into a hug like the one he’d given Midnight.

“Wha? Why is everypony huggin’ me!?” she exclaimed.

“Seems we’re just a big pile of sadsacks,” Midnight chuckled, using her napkin to sweep up the broken glass. She’d have to pay Fredrick back for that. “Well, that’s my idea. You don’t have to agree and you can take all the time you need to give us an answer...” she gave a wink and smiled. “Just don’t keep us waiting too long.”

“W-Well,” Cider said, surprised Midnight wasn’t saying anything about Ledger hugging and nuzzling her. “Ah guess... we could go on a date or two... test the waters so to speak.”

“Would this one count, then?” Ledger mused before letting go of Cider and walking back to his plate, in order to polish off the pasta.

“Nah, this is just a hello and to see how easily I can manipulate you both,” Midnight chuckled. “Though, I suppose you can call it a date if you want. I won’t stop you.”

“The next question I suppose we should ask is, when do we tell her?” Ledger asked aloud. “Sooner is probably better, but if she reacts so strongly to you, Celestia only knows how she’ll react to…”

“Tell me what?” Cider asked, her hearing was surprisingly astute.

“Well,” Midnight asked. “Remember when I said that Levvy and I have... cultural differences?”

“Ah believe so,” Cider snarked back.

“Well, it’s just, he doesn’t know pony society all that well.”

Apple Cider snorted and sipped her drink. “Y’all’d think he’s a changeling or something, with all this talk of love and not knowing and...” her eyes widened. “Why ain’t y’all saying anything...?”

Ledger smirked, closed his eyes, popped the last bit of pasta into his mouth, and opened his now-slitted eyes as he muttered his approval around his meal.

“Ah, Level? Y’all... got a little something in yer eyesssaaandohmahCelestia! Yer a Changeling!?!”

Ledger nodded as he swallowed the last bit of his meal. “I suppose a few things make more sense in retrospect, don’t they?” he dryly questioned the mare. “By the way, your panic fills me with so much hope,” he deadpanned.

“Well ah’m sorry but you’re a CHANGELING!” she stated, backing away from the table. Midnight nodded and patted his head again.

“He always has been Cider, and it’s something you’d likely find out sooner or later. Are you okay?”

Cider didn’t respond... due to the fact that she’d fainted.

“Peachy...” Midnight muttered. Ledger shrugged and shifted his eyes back.

“You paid for the room, and until we leave, I know Fredrick won’t sell it to another. So we can wait for her to wake up. Though…” Here Ledger picked up the jug of water, a wicked smile on his muzzle.

“Level Ledger, that would be cruel and unusual,” Midnight said. “It’s alright, I have a technique for waking a fainted pony up. Was taught it by my old mentor.” She hopped off of her chair and trotted over to Cider. Standing over the fallen mare, she placed a hoof against her chest to check her breathing, before moving her onto her back and tilting her head back to clear her airways. Midnight took a deep breath and placed her lips against Ciders…

A sharp rap came from the door and Fredrick peeked his beak in. “Hello, just checking to see if you needed or wanted anything...else…” At this point, he joined Level in the ‘staring at two mares making-out’, before recalling his professionalism, smirking, and closing the door. So, they wanted the room for that, eh? Fine, he’d leave them be for another hour...

Gonna. Kill. That bird. Midnight frowned as Cider’s eyes fluttered open, and blushed upon seeing the Thestral locking lips with her.

Midnight pulled back and smiled. “Well now, welcome back to the waking world,’ she beamed. “You okay there Cider?”

“Uhh, what... happened?” Midnight helped her to her hooves and the earth pony rubbed her head. “Ah remember talking... and then...”

“You fainted when we said that Levvy was a Changeling,” Midnight replied, catching Cider as she fell again. “Oh no you don’t, stay awake missy!”

“But, he’s a... what?” Cider shook her head. “Is that why ah’m feelin’ weak. Are y’all stealing my love?”

“He’s not, and you wouldn’t feel like that even if he was,” Midnight sighed, not letting Ledger answer that one. “I... I’ve had bad experiences with them in the past. I was at that wedding you know. I almost... they almost...” Well okay, Ledger didn’t need to know that particular detail. “But they’re not all bad. You’ve seen how adorably awkward he is. Trust me, he’s really like that.”

“Mmhmm,” Ledger said, killing the coffee and smiling. “If you want to learn more about changelings, I’m an open book...as long as you don’t go spouting off the fact that there are changelings around.” He pointed a hoof at Cider. “Your reaction? Tame. Others might not be. I’d rather not be run out of my home because of what I am.”

Fact. Apple Cider was still alive. So that was a plus. Fact, she was certain she was stronger, so she could bail out of the window. Fact, he was pretty adorkable. Fact... uhh... she could distract him with sugar and a bright light?

“W-Well, all things considered... this is probably less weird than Miss Midnights idea?”

“Now consider she’s asking us to combine those ideas,” Level said with a smirk. “It’s just all sorts of weird, I’m surprised fainting was all you did.”

“Oooh, no, ah am freaking out right now. Ah jus’ freak out on the inside.”

“Says the mare who thinks I’m a sparkly vampony...” Midnight muttered.

“Can-Can I see it?” she asked hesitantly. “You know, whut ya really look like.”

“Only if you promise not to tell,” Level teased as he sat back in his chair. “You don’t want to know your other options if you don’t make the promise.”

“Cross mah heart, hope ta’ fly, stick a cupcake in mah eye,” she said, doing some odd motions. When Ledger and Midnight just stared blankly at her she shrugged. “What? It’s somethin’ mah cousin taught me.”

“Fair enough,” Ledger laughed as his horn lit up with a soft silver glow. Soon, all of his form followed, and his disguise melted away. The noble silver drone sat in Level’s place smirking amusedly at Apple Cider. Mentally, Ledger began counting the seconds until Midnight tackled him. One, two...

“He’s... shiny?” Cider said as she stared at him. There was a blurred motion as something shot past her and tackled the changeling to the ground, giving him a deep kiss.

“And... that’s a thing... apparently,” Cider replied. Ledger eventually broke the kiss and shifted the mare to his back, so that she could hug him while he talked.

“I do not know why she finds my natural form so cuddable, but there you have it,” Ledger said.

“He’s a big, squishy buggy!” Midnight explained her reasoning. “What’s not to love?”

“Well ah, this is.. gonna take some gettin’ used to,” Cider said. Ledger could sense her nervousness, but it wasn’t as strong as before. Bits of curiousness and... anticipation? were mixed in as well.

“So, does that mean?” Midnight asked, squeezing the life from Ledger.

“Ah guess... Ah’ll still give it a try. Ah won’t tell anypony, and y’all can’t tell mah family. Especially cousin Applejack!”

“I bet Fritter’d be cool with it,” Midnight replied as her hug tightened. “She’s surprisingly open to new things.”

Ledger tapped Midnight with one hoof before pointing at his neck. He kind of needed to breathe...

“Ahh, whoops?” Midnight let go as he sucked in a lungfull of air.

“And how do you know ‘bout Fritter?” Cider asked.

“Ahh... lucky guess?” Midnight replied, looking at the ceiling.

“Don’t ask,” Ledger clarified for the mare. “So…” Here he looked at Apple Cider, then at Midnight, before sighing. “Midnight, I enjoy cuddles as much as the next pony, but I think if you get off, miss Cider here might be more open to examining her local changeling.” Too much weird in one spot made ponies skittish, and to Cider, Thestrals were clearly odd. Throw in a changeling and she probably wouldn’t get within ten feet.

He nearly jumped out of his chitin when Cider pressed a hoof against his side. “Huh... he really is kinda squishy.”

“See!” Midnight resumed her hugging. “He’s really warm and makes a great bedwarmer~”

“...Well color me surprised,” Level said as he lay there, letting Cider examine him. “As far as I can tell, my chitin becomes hard only in fight-or-flight mode, something about the adrenaline being a factor for change and to help with my survival. And of course if it gets damaged it can’t change back.”

“Huh? Well, ya learn sumthin’ everyday,” Cider replied as she poked him some more. “Ah wonder...”

“Yes, he really is that big in this form, it’s not just a disguise,” Midnight purred as her tail brushed against his inner thigh.

“Oooh, ah was wonderin’ about that,” Cider giggled.

“Father was a Violet, mother was a noble, it was going to happen,” Ledger grumbled, but smirked. “And you two seem to like it, so I guess there’s a reason for it.”

“Like it? Ah was walking funny fer three days!” Cider said as she looked at him. “Ya’ll know how hard it is to stomp grapes like that?”

Midnight giggled at the mental picture, then blinked. “Hey! You’re okay with Ledger being a love-sucking bug, but I’m a scary vampony? What the hay Cider!?”

“Oooh, I could totally become a Thestral,” Ledger mused. “Really freak her out.”

“Ya’ll do that, and grapes won’t be th’ only thing ah stomp on,” she said. “Ah don’t really know anything about changeling’s other that what ponies have said and whut ah read in th’ paper...”

“I will bucking murder that author...” Midnight growled.

“Yes, well, I propose a game tonight,” Ledger said, smirking at Midnight. “One we got through the other day, but with a twist. Maybe it’ll help ease our new friend into who and what we are?”

“That might work,” Midnight nodded. “So, sleepover at Cider’s then?”

Cider hummed at that thought. “Well, ah guess that’d be okay. Ah have a lot of work to do, so in a few days then. Give me some time to think things over. This is crazy weird...”

“From every perspective,” Ledger agreed. “To me, our meeting was fun and nutritious, and now if everything works out, it’ll be a regular thing...Never expected this. But I’m not saying no, either.” With a small, quick burst of magic, Ledger drew Cider in for a kiss. A deep one.

“Yeep!” her panic flared up and she scrambled back, pushing the changeling off of her. “Whoa nelly! Too much!”

Ledger tried to give her puppy-dog eyes and a pouting lip, to emphasize how sorry he was, both for doing it and for the fact that she didn’t continue it. The effect was somewhat ruined by his natural form.

“Ehhh,” she sighed as she calmed down. “Jus... don’t do that without askin’. Geez...” she stepped forward and after a moment's hesitation, kissed him on the cheek. “Jus’... lemme get used to this first.”

“Aw, and Midnight misses out again,” the Thestral pouted. “Maybe Fredrick will love me?”

“I’d kiss you too if you were somewhere other than my back,” Ledger said as he slowly drew Cider in for a soft hug. “See, I’m not a big scary monster. I just look like one,” he softly whispered.

“Yer first impression sucks,” Cider giggled, wrestling to get her nerves under control. “Look, ah said I was okay with it... just, foal steps...”

“You buck him, now you can’t even hug him?” Midnight giggled. “Ponies are weird.”

“Ah didn’t know he was a Changeling,” Cider responded. Thought it was a little silly when put in that context.

“Well, he was, still is...” Midnight replied, hopping off of his back. “And I’m still behind in score. Maybe I should go and see if Fredrick can put his bits where his beak is?”

Ledger smirked and slowly drew Midnight close before adding her to the hug-pile, making a Cider sandwich out of the situation. Letting her get used to the idea, Ledger leaned over and gave Midnight a kiss while running one calming hoof down Cider’s spine.

“Ah suppose ah could get used to this...” Cider replied, leaning into the hug... until Midnight’s fangs accidentally brushed up against her neck, causing her to yelp and jump back.

“...Seriously?” Midnight sighed. Ledger shifted Midnight to his side, while drawing Cider close again and hugging her, before whispering in her ear.

I’ve got fangs too, but I swear to you, the only thing either of us use them for is fruit,” he told the Earth Pony, letting one graze through her fur afterwards to punctuate his statement. Apple Cider shuddered, feeling the pointy object brush up against her.

“W-w-well ah know you don’t, y’all eat love right?” Cider stammered. Midnight just shook her head and sighed. Well, at least she had something to tease the adorable mare with. When she wasn’t teasing Scopey....


“I totally forgot about Scopey!” she shouted.

“She’s probably fine,” Ledger dismissed. “But if you wanna go get her, I’ll entertain our friend until she’s satisfied I’m not a monster.”

“The only monstrous thing here is Little Ledger,” Midnight deadpanned. “And you aren’t ‘entertaining’ her again without me. Got that!?”

“Yes’m!” Ledger gave off a mock-salute at that order.

“Look, I gotta save Scopey from that den of sin. Just... urgh, fine, but I reserve the right to keep your little ‘secret’ until I can show her personally.” Midnight pouted.

“It’s alright,” Cider said, glancing at a clock. “Ah gotta head back to the farm anyhow. Cider don’t make itself after all.”

“Fine,” Ledger said as he re-donned his disguise. “Oh, I think I found the last part...except for the crop. We got the glass the other day, and a contact helped me find a company that makes magical temperature regulators. So you can get the greenhouse all set up, and I can answer more of your questions while delivering them.”

“Sounds good,” Cider nodded. She was excited to get this greenhouse up and running. If she could, she’d be the first Apple farmer to farm Crystal Berries.

Midnight nodded and gave Ledger and Cider a quick kiss. After grinning, she darted from the room.

“Hang on Scopey! Momma’s coming!” But as she flew out, a thought occurred and she poked her head into the kitchen. “Oh Fredrick~”

The griffon turned to her as he took two loaves of what could roughly be called bread from the oven. It may not have looked like it, but sweet Celestia, it smelled wonderful~

“Yes?” the griffon asked, tilting his head at the batpony. “Was your service inadequate, miss Midnight?”

“Perfect, ‘cept I accidently broke a glass...” she placed some bits on the countertop. “Also, can you assist in some petty revenge on Ledger?”

“There had better be a good reason as to why you wish for me to betray his trust,” Fredrick threatened. Level had helped him with some of his more simple and delicious dishes, and was a regular customer who tipped very well. Plus, the knowledge of pony anatomy he had shared...had helped Fredrick with more than a few mares.

“It’s harmless, and you should ask Ledger about it, he’ll be happy to explain,” she said.

“I make no promises except to listen for the time being,” Fredrick said as he put the bits for a replacement glass away.

“It’s simple really,” Midnight said, her eyes taking a ‘come-hither’ look. “All you have to do is stand perfectly still~”

Fredrick blinked and started to get a little flustered from the attention the mare was suddenly paying him. “Are...you not with Ledger anymore? Is that why you are looking at me like a particularly ripe mango?”

“Mmm, now there’s a nice mental image to have,” Midnight purred, before her lips locked with his beak, her long and very skilled tongue dancing in his mouth. She hummed with a sultry tone, like she was tasting the most delicious meal.

Fredrick didn’t give more than a cursory amount of attention back, as she hadn’t actually answered one way or the other regarding his question. His honor demanded that he know more before getting more involved!

Suddenly, half a restaurant away, Ledger felt the increase in lust radiating off of Midnight...and his body reacted, poking Apple Cider in the back with a very familiar friend. The mare squeaked and looked back at him.

“Ah didn’t even do anything,” she mused with a raised eyebrow.

“Midnight did,” Ledger grumbled. “The fact that that mare hasn’t got a swarm of Violets dogging her every move is a miracle.”

In the kitchen, Midnight pulled back, a little miffed at the lack of reaction. “Well geez, I didn’t think I was that bad...”

“You didn’t answer my question, miss Midnight,” Fredrick pointed out. “And I do not get involved with taken mares.”

Midnight sighed, “Long story short. Ledger got a little tipsy and kissed another mare. Now we may or may not be starting a rather unusual three-way relationship. She’s a little skittish around me and I wanted to even the score. Apparently I can’t even do that right...”

“Pity you tried to seduce a male with honor,” Fredrick winked. “And I teach my waitstaff the same way. You’ll find no ‘easy lays’ here, miss Midnight. Though, I will say, A for technique with the kissing. The only other thestral I bedded was not nearly so skilled.”

“It was a simple kiss Fredrick,” Midnight replied with a dry tone. “And the last you’ll ever get now. I’m off to save my daughter from further corruption. Have fun with the new and improved Narrow by the way...” She turned and left the kitchen, giving that perfect flank of hers a little shake as she did.

Fredrick paused for a moment as a shiver went down his spine. He knew the temperature unit wasn’t on the fritz, so what caused it?

Ledger hummed a wordless tune as he pulled the cart with the last few materials to Apple Cider’s farm. It had been a good day, getting the last of these materials. The glass was a part of the shipping contract: he bought some for himself, and some one-way stuff for the Love Shack, for whatever they wanted it for. The temperature unit had been a lucky find that Fredrick had put him on to when the griffon was questioned about where he got his. And the cart was a company one, enchanted to make all loads lighter so that anypony could pull it.

Ledger nodded at the farmhooves at work in the fields as he walked up to the door of Apple Cider’s home. Stopping a fair distance away and unhooking himself, the unicorn knocked on her front door a few times after closing the distance again.

The door opened to a surprisingly clean kitchen, with Cider in a frilly apron as she scrubbed the benchtop.

“Hey Mr. Ledger,” she said, waving with a free hoof. Ledger chuckled as he stepped into the house, taking note of her efforts to clean.

“I come bearing gifts,” he said, pointing out the front door at the cart. “The glass and industrial-grade unit for temperature control, as promised.”

“Oooh~” Cider dashed outside to inspect the equipment. She looked the temperature unit. “Is this... Griffon made?”

“Yup,” Ledger agreed as he stepped back out to watch her inspect the things he’d brought. “They don’t have unicorns, so they had to come up with some way of keeping things cold in summer and hot in winter without as much magic on-call. This thing only needs a little bit fed into it every now and then to keep it running, along with routine maintenance if something breaks or wears out. I even have a warranty for that,” he said, pulling a folded document from one of his saddlebags.

“Ah, was jus’ gonna ask ya about that,” Cider said, taking the document from him and giving it a once over. “Alright, this all seems to check out.” Inside, a clock chimed, making her ear flick. “Hmm...” She walked over to her porch and raised a hoof, pulling on a short rope. She gave it a few sharp tugs, causing a bell to ring loudly as she called out in a bellowing voice.


All was silent for a moment, before a veritable stampede of hooves rushed towards the house. A dozen thirsty and hungry ponies had been waiting for this as Cider wheeled out a cart, laden with sandwiches and bottles of juice and water. Once the feeding of the masses was complete, she returned to Ledger.

“Whew, sorry about that. Now where were we?”

Ledger smirked and hitched himself back up to the cart holding the glass and machine with his magic. “I believe you were about to lead me to where you want this,” the unicorn observed.

“Ah!” she beckoned for him to follow and led him to the site where she was constructing her greenhouse. It was massive, roughly about a half-kilometer long and about a hundred metres wide. Once it was up and running, she could fit a few hundred berry trees inside easily.

“This is it, mah most ambitious project and hopefully one of mah most profitable.” She opened the door, leading the stallion inside and helping him unhitch from the cart. “It should be fine to leave here fer the moment. Ah’ll move it to a storeroom later.”

“Just remember to return the cart,” Ledger reminded the mare. “And if this all pans out, this venture will pay for itself within the first month. After which, we can just watch the bits roll in. I still need to schedule a trip up to the Empire to get your crop, but that’s the only thing left to do.”

“Yup, mah greenhouse should be finished in about a week or so, provided some of mah kin can give me a hoof.” She’d sent a letter to Fritter and some folks in Appleloosa, she knew Applejack would be too busy. “So... been busy?” she asked awkwardly, memories of lunch still fresh in her mind.

“Bleh,” Level said, sticking his tongue out. “Running Pegasus Air is such a drag. Not only do we have to cut deals that don’t gouge the other party, but we need to make sure we get enough profit as well. It’s a fine line we tread, and our reputation doesn’t help us. Fortunately, I’m trying to wipe it out by being helpful, but some days it’s…” Here the stallion heaved a sigh.

“Fortunately,” he said after a moment of silence, “Assuming all the deals we currently have hold, then we’ll finally be operating at a profit. Which is good, I was running on funds skimmed from Toll Taker for the past week and a half. I could have stretched it to a full month, but…” here the stallion gestured around them with one hoof at the parts of the greenhouse.

“Oh?” Cider said, her mood deflating. “Ah didn’t mean to run ya so ragged...” While this was a venture she could have done herself, it would have taken over a year to get everything sorted. Ledger accomplished eighty percent of the work in a week. “Ah didn’t mean to be such a bother.”

“Nonsense, I decided to help you because I saw a great opportunity!” Ledger said. “After all, locally-grown Crystal Berry Wine. I still haven’t drunk the bottle you gave me, it’s still so rare.” He drew himself a little closer to the mare, only a little. It was best to sneak up to hugs with Cider, he’d determined. “I tried to run the numbers on the profit we’d earn.” He paused for a beat to let that sink in. “Tried.”

“Ain’t yer math all that good?” she asked. As he tried to hug, the oblivious mare stepped forward to look at the unit again, causing him to stumble and fall. She turned back to him with a worried expression. “You know, if yer that tired, y’all can take a nap in the house.”

“Nah, I’m fine, and you’re not hearing me,” Ledger said, snickering as he picked himself up. “I tried to run the numbers on the profit we’d earn. I failed miserably. With the amount of nightclubs that would stock the wine if they could on the Strip alone, we’d make back our investment selling them each one crate. Granted, that comes out to like fifty, sixty crates. My point stands though. There is a huge market for this, and you’re about to be the only supplier.”

“Which means ah gotta be extra careful on how quiet this is kept,” Cider said. “Ah ain’t the only wine maker in Las Pegasus, and everypony else will do anything if it means gettin’ their rotten hooves on a rare commodity.” She’d had theft in the past, apples, grapes and even some livestock had been made off with. “So there’s gonna be extra costs with security and the like. Plus Crystal berries take a long time to grow. Unless I can get a few mature trees, and pray to the gods that it takes to the transfer, it’ll be a full year before ah can even harvest them.”

“Hmm,” Ledger said as he flicked his ears. “It might be a good idea for you to come with me when the time comes...I’d rather not be swindled when buying the trees, and you’d be better able to tell which would survive the trip and transfer and which wouldn’t.”

“Well, it’s still a gamble on the tree surviving, the changes in temperature, soil conditions and even things like pest management and the type of water...” She could fix it easily by transferring some soil from the trees home, and a temperature controlled train carriage... but the costs would be beyond outrageous.

“I actually think we might be overthinking this, come to think of it,” Ledger pointed out. “Yes, the Empire is located in the frozen north...but under a weather spell. They might get some more extremes, true, but I think the trees will manage pretty well. We’ll probably just have to watch them on the trip over.”

“Yeah, still doesn’t hurt to be prepared,” Cider said as they headed back towards the house. “Now that ah think about it more, ah would like to go with y’all, learn some farming techniques firsthoof.” The farmhooves had returned to their job by now, having used Cider’s absence to slack a little.

“So uh, I’ve put a little thought into... you know, that.”

Ledger merely raised an eyebrow and gestured for the mare to continue with a hoof. She nodded and took a breath.

“Well, ah guess... we could try and make it work. But uh, can ah ask a selfish favour?”

“I make no promises on being able to fulfill it, but I’ll listen,” Ledger replied, now curious.

“W-Well, do you think you could... remain, like that?” she said, gesturing towards his disguised self. “At least until ah get used to this a little more.”

“Aw, and I was totally going to show up in the middle of the night like my normal self, just to freak you out,” Ledger said with no small amount of sarcasm. “Well there goes that plan…”

“Y-Yer kidding... right?” Cider took a step back. “Y’all can’t do that! It’ll scare the apples outta me!”

“Yes, I was joking,” Ledger replied with an eye-roll. “The only place I go around like that is back at the apartment. If you want to see me like that, I’m going to take your comfort into account first and foremost.”

“Thanks,” Cider said. Honestly, she had started to expect that Changelings would just start walking the streets. “Oh, can ah also ask you something else?”

“Too many more questions and I’ll ask you to hold it in until we next meet,” Ledger smirked. “Midnight and I planned to just sit around like our normal selves and let you ask all the questions you’d want and get comfortable with us. Worked wonders to get her used to me. But yes, ask your question.”

“O-Okay,” she blushed as she looked around, expecting something to jump out at her as she leaned in close. “If... If I get bitten by Midnight... will I turn into a vampony?” She was way too scared to ask Midnight this question.

Ledger blinked, slowly, before giving her a deadpan look. “Be thankful we’re not inside right now, or I would be burning your bookshelf,” he said. “No, she can’t turn you into a vampony. As far as I know, they don’t exist. Never met one.” Ledger got a wicked grin then as he leaned in to whisper the next part. “Now, changelings, on the other hoof…”

Cider took a step back, remembering that he grazed her with his fangs before. She suddenly felt very itchy, as she checked her coat, wondering if it would turn into chitin. “Am... am I gonna turn?”

With a quick darting motion, the unicorn invaded Cider’s personal space, used a hoof to turn her head, and caught her in a kiss and a hug. She squeaked and it took a mere moment for her to realise he was kidding, only distracting her for some literal face-time.

While she wasn’t going to admit she enjoyed the kiss, or that she was kissing him back. Once he took a step back, she blushed fiercely and scowled at him.

“GAH! You-You ass!”

“Guilty as charged,” Ledger admitted, snickering. “Anyways, no, neither of us could ‘turn’ you. Apparently, though, changelings make for delightful cuddle-partners. Ponies are just addicted to hugging them.” Ledger licked his lips at the taste of the kiss, before winking at Cider. “And believe you me, Midnight is talented with that tongue of hers. Very talented.”

“You just wanna see two mares make out, pervert,” Cider continued to blush as she gave him a playful shove, a shove that buried him in a six-foot trench. “Uh, whoops?”

“I’m okay!” Ledger said as he shakily got up from the ground, shaking more than a little dirt off of himself. “But...I might need to use your shower before going back to work.”

He found a tail wrapped around his hoof, dragging him towards the house. “Well,” Cider sighed. “Ah guess ah got no choice but to help you get clean this time...”

Ledger waited until they were inside, with a tightly shut door, before informing his hostess of a key fact of his biology. “It’d be a lot easier to clean this if I were to, um, revert,” he told the mare. “No hair to get in the way, the dirt would just slip right off with a little water.”

Apple Cider looked at him, before she walked over to the sink and grabbed a washcloth and tossed it to him. “Well then Mr. Ledger, I’ll just go and take a shower, by myself then.” and with that, left the dusty Changeling alone in the kitchen.

Ledger grumbled for all of ten seconds before deciding to follow the mare upstairs. He waited outside the bathroom for the water to be running before he snuck up behind Cider and caught her in a hug.

“Then again,” he whispered into her ear in his imitation of ‘husky’, “There are benefits to...keeping up appearances."

Author's Note:

Some days I forget to push the buttons.

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