• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 39 - The Life and Times of Characters on the side

Las Pegasus was slowly getting back to normal. The ponies were recovering and a new problem had emerged.

Some had remembered that a rather large group of changelings had been in the city. While most passed it off as a trick of the mind, created by the near-comatose state that Tirek had left them in, some were convinced that they had been invaded.

And they for one welcomed their buggy overlords.

They had cared for them, repaired their city, and now a large group of ponies... not changelings, but flesh and blood ponies stood outside the City Hall, holding signs about welcoming the shapeshifters and stopping the prejudice surrounding them.

“Seems you’re in a tough spot,” Narrow hummed as she stood in the office, well, standing was an overrated term. Her broken hind leg didn’t allow that, and she was forced to use a wheeled apparatus for the time being.

Fredrick had not let up on the jokes. She contemplated breaking his beak.

“You think?” the mayor replied, holding his head in his hooves. “My own family is in that crowd, and what happens if I agree with them? If I allow Changelings inside our city and they invade us like Canterlot!?”

“Well, it appears that they're already in the city, if the stories are to be believed,” Narrow replied. “And if, and that’s a big if, they decide to invade, then the Guard are here. And it seems that princess Twilight has a new power that dwarfs even the Elements of Harmony. They’d be absolutely suicidal to try anything hostile.”

“There was also that PR stunt with that Secret-Hoarder,” the Guard continued to inform the mayor. “He still lives in this city you know. Why don’t you ask him for help?”

“This is my city, and I’ll be damned if I turn to an outsider for help,” the mayor snapped, but a glare from Narrow quickly wound him back down. “So...what if we go with this?”

“Well, think about it,” Narrow smiled. “Imagine if you went proactive on this? Beating even Canterlot to making peace with the Changeling race. If this works out for you, and I’ll do all I can to see that it runs smoothly, you could ensure your place in office for years!”

“Remind me again, why you’re a Guard and not my assistant?” the mayor chuckled. “But perhaps this Secret-Hoarder could be of some help...”

“Perhaps, but I have it on good authority that he’s not in town right now,” Narrow said tersely. She’d tried to ask both Sugar and Amy about it, but both mares were being stupidly vague about his whereabouts, and the latter was far less chipper than usual.

At that particular moment, there was a knocking at the door, and a silver-coated unicorn with a black mane and blue eyes opened the door and walked in without asking if he could.

“Pardon me, mayor, but I seem to have misplaced the latest census and tax records,” the stallion said as he floated a few bits of paperwork in front of himself, not paying attention to the other inhabitants of the room. “Would you happen to have a copy I could copy for the records?”

The mayor sighed and put his head in his hooves. “Honestly Lengthy Scroll? That census won’t be worth a damn if this goes through. We’ll have a whole new species to add to it, plus a shift in names for tax and insurance purposes...” And only a small portion of the city was in agreement with this. Some were on the fence and the rest voted quite vocally against it.

The stallion paused as he put his work to one side, to stare at the mayor. “Have I missed something again? I seem to be doing that a lot when I bury myself in my work.”

“Just discussing on whether we should accept Changelings into the city,” Narrow explained calmly. Honestly, she had so many painkillers in her right now... “Seems there’s quite a call for it, as a lot of ponies are convinced that a large group of the bugs helped us out after the whole Tirek thing.” She glanced at her leg and smiled. “I happen to agree with them, the mayor... not so much?”

“It’s not about if I agree or not!” the mayor snapped. “It’s about plunging the whole damned city into chaos.”

“Careful with that, we don’t need a repeat visitor,” the unicorn warned, before turning to the other stallion in the room. “And let me ask you a small question, mayor. Why wouldn’t they seek your survival and betterment?”

“Yes, there’s also the feelings of the Changelings themselves,” the mayor groaned. “I need to speak with them, or perhaps the one that leads them if I can. I need both sides to this blasted story.”

“Well, I happen to be in the know, mister mayor, and I can put out a small word for you in the right circles. I do hope you’re prepared to meet the ‘queen of the strip,’ though you will want to watch your image,” the unicorn stallion said with a small smile. “I can put my work on hold to watch this take place.”

“It’s hardly the time for your jokes Scroll,” the mayor sighed. “This would be a lot easier if one of them just came forward. Do they want this as well?”

“Why wouldn’t they?” the stallion questioned bluntly. “They’re parasites. What happens to a parasite that pisses off its host?” With that, the supposed pony turned and began to leave. “I’ll put in a good word for you, sir. You’ve always treated me well.”

The mayor just gaped as Narrow chuckled slightly. They really were the ones in charge around here huh? The mayor’s assistant ran in, as Scroll left.

“Perhaps you should prepare for an arrival in the near future?” Narrow laughed as she followed Scroll. She had a few words for the ‘Queen of the Strip’ herself.

“Ah Captain,” the stallion said as his ears flicked back to track her position. A squeaky wheel made that rather easy. “Are you certain you should be leaving the poor mayor to his stew all alone?”

“He’ll be fine, and his assistant needs to plan on spinning this in a positive light.” She looked the old stallion over and nodded. “And here I was under the assumption that Secret was the only Silver around.”

“Hardly,” the stallion said as he began to make for one of the side-exits. “Though he’s a fine example, he’s not the only one. You’ll usually find us in positions like this. Less conspicuous this way. If we all went for being librarians, we’d have an easy life, true. But if one and two of us were unmasked…”

“Well, if this plays out, perhaps that won’t be a problem anymore?” Narrow replied as she fell into step next to him. “Now, let’s go find that sweet little queen hm?”

At Sweet Scoops ice-cream parlor, Amy gave a practised smile as she fed another happy foal her delicious treats. It had been two days now...and yet, she just couldn’t seem to find the motivation to be..well, to be her.

“Is something the matter Miss Amy?” one filly asked, looking up at her from the other side of the counter. “You look sad.”

“It’s nothing you need to worry about,” the mare said as she rubbed at the filly’s mane with a hoof, tousling it with only a hint of her usual playfulness. Nobody had written back...nobody had come back...She didn’t know anything about her Acey…

Under her disguise, her colors started to dull again. Her eyes seemed to dim as well.

The filly looked at her and took a step back. “Um, well...try and get better Miss Amy,” she said nervously, turning and running away.

“Well would you look at that,” a voice said from behind her. From inside the parlor. “Even a foal can tell you aren’t smiling.”

The Griffon stepped forward, wrapping his arms around the mare’s neck from behind. “So little lady, will you smile for me?”

“Acey!” the mare all but shouted as she pulled him close and hugged him. “This...isn’t a dream, right? You’re really here?” Even with those concerns, she made no move to let go.

“Ah, well that cracked rib feels real,” he winced. His body had numerous bandages and he seemed to have acquired a few new scars on his forelimbs and chest. “But, I can also see how my dazzling looks are like a dream.”

“I’m sorry for hurting you,” the pegasus said...still not letting go. “But everything’s just been so...cold and lonely without you. I think I was more afraid of losing you than anything else.”

Okay, mental note time. Never, ever tell this mare that Discord turned him into a chicken and that he was chased around the city by a group of cats.

“Look little lady,” Ace said, cupping her cheek with a talon. “I have a very dangerous job...there is always the chance that I won’t come back. But as long as I know that you’ll be here waiting... then there is no way I can lose. Okay?”

“...For now,” the mare said as she looked up at him, her colors brightening a touch. “But you’d better believe that I’m not happy with the idea, mister,” she said sternly. She’d rarely raised her voice to him. The first time being when he tried to replace one of her pink appliances. The second time being during the whole missing comforter incident...and she eventually apologized for that. This marked the third time.

“Yes, I am quite aware that you must be mad,” Ace chuckled. “But you should see the other guy eh?” Said guy was now locked in a prison in the place he was banished to. He held the mare close, his embrace was not releasing anytime soon.

“...So I know this is probably going to sound a little selfish,” the mare said after basking in the moment. “But did you save my scarf?”

The Griffon sighed, before a pink scarf wrapped itself around the mare’s neck, linking the two together. “I did indeed... kept me quite safe my love.”

“Yay~” the mare said before leaning in and putting a peck on the griffon’s beak. “Mmm...I hope you’re in the mood to help me, because I’m not letting you go for a second. And I still have half a day left. Me and the foals need all the cheer we can get.”

A chorus of giggles caught their attention as a group of foals peered in through the window.

“Amy and Acey, sitting in a tree~” one filly sang.

“K I S S I N G~!” another finished.

Amy hadn’t been caught-off guard, though, and instead joined in. “What, you’re not going to finish it?” She complained. “First comes love…” the pink mare led.

The Griffon smiled as he leaned in close, and the nymph suddenly had a small, rose quartz hoof ring held in front of her.

“Then comes marriage,” he said softly.

The mare gawped at the stone, looking between it at the griffon. “Acey...is this...are you…” She was no longer making coherent sentences, she was so overwhelmed.

“You heard the song Miss Amy!” one filly called out. “I think he wants ta marry you!”

“The foals are quite astute these days,” Ace smiled as he nodded. “And she is quite correct. Amethyst Cream? Will you do me the honor of becoming my beloved?”

The mare actually vibrated, like the time he’d given her coffee. Only worse. Her smile was wider than should be medically possible, and her eyes practically sparkled with light. Beneath her disguise? Not a trace of black remained. She was back to normal.

“Miss Amy!” that little filly whispered loudly. “You’re s’pposed to say yes!”

“YES!” the mare shouted before giving him a passionate kiss. One that foals should probably not be seeing. Once they broke it for air, she was back to being just hyper. “Yes, yes, a thousand times yes.” Gently, minding his injuries, the mare hugged him and basked in his joy. “Yes I will marry you, my big lug.”

“Hmm, so I’ll take that as a yes then?” he chuckled. “And I think the kids could use a treat, they’ve been quite patient with us until now.”

Amy sighed and let go of Ace before taking her position up behind the counter. “For being such good sports, because I’m in such a good mood, and to make up for my behavior...one free large cone for everypony!” the mare said as she pulled out her scoops. The crowd cheered as they lined up while Ace gave a smirk and several foals saw and giggled. He snuck up behind the mare and finished the song from earlier.

“Then comes a foal in a baby carriage,” he sung softly into her ear. Amy, somehow, blushed through her pink fur...and used one of her scoops to lightly swat at the griffon.

“Bad birdy, there are foals present!” she scolded him.

“Mr. Ace?” one filly asked. “A stork is like a big birdy yeah?”

“Yeeeees?” Ace replied slowly, not sure where this was going.

“Well, you’re a big birdy too, will you bring Miss Amy a baby?” she replied, completely serious. Amy blushed again before looking at Ace.

“Tonight you’re fine. Not quite that mean, to kick you out of bed when you just got back,” she said. “But tomorrow? Couch.” The proclamation was final.

“Well, I guess not for a while,” Ace chuckled as he looked at the filly. He sank back to the floor and sighed. Gods he was tired, but that had been totally worth it. “Well, maybe if you asked Mrs. Amy nicely~”

“...Maybe one day, when the city’s calm again,” the disguised nymph said, referring to the current issue about ponies wanting to know about and thank the changelings in their midst. “But until then you have a cone to order little filly!”

“Chocolate!” the filly replied. “And Imma tell my Momma all about this! Miss Amy’s gettin’ married! So. AWESOME!”

“We’ve got a lot of planning to do until that day comes,” the pink pegasus said before hoofing the filly her cone. “Take care little one!”

“Yuppers,” the filly giggled and ran off, the treat in her magical grip. Ace smiled as well. Today was good day.

Narrow and Scroll finally reached the club owned by the Violet nymphs. It was quite strange, seeing it so empty when they walked/wheeled in. But, the pony poplace weren’t really up for partying just yet.

Narrow got a mischievous look in her eyes and opened her mouth. “Guard inspection!” she hollered. “Will any Changelings step forward!”

“That was quite mean,” Scroll observed as there was the sound of panic coming from the back room. “You might just scare them all away.”

“Give them a minute,” Narrow giggled. One was bound to recognise her voice in a moment.

Indeed, the panic died suddenly, and a familiar mare with violet eyes slowly made herself known to the duo standing in the entryway. “Captain?” she asked.

“Hello Sugar,” Narrow nodded. “Sorry about the scare, I blame Midnight. She’s a bad influence.”

“Or a good one, depending on where you’re standing,” the mare said as she quickly calmed herself down now that she knew the situation. “Do you have any idea how long we worked on Ledger, trying to get him to open up just a touch to us? And then this thestral comes in and manages it as though she were trained for this sort of thing.”

“I won’t pretend to understand her,” Narrow said as she tried to adjust the idiotic device she was harnessed to. “She just does what she does and it all seems to work out for her...and this blasted thing is grating my final nerve!!”

Scroll walked over and gently tapped a lever on the side of the chair with his hoof. The height adjusted just so and the mare gave an appreciated sigh.

“Thank you, but I swear to Celestia that I am burning this thing when I can walk again. If Fredrick makes one more wheel joke, then he is getting this harness right up his a-”

“So is there a reason you came here today?” Sugar interrupted as she waved a hoof around. “We might as well be closed, with all the business we’re not getting.”

“Yes, well...” Narrow coughed and shook her head. “I’d like you to meet with the mayor. We have something important to discuss.”

“Does it have something to do with the small demonstration my mares have told me about?” the disguised nymph said with a raised eyebrow. “Because I can tell you now, had we known you might even slightly remember the events, we would have disguised ourselves when interacting with ponies.”

“Well, it seems that some do remember,” Narrow nodded as she drew closer and suddenly pulled the violet nymph into a one-armed hug. “And I know that I have you to thank for saving me. Thank you.”

The nymph in disguise was taken aback for a moment, before she gently returned the hug. “It was nothing less or more than we would do for anypony else,” she said. “But...about this whole meeting thing. What and when?”

“Whenever you like, but the mayor is having a mild panic attack about it, so I’d not leave it too long.” Narrow settled back down onto two legs and sighed. The nymph hummed before shrugging.

“I assume I’m to remain like this until we...hammer out the details?” she purred.

“Oh Hives,” Scroll said as he rolled his eyes. “I’d nearly forgotten what dealing with a Violet was like.”

“And she’s fully aware that I’m taken,” Narrow sighed as she mimicked Scroll’s gesture. “Well, I guess she has a thing for older gentlestallions then?”

“Stallions, mares, I’m the nymph with the looks,” the violet nymph said before striking a pose that would give normal stallions a case of weak knees while their blood flow was...redirected. Most mares would find themselves in similar situations with a suddenly moist floor, such was Sugar’s prowess with being attractive. She raised one foreleg off the ground slightly and tossed her head, letting her mane bounce. Just as it stopped, she flicked her tail to continue the motion and draw attention to her finely-shaped flank. A gaze that at least smoldered as she watched the pair react to her display topped it all off.

Scroll reacted as most any normal stallion would: with a thick gulp as he tried to get himself under control. Keyword: tried.

As for Narrow? She just rolled her eyes and snorted derisively.

"Are you done?" she deadpanned. She was with Fredrick, so she'd built up quite the resistance to this sort of thing.

Plus mares did nothing for her. Though she did at least make mental notes for moves to try on the bird once she could walk under her own power again. If Scroll’s reaction was anything to go by, it might be something even Fredrick would respond to.

“Mm, for now,” Sugar said as she re-took a normal pose. “Very well. Lead on to the mayor then. I hope he’ll find our conversation most enlightening.”

"You’re plotting something devious aren’t you?" Narrow sighed as she slowly turned and headed back towards the mayor's office.

“Would little me do something like that?” the nymph asked innocently as she followed along behind the inconvenienced mare and the disguised drone.

"Yes," Narrow replied without missing a beat.

"I concur," Scroll nodded.

“You two are no fun at all,” Sugar pouted. Then a spark of mischief crossed her face. “The mayor...doesn’t know about the color scheme, does he?”

"No...why?" Narrow responded. The squeak of her wheels made her an interesting combination of adorable and nerve-gratingly annoying.

“Oh, nothing~” the nymph replied with a smile. “Oh, we are going to have so much fun educating the ponies~”

"He's married, don't make me arrest you for indecency in a public building," Narrow groaned. There were not enough painkillers in Equestria for this. Sugar merely giggled as the trio continued their trek.

“We have our work cut out for us,” Scroll observed. “Introducing the violet leader to your political head.”

"As long as she doesn't offer to give him head, we should be fine," Narrow replied. She gave a sharp wince as the drugs she was on started to wear off. The dull ache in her leg increasing somewhat.

“In deference to your wishes, I’ll abstain from making any offers to him of that nature,” Sugar said, pausing long enough to let that sink in. Scroll opened his mouth to comment on the fact that a Violet had said that...and then she picked up the thought again.

“That being said, if he asks, I’ll not turn him down, dears.” The nymph giggled a little. “Lust is lust after all, and it’s all good to me~”

"This. Bucking. City..." Narrow groaned, both from her words and the unicorns sore leg. "Let's just get this over with..."

“If you insist,” the nymph said with another giggle, the three of them coming up on the side-entrance that Scroll typically used to enter and exit City Hall. The disguised drone opened the door with a soft application of magic and stood to one side, to allow the mares entrance first.

Narrow entered first, followed by Sugar. And once they reached the mayor’s office, they caught the tail end of a conversation.

"Well, how about a positive slogan?" his assistant offered. "Changelings, they love our love, so lets love 'em?"

"...Yeah no." The mayor denied. "Let's just meet this queen of theirs and pray she's nothing like Chrysalis."

“Oh dear,” Sugar purred as she walked in, putting out her practiced move on the mayor and his assistant. “I’m only called that. No queens here, they’re all back south looking after things. I’m sure you recognize me and know why I’m called that now.”

"Oh! You're-" the mayor caught himself and reiterated. "Well, you own a club I believe. One I most certainly have not been to."

The other four ponies were hardly convinced.

"Riiiiight, well, moving on." Narrow nodded her head. "Mayor? You requested a meeting with their kind. We deliver."

“S-So you're a..." the mayor suddenly found his throat going dry. The mare grinned and lit up her horn with a violet light, consuming her body with similar-colored flames. In an instant, the violet nymph was revealed to the mayor and his assistant.

“Lady Pleasant-Dreams of the Violets,” she introduced herself with a theatrical bow. “I believe you wanted to meet with one of us?”

"I...yes," the mayor nodded as his assistant cowered under the desk. "So it's true, there really are changelings in my city..."

“Have been for some time,” the nymph nodded. “We prefer to hide because of reactions like that one.” One hoof pointed at the desk and the pony beneath it. “When do you think your friend will realize we’re emotivores and can sense a pony through such things as a desk?”

The mare in question squeaked and jumped, banging her head on the desk and letting out a string of curses.

"Yes, well... High Strung's antics aside, I suppose I have a few questions for and about you and your kind." Props to the mayor, he was keeping his composure like a boss!

“Mmm,” the nymph hummed as she took her seat and posed in it, awaiting the first question...or a particularly skilled painter to come by and try to paint a very provocative portrait. Either was possible with the way she was sitting. “Fire away,” she breathed out at the mayor.

“Y-Yes..well," the mayor gulped as he tugged at the collar of his sweater. "Well... I guess I should ask... why? Why did you decide to drop your facades and help us?"

“Two answers to that,” the nymph said. “We had to drop our masks because we feared drawing Tirek’s eye again. Unlike a pony...a Changeling doesn’t take too well to magical draining.” She faked a swoon in her chair to get the idea across.

"I see, well let me thank you on behalf of the citizens of our fair city."

Said the stallion that had his eyes glued to that curvaceous flank of hers....

“Thank you, but the second answer to your question,” Sugar said as she sat back upright. “Is simple enough: we couldn’t just let you be. Not only do we need you to live...it would just be wrong to turn our backs on you in your hour of need.”

So that answered that. If this... mare? was telling the truth, then the changelings saw ponies as more than a food source.

And if the shoe was on the other hoof? Would they have done the same?

The answer caused the stallion to furrow his brow.

"Well," he finally spoke. "What do you think about this Miss Pleasant-Dreams? About your kind being accepted here in this city?"

“Dear, that would be marvelous,” she said in a tone that was half-sultry, half-excited. However, her tone and expression dropped with a sigh as she looked towards the where the front of the building was. “But we both know that those ponies out front aren’t nearly enough for us changelings to consider such a thing as possible. Granted, the fact that they aren’t an angry mob is a good thing, but there’s not nearly enough of them.”

"Hmm, you do have a good point," the stallion muttered. If this lovely mare was in charge, he could guarantee that the stallions in the least would agree.

"I-I-I have...an i-idea," High Strung stammered from under the desk.

“Oh?” Sugar asked as she looked at the mare under the desk. “Do come out dear, I don’t bite...unless you ask me to of course.” The nymph had gone sultry again for the latter half of her sentence.

Narrow just facehooved while the mayor gulped loudly. This mare's voice was like silk dipped in honey and High suddenly yelped and bolted from her hiding place when he started to get affected.

"W-Well," she said, blushing profusely and scrubbing that memory from her brain. "What about a small number of you then? Get the populace used to the idea and introduce more over time?"

"That... actually sounds workable," Narrow blinked. Sugar hummed at the idea before nodding.

“I’ll get in contact with the other colors, see if I can’t wrangle up a few reds and blues for such a thing. I doubt too many mares will be happy if I or any other violets start popping up.”

"Well, until our intrepid heroes return," Narrow nodded. "You, and maybe Scroll here would be good candidates. Amy would be another."

“True, ponies don’t seem to mind pinks when they show up.” The violet nymph chuckled at the idea. “I’ll see if she’s willing to partake. Though, if me or any of my workers show up, I doubt whatever you have planned will remain foal-friendly.”

"Well, you'll just have to be on your best behaviour," Narrow smiled quite readily. "Or I'll show you how hoofcuffs are supposed to be used."

“Telling me you intend to tie me up doesn’t exactly dissuade me, Captain,” the nymph purred. “And this is my best behavior. Or me being as good as I can be outside of a bedroom.”

"Maybe a night alone in a cold cell will cool those fiery flanks of yours?" Narrow grinned back.

"Are...they flirting?" The mayor asked Scroll quietly. "I can't tell."

“Pleasant-Dreams is a Violet, this is what she does. Word is that Captain Narrow is seeing Fredrick, this is what he does, and it seems to have rubbed off on her,” the disguised drone explained. “...It’ll be interesting seeing which of them breaks this off first.”

"I've broken even the hardest stallions Darling!" Narrow continued. "You'd last barely a day under me!"

“Breaking them in is all well and good,” the violet said as she looked at the mayor and licked her lips. Slowly. “But the real test...is making them want it.”

Narrow blinked and snorted again. “Hmm, I don’t think we’re talking about the same thing anymore.”

“If this comedy routine is done,” Scroll sighed. “Can we please get back to business?”

“Oh fine,” Sugar pouted. “So, when do you want me and for what?” Boy, she’d said those words before...

The two stallions looked at one another, and it didn’t take a genius to figure out was was running through their heads.

“Urgh, stallions,” Narrow sighed. “Fine, you want out of the limelight then so be it. But I still think that Amy should be on the team, and I think that Scope Lens would also be a good choice. Except she’s MIA at the moment as well.”

“We have a few reds and blues hanging out in the local PD,” the nymph said with a smirk. Let her stew about whether or not they were in the Guard as well on her own. “And to be clear, I don’t have a problem with the limelight. I just don’t think foals should be around when I’m in it~”

“Which is why Amy will be a good counterbalance,” Narrow replied. The other three ponies were now utterly ignored as the two mares made plans. “Especially if I ask her to keep you from being too naughty.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that~” the nymph sang as she looked at one of her hooves. “Her griffonfriend returned not too long ago.”

“Ace is back?” Narrow sighed. “Great, guess I’ll have to make sure my property damage claims are still valid... and my paperwork monkey/barista is out of town...”

“And he’ll keep the pink in a naughty frame of mind for a little while,” the nymph grinned. “So, good luck with that plan of yours.”

Narrow sighed again and turned. “You know what? My leg hurts like a bitch and I am done here. She’s all your problem now mayor. Good luck with that.”

“Wai-wha?” the mayor blinked as the Captain wheeled herself out of his office and towards home. She needed a freaking nap. Sugar turned back to the stallion of the room and grinned, her fangs shining.

“Oh goodie, I have you all to myself now…”

“Celestia save me,” the mayor gulped.

Narrow nudged the door of her apartment open and sighed. Home sweet home...


She looked at the harness she was wearing and sighed. Her apartment was too small to wheel around in without a lot of effort...and the straps were beginning to chafe.

“Oh this is gonna hurt,” she muttered as she unhitched herself, slowly lowering her good leg down so she could balance on three legs.

Except that her legs had fallen asleep, being raised like that for so long and she fell, landing right on her broken limb.

And her apartment wasn’t as lucky as Ledger’s old one. No soundproofing meant that any neighbours that were lucky enough to be home were introduced to a chorus of new swears, curses and death threats against her leg’s family and friends.

“Fucking...ow,” she muttered as she lay on her side in the middle of her living room. “This freaking sucks...”

And then there was a knocking at the door.

“Of. Bucking. Course.” Narrow sighed. “Who is it?’ she called out.

“I believe you once called me your ‘feathery bed-warmer,’” Fredrick’s voice came from beyond the door. Narrow blushed, did he seriously just say that from out in the hallway.

“Oh great, tell all of Equestria why don’t you?” she muttered. “It’s open, I’m a little...inconvenienced right now...”

“That’s part of the reason why I’m here,” Fredrick’s voice replied as the door opened and shut, the sound of his talons and claws clicking as he walked over to her form. “It wasn’t too hard to follow a wheeled pony home once I was informed of your condition,” he observed before his form came into view.

Narrow looked up at him from her spot on the floor. To Fredrick, there was an exhausted-looking Unicorn laying on her side, and it was obvious she had just injured herself even further.

“I swear, if you make one more joke,” she said, clearly not fussed too much about her position. Though, she hated looking so weak in front of him...she just couldn’t do a damn thing about it right now.

“I was merely going to offer my home to you again,” the griffon said as he gently took a hold of her leg that had been put in a cast and tried to ease it into facing the right direction for maximum healing.

“Yeah, except the only way in is up a flight of stairs,” Narrow replied, sighing softly as the pressure on her leg was released. “So unless you’re up for carrying me everywhere, I’ll need to stick to the building with the elevator.”

“While I would not mind the idea, your point has merit,” he said with a sigh. “I guess I can look after you while you recover.”

She couldn’t make him do that, not after he sounded so disappointed at the thought.

“No, you’re far too busy with your restaurant,” she replied. Her disappointment was rather thinly veiled also. While she hated being incapacitated like this, the thought of him looking after her was...enticing. “Don’t worry. I’m a grown mare, this is just a scratch. I’m fine.”

“And if I informed you that my second-in-command is being tested as to how well he can run my restaurant between check-ins?” the Griffon asked as he leaned down to gently rub at the skin around the cast.

“Mmm, but...I’m inconveniencing you,” she sighed contently. Never let anypony tell you different. Griffon talons were made for massages. Gods above that felt good.

“Think of it as a debt you can pay back later, if you must. I certainly won’t be expecting you to do anything for a while.” With a quick motion, the mare was picked up so that her weight was kept off of her bad leg. Another set of motions saw her laying on the nearby couch.

“F-fine,” Narrow blushed as she looked away. “Then I’m going to repay the hell out of you later. Believe it!”

“As you wish,” the griffon said with a theatrical bow, before looking at the kitchen. “Hmm. I’m in the mood for lunch. What about yourself?”

Narrow’s traitorous stomach gave a loud growl in approval. Fredrick laughed and gave her a peck.

“Very well, I will see what I can scrounge up from your kitchen that we can eat.”

Her kitchen was...sweet Celestia how the hell was this pony still alive? All of her food stores were freeze-dried military rations and her fridge just had bottled water. About the only thing that even had a remote amount of taste or even substance were a hidden packet of chocolate-coated coffee beans.

“...On second thought,” the griffon muttered as he slowly backed out of the kitchen and looked at the pony on the couch. “Change of plans.”

“What?” she blinked. “What’s wrong? Those rations are still good for another hundred years or so.”

“And nopony should be forced into eating them when they have options,” the griffon said...before reaching down onto the couch and moving the mare from it to his back.

“You...can’t seriously be thinking of walking around town like this?” she said. “I’m too heavy. Somepony will see us. Just...put me back in my damned harness.”

“I’ve had worse when it was just me running the place,” the griffon said as he shifted her around to get her comfortable. “And walking? You’re right, I’m not thinking of walking around town like this.”

It took Narrow a moment to realise what he was getting at. “Ohno...nononononono! You are not flying with me!”

“Walking it is!” The griffon said as he nudged her wheelchair. “I’ll come back for this later. You and I are going to have lunch at my place.”

Narrow breathed a small sigh of relief. If he ever found out she was scared of heights, he would prolly never let her live it down. “Fine, I guess.” A thought occurred and she looked at her lover. “So...what’s your opinion about this changeling thing?”

“...Do you know the situation behind how I was found in the whole debacle?” the griffon asked as he began leaving her apartment. Narrow shook her head. She had wanted to go find Fredrick after Tirek’s attack, and then one day, he just showed up in her hospital room like nothing was wrong, wearing that adorably smug smile of his.

“I had been preparing for just another normal day,” the griffon said. “Making my sauces, preparing some bread, even crafting a few noodles at the time. And then that last attack of his connected, draining me.”

“Yeah...felt that at point blank range...didn’t really care for it much.” Honestly, she wanted so badly to just purge that memory. She was one of Celestia’s Guard! A warrior of unparalleled bravery and skill.

And yet thinking about that day, not that she had to as it played in her head constantly...it bucking terrified her!

“Yes, well, it hit me just as I went to check on my red sauce.” The griffon shook his head. “From there, things devolved into a chaotic mess. The white sauce splattered everywhere. The noodles fell on me. And somehow the bread became a half-baked monster.”

“The chef becomes the meal,” Narrow found herself giggling lightly at the mental image she was forming. “How ironic.”

“So what did you do?” she asked inquisitively. “Well, stupid question I guess...you probably couldn’t do much.”

“True enough. The changeling walked in, took in the situation, didn’t say a word as it cleaned me up and put me in my own bed. Then it told me others would be around shortly to see to my needs if griffons were affected as badly as ponies were, and left.” The feathered form paused in his storytelling for all of five seconds. “Once the door was closed and the changeling on its way...ten seconds later, I hear laughter. Which I probably deserved.”

“You will forever be the Noodle Griffon of Las Pegasus,” Narrow nodded. “I’ll petition a change of names at the mayor's office tomorrow.”

“I’m honestly more upset by the loss of the food,” Fredrick said as they came up upon his place. “It would have been delicious.”

“Glad to see you have priorities,” Narrow sighed as she leaned into him, burying the face in the back of his neck. “Still haven’t answered my question though.”

“Anything that is willing to clean me up and make it look like I have dignity in the face of the end of the world at the risk of its own safety is good in my books,” the avian said as he opened the door and exchanged pleasantries with his staff. With a quick set of steps, the pair of them were going upstairs to Fredrick’s personal apartment.

"Well, then I am glad you like your little buggy stylists," Narrow chuckled. She noticed where they were heading and blinked. "We're not eating downstairs?"

“Unless you want to eat with all the other customers,” the griffon pointed out as he searched the upstairs and nodded, before walking into his bedroom.

Well, that was a good enough reason. She spared a look at her leg and sighed. If it wasn’t for Midnight...

"Then I wouldn’t even be here right now."

“...You say something?” Fredrick questioned after he walked up next to his bed, pausing in mid-removal of the mare.

"No...just thinking aloud." The mare grunted slightly as she was placed on the bed. "A picnic on the bed then? I haven't done this since I was a little filly."

“Yes, well, the kitchen and dining room are downstairs, so we’ll have to make do,” the griffon teased as he quickly checked her leg. “With me making sure you get delicious and nutritious foods, you’ll be up and walking in no time,” Fredrick boasted.

She smiled and winked at him. "The fact the sooner I get well, the sooner you can stop abstaining from certain activities helps as well hmm?"

“It doesn’t hurt that seeing you well is in my best interest as well,” the griffon teased back. “I don’t think I could survive three weeks of your complaining about my jokes.”

"They were terrible!" Narrow pouted adorably. "When I got mad you said I looked like a cute little steam train!!"

“You are terribly cute when you’re angry,” the griffon pointed out. “Plus if I know you and the influence Midnight and myself have had on you, you’re probably already thinking of ways around whatever restrictions your doctors have placed on you in order to ‘surprise’ me later on.”

Narrow decided that she’d clam up for now. So what if she had plans for her 'sisters' to jump the bird later. He didn't need to know that.

"I'm due for magical repair next week, so hopefully I can just keep... chugging away until then?"

Now you’re getting into it,” Fredrick teased. “So...any preferences for lunch, or shall I surprise you?”

"Surprise me," Narrow replied. "Make it good and I'll surprise you back~"

“I’ll do my best,” the griffon said before he gave the mare a quick peck on her cheeks. “Be right back, try not to get too bored without me.” With a flick of his tail, the large half-bird was gone downstairs to get lunch for his mare.

Narrow looked around his room. It had a very intimate feel to it. But given the nature of its owner...

"Hmm," she shuffled across the bed and peered at a small bookshelf. It had a variety of books, including a few that had Griffic writing. She took one and opened it, blushing profusely when it depicted very detailed paintings of female Griffons in very adult situations.

And yet, curiosity got the better of her as she kept reading it. She barely noticed ten minutes later when her lover returned. It took him whispering something in her ear for her to realize she wasn’t alone anymore.

“Enjoying the Griffon version of the Pony Sutra?” he asked softly. With a surprised squeal, she tossed the book and turned her head, her face a deep crimson.

"W-What!? No!"

“Pity,” the griffon said as he picked the book up and looked at it, before putting it back on the bookcase. “I’d been meaning to brush up on the pony version myself, and I know how hard these are to find in Equestria…”

Narrow’s heart pounded in her chest as she looked at the book he had put away. "Maybe Sugar Darling has...no, I know she has a copy. She probably wrote the damned thing."

“Unlikely,” the griffon said as he pecked the mare’s cheek. “This belonged to my parents. Now…” Here Fredrick presented a picnic basket to Narrow’s gaze. “I was inspired by your comment, so a picnic in bed it is.”

"Oh?" Narrow responded. Admittedly, this probably made her happier than it should have.

"Have I ever mentioned how much you spoil me?" She smiled, kissing the side of his beak.

“Perhaps some times,” the griffon said as he ran one claw through her mane. “But it’s always nice to hear that I am appreciated one more time.”

"Well I'm always happy to tell you that..." she paused as she thought on their relationship. Were they considered a couple? Lovers? She considered all options, but always came to the same conclusion. "I guess... I really have... fallen in love with you."

“And I, you,” the half-lion said before gently giving the pony a hug. “I was merely waiting on you to say it first.”

"Oh?" The mare poked him and smiled. "Since when do you wait for the mare to make the first move?"

“While technically I did flirt with every mare that caught my eye prior to you, I never pushed them into anything they weren’t comfortable with,” the griffon said before he presented a sandwich cut in half diagonally to the mare, pulling it from within the basket that he’d brought with him. “If they never responded to my advances, then I eventually cut my losses after teasing them with thoughts of what they were missing...and of course I left the married and taken ones alone.”

"Yeah, one of your serving colts saw fit to inform me of your rules," Narrow chuckled at the memory of that day. Fredrick had gone to run a few errands after one of their little sleepovers. She'd gone to order some breakfast and...

"They spent that whole time just talking you up. Saying what a great guy you were, that you were more than just a culinary playbird. It was kind of sweet actually." She smiled and poked him again. "Though all they did was tell me what I already knew."

“I do try to treat them right, that they might repeat the gestures with any mares they meet when not working for me,” the griffon said before putting the sandwich in front of the mare. Peanut butter and strawberry jam. Delectable and simple. “My father always believed that honor wasn’t something you lived by...it was something you inspired others to be.”

“I like that saying,” Narrow nodded. As a soldier, it made her smile warmly. “Your father sounds like a wise bird. I’d like to meet him sometime.” She bit into the sandwich and hummed with delight. How does he take something so simple and make it shine like that?

“They left a few years ago, saying I was old enough to take of both myself and this place. Not long after I got back, actually,” the avian mused. “Their latest letter before all...this happened had them in Trottingham. They might pay a visit, actually, come to think of it.”

“Hmm, that’d be nice,” Narrow smiled. “Introduce the mare that tamed the wild beast~?”

“Mom and dad will love you,” the griffon said as he gave one of her forehooves a soft peck. “My zebra godfather, uncle Zethy? ...He’s worse than I used to be.”

“I’ve met you and that blasted Violet nymph Sugar,” Narrow said dryly as she nibbled her sandwich. “I don’t see anypony that could be worse...well, except Midnight.”

“He knows the Pony Sutra and every illicit volume by heart. He taught me about pleasure points, and Ledger helped me refine that knowledge after his little altercation. He can brew a pot of tea for any mare that will get them weak-kneed within a minute after meeting them, and that’s to say nothing of his silver tongue. He is...the most lecherous zebra in the world.”

“We have to introduce him to Midnight, if only for the giggles,” Narrow said with a grin that most sharks would consider unnerving. “Hmm, you know...speaking of her. Did she and you ever...”

“Not that I did not consider the notion - I’ve bedded a thestral mare once, with great difficulty - but she and Ledger became an item before she could consider making such an advance on me.” The griffon pulled out a sandwich for himself and began nibbling on it. Pausing momentarily, he then decided to inform the mare next to him of something else regarding his ‘uncle.’ “Also, father and mother finally beat some semblance of honor or rules into his head, so he most likely will follow similar rules to myself. And since I rather like this town, I think I’ll be informing him of Midnight’s status the moment they meet if I can. Avoid a sexy version of the apocalypse we nearly went through.”

“Well, I guess that’s probably for the best,” Narrow nodded. “I just hope they can find her... If it wasn’t for this damned leg, I’d have gone and helped them.”

“Have faith in Ledger,” the griffon said before reaching into the basket and pulling out a small dish of baby carrots....and an even smaller dish of salad dressing. “He’s quite dangerous when pressed. And passionate when angry about something that irks him. I dread to think of what might happen to those that dared to commit this offense.”

“Yes, and his mares are quite formidable in their own right...” Narrow peered into the basket, curious as to what else Fredrick had prepared. When a pair of curious pink eyes stared back.

And Narrow did what any, well-trained soldier of Celestia’s army would have done.

She shrieked like a little filly and fell backwards off of the bed, and luckily did not land on her bad leg as Amy poked her head out of the basket.

“Bucking...ow,” Narrow muttered.

“Oh, sorry Peachy!” Amy said, helping the mare back up onto the bed. “Didn’t mean to scare you... I’m just SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!”

“...Dare I ask how you got in my picnic basket?” the griffon asked as he slowly got his heart back under control. He was...quite sure he hadn’t packed the pink pegasus into there.

“No...you really don’t,” Narrow said as she glared at Amy. “And call me that again, and I will make sure your life is unpleasant for the foreseeable future!”

“Okay, but NOTHING can ruin my mood today!” she whirled around in a speed that would make Rainbow Dash sick and stared Fredrick right in the eyes. “Aaaanyway. You are just the kittybird I wanna see!”

“Indeed?” the griffon asked with a carefully raised eyebrow. “And why is that?”

“Weeeeeelllll,” Amy droned on. “I kiiiiinda need to know if you have something on Griffon weddings. The library didn’t have squat, Captain Bookbug is outta town.” She stared at the Griffon as he pulled the sheet over her like a hooded cloak. “Fredrick. You are my only hope!”

“I...think there’s a photo album from my parent’s wedding in their room?” Fredrick offered. “It’s also a scrapbook related to that day. Third door on the left as you come up.”

“Why do you need to know about Griffon weddings?” Narrow decided to ask. She said she loved Fredrick, but she wasn’t going to marry him right away...

Amy turned her head...without turning her body. Her eyes shone...literally shone as she vibrated on the spot.

“...Should we call for one of your guard?” Fredrick asked as he inched away from the even more odder than usual pink mare.

“I think we’ll need the whole army,” Narrow replied, also backing up slightly.

“I need it....” Amy said as she raised one shaky hoof, the rose-quartz ring adorning it. “BECAUSE I’M GETTING MARRIED TO ACEY!!!!”

Plucking feathers, my ears!” Fredrick cursed as he held his head with his talons. That had been way too loud!

Narrow blinked, before the two mares engaged in an ancient ritual amongst the female kind of just about any species. They shared a happy squeal that threatened to shatter glass. The windows vibrated...and then there were three shattering sounds from inside the basket. The griffon eventually recovered from the aural assault and carefully reached in with a talon...pulling out the neck of what had been a wine bottle and sighing after a few seconds.

“...Well, there goes that bottle,” he said as he noticed the liquid starting to seep into his bed. “And the sheets.”

The two mares paused and looked a little bashful. Narrow nodded and motioned for Fredrick to take a step back. “Sorry, I have been waiting for a chance to try this though.”

The griffon backed off, curious despite knowing he’d likely have to call the rest of the lunch a bust with broken glass in it, and wash his sheets, and-

Narrow’s horn flared as her magic surged. She’d been feeling a little overcharged ever since Twilight and her friends helped restore everypony, and now she had an outlet. The basket was engulfed in the same light, as well as the space around it.

Once she was done, the basket and it’s contents were as good as new.

“Whhooaaaa!” Amy blinked and gasped. “I didn’t know you could use that spell Peachy!”

“Amy, I love you, but I will murder you if you call me that again,” Narrow panted her her horn glowed red from over-exertion. “Gahhhh, time-reversal spells hurt...”

Fredrick blinked before patting the comforter around the basket, finding it surprisingly dry. Opening the basket revealed that his bottle of wine and glasses were pieced back together flawlessly. The avian then turned his attention to his mare and eyed her horn. “Need anything for that? Red can’t be a healthy color.”

She crossed her eyes looking at it and pursed her lips, blowing on it. It gave off a few wisps of smoke as it cooled down and she smiled. “Just...don’t ask me to do that often. I’d been hoarding my magic for a few days now. And I had that boost that Princess Twilight fed us when she cured us. So yeah... one-time deal I think.”

“That was still awesome,” Amy said, now holding Fredrick’s scrapbook. When the heck did she...? The griffon shook his head, pulling his bottle and glasses out of the basket before looking at the pink mare.

“I appear to have one too few glasses now,” he wryly observed.

Amy reached up into her mane and rummaged around. Various sounds could be heard before she pulled out a crystal glass. “Here ya go Freddy!”

“Of course,” he said with an eye-roll as he uncorked the wine with his claws. With a swift set of motions and lots of pouring, the ponies and himself had a glass of fine red wine in their hooves/claws.

“Thanks!” Amy chirped as she sat down and sipped the wine, humming appreciatively at the taste. “Oh! Can I also book you in as our caterer?” she inquired. “We don’t have a date yet, but it doesn’t hurt to be prepared.”

“While that is not normally a service I offer…” the griffon opened with.

“He’d be more than happy to do it,” Narrow finished and winked at him.

“...As long as your fiance keeps his claws to himself,” the avian tacked on. “I don’t have any particular inclinations to that sort of interaction.”

“Huh?” Amy blinked as she looked at the bird. “Whaddya mean Freddy?”

“Your groom-to-be hit on me his first day here,” the griffon explained bluntly. “I’d much rather avoid a repeat experience if at all possible; I’m straight as can be.”

“Aww, don’t worry... Cherry and I give him aaaallll the attention he needs~” she giggled. Whoo, this wine was tasty!

Narrow just blinked and waved her hoof in front of her neck, but Amy wasn’t in the mood to be taking not-so-subtle hints.

“...Ah, so catering a wedding for three, then?” the griffon said, easily picking up on the not-so-subtle hints. “And I thought Ledger was the first to start a herd...I guess the idea caught on.”

“Huh? Oh Freddy you’re so silly, there’s only Acey and meee~ Sittin’ in a treeee~” Amy sang as she swayed.

“...It would be rather rude of him to marry only you and not Cherry as well,” the griffon pointed out, knowing that the pair of them were roommates and co-workers...and lovers to his fellow griffon, apparently.

“Nooo, he’s gonna marry Cherry as well,” Amy giggled. The griffon paused to consider the question aloud.

“Then how am I not catering a wedding for three when you have just mentioned three beings getting married to one another?”

“Because...” Amy leaned forward and stared into his eyes. She was so damned closer their eyeballs were almost touching. “I will marry Acey, and Cherry will marry Acey, but there is only Acey and me!” she giggled and leaned back. “Weeeeeell I gotta go. You two kids play nice now... buh-byyeee!”

As the pink pony jumped out of a window (after opening it of course), the griffon looked at his marefriend...lover...love of his life, really. And voiced another pair of questions.

“Is there a simple answer to that, and do I want to know it?”

“There is, and also there isn’t,” she replied, keeping up with Amy’s cryptic game. His befuddled expression was kinda cute actually. “You should ask Ledger about it really.”

“...Maybe I will some day,” He said as he raised his untouched glass of wine. “A toast, perhaps?”

“To love?” she replied, lifting her glass. Fredrick clinked his glass with hers and smiled.

“To the power of love,” he said with a nod. “May it bring all who desire it together.”

“That was cheesier than your breadsticks,” Narrow sighed as she clinked her glass with his. “Unfortunately in this land of weaponised rainbows and fluffy unicorns, it’s also quite true.”

“I don’t hear you complaining at night~” the griffon teased as he dipped one of the baby carrots in the salad dressing, twirling it around for a moment. Satisfied, he took a brief sip of wine to cement the toast and then tossed the carrot into his beak, snapping it in half and humming at the taste. He’d gotten...used to vegetables and the like while he was here, and managed to put his own spin on eating them.

“Oh hush,” Narrow repled as she leaned across and stole the remaining carrot from his talons, her lips lingering there for just a moment before she pulled back and smiled smugly.

“As you command,” he said, miming a zipper being pulled across his beak with a playful smirk.

“Pfft, like you could keep that up for long,” Narrow replied. Then a wicked smile crossed her muzzle. “How about...a bet?”

The griffon raised an eyebrow, intrigued but not falling for any obvious tricks.

“If I can get you to talk, then...” she paused as she thought about it. “You have to eat one of my military rations!”

The griffon blanched at the thought, before making a ‘go on’ motion with his talons. He apparently wanted to hear what he’d win if he didn’t. Or for how long he’d have to be silent to win. Anything was possible when he wasn’t talking.

“If you win...” she smiled again. “Then, you will get one hour to do whatever you like and I won’t complain about it~”

The griffon responded by pointing at her leg that was in a cast before shaking his head. Apparently he was still noble and didn’t want to put any strain on her injury.

“I mean after I heal, love,” Narrow replied. “I’m not that foalish. So, agreed?”


“Well, guess I can’t even do that right at the moment,” Narrow sighed. “Well, time’s nearly up anyway.”

She might have expected a lot of things. One thing she wasn’t expecting him to do was simply pull her close with a wing and nuzzle her with his beak, cuddling the mare again as he lay down on his bed to hide his current state from any prying eyes.

“The pains of being a faithful stallion,” Narrow replied with an apologetic smile. “I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”

Fredrick made no verbal reply, instead choosing just to hug her closer with one of his wings.

Sex was nice, he finally realized. But love and relationships last longer. And he wanted this one to last forever. She was no changeling, but Narrow sensed his feelings and leaned into the hug. It didn’t matter if you were a tough and gritty soldier, or a cute mare that sold ice-cream. Love was truly magical.

Midnight Song stared out of the single, tiny window of her prison. Her eyes reflected the light of the moon. They weren’t lifeless like when Tirek drained her. Or emotionless when she used her Trance.

They just didn’t care anymore.

“Love...” she muttered softly. “What a bucking joke.”

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