• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 61 - Oh Brother...

Ledger hummed happily as he walked down the street. Today was the day! Today he and Lengthy Scroll would finally finish his automatic paperwork spell! Just one cast, and then supplying numbers verbally when prompted to by the paperwork! He would never have another long day of the stuff ever again!

There was the feeling of air being displaced, before a popping sound filled the air, followed by the scent of burnt ozone. Then, a sudden weight on Ledger's back.

“Hello there handsome~” Twilight’s voice whispered into his ear.

“Hello beautiful,” Ledger returned as his gait was paused so that he could ensure she wasn’t liable to slip off anytime soon, before he recommenced walking towards City Hall. “Wanna see something fun?”

“With you involved…? It’s not going to be something perverse is it?” she deadpanned, looping her hooves around his neck and casting a small glamour spell to make her look like Scope to anyone else.

“In public?” he fired back, her deadpan expression didn’t lift and he smiled before chuckling. “No, it’s not going to be perverted or lewd, for once. Remember what I said I wanted to do with my paperwork spell? Me and the other Silver in town finally figured it out.”

“Oh, to give the spell some sort of self awareness right?” Twilight’s eyes danced with glee.

“Mhmm,” he said with a nod. “Mostly so that it can take verbal instructions and only a small drain on the caster’s magic to keep itself operational for as long as need be. We finally cracked it. Today we’re going to test it on his usual paperwork.”

“Hmm, so you don’t mind if I tag along, riiiiight?” she said, turning the puppy-dog eyes on full force.

“I was already going to ask you to be there in case things got out of hoof,” Ledger returned her earlier deadpan full force.

“Ah, well… I thought it wouldn’t hurt to ask,” Twilight giggled. “Well, giddyup Level!” He snorted, amused slightly by her antics, as they turned to see City Hall in front of them.

“Keep in mind, he doesn’t know you’re aware of who I am or what we are, so it might take a minute for him to get used to you,” Ledger warned as their destination neared.

“Well, in case you haven’t noticed, to everypony else, it looks like Scope is riding on your back. Changelings aren’t the only ones with glamour spells.” She booped him on the nose and smiled. “I could disguise myself for your friend if you want.”

“Probably better that you don’t, he’s a lot more skilled than I am at detecting spellwork,” Ledger informed Twilight as they walked in through the front door. “He’d probably take offense to you trying to hide yourself from him.”

“Fair enough,” Twilight nodded. She hopped down from his back, idly wondering what this friend would think of Ledger being the princess's personal mount. “Well, shall we then?”

“Let’s,” Ledger said as he knocked on Lengthy Scroll’s door.

“That you, Ledger?” a stallion’s voice called out from the office.

“Yes, and I brought a friend to observe. That’s all right, right?” Ledger posed the addition as a question to the other drone. There was a ‘harrumph’ from the other side before they got a reply.

“So long as this friend knows to keep their mouth shut so that their input doesn’t interfere with the spell!” the stallion snapped. Ledger looked to Twilight with a small smile on his face. Along with the thought of ‘please don’t hold it against him’ running through his head.

He doesn’t know it’s you, please don’t be mad,” Ledger whispered. Twilight nodded and an emotion spiked suddenly, very briefly. Oh dear gods, Twilight was feeling mischievous.

“She promises to be good,” Ledger spoke up, hoping she actually would be.

“She? This one of your marefriends, colt?”

Ledger sighed and pushed the door open, revealing the silver-coated unicorn sitting behind his desk, a massively over-filled in-tray on one side of it. “Sort of,” Ledger supplied, and stood to one side so that Twilight could come in as well.

“Level Ledger and I have a complicated relationship,” Princess Twilight Sparkle answered as she walked in, adopting a pose that Celestia would often use, wings spread and head held high. “And I believe I know a thing or two about spellcasting, wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Silver Changeling?”

The expression of disbelief and panic on Lengthy Scroll’s face was priceless. “P-P-Princess Twilight!” he eventually said as he tried not to look like he was looking for escape routes. He’d never planned for being cornered in his office by a spellcaster, funnily enough.

Twilight looked at Ledger, before smiling and folding her wings. “Please don’t panic sir, I just felt a little prank was in order for your earlier comment. I’m just here to observe your fascinating spell.”

Scroll gulped thickly before nodding a few times and putting a hoof over his chest. Heart was still beating, so that was good… He eventually shot a dirty look at Ledger and grumbled. “I will get you back for this one, colt, just you wait.”

“Her idea, not mine,” Ledger said. “That being said, I’m glad somepony finally got one over on you. You can be insufferable sometimes.”

“Isn’t the pot calling the kettle black there Ledger?” Twilight giggled lightly. “Besides, you’re wasting time with your snark. We have magic to do!” Her eyes shone with glee as she looked at Scroll. “If you would be so kind good sir?”

“Snark is how changelings socialize,” Scroll retorted. “The other main means are sarcasm and dry wit. But yes, we do have magic to perform.” He pulled a scroll out from his desk and unrolled it, while Ledger drew close. “Show me what you figured out, grub.”

Ledger snorted and looked at the scroll, his horn lighting up as he drew a few new additions onto it. “And with this here...the spell is stable. And this here helps it stay that way.”

“Minor drain on the caster’s reserve, not more than they can afford,” the other disguised changeling said as he levitated his own quill over and added a few things as well. “With a safety measure here, here, and one more for good measure...I think you’ve done it, colt.”

“What happened to grub?” Ledger asked, eyebrows raised.

“You earned my respect just now. Let’s see how well placed it is.” The other changeling’s horn lit up in a silver aura as he focused on the complex spell the pair of them had written out. The glow held steady for about twenty seconds...before it died and the spell was completed. With only a light glow of his horn, as the spell started draining his reserves to stay stable, Scroll looked at his paperwork and spoke a simple phrase.

“Get to it,” he said, and his quills and inkpots levitated to the top of the stack and began filling the papers out with speed. Twilight watched the spellwork, a light of her horn as she observed the spellmatrix itself along with the flow of the mana.

“Interesting,” she murmured. The quills paused for a moment as the paper on top levitated down in front of Scroll, who nodded.

“Ah, that...was close to a thousand bits.” The scroll didn’t move, and the drone rolled his eyes before looking at Ledger. “Can it learn from other things that are written down?”

“Yes,” Ledger said as he pointed at one part of the diagram. “Just specify what you want it to read, and use the secondary activation phrase.”

Scroll nodded and looked back at the scroll. “Everything in a filing cabinet in this room. Chop-chop!”

The quills dropped as various cabinets began opening and closing, causing the glow on Lengthy’s horn to intensify for a minute as it began amassing knowledge to function better.

“So it’s learning directly from the caster?” Twilight asked Ledger in a hushed tone, as so she wouldn’t interrupt.

“It can only learn what you let it learn,” Ledger said in just as hushed a tone. “Another safety measure, so that it doesn’t drain you too badly while it’s learning.” Eventually the cabinets stilled, and the quills went back to filling out the paperwork, this time without pausing for a good, long while.

“So, this might be a foolish question, but is the danger of this magic gaining actual sentience there?”

“Only minorly and indirectly, if you let it learn the wrong things,” Ledger said. “But we built in a kill-switch so that if it starts to actually gain more sentience, to the point where it impedes its duties, it automatically shuts off.”

“Hmm,” Twilight still had her concerns of course. She’d seen first hoof what could happen when a spell went awry. Ledger stroked her back comfortingly.

“We built in so many failsafes into this spell, I doubt there’s going to be a real danger,” Ledger reassured. “Plus it’s meant to store and process information, not think about it. If you want to give the scroll a look over when Scroll’s done with the spell for the time being, then I won’t stop you.”

“Perhaps I might,” Twilight nodded. She still couldn’t shake the feeling, but she wondered if she was just being paranoid. The spell finished with the paperwork, putting the last piece of it to rest on top of the others in the ‘out’ tray, as Scroll nodded.

“Well, I will check it all of course,” the silver-coated unicorn said as he looked at his paperwork, the first time it had been done so quickly. “But if it works anything like your other spell, then it’ll all be right and I’ll just be wasting the time I freed up.”

“Can I get a copy of our completed spell?” Ledger asked, and the stallion nodded as he pulled out an empty scroll to copy their latest work to it. He paused, before looking at his horn and nodding.

“Job’s done,” the older stallion said, and the glow on his horn died. “Will it still remember all of that stuff?”

“Dunno,” Ledger said with a shrug. “We’re very much field-testing this spell. It should, but if it doesn’t, not a big loss.” The other changeling nodded and began copying the spell perfectly, so that the colt and his princess-friend could study it to their heart’s content. Twilight was the one that took the scroll, studying it intensely for about a moment before hoofing it to Ledger.

“Okay, memorised it.”

“...That took us months to come up with,” Scroll said incredulously. “And you’re saying you already have it memorized?”

“Actually, it’s been more than a year now, if we’re counting the original iteration of my paperwork spell,” Ledger said as he tucked the scroll in his saddlebags. “And that’s Twilight for you.”

The alicorn blushed and smiled sweetly. “Sorry, I have a knack for spells… Ooh! I know!” She snared a black scroll and a quill and wrote something down for Scroll. “It wouldn't be fair of me to learn something new, and not give something in return.” She placed the written spell down on the desk and smiled again. The older stallion picked it up and hummed as he went over it.

“Hmm, minor object teleportation? Such as, if I needed an inkpot, or new quill, or just wanted to pull something to me? Useable, and I might be able to work out actual teleportation from it. I doubt it, but I might.”

“Right, simply bind the first part of the spell to an object, and the second part will summon the object to your side. It’s a type of astral bind, so distance is no problem either…” She winked out of existence, reappearing next to him. “Teleportation is quite a little bit different, buuuut…” she scribbled something else down and hummed. “There we go. But, I’d recommend getting an instructor. The last thing you want is teleporting and then leaving behind a few vital organs.”

“I’ll remember that,” the stallion said with a nod. “It’s been...surprisingly nice meeting you, Princess Twilight.”

“Just Twilight is fine Mr. Scroll. And, it has been a learning experience meeting you.”

“That was the goal,” Ledger said from the other side of the desk. He’d be full for weeks thanks to this little moment with Twilight. Her learning new things was the best~

Twilight looked at him, then realised what he’d done when he rubbed his belly. She walked over to him and smiled. “Well, I guess since you’re so full now, we can skip lunch and I can go meet with Midnight and Moondancer.” She kissed his cheek and giggled. “Bye Level,” was all he got from her before she teleported.

“Quite the mare you got there,” Scroll observed. “I wish you came by more often, if only for her.”

“I treasure every moment I spend with her as well,” Ledger replied, sighing happily as he rubbed the cheek she kissed. It still felt warm, and probably would all day. “Well, same time next week in case one of us finds something?”

“Sure thing,” Scroll replied as the two parted ways again.

By the time Twilight arrived at the farm, Midnight and Moondancer were already waiting for her.

“Heya slowpoke," Moondancer greeted her. "About time you got here."

"Oh yes, my company is sooooo terrible," Midnight mock swooned. "Oh Twilight, my love, please defend my honour!"

Twilight raised an eyebrow and looked at Moondancer. "Hmm, should I?"

"If you think you can take me Sparkle," Moondancer made a 'bring it' motion with her hoof. "We both know that I'm the smarter one."

"As if," Twilight scoffed. "We both know that I'm the better mage."

"Oh, wanna put your horn where your mouth is-yeeek!!" Moondancer shrieked when Midnight leant over and licked her horn.

"Mmm, don't mind if I do~" she purred.

Twilight just rolled her eyes and looked at the pair. "Midnight, if you're done molesting her. Think we can get some food now?"

"Mhmm~" the bat purred, giving Twilight’s horn a lick as well. "TO FREDRICKS!!"

Elsewhere, a griffon shuddered suddenly. It was probably just a draft...

"So what were you up to anyway?" Moondancer asked her alicorn friend. "It's not like you to be late, unless it's a party..."

“Ohmigosh! Seriously Moondancer?" Twilight replied with an exasperated groan. She groaned again when she noticed Moondancer's grin.

"You are so easy," the Unicorn giggled. "So, explain?"

"Yeah, yeah..." Twilight started to explain what she'd learned, and Midnight quickly became lost as to the topic’s content.

The moral of this story. Magic be hella confusing.

So instead, she started to hum to herself.

The hum turned into quiet singing.

And by the time they reached Fredricks, Midnight burst through the door, just ending a city wide musical number. The griffon raised an eyebrow at the party of mares, but greeted them nonetheless.

“Hello you three visions of beauty,” the griffon said, bowing slightly to them. “Have you come merely to remind me what a lucky colt Ledger is to have some of you in his life?”

"Aww, don't be like that Freddy," Midnight cooed as she traced a circle on his chest with a hoof. "You know I love you. We have something special after all~"

"What is with you today?" Moondancer sighed.

"She probably just hormonal from the pregnancy," Twi explained. "Please forgive her Mr. Fredrick."

"Everypony’s being mean to me today," the bat sniffled. Fredrick rolled his eyes before gently putting Midnight’s hoof on the floor and, more importantly, off of himself.

“You are being quite touchy today, madam Song. But do keep in mind, I am taken now.” He looked at their party and nodded. “So, table for three then?”

"If you wouldn't mind," Twilight replied as she dragged a pouting Midnight over to herself. "And again, I apologise. Thestral pregnancies... aren't easy."

Fredrick paused as he went to pull out the menus. “Are you saying...that Ledger has indeed managed to get one of the mares in his herd pregnant? Is that why we’re suddenly planning a wedding?”

"Pretty much," Midnight replied quietly. She sniffled again and Twilight hugged her with one of her wings.

"I think we could use a little pick me up here," the Alicorn giggled. "But that's the long and short of it. The idea is for them to get married before Midnight here starts showing too much... or becomes too dangerous."

“I see,” the griffon mused as he picked up the menus. “Well, if you will follow me to your table, I think I know a good appetizer and dessert for you three already, which I shall not charge you too much for, considering that you did not explicitly ask for them.” With that, Fredrick began leading the trio of mares to a table in the next room.

"Speaking of," Moondancer mused as they followed Fredrick. "What does a Princess get paid?"

"It's not so much what we get paid," Twilight explained. "There's a set expense we have each month that pays for things like travel, but I usually fly or teleport. As well as eating out... and Burger Princess isn't exactly expensive. And I still have a lot saved up from my time as a student, so I tend to use that instead of taxpayers bits."

Fredrick presented them with a table with a sweeping bow, making a show of it, seeing as how one of their member was a princess. And one was Midnight. The odds were in his favor for the move going over well, despite the fact that all of them were taken.

"Why thank you sir," Twilight gave him a polite curtsy as Moonie used the chance to steal a peek at his flank. Midnight just nodded and took a seat without saying a word.

“So while I prepare your appetizer and make sure the dessert is well-stocked, would you like to choose a drink?” The griffon offered as he put a menu in front of each mare.

"Hmm, I think we'll just take a pitcher of ice water," Twilight nodded. Moondancer agreed with that, considering she'd already had like three Mood Setters. Fredrick nodded, that was an easy order to remember.

“Please peruse the menu while I get that for you,” the griffon asked before going to the back.

"Hmm, I'm thinking..." Twilight hummed as she looked the menu over. The clam rigatoni looked intriguing, but the spaghetti with red sauce sounded good as well. Then there was the pasta salad, which begged a few delicious questions. The problem wasn’t lack of choices as it was too many good ones.

"These gourmet hayburgers look nice," Twilight said. "Maybe three of those?"

"I think I'd prefer the spaghetti," Moondancer said.

"I meant for me," Twilight replied. Moondancer stared at her then giggled.

"Haha, good one Princess, I almost thought... oh Celestia, you're serious."

"What," Twilight huffed. "I skipped breakfast today, so I'm hungry."

"Fishy dish," Midnight murmured. And then she saw that Fredrick had apparently added smoked fish to his menu since last time.

"Fishy dish," Midnight echoed and Twilight sighed and nodded.

"Try and snap out of it Middy. Nopony's mad at you or anything."

"Whatever," the batpony muttered. Fredrick returned with their water and glasses, and graciously poured it for them.

“Have you decided, or do you need a minute more?” the griffon asked as he set the pitcher on the table.

"I'll have the spaghetti please," Moondancer said with a wink.

"Three gourmet hayburgers for me," Twilight nodded, earning a groan from Moondancer.

“Fish, with a side of regret," Midnight replied in a tone that made zombies look lively. Fredrick blinked before looking at Moondancer and Twilight.

“Would this be those mood-swings I’ve heard so much about?” the owner of the restaurant asked. “She was much more like her usual self a minute ago.”

"Maybe?" Twilight shrugged. "I've never met a pregnant thestral before."

"I'm not moody!" Midnight retorted. "I'm hungry and nopony likes me! Maybe I should become Nightmare Midnight..."

“I’m fairly certain Ledger at least likes you, otherwise you’d not be pregnant,” Fredrick riposted. “And seeing as how that colt shrugged off every mare that came down and hit on him before he met you, that’s no small feat.”

"Yeah, well one, this pregnancy was unplanned. Two, he spends more time making googoo eyes at Twilight now and three, he wants to add a second stallion!" Midnight cried as she thunked her head on the table.

“He’s probably making sure Twilight knows she’s welcome and appreciated,” Fredrick answered. “And can you blame the colt, trying to keep up with four mares would take a toll on anypony. I’m having trouble keeping up with one sometime, and I know Ace has issues with Amy every now and again.” What sort, he’d keep to himself. “And while the pregnancy may be unplanned, I think you have all the answer you need by the fact that he’s still standing by your side rather than trying to run away.”

"Yeah...I know..." Midnight sniffled and then burst into tears. "Waahhh, I'm a horrible mare. I shouldn't think like thahahahaaaaatt!!"

"Oh boy...." Moondancer groaned. Fredrick motioned for Twilight to try and comfort her with his talons.

"Look Midnight," Twilight sat next to her. "I don't want to step on anyones hooves, just don’t ask me to dance~" That got a small giggle from the mare.

"I like you guys a lot, and Ledger makes for a stimulating intellectual partner. But if you're really that uncomfortable with the idea..."

"Nuuu," Midnight pouted and hugged the mare. "I love my little Sparklepony, don't go anywhere... M'just... I dunno. Being preggers sucks dammit!!"

“Noted,” Fredrick said with only a slightly wry smile. “Still want that fish?”

"Yes please," Midnight nodded. "I have a real hankering for it for some reason."

“One smoked salmon, coming up, along with a spaghetti and three gourmet hayburgers. Should be about twenty to thirty minutes,” the griffon said as he made to gather up their menus.

“Thank you sir Fredrick,” Twilight nodded as the Griffon took her menu. Moondancer and Midnight offered their thanks as well. When he moved next to Midnight, the batpony posed a question to him.

“So, know any cute, single and slightly crazy beings of the male gender?” she asked.

“My brother comes to mind,” Fredrick said without missing a beat. “There’s also Straight Arrow, Narrow’s second in command.”

“You… have a brother?” Midnight inquired, completely ignoring his second choice.

“My younger by a few years,” the griffon replied with a nod. “Last I heard, he was over in Baltimare, having a good time. He pops in every now and again, to see how many mares I’m rolling in, as he puts it. Won’t he be surprised.”

“That you have a steady marefriend?” Midnight giggled. “Oh, speaking of, how are you and the Cap doing?”

“Wonderfully,” Fredrick said with a smile. “I plan to surprise her at her place tonight with a fine dinner. Might even organize her kitchen a little while I’m over there.”

“Well, I’ll be here… hoping you don’t die,” Midnight giggled. Ah, she was already feeling like her old self again. “Sorry I’m being such a flake today.”

“It’s understandable,” the griffon said with a wave of his wing. “If that is all, I shall take my leave, mares.”

All three nodded, with Moondancer blatantly ogling his flanks.

“You know he’s taken right?” Twilight deadpanned. “As are you Moondancer.”

“I can still appreciate a good view,” Moondancer said and wolf-whistled.

“At least somepony does,” the griffon said with a wink. “How do you think I earned my...reputation? I wasn’t necessarily the one making all the first moves.” With that tidbit dropped for the mares, the griffon left for the kitchen with a noticeable saunter in his step.

“Well, his ego is suitably stroked now,” Midnight giggled, then paused and frowned. “Hey! How come it doesn’t work when I do it!?”

Moondancer just shrugged. “I dunno, guess I’m better than both of you.”

Midnight and Twilight looked at one another.

“You know…” Midnight said, getting up from her seat. “I think somepony’s getting a little too big for her horseshoes.”

“You know…” Twilight said as she got up as well. “I might be inclined to agree with you.”

Moondancer suddenly gulped, realising they had her surrounded. “Uh...heheh, now girls, let’s do anything hasty… we’re in public after all.”

“We’re the only ones here right now,” Midnight said, motioned to the empty establishment. “Besides, I’m me, since when has that stopped me in the past?”

“Oh ponyfeathers,” Moondancer cursed before the two mares pounced, tickling the unicorn mercilessly. And that was the scene that Fredrick came back to, with bread and dipping oil on a tray.

“Two mares doing a third,” the griffon mused aloud. “Either my brother is around and convinced you all it’d be fun, or I’m back in Manehatten.”

“Nah, this is my everyday,” Midnight replied without missing a beat as she found one of Moondancer’s weak points. “I have many marefriends remember?”

“Meaning they could gang up on you as well,” the griffon retorted as he put the bread and oil on the table. “Your appetizer, mares. When you’re done with your friend, of course.”

Twilight and Midnight eventually let up on their attacks, leaving Moondancer to twitch on the floor as they straightened their manes and sat at the table.

“I believe she knows her place now,” Twilight nodded.

“Yup,” Midnight agreed as she nibbled a breadstick happily. Damn, even though Cider had the recipe for this now, Fredrick’s was still tastier. “Ohh, I do love nomming on Fredrick’s loaf~”

“Many mares have said that over the years,” the griffon replied with a wink. “Though I do love hearing it all the same.”

“You lot are insufferable,” Twilight swooned, placing a hoof against her head.

“Oh, like you can talk,” Midnight replied. “Your little glowing halo is tarnished beyond hope now princess. I know what you and Ledger get up to.”

“O-Oh?” Moondancer gasped as she crawled back to her seat. “Is Princess Purplebutt finally getting some?”

“Keep going, I dare you,” Twilight said. “I can banish you two, you do realise that.”

“But surely the princess of Friendship would never do something so cruel to her friends,” the griffon teased.

“Don’t you start mister,” Twilight said with mock warning. “I’ve heard all about you and your silver tongue.”

“Hopefully not from the mares that received it in more than one fashion,” Fredrick riposted.

“Nope just me and Cider...which now that I think about it, might be the only mares that you haven’t slept with,” Midnight responded. “Hmm, you know, I think I can solve that and my second stallion issue all at once~”

“Don’t forget Narrow,” the griffon replied. “You include me in your crazy relationship, you’d have to include her as well. Assuming she’d even go for something like that.”

“Don’t your ‘Midnight Rules’ state that you can’t date a superior officer?” Moondancer pointed out and Midnight nodded.

“Yup, as well as taken individuals, family, and underage ones. So yeah, no—”

“But you’re a Specialist now,” Twilight pointed out. “You outrank her if she’s only a Captain…”

Midnight’s toothy grin threatened to split her face.

“You wouldn’t know it by the amount of paperwork Narrow keeps giving her,” Fredrick commented. “She said, and I quote, ‘If that crazy bat does something that destructive again, I will bury her in the stuff! Actually bury her!’”

“Aww, the Captain is soooo mean to me~” Midnight pouted. “But yeah, I wouldn’t do anything like that with her. It’d be… I dunno, weird for some reason. And I guess when I really think about it, I dunno if I could do anything like that with Fredrick.” She looked up at him with those bright crimson eyes. “What do you think. All details aside, could you actually see us working?”

“Every night would turn into a competition to see who could wear who out first,” Fredrick dryly stated. “I’d get tired of it in a week, tops.”

“So,” Midnight held out a hoof for him to bump. “Besties and Rivals forever?”

“I can agree to that,” he said, balling up one clawed hand and bumping her hoof with it. “If there’s nothing else, I shall leave you to enjoy my bread while I work on your lunch.”

“Will do!” Midnight replied happily as she made sure he was looking when she took over half the loaf into her mouth with no effort. Fredrick, to his credit, blinked more than a little at the sight, before turning to the other two mares.

“Is it normal to feel jealous of Ledger at this juncture?” he inquired.

“Probably,” Moondancer replied as she nibbled her own bread.

“She’s holding back,” Twilight responded.

“Jealousy it is then,” Fredrick replied. “Your orders will be out as soon as I can make them.” With that, the half-avian turned away and walked off to the kitchen again, this time grumbling under his breath about how some colts had all the luck.

“Really Middy, that’s your idea of friends?” Moondancer sighed.

“What, just thought I’d show him what he’s up against~” Midnight replied after she ate her bread in two gulps. “He still has no idea what my tongue can do~”

“You...you and your whole herd are incorrigible,” Twilight said with an exasperated sigh.

“One of uuussss!” Midnight chanted as she looked at Twilight with a cheeky grin. The Alicorn just shook her head as she devoured her own bread in the blink of an eye.

“Still a bottomless pit?” Moondancer giggled. “Even as an Alicorn of Friendship—”

“With benefits!” Midnight chimed in.

“You can still put away your own weight in food?” Moondancer and Twilight chose wisely to ignore the batpony.

“What, I use a lot of magic, so I get hungry,” Twilight weakly protested.

“Twilight, I’d like to think I’m a match for you in knowledge and magic, and I don’t eat anywhere near that much.”

“....Yeah, well… shut up,” Twilight responded and poked out her tongue.

“Ohh, mature comeback there Princess,” Moondancer snorted and smirked, revelling in her flawless victory.

Then there was a voice from the front. A voice that sounded somewhat...similar to Fredrick’s own voice, but there was a noticeable difference. Fredrick usually took the time to enunciate his words properly and had a sense of...poise.

This voice? Not so much.

“Bro! Bro, where are ya? This place is deader than a strip club in the mornin’!”

Twilight visibly flinched over the total butchering of the Equestrian language. Must. Correct. Grammar!

“Whoa, down ponygirl,” Midnight said. She looked towards the front of the room. Was it some hoodlum looking for a member of his gang or something. She didn’t have her armour or blades…

She did have a butter knife, and in her hooves, just as lethal. She moved towards the kitchen and knocked on the door. “Fredrick? We might have some trouble out here. Stay where it’s safe while I deal with it.”

“Does it sound like an uncultured swine that might be related to me?” Fredrick asked over the sound of his cooking.

“Dunno, could be a local gang member,” she said. “Just stay there. I’ll try and keep the property damage to a minimum.”

There was the sound of a sigh before she heard him say, “Go ahead, but if it’s a black-feathered griffon, don’t hurt him too badly.”

“Oohhkay?” she said and motioned for Twilight and Moondancer to take cover behind a table as she took a position next to the door. The second he entered, he wouldn’t know what hit him…

“C’mon bro, I know you’re in here!” the voice said again. “The local mares say you ain’t left, even if you ain’t slept with them in a while!” A beak poked through the doorway next.

The next thing he knew, a pair of chocolate-coloured hooves wrapped around his neck and he found that gravity was a heartless bitch as he was soon on his back, his talons bound in hoofcuffs as a fanged, bat-winged pony standing over him.

“Okay, you can come out now. I’ve apprehended the intruder!” she called out. Fredrick poked his beak out of the kitchen before chuckling and returning to his task.

“Please uncuff my brother, Miss Song. Or don’t. He might be more tolerable that way.”

Midnight soon found out what Fredrick meant, as the griffon under her lidded his eyes and started laying on that charm that had to be hereditary. “Well, a mare standing over me while I’m bound in hoofcuffs. Is it Saturday already? I don’t mind, but usually I get a chance to buy a beauty like yourself a drink first.”

“Fredrick?” Midnight called out. “When you said not to hurt him? How bad is too bad?”

“I’d prefer it if he didn’t have to go to the hospital,” the older griffon replied. Midnight looked down, her crimson eyes glowing.

“Oh… no promises~”

“Mare likes to cause a little pain with her pleasure?” the black-feathered griffon asked from his position of still being under her. “Kinky~”

Moondancer lifted the bat off of him and sighed. “Try not to add more fuel to this fire please?” she groaned.

“And another thing!” Twilight said as she stomped closer. “First of all! Your grammar is atrocious! Who taught you to speak Equestrian? If so, they should have their teacher's license revoked! And second! Stop hitting on my marefriend!”

“S’all good,” the griffon said with a wave of his bound talons. “This ‘s just how I talk. M’ Uncle Zethy taught me.”

“That Zebra spoke in the most confusing way,” Fredrick said from his kitchen. “And I’m not talking rhymes, like the few I’ve known.”

“An’ your marefriend started this by tyin’ me up and layin’ me out. I’m just continuin’ what she began, darlin’. Feel free to get some as well, if you want.” This griffon was shameless as he started to include Twilight in his target listing with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“You...You’re...GAH!” Twilight tossed her head up and screamed in annoyance as Midnight removed the cuffs and put them back in her bag.

“Hitting on a Princess, you have a pair and a half,” Midnight replied as she sat back down at her table.

“He is related to Fredrick,” Moondancer pointed out.

“Touche,” Midnight nodded.

“Princess jus’ means more to work with, and I do good work,” the griffon all but purred as he got to his hooves. “After all, las’ I checked, a Princess was a mare. And mares have...needs, wants, desires.” He started to inch closer to the frustrated lavender alicorn. Despite his words, it would be a first for him if she were...interested.

“Desires currently filled by my own partners,” Twilight replied with a voice that could freeze Tartarus. The griffon shrugged and sat back on his haunches as he looked at the three very attractive mares.

“S’all cool. I’ll be here if y’all decide you want a piece of this action.” With that, he did a few minor flexes to show off the body he kept in shape via a variety of...exercises.

Midnight looked to her friends and blinked. “Please tell me that this is not what I am like,” she pleaded.

“No, you’re far cuter and much less annoying,” Moondancer chuckled. She looked at the Griffon and hummed.

“So what’s your name loverbird?”

“I have a few,” he said with a smirk. “Would ya like a name to call me, or would ya like to know my actual name? I’ll be whoever ya want me to be.”

“You’re actual name if you don’t mind,” Moondancer replied in a pleasant tone.

“I’m Jonny,” the griffon said as Fredrick made his reappearance with a small cart.

“Get it right,” the elder chided him. “Mother and father named you Jonathan.”

“Ack,” the black-hued griffon replied as he clutched a claw to his chest. “Not the full name!”

“That’s… not a usual Griffon name,” Twilight frowned lightly. “What’s the origin of it?”

“As far as I know, they named him after father’s father, who also had black feathers,” Fredrick replied as the cart neared their original table before all the...excitement.

“Shame I never got to meet the old bird,” the younger griff sighed. “Woulda been cool, meeting somebirdy else with my colors.”

“Really?” Twilight blinked. “I’ve seen a few with black feathers. In fact, I think I saw one at the Equestrian Games qualifiers at Rainbow Falls.”

“Huh,” Jonathan said, blinking a few times. “Guess I’ve just been lookin’ in the wrong circles then.” Fredrick swept the top of one of the trays off, to reveal an absolutely-delicious looking smoked salmon, that smelled even better...to those that had a stomach for that sort of thing.

Midnight’s mouth watered as Moondancer and Twilight scrunched up their muzzles and shook their heads.

“Urgh! How can you eat that?” Moon poked out her tongue in disgust.

“Mmm, like this~” Midnight purred as she speared some on a fork and took a bite, her fluffy ears wiggled in happiness as she hummed and gave a small pleasured moan. “Mmm, now that’s tasty~”

“Smells jus’ like mom used to make,” the younger griffon agreed with a nod.

“Indeed, it’s a good thing Ledger managed to secure a few shipping lines for fish as of late,” the older said with a smile. “Gives me a cheap option to add fish to my menu again.” With that, the next tray was opened, revealing Twilight’s order of three gourmet hayburgers as it was placed in front of the next seat.

“Oooh!” Twilight forgot all about correcting Jon and turned her attention to the food. “This looks wonderful Sir Fredrick!”

“I hope they taste just as fine as you are,” the older griffon said, falling back into his old habits for a moment. “I did my level best to make sure they each were delectable in differing ways.”

There’s the bro I know,” Jonathan chuckled. “One who’s better than me, but still a flirt.”

Twilight blushed, but smiled anyway as she turned to her food. Hmm, she decided to take a page from Midnight’s book. Let’s see how he took flattery from a princess.

“Well, I’m sure they’re just as perfect as the chef~”

“That’s up to you to judge, m’lady,” the griffon replied as he reached under the cart for Moondancer’s bowl of spaghetti. Twilight pouted a little, seems she needed more practice.

Moondancer gave a small smile as she was presented with her dish. It smelled divine and looked even better.

“Jeez, they weren’t kidding when they said this was the best restaurant in the city. Maybe I should come here with my cuddlebug for a date sometime?”

“Hey, cuddlebug is my name! Get your own!” Midnight pouted. Jonathan blinked before tilting his head in slight confusion.

“What’re they talkin’ about, bro?”

Fredrick smiled a large, fake smile as he thought of the best way to broach the topic to his younger brother. This...could be an issue.

“She’s stealing the nickname I have for my fiance,” Midnight replied. “She’s certainly smart enough to come up with something more original!”

“Oh bite me,” Moondancer retorted, then shrieked as Midnight grabbed her and nibbled on her neck.

“Ya did ask,” Jonathan pointed out with a snicker.

Twilight just rolled her eyes as she bit into the burger and hummed happily, her tail swishing from side to side. “Ohh, this is amazing~” she said after consuming about half. “What I wouldn’t give to have you as my personal chef.”

“Others have made more enticing offers and failed each time,” Fredrick said with a chuckle. “I work for myself, first and foremost. And if I happen to uplift a few decent colts into upstanding stallions along the way, so much the better.”

“Bro’s obsessed with rules and honor and stuff like that,” Jonathan said with a nod. “Me, I’m more about livin’ in the moment. Doin’ what and who I want.”

“Which is why I’m not asking,” Twilight replied, again, choosing to ignore poor Jon. “Besides, I doubt Spike and Pinkie would be happy with the competition.”

Midnight had finished devouring Moondancer and turned back to her food. “Plus, for the innocence of all the cute Ponyville mares right?”

“That too,” Twilight giggled.

“Has everypony forgotten about Narrow but me?” the elder griffon sighed dramatically.

“She should’ve thought about that before siccing all that paperwork on me… also, blame your reputation,” Midnight replied.

“Well, I haven’t known you for long, but your eye has the most adorable twitch when you get annoyed,” Moondancer said with a teasing smile. Even now, that twitch came back as Fredrick held in his frustration.

“Bro, who’s Narrow?” the younger griffon asked.

“Narrow Gaze, Captain of the Las Pegasus Royal Guard and Fredrick’s marefriend,” Midnight explained as she nibbled her fish. “She’s the reason he’s off the market, damned if I know how she did it though.”

Jonathan sat there for a moment, dumbfounded by the very idea that his brother could be tamed. Fredrick coughed to gain Midnight’s attention, before giving her a look that said ‘really?’ “You couldn’t have eased him into the idea?”

“Ease into what? You have a marefriend, whoopdedoo, I have three.” Midnight shrugged. Jonathan shook his daze off and looked at his brother with an expression of…pity?

“I am so sorry you got chained down, bro,” the younger griffon said.

“Ah, now I see,” Midnight nodded as she licked her plate, giving Jon a good view of what that tongue of hers could do.

“Midnight, manners!” Twilight scolded her and the bat put the now-clean plate down with a sheepish smile. Jon blinked before smiling flirtatiously at the batpony.

“I love a mare with a talented tongue,” he purred.

“Won’t find more talented than me,” she quipped back without thinking. Twilight just facehooved as Moondancer had already accepted the inevitable. A new challenger had approached.

“I wouldn’t go there,” the Unicorn warned the new Griffon. “Trust me on that one.”

Jon either hadn’t heard or didn’t care. His eyes were half-lidded as he looked at the Thestral mare. “You might have the tongue,” he conceded, knowing he was bested there. His tongue wasn’t retractable after all. “But I’m willin’ to bet that five minutes with my claws, you’ll be putty.” He waggled one set for emphasis.

“Midnight Song successfully seduced every Alicorn Princess,” Twilight said as she ate her second burger. Well, it wasn’t a total lie. She had at least kissed them. Jon blinked before looking at the lavender pony.

“Seriously?” he asked.

“Mhmm,” Midnight nodded. “Celestia tastes like roasted marshmallows and vanilla. Luna tastes… well, she tasted a little like alcohol at the time. And yes, Cadence tastes like strawberries.” She leaned across the table and pulled Twilight into a brief, yet deep kiss.

“And Bookworm here is just magical~”

“An’ I thought I was bad,” the black-feathered griffon mused. “...Guess that jus’ means I’ll hafta try harder.” He looked at Midnight and waggled his claws again. “Offer ‘s still free if you wanna experience my magic touch.”

“Hmm, I’d say Twilight’s touch is a lot more magical, but sorry… my fiance gets a little jealous when someone tries to hit on his mares.”

“He doesn’t have to know,” Jonathan crooned, before he got whapped upside the head by Fredrick.

“I would tell him,” the older said as the younger grumbled and rubbed his head. “Shame on you for trying to sleep with a nearly married mare.”

“Ain’t stopped me before,” Jonathan retorted.

“Married, yes…” Midnight hummed as she stared at Twilight’s remaining burger, which the alicorn growled and held it close. “Almost married… well, I didn’t know so hey! And they still got married afterwards.”

“They?” Twilight blinked.

“Well yeah, I wasn’t going to leave anypony out,” Midnight nodded.

“You...slept with both?” Twilight blinked again.

“Mhmm, such a nice pair of stallions…”

“Fillies and Gentlecolts… Midnight Song,” Moondancer replied, taking a small bow.

“Try seducin’ all the bridesmares at a weddin’, then we’ll talk,” Jonathan retorted. Midnight yawned.

“Been there, done that. Ever been spit roasted by two adolescent dragons?”

While doing a dragoness,” the gryphon nodded. “That was one night I won’t forget anytime soon.” And considering he was a male, there was really only one way he could have done that… “Ever been in the middle of a mating frenzy of seaponies? I have, it was wet and wild.”

“Okay, now I’m calling horseapples,” Midnight replied. “The dragon thing I can get, but seaponies?”

“They are real,” Twilight nodded. “How he did… that, with them I don’t know and that’s one thing I don’t think I want to know either.”

“It involved a water-breathin’ charm to help me breathe under th’ sea,” Jonathan helpfully supplied. “And I have never had anything to compare to th’ experience.”

“Twilight?” Midnight asked. “Do you think we could visit the sea for our next vacation?”

Twilight was not going to answer that. Nope, she would leave that for Ledger. She wasn’t touching it with a ten hoof pole. She looked at her remaining burger, her appetite long since destroyed. Ah well, she ate it anyway.

The sound of someone clearing their throat came from behind Jon, as a petite Changeling nymph stood there.

“Yo, move it or lose it featherduster!”

“...Bro, you’ve either got a bug problem, or there’s something I don’t know going on,” the black griffon said as he blinked at the appearance of the changeling.

“What you don’t know could fill tomes that even Twilight would struggle to finish,” Fredrick riposted.

All four mares giggled at that sweet burn. The nymph decided the direct route was fastest as she leapt up, using Jon’s head as a springboard and jumped over him, landing next to Midnight.

“We have dress fittings today,” she said to her. “Thought I’d remind you of that fact.”

“Already?” Midnight blinked. “Dang Rarity works fast. Or I’m losing track of time again. I dunno.” She blinked and looked at the new Griffon. “OH, lemmes introduce you. Jonathan, this is Scope Lens, another of my fiances. Scopey, this is Fredrick’s brother Jonathan.”

“Seriously?” Scope said flatly. “You’re parents thought it was a good idea to breed again?”

“I turned out well enough,” Fredrick said with a shrug. “And then they had Jonathan, and got discouraged.”


“Especially when our godfather Zethy corrupted him even worse than he did me.”

Hey! Don’t be talkin’ like that about Uncle Zeth!”

“I was actually enjoying my time without him,” Fredrick sighed wistfully.

“All right, I get it! You think of me as a disgrace, yadda yadda. Please stop with the name-callin’!”

Scope blinked and looked at Midnight and Fredrick. “I don’t get it. Is his name not Jonathan?”

“I think that he might be more indignant over the fact that we’re disrespecting him,” Twilight explained. “And he’s right, we have been a little rude. So, I do apologise for our behaviour and actions Mr. Jonathan.”

The black-feathered griffon visibly calmed down before waving a wing at the mares. “Nah, I’m good. This is jus’ the usual banter me and bro have every time we meet. And I probably deserve it.”

“You came in on one of my nights and asked a mare if she would like the ‘sibling special,’” Fredrick deadpanned.

“...Okay, I deserve it,” Jonathan said with a smirk. “But you have to admit, it was hot that night.”

“It’s one of the more mentally scarring images in my head, seeing you on the other side of that mare,” Fredrick replied in the same dead voice. “And now I need alcohol to kill it again.”

With that, the older griffon turned around and went back into his kitchen, presumably in search of a strong enough brew to repress that memory again.

Midnight shuddered at that mental thought. Jon was a pretty handsome Griffon and if she kept thinking of that, Fredrick would need to burn this chair.

“Seriously Mistress?” Scope frowned. “Well, whatever. Just be back home by three okay?”

“Mhmm,” Midnight nodded. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts!

“So, anyone here know if the spa’s still open?” Jonathan asked. “I usually pick up some work there whenever I’m in town. Mares just melt when I touch them.”

That was when Midnight gave him a fanged grin. “You know, I believe that they are.” This was gonna be great~

“Cool,” the griffon said with a head bob. “I’ll check in tomorrow, I still got some bits saved up from Baltimare.” He then looked at the little nymph as his head tilted out of curiosity. “So...changelin’, huh?”

“Really?” the mare said excitedly. She looked at her holey hooves and nodded. “Well gee golly! I never knew!”

“Nah, it’s jus’, I never met one before,” Jonathan said with a shake of his head. “I can honestly say I’ve never slept with a bugpony.”

“Alright. Rule one, call a Changeling that again and you may find a few choice vital organs residing outside your body,” she warned him. “And two, Las Pegasus is now a Changeling-friendly city, so you’ll see a few here and there. If you have questions, you can visit—”

“And we’re done here,” Moondancer suddenly said. She wasn’t letting him anywhere near the Love Shack.

“Hah, and I also have one up on you featherhead!” Midnight smirked.

“Oh?” Jonathan asked with his head tilted again. Midnight blinked and held Scopey close to her.

“Did you not hear the part when I said… fiance?”

“...Ah. Still, if marriage is your thing, more power to ya,” the griffon said with a wave of his wing. “I prefer to be as free as the breeze, myself.”

“Mm, well getting married to a Changeling, an Earth Pony, a Unicorn, and maybe an Alicorn one day, I still have plenty of variety.” She looked down at Scopey. “Also, you’re learning how to become a seapony.”

“Seaponies aren’t real Mistress,” Scope said flatly.

“Explain the orgy I had in the middle of the ocean with a school of them, then,” Jonathan fired back.

“You were probably drunk and found some overly frisky dolphins,” Scope said back. The black griffon reached into a pack on his back and rummaged around in it for a moment before withdrawing a seashell and flicking it to Twilight, as she had the horn and wings.

“Memento,” he explained. “Tell me that’s not a water-breathin’ charm on that.”

“The magic is weak, but yes,” Twilight nodded. Her horn flashed and the shell glowed for a moment. “Also, renewed the charm. It should be good for another decade or so now.”

“Awesome,” Jonathan said as he held a claw out for the return of the shell. Twilight floated back over and hummed.

“I’ll show you what a seapony looks like at some point,” she said to Scopey and kissed her forehead. “So, aside from the obvious adultery, what do you do for a living Mr. Jonathan?”

“Mostly, I drift,” Jonathan said with a smirk. “Town to town, place to place. Visit, party, move on. If I need bits, I set down roots for a little while longer. ‘Specially if the place has a spa or massage parlor.”

Fredrick made a return appearance with a rather small glass that smelled like very potent alcohol. “Jonathan is actually a licensed masseuse, and knows how to help relax every single species he’s run across. The fact that he uses such information for...other pursuits is his business.”

“So he’s a mix of you, me and Ace…” Midnight said while Scope and Moondancer visibly shuddered.

“Is that… a bad thing?” Twilight inquired.

“Not necessarily bad… per say,” Midnight said. “Just be glad I’m taken, or Fredrick would have quite the mess to clean up…”

“That a fact?” Jonathan asked with a cheeky grin at the thestral.

“Hmm, you’re a little annoying, but you’re cute,” Midnight replied. “I’d put you on my bangable list. If I still had one.”

“You had a list?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. Applejack had taught her well in that regard.

“Yeah, I actually had a small tome… it got destroyed with our old apartment though.”

“Shame, but if you’re gettin’ married, pro’lly for the best,” the younger griffon said with a smirk. “Still, if you ever want to-”

That was when Fredrick thwacked him upside the head again, causing Jonathan to yelp and clutch his cranium.

“No. I am telling you this right now, unless they approach you, you leave Midnight and her herd alone. Got it?”

The black griffon grumbled, and Fredrick raised his paw to reiterate his earlier message.

“I got it!” the younger brother said. “No screwin’ around with Midnight or hers.”

“It really is for your own safety,” Moondancer said. “Midnight is pregnant and hormonal, and was prone to doing stupid stuff before she got like this.”


“And Level Ledger can get quite jealous… and dangerous, and don’t get me started on that tiny nymph there. You see how small and cute she is?”

Jonathan gave a small nod.

“Well, she can also become a fully grown dragon or alicorn at the drop of a hat.”

“...So avoid that bucking crazy family altogether, got it,” the black-feathered griffon said. “So, I’m just gonna...go check and see if the spa still could use my talents.”

“It takes a special kind of crazy to deal with us,” Midnight giggled as the Griffon went to leave. “Still, we could be friends at the very least.” She gave him a wave and as she jumped up to fly off of her chair, her tail revealed just a peek…

Jonathan noticeably gulped and looked away with no small amount of effort.

“All of you, crazy,” he declared before he made his egress.

“Oops, I think I scared him too much,” Moondancer giggled as everyone just looked at her. “What?”

“There’s doing it, then there’s overdoing it,” Fredrick said as he killed the drink he’d brought out. “Still, credit where it’s due, that’s the first time I’ve heard him express disinterest about someone he was trying to sleep with not a minute prior.”

“It’s a hidden talent of Moonies,” Midnight nodded as she sipped some water. “She really should have the boogeymare as a Cutie Mark…”

“Oh bite me,” the Unicorn muttered, then yelped as Midnight pounced again. Twilight rolled her eyes as she polished off her final burger.

“I think she does that on purpose,” the alicorn said. Oh well, it was a nice show anyway… Oh Sweet Celestia, she was turning into Ledger.

“You’re all fuckin’ nuts,” Scope muttered. “And it takes quite a bit of effort to become a dragon.” She looked up at Fredrick with bright blue eyes and an idea formed. “Hey Fredrick~ You’re looking fine today.”

“You only flatter somepony when you want something,” Fredrick deadpanned. “Just ask.”

“Just wondering if there’s truth to that reputation of yours~” she purred, her horn glowing slighty and she hummed before he could respond. “Mmm, now that’s some tasty Loyalty. Thanks for the pick-me-up featherhead.”

“...You could have asked,” the griffon said with a sigh. “You know, before the fact. It’s a little thing called manners, I would have thought the others in your herd would have gotten a few into your head by now.”

“True enough, but your reaction wouldn’t have been as potent and I’d have had to dig deeper to find the emotion. Still… I am sorry.” She placed a few bits in his apron. “Thanks for the food Freddy.”

“Not a problem, really. Just...ask before, next time?” he asked the small nymph. “Well, I have a lunch to clean up after and a room to make up for my brother if he’s staying here for any length of time.”

“I wonder what’ll happen when he meets the Captain?” Midnight asked as she placed some bits on the table and stacked the dishes neatly.

“That should make for an enlightening conversation,” Moondancer agreed. “Thank you for the wonderful lunch Fredrick. And sorry for all the crazy we seem to bring you.”

“I’ve gotten somewhat used to it,” the griffon replied as he placed the dishes onto the cart he’d used to bring them out. “I’m just not used to both your crazy and my brother’s at the same time.”

“And yet, you suggested him when I asked about single stallions for the herd,” Midnight chuckled.

“And then he walks in, like some cheesy movie…” Twilight muttered. “I swear, Discord himself couldn’t have planned it better…” She frowned and shook her head. Nope, was not dwelling on that too hard. “Okay everypony. Home then?”

“Home,” Midnight agreed. Fredrick bid them all a fond farewell as he cleaned up after them.

“And now we wait for the mayhem to commence,” the griffon muttered under his breath. With his brother back in town, it was only a matter of time…

Level Ledger sat in his office, his new and improved paperwork spell made this almost too easy.

The papers suddenly scattered as Moondancer teleported in, a mischievous smirk plastered over her muzzle.

“Heya bugbutt! You got a minute?”

“...You just scattered my delicate spell...work…” Or had she? Even as he watched, the paperwork picked itself up and was put back in the stack, as neat as could be.

“Well that’s useful,” Ledger said with a happy hum. “Apparently all those redundancies were good for something after all~”

“Oooh, interesting,” Moondancer hummed at the new spell. She suddenly shook her head and looked at Ledger. “Okay, do you want to see something amazing!?”

“As long as you don’t scatter my paperwork again,” Ledger said mock-sternly. “I’ll have to cancel the spell if you intend to take me out of this room.”

“Ah, lemme handle the teleportation inertia,” she replied. “Alright, chop chop Ledger.”

With a nod and a look of focus, the glow on his horn died as the papers finally settled on his desk. “Ready,” he said as he moved from around the desk to stand in front of her. And with a flash of her horn, the two found themselves in Cider’s kitchen. There was barely any sound or displacement that time. The Unicorn turned to him and put a hoof to her lips for him to be quiet and then pointed towards the door leading to the living room. Ledger raised an eyebrow in curiosity before peeking through the door…

“Okay darling, could you turn please?” Rarity hummed. “I need to see if the dress moves correctly.”

“Alright,” Midnight replied and Rarity moved, giving Ledger a clear view of the Thestral. She wore the Crystal Armour from before, minus the helmet. It had been polished to a point where it shone, but didn’t outshine the wearer. A white dress hung from the hip of the armour, ending in a long, lace train. Her head was adorned with an ornate silver tiara, with a lace veil covering the back of her head. The normal boots of the armour had also been replaced with ornate and finely crafted shoes, the colour and material matching the rest of the armour.

“So?” Moondancer whispered into his ear.

“She’s beautiful,” Ledger replied in as soft a tone as she had used purely on reflex. “I always knew it, but now...she’s so beautiful I’m having a hard time not going in there and telling her.”

“It’s normally bad luck for a groom to see the bride in her dress before the wedding, but I’d say you and her would just punch anything that got in your way,” Moondancer chuckled. She placed a hoof on his shoulder and sighed. “I wished… maybe in some way, I still do… that it was me that she’d be walking down that aisle towards, wearing that. You’re lucky Ledger.”

“I tell myself that every day, but it’s never really sunk in just how lucky I am as it has at just this moment,” Ledger said before stepping back from the door. “Okay, if I look at her any longer, I’m going to be tempted to disrupt miss Rarity while she’s working, and that didn’t end well with Cider when she cooked for us.”

“Middy was feeling a little down earlier. Felt like that you liked Twilight better… mind you, Twi and I both told her she was crazy and hormonal and stuff. Lunch was… interesting,” Moondancer hummed as she put her hooves on his flank. “Sorry Ledger,” she apologised, before shoving him out into the room.

“Ack!” Ledger said on reflex as he was shoved in the room, barely keeping his hooves under him. It was a mistake to say anything, though, as it got the attention of Rarity and Midnight right away. “Uh-oh.”

“...Levvy?” Midnight blinked, then she turned the most adorable shade of red as she tried to hide behind Rarity, who saw Moondancer and sighed.

“Well, the cat is out of the bag now, so to speak.” The Unicorn placed a hoof to her head and shook it. She moved out from in front of Midnight and showed her off. “So Mr. Ledger. What do you think of your blushing bride?”

The Thestral just stood there, squirming a little as her blush deepened. Ledger took a deep breath before drawing closer to the mare, eventually sitting in front of her and looking into her crimson eyes.

“Um…” Midnight was at a total loss on what to say. So she settled on her now default blush and tried to look away. Ledger took one of her hooves and held it up to his face, kissing it without looking away from her at all. Midnight’s blush intensified and she thought she was about to pass out.

“W-Well,” she stammered. “Say something you dork.”

And then he did. “You are the most beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, wonderful, perfect mare I have had the pleasure to know in my time in Equestria,” Ledger said. “I am thankful every day that I ran into you, and it does me no small amount of honor that you would even think of marrying a drone like me.”

She couldn’t respond. She… she didn’t know how to respond to something like that. Her body seemed to though, as tears ran down her face as she just nodded slowly and hugged him. He returned the hug as well as he could, with her in both armor and a dress, and kept murmuring words of endearment to her.

Rarity wiped a tear from her eye as Twilight smiled widely. Midnight eventually composed herself and nodded.

“Heh, g-guess it’s good to practice now. Don’t wanna look uncool on the actual day huh?” Yep… that sounded totally convincing.

“Oh don’t worry, my actual vows will be far more heart-rending,” the disguised drone replied, not letting go of her for a second.

“Oh...wonderful,” Midnight pouted. “Guess I’ll have to put my writing skills to the test and make you cry like a little foal.”

“Let’s try not to compete at your own wedding,” Twilight sighed.

“Haven’t you noticed?” Ledger said, looking at Twilight over Midnight’s shoulder. “With Midnight, everything is a competition.”

“And I usually win,” Midnight said. “Just wait until the wedding night~”

“I would fear for myself, but at least there will be two other mares there with me to help absorb your attentions,” Ledger sighed as he finally released Midnight. The Thestral hummed and gave him a small, but loving kiss.

“Don’t worry, I’m trying to hold myself back a little now. And I have a little Alicorn to take out the rest on~”

Twilight meeped and hid behind Rarity, who rolled her eyes at the constant use of being a meat shield. Especially since Midnight would have no qualms about going through said shield first~

“What the heck is all the racket?” Scope called out as she came downstairs, in her true form as she wore a dark blue dress detailed with gold thread embroidery. She saw Ledger and chirped in surprise.

“L-Ledger… idiot! What the heck are you doing here!?”

“Moondancer,” he explained with one word.

“Imma eat that bloody Unicorn,” she sighed. Well, whatever. She descended the stairs so he could get a better look. “What do you think?”

He hummed as he looked her over before smiling. “I had no idea a changeling could look so pretty without being transformed,” the disguised drone said honestly.

“Yeah, well…” Scope flushed and looked away. “Rarity said that I should go like this… so you can marry the real me.” She still wasn’t convinced it was a good idea. Suddenly, Ledger was in front of her with a soft smile on his lips. Before she could say another word, he silenced her with a kiss.

“It’s a beautiful idea,” he said once he broke the kiss. “I rather like it. If you’re comfortable with it, that is.”

Scope just matched Midnight’s intense blush and pouted. “Fine, I guess I can.”

Rarity then shrieked as she ran over, knocking Ledger aside.

“A loose thread? Why… I must fix this immediately!”

“Oh holes, not again!” Scope cried as she was dragged off, along with Midnight Song. That left Twilight alone in the room with Ledger for the time being.

“Well, that was something,” the alicorn chuckled. “Rarity is… somewhat of a perfectionist. Come time for the actual day, those mares are going to be amazingly beautiful.”

“They already are,” Ledger said as he looked at Twilight. “All of them.” The alicorn blushed a little, must have been contagious.

“Too bad you missed seeing Cider. She looked lovely,” Twilight nodded. “Then she asked how she was supposed to buck apples in it… I swear, that whole family has apples for brains sometimes~”

“She’s just very driven about her work,” Ledger replied. “Somepony has to remain sane in this group.”

“And here I thought I filled that position,” Twilight hummed.

“You fill a lot of positions~” Midnight called out from upstairs, earning a groan from the princess.

“Damn her Thestral hearing.”

“It has it’s ups and downs,” Ledger agreed. “She can hear you when you whisper. Which means she can also hear this.” The disguised changeling started to draw closer to the alicorn with a very mischievous smile on his face.

“Oh, and what are you planning?” she said with a smile of her own. “You don’t plan on teasing dear Midnight do you?”

“Would I do something like that?” Ledger said smoothly as he sat in front of the princess.

“Yes.” Twilight’s response was clear and concise. “I have absolutely no doubts that you would indeed do something like that.”

“Well, let’s not disappoint her then,” Ledger said as he leaned in to kiss Twilight. The alicorn pulled her head back teasingly. If he wanted it…

“Then you gotta come and get it,” she giggled as she jumped up and ran off. Ledger grumbled good-naturedly as he ran after the teasing alicorn, intent on catching her and kissing her, at least.

She avoided him for a moment or two, until she turned and waited as he tackled her lightly onto the couch.

“Oh no, I’ve been caught by the big bad Changeling again!” she said with a dramatized moan. “Please go easy on me~”

“Fat chance,” Ledger said before kissing her neck lightly, then running his reappearing fangs through the fur there. “You shouldn’t have run~” he teased her once he drew back. “Now I’m going to have to punish you.”

“Ohnooo,” Twilight moaned at the sharp fangs teasing her, that felt really nice. “Please don’t have your way with me~”

“I rather think I will,” Ledger said as he more fully covered Twilight’s form with his own, before leaning down and kissing her again, this time on the lips. His tongue lapped at her lips, requesting entrance for a moment. Her lips parted as her tongue entwined with his own, the mare moaning into the kiss as a thump could be heard from upstairs, along with some stern-sounding words from Rarity.

“And now that I’ve sampled the tasty mare,” Ledger said with a happy hum once their kiss finally broke. “I find myself wanting...more.”

“That sounds, mmmm,” Twilight moaned as his touch again. “But, you have work… and Rarity can’t hold Midnight back forever…”

“Come with me?” he offered the mare under him. “You can get a closer look at the spell in action, and I have nothing but free time while it runs.”

“You just want to be naughty in your office again~” Twilight pointed out.

“You know you want to as well,” he said as he trailed a hoof through the fur on her chest. “Either for the spell or the one casting it.”

“Hmm, why not both~?” she whispered huskily, her hips bumping his…

Then somepony cleared their throat and the two lovers were made painfully aware that Moondancer was still there… watching.

“Oh? Don’t mind me,” she hummed. Ledger followed her suggestion and looked down at Twilight.

“Office?” he offered again, both because he was still interested, and because at least there they could lock the door and put a soundproofing charm up.

Twilight looked to Moondancer, then up to Ledger as she smiled. “Oh? I don’t mind if she watches~”

“I do, she’s not a member of the herd,” Ledger pointed out. “And unless you’re going to ask her to get involved - something I have a feeling she would turn down, as she’s never felt like that about me - then we shouldn’t let her,” the drone finished.

“Actually,” Moondancer hummed as she leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “I still care for Midnight quite a bit~ And I bet Sugar Darling would love a chance to have a go with you dear Ledger~”

“Not hearing a whole lot of you wanting me in those statements, so you’re still outta luck Moondancer,” Ledger said as he looked at the Unicorn. Moondancer shrugged as Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m not going to sleep with one of my best friends,” Twilight said. “Besides, I still have things to talk about with Moondancer. So, maybe later Level?”

“Fine,” Ledger pouted as he got off of Twilight and charged his horn with a teleportation spell. “I’ll be at the office if you change your mind.” With that, he was gone with a pop of displaced air, just as Midnight ran downstairs after shedding her dress.

“Aw what?” she whined. “Dammit. I totally missed out huh?”

“Only by a second,” Twilight giggled, straightening her mane. “He’s back at his office now, no doubt pouting up a storm.”

“Really,” Midnight hummed. Hmm… she had… an idea~

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