• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

Final Chapter - A glimpse of things to come

Star Song was a normal mare. Well, she thought of herself as normal anyway. According to half the students at her school… she was anything but normal.

However, that did not matter tonight.

For tonight, she had managed to get one of the most popular colts at school to agree to a date. But they had to stop by home first so she could drop her bags off and get changed.

“It won’t take long,” she smiled as they trotted up the road to the farm. “In and out in ten minutes. Just… don’t make eye contact with anyone.”

“Uh, okay?” Gilded Hoof replied. He brushed a lock of his golden mane with his magic and smiled, flashing his perfect teeth. “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure every family has their quirks.”

“You’ve never met my family,” Star groaned and rubbed her head. “Just… I warned you okay?” She took a deep breath, before muttering a few prayers to Celestia and opened the door.

And she couldn’t see anypony.

“Did… did I luck out?’ she asked in disbelief. Hopefuly they were all in Ponyville or Canterlot. She opened the door fully and beckoned Gilded to come inside. “We seem to have the place to ourselves. Let’s hurry up before somepony—”

From upstairs, a familiar voice echoed through the house. “-Yeah yeah, don’t worry so much Twi. I’ll be in and out in my study in a minute, I’m sure my notes are there and we can answer this-” Then there was a Flutterpony at the top of the stairs, looking down at them.

“Buck me,” Star hissed and looked up with a smile. “Hi Daddy~”

“Starry, who is this?” the stallion asked, his eyes not leaving the unfamiliar colt. Before Star could respond, the stallion stepped forward.

“Hello sir. I am Gilded Hoof, here to accompany your lovely daughter on a date tonight.” He gave off an orange-hued aura, with an undertone of a yellowy-green. Much like a lot of the Canterlot nobles actually.

“I see,” Ledger said. “Star, go get ready while I have a few words with him?” The tone implied it was anything but a suggestion.

Star looked at her hopefully soon-to-be coltfriend and gave him an apologetic look. She trotted upstairs before pausing next to her father.

“Don’t you dare scare him off!” she hissed and ran off to get changed as quickly as possible.

“Outside,” Ledger said. “She has her mother’s hearing, and she doesn’t need to hear this.” The door swung open behind the colt in a silvery aura. The stallion nodded and followed the pony outside into the crisp night air.

“So tell me colt,” Ledger said once the door was shut. “What do you like most about her?”

“Right to the point hmm?” He paused as he thought. “I’d have to say her personality really. But I haven’t had much time to get to know her, hence the purpose of this date.”

“A good answer so far,” Ledger said. “Tell me, do you know anything about Flutterponies and what we can do?”

“They haven’t taught us much at school about them,” he nodded. “So no, I don’t know anything really.”

“Let me educate you then,” the stallion said with a wicked smile. “Like Changelings, we can perceive emotion, though we’re limited to seeing it as an extra aura around a pony. You look to be from Canterlot, you or your family. And that is my eldest child in there, getting ready for a date with you.” He clapped a hoof around the colt’s back, and his next words made it anything but friendly.

“So if I ever see anything even remotely resembling heartbreak coming from my daughter...well, let me put it like this. I can rip apart a Changeling with TK. You can fill in the blanks, can’t you?”

The stallion nodded and gulped, his aura changing to a deep blue of fear. “C-Crystal sir.”

“Good.” Ledger paused and nodded. “Treat her better than you ever would, come around and get to know the others, and never forget this. Compared to her mother, I’m the sane one.”

“Y-Yes sir,” he stammered again as Star all but ran through the door and out into the night. She took one look at the stallion and shot her father a glare that could freeze the sun itself.

“What did I say?” she muttered.

“Honey, I’m your father,” the flutterpony said. “Threatening your coltfriends is sort of my job. Besides, would you rather have it be me, or your mother?”

“You’re all impossible,” she muttered as she turned and looked at Gilded. “Let’s go already.”

He nodded and followed her as she stormed off in a huff. His orange aura returning… especially when he heard Starry bring up the topic of Twilight…

“I still do not trust that colt,” the stallion muttered. “Hmm. I wonder if that’s just because I’m her dad, or for some other reason…” He shrugged before turning back inside for his notes that he’d promised to Twilight. A quick search located them, and within a few minutes he was back in Ponyville, papers in his grasp.

A few weeks later, Ledger was spending some well deserved time off at home. His new assistant at the warehouse was working out splendidly and his son, whom had taken the name ‘Balanced-Books’ was also speeding up to his father’s level of efficiency at an alarming pace.

He’d already refined his paperwork spell even further, by adding subcommands that allowed non-magic users to control it so long as it was active.

The peace was shattered however, as the door slammed open and Star stormed inside, closing the door so hard that Ledger would have to repair the hinges later.

“Talk to me,” he said as he looked over at her. “I can only see your emotions, I can’t read your mind.”

“Gilded can go find the biggest cactus in the desert and mount it!!” she screamed and started to stomp upstairs. The flutterpony sighed before going off to find Midnight. In his mind, she could comfort their daughter.

While he had a task to take care of once she had gotten what he needed…

Except that an obstacle stood in front of him. Namely a certain mare by the name of Apple Cider.

“Th’moment ah saw Starry run in here, ah knew you’d be off to find out why,” she sighed. “So, care to explain where y’all are going?”

“I’m going to get Midnight to comfort her,” Ledger explained. “She’s a little better at that than I am, even with my emotion-sight.”

“Well, ah agree that she’s a touch more sensitive than you,” Cider nodded. “But ah know you so ah’m gonna ask. What will ya do after you find Middy?”

“I’ll simply ask her to ask Star where that coltfriend of hers lives or was seen last so I can remind him of our first meeting,” Ledger said with a smile.

“Ledger, ah am not gonna let you beat up a minor,” Cider sighed as their other daughter stepped through the door. The Yellow mare assisted Chrysalis whenever she went to visit the Hives. Though she was young, the fact that she’d buried five full-grown drones during her last visit meant that Chryssy had an excellent bodyguard.

“Huh? Did Starry run in here?” she asked.

“Yes, and I’m getting her mother to comfort her and extract the location of Gilded Hoof so I can remind the cowardly stallion what our first meeting was like,” the flutterpony said. “When your sister uses her mother’s favorite way of telling somepony to buck themselves in the most painful way possible, that says to me that I need to get involved.”

“Oh, that,” she said. “It’s pretty simple. She found out that Gilded was just using her to get to Momma Twilight. Use that connection to a princess to increase his family's social standing.” She huffed and rolled her eyes. “Idiot forgot how good Star’s hearing is. She overheard him bragging to his friends about the ‘Stupid ‘Fake’icorn’ and whatnot.”

“I see,” Ledger said with a vicious smile. “I don’t suppose you’d know where they typically hang out, then? Because I could do with sending a message back to Canterlot.”

She glanced at a timepiece attached to her left leg. “Let’s see, he should be at Amy’s Ice-Cream Parlour right about now…”

“Love you,” Ledger said to Cider before pecking her on the cheek as his antenna glowed. Before she could say anything to stop him, he’d vanished in a crack of magic.

“Silver Wind?” Cider sighed. “Did you really have to tell your Daddy that?”

“Gilded is an elitist, snobby show off with little to no redeeming qualities,” Silver nodded. “Plus he made big sis cry. So yes… yes I did.”

“Well… ah’ll pretend ah didn’t hear any of this,” Cider said. Truthfully, she was just annoyed she couldn’t get to him first.

“So which one of us is gonna break the news to Momma Midnight?” Silver asked.

“Aw buck,” Cider swore. Ledger totally just ditched that onto them and Midnight was… protective of her little Star. “Ah call not it fer me and Twilight.”

“Aww buck,” Silver swore. “No fair.”

“One, ya’ll shouldn’t swear. A reckon Chrys is a bad influence there. And two…” She smiled and winked. “Ah never vouched fer Momma Scopey.”

“Not it for me then!” Silver said. “Or Books!”

Gilded chuckled as he downed his milkshake.

“So, I heard you broke up with that weird halfie,” one of the other colts with him said.

“If you can call it that,” he replied. “She may be related to Princess Twilight. But she hasn’t got a regal bone in her body. It was just too damaging for my image to be seen with her.”

Is. That. So?” an ice-cold voice said from behind him. A voice he’d heard only once before. A voice from when he’d started dating that mare.

The voice of her father.

The colt turned and to his credit, he didn’t run away like a terrified filly. In fact, he actually sneered at him.

“What, so she had to send her daddy after me?” he jeered. “What do you want?”

“For the record,” Ledger said. “I chose to come here. Her mother should be comforting her at this point, which should be comforting to you, because that mare could take on Tirek and win. Meanwhile, you just have to deal with me.” The flutterpony did not stalk closer. Did not stomp closer. He casually walked closer. Those other actions were for ponies less angry than he was.

“Please, you can’t touch me,” he scoffed, even as his confident aura leaked a little blue. His friends had already bailed after seeing Ledger’s face, they would have nightmares for days.

“My family is quite prestigious,” he waffled on as the other patrons started to take notice.

“Let me ask you a second question about Flutterponies, colt,” Ledger said with that wide, too-friendly smile of his. “Do you know how they make them?”

“And why, pray tell, should I care how you freaks are made?”

Ledger’s smile was now very pointy. Where had those fangs come from? Why had all his teeth turned into them?

“As I said-” slightly bluer aura. “-You can’t touch me. I didn’t do anything illegal, aside from dating her in the first place.”

“Oh little colt,” Ledger sighed. “You’d be surprised what you can live through, that I can still do and get away with.” And now his eyes were slitted like a dragon’s. “Answer. The question. Do you know how they make a Flutterpony?”

“A-Again, why should I care,” he retorted.

“Because you really should know,” Ledger said. “It would make you realize that maybe, just maybe, you stepped into a much bigger predator’s hunting grounds. And you look an awful lot like dinner.”

“I’ll call the guard, have you locked up for life,” he spat. At this point, Amy and Richard had stepped out to see what all the commotion was all about. The moment Richard saw who was involved, he narrowed his eyes.

“I’ll be right back Momma,” he said as he started walking towards them. Ledger merely raised a hoof towards the hippogriff, motioning him to stay where he was.

“Captain Narrow and I are very good friends,” Ledger said. “And let me educate you once more, you stuck-up ponce. They take a Changeling, and change it. They fix everything that’s wrong with one. Would you like to know who I was before I became a Flutter? The answer might very well surprise you.”

“A freak born from a monster, how very trite,” the colt replied. “And just because you’re friends with the guard, doesn’t make you above the law. I have friends in much higher places.”

“My name was Duke Secret-Hoarder. Nephew to the High Silver King of the Changeling Lands. His favorite nephew, as a matter of fact. My mother essentially controls the flow of information back home. One word to her about the colt that broke her granddaughter’s heart? She’d have you whisked away to the Lands, where you would never be found.”

Gilded yawned and looked up. “Oh, are you done yet? Words are words after all. And a Duke? Yet you married a second rate princess and have a little halfie for a kid. I should-” he never finished as Richard’s fist connected with the side of his face.

“Don’t you dare talk about Starry like that!” he yelled. “Maybe Mr. Ledger can’t hurt you.” He leaned in close as his pink eyes flashed dangerously. He raised a claw and dragged the tip down the stallions cheek. “But I can. Badly.”

“Richard,” Ledger admonished the colt. “There are ways of hurting the colt without a report being filed. For example, I can find any businesses his family owns, and acquire all the supply contracts, then start gouging them, like he gouged out Starry’s heart. I can send so many effective messages that would actually get through to this Canterlot snob. I do, after all, still run a shipping company. And I’ve been meaning to...expand.”

“Y-You don’t scare me,” he bluffed.

“Don’t worry, he won’t talk after I tear out his tongue and feed it to him,” the hippogriff grinned widely.

“Or even better, I can talk to Twilight, and she can publicly denounce his family for being mindless status seekers,” Ledger posed. “Perhaps that would get through his fat head.”

“That announcement would be more effective with his head on a pike,” Richard grinned wider.

“Or better yet,” Ledger said. “We tell my family about this. Oh, the ravages they would heap on him for daring to break their niece’s heart.” He sighed and held a hoof to his chest. “Three uncles, two aunts. All of them Noble and highly destructive when you hurt their family.”

“The desert is a big place,” Richard continued. “Lotsa places to hide someone…”

That was that, with a high pitched scream, the colt scrambled to his hooves and bolted from the building.

“Gilded Hoof,” Ledger said as he mocked a salute. “We hardly knew ye. And for that, we are grateful.” He turned to Richard and sighed. “Though I am going to have to send a message to his family, so I am going to have to get to know his family’s business out of principle.” The flutterpony sighed again. “Why can she not date nice colts? Like you.”

His aura exploded with pink, as did his face. He just stood there and stammered, his anger forgotten as his head was filled with lovey-dovey images of his best friend.

“Ledgie, don’t break my son,” Amy sighed.

“It’s hardly breaking him if I suggest he’d be a good match for her and he agrees with it,” Ledger countered. “Besides, there’s only so many colts I can threaten before I have to start making good on those threats.”

Amy just shook her head as she fetched a small tub of mango-strawberry ice-cream. Starry’s favorite.

“Here Ricky, take this to Starryand cheer her up.”

Richard took the tub and nodded as he bowed his head to Ledger and flew outside and towards the farm. Amy watched him leave before turning to Ledger. “Now. Middy and I are shipping them and we have a hefty bet riding on this. You will not interfere alright?”

“Promise,” the stallion said. “...You do realize that the moment she brings him home as her coltfriend, I’m going to have to do my fatherly intimidating routine, right?”

“I’ve already given Chryssy permission to do the same to Stary.”

“I’d bet on who broke first, but I’ve learned not to make bets with you,” the stallion said. “Seeya later, Amy.”

“Ap! Where do you think you’re going?” she said sternly. “You caused a scene in my place of business, so you’d better not leave here empty-hooved.”

“Gimmie a pint of Mango, then,” Ledger said as he pulled out his bit-bag. “I’ll need something to bribe my bat with.”

Once the transaction was complete, and Ledger was outside. He looked at the receipt.

And noticed she’d charged him a ‘Causing a Scene’ tax…

“Like she wouldn’t have done the bloody same if Richard dated a floozy of a mare,” Ledger grumbled, before hitting the ice-cream with a Chilling Charm.

Yes, he would bribe the bat with it...in a few minutes.

For the time being, he had a Gilded Hoof to look up, so that he could send an effective message to a Canterlot family…

Starry hadn’t come out of her room, and Scope was trying to get her thestral wife to not run off and turn that colt into something resembling a meal from the The Chop Shop. She barely even turned her head when Richard poked his beak through the door.

“What do you want?’ she mumbled. “Come to laugh at the ‘stupid halfie’ as well?”

“Mom said to give you this,” the hippogriff said as he pulled the strawberry-mango swirl from his bags.

She sniffed and looked at him, her eyes red and puffy. And he noticed that her pink eye seemed more… lifeless than usual. It lacked the sparkle they usually had.

“...Thanks,” she said. “I knew it was too good to be true. A mare like me getting a colt like that.”

“He was a total tool,” the hippogriff said. “Bragging about it. Then your dad showed up.”

“Oh gods…” Starry buried her head into her pillow. “I’m never going to hear the end of this now. Gilded and his friends will make my school-life a living Tartarus…”

“He actually scared the buck out of his friends,” Richard said. “He was having some trouble getting through to Gilded himself...then I pitched in.”

“...You didn’t have to do that,” she said quietly as she nibbled the ice-cream. Stupid Mrs. Amy. She was trying to be angry and self-loathing. But this ice-cream was freaking amazing.

“He was a total tool that thought he was better than everypony else just because of his family, right up until your dad and I started threatening to really hurt him,” Richard said. “Plus, he hurt you, so…”

“Well you shouldn’t have,” she replied as she slammed her spoon into the dessert. “I didn’t ask you to stick up for me!”

“If our situation was reversed, would I have to ask you?” the hippogriff posed. “It’s what friends do.”

She remained silent at that one. He still didn’t know why one filly in particular didn’t pick on him anymore. Mostly because Star saw to it that she would need a better dental plan in the future…

Her dad had been pretty steamed when he found out. So had her Mom… well, in the presence of others anyway. She later taught Starry how do it more effectively.

“Fine…” she pouted and jammed some of the ice-cream in her mouth. “So you got to play the prince in shining armour.”

“To the one that apparently thought he already was one, but was anything but,” Richard said. “I mean, you should have seen the look on his face when your father threatened him with your uncles and aunts.”

“So he was being lenient huh?” Starry mused as she ate another spoonful. “Didn’t use my cousins as bargaining chips.”

The Trio were especially protective of their instructor’s daughter…

“Then he realized just how bucked he was when I said one simple thing,” the hippogriff chuckled. “‘The desert is a big place. Lotsa places to hide someone…’”

“Ricky!!” She turned and slugged him in the shoulder. “You shouldn’t say stuff like that!”

“I wouldn’ta done it!” he said, rubbing his shoulder. “Now your dad, on the other hoof...I could feel the hostility the moment he teleported in.”

“Yeah, dad isn’t somepony I’d actually want to make angry…” Starry looked at her ice-cream and then offered it and her spoon to the hippogriff. He took it in one claw and took a bite of it. His mom’s ice-cream was always awesome.

And while his claws and mouth were occupied, Star Song leaned over and placed a small kiss on his cheek.

“Thanks,” she whispered. He just blushed with his mouth full of ice-cream. He swore it melted a little faster from how red his face had to be at that moment.

“D’aawwww~” Midnight cooed from the doorway as Star Song turned a deep crimson.

“Dang it Mom, what the hay!?”

“So when’s the wedding?” Midnight continued. “Should we start expanding the house now?”

“I...wha…” Richard had finally gotten the spoon out of his mouth before turning to Star. “Is your mom always this bad?”

“You should know by now…” Star sighed.

“Hmm, have you had the Talk yet?” Midnight smiled. “Because we’re going to have a little talk about safe sex.”

“MOOOOM!!!~” Star Song whined, utterly mortified.

“I live in a house with a griffon, a flutterpony, and a mare that’s half-Violet,” Richard said. “All the soundproofing charms in the world don’t help when they forget to apply them.”

“Oh I feel your pain,” Starry sighed and patted his back. “Now let’s get going before Mom decides we need hooves-on experience.”

“I wouldn’t do that… yet,” Midnight smirked.

“Yeah, I don’t wanna run into your dad again,” Richard said. “He might decide to talk to me, and I’ve seen enough of him angry for one day.”

“Well then Rick oh buddy of mine… BAIL!” Star opened her window and barreled out of it, the hippogriff not too far behind.

“Ah to be young again,” Midnight sighed.

It had been a few months since Madame Gossip had bought a small, non-descript house in Ponyville. It had a few spartan furnishings and the bedroom simply held a large crystal portal, built by Twilight and Moondancer.

Level Ledger had also applied some security runes to the house, that way, none aside from those registered or those invited could get inside.

Taking some time off, the Madame and three of her husband's. Wishful and Inspired were busying themselves with massaging her hooves, while her third, more Yellow inclined drone made a pot of tea.

And that was when someone knocked at the door, the Silver nymph already feeling the muted sensations of anxiety and… trepidation coming from whomever was on the other side.

“I wonder who this could be,” she said, motioning for her husbands to stop their attentions so she could get up and answer the door. It would be best if she saw to the door. And when she opened it…?

A yellow pegasus mare with a cream mane and tail stood there. She visibly flinched when the Madame locked eyes with her as her fear shot through the roof.

“Can I help you?” the nymph asked.

“I…” the mare locked up for a moment before taking a deep breath. “May I… come in? I’d not like to cause a scene in public.”

“You may,” the Madame said as she stood to one side. The pegasus stepped inside, taking one last look at the sky, for it’d probably be her last. As the door closed, she thought it’d be best to get this over with.

With a flash of golden flames, the mare was replaced with a Yellow Nymph.

“Mm, that still doesn’t quite explain why you’re so afraid of me,” the Madame said. “If you’re looking for help, I can certainly provide, as long as you give a good enough-”

“So I’m unfamiliar to you?” she said quietly, cutting her off. “Despite the fact that you almost instigated a war over me and my deplorable actions.”

The Madame paused. “You...can’t be the one I’ve been looking for for so long. You...wouldn’t come to me if you were.”

“No… I wouldn’t have,” she said as she turned to face her. “What I did to Secret-Hoarder is… unforgivable. I have tried to apologise to him and his… partners. While he hasn’t outright said it yet.... he has yet to turn me away. But, I’m tired. I’m exhausted over feeling like this, hiding from you. My Hive no longer accepts me, out of fear that you’ll bring ruin to them…”

“And were I the same nymph of a decade ago, I likely would have,” the silver mare sighed. “However, some advice from some of Ledger’s friends, along with some pleading from my husbands, has helped me to change my ways a little. Just a little. And you do seem to be quite the different nymph compared to the one I was told about.”

“Well, I’m alive longer than I thought I’d be,” she said. “I honestly thought I’d never make it past the front door…” She shivered and took another breath. “My name is Free-Spirit. I am the nymph that assaulted and tried to kill your son. And I have come to accept my punishment.”

The Madame paused for a moment, before smiling wickedly. “Oh dear,” she purred, before leaning down to whisper in the nymph’s ear.

What you’ve done to yourself is far worse than anything I could have done to you.

Of all the possible outcomes that Spirit had envisioned… this, was not one of them. “Um, I’m sorry… wat?”

“You’re of the Hive of Courage, yet you are so remorseful, so fearful, I’m surprised you didn’t turn Black the moment you saw me,” the Madame said. “If I wanted to break you, I’d have to have beaten you to it. You are the worst example of a Yellow I have seen in a long time.”

“I don’t know if I should take that as a compliment or not,” she laughed weakly. It was also around then that the Madame noticed how dull her colours were. “I don’t have any courage at all. All I’ve ever done is run away. Some small part of me… wanted you to kill me on sight… then I could finally stop feeling like this…”

“Hmm, yes,” the Madame said, wanting to avoid a full-blown Black outbreak. “Though, I don’t know whether to call coming to me foolish or stupid. Though perhaps, just perhaps, some of your old attitude was seeping through when you made the decision to come see me?”

“Maybe? I don’t know… I just want to try and make things right by you and yours. I hurt more than just Ledger that day.” She was a little relieved that the Silver didn’t seem interested in taking her life though. “I intend to travel to the Crystal Empire should I be allowed. Midnight Song has told me his sister lives there, and I’ll not stop until I’ve said my piece to all of them.”

“Of his family members, only myself, his father, and his elder sister were ever informed about what you did,” the Madame said. “My other husbands inferred that something happened in the Yellow Hive to scare him, and my other children haven’t been told. So really, that’d be your only stop. And good luck on surviving that one.”

“Well, my luck seems to be holding up so far. Though my cousin got far more of our families luck than I. I wonder what Lucky’s up to these days…?” She shook her head as her colours brightened somewhat. “So. Where do we proceed from here? This day has not gone according to how I thought it would.”

“Well, first, I should tell you that Critical and Ledger have grown to be very...protective of one another. So you’re walking into the dragon’s den by deciding you need to tell her. And second, might I point out that if the day had gone according to plan, you’d probably be so much ash on the wind right now. But then I learned the most delicious truth about our situation here.”

“And that is?” Free-Spirit wasn’t really one for thinking...

“If I let you live, turn you away, tell you to find some way to make it up to him directly, that hurts you far worse than anything I could ever do.” The Madame’s smile was almost villanesque. “I don’t have to lift a hoof or cast any sort of spell to make you feel as terrible as possible. You’ll do that all on your own. And if, by some miracle, you do make it up to him. Then that’s all I need to forgive you as well.”

“And he says I need the forgiveness of others before he will,” Spirit sighed and hung her head. He’d trapped her in a Hives-damned loop. “Well, if his sister is as ferocious as you say, perhaps hers will be the deciding vote then.” She sensed another watching her and glanced towards it, seeing a Violet drone. “You’re…”

“Oh no, go on,” the drone said, waving a hoof. “I know better than to intrude when my wife is acting like her usual bad self. Though you should thank me for tempering her, well, temper over the years.”

“That you should,” the Madame said. “And it wouldn’t just be my daughter you’d be seeking forgiveness from. She has a stallion as well. He might help her to not overreact.”

“Assuming he’d not just let Critty do her own thing,” Wishful mused. “Seems you’re right, letting this one go is far more painful.”

“Why do I feel like I’m being tossed into a Star Beast den?” Spirit deadpanned, her yellow-ness returning in full. “Fine! I’ll do it and get Secret’s Hive-damned forgiveness, even if it kills me!!”

“Just so you know, dear,” the Madame said. “I might have declared war back then...but she would have been on the front lines with me.”

“I’m going to die…” Spirit gulped. “Can’t I just… I dunno, get whipped or something instead?”

“Maybe, if you want to be one of the first ones to help us refine the Restitution Act~” the nymph sang.

“I heard the Crystal Empire is lovely this time of year,” the yellow replied all too happily. “Still, thank you for hearing me out. I don’t think I could ever make it up to Secret. But I figure if I’ve survived this long, my odds are good.”

“Who knows?” the Madame shrugged. “Maybe Critical’s temper has been mellowed over the years. Maybe she won’t shoot on sight.”

“She might just toss you into the tundra instead,” Inspired’s smile mimicked his wife. “And I hear she’s getting more skilled in teleportation. So… I’d not grow too attached to your internal organs…”

“I’m screwed…” Free-Spirit gulped.

“Dears, you’re doing my job for me,” the Madame chided her husbands. “We should at least give her some inspiring words. Like, don’t lie to her. She can see through lies quite easily. And make sure you’re in public, so that she won’t lash out right away.”

“I’ll do my best,” Free-Spirit shivered. “Still, thank you for hearing me out and not ending my life.”

“Of course,” the silver nymph said with that same smile. “Though if you’d rather help my brother with his Act, the door’s always open.”

“Should I survive the encounter with your daughter… I’ll consider it,” Free-Spirit nodded. She reapplied her pegasus disguise and smiled softly. “I should get going then. And… please don’t tell Secret I was here.”

“No problem,” the mare said as she opened the door. She waited for the yellow pegasus to leave and the door to close before speaking again. “I give her ten minutes before Critical does a good impersonation of me.”

“Five minutes,” Wishful placed his own bet.

“The second she finds out,” Inspired added.

“I guess we’ll see,” the nymph hummed.

Peaceful days. That was what they were used to for the most part. The children were off at Twilight’s for some lessons and so Scope, Ledger and Midnight all just relaxed around the castle.

Cider was tending to her own daughter, Gala Apple. She was a precocious little thing, and was oddly enough, born a full earth pony. And one that had inherited her mother’s outlandish strength as well, as evident by several holes in the wall where she’d thrown her food bowl.

And that was when Scope’s eyes widened.


“What is it?” Ledger asked. She jumped up and paced around, her aura showed a deep blue of fear.

“Chitin itching. Head buzzing…” Her eyes were wide as she panted.

“Talk to me,” the stallion said. “I can’t read your mind.”

She didn’t have to respond. The air crackled as Narrow teleported in.

“Ledger. Black Changeling. In the city!”

“Well then,” the drone said as he shut his book and cracked his neck. “Time to deal with this, then.”

That was when Midnight grabbed his hoof. It had been a long time since he’d felt her fear spike like this. And it still broke his damned heart. “Ledger… you’re not a changeling anymore…”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t still try,” the stallion said. “And I’m going to give what I can to help defend the city anyways. Star’s not ready to wield the Flames, nor is Books. I’m the only one that can, and right now, I need to.”

“But…” Midnight went to argue.

“GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!” Scope screeched.

“And that’s a pretty good reason for me to go and deal with it now,” Ledger said. “There’s a secret to the Flames anyways, and I doubt any of the Blacks know it.”

“What secret?” Midnight asked, oddly curious.

“If I tell you, it’s not a secret anymore,” he replied cheekily before nodding at Narrow. “Let’s go.”

The unicorn nodded and teleported the two away, as Scope buried herself under a myriad of barriers. Midnight frowned as Star and Books came running downstairs.

“Mom!” Books ran over to the shield. “What’s wrong? And why is my chitin so itchy?”

“Something wrong is here,” Midnight said. “Starry?”


“Fetch Mommy’s swords… she’s going on a little hunt.”

The city was total chaos. While ponies ran away from the monster that stalked the streets, Changelings ran faster…

Some not fast enough.

By the time Ledger and Narrow arrived, he was just in time to see the Black toss aside a lifeless husk.

“Ahh, tHe ‘SiLver FlAme’ I Was… WaiTInG~”

“Where the hell is Ace when you need him?” Ledger grumbled. “Even on a good day, this spell needs charging...and I doubt he’ll give us time.”

Narrow responded by grunting and aiming her horn. “Special Beam Cannon!” she yelled as a powerful beam shot from her horn, melting the road beneath it as it soared towards the abomination.

Which simply opened its mouth and ate the spell.

“Mmm TastY~”

“Might I advise something more physical next time?” Ledger said as his antenna continued to glow. “Like smashing him with a rock.”

“RRRraaarrgghHHHH!!!” Narrow screamed as she tore a massive chunk up from the road and slammed it down towards the Black. He gave a lazy look up and with a sickening crack…

It teleported!

“Well, that’s not good,” the stallion said. “Where in the bloody hell is a distraction when you need one?”

“I’lL HavE YOur SOUL!!” It screeched from right bucking behind them! Narrow turned to throw up a shield…

Right in time for the Black’s newly severed head to comically slide down it, Midnight skidding to a stop a few dozen feet away.

“That works,” Ledger said with a sigh. “The spell is...tricky, as a flutterpony, but it’s mostly working out the same way. It might end up looking different, though. Just keep it distracted as I charge, please?”

“Captain, keep a full sphere shield up, and keep alternating its frequency,” Midnight requested as Narrow wasted no time in doing just that.

“And what about you?” she yelled out.

“I’ll do what I do best,” Midnight said. She stared down the Black and Ledger saw something. He didn’t see a mare that cowered in fear.

He saw a mare that was determined to protect everyone she cared about.

And then…

That aura vanished.

“Releasing mental seals. Activating Trance. Combat efficiency now at 120 percent,” she said in a stoic tone. Her wingblades struck the ground, sending up a shower of sparks.

“YOu? yOU are WEAK! YoU ArE FOOD!”

The Black suddenly found his left leg missing.

“Fatal Legatto,” she said as her wings blurred, dismembering the changeling over and over. Ledger finally wrangled the spell and nodded at Narrow, signaling that he was ready to her.

“You think I’m food?” Midnight said as her blades sparked, disabling a spell the Black fired at her. “You think I’m weak!?” He felt her Trance fade, and yet she seemed to move even faster. “I have all the love and friends I could ever hope for. And I. *slash* Am not. *slice* SCARED OF YOU ANYMORE!” She raised her blades as they were coated with flames.

“Flamenco of Flames!” She swiped upwards and Ledger caught sight of something. That for the briefest of moments…

Her flames flickered Silver.

The Black jumped back as the tips of the swords cut his chest and it screamed in pain as Narrow dropped the shield.

Then Ledger started glowing pure, silver light. Light that burned the changeling to be near. The Black screamed louder, it’s body starting to burn as it lit up its horn to teleport away. Midnight slashed again as the horn spiralled off, skidding along the ground a few feet away. The stallion didn’t stop the light. If anything, he drew closer to the changeling so that it was exposed to more of it in more intense ways.

And that was when Narrow got an idea.

Time to drop the Ledger Bomb!

She lit up her horn and teleported the stallion… right onto the Black’s back!

To his credit, the stallion didn’t startle or try to get away from the situation, nor did he stop glowing. The light did flicker for an instant due to shock, but he kept it up once he was done being surprised.

The Black continued to scream as his body disintegrated under the intense light. And after a few moments, the monster was naught but ash in the wind.

“Rest well,” the stallion said as he got back onto his hooves. “I only wish I could have stopped you sooner.”

Midnight breathed a sigh of relief before collapsing. “Heh...hehe… that was… a little scary.”

“I’m surprised you joined in, to be honest,” the stallion said.

“I couldn’t… I coulnd’t live with myself if you went alone,” she smiled, shaking a little. “Gotta look cool for Starry as well.”

“That we do,” Ledger said as he looked at the monster’s wake, at all the changelings he’d drained. There were at least a half dozen.

“This is going to be a nightmare to deal with,” Narrow groaned. “I’m sorry… that I couldn’t save them Ledger.”

“You came to get me once you realized the situation,” the stallion sighed. “I only wish this was a spell I could teach you.”

“Speaking of…” she looked at Midnight. “Care to explain how the fuck she did it?”

“Either it’s because of the last time I used them, we used them together, or…”

“Or?” Narrow raised an eyebrow.

“Or she’s reached some sort of great, enlightening truth about herself,” Ledger said. “They are the Flames of Knowledge, after all.”

“...” Narrow stared at the thestral. “Somehow, the words ‘Midnight’ and ‘Enlightenment’ don’t seem to go together.”

“Well I’m not just going to brush this off as Midnight being Midnight,” the stallion said.

“I will, you can make your own assumptions.” Narrow looked around as she shone her horn. “I need to seal off this area. Purify the Dark Taint and clear away the… victims. Get your wife home and into a warm bath. Yourself as well.”

“Can do,” the stallion said as he motioned for Midnight to come closer. “Come here, love. Let’s go get a bath, get nice and clean after the fight.”

“I… Am NoT… DONE!” The horn, the Celestia-damned bucking horn was still there. And somehow, the son of a bitch was regenerating from it.

Midnight drew her blades, but whatever spell the Black had been about to used bounced harmlessly off of a magenta-hued shield.

“Thank Celestia we got here in time,” Twilight said as she and her five friends teleported in.

It was only by the grace that one of them was his wife that Ledger restrained himself from saying anything. Though, the bodies in the street did that for him.

“Oh...oh stars…” Twilight looked at them with a horrified expression. “I… I didn’t mean…”

“I know you didn’t,” Ledger said with a sigh. “If there was anything that could be done for them, believe me, I’d have already done it.”

“Twi, now would be a good time to do this!” Rainbow shouted as the Black finished reforming.

“Yes…” Twilight blinked away her tears as her expression grew more determined.

And that was when the six mares erupted into blinding pillars of light.

“Gah!” Ledger said as he shielded himself with one hoof, instinctively dropping his own glowing spell as he tried to save his retinas.

Ledger had felt some powerful magic over the years. He'd been there one day when Celestia raised the sun. Not to mention the countless feats his own wife had pulled off.

It was like comparing a flickering candle to the sun in this case. Whatever they were doing...he only hoped they had a plan that would require this much power.

And then he saw it. For the first time ever.

The Bearers of the Rainbow Of Light.

It was something he would never forget. Especially what they did next.

Twilight smiled warmly at the Black Changeling. “You’re hurting. You're scared and you feel alone. Let us help you.”

The light grew brighter as the Rainbow engulfed the Black as it howled and screamed. Ledger was stunned, it’d only reacted like this to the Flames or whatever it had turned into with his new form.

Soon the noise died down as the light faded. The girls landed, still in their transformed states.

As for the Black. It was gone.

And a little Pink nymph lay in its place.

“You girls,” Ledger whispered. “What...did you do?”

“We helped her,” Twilight said, her rainbow mane flowing in the wind as she walked over to the Changeling. “I honestly didn't think this would work though. Small blessings I guess.”

“That...that shouldn’t be possible,” he said. “Once you’re fully corrupted...there’s no...no way back…”

“Pfft, you act like we haven't done the impossible before,” Rainbow Dash laughed.

“Ah’m jus’ glad sumthin good came outta all this,” Applejack nodded.

“That as may be,” Ledger said. “But the question now is...what do we do with her?”

“Well, that’s up to you and Narrow,” Twilight said as she and the rest turned back to normal.

Midnight pouted, she wanted to play with her sparkly princess…

Twilight scanned the nymph and nodded. “All the Dark magic has been purified. Once she's well, I'd like to run a few tests, see how this happened.”

“Assuming she can recover from something like that,” the stallion said.

“Don't be so pessimistic darling,” Rarity rubbed his head. “Applejack is correct. Something good has come out of this disaster.”

“We can totally throw a ‘So glad you're not evil anymore’ party!!” Pinkie cheered and bounced. Ledger merely shook his head before walking next to Midnight.

“Home?” he asked her.

“I’m so done with today,” Midnight groaned. She looked down at the black ichor that coated her armour. “Ergh, this is going to take hours to scrub out.”

“I’ll look up a spell,” Ledger said. “I’m sure I can ask my stepdads about how they’d keep their armor clean.” The pair walked off home...leaving the six Bearers alone with the filly, and the sights of what she’d done when she was a Black.

Midnight smiled as she watched Ledger’s brother, Tank, square off against Silver Wind.

“My victory is already assured dear uncle,” the Yellow nymph smirked. “You just don't know it yet~”

“Don’t get full of yourself,” the drone said. “There’s a reason the older generation got that way.”

“Well, at least you fill the old category,” Wind taunted. “You only had a few lessons with Momma Midnight. I grew up with her.”

“I swear, this is more conversation than fight,” Midnight sighed. “It’s like watching Ledger.”

“Can’t exactly blame us,” the drone said. “We’re half-Silver. Though she might not show it.”

“Oi, I'm gonna turn that blue carapace black and blue!” Silver shouted. For a Yellow, she was easily riled up. Midnight blamed her mother for that.

“Come at me then,” Tank said with a wave of his hoof. Silver Wind growled as her horn lit up and she fired a volley of ice spikes at him. His response was to simply enhance the heat between them so that they all melted before they got close.

Windy quickly cast again, ‘Incinerate’ this time she unleashed several homing fireballs, each the size of the drone’s head. Tank smirked before conjuring an ice wall between himself and the nymph, to block out the fireballs and give himself a moment to think while she battered down his defenses.

The area around him darkened and he looked up to see steel-grey clouds rolling in as Silver chanted.

‘Heavens above unleash thy wrath.

Deliver unto them, the gift of oblivion.


There were many things Tank knew he could survive. A lightning bolt wasn’t on that list, nor was he eager to add it this day. He cast a quick grounding charm on himself, hoping that would be enough to avert the course of the lightning from him.

A bolt struck nearby, causing the large stone it hit to explode in a shower of dust…

“Seriously?” Tank asked as he shot a deadpan look at the nymph. “Are you trying to kill me?”

And like that… the storm vanished after that one bolt.

“Dang… I missed,” she sighed.

“So that’s a ‘yes,’” Tank said as he shook his head. When he next looked at the nymph, she would notice that something looked...different, in his eyes.

“Well then,” he rumbled. “Permit me to return the favor.”

“Better tell Scopey she'll need a new daughter,” Midnight sighed.

“Bring it bruh!” Silver took a defensive stance as she started to weave protection wards.

It was a well-known fact that all three pony races had their own martial arts.

Changelings, on the other hoof, practiced a...unique set. In that they blended all of them to mix and match their various tastes. Tank was mostly a practicer of the Earth Pony styles, though he did enjoy a few Pegasi moves as well. With a roar, the blue changeling charged at her, his form shifting to that of a stallion not dissimilar from Big Mac.

“Oh no, a straight charge, whatever will I do?” Silver replied with mock concern as she started a teleport spell. Tank stopped just short of hitting her, though, and reared up before slamming his hooves into the ground. Causing it to rumble in response, cracks appearing from the point of impact.

The nymph yelped in surprise as she was thrown off balance, tumbling head over hooves. Midnight had taken to the air to avoid the same fate. Tank stomped onto the bit of ground Silver had landed on, sending her flying through the air before turning towards her, preparing to beat the ever-loving tar out of his niece.

And that was when he caught something out of the corner of his eye. A little earth pony filly charging at him. A furious expression on her adorable face.

“Dun hurt mah Sissy!” she yelled.

“What the-?” the stallion had time to muse. Right before her tiny hoof connected with his chest.

There was a moment, one that he couldn't quite remember. When his brain kicked in again, he found himself upside down in a trench about twenty feet long. A series of spiderweb cracks lined his chest, a small hoofprint in the center.

“Foul,” he coughed out.

“Gala Apple!” Midnight flew down and looked at the filly. “You apologise to your uncle for hoofing his flank to him.”

“Ah’m sowwy,” she said dejectedly, hanging her head.

“You need to hang a warning sign on that filly,” the drone said as he shakily stood up.

“Gala, where's your bell?” Silver asked her sister.

She got her answer as they heard a tinkling sound as one of Tank's brothers walked up to them, a sour expression on his face.

“I hate watching fillies,” the Red grumbled.

“Brute,” Tank moaned. “Did she trick you or something?”

“I lost a bet. Had to wear it cause she beat me in a hoofwrestle. How do you lose to a five year old!?”

“Probably the same way a five-year-old does this,” the blue said before gesturing to the furrow he’d unwillingly carved.

“Well this is just plain embarrassing,” Brute groaned.

“Yeah,” Tank said with a crack of his neck. “Duel called on account of interference, Silver. But I’ll get you next time.”

“Pfft, what a wimp,” Silver scoffed, relieved she’d dodged an arrow like that. Her uncle was about to smear her across the orchard. “Maybe you should fight Books next time. Though I warn you, he cheats like nobuggy’s business.”

“More of a fight for Lightning-Wits, then,” Tank said. “Still, we should check on his combat prowess…”

“If you can get him out of a book long enough,” Midnight chuckled. “Though, he did beat Starry without even putting one down.”

“Because he cheated!” Silver cried. “I’m gonna hoof punch him in his sleep one night.”

“Be nice,” Midnight sighed and looked at Tank. “You boys want some kids? I’m giving ‘em away.”

“Sorry, we’ve not met any nymphs or mares willing to put up with us,” Brute said. “Looking after yours might be the closest we come to them.”

“Don’t be like that,” Silver smirked. “I’ve seen you checking out Miss Applebloom~”

“That doesn’t mean she returns it,” Tank said as the Red started blushing.

“You gotta ask her,” Silver smiled wider. Midnight joined in now as she moved up next to the drone. For a mare in her forties, the Thestral was still sexy as hell.

“Hmm, need a helping hoof then?” she purred. “I know the little apple is still single~”

“Please,” Brute scoffed. “Like she’d be interested in a changeling…”

“I dunno,” Midnight sang. “You’re big and strong. And I know you like helping out around the farm, just so you can kick stuff all day. Applejack is cool with you and your brothers… plus, three brothers, three cute fillyfriends. It’s simple math.”

“Romance is anything but simple,” the Red replied.

“Bah! If it was simple, then it wouldn’t be fun.” Midnight giggled. “You know what? Leave it to Middy. I’ll make sure this goes well for you.”

“Me too~” Amy said from Tank’s back. “Ooh~ Reckon we could get Cadey involved too?”

“...The pair of you are never going to let this go, are you?” Tank sighed. “You fully intend to set all three of us up.”

Midnight and Amy just smiled widely. Gala tilted her head, having no idea what was going on.

“You’re so boned,” Silver snickered. “Or if Momma Midnight has her way, Miss Applebloom will be~ Aaallll night~”

“Maybe we should just hide in the Lands for a month or so,” Brute suggested.

“Or a year,” Tank added.

“Or forever,” Lightning chimed in, having joined the others. “I fear for our future with this lot.”

Midnight and Amy just cackled madly…

About a decade prior…

Level Ledger was sleeping peacefully. Star Song was three years old now and usually slept most of the night, aside from when her nocturnal tendencies kicked in. Today would be the day that Midnight Song and himself would visit the Lands. This would be the first time that Middy had ever done so.

So Ledger was not expecting to be woken at the asscrack of dawn by Twilight screaming bloody murder from the ensuite bathroom. He hit the ground running towards her, already wondering what in the world it could be. He didn’t know, but ideas for what could cause her to scream were already running through his head.

When he reached the room and barrelled through the door, the alicorn was rocking back and forth on the floor, her mane sticking up in places as her right eye twitched dangerously. Her horn sparked and she rubbed her tail, something she only did when she was very, very nervous.

“What is it?” Ledger asked. “Fire, flood, dragon attack? What?”

“F-Foal…” she muttered, her eye twitching again.

“Oh,” he said, calming down a little before drawing close and nuzzling her. “That’s...not really a panic scenario, you know.”

“It’s not…” she stared up at him. “I’m pregnant!! How is that not a panic scenario!?!?” She was getting very good at that Royal Canterlot Voice...

“Because you have your family and friends to support you?” the flutterpony said. “And I thought you were working out your schedule for such a thing.”

“It wasn’t supposed to happen for another three weeks, twelve hours and twenty-two minutes! This throws off everything!!”

“How so?” Ledger asked calmly. “How does having it now differ from having three weeks from now?”

“The schools I applied for now have to be notified not to expect him or her until the second semester now. Pinkie needs to be informed that her parties need to be re-scheduled. And… and…” Twilight looked up with tears in her eyes. “I’m not prepared for this!”

“Nopony is,” Ledger said. “But life goes on, and you adapt and learn. If the worst thing that happens from you having a foal early is that you need to reschedule some things, then we should be so lucky. You can learn more from experience, than can ever be written down in a book.”

“But… books are always--”

“Then prove me wrong.” Ledger smirked before kissing her. “Write a book about this, and put as much of your experience into it.”

“I… I am one of only four alicorns… ponies could learn a lot…” Ledger suddenly thanked the Makers he wasn’t a Silver, because the ideas running through her mind could probably be felt in the Lands. “This will be so much fun!” Twilight giggled and jumped up, bouncing happily.

“There’s the Twilight I know,” he said, pecking her on the cheek. “Calmed down now, have you?”

“Yes! And you’re going to help me!” she declared as she dragged him off with magic. “Now, by my estimates, it’s been about nine days since our foal was conceived. What position were you using? Were you transformed?”

“Twilight,” Ledger said slowly. “First of all, that’s hardly material for this sort of book, and I can’t see you writing that sort of book just yet. Secondly, do you remember what tomorrow is for me and Middy?”

“Tomorrow?.. Oh!” She’d totally forgotten. “That’s right. You’re taking Starry to the Lands for the first time, as well as Midnight.”

“Exactly,” Ledger said with a nod. “And that’s not the sort of thing one wants to do tired. So I’ll make you a deal.”

“Oh. Kay?” Twilight was admittedly hesitant when Ledger used the word ‘deal’.

“You come up with a list of things you actually need to cover for this book while Middy and I are out, let me get back to sleep, and when we come back and are rested and recovered, I will help you with a smile. But for now, I’m going back to bed. Okay?”

“Mhmm,” Twilight yawned and blinked her eyes. “Sleep sounds good actually…”

“C’mon, let’s head back together then. The bed should still be warm…” With that, the stallion turned to head back to his bed. But Twilight reached out and pulled him into a hug.

“Ledger…” she said quietly. “Will I be a good Mom?”

“Nopony knows until their children are grown,” Ledger said. “But I fully expect you to read up on the subject extensively and prepare in every way, shape, and form. And if our children are as devious as I am, they’ll throw all those preparations out the window in the first month.” He kissed her and ran a hoof through her mane. “Life isn’t cut and dry predictable, love. But I know you’ll try your hardest. And with as many good role models as they’ll be likely to have, with our family, your friends, and Equestria in general? We’ll raise a good kid, Twilight. That’s what matters.”

“I am the Princess of Friendship,” she nodded. “I know I have a lot of friends to help out. But, I am so calling ‘not it’ with telling our parents.”

“Well I know my mom won’t mind the addition of another grandchild to spoil,” Ledger said. “But I’m not telling yours. That honor should be yours. Also, it’ll give me time to prepare in case either of your parents wants to do something unseemly to me.”

“Okay, fine,” Twilight said as she climbed onto his back. “But you can tell Cadence.”

“And your brother at the same time? I think I’ll pull a page, or rather, letter out of your book for that one,” Ledger said. “He’s the only one I fear more than your parents.”

“Coward,” Twilight giggled and kissed the back of his head. “Fine, I’ll tell the big scary unicorn as well. Remind me to tell you his weakness at some point. PS, it’s rare comic books.”

“But that can wait for another day,” the stallion said. “For now, let’s head back to bed.”

“Sleeeeep,” Twilight agreed. The alicorn was snoring cutely before they reached the bedroom.

Ledger was waiting beside the portal to his mother’s home. Midnight was… unusually late.

Star Song babbled away next to him, singing some nonsensical song about boogers.

“Where is your mother?” he asked as he made sure Star wasn’t getting into any trouble.

Midnight eventually showed up…

Whyyyy was she in full armour? And a set that he’d not seen before. It was a shining silver with purple trim and hugged her form very nicely. Plates covered her wings, which slid open when she stretched them and her dragon blades were still attached to her wings. Her flanks bore her Cutie Mark on the right and Twilight’s on the left.

“Middy?” Ledger said. “You know this is just a tour of the Silver Hive, right? Not some sort of monster hunt.”

“Mommy is shiny~” Starry giggled.

“Yeah, well… I’m not taking any chances,” the thestral grumbled. “You remember what happened the last time I left Equestria…”

“You mean when we went to Hollow Shades?” Ledger teased.

“Shut up. You know damn well what I mean!” Midnight snapped.

“Damn, Damn~” Star giggled and bounced.

“Starry, don’t say that word,” Ledger said as he picked her up and hugged her. “See what you did, Middy?”

“Sorry,” Midnight said, hanging her head.

“Sowwy,” Star mimicked her.

“That’s okay,” Ledger said as he kissed Star’s forehead. “Middy, as long as you promise not to use any of that, then maybe we can pass you off as my guard or something. There’s not a whole lot of reasons to go around armed and armored in the Silver Hive…”

“And I was looking forward to testing the enchanted armour that Twilight gave me,” Midnight pouted. She said something Ledger didn’t catch as the armor hissed and opened up, allowing Midnight to step out of it. “Better?” she asked, shaking her mane.

“Much,” Ledger said with a nod. “I’m sure something will come up that will require such armor. Just not on a trip to my old home.”

“Okay, okay,” she muttered again as the suit closed up. “Alright then. Let’s go…”

The portal activated as Midnight placed Star on her back and they stepped through.

As the portal closed behind them, it should really have occured to somepony for Midnight to remember that emotional suppression charm…

Back in the present…

Level Ledger sat in the office of Archmage Moondancer. It was a rather comfortable place, but the look she was giving him was anything but.

“So…” she said. “Shall we start with why you’re here today?”

“Do tell me,” the stallion said. “I would love to know.”

“Your daughter. Your alicorn daughter. She turned a group of students into various domestic pets today. That was after she gave them a thorough lecture on the proper use of magic against other students.” The unicorn groaned and rubbed her temples. “Seems she inherited her father’s knack for leading by example.”

“Did she at least undo the transformation spells afterwards?” Ledger asked as he shot a glare at his daughter, who was sitting nearby.

“They’ll turn back after twenty four hours,” the young princess replied.

“Plus she added some counter-wards, so only she can remove it prematurely,” Moondancer added.

“I see,” Ledger said. “You realize what this means, right?”

“Oh do tell,” Moondancer said with enough snark to sink an airship.

“Young lady, I am telling your mother, and you are grounded for three days,” Ledger said. “No access to any books outside of your room.”

“What!?” she jumped to her hooves and glared at him. “Why? They deserved it! They laughed at some poor filly’s dress. Shredded it with their magic and filled her locker with Changeling gel. They’re lucky that’s all I did to them!”

“The proper response would have been to repair the dress, enchant it against tearing, offer her your condolences that she had to put up with such filth as a Princess of Equestria, and make sure the gel got distributed to the proper targets,” Ledger said. “You know, like their lockers while you helped her clean up her stuff. As such, you can sit and stew on morality and what amount of help and aid is enough, and what’s crossing the line. As I’m sure Aunt Pinkie Pie will be all too happy to tell you.”

The filly crossed her legs and glared. “Yeah, cause that stunt against Gilded Hoof was sooo reserved on your end.”

“His family apologized on his behalf, and I even got a public one from him before they all ended up beggared and I stopped what I was up to,” the stallion said. “And if it means paying them back for breaking Star’s heart, then I’m fairly certain all the bits in Equestria wouldn’t be enough. The apology was all I wanted. I even had them framed!”

Apogee Star rolled her eyes as she lit up her horn. “There, I’ve removed the wards at least. But I’m not turning them back early.”

“You just cut your punishment by one day,” the flutterpony said with a nod. “I think that might be all you’ll get from her though, Moondancer.”

“If she wasn’t such a good student, she’d be out on her flank,” Moondancer warned. “Just so you know, this is going on your record, Princess or not.”

“Princess this, princess that… that’s all everypony ever talks about,” she muttered.

“She has a good moral compass,” the stallion said. “It’s just a bit extreme in how it rights what she considers wrong most of the time.”

“Again, like her father,” Moondancer chuckled. “We’ll be lucky if their parents don’t lodge a complaint either. Archmage or not, even I can’t overrule a decision by the school board.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that,” the stallion chuckled. “If I know my daughter, she’s already collected all manner of insurance that that won’t ever happen to her.”

“I know where they live,” the young filly muttered darkly.

“Now Apogee,” the flutterpony said. “What have we taught you about effective threats? How words are more effective than any spell if you use the right ones?”

“Diplomacy is an art all to itself, where words are double-edged swords to the uninitiated.” Apogee recited.

“And it’s your job to be smarter than your classmates in how you act and talk,” Ledger said. “I know you’re a clever filly. So why can’t you show it besides turning your classmates to toads?”

“Not toads, assorted cats, bunnies and squirrels,” Apogee nodded and smirked. “Besides, their combined intellect couldn’t even beat Uncle Brute’s.”

The stallion sighed and pulled out the last weapon he had.

“I am so very disappointed in you,” he said without looking at her. “I would have thought some of my natural deviousness would have rubbed off on you. Evidently I was mistaken.”

Apogee just sat there in silence.

“I have no words for this,” Moondancer sighed. “Look Apogee. Take the rest of the week off. You’ve already memorised all of your lessons for the month anyhow.”

“What? But… this is the only place I can get away from my brother and sisters!”

“You should have thought about that before you decided to break the rules,” Ledger said. “The unofficial rule number one of a rule-breaker. Don’t get caught. And you never did seem to be willing to apply yourself outside of your studies. You could be great at anything, and you chose to do as you please. Now you pay for it.”

“Why shouldn’t I choose to do as I please?” Apogee’s aura shifted from reddish irritation to the flat out crimson of anger. “Why shouldn’t I get to choose what to do with my life. Buck knows everything else is already decided for me!!”

“Doing as you please, and doing as you please without regards for anypony else, are two separate things,” Ledger riposted. “There are rules and laws for a reason. So that everypony, not just you, are free to live their lives as well. I’m fairly certain you wouldn’t like it if your classmates were free to exact vengeance upon you. Until the day comes when you learn to respect others, even if they are less intelligent than you, then you will be punished when you break the rules.”

“Rules are there for a reason,” Moondancer said. “Look Apogee, if you don’t like learning with the others, then I could arrange private tutoring…”

“It’s not that!” the filly replied, losing a lot of her earlier fire. “It’s just… nevermind.” Her horn flashed once more and she nodded. “Those brats are back to normal. Well, as normal as they can get I suppose.”

“Better, but you’re still grounded for a day,” Ledger said. “And if you want freedom to choose, then perhaps you should bring it up with your mother? You know she’s the one that schedules everything.”

“Whatever,” the filly said as she got up. “Are we done here?”

“Maybe,” the stallion said as he looked at Moondancer. “Are we?”

“I guess we are,” Moondancer sighed. “Look Apogee. I know that some ponies expect a lot of things of you, given that your mother is a princess and you being an alicorn. But in the end? It’s your life to lead. Nopony, not even Celestia herself can tell you what to do with it.”

Apogee listened, she didn’t reply with a fiery retort or a scathing remark… she just turned and left.

“And hopefully something got through to her,” Ledger sighed. “I’m very sorry on her behalf in any case. How’s yours?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Moondancer replied. She pat a small stack of papers on her desk. “Those fillies have been causing trouble for a while now. While her methods were… severe, she won’t have to worry about them, they are no longer welcome back in my school.” She eased back in her chair and pulled a small flask of rum from under a compartment in her desk. “I’m doing well though. Pleasent-Dreams coddles our son like you would not believe. And even though he’s a few years younger than Apogee, we’ve already caught him in the forbidden area of the club a few times.”

“Uhoh,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “As long as he grows up healthy and not as another Fredrick or Midnight, then we’ll survive.”

“Worse…” Moondancer groaned. “Fredrick’s uncle Zethy is in town. No prizes on the second place he hit up when he arrived.”

“Yooooou may want to try and shield your foal from him, if he was such a big influence on Jonathan and Fredrick turning out the way they did,” the flutterpony said.

“Midnight is visiting Sugar today… the three of them. In the same room…” Aaaand now he knew why the unicorn was hiding out in Canterlot today.

“Hopefully Dreams won’t pick up anything from them all being together,” the stallion said.

“Here’s hoping,” the mare sighed. Ledger caught something from the corner of his eye. A nymph walked past Moon’s office, the same Pink that Twilight and her friends saved all that time ago. His eyes widened as he did his best to look away, trying not to stare. He failed spectacularly.

“Surprised?” Moondancer giggled. “After she finished rehabilitation and therapy, turns out she’s quite knowledgeable on Dark Magicks. So I decided to put that to good use.”

“That’s...all kinds of disturbing,” Ledger shuddered.

“Admittedly, a Pink knowing dark Arts is… odd,” Moondancer said and shrugged. “Well, it’s a weird world. Sometimes makes me think about how changing one event might have affected things. I brought that up with Twilight and that student of hers, Starlight Glimmer… the two of them got real quiet for some reason, so I dropped it.”

“Yeah, I’m not gonna tell you why they’d know that better than anyone,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “Well, if that’s all today, then I think I’ll be heading home to enforce Apogee’s punishment.”

“Good luck,” Moondancer waved as the stallion left her office, walking in the opposite direction to the Pink mare. She looked at her glass and decided she’d need a second… maybe a third.

The Messaging system had finally been brought back from the stasis that Celestia had politely requested it be in once they’d worked out all the kinks for integrating it into the military. That, coupled with the Hub network for their teleportation system, meant that Scope had become quite the busy ‘ling. Fortunately, she also had underlings she could boss around, and they had a station in every major town.

Of course, a fair bit of the revenue was eaten up by the taxes and costs of maintaining the systems, but they still brought in quite the hefty sum of bits every month. Enough so that looking after five foals was not a hard thing, and that was before any of the mares pitched in.

Though, Scope tended to argue that she already was

Still, business boomed once the first Hub was opened. Shipping became instant across Equestria, and Ledger had his hoof in the door to start monopolizing it. Pegasus Air could not be larger. And it was times like this he was ever so thankful for his paperwork spell.

Speaking of, he still had that side-project of making a golem to attend to one of these days…

Ledger got up from his desk and cracked his neck, before walking out into the castle as a whole, listening for the sounds of chaos. There usually was some.

Critical was paying them a visit today, the scenery of the Crystal Empire was getting tiresome and she needed some inspiration.

What Ledger didn’t expect was Midnight to barrel into him, the mare a bundle of nerves and worry.

“What is it?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Fire, flood, parasprite infestation?”

“Why is it that the third option is always different?” Midnight replied before shaking her head. “Ahhh! Not the time! Our kids have run away!”

“Which ones?” Ledger asked.

“All except Gala,” she exclaimed. She held out a scroll with a shaky hoof and Ledger looked it over.

‘Dear Mom and Dad.

I want to know more about our heritage. More than what books and your stories had told me.

So I’m taking a trip to Roamania. I’m being careful, I took my wingblades and Momma-Cider’s lessons.

I’ll be back soon, so don’t worry okay?

Love, Star Song.

P.S. Mom’s totally flipping out, isn’t she?’

“As am I,” Ledger growled. “When was the last train to Roamania?”

“About an hour ago, the only one is the mail train that leaves from Canterlot,” Midnight explained. “They used the Gate to get there. And it looks like Silver, Apogee and Books followed her.”

“Probably for their own reasons,” Ledger grumbled. “Okay, I’ll go get them. They won’t be there any longer that it takes me to find them and book passage home. I promise you, nothing will happen to them. But you need to hold down the fort here while I do this.”

“Ledger… Secret. The last time you went there… it broke you.”

“Oh no,” the stallion said with a shake of his head. “Losing you, that’s what broke me. Getting you back helped. And we’re on good terms with Roamania these days. I will get them back, I promise.”

“Given that they all went,” Midnight said as she let him go. “I fear more for Roamania…”

And that’s when Critical’s ears flicked. A country she’d never been to before?

“Oh Ledger~” she sang as she trotted closer.

“I’m a little busy in case you hadn’t noticed,” the stallion said as they walked through the castle. Ponyville had a Gate they could use.

“Mhmm, we can talk on the way,” she nodded. “Sounds like we have quite a trip ahead of us.”

“We?” Ledger asked. “I am going there to retrieve my children. They are perfectly welcome to take a tour of Roamania...when they have an escort of one of their parents. That way there will be minimal casualties to Roamania. I don’t know where this we came from.”

“Oh come on!” she pouted as she continued to walk next to him. “Just you and me, adventuring. Like the old days.”

“Do you mean when we actively antagonized one another, or when you started trying to scout out locations for all the other Daring Do books, see if you could add just a touch of realism to your illusions?”

“It’s a place I haven’t been before, so I’m going whether you like it or not,” she cooed. “You can’t really stop me now can you?”

“I also don’t have to look out for your well-being,” the stallion pointed out. “You are an adult, you can take care of yourself.”

“Well one of us has to,” she smirked.

“I’m not going to be there longer than it takes to locate and get my kids back,” Ledger said as they neared the Gate. “You can help or stay out of my way, just don’t try to stop me.”

“Wasn’t gonna stop you,” she replied as she adjusted her bags. “Hmm, maybe I should call our other siblings? Make a field trip out of it?”

“That’s...actually a good idea,” Ledger mused. “The Trio would be useful for finding and containing Star, and Joyful is completely unpredictable.”

“Did… did you just agree with me?” Critical asked with a fearful tone.

“When it comes to getting my children back, I will do whatever I must to ensure their safety,” Ledger said. “Let’s not leave them in Roamania any longer than we have to.”

“I think you're overreacting… as usual,” Critical shrugged as she shone her horn. It didn’t take long for the others to join them.

“Oooh, Oooooh. Road trip?” Joyful bounced.

“Extraction mission,” the flutterpony clarified. “We go in, we find my kids, we get them home.”

“Permission to use lethal force on those that try to stop us?” Brute asked.

“Sub-lethal only, unless they go for lethal themselves,” Ledger said. “We don’t want to spark a war with Roamania. We just want to get in and out.”

“Wheeeee~!” Joy bounced through the Gate as it opened.

“I suddenly regret this decision,” Critical muttered.

“And to think, I had been considering having more, after a fashion,” Ledger muttered. “Come on, let’s get my kids back.”

The coming days would bring more excitement to Romania than the country had seen in centuries…

Author's Note:

Ausbrony - It’s funny how a simple story could lead off to so many others. Like a tree starting with a single seed, it just continued to grow. Writing this was a lot of fun, lotsa headcanon got to be explored, and I made a bunch of new ones too~

Thanks for sticking with this. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. Until next time everyone~

Thadius0 - For a simple story we were going to write between lulls of A New World, A New Way, this certainly grew completely out of control. We could have stopped it after chapter eight. We probably should have. That might have been the wiser choice. Considering the first chapter was published in May of 2015, I can only extrapolate that this story took half a year to write, from beginning to end. We changed computers during this, or at least I did. And yet, the story continued. We even moved what I thought was going to be the end date of the story, from ‘I do’ to opening the door to what might just be the next chapter. This is just proof that I do not know how to keep a good story down.

From me to you, thank you for all your kind words. Thank you for sticking with it. I know it’s not the story some of you might have been hoping for, or the type of story I’m more well-known for, but this was a blast to write. Now I have like...twenty things that have just been piling up, waiting for me to get back to them. I’ll see you all on the flipside.

Comments ( 164 )

I'm trying to process the fact that Equestria and beyond are still intact...:applejackconfused:
But amazing story nevertheless!:pinkiehappy: Sorta sad it's over, but all good things have to end at some point.:pinkiesad2:

It...saddens me, that I must now remove this from my T.D.F. shelf. This was an awesome ride, Thadius0, Ausbrony. Thank you!

And thus, with a heavy heart I read the final chapter of the greatest story I have ever found on this site.

I thank you for this literary gift. You two are truly generous beyond compare.

--- One Psychopathic Maniacal Fox

SEQUAL !!!! plz

Oddly, i found this story near its end, and out of my pc going down, decided to read to pass the time. I ended up quite liking it. A fun story, and a fun end. I hope you as much fun with its reception and its making.

This was a good and very enjoyable story. Are you thinking of a sequel at some point? I would read the sequel if the two of did that. Also I have a question for you, do you have an idea of what the maps of The Lands and Roamania would look like? Because it would be interesting to make them in Minecraft.

I can't wait for the implied sequel.

Has anyone out there done a family tree on them yet? By the duel vignette, I had quite lost track of who was who.

Huh, I think I began reading either just before or after Romania...

Anyway, can't wait for the sequel.

I knew it was coming, but I wasn't expecting it so soon.

As out of control as the story got (I was honestly expecting it to end like, 3 or 4 times before this), I've gotta say that I loved every bit of it. It was awesome having a story that consistently put out long chapters for me to sit down, relax, and read. Love me some changeling headcanon.

I loved the Golden Sun crossover, The Betrayed, and now this. I can't wait to read what you decide to put up next. Actually, I'll probably have to go and check out A New World, A New Mind now.

It's finally done!
Good show, mates. Good show!
Love the story. A little sad to see it ends, as always.

I left the story with this, here, at the end.

Happy Ending Party everyone!
Peace, out.

I'm so sad to see it go but nothing lasts forever, I loved this story and have been following it eagerly for a very long time. I never could get enough of this characters and it will be sorely missed and likely reread at a later date.

This has been a great story, and I'm glad I found it before the end.

Whether or not you continue this universe with a sequel, you should feel proud of what you both have written.

This story serves as an inspiration to me for OCs as I write stories of my own.

Can't wait to see what you guys do from here.

I'd cry 'SEQUEL!', but I'm still waiting on that sequel for The Betrayed...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

So, you guys are getting together for the sequel in a year or two, right? :pinkiehappy:

On a more serious note, this has been a hell of a fun ride, and now I have to go read Aus' stuff to compare. Because I already have read most of your stuff, Thadius.

I'm gonna miss this honestly. All the hijinks and misadventures from Ledger and family was great fun, and always a joy to see another chapter brought into the world of fimfic, but as they all say a story must end and boy did it leave it open ended! If there ever will be more to this I cannot wait for it, but for now we must say farewell.

My my. I certainly didn't expect to get the ending to this story today. Regardless, it's been a real pleasure reading this! Great job!

Finally its over! I don't want to be rude, while the story was amazing, i felt it carried on for too long. I honestly would have ended it after he took down Toll. Anyway, I'm glad i can finally shelve this story. If there's a sequel I probably won't read it. I've had my fill of Ledger & Co.

So much world building involving changelings was put into this, it's quite an impressive story.

I remember the updates were much slower going at the start, but man did they pick up. It almost seemed like it was every second day.

All in all I loved this story and I was always looking forward to the next chapter, and with it over I guess I'll have to find something else to follow. I'm looking forward to what you two write next.

7348830 Myself, it felt like it completely exhausted every possible bit of actual drama it had in chapter 40, and from that point onward was mostly just spinning its wheels. I haven't bothered to read the last 30 chapters or so yet, but I doubt they'll be that much different than the 30 before them.

In any case, this story shouldn't have extended anywhere near as long as it did. It would certainly have been better as multiple shorter stories, even if they ended up at roughly the same length as the combined version.

This is one of the best stories I have read. Please do not let it end here. I need a sequel

i am both happy and sad this fic ended... i like ledger and his herd
wish to have a sequel with the tales of his young ones

but will settle for a "family tree" of his current kids

7348908 Yeah, it did seem that it was really at least two different stories. But there's not much difference between a long story and a shorter story and a sequel when you're reading it as a serial anyway.

That, coupled with the Hub network for their teleportation system,

Ah! I see what you did there.

I think a full-on sequel might be a bit much to ask considering how big this turned out. However, I wouldn't be opposed to a few side stories. Either way, it's their decision.

I......I knew that this would come one day the very end. I it feels like someone just kicked me in the gut. I loved this story from beginning to end. You
have weaved a wonderful story. A story that has to take the cake for worldbuilding and development of changeling's. I don't think there is any other story that has given them as much backstory and depth as you guys have. Guys I'm so overwhelmed right now. I have so many feelings running rampant through my chest right now.

Thadius0, Ausbrony I need you both to know that this story as of the time of this post is my Favorite story of all time so far on this site. Thank you for such a gift. I can't thank you enough.

And this is one of the very few times a Fanfiction story has left me with an empty feeling because it is completed and no new chapters will be uploaded. I know some think that there might be a sequel to this and if there is I'll read it and if not I'm okay with it.

Thank you this story took us on one hell of a ride. If I ever catch up to my read it later bookshelves I would definitely re-read this story but I just can't seem to keep them down very long.

I must go and maybe I'll read some of your other stories if I like how they sound. Keep up the good work.



I'm on chapter ten... Guess I better get to work...


I certainly agree that it should probably have been multiple shorter stories if for no other reason that, now that people won't be reading it as it's written, that'd allow the author to cue the reader as to when to take breaks by providing clear points when all of the short-term tension is fully unwound, leaving only the series-level stuff. That would help prevent burn-out in readers prone to it.

(That's actually one of the reasons professional editors insist that first-time authors keep their stories between 80,000 and 120,000 words. The other major one being to ensure that the story is long enough to cover everything in a novel-class story in sufficient detail, yet the writing is still tight and punchy.)

:applecry: Awwww... I almost don't want it to end... ESPECIALLY ON A CLIFFHANGER :raritydespair:

"All good stories comes to an end."
An so, the story about Level Ledger the changeling turn flatterpony, Midnight Song the bat pony aka Thestral mare, and their love ones plus an whole cast of fun loveing crazy ponies, giffions, and changelings!
After over 1 million words and well over 100 chapters, after things they been though, the monsters, the blacks, that horrible boss of mare, after Midnight getting taken away, after Ledger going full black and coming back, after the wedding, and all the other majors things that happen, they got an good end.
I rember when I first starting to read this is was way before I gotten myself an FIMFiction account, I found this story, and when I join this site I want and refound this story so I can add it to my favourites.
I been reading this story since chapter 30 came out, and to think this story have been so great! So awesome!:rainbowkiss:
So many things I like about this story, that I going to make an review of it latter on.
Anyways, I love how this story came out to be! How it fellow, and I think you for making an amazing story and using your time to make the grammar best as you can make it! And I can not wait to see what you will do next!
I do need to ask, how well you feel of people start making fan stories of your story? Would you feel happy?
What hardships you had to go though to make this story?
How do you feel that your story you been working on is over?
And, What would do differently if you can do it all over again?
(If it is ok with you, I can use your answers for my review!)
-From Captain Absolution, with harmony

Narrow responded by grunting and aiming her horn. “Special Beam Cannon!” she yelled as a powerful beam shot from her horn, melting the road beneath it as it soared towards the abomination.

oh god... now i imaging leger as a super saiyan. supreme kai help us now...

i will wait till news about a sequel to the best fanfic to ever be written.

Golden Hoof sounds so like most versions o blueblood, makes m wonder just what other possiblities there are with him, herd, harem, arranged, paid off etc.

With a Black like that, they have to be glad it was so young as if it had been older and learnt far more capabilities it wouldve taken Pinkie and Discord just to hold it for Twilight and crew to deal with it.

Very fluctuating at the end, future sight, golden memories, life goes on.

Colours, so many colours.
Our world will never be the same.

Go on, git, shows over.

Go live your own adventure. :pinkiehappy:


"Oh hey, new chapter, sweet....FUCK"

Aww...it ended :raritycry:
But, alas all good things come to an end. I hope to see the sequel. If not it's cool. But, don't stop writing I loved it.

Aww I'm disappointed, I'm a sucker for slice of life stories with cute foals.

Oh well, possibly more from this series is exciting.

this is a totally awesome story.
I will defiantly miss reading this story line but I am guessing it will be hard to keep this line down for long I will be watching for spinoff's and sequels.
and congratulations on the 1 million word count.

This is, easily, one of the very best stories I've seen in the history of FimFiction. Over a million words total, and I've been riveted every step of the way. This story invoked strong emotions in me, something only Fallout Equestria and Project Horizons managed to do previously.

Honestly, I might have to make another bookshelf called Best of All Time. I salute you.

Aww, it ended... Still, it was greatly enjoyable, though the last chapter could have used some Chryssie.

Hoping for a sequel, or a spin-off, there's still lots of stuff to tie up, like how many changelings went flutterpony, if the flutterpony house in the badlands ever came to be, if the repentant yellow nymph got healed and finished her quest, more about that healed pink nymph, whether Chryssie had a child, etc.

We're not gonna be left on a cliffhanger at the very least.... Right?

Seriously, you did a great job with this.

7349345 yes, all thing end, and the final door to their chapter closes.
but as one door closes, another opens... as they say. let the next to open be as historical as this one.

Kinda my reaction. Basically I did a rather loud "nuuuuuuuuuuuuu~" when I noticed that ominous green sign.

I can only extrapolate that this story took half a year to write, from beginning to end.

I dunno if you guys even realise what you've achieved here. Some fics take three times that to just update. Fantastic work, guys! Maybe I'll be able to get some of my friends to read it now.

I've been making a "changeling facts" kind of list for all the buggy headcannon this fic has. I reeeaaally like changelings. Still got a few things to add.

And, in the end, oh boy, would it be just plain fantastic to get a sequel someday.

Oh, and, unrelated: It's roughly 3:50 am here. I just read two last chapters, because I would not be able to sleep if I didn't. And now I still won't, because it's done. That and goddamn birds refusing to shut up outside my window. :< Damn you, book hangover.

This... This is THE BEST story I've ever read, and for a guy who was constantly getting in trouble at school for reading at the wrong time, that says a lot. I've read a lot of best-sellers, and for the life of me I could barely remember more than a couple after this.

It almost brings tears to my eyes that it's finished. There's maybe 1 or 2 other books in my whole life that have ever gotten this remotely close, and this quite possibly tops them.

I wish I could give more than a favorite and a thumbs-up. I thank you for bringing us this true masterpiece.

(Edit)... reading this comment over, I feel like it's written over-the-top, but I wouldn't change a word, for fear of decreasing the intensity of the message.

Ever since I discovered this story, it has been one of the few stories that have managed to keep my attention from start to finish. No matter what, it always felt like each chapter was better than the last. As someone who has read over 1000 fanfics on this site alone, it is no small feat for this to have come in at number 3. This story was amazing, and it is definitely something I can see myself revisiting time and time again.

This story has brought tears to my eyes, and for that I thank you.
I look forward to any possible side stories or sequels.

I hope that you will keep being a fantastic writer, whose dedication we can all look up to.

Edit: Wait what.... Turns out there is this thing called the lost stanzas... Huh... Well there goes my evening.

I'd cry 'SEQUEL!', but I'm still waiting on that sequel for The Betrayed that we've been waiting for...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I am both happy and sad at the moment. Happy because of another great story I've enjoyed from you and sad that this one has finally reached its end. Good luck and hopefullymy whatever new idea you might throw into the rotation will catch my attention and make me smile happily like this one.

Awesome story!!! Reread a few times over the months in anticipation of the final chapter. Just finished and now I have to work in 3 hours... haven't slept yet...


I almost wished this story would never end. Almost. But every great story needs to come to a close eventually. Been one heck of a ride. I'm sad to see the green 'completed' tag at the bottom of the story now, but I can't wait to see what you guys write next.

“What, so she had to send her daddy after me?” he jeered. “What do you want?”

Well he's dead.

Brilliant end my friend. Enjoyed every single last chapter of this fic. Good work.

I had seen this story pop up a few times and had never bothered to read it till I had run out of other stories but I loved this and im sad to see the end but you have left the door wide open for a sequel, I would love to see it or even help! I am definitely looking forward to seeing what else you guys come up with!

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