• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 35 - Family can be a royal pain

Cider stretched her legs, until she heard a satisfying crack and smiled. The sun hadn’t risen, it was so cold that Cider had to tap the icicle that had frozen on her bathroom tap before she could use it.

So yeah, a perfect morning for farming~

She trotted downstairs carefully, so she wouldn’t wake Critical Eye, sleeping soundly on the couch. She placed the coffee grounds in the maker, and set it up so the drink would be ready by the time Ledger awakened as she headed out into her orchards. The winter crops should be setting in about now, and she needed to make sure the weather Pegasi weren’t making it too cold for the plants to sprout.

She was quite surprised to see a somewhat familiar face when she got outside, already inspecting her crops. The orange stallion from yesterday, now an Earth Pony himself, was going from plant to plant with a critical eye, almost as fine a one on the nymph by the same name sleeping on her couch.

“Well now,” she said as she got closer, garnering his attention. “Ah didn’t expect to see somepony up this early.” She took a look at her crops and hummed. “So, how are mah lettuce and leeks doin’?”

“They’ll be fine,” he said with a wave of his hoof. “I’d keep an eye on the spinach, though. If only because Ledger’s the only son of ours that actually likes the leaf. Other than that, I think most of these will pull through this winter just fine.”

“Good to hear, and ah’d have to agree with you,” she replied as she looked over her crops. And Ledger liked spinach huh? Maybe she should make him a quiche or something one evening? “Well, you certainly seem to know yer stuff. Got any experience?”

“I’m the groundskeeper and gardener for home,” the stallion said with a nod as he looked at the crops. “It basically translates to what you do here, but with less expected of me. Do you know how hard it is to grow edible food when you’re not really an Earth Pony, only pretending to be one?”

“Anypony can do this,” she smiled. “And in yer case, anyling I suppose. Earth Ponies have always had an easier time of growing things, innate magic and whatnot. But put enough time an’ care into something?”

“Anything can happen,” the stallion said with a nod and a smile, this time actually looking at the mare. “We should know. We, all of us, are proof of that. And our children, further proof. You...don’t know how lucky you are to have Ledger. Maybe someday, you will.”

“Ah reckon ah have a fair idea,’ she winked at him. “Ah love Ledger, and Middy and Scopey as well. But Level and Midnight? They got a bond, something that only the two of them have... ah reckon ah might be a bit jealous, but ah wouldn’t change what ah have fer anythin’ in the world.”

“Hold on to things like that, to them,” the stallion said. “Because they’re precious things. They may have been through much of what the world has had to throw at them, but they’ve come out all the stronger for it.” He then looked at a nearby tree and smiled. “And with love and care...that which is already between the four of you will blossom as beautifully as any tree here.”

“We’re a bit like a tree ah suppose,’ Cider nodded, rubbing her hoof against the trunk. “Midnight is the flower, the one that blooms brightest. Ledger is the trunk, the one that supports us and Scopey? Hmm, ah reckon she might be the sharp shears that prunes whoever gets out of line.”

“An apt analogy, considering what little I know of the others,” the stallion chuckled. “But you appear to have forgotten to include yourself in it.”

“What else?” she said with a smile. “Ah’m the gardener. Ah’ll do what ah can to make sure everyone is healthy and happy.”

“Fair enough,” he said, before pausing and sticking a hoof out to the mare. “Peaceful-Heart.”

“Apple Cider,” she nodded, shaking his hoof firmly and he could feel the strength in those powerful, sturdy legs.

“Thank you for looking after my little filly while she’s been here,” he said before letting go. “I know she can be...illogical at times. But we love her through and through.”

“Have...y’all ever been to Ponyville?” she asked as she continued to walk along her orchard. “Because ah have a distant cousin there, goes by the name Pinkie Pie. You meet her, then you’ll understand.”

“If there’s one thing we’ve learned from Joyful, it’s that pink nymphs are not to be explained or understood or predicted. You simply roll with what happens.”

“They always say that when they’re talking about me,” a new voice said from above the pair of them. “I dunno why!”

“You’ll understand when yer older... maybe,” Cider hummed. As she walked along, she smiled slightly. “Oh? And Pinkie ain’t a Changeling...just fyi.”

“...Sweet hives, but there are ponies like the pinks?” the stallion whimpered.

“She sounds fun!” the little nymph chirped as she hopped down out of the tree she’d been in. “I wanna meet her someday!”

“Ah don’t think Equus would survive that,” Cider chuckled dryly. Dividing by zero would be a far safer venture. The sun was starting to rise, bathing the orchard in a brilliant palette of orange, red and gold. This was the reason she loved her work. When you got to see sights like this?

Totally worth it.

“Ooooh,” the usually-playful pink nymph calmed at the sight. “Pretty,” she said as she sat back and just watched Celestia raise the sun.

“Sure is,” Cider agreed. One day, she’d share this moment with the others, but right now? She closed her eyes as the warm sun touched her coat and filled her heart with light. Still, she shouldn’t dawdle. She had breakfast to prepare for her family.

“Since yer here,” she smiled. “Would you care for some breakfast Peaceful?”

“Well, I could do with some more physical stuff,” the stallion said with a smile. “The way you all treat my daughter could feed me for a long time.”

“Well, ah’ll take that as a compliment,” she replied as she gave Joyful a little nuzzle. “You wanna go wake up yer lazy brother?”

“Can I?” the nymph said with a smile. One that probably should have triggered every single instinct for Cider to re-evaluate what she just said and to who.

Too bad Cider was feeling mean this morning. “Go nuts kiddo!”

The nymph let out a cheer and vanished in a cloud of dust. Peaceful looked at Cider and sighed.

“For the record, if he asks, she will tell him who gave her permission to wake him up at this hour.”

“Well, ah reckon Ledger has some work to do today, so if ah don’t get him up...” She wondered exactly how little Joyful would wake him up though.

“Ah better go and make that coffee a double...”

There was a shout from the house as the stallion they were talking about was abruptly awoken…

Later that day, Midnight sat in Fredrick’s Place, sipping tea with her mother as they waited for their guest. Moon Song watched the Griffon leave their table and gave a low whistle.

“Well, I certainly see why you like this place.”

“Mhmm!” Song nodded, enjoying the eye candy.

About five more minutes would pass before the familiar silver mare from the other night would show up again, this time alone. After a brief conversation with the gryphon, she was directed to their table, where she pulled her seat out and got comfortable.

“And a fine day to you ladies,” the Madam said as she got settled. “I must say, I have heard this place and the proprietor thereof have quite a...reputation, yet he did not hit on me once just now like my son warned me he might.”

“Aww, I guess he’s getting closer to her then,” Midnight smiled as she turned and gazed at the mare. “Want me to hit on you to make up for it?”

“Your sentiment is touching, but unnecessary: I am not violet,” the mare said with a small smile on her face. “And the one that accompanied me is currently seeking his kin in the city.”

“Aww, I kinda wanted to see that,” Midnight hummed. Plus, she hadn’t seen her friends in a while now. Hmm, maybe later.

“So,” Moon hummed as she placed her teacup down. “What shall we ladies discuss today?”

“Perhaps how you came to know my boy, and what your future plans are for him?” the nymph suggested as she flagged Fredrick down. “One sweet tea for me while I peruse your menu, sir?”

“Of course, milady,” the griffon said with a nod. “For some reason, the tea is immensely popular, so I try to always have a quantity of it stocked.” With the observation delivered, the half-avian was off to the kitchen.

Midnight thought carefully on this. She pondered on telling half-truths and skipping smaller details. She could hide her emotions and had a near flawless pokerface. But, she couldn’t lie to this mare.

“Well, the beginning then,” she nodded as they waited for a fresh pot of tea. “I came to this city about...a month ago?” She looked at her mother, who nodded in response. “Well, around then anyway. I had come here for training and to assist the local Guard in taking down a rather high-profile criminal.” She paused as she looked at the mare. “And Ledger was a part of that plan.”

“I had wondered why his letters had become so...tersely worded when he could send them once he wrote that he was going to Equestria,” the nymph said as she looked over the menu. That casserole dish looked...familiar. “Am I to assume my son got involved with somepony of ill-repute?”

“Yes, but not through his own doing,” Midnight continued. “She found out who he was. Blackmailed him into doing some of her more...illegal doings. And he had been looking for a roommate sooo...”

“I notice that he’s not miserable or downtrodden now,” the silver mare said as she decided on the casserole. This should be interesting. “So am I to assume that somehow, the mare has been brought to justice?”

“Well, to put a long, interesting story short, yes.” Midnight decided that it was pasta time. As good as Ledger was, no-one beat the master of pasta. “She had resorted to hiring some rogue Changelings to put an end to Ledger and I. Funnily enough, that was how I met Scopey...and how I beat the tar out of Scopey. And yes, Toll Taker is now counting the stains on the ceiling of her cell and Ledger and I decided to see if a relationship would work.” She sighed as Fredrick returned with their tea. “And to think...all of that was the easy part.”

“I understand that all too well, dear.” The Madam turned to Fredrick and smiled. “I’ll be having the supreme casserole, dear.”

“Very well,” Fredrick said with a smile. And a slight twitch. He’d not been able to get it to match Ledger’s yet. And anypony who’d had his would know. “And you two fine ladies? What have you decided on”

“Pasta please!” Midnight giggled. “And oh my Celestia! This mango tea is freaking AMAZING~!”

“I’ll have a crisp salad,” Moon smiled, her eyes drinking more of the Griffon than her tea.

“Those should be out soon,” Fredrick said as he turned to Midnight. “Any particular preference on your pasta dish?” Please let there be a preference. Of the three dishes, it was the one he could do well!

“The rigatoni if you would, you sexy birdy~”

“One rigatoni, one salad, and one casserole,” the griffon said with a nod as he turned to duck into the kitchen, ready to dish out orders and dish up orders. “Just a minute to prepare all of that,” he informed the gathered females before bounding off.

“He...didn’t even retort...Narrow broke my birdy,” Midnight pouted. Well damn, between her loyalty to Ledger, and seeing as Narrow tamed Fedrick...the single ponies would be left unchecked. The city would descend into anarchy!

“Is that a bad thing?” The silver mare asked with a raised eyebrow before sipping her tea.

“The balance of power has been upset.” Midnight nodded, a solemn look in her eye. “A great darkness will soon sweep the land, tearing apart the magic that keeps Equestria safe.”

“Now you’re being a tad dramatic dear,” Moon sighed as she fixed her mane. “And you were telling a story if I recall.”

“Oh yeah,” Midnight hummed. “Aaaanyway, wanna hear how we met Cider?”

“I assume it was something meaningful, considering how much love you share for one another,” the nymph said as she carefully set her tea down, just in case.

“He went to visit her regarding a business venture. She got him drunk by accident, spilled sugar on herself and Ledger rutted her into the mattress.”

The mare was silent for a moment as she considered how best to respond. “Were Hope here, he would be saying something along the lines of ‘That’s my boy!’” she finally stated as she shook her head. “Oh dear, but I have missed out on some events.”

“You and me both,” Moon nodded. “At least you got letters...do you know what I get?”

“Mom,” Midnight begun.

“I get a paper that has my daughter’s name in the obituary.”

“Pity, I was unaware my son was dating a zompony,” the mare said with a straight face. “This will prove to be a most interesting relationship, I’m sure.”

“Also a vampony...well, when Cider feels like roleplaying,” Midnight giggled. “I wonder if I could get a costume of that? I would rock the next Nightmare Night party!”

“I still wonder how that little mare joined you,” Moon asked her. “Wasn’t she with us during our night out?”

“Yeah, Scopey’s come a long way since she tried to kill us. And Ledger won her over somehow...still don’t know all the details there. But the fact remains. Level Ledger...aka...” she looked around and once she was sure nopony was looking, she nodded. “Secret-Hoarder. Loves a nymph!”

“My son has come quite the way since that day when I almost got the Silvers involved in a war with the Yellows,” the tall unicorn observed. “And according to him, I have you to thank for it. So I do truly thank you dear.”

“All I did was treat him like a pony...well, when I thought he was just a pony,” Midnight nodded. “I really didn’t do anything special.” She sniffed the air as her wings gave a small flutter. She could smell something delicious.

“That’s all he really needed, and I think I will be in your debt for quite some time,” the Madam observed as she sipped her tea. “That being said, if you break his heart into a thousand pieces, I will endeavor to make you resemble it.” The tone in which she’d just casually threatened Midnight was deceptively calm. “The same goes for any of those other mares, or if he does it to you.”

“Well, perhaps if a Changeling hadn’t broken my Midnight in the first place,” Moon said as she sipped the last of her tea.

“Okay, so I think our food might be ready soon,” Midnight chuckled as she watched the dark aura’s of the two mothers. “Oh sweet Celestia I hope it’s ready soon.”

“To blame us all for the actions of one or even a few is to show narrow-minded bigotry,” the silver mare observed. “I don’t treat every pony I run into like they could be the next Sombra or Nightmare Moon, do I?”

“Well, this is going so well,” Midnight thunked her head onto the table. “And I don’t wanna hurt Ledger...done enough of that already...”

“And knowing my boy, it’s only after he took three wrong steps to try and not hurt you in turn,” the mare observed aloud. “Sometimes he over-thinks things. It happens.”

“Stallions will be stallions,” Moon nodded, the sour mood blasted by an orbital friendship cannon. “I can only imagine what it’s like having six of them.”

“Six devoted partners to help me do everything, catch every nuance behind what I say, and defend me if need be? It wasn’t bad, but being waited on every hour of every day was leaving me feeling...empty. It was only when Hope pulled through and suggest I truly make him my husband...that our relationships became fulfilling.” The mare sighed and looked into the distance at something only she could see. “Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful for him taking that first step.”

Midnight and Moon blinked as they stared at the mare. She really was from another world, both in species and in class.

“So what’s it like in the Hives?” Midnight asked. “I’ve tried asking Ledger, but never get a straight answer.”

“Probably because he doesn’t want you to worry about everybuggy,” the mare said with a laugh before their food arrived at last. The griffon placed a fresh salad in front of Moon Song, and a rigatoni dish with clam sauce in front of Midnight.

The moment the Madam saw the casserole, she just knew. Ledger had traded recipes with this griffon. What he’d had that he saw fit to trade for, she didn’t know. But she knew he was at least friends with him to earn this one.

“Your lunches, ladies,” the griffon declared with a bow.

“You are a lifesaver!” Midnight exclaimed. This was too much, she was going to have a freaking heart attack at this rate. “I’m too young and sexy to die here.”

“I do hope so, Ledger would never forgive me if you did,” the silver unicorn chuckled as she began to eat her lunch, humming appreciatively at the taste of home. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.

“Middy just can’t deal with being passive-aggressive,” Moon said as she crunched on her salad. “It’s one of her small flaws. She has trouble dealing with problems she can’t actually hit.”

“Actually, you’re both well within my reach,” the batpony muttered as she ate her dish. But it was so hard to stay mad when she ate something this good.

“And then you would have an upset Ledger to deal with,” the silver mare pointed out as she continued to devour her meal. The griffon had almost done a perfect copy of Ledger’s dish.


Moon Song ate quietly, while Midnight frowned slightly as she inhaled her pasta. The tension was thicker than Ledger’s head and she prayed for a distraction. Something, anything would be welcome. Robbery, alien invasion...end of the world...something small like that.

“Well dear,” the Madam asked as she got a little over halfway through the casserole. “I am happy that Ledger found somepony he could trust. I thought he never would after…”

“Levvy’s pretty tough,” Midnight replied. “He just needed somepony that cared is all. I didn’t do anything special.”

“Au contraire,” the Madam said. “You cared about him for him. That...is rare, even among our kind. And you helped him when he was in a tight spot. I truly do not hold any grudge against you, nor do I think I could hurt you...I am just...protective of my firstborn son. And all my sons.”

“As any good mother should be,” Moon nodded as she finished off her salad. She dabbed at her mouth with a napkin and looked at the Royal ‘ling. “You and I aren’t so different really.”

“Argh!!” Midnight thunked her head against the table. “For the love of Celestia’s Sweet Plot! Are you two friends or enemies? I CAN’T TELL!!”

“Midnight, do calm down,” Moon chided her loud daughter. ”You’re making a scene.”

“In the lands, the two terms are nearly interchangeable in the right circles. I believe many have used the term ‘frenemy’ after meeting me. I can be the best friend or worst foe you’ve met, or if you’re really persistent and tricky, both at once,” the mare smiled as she polished off the last of her casserole. The griffon was good, but he did not put the love Ledger had for this dish into it.

“I fear my daughter would not last long in the lands,” Moon chuckled as she sipped her drink. She also made a note to recommend this place to her Canterlot friends.

“Could you imagine Ledger in the Thestral lands?” Midnight wondered as she sat there. Oh, wait...that was a bad idea. That brought up a whole slew of memories she didn’t want. Her ears flattened against her head as she looked down. “Aww...I made myself sad.”

“Perhaps a visit from my daughter, or the city’s Pink would help you?” the Madam said before sipping at her tea. “The past is best left where it lay if it is so powerful as to cause you to react this way, miss Midnight.”

Moon and Midnight didn’t answer that. The mood would definitely have soured if it was brought up. The Thestral adjusted her armour as she stood up. “I might do that,” she replied. “But right now, I have to get some work done. Will you two be okay by yourselves? Or do I need to use the hoofcuffs?”

“...And now I find myself glad indeed that Hope is not here, otherwise I am certain he would have responded in quite the way to that open-ended invitation,” the silver mare said with a shake of her head. “Take care, Miss Song.”

“Huh? Oh. No, real hoofcuffs chafe too much,” she replied with a gaze that would harden every stallion in a one mile radius. Several sitting nearby already shifted in their seats slightly. “That’s why I keep a fluffy pair as well~ You can borrow those if you really want~”

“Midnight,” Moon sighed as she rubbed her temples. “You are incorrigible. Go to work dear.”

“Yes Ma’am,” Midnight giggled and saluted, before leaving the two mares alone.

“I have no idea how she and Ledger got together, even with half an explanation like we have,” Madam Gossip said after she drained her drink dry, “But I think they’re well-suited for one another.”

“How he was able to tame the storm that is my daughter, I will never know,” Moon repled as she placed some bits on the table. “But I am glad she could find happiness again, lasting happiness.”

“And I am equally glad that my son has recovered from what was done to him,” the silver unicorn nodded. “Though, the full details on that story, I can do without...his father might want to know, but I do not need to know myself beyond the fact that he is better.”

Moon nodded in response as Fredrick returned to collect his fee and she could ogle that furry flank a little more. Yes, she was married... that didn’t mean she couldn’t admire the window displays every now and then~

“Hmm,” the Madam hummed as she considered the situation. “I have heard much about this bonding activity called shopping, but so few true female friends to engage in it with. I would not be remiss in trying it with you, seeing as we are likely going to be seeing more of each other in the future.”

Her ear flicked when the word ‘shopping’ was mentioned and her muzzle split in a wide smile. “Oh my dear, you have no idea.” She grabbed the mare’s hoof and all but dragged her from the store. They were burning sunlight and there was shopping to do!

Amethyst Cream was busy serving Las Pegasus’ little ones her sugary delights when the next pony in line was far taller than her usual clientele.

And more armoured as well.

“Creamy?” Midnight said as she walked up to the counter. “Do you sell hugs?”

“Nah, can’t put a price on ‘em,” she said before coming around the counter and wrapping the mare up in a full hug, wings and all. “So I just give ‘em away.”

“Mmm, I would pay top dollar for hugs like this,’ the Thestral sighed as she returned the warm embrace. “Today has been...emotionally draining, uh, no offense?”

“None taken!” the pink mare chirped before giving Midnight one last squeeze and letting go. “So, whatcha need the hug for, Middy?”

“Was thinking about things. Got sad. I’m better now,” Midnight replied. “Now I kinda wish Levvy was a Pink. He’s great and all, but you and Joyful-Heart give better hugs.”

“We have practice,” she said with a wave of her hoof. “Levvy’s great at what he does, but when it comes to interacting with ponies? Total flop.”

“Well, at least he’s not floppy where it counts~” Midnight giggled and gave the mare another squeeze.

“Oooh, you’ve been with him?” the mare said with a smirk. “I was afraid he might never get together with a mare or a nymph!”

“You didn’t know?” Midnight blinked. They hadn’t exactly been subtle about their relations with one another. “Well, yeah, me, Cidey and Scopey have all been with him...and each other.”

“Hmm,” the pink mare said with one hoof to her chin as she considered the information. “Good, good...he’s almost ready I think. Just one last test and then I’ll call him rehabilitated from the Lands.”

“One last test?” Midnight blinked as she let go of the Pink and stared her in the eyes. “Care to elaborate Miss Amethyst?”

“Sure!” she said with a grin. “He has to give me an honest smile. The sort of smile that you have when your future is looking bright, and you can forget the sorts of things that happened to you before. One that isn’t haunted by memories. Whiiiiich remiiiiiinds me…” the pink pegasus said as she looked at Midnight.

“What?” Midnight replied, taking a step back. She had the feeling that her wings were about to get a workout.

“Yoooou haven’t given me a smile yet, missy!” the pink pony said as she pointed a hoof at the thestral. “C’mon, cough it up, I know you’ve got one in there somewhere.”

“Uhh...” The batpony gave the mare an awkward smile, one showing a bit too much fang as she looked around, not making eye contact.

“Nope, doesn’t count.” The pink mare’s wings twitched as she looked at the batpony. “Do I have to get creative? If need be, I will tickle it outta you.”

Midnight’s eye gave a twitch as she took another step back. “You wouldn’t dare...”

“Oh I would,” the pink mare said as she took two steps forward. “Last chance, Middy. Give me the smile and nopony gets tickled.”

“Lemme think on it-NOPE!” Midnight’s wings flared as she bolted into the sky like her tail was on fire. Her response to a Pink? Fly away as fast as possible!

“Hiya!” A smaller, equally pink pegasus said from in front of her, before she blew right past. “Huh, wonder what that was about…”

“Oh hey!” Amy said as she screeched to a halt next to her smaller pink friend. “You’re that filly that doesn’t like my griffonfriend!”

“And you’re miss Amy, the best ice-cream mare in the city!” the smaller pink said as she hugged the larger one. The two shared the embrace for a moment before Amy started to pull away.

“I would love to stay and chat, but I have a thestral to catch…”

“I could help!” the smaller nymph said, eyes bright.

“...Y’know what, sure thing kiddo. Let’s see about finding miss Midnight again.”


As the bat soared high above the city, she suddenly wondered if she should have been born with a rainbow mane, as that might have been the only thing that could save her.

Amy didn’t seem to be following her, prolly busy feeding ice-cream to that little filly that Midnight almost knocked over. Well, a distraction was a distraction.

A cloud drifted into her view, one that appeared to be fluffy and thick and blessedly unoccupied. Midnight landed on the cloud and turned three times before sitting down. Here seemed like a good place to procrastinate from work for a while.

“She is not in visual range, miss Amy,” a familiar voice said from below her.

“Noted, continue observation of city, miss Heart,” the voice of the pink pegasus said, identifying both it and the previous speaker.

“You both need better peripheral vision,” Midnight said as she reached through the fluffy white mass and copped a feel of Amy’s flank before flying off again.

“Deploying cute-bomb!” the voice of the elder mare said before Joyful-Heart found herself flying at miss Midnight without using her wings.

“Wheee!” she said, deciding now was the time to flap and follow the batpony. Maybe she’d catch up in this game?

“Misdirection is a valid tactic as well,” Midnight replied as she paused and stretched out her hooves. Just as Joyful caught up, she grabbed the little filly, sup around and flung her back at the older Pink. “Heads up Creamy!”

“Incoming!” the pink mare said before ducking and letting the smaller nymph fly overhead. Okay, no more miss nice mare. This batpony was going to get treated to a pink going all out.

The older mare took a deeeeeep breath…

And then made the saddest, most imploring face imaginable. Even puppies were in awe of her puppy-dog eyes.

“Please?” she asked in a trembling voice. Midnight sighed and flew closer until she hovered into the air. That look was heart-attack inducing, those huge eyes staring into her soul...

At least until Midnight wrapped her hooves around her and showed the mare what a Thestral kiss was like. She hummed softly as she made out with the mare in midair, before releasing her and licking her lips.

“Mmm, yummy~” she giggled and flew off.

Amy hovered there for a moment, dumbstruck. She knew she should chase after the mare. Knew she should try and get her to give her an honest smile.

But at the moment, all she could think about was that kiss, and why Acey didn’t kiss her like that. Joyful-Heart flew up to her and waved a hoof in front of her face.

“Um, Miss Amy? You okay?”

“Uh, yeah, just...fine,” she said, shaking her head a little to try and clear it. “Okay, time for plan C! You ready?”

There was a pause, and then two pink flashes came from within the cloud they’d darted back into. Shortly thereafter, a blue pegasus colt and a red pegasus stallion were on the prowl again.

The doors to ‘The Love Shack’ blew open as Midnight raced inside. Amy might try looking here at some point, but she doubted that the mare would bring Joyful in. She looked around as she trotted over to a booth and sat down, sighing as she took a few deep breaths.

“Hello there, pretty mare,” a voice came from her right. “Come here often?”

Midnight gave the stallion a half-hearted glance, not paying too much attention. “I’m taken,” she muttered as she lay her head on the table.

“I know,” he said, before waving a waitress over. “I’ll pay for her drinks.”

“Of course,” the white unicorn said before turning to Midnight. “And what would you like, miss?”

“Water, technically I’m on duty,” Midnight replied, still not looking up. But gods that stallion was persistent.

“Fair enough,” the stallion said. “So what brings such a pretty thestral mare into this bar at this hour?”

“Running for a crazy pink mare,” she replied. “I kissed her to stun her, but I doubt it’ll last long.” She paused as she pondered on something. “Your voice sounds familiar.”

“I should hope so,” the stallion said with a slight chuckle. “We’ve met before, and you’re still as beautiful now as you were then.”

“Hm?” she looked up and saw just who she was talking to. “Ohh, hey Purple pops...wait, you aren’t Amy in disguise are you?”

“Fairly certain I’m not, no,” the stallion chuckled as he sipped at his drink. “So, you’ve met the Pink of the city, then. They really ought to have another two or three here, they’re wonderful at spreading joy wherever they go.”

“I think one is plenty,” Midnight said with an exasperated sigh. “So, what have you been up to? Met the Ladies yet?”

“Mm,” the stallion said as he put his drink down. “They’re a nice enough bunch of nymphs. Working to try and make their own drinks, and they’ve got quite the client list...along with list of tricks.” Here he winked at the mare before continuing. “Apparently, somepony came along and showed them they needed to step up their game...so they decided to do a little light reading.”

“Oh?” she blushed slightly as she recalled that day. That was a fun day. “And here I thought I just gave them the standard routine...”

“What was standard for you was less so for them, and they could tell you had more you were holding in reserve.” The stallion swirled his drink and looked up from it. “Do you know how hard it is for them to get a copy of some of the more...exotic tomes from back home?”

“Beats me,” Midnight shrugged. “If they wanna know anything, they should just ask me. It’s not like I’m keeping them a great secret.”

“They’re trying to one-up you, dear,” the stallion said with a sigh. “Once they’ve looked for and read, assuming there is, a section on thestrals? I would stay far away unless you wanted to learn what it really means to be with a Violet.”

“Heh, good luck with that,” Midnight replied as she played with her mane. “Most Thestral’s aren’t...very proactive in that area. They’ll never find any texts because there are no texts.”

“...Aaaand you just made it worse,” the stallion said with a sigh. “Think about it for a minute and I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”

“I don’t get it,” Midnight shrugged. “Care to explain dear Hope?”

“In the Violet Hive,” the stallion said, leading the mare down the right path, hopefully. “The Pony Sutra isn’t just a one-off. It’s a living document. They’re always accepting additions, provided they’re well-crafted enough and detailed enough.”

“Soooo, this involves me how?” Midnight sighed as she lay her head back on the table again. The stallion chuckled.

“Midnight, when they learn there are no texts regarding your kind, they’re going to try and rectify that. And every book needs a test subject. If they were to succeed, I’m certain it would garner them no small amount of fame. Maybe even the lead nymph would be granted her own minor nobility for penning it.”

“Well, considering I’m exclusive now, that would be quite the feat on their end huh?” Midnight mused. That was about when the waitress returned, and she was looking at Midnight with a gaze that practically screamed ‘do want.’

“So, funny story miss Midnight. The mail came just now...and the homeland has nothing on Thestrals in their litany of texts.” She came a bit closer and put her forehooves on the table before resting her head on them. “Funny how that is, isn’t it? I mean, once we explained that your kind weren’t as horrible as we all thought, they actually looked...and found nothing. Apparently the lands and the thestrals haven’t run across one another in a romantic sense before…care to help change that?”

“Well I think I already have don’t you think?” Midnight hummed. “Unless you’re talking about something different. In that case, can you make your point clear?”

The violet nymph in disguise came a little closer and suddenly kissed Midnight on the lips, making out with the mare with a lot of passion. She might have only been using a pony tongue, but she gave it her all.

“Mmph!?” Midnight blushed as the previously unseen mare kissed her. And due to her own surprise more than anypony, she pushed the pony back. “Look,” she said once she caught her breath, props to the mare, she had talent. “I said I was taken, and given how I yelled at Ledger for going at it with Cider when we first met, this would make me a real hypocrite.”

Gods above! She’d become committed to the relationship.

“Oh, he doesn’t have to know,” the waitress purred. “You, me, half a dozen of my friends in back...and the rest of the day to figure out just what turns. you. on~” The last part was said in a silky whisper that barely carried it to Midnight’s ears.

The Thestral shuddered at that. Celestia that sounded good. “But I would know,” she sighed. “Heh, tell you what, convince Ledger, Cider and Scope, and sure! We’ll go to town. I’ll even give you a few tips beforehoof.”

Heh, good luck there.

“Bring them by one day and we’ll certainly try,” the nymph said before giving Midnight another kiss, this time just a peck on the lips. “Running this place is becoming a full-time thing, you know. What with all the additions we’ve had to install to the bolt-hole, and more digging going on besides. But we’d all gladly take a break from our back-breaking, sweaty, hard labor to spend some time with you and yours~”

Midnight then got an evil thought. “Aw, such a pity...and here I thought you couldn’t wait...” She flicked out her long tongue, snagging a nut from the snack bowl on the table and pulling it into her mouth. The tongue always worked. She had seen stallions cream themselves at the mere sight of what she could do with it.

“Mmm, but your latest condition was ‘all of us or none of us,’” the nymph said. “In which case, I’ll have to wait until you bring them by. But if you’re saying you’re ready to go right now, then I can take the rest of the day off to find what buttons to push.” And Midnight certainly had pushed a few with that display. More than a few. Oh she was glad the carpet cleaned easily.

“Huh? Oh, I think you misunderstand,” Midnight replied. “Cider at the least would never agree to that. I simply meant to get their permission to rent me for a while.”

“You say that like it wasn’t a foregone conclusion that we wouldn’t do everything in our power to learn all your little secrets, Midnight,” the nymph purred. “Whatever price they name, we will match...if only to spend as much quality time with you as possible. And I promise you, you’ll like what we do...and love when we pass our work on to Ledger~”

“Well then, good luck,” Midnight replied as she ran a hoof along the mare’s spine. Here was something even Ledger hadn’t learned yet. Mostly because Cider alone had seen this, and she’d been sworn to secrecy.

You see, Ace had taught her more than just combat techniques as Midnight pressed a point just above the dock of her tail. The mare’s breath caught, her eyes crossed, and her knees briefly shook.

“...Oh you play dirty,” the mare said once she got enough of her composure back that she felt she could stand straight again.

“Hm? Is something the matter?” Midnight asked innocently as she looked down. “Oh, cleanup in aisle three.”

“If I weren’t pretending to be decent, you wouldn’t be leaving here until you finished what you just started,” the mare all but growled out. “...I’ve learned many times that asking forgiveness is actually worse than asking for permission, so you get one pass, and that was it. I suggest you flee before you start something you don’t want to finish.”

Midnight heard the door open and she saw Amy poke her head in as the Thestral ducked down. Gods above she was persistent.

Oh! Ideeaaa~

“You know, I might have given the Pink a few tips a while back. Maybe you could ask her about it?” She gave Hope a wink and booked it for the backdoor.

With that delivered, the next few minutes became host to an almighty changeling clusterbuck that more than slowed Amy down. She’d been accosted by every nymph that had paid attention to the exchange, and soon there was a mass of bodies between the Pink and the door Midnight had gone through.

It was a slight surprise, then, that she heard Hope speaking up once she’d left. Apparently he took the wink as a signal to get out as well and had followed her.

“So, what’s the story between you and the Pink?” he asked.

“GAH!” Midnight put a hoof to her chest as the stallion had appeared out of nowhere. “Sweet Celestia! Don’t do that...” Then she realised who she was talking to. It was like asking Ledger not to snark.

“Ehh, long story. She wants a smile and isn’t satisfied with the ones I give her.”

“Hmm,” the stallion hummed as he put a hoof to his chin. “Have you tried thinking about Ledger when she asks?”

“Well...no,” Midnight replied. “I know what she’s getting at, and everytime she asks I end up think about...” She trailed off as she thought about it again. “Aw dammit, now I’m sad again.”

“...Midnight, dear? Whatever weight that is? You need to lessen the load somehow. Perhaps by sharing it with somepony? It’s not healthy to carry it around like that. I can feel the pain it’s causing you.” The stallion had lost his usual cocky, assured stance and looked...genuinely concerned for her.

Midnight frowned as she looked at him. “What about if I asked about Chrysalis...or the Blacks? Would you tell me everything?”

“Not here in the open, for one, and for another, I don’t know everything about them,” the unicorn shrugged. “They’re some of the worst parts of our race, true...but it isn’t me you should be sharing with. I’m not one of the ones you’re sharing a bed with.”

“I...” Midnight paused as she went over the conversation in her head. How the others would react. The way Ledger was treated in the past, the respect Cider had for family...If Midnight told them how she grew up, what was expected...what was still expected of her by certain individuals.

“They’d hate them,” she muttered, before she flared her wings and took to the sky again.

“Well, my son has quite the task ahead of him if he’s to get her to open up,” the stallion sighed before going on his way.

Ledger was hard at work, making sure that all the contracts his company had acquired while he was on vacation were not only valid, but that all the bits from them were in fact coming in to the company’s coffers.

He trusted his workers, but it didn’t hurt to verify that trust every now and again. He’d just finished up his latest bit of paperwork when there was a knock at his door.

“Who is it?” he called out after shaking his head to clear the post-paperwork fog from it. That spell was always a bit...disorienting, but he couldn’t argue with results. The door opened and a Thestral stallion poked his head inside.

“May I enter?” he asked in his gravelly tone.

“Sure thing, just finished up with this backlog,” Ledger said as he gestured at the chair on the opposite side of his desk.

His desk. It was still fun to think of it like that.

The batpony entered and closed the door behind him. “I just did a small tour of your facility. It seems that help I left for you is doing quite well. Kudos on bringing this company around so quickly.”

“Helps to know how it all works,” Ledger said as he put the papers in his ‘out’ tray. “Also helps to have all the rotten wood locked up.”

“True enough,” Grissom nodded as he took a seat, sighing slightly. He was getting too old for all this travelling. “So tell me, what are your thoughts on your workers? Any of them given you any trouble?”

“None so far, they’re all really eager to please. Probably because I’m treating them with respect, something in short supply for them no matter where they are.” Ledger leaned back in the chair and looked at Grissom with one eyebrow raised. “You probably already knew that, being who you are...and I’m finding it hard to believe that you would come down here to ask me that question and that question alone.”

“Astute as always,” Grissom chuckled as he leaned back in the chair. “No, I did come to check up on them and you as per my position. But, you and I? We have more personal matters to discuss.”

“Mm. Is this the sort of conversation we should be drinking to have, or would you rather we remain sober while we talk about my love life?” the accountant-turned-CEO asked of his marefriend’s father.

“Again, quite astute,” Grissom replied as he took out a small case that had half a dozen cigars inside. “Want one?”

“I’ll pass, but thank you for the offer,” Ledger said as he contemplated taking out the bottle he’d stashed in one of the drawers and deciding against it. “So, out with it. What do I need to be yelled at about?”

“There won’t be any yelling,” Grissom nodded as he placed one of the cigars in his mouth and lit it, taking few puffs of the rich taste. “Haa, the wife doesn’t like these, so I rarely get to partake.” Luckily there had been an ashtray on the table he could use as well. “Let’s start with why you’re letting Midnight alone choose if you should all marry.”

“Because while I would like to get married with them all someday, it’ll take time for me to get used to the idea. Factor in that she’s the one that’s the most uncomfortable with it, with good reason, and we can combine the two.” The smell was...well, it was different. Toll herself hadn’t smoked, but kept the ashtray around for those underlings that did. Too much ash on the carpet ticked her off. “By the time she’s comfortable enough to propose, we should both stop seeing it as glorified indentured servitude.”

“So, you have a similar experience then?” Grissom mulled over this as he chewed the end of the cigar slightly. “Well, how much do you know about Midnight’s hangups about it? Has she given you a reason?”

“She’s told me what it’s seen as for her back in the home country for Thestrals,” Ledger said with a shrug. “But anything more specific? Nope. Though I can make some educated guesses that she was...probably engaged to be wed at some point, from the way she sounded so bitter about it. And the way she tenses up at the mention of it.”

Grissom sighed, letting wisps of smoke rise to the ceiling. “Well then, what I will say never leaves this room yes? And afterwards, you are not allowed to hold this against Midnight. You can blame me and me alone.”

“...I wasn’t going to blame Midnight anyway, and if you think it’s going to be that bad, I question the wisdom in sharing it with me,” Ledger observed. “I’d rather not get in trouble with the parole-officer for all the ‘lings in Equestria.”

“You’re involved with Midnight, and she seems to think that what you have is long lasting and enough to make her abstain from her...activities.” The Thestral nodded and he tapped his cigar on the lip of the counter. “Back in Roamania, I was born into a noble family. One that adheres to very strict traditions. Very...old traditions. One’s that predate even the Princesses.” He let that sink in before continuing. “A little before Lady Noctis’ return...Princess Luna for anypony else. A few of us were invited to Equestria by Princess Celestia. I was one of them. Saw the opportunity to break free from the family and whatnot. That’s a story and a half in it’s own right, so we’ll skip up until Midnight was born.”

“Fair enough,” Ledger said with a nod. “I’ll hold my questions until the end if I can.”

Grissom nodded as he took a long draw and held it for a moment before releasing. “When she was...my family found out, to this day I do not know how. But, there was a lot of pressure to raise her...traditionally. Private education and tutoring on the important things. Also, her hoof in marriage had been promised to an up and coming young Duke. Though, Moon and I were unaware of that at the time. So, in order to appease the family, I did just that. Midnight was raised to be the perfect, obedient wife.” Here he sighed with a tired tone, and for a moment, his eyes looked so much older than what they were. “Her foalhood was not one I wanted to give her, and if I could do it over again, I would in a heartbeat... but you must play the cards that fate deals you. And I did that as well. Once she was sixteen, she was given a choice, go to Roamania and fulfill her place...or do as she pleased here in Equestria.” He chuckled as he tapped his cigar again. “You see, I never did get around to changing Midnight’s nationality from Equestria to Roamania. So what laws do you think she was restricted by?”

“None but these ones that we both live under,” Ledger said with a smile. “I approve of your cunning, sir. And that answers a few questions regarding her, really.” Ledger tapped a hoof on the desk as he thought about them. “Why she loves foals so much...and why she does what she does. She’s enjoying her freedom, now that she’s free to use it, and she likes foals because she never really was one. The concept of marrying us must be both a lovely thought and a terrifying one to her at the same time, though more of the latter I’d wager.”

“You’re not far off the mark,” he replied with a terse smile. “She joined the Guard like her old man, and do this day, I could not be prouder. Her Special Talent is singing, but given what she can do, you wouldn’t think so. But a few years later, a few months before she graduated...he showed up in Canterlot. The arrogant young Duke she’d been promised to behind our backs.”

“...Oh please tell me he got his flank handed to him,” Ledger replied as his teeth started to grind together. This situation was sounding a little...familiar...

“Between the brats diplomatic immunity, and the fact that if Midnight broke the law while still in the Academy, it would have meant an immediate expulsion...no, no he did not.” The stallion sighed as he tapped his cigar out, the taste ruined. “I argued with my family back home, but while my parents still live, my words holds little political sway. So, Midnight did what Midnight does. She tried to solve it herself.”

“...Y’know, I get the feeling that the ‘tried’ in that sentence is the operative word there,” Ledger observed wryly. “And I bet I can guess just how she tried to solve it, considering how we became what we are…”

“You’re right,” Grissom nodded, wondering if he should take up Ledger’s offer on that drink. “She went to the nearest bar, got herself blind-drunk and went home with the closest somepony with male anatomy. She figured that ruining herself for marriage would make him give up.” The stallion clenched his jaw.

“It did not.”

“Okay, please tell me that somepony, anypony, got this guy out of Equestria and is keeping him there, because if he shows up here, I make no promises about him leaving the city whole.” Ledger’s voice had turned dangerously hard. Only Midnight had heard this tone before, when he threatened to kill the two goons that were assigned to kill him and her. “She gave up everything she could save herself to get rid of this guy and it still didn’t work.”

“I eventually made a plea that he was being disruptive to the Crown, as he was harassing one of her Guards. And in the end, I got him deported...for a time. But the damage was done. Midnight figured that love was just a farce, something that was drawn up on paper and had no real meaning... And then she met Moondancer. I had...such hopes there.”

“I know how that story goes,” Ledger said with a raised hoof. “Rest assured, the one I incinerated and the one that she met are one and the same. She met up with Moondancer again during our brief stop in Canterlot, though I know not why. And then we can draw a few lines from there to the day she met me. If you want to fill in any blanks, feel free to do so.”

“Yes, I didn’t know anything until the young lass stormed my office, to tell me just how happy she was,” Grissom laughed. “All this time, and it turns out that my little girl went to visit her...to tell her that she’d found happiness again. True, lasting happiness. And that she wanted to be friends with Moondancer once more.” The Unicorn mare had been so ecstatic, so different from her usual terse self.

“She’s healing, then.” Ledger smiled himself and let off a pleased sigh at the news. “I’m...I’m so happy that she’s getting closer to being whole. The sort of damage she suffered leaves a hole. And it takes time and love to fill it in. I’m so pleased that she’s recovered enough to interact with ponies normally.”

“Well, Midnight also told her what you are, so I’d prepare for a storm like nothing else,” Grissom warned him. “Moondancer is an instructor at Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns, and only bested in spellcasting by young Twilight Sparkle. So, best of luck.”

“...Well, this was a nice disguise,” Ledger sighed dramatically. “I’m going to hate to lose it if she proves unreasonable.”

“You should be fine...mostly. Just think, a super-powerful, Unicorn version of Midnight and you’ll do fine.” He cleared his throat and decided to tell the worst part. “The fact remains, Duke Shadow-Wing is still pining for Midnight, and I haven’t heard from him in a while, so I can only begin to assume what he’s up to.”

“Not good,” Ledger said as his ears flipped around nervously. “Ponies like that, you want to know at least one thing. Where they are, what they’re doing, or how they’re doing. When they disappear completely is when they’re up to something they don’t want you to know about…”

“And my family refuses to speak with me, it’s quite bothersome,” Grissom sighed. “But yes, between that and the events surrounding her short lived engagement to Moondancer...I hope that answers a few of your questions.”

“It does indeed, though it does raise one more,” the brown unicorn said as he rubbed his temples with his hooves. “Why the buck haven’t you assigned someone to this? I’m not talking about Midnight, I’m talking about that duke. If he’s missing, then you should have somepony or a team of someponies looking out for this...I hesitate to use the terms I want to, because they’re in my own tongue.”

“I have tried, believe you me I have tried,” Grissom sighed. “Non-Thestral’s are forbidden to enter Roamania, and all the ones there are loyal to him, being a Duke of the most powerful noble family. As long as he remains in Roamania, I cannot touch him. Should he set hoof inside Equestria and even breathe in Midnight’s general direction...” That tired look in his eye? Replaced by one that threatened to tear the closest being into meaty strips. With a silver flash, Ledger was replaced by a male version of Midnight.

“You are aware of who and what you’re in charge of, right?” Ledger pointed out before returning to his normal form. “We’d make excellent spies for this sort of thing.”

“I am aware, but one mistake and the Thestrals and Changelings could go to war Ledger...” Grissom gave a small twitch at seeing a stallion version of his daughter. That was...unsettling. “Look, I have kept her safe and I will continue to do so...but, could I count on you as well?”

“You talk like I wasn’t already going to,” Ledger quipped before nodding. “Oh, and by the way? My mother nearly caused a war when she heard of something terrible happening to me. If something happens to Midnight, there won’t be any nearly about it, I promise you that.”

“Make sure you swing by Canterlot first, you provide the war, I’ll provide the army.” Grissom shifted his wings and nodded his head. “Well, I believe I could use that drink now.”

Ledger reached out with his magic and opened the bottom drawer, pulling out a bottle of very good rum, identical to the one that Toll had kept in here when it was her desk. A glass quickly joined it as a quantity of the spiced liquor found its way to sitting in front of Grissom.

“I probably shouldn’t just yet, work and all,” Ledger said as way of explaining why a second glass hadn’t joined the first. “You enjoy for the both of us, okay?”

“Nonsense boy!” Grissom laughed as he poured two shots. “Let’s relax a little!”

This wasn’t going to end well, but then with this family...did it ever?

Author's Note:

The Patreon is now live at this page.

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...Oh, and with Celestia Trigger no longer being a Thing, I can update this more often. Three times a week, buwahahah!

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