• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 64 - Train wrecks are magical, wonderous things...

When Ledger awoke, it was to a smaller mare-pile. One consisting of just Scopey. He already assumed that Cider was out working her fields, but where was Midnight?

...And why could he smell smoke?

“That doesn’t bode well,” he muttered, recalling the times that Midnight had cooked for him before. Or tried to. He gently put Scope to one side and left the bed before going downstairs to do damage control.

Luckily, Wishful had beat him to extinguishing the flames… but that pot was a goner.

“Honestly, how does one set fire to water?” he inquired. “I don’t think even the Trio could pull that off.”

“Waaahh, but I cooked fine last time,” Midnight cried. “And I concentrated super hard this time…”

Ledger walked over to her and gave her a kiss before thinking on what she’d just said. “Y’know, there’s a thing called working too hard. Maybe you need to not think about it?” he observed. “I know that if I try to focus on everything that could go wrong, then I don’t get anything done.”

Midnight just sniffed as Wishful emerged, his coat stained with soot and water. “Well, that was a most eventful way to wake up. Reminds me a little of home actually.”

“There’s a shower upstairs,” Ledger said to his father. “Try not to wake up the nymph before I make the coffee, she’ll tear your hoof off if you do.” With that, the stallion gave his mare another kiss before ducking into the kitchen to brew that most wonderful of drinks.

“Duly noted,” Wishful nodded as he headed for the bathroom. He saw a large pile of scrolls on the desk in the living room, wondering just how much paperwork Ledger had lying around here. He shrugged and continued on his way, moving to one side as a nymph descended the stairs, a low growl in her throat.

“Drone. Coffee,” she barked at the noble in the kitchen.

“Being made,” he replied as he started the process. “You can blame Midnight for waking up first and deciding to try and cook again, if you think it’s taking too long.”

Scope looked at Midnight and growled again. Before slumping over the table as the Thestral straightened her mane. There was a flash from outside, followed by a purple blur that raced into the kitchen and crammed itself inside an empty cupboard.

A two-toned tail still hung out of it though.

“...Twilight, why are you in the cupboard? Last I recalled, you weren’t a pot or pan,” Ledger said as the coffee continued to brew.

“The Alicorn you are trying to reach is out of service. Please hang up and don’t call back,” came her monotone response. Ledger rolled his eyes and used his magic to pry the mare out of the cupboard.

“It’s too early for this, and that’s coming from me,” Ledger replied as the coffee neared completion. “Can it wait until after coffee at least?”

“ItoldmyMomandnowsshe’scomingtovisitandIalsotoldheryouwereaChangeling!” She suddenly said, trying to get back in the cupboard. Ledger pushed it shut with a hoof before sighing.

“Please tell me she can’t teleport over here,” he asked the lavender mare.

“The Waypoint is tied to my magical signature… but Mom shares enough that she could use it…” Ledger shook his head and made to pour the coffee for all the mares, figuring he’d get a cup in a moment.

“Go out and have some coffee with Middy and Scope,” he told Twilight, passing her three mugs of the life-giving elixir. “I’ll try to make something edible.”

Twilight nodded and took the mugs out into the kitchen, just as Cider came running inside.

“W-What happened?” she said, clearly panicked. “Ah saw smoke comin’ from the house! Is everypony alright!?”

“Midnight woke up after you,” Ledger said, giving her all the explanation she needed with a mug of coffee that he’d been pouring for himself. “G’on out, I got this.”

She sighed and handed him the mug back. “Thanks, but ah already had some. Ah’ll be back in a moment. Jus’ gotta show Fritter how the greenhouse works n’all.”

“M’kay, I’ll get some omelettes made for everypony then,” Ledger said, taking the mug back and giving her a kiss. She returned the gesture and headed back outside… just as Ledger caught a whiff of some faint pheromones coming from the living room…

Meh, he’d deal with it in a moment. He had breakfast to make and caffeine to drink. He set about finding enough eggs and a good-sized pan for omelettes, then began making the one breakfast food he knew he could make.

By the time breakfast was done, as he carried the food out to the table, he noticed two things.

One. The pheromones were still present.

Two. They… seemed to be coming from Midnight? He looked over at the thestral mare as he served the three their omelettes. This...was going to be a headache, wasn’t it.

She didn’t seem to notice as she looked at the food and hummed happily, a quiet chirp coming from her throat as she dug into the food.

“Um… since when do Thestral’s… chirp?” Twilight asked nopony in particular.

“...Thestrals don’t,” Ledger pointed out, slowly backing up. “But…”

Midnight hummed as she ate her food, sighing happily as she finished inhaling it. Ahh, now that was the stuff. She looked over at Ledger, and noticed that he hadn’t touched his food.

“You okay?” She asked. “You’re normally on your second cup by now Levvy.”

“...Something’s not right,” he muttered, looking at Midnight. She was showing quite a few signs...but she wasn’t, was she?...

“Hmm?” she blinked again, her crimson eyes staring into his. “What’s not right?”

“What’s wrong?” Twilight asked, a little concerned.

“She shouldn’t be chirping or emitting Changeling pheromones,” Ledger said as he pointed a hoof at Midnight.

Midnight tilted her head, before letting out a sigh and looking at her stallion. “W-Well… guess I couldn’t keep it a secret forever huh?” She looked at Scope, who shrugged and turned back to her meal.

“Promise you won’t get mad?” she asked the drone.

“...I’ll at least try,” he said, wondering what in the world was going on.

Midnight nodded as Violet flames surrounded her body… and after a second, a Noble Violet nymph sat in her place. She still held features similar to the bat, but she was definitely a Changeling…

“Um, hi?” she said bashfully.

“...What.” Ledger said as his head tilted to one side. Yep, Ledger had checked out. Call again later.

Twilight had a similar reaction, back-pedalling away from the table as her eyes widened. Midnight stayed that way for a moment, before she started to shake slightly… and then erupted in laughter as the disguise faltered, and the Thestral resumed her true form once again. There was a flash from Scope as she put something back under the table.

She and Scope snickered as they high-hoofed, the bat giggling at Ledger’s blank expression. He stayed looking at nothing for a minute while his brain rebooted, before slowly blinking a few times.

“...What just happened?” he asked. “The last thing I recall was something about you and pheromones…”

“Wow, did I shock you that much?” Midnight giggled again. “I didn’t think that would actually work. Hehehe, you thought I was a Changeling. Silly Levvy.”

“...You still smell a little like it,” he said, starting to put the clues together. “Did you...prank me?”

“Oh we pranked you soooo hard,” Scope cackled. “A little pheromone perfume from yours truly. Some brilliant acting and some glamour spells. Oh man, that was priceless!”

“...Yeah, just keep adding up the amount of things I have to get you back for,” Ledger said. Afterwards, he rolled his eyes and returned to the kitchen. “I always pay back my debts,” he called over his shoulder.

“So you say,” Scope and Midnight called back. And Ledger could hear Wishful laughing from upstairs. Oh, so he was in on it as well? The silver drone just returned to making omelettes for everypony. Cider, Fritter, and Leaves were next on his list, because unless he missed his guess, the Apple family would be the next ones in. And whether or not they’d had breakfast already, he knew they could eat.

The Apple trio eventually returned, and breakfast was quite the commotion, and Midnight, Scope and Wishful were still laughing over their prank. Scope showed him the photo she took, Wishful making note to add that to the family album. It was one of the few times that Ledger had been caught on film as being completely dumbfounded.

There was a silver flash from the front of the house, before a knock was heard. Midnight was closest, and Scope had turned the glamour spell back on a few moments ago to show Cider what they’d been laughing about.

So when a Noble Violet nymph opened the door to greet their guest...the silver unicorn on the other side blinked a few times before peering at her a little closer.

“Hmm, I don’t recall you,” she said in a familiar voice. “Pray tell, what’s your name?”

Midnight faltered for a second, the Madame… didn’t recognise her either? Dang Scopey’s magic was good. She shot an evil smile at Ledger and Wishful, then turned back to the Madame with a sultry gaze.

“My name is Moonlight Sonata… and perhaps you and I should get to know one another better, you little cutie pie~”

“Happily married a few times over,” the unicorn brushed off as she looked the noble ‘ling up and down, humming as she did. “I was unaware that there were more noble Violets here.”

“That’s cause there aren’t any more,” Moonlight said as the disguise melted away. “And you didn’t bite anywhere near as well as Levvy did. I was so hoping to see that adorable awkward face that Wishy says you have.”

The unicorn blinked before looking inside at her husband. “You told them that?” she questioned the drone.

“Just her,” he replied with a wave of his hoof. “After that...hmm, I can’t quite seem to remember. Odd.”

“What’s all the commotion?” Ledger called out from the kitchen as he worked on his own omelette.

“Just a visit from a pretty lady,” Midnight replied as she let the Madame inside. “Nothing to worry about Levvy!”

“...I should at least offer her coffee and breakfast,” he said back. “Unless she doesn’t want any for some reason.”

“I did eat before coming,” the Madame said, cuing Ledger in as to who it was.

“Oh. Hi mom,” the drone in the kitchen eventually said. “Well, if you’re sure.”

“Positive on the food, but if you’re offering coffee…”

Ledger rolled his eyes and floated a fresh mug out of the kitchen, much to the delight of the Madame.

“It’s nice to meet you again,” Twilight replied, as Scope sat on the opposite side of the table. No way was she getting hugged again!

“It’s nice to meet you as well dear,” the unicorn said as she nodded at Twilight, before returning to looking at Scope. “Somepony told me that we have a date set, so I came to get an estimate as to how much I’ll need to draw on to provide for such a wedding.”

“Hmm, you know,” Midnight spoke up. “Since Amy’s involved now… I wonder if she has any family that’ll show up?”

“Amy?” the Madame asked.

“Resident Pink,” Ledger supplied as he finished making his own breakfast and trotted out to join them.

“Ah,” the silver mare said with a nod. “Well, the records we recovered from the time when the Pinks were in the Lands state that they all thought of each other like one big happy family. I doubt that any and every Pink in the world will arrive for her wedding, but I would plan for a few unexpected guests.”

“Noted,” Midnight said. Well, she still had to tell Amy about the plans, if she didn’t already know somehow. “So at least two Pink Changelings will be there, along with a Pink pony… should be fun!”

“And hopefully the fabric of reality will forgive us one day,” Ledger replied as he started in on his food. Once he’d had a bite, he turned to Twilight and offered a cheeky smile. “See? Nothing happened. You told your mom, you came here, and we’re still enjoying a nice breakfast together.”

There was a sound from outside, before the back door flew open and a Unicorn baring a striking resemblance to Twilight walked in and looked around. Her eyes locked on Ledger and she took a step forward.

“So…” she said slowly. “Is this him?”

“You just had to bucking say something,” Twilight groaned.

“Twilight dear,” the Madame asked in a tone as smooth as silk. “Do you particularly care about the pony now interrupting a nice moment we were having?”

“Twilight Velvet, Princess Twilight Sparkle’s mother,” the mare introduced herself.

“I am known as Madame Gossip,” the silver unicorn said with a small smile and a look that carried none of it to her eyes. “I’m Level Ledger’s mother.”

There was an awkward moment of silence as the two mares sized each other up. Midnight looked at them, then raised her hoof with a happy smile.

“And I’m Midnight Song, mother of ‘Has-yet-to-be-named’ baby in my belly!” she said with a giggle. Scope gave her a flat look and the Thestral shrugged. “What? I just want to be included.”

“Believe me dear, I already knew,” the Madame said as she sipped at her coffee. Once she was done with that, she looked back up at Twilight Velvet. “I suppose you have a good reason for interrupting our little bonding moment?” The tone the disguised nymph used when she said ‘good’ implied that there had better be one.

“Well, considering I only just found out about this little arrangement of theirs,” Twilight said, unperturbed by the Madame’s subtle threats. “I thought it best to come and see them for myself.”

Scope leaned across to Wishful. “Twenty bits on the Madame,” she whispered.

“No bet, she’s already going to win and I’m not one for betting against my wife,” he whispered back. The silver unicorn sipped her drink again before putting the mug down.

“And you couldn’t wait to be invited?” the disguised changeling asked, completely glossing over the fact that she hadn’t been either.

“Hypocrite,” Scope coughed, as Twilight chose to ignore both.

“Hmm, I would have, but knowing my daughter, I’d have not seen one until the day of her wedding.” She walked over to Twilight and nuzzled her. “Plus, I’m quite curious as to see what attracted her to a Changeling of all things.”

“Ah, well then,” the nymph said as she shut her eyes and went up in a silver inferno, putting on a show for no sake other than Twilight Velvet. Once her Noble form was revealed, she smiled again, showing off her fangs and slitted eyes. “It’s so much better being myself.”

Twilight Velvet looked over at her and hummed. She looked quite different from the Changelings she’d seen before. She also noticed Midnight Song and waved a hoof.

“And how are you Lady Midnight? Did I hear correctly in you saying that you’re with foal?”

“Mhmm,” Midnight nodded, rubbing her belly. “It wasn’t planned. But I’ll do my best.”

“Well, I’m sure you have all the help you need with Twilight and the rest of your loves as well.” She looked back to the Madame and gave a smile, one that showed she wasn’t going to be bucked with anytime soon.

The noble silver ‘ling just hummed as she looked over at Ledger. “She knows, son, you…” her eyes flickered over to Wishful. “You and your father could probably drop your disguises as well.”

Ledger half-lidded his eyes in irritation before pointing a hoof at Apple Fritter. The mare in question had already dived behind the couch from the Madame’s dramatic display, her fear rather hard to miss. The nymph blinked a few times before blushing in embarrassment and looking at Apple Leaves.

“Whoops?” she offered by way of apology.

“That’s putting it mildly,” Apple Leaves sighed, moving to comfort her terrified daughter. Midnight also went to snuggle the mare to cheer her up a bit.

“Perhaps a little less drama next time?” Velvet chuckled in amusement, taking some small pleasure in the Madame’s minor slip.

“You were saying?” Scope whispered to Wishful.

“She’ll rally,” the drone whispered back.

“I suppose I could do with a little less flair behind my unveiling, miss ‘teleport in and burst the door down in the middle of breakfast,’” the Madame countered.

“And I suppose I’ll make a more refined entrance next time, Miss ‘Thinks she can intimidate me’!”

“Mom! Please stop fighting with her,” she looked at the Madame and clicked her tongue. “And please stop antagonising her. My Mom was just worried is all. As I’m sure you were when you first heard of Ledger’s relationship.”

“Understatement of the century,” Wishful hummed under his breath.

“I...can see your point there,” the Madame said with a sigh. But then she got a mischievous spark to her eyes. “Except for the first one. This isn’t fighting, dear Twilight. This is merely a verbal spar for me. You’d know if I were really fighting.”

“Indeed,” Velvet nodded. “But I’m sure Mr. Ledger cares for his mother, so I’ll let her be… for now~”

“OHH!” Midnight jumped up, having been reminded of something. “Silver Mom, we totally gotta spar. Purple Pops says you’re wicked strong! So I wanna see how strong!”

“Maybe when you aren’t carrying my grandfoal, and I’m reasonably certain you won’t break just by trying,” the silver nymph chuckled.

“Oh! It is SO on!” Midnight nodded, and Twilight gulped at that thought.

“Um, are you sure? Lady Gossip. Midnight is very strong…” That said, the Madame seemed to be storing quite a bit of power herself. Hmm, Twilight wasn’t sure who would win that match.

“I won’t worry,” Scope said with a sharkish grin. “I bet even I could beat that old bug around the block and back.”

“You keep thinking that,” the Madame said as she picked up her cup and sighed at the lack of coffee in it. “I’m sure I’ll get the chance to correct you sooner rather than later.”

“I’m still better than you~” Scope sang. The Madame’s horn flashed once, threateningly.

“I wouldn’t push it,” Wishful warned her. “I believe you suffered a crushing defeat at Miss Midnight Song’s hooves. I would hate to see you repeat that.”

Scope looked at the drone, then to the nymph opposite her. She stared into the Madame’s eyes for a few silent moments before shrugging and turning back to her breakfast.

“Whatever, I don’t need to prove I’m right.”

“If that’s what helps you get to sleep at night,” the Madame said with a smile as she looked back over at the Apple family. With a sigh, she resumed her disguise after seeing that Ledger and Wishful hadn’t dropped theirs. “You can come out now, I’ve got my glamour back on,” the noble nymph said to Apple Fritter.

All she got in reply though, was a slowly swinging front door, the Earth Pony mare having escaped a few moments ago. Apple Leaves sighed and took a seat at the table, Midnight following after the fleeing mare.

“She took Canterlot pretty hard,” Apple Leaves explained. “Then the second invasion here, she was worried for her sister…”

“I’m not going to be so cruel as to force her to like me,” the Madame replied as she got comfortable in her seat. “I just hope that she can recover from the things that have been done to her…”

“Honestly, ah don’t know,” Cider sighed. “We don’t really know what happened to her during Canterlot, cause she won’t tell anypony. She says that she can’t remember most of it… but, ah don’t know…”

The Madame hummed before looking at Wishful. “Peaceful?” she asked.

“His talents would be useful,” the violet unicorn agreed. “But like you said, we shouldn’t force her to like us.”

“Perhaps both Peaceful and Joyful,” the Madame said with a nod. “Give her a vacation with her father for once.”

“I believe the idea is to get her to like us,” Ledger muttered under his breath, Scope holding back a snort.

“I’ll ask them when we return,” the Madame said as she stood up. “But for now, I believe I have estimates to gather for this event?” She looked over at the other ponies at the table with a raised eyebrow, wondering who if any would help her with this.

“I can assist you there,” Twilight said, leaving Ledger’s side as she summoned her saddlebags. That also left nopony between him and Velvet as the Alicorn left with the Madame, already rattling off costs, schedules, etc…

Velvet moved closer and sat next to him, the room was quiet, like the eye of the storm as the Unicorn cleared her throat.

“Well, now we can talk without interruption.”

Ledger looked over at her before he returned to the matter of killing his breakfast. He could already tell that this day off was going to be splendid. He decided not to make the first move, just waiting to see where she stood before he mounted a counter-argument.

“So tell me,” she asked, sipping her tea. “You have three mare’s already yes? What convinced you to get a fourth? Were your current ones not enough?”

Twilight convinced me,” Ledger replied after killing his own omelette. “I’m not certain if you’re aware of what color translates to what emotion we prefer, but for a Silver, there is nothing we like more than the feeling of an academic learning something new. Besides love, of course.” He sipped his coffee and put it back on the table before continuing. “With Twilight, there is always something new to learn. With Scope, there is always somepony willing to put me back in line. With Cider, there is always somepony that will keep us grounded. And Midnight is the one that fixed me when I was broken. I would not be who I am, where I am, without any of them.”

Twilight Velvet remained silent and listened. Once he was finished, she nodded a few times as she thought that over. She knew her daughter would never get involved with something bad, but it was a mother’s prerogative to make sure after all.

“Your situation is certainly… unique, at least outside the written world,” she finally said. “And I hope you understand that my daughter’s happiness and safety comes first for me.” She looked Ledger in the eyes with a hard stare.

“The only reason I didn’t come straight over when I found out last night is that I was doing a little research on you and yours. You’ve made quite the impact in the last few months. Toppling a criminal, starting the first real herd in nearly a century, defeat a corrupt Dark Magic user… the list goes on and on…”

“I only did what I felt like had to be done,” the drone replied as he turned in his seat to more fully look at the mare next to him. “And I will continue to do it until somepony more suited to doing it comes along.”

“You mean like the contingent of Royal Guard or the police?” Velvet asked. “Or maybe even that Thestral mare? She has quite the reputation in Canterlot you know.”

“We all of us have our roles to play. I would be very much appreciative if my role was to return to being an innovator in the top chair of Pegasus Air,” Ledger returned. “But something else I learned? You don’t always have the luxury of not being able to do what needs to be done. Sometimes it’s either do…”

“Or don’t,” Twilight Velvet finished. “You desire a quieter life, and then get involved with my daughter, whom the last four world-ending events have been centered around.” Velvet sipped at her tea. “I don’t know if I should laugh at your idiocy or applaud your bravery.”

“I vote for idiocy,” Scope chimed in.

“At least the events that have happened around Las Pegasus weren’t her fault,” Ledger replied. “I honestly think the city is calmer when she’s around.”

“Perhaps she’s more of a deterrent,” Velvet giggled. “Well regardless, I know she can take care of herself… but if you ever break her heart Mr. Ledger…” She turned and looked at him, the peaceful smile on her face promising an indescribable amount of pain should he do such a thing.

“I’d sooner break my horn off,” Ledger replied honestly. “Despite what the novels might say about my situation, holding it together is an incredible amount of work.”

“I can only imagine,” Velvet giggled, her mood flipping. Mares were freaking terrifying when they did that. “Well, I’m glad to see that the majority of my concerns are misplaced. So, how about you? She hasn’t done anything strange has she? Forced you to reorganize your bookshelves? Tried to experiment on you…?”

“Ah, you’re talking about the other day,” Ledger said with a snicker. “And really, I only keep the one book...which I’m just now realizing I promised she could read…”

“She actually tried to experiment on you?” Velvet groaned and placed her hooves together. “Please forgive her, once she gets an idea in her head… and something she hasn’t learned yet… well, I’m sure you’ve seen what happens.”

“Before you reply,” Wishful hummed and looked at his son and wiggled his eyebrows. “Was she experimenting… or was she, experimenting~”

“It started as one, but turned into another,” Ledger hummed with a smirk. “And really, as long as she keeps asking before doing things to me, I don’t mind. Truth and understanding help dispel rumor and fear.”

“And the fact you get some after doesn’t hurt either~” Wishful said again. Twilight finally understood the context of the previous statement and blushed a deep red.

“O-Oh...S-So you already have that k-kind of relationship?”

Ledger declined the option to reply verbally, instead choosing to just smile knowingly at Velvet. The Unicorn just blushed and looked away.

“W-Well, as long as you’re using protection…”

“We are,” Ledger said with a nod. “One is more than enough right now. I’m still getting used to that idea.”

“MOM! You better not be saying anything embarrassing in there!” Twilight Sparkle called out, causing the older mare to giggle lightly.

“Ohh, I almost forgot the time-honoured tradition of embarrassing my daughter.” She fished her purse out of her bag and waved it with her magic. “Who wants to see foal pictures~”

“I’d love to hang around and see them, but I think father and I have some rings to pick out today,” Ledger said with a smile. “I have no doubt the others will love seeing them, though.”

“Oh really?” Velvet asked, but still showed him a single picture. One of a baby Twilight holding her Smarty Pants doll. The disguised drone held a hoof to his chest and mocked having a heart attack due to all the cuteness.

“Ack…” he groaned.

“Heh, gets ‘em every time,” Velvet giggled as she put the weapon away. Scope made a mental note of that for later as she poked Ledger with a stick.

“Yo… you dead?”

“Nah, it was just too cute to not react to,” Ledger replied before standing up and brushing himself off. “Well, this meeting went...surprisingly better than I thought it would.”

“I believe so, though, your parents and I have yet to discuss every little embarrassing fact about you both. Nor have you been subjected to Night Light’s dad jokes yet.”

“I’ll be back with the colt in a few hours or so,” Wishful said as he walked around to stand next to Ledger. “In the meantime, the Madame will still be busy for a little while…” With that, the two stallions left for the city, in search of some wedding rings.

That left Apple Leaves, Velvet, Cider and Scope at the table. Scope and Cider looked at the older mares before deciding that bailing was the best option here, leaving the two mothers to talk for a while. Particularly about the Changelings involved in this relationship…

Buck today, buck absolutely everything about today. Narrow Gaze had no idea she could reach this level of done. Between small riots, petty thieves, ponies and Changelings, each with a thousand and one questions…

Not to mention the veritable mountain of paperwork she still hadn’t done…

And Straight Arrow has the nerve to tell her to relax? Relax? She didn’t have time to bucking relax. And yet here she was, standing outside the Twisted Pony massage parlour, holding a voucher that Arrow had given her.

“What the fuck am I even doing here?” she muttered as she walked inside. Well fine, she’d get a stupid massage, go home, eat some rations and hopefully get a little sleep before going back to work.

After giving to voucher to the mare at the front desk, she was directed to an empty room and asked to lay on the table.

“Ze masuse vill be vith you shortly,” the mare said in a forced accent. “Have fun~”

“Yeah, whatever,” Narrow muttered as she closed her eyes. At least the table was comfy. The door swung open and shut, and then a very different voice spoke up.

“Hmm, a pretty mare...police or military, judging by the souvenirs...probably hella worked up...yeah, number four seems like a good choice.”

“Dare I ask?” she spoke up, not opening her eyes.

“Oh, sorry. Number four outta the oils they give me. This one’s supposed to help a lot with relaxin’ sore muscles.” A container opened as her masseuse spread the oil, supposedly, around. There was something...familiar about his voice…

She opened her eyes and looked, surprised to see a black griffon standing there. She’d been expecting a pony, or perhaps a minotaur…

“Well, don’t see too many with your colours,” she said. He didn’t look familiar, but his voice… where the heck had she heard that before?

“I know, I ain’t run across one like me yet,” the griffon said with a nod. “Name’s Jonny. I’ll be takin’ care of you today.” He walked around to behind Narrow and began testing the waters with a few grips here and there, to gauge her stress.

She flinched at first, she… was a tad uncomfortable at being touched by most. But, he was just doing his job and she did her best to calm down. He hummed a little as he worked his way down, nearly done with his assessment.

“An’ when was the last time you had one ‘a these?” he asked as he finished. She...was in desperate need of a relaxing day. Which was what he did best~

“A professional one?” she asked. “Never.”

“Well, let’s fix that,” the griffon said as he began work on her neck, doing his best to work out the years of tension he could feel there. She let out a content sigh without meaning to, mentally chiding herself.

Oh but those claws, she couldn’t help but think of Fredrick and she let out a quiet moan.

“Somepony likes,” Jon teased as he kept up his work on her neck. There wasn’t really much he could do up here...maybe one spot, but he’d hit it later on his way down to her back.

“Well, at least you know what you’re doing,” Narrow riposted, annoyed that she’d let her mind wander like that. He did vaguely remind her of Fredrick for some reason…

“‘s why they keep lettin’ me back in here,” the griffon agreed, finally content with her neck as he brushed one claw against a spot on the back of it. He then quite quickly turned that brushing into him moving his claws down to her back for the next set, to make it look like an accident, if need be. Sometimes the ponies just didn’t like it, after all. He didn’t bang every pony that walked through his door. Just most.

Her breath hitched slightly and he felt her body twitch.

Did he just… but that was one of Fredrick’s… Hmm, must have been an accident, it still caused her to moan again though, both from the touch and the massage itself.

“A’course, hearing ponies moan is half of why I keep coming back,” the griffon said as he worked on her spine. This was nearly as bad as her neck...but on the bright side, more points for him to brush against~

She frowned and moved to get up. “You know what, this was a stupid idea. I’m leaving—”

Jon took the moment to press one claw hard against her spine, working out a knot he’d felt, hoping that would be all the persuasion she would need to stay. And he also made a mental note that if she did stay, he would either need to turn the ‘persuasion’ down, or up.

She gave a small twitch and all but collapsed onto the table, she’d had a pain in her back that he’d just made vanish.

“Ooorrr, I stay riiiight here~” she sighed.

“Figured you might say that,” Jon said as he resumed working on her spine. “Got any other little kinks you want me to work out?” He left the double-meaning open on purpose, as bait to see if she would bite or not.

“My lower back has had some trouble lately, guess I’m being worked too hard.” She’d missed his subtle gesture, and she certainly wasn’t going to say what kind of work was hard~

The griffon moved his claws to her lower back and felt around, noticing the tension there. “Oh, yeah...okay, I know somethin’ fer this.” He moved a claw up to just below her skull and started counting as he trailed down vertebra. “Aaaaand this one. Okay, it’s gonna feel a little weird, but you let me know when it starts feelin’ better.” With that, he pushed one talon against the point he’d picked out and held it there. He knew his way around a pony by heart.

She let out another pleasured moan, biting her bottom lip as she hadn’t meant to do that… again. Dammit Fredrick, it was his fault she was still here taking this frou-frou crap. A month ago, she’d have never set hoof inside a place like this, but noooo, he had to make her feel like a mare instead of a Guard.

Jon held his claw there, still waiting for his acupressure treatment to work. It was this point, he was sure, that helped with flank and lower back pain. “Anythin’?” he asked. It normally didn’t take this long.

“Huh?” Narrow blinked as she was brought out from her daydream. Oh? She hadn’t even realised that the pain was gone. “Damn… you are good.”

“They pay me bits to touch ponies fer a reason,” the black-feathered griffon said, once again leaving his statement open on purpose. He then moved to massage her lower back while it was relaxed, knowing it wouldn’t stay that way for long unless he worked on it now.

“Mmmmm,” Narrow sighed and tilted her head to one side. “And be careful of comments like that, one might mistake you for wanting to act on some lewd desires.”

“I don’ do that,” the griffon said, letting his statement hang there as he moved to massage her hind legs. “Unless you ask.”

Narrow groaned again, for an entirely different reason this time. Unbelieveable, first Fredrick, now this guy? Were all Griffons natural pervs? Jon worked on one leg, letting out a whistle at how tense it was, before he slowly massaged it. He hit a few spots scattered around that would help him on this task, but it was still tough going. Still, at least she wouldn’t be getting up and walking off anytime soon while he had her leg.

She flinched and giggled lightly, before she gasped and moaned at his touch again.

“Mmm, that feels nice Fred,” she murmured. Something that Jon apparently hadn’t heard, as he kept his work up before swapping to the other hind leg.

“Sheesh, d’you never take a break?” he asked the mare. “Pretty thing like you deserves some time off every now and again.”

“Captain, too busy,” she murmured. The griffon snorted before climbing up on the bed with her, leaning over her form to get at her forelegs.

True, he didn’t have to do it like this, but it was more fun~

“Y’came here, didn’t ya? I’d say you got some time on your hooves,” the griffon pointed out as he started on her left foreleg.

“Jerkwad Arrow forced me,” she mumbled, her eyes closed again. “Still gots lots to do… haven’t seen him in days… Waiting for Middy to blow sumthin up…”

“Yeah, that mare is crazy and a half,” Jon agreed as he swapped forelegs. “Still, ya made a good call, even if you were forced inta it. I’m the best for relaxin’...”

Here his voice trailed off and then dropped into a lusty version of itself. “Or relaxin’.”

“Mmm, you seem to be pretty good that,” Narrow replied, missing the subtle undertones again. One would think that being with Fredrick would make her more aware…

Straight Arrow had waltzed into Fredrick’s place, with the Captain gone, he could finally slack off a little and relax. She was the best partner, but damn if she wasn’t a friggen ball-buster when on duty.

“Hey Fred, I need a ton of coffee for the lads and ladies at the station,” he called out.

“You should really just replace your typical stock with the sort of stock I buy,” the griffon chuckled. “Still...how many are working there today?”

“Two dozen,” Arrow replied. “I got Narrow to take the day off, so none for her~”

“She’ll just visit me later, you know,” the griffon replied as he sent the order to the kitchen for three pots of coffee. Yes, pots. “Though, a party should be held in your honor for getting her to take a day off. If anypony deserves one, it’s her.”

“True that,” Arrow called out. “And hay, a day without her riding my ass is a good day indeed. Though, I feel sorry for the masseuse I sent her to.”

“She’ll likely get her bits worth,” the griffon replied as he waited for the colt to make the coffee and pass it to him. “I’ve felt the tension in those muscles.” Leaving out the when entirely.

“Nah, I had a voucher for that ‘Twisted Pony’ place, so I just gave that to her. Hope they do a fine enough job that she won’t yell at me tomorrow.”

Fredrick actually paused, one talon held up as he went to make a rebuttal. He slowly put it down and closed his mouth, working it a few times before saying anything. “Did you say...the Twisted Pony?” he eventually asked.

“Yeah, that place near the Strip,” Arrow nodded. “I got a voucher in the mail, but I didn’t need it. Ain’t got a marefriend, so I figured that Narrow could use it, or at least give it to a friend or something… why?”

“...My brother returned just the other day, and he typically seeks employment there whenever he stays for longer than one night,” the griffon replied.

“Okay...so?” Arrow hummed, wondering where the coffee was and why Fredrick had adopted a thousand yard stare.

“...You probably have some sort of file on me at the station, yes? About the incidents that have occurred because I slept with a mare?”

“Mhmm,” Arrow nodded. He was still jealous that Fredrick stole all the mares, but he’d been quiet for some time now… Arrow wondered why. And then he heard the four worst words he could have heard Fredrick say.

My brother is worse.

Arrow blinked as he processed that. What?

Aw crud.

“W-Well… this is Captain Narrow we’re talking about,” he said. “S-She wouldn’t do something like that… right?”

“Maybe before she met me, but we’ve rubbed off on each other a bit, and I’ve gotten her to open up a little,” Fredrick replied. “...At this point, my only hope is that she got a masseuse that was not my brother.”

“Yeah, totally…” Oh man, if this Griffon hits on the Cap… Well, he just hoped the guy had good health insurance. And Arrow would need to double check his own.

“Mostly because he doesn’t discriminate,” Fredrick replied. “The only ones that are safe are those too young to be legal, or too old for his taste. He doesn’t force anypony...but he’s very good at convincing them.”

“Well, it’s still Captain Narrow, Las Peagsus’ biggest ballbuster and tough nut. No way can he do something like that.” Arrow nodded and stamped his hoof.

“Would you have also said it to be equally unlikely she would enter a relationship a month ago?” Fredrick asked with a raised eyebrow.

Arrow paused and blinked. “Shedidwhatnow?”

“...Did she not tell you she and I are romantic partners?” Fredrick asked, tilting his head to one side. “Curious.”

“Ahhahaha! Good one Fredrick, you almost had me going...for...a minute? You’re not kidding are you?” Arrow blinked and looked at Fredrick’s confused expression. “Dude! You gotta go save her then!”

“My presence will do little to dissuade my brother, as my worst memory will attest,” the griffon replied as he presented the coffee to the colt, now that it was finally done. “I offer a counter-argument. You made this mess. You can clean it up.”

“Aw buck,” Arrow muttered. “Um, you know… I just realised I have a ton of work to do. Heh, how about that. Later Fredrick!” he quickly bolted from the room, leaving the bits for the coffee behind. Fredrick groaned and rolled his eyes, telling the serving-colt he was in charge for the time being while he was off to save whatever was left of his marefriend’s honor.

If indeed there was anything left by the time he got there. His brother did work fast, after all.

Narrow gave a content sigh, this Griffon was skilled in his craft. She hadn’t felt this relaxed in a looooong time.

Jonathan smirked as he gave the mare a final once-over, one that wasn’t so...innocent. He still masked his pressing of certain points, but he made sure to hit more than a few. He wanted to see how she’d react to them first. One of his few rules was to respect ‘no’ after all. Not doing so was a crime.

She gave a few gasps and moans, before frowning lightly, her eyes still closed. “Quite the interesting massage technique you have there,” she said, starting to feel a little warm… down there. Was this normal? She’d never had a professional massage before.

“‘s what I do, make ponies feel good,” the griffon said with a smirk as he climbed down from the table to inspect her from another angle, once again masking his pressing of certain pleasure points as him checking her joints.

“Well, at least you’re good at doing that,” she hummed. She felt soooo relaxed and chilled, perhaps this had been a good idea after all.

“Had a chat with the mare that runs the place,” Jon said as he finally took his claws off of her. “Yer voucher would cover any service of mine you ask fer. Any service.” He let that implication hang in the air as he stopped disguising his touches, pushing one pleasure point and nothing else on her.

She moaned and then her eyes opened and she looked at him. “Okay… now what kind of services might you be implying? Because I don’t want to jump to conclusions here…”

“Anything from what you just got, to ‘make me cum all over the table,’ to ‘buck me through the table,’” the griffon said shamelessly. “I can do it all~”

“Oookay, you are far worse than Fredrick,” she said. “Thanks but no thanks. I’m taken already.”

The griffon blinked, backing up for a step...before his eyes half-lidded and he took that step forward again. “He doesn’t hafta know,” the black-feathered griffon purred at her. “‘nother service of mine? Secrecy. Nobody hasta know what goes on in here.”

“Ahh, but you’re wrong there,” Narrow said. “Sorry feathers, but I would know. And despite his past, Fredrick has remained exclusive to me, and I will extend to him the same courtesy.”

“Suit yerself,” Jon said as he turned to the sink, not coincidentally flashing the captain a view most ponies liked. “You’ll never know what you’re missin’~”

“Oh, on the contrary, I am going to go and fuck Fredrick into the mattress~” she replied, giving him her own husky tone. “My thanks for warming me up.”

“Anytime,” Jon said as he began washing his claws off. And maybe his bro would thank him for this. Now that he knew she was gonna keep saying no, there wasn’t anything in the rulebook about teasing her.

“Believe me, you’re quite skilled and if I wasn’t taken…” She decided to leave that hanging in the air as she relaxed on the table. She wasn’t really in the position to go anywhere right now.

“Yeah yeah, some ponies let that stop ‘em from havin’ a fling or two with me,” the griffon replied as he dried his claws off. “Don’t see why, it’s not like I’m askin’ em fer a commitment.”

“Commitment can be a funny thing,” Narrow said. “And unless you’ve been in a committed relationship, then I doubt you ever will understand it.” She chuckled as she thought on the resident troublemakers. “Maybe you should ask Midnight? She certainly has no issues with adding a pony or three to theirs.”

“Yeah, no, I’m stayin’ as far away from that family as possible,” Jonathan replied. “They’re too crazy fer me.”

“Hah! Says the bird that not only has the balls to hit on the Guard Captain, but a taken one at that. Trust me, you’re plenty crazy for them.” She’d been watching when he turned around. Her statement held true in multiple ways~

“Yeah, but I’m not one fer bein’ tied down, and they might expect me to, I dunno, stop sleepin’ around. Totally chafe my lifestyle.” The griffon eventually turned around and noticed that the mare hadn’t gotten up yet. “We need a wheelbarrow fer you?”

“No, just comfy right now. Why, do you want me to leave so soon?”

“Nah, jus’, usually a pony can only not walk out of here after I’ve given them some ‘special attention,’” the griffon joked. “Still, I thought you had plans fer this ‘Fredrick’?” He played dumb, not wanting her to know they were related.

“Mm, I’m sure he can wait, and while I do have him, I’m sure he’s in his restaurant, making some mares feel pretty.” Narrow giggled, watching him actually turn down a mare was still something she hadn’t gotten used to yet.

“Yeah, a’ight. Still, I got other ponies t’ touch t’day.” The griffon gave her a nod as he turned to leave. “I’ll jus’ use another room, then.”

“Hmm, running away already?” she asked innocently. “Oh well.” She hopped off of the table and stretched again, before beating him to the door and raised a hoof to open it, her tail flicking back and forth. She heard him gulp behind her as she presented him with the most tantalizing of views.

“Dang, mare, don’t do that to me,” he muttered loud enough for her to hear.

“Oh, but you spent all that time teasing me~” she cooed, enjoying watching him squirm a little. “I figure that I’d return the favour.”

“Usually ponies don’t both say no and tease me,” he replied. “...The next pony I’m with is getting such a load.”

Oh now she had an idea. She mentally apologised to the next mare that said yes to him as she turned and walked back towards him, slowly walking around in a circle as her tail dragged itself along his form.

“Really now, such uncouth language. Perhaps you need to be put in your place hmm?”

“Dammit all!” he cursed. “Stop tormentin’ me! It’s yes or no, and you’ve already said no! Just lemme go already so I can try my luck with the next pony!”

“But you teased and prodded me,” she said, trailing a hoof along his feathery chest in away she knew that Fredrick liked. “Turnabout is fair play no? No? Oh well, have fun then.” She turned and walked towards the door, her tail dragging under his beak and he could smell the musk coming from her.

Jon was sorely tempted to just drag her back in and ravish her then and there...but the moment passed, and he exhaled. He made a note to take extra care if he ran across that pony again. He wasn’t sure if he was sad she wasn’t the type to do others on the side…

Or sorry for what he’d just done to his brother.

Outside, Narrow took a breath of fresh air and hummed. That had been… quite intense, and despite his advances, his massage was quite good. Narrow had never felt so limber.

She turned to walk down the street when she saw Fredrick running towards her. Okay… why?

‘You’re complaining? Hell, I’m still complaining we didn’t fuck the black out of Jon’s feathers.’

“OH cripes, not you again.”

“Fredrick? What are you doing here?” She asked as she shook her head and looked at him.

“Your second came by for coffee and to tell me you were at the Twisted Pony,” the griffon said as he came close enough to peck her on the cheek. Something he did before continuing. “My brother is back in town and typically works there when he is.”

His brother!?

‘Oohh damn, we could totally do both…


“Hmm, black Griffon? Like you but without a filter?” she asked.

“That’s the one,” Fredrick said with a nod. “He only has three real rules. Too young, he doesn’t hit on. Too old, not to his tastes. And anypony that says no, he doesn’t go after. Other than that, everypony is fair game. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was busy seducing his next customer.”

“Fredrick~” Narrow giggled as she rubbed his chest. “Were you… worried about me~?”

“Worried about what he was doing to you, yes. He doesn’t mind who you’re in a relationship with. Even if he’d known, he would still have tried his luck with you,” the older brother of the pair said as he hugged his mare close.

“Aww, I love you too,” she giggled. “And don’t worry. He did try and tried very well I might add. But, I just gave him a little taste of his own medicine and left him hanging so to speak~”

‘Throbbing more like it. You had him wound tighter than a spring~’

“Mhmm, and now…”

Narrow gave the Griffon a passionate kiss and gazed into his eyes. “And now, you’re going to take me home and finish what he started~”

“...This is the first time in a long time I have felt like thanking my brother for something,” Fredrick eventually said. Narrow had broken away from the hug and was galloping down the street.

“Better hurry, or I’ll start, and finish, without you~”

The griffon growled and gave chase, wondering where she was leading him…

“Hmm, you’re keeping costs remarkably low by hosting it in your palace, Princess Twilight,” the silver unicorn hummed as she considered the itemized bill presented to her. “And you’re certain your friends won’t accept more for the quality work they’re doing?”

“Rarity is like that, and Pinkie needs little to no reason whatsoever to throw a party,” Twilight explained. “And given that it’s her cousin getting married, the Apples have one heck of a feast prepared for the event.” She gave the Madame a soft smile. “Just be glad I talked them into accepting any payment at all.”

“True,” the mare chuckled before rolling the bill back up. “I can have that for you within a few days time. Just have to do a change of glamour and make a trip up to Canterlot to get the bits. Where should I take them when I have them?

“Ponyville will be your best bet,” Twilight said. “All my friends in one convenient location.”

“Very well,” she said with a nod. “Now, the last question I have for you regarding that day.”

Twilight finished putting her book away and looked up. “Oh, what is it?”

“We’ve discussed many a thing, but one thing we didn’t touch on was, where you intend to be,” the mare said.

“Ah… well,” Twilight, honestly hadn’t thought… no, that was a lie, she’d been thinking about it endlessly. “I… I don’t know,” she finally responded.

“...I see,” the Madame said, as though the matter had been sealed, unfavorably so. “Well then, if that is all…”

“Don’t get me wrong,” Twilight said, she’d caught that undertone of hers, her own mother was well versed in the technique. “I love Ledger and the girls a lot, but rushing into marriage so quickly… and, it’s not like they’ll be going anywhere.”

“My son’s heart is not a toy,” the Madame said with more than a bit of bite. “I still want to rend asunder the last mare who thought like that in regards to him.”

It was like all the joy in the room had been killed. Changelings from a mile away could feel Twilight’s emotions now. “A...a toy!” The room started to shake as her horn lit up, her eyes blazing with white light as she glared at the nymph. “IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK? WHAT YOU… ASSUME I THINK OF THEM!?”

You’re the one who can’t decide where she wants to be on the biggest day in their lives,” the nymph pointed out cooly. “Either you love them and want to be with them, or you don’t and will be the best mare of honor in existence. Anything else is toying with their emotions.”

Twilight’s aura extended to her whole body, a small wave blowing out the windows as she stepped closer. “I love them. VERY MUCH! But that doesn’t mean you can force me to marry them!” Twilight Velvet had come running into the room now, along with Apple Leaves.

“What in the? What’s going on in here?” Velvet asked.

“Then do you have an answer as to what you’ll be doing, miss Sparkle?” the Madame asked. “So that you don’t feel like I’m pushing you into anything, of course.”

Twilight calmed down… just a little. “I will be there for them. I will always be there for them. I don’t know my exact role. Perhaps I might even join Luna in wedding them! If they want me to a fill a role, then I’m sure they will ask!” Twilight took a deep breath and the immense amount of magic she’d been building dissipated. No need to turn Cider’s farm into a crater. Velvet went to put a hoof on her shoulder, but the young Alicorn turned and teleported away without saying another word.

“Well, that promises to be awkward later,” the Madame observed. “It might even be awkward now, depending on where she teleported herself to. Or who.”

Twilight Velvet turned and looked at the nymph with an incredulous expression that just screamed ‘You think?’

“She needed some prodding!” The Madame said. “Don’t tell me you weren’t thinking where she was going to be standing when they were all getting married! And now that she’s thinking about it, and thinking about it seriously, we might actually have an answer in three week’s time.”

“My daughter always has a plan,” Velvet said calmly, looking at the broken windows as her horn lit up to start fixing them. “She thinks about every possibility. What might happen, what could happen… what will happen. But in the end, she always makes a decision.” She pieced together one window and moved to the next. “So in short, yes. The moment I found out the rest were getting married, I had questioned it. But, more importantly….” She turned and looked at the Madame with a glare that could have frozen Tartarus. “I trust them.”

“I don’t know Twilight,” the nymph said with a sigh. “I know of the others through Scope, and have Ledger’s letters on the matter, along with a few meetings. Cider seems very down-to-Earth, she’ll help diffuse any situations they get into by reminding them of sane, simple solutions. Scope is not what I would have expected, but she’ll keep him on the right track, painfully if need be. And Midnight...brought my colt back. From what he became, to what he is now. I trust the other three and my son, but I don’t know Twilight enough to trust her yet.”

“That… is understandable I suppose,” Velvet said as she finished the second window. “But, that was not a good way to go about getting to know her. You just said you don’t know her, and prodded it anyway. Not exactly the wisest decision, especially when you poke a hornet's nest that could wipe out a small city.” Velvet snorted, remembering Twilight’s retelling of her fight with Tirek. “Why don’t you go and find her. Apologise. And get to know her then?”

“Because that teleportation spell was cued to a being she knows very well, and it was directed towards the city,” the nymph hummed as she repaired the third window with a flash of her horn. “And while it may not have been the wisest move, I did learn something about her just now. Something that I think I can put my trust in.”

“That mah daughter needs studier windows?” Apple Leaves giggled as she picked up a few fallen ornaments.

“She’s a fighter, and she cares about them,” the Madame said with a happy hum. “That, I can trust. Her first instinct when confronted on the issue as to whether or not she cared about them wasn’t to cower or let me talk. But fight back. That, I can admire.”

“You… have no idea how close you came to being vapourised huh?” Velvet giggled. “Well, not that my daughter would resort to such means. Still, if what you say is true, I do hope the pony on the opposite end of that teleport has a few steel nerves.”

“It really depends on who she teleported to. But when I see her again, assuming she comes back, I will do the whole apologizing routine, promise.” The fourth window was repaired just as quickly as the third. “And her magic was impressive, but if I felt like I was in any real danger, I would have teleported out of it.”

“If you say so,” Velvet chuckled again.

Ledger led his father down the other strip of Las Pegasus, where the high-end and more to-do of the residents did their shopping. He was searching for a jewelry shop where he could buy three wedding bands for his mares. He also hoped he found one that wouldn’t look down on him for needing three wedding bands, but he wasn’t holding his breath on that one.

“I don’t think I like this area,” Wishful sighed in disdain, his ears drooping a little. “Everypony is so… ergh, conservative.”

“If they didn’t guard how they felt, then they wouldn’t be ‘prim and proper,’” Ledger agreed with a nod. “Still, this is where we’re likely to find a good jeweler, so we’ll have to suffer this for the time being.”

“The things I do for family,” Wishful muttered. his ear flicked and his brow wrinkled for a moment. “Hmm, say… do you, feel that?”

“Mom is probably pushing Twilight’s buttons,” Ledger said with a sigh as he finally spotted a shop selling what he needed. “Ah! Here we are.” With his magic, he held the door open for his father before following in afterwards. Step one, locate the shop. Step two, see if they would discriminate against his needing three bands…

A snooty looking Unicorn pony walked over to him and greeted him with an all too wide smile.

“Hmm, welcome to Silver Styles. How may I, hmm, help you?”

“Well,” Ledger said with a small grin of his own. “It turns out I’m getting married in three week’s time, so I need the proper bands to perform the ceremony with.”

“Hmm, congratulations.” The Unicorn replied, though it seemed rather rehearsed. “Well, if you, hmm, follow me. I’ll show you what we stock.”

“If something isn’t to my liking, can I order a custom band and have it done in that timeframe?” Ledger asked while following the stallion.

“Hmm, three weeks?” The Unicorn looked at fancy-looking account book. “It’s, hmm, doable. But, expensive. A rush order… and a custom one at that. Hmm, yes, quite expensive.”

“Then let’s hope I see something I like,” the brown unicorn said. The black unicorn nodded and led him to a case that held wedding bands for mares.

“Hmm, perhaps you find something she likes in here.”

Ledger looked the bands over, but didn’t see anything that he thought would match the color scheme of any of the mares he was marrying. He sighed before looking at the shop owner. “If I may be blunt, mister…”

“Hmm, yes?” the stallion asked, pushing up his glasses.

“It’s not one band I need,” Ledger said. “I’m actually in a herd with a few mares, and none of these look good for any of them.”

The stallion was quiet for a good long moment. This was… well he wasn’t sure what to think.


This stallion was obviously desperate for some bands, and he needed four no less. Well, time to capitalise on this before that filthy Goldrush store down the street got wind of this.

“Hmm, tell you what. I can arrange something custom-designed. And, hmm, give you a small discount?”

“That’d be splendid,” Ledger agreed with a sigh. “Hmm. I’m thinking...as she is now, a blood diamond, or if you can’t get that, a ruby, in gold for one. Aquamarine in gold for another. Assuming she takes part, amethyst in silver for a third, and the fourth is...tricky.”

“I assume you’re referring to little Scope Lens?” Wishful chuckled. “Perhaps a candy necklace~”

“She’d just use it to torment me, somehow,” Ledger said with a roll of his eyes. “Hmm...What do you think of sapphire in silver for her, dad? I think that’s as close as we’re going to get.”

“It would match her Colour,” Wishful nodded. “I think it’s a good choice.”

“Think you can match the challenge?” Ledger asked the stallion. Said stallion pulled out an abacus and clicked a few beads, humming to himself.

“Hmm, yes, it’s doable. I just need a, hmm, design.”

“To go on the outside of the band?” Ledger asked.

“Hmm, quaint,” he said as he pointed at the jewelry case. “I mean, hmm, the design of the band.”

Ledger let off a small ‘ah’ as he looked over the case, humming slightly. “This one,” he said, pointing at one that was simple and had three stones set in it. “I think they’ll all appreciate something like this. Though I have to ask, can you engrave the interior with a simple message?”

“I can, hmm, do that easily enough,” the stallion nodded. “I’ll even do it for, hmm, no extra charge.”

“Thanks,” Ledger said with a grin before clearing his throat. “‘With all my love, and more besides. L L.’”

“Simple and clean,” The stallion nodded. “I will, hmm, do my best to get it done. Now.” He looked at ledger for one last question. “I just need their band sizes.”

“Ah...the difficult question,” Ledger said with a sigh. “I myself don’t know, I never had to ask...but I could probably get them easily…”

The ground shook as a brilliant flash of light came from outside, followed by… a lot of screaming ponies that were running for the hills. Wishful looked at his son and tilted his head.

“Is this… normal for this city?”

“It’s becoming more so with each passing day,” Ledger sighed. “I should probably go see what that was.”

“I shall wait here and hmm, hold down the fort,” the stallion said, hiding behind the counter. Wishful decided he would follow his son, but he had an inkling as to whom was out there.

Ledger walked out, mentally braced for whatever he was about to walk into. Or so he thought.

In the middle of the street, surrounded by scorch marks from the violent teleport, was Princess Twilight Sparkle. Her mane was sticking out in places and her right eye had a dangerous twitch. He slowly walked into her field of view before holding still, waiting to see what she was up to. Her emotions were...frayed, right now. Who knew what she would do next?

She saw him and...smiled, rather disturbingly. “Oh, heeyyy Ledger~” she giggled, her head tilting drastically. “Watcha dooooin?”

“Just...getting some wedding bands,” he replied. “You wouldn’t happen to know the sizes of the others, would you?” This...was freaking him out just a bit.

“I do…” she replied as she took a step closer to him. “Saayyy, I have a teeeensy little favour to ask.”

“I’m listening,” he said, starting to get a little unnerved thanks to her behavior.

“Can I pleeeeease banish your Mom to the moon?” she asked, her horn giving a few pops of magic. “Or the sun? I’m not picky!”

“She’d likely turn it on you,” Ledger said as he gently drew the lavender pony in for a hug. “She’s very skilled in dispelling and counter-charms.”

Twilight sniffed and leaned into his hug. “She… she said… that I treat you like a toy,” the alicorn sniffled. “I don’t… do I?”

“Considering that the last serious encounter I had with a female before I met Midnight left mental scars and nearly left physical ones, she’s just looking out for me. However, to upset you like this…” Ledger trailed off into a growl. “Ooooh. I’m tempted to lock her in a room with Princess Celestia and Luna and see who comes out on top.”

“She doesn’t trust me… and I may have over-reacted,” Twilight said, calming down both physically and emotionally. “Sorry.”

“Everything… okay out here?” Wishful called out from behind a postbox.

“We’re fine,” Ledger said. “But you may want to warn mom that we’re going to be teaming up against her for her words.”

“This won’t end well. Perhaps I’ll send word to Peaceful… Ah, idea~” He’d sing for Joyful later, get her to bring Peaceful along for the ride.

“Something tells me that we’re going to regret this idea later,” Ledger said as he looked at Twilight. “You good now, my pretty purple princess?”

“Yeah… I feel better now,” Twilight replied. “I can’t believe I acted like such a foal… and I broke Cider’s house too…”

“You know they’ll have it fixed as good as new by the time we get back,” Ledger returned as he kissed her on the tip of her muzzle. “Ready to help me get some wedding bands?”

The Alicorn sniffed once more and then wiped her tears, smiling happily. “Sure,” she replied. “But, why do you need my help? Can’t you just transform into them to get their sizes?”

“I don’t do genderswapping,” Ledger replied with only a bit of bite to his tone. “I prefer to stay as I am, stallion through and through. Ergo, the sizes would be inaccurate.”

Twilight nodded, and then noticed Wishful. She tilted her head and motioned towards him.

“I can’t,” the stallion said with a shake of his head. “Not for a lack of trying, but I never did have a knack for it.”

“Well, then it’s a good thing I’m here,” Twilight said as she pulled out her book on the wedding. “Honestly, can’t trust a stallion with anything huh?”

“I wasn’t expecting to need them so soon, and dare I ask how you got them?” Ledger asked with a small grin. “Did you measure someponies in their sleep?”

“I got them when Rarity was measuring them for their dresses actually,” Twilight said with a small huff. “Besides, how could I do that when I’m too busy watching you sleep~”

“Aaaand now we’re back in creepy territory,” Ledger said as he attempted to sneak a peek at the book, hoping she’d included her own size in there.

“I’m just kidding Ledger,” Twilight giggled as they stepped inside, the book floating just out of his reach annoyingly enough. Ledger rolled his eyes, but once he stopped doing that, he looked around for the sales-stallion.

Said stallion had remerged, and was now bowing in front of Twilight. The Alicorn sighed, but figured this was going to happen everywhere she went. She decided to let Ledger handle this and floated the book over to him. And to his utmost delight, all of Twilight’s measurements were there as well.

Oohh, so that’s how long her horn was~

Ledger looked up from the book and cleared his throat to remind the stallion that they still had business to conduct. “I have the measurements I need now,” he said with a smirk.

“Ah, hmm, very good,” he replied, taking the measurements, along with the other details that Ledger gave him. “I shall get started right away. And will contact you the moment they are, hmm, ready.”

“My thanks,” Ledger said with a bow as he floated the closed book back over to Twilight. “Hmm...what do you say to a quick browse of the town that culminates in lunch at the Chop Shop?” he proffered to the Alicorn.

“That sounds wonderful,” the Alicorn replied happily, with Wishful in tow, having stood to the side and contemplate his little plan. The pure chaos he would unleash upon the city would make Discord proud.

“I’ll go see about taking care of the home front while you do that,” the drone said, quickly realizing they probably wanted some time for themselves. Plus this would give him time to call for Joyful and Peaceful. And bonus, he wouldn’t have to send them to Apple Fritter; so long as she was still around, she’d get the Joyful-treatment.

“I’ll see you when we’re done with lunch, then,” Ledger said as he turned to explore the city with Twilight.

Twilight, now that she’d calmed down, was already deep in thought. On one side, she barely knew this family still. But, how awkward would it be to date married ponies?

“Ledger?” she asked. “Can we make this a date? And perhaps… could I date the others one-on-one over the next week or so?”

“If you want,” he said before walking over to kiss her cheek. “All you’d have to do is ask.”

“Good, then I think I’ll do just that,” Twilight giggled. “Now, let’s be off on our date then, my little lovebug~”

And so the pair went to explore the city of Las Pegasus...

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