• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 82 - Fighting Fillies and Fanciful Fun

Twilight dashed through her castle, she had to make sure everything was shipshape before she left. A notice to tell petitioners that she’d be away. Spike would be staying here by himself, so she had to make sure that the fridge and pantry were stocked. And where the heck was Rainbow Dash?

“You’re doing that thing again,” Scope commented from Twilight’s back. It was a comfy back. “Where you go into a full panic over every little thing.”

“I am not panicking!” Twilight said as a lock of her mane sprung up and her eye twitched. “I am just making sure that absolutely everything is organized!”

“I’m half-tempted to call on Discord just to buck with you,” Scope said. “What good is organizing everything if you end up late to the things you want to see?”

“Bugbutt has a point Twilight,” Spike said as he wiped his claws on his apron. He’d just finished making a basket of food for them to take, since Canterlot restaurants were expensive.

And Scope could smell some familiar cheesy breadsticks wafting from that basket.

“Just get going. I’ve got everything under control here. And knowing Dash, she’s at the station pitching a fit that you’re late.”

Twilight took a deep breath and calmed down. “Yes, you’re right. Both of you.” She gave Spike a kiss on the forehead, which the dragon poked his tongue out as he wiped his scales. “Take care Spike, and we’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.”

“Will do, oh, and did you want me to send this now?” he asked, holding up a scroll. It had an odd silver ribbon around it.

“Yes, thank you Spike,” Twilight nodded and he breathed his flame on it, the wispy smoke flying out of the window. The princess looked at her passenger and smiled. “Ready to go?”

“Yup, I got my toothbrush packed and everything,” Scope snarked. “Seriously, I was ready to go the moment I hopped on your back.”

“Glad to hear it,” Twilight nodded. Her horn flashed and she teleported the both of them to the train station. An irate pegasus was already pacing back and forth, her prismatic mane and tail whipping in the surprisingly breezy morning. She turned as Twilight and Scope appeared, her glare fixing on the two.

“Ah, about time,” she grumbled. “I was going to think you’d… hey, what’s the squirt doing here?”

“It’s the buffet!” Scope said with her fangs showing. “Aw Twilight, you give me the best of gifts!”

“Buffet? Oh, right, Loyalty,” Twilight giggled. “And play nice Rainbow, Scopey’s a big fan of Daring Do as well. You two actually have quite a bit in common.”

“You’re a fan of Daring Do?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “And waddaya mean ‘buffet’?”

“In order,” Scope replied. “Uh, duh? Hell, Ledger’s been to one of the temples in the books. He’ll be taking me eventually. And have you already forgotten what Blues feed on?” Scope closed her eyes and took a deep breath, sighing afterwards. “The Loyalty coming off of you is practically intoxicating. Sorta like when Ledger’s around Twi and they’re both in study mode, he’s half-drunk on so much emotion.”

“Ooooh-kay?” Rainbow said and took a step back as if it would stop her from feeding. “Twi, wanna tell your midget marefriend that I’m not a snack?”

“Don’t worry Rainbow, she’s not going to drain you like those invader ones did. She and most changelings for that fact, just feed off of the ambient emotions around them.”

Rainbow tilted her head, clearly not getting it. But, if Twilight said it was okay, she had no reason to doubt her. A sharp whistle sounded as a train pulled up at the station and Rainbow bounced with excitement.

“Ohmanohmanohman, this. Is going. TO BE EPIC!”

“I know!” Scope said with equal enthusiasm. Okay, she might’ve been a bit more energetic than normal thanks to being so close to the walking blue feast.

“Oh boy, this should be interesting,” Twilight giggled and rolled her eyes as they boarded the train. This was going to be an interesting trip.

Okay, so the fact that Twilight had to actually hold them back with magic was something she hadn’t expected. She’d have liked a nice stroll through the city, perhaps have coffee with her friend and marefriend…

But nooo, these two wanted to be first in line, despite the fact that Twilight had exclusive passes that meant they didn’t have to line up.

More like they just wanted to talk the ears off of all the other fans.

So now, the young alicorn strode through the city, two pouting pegasi in her magical grasp.

“Miss Buzzkill,” Scope said, crossing her forelegs. “That is your new nickname.”

“Totes!” Rainbow nodded. “Princess Buzzkill of Party Pooperville!”

“Hilarious,” Twilight said flatly as she strode through the town. She was going to get her cafe time with them and that was final.

So when she finally let them go and they cackled before rocketing away towards the hall that the micro-convention would be at. She just let out a frustrated scream and took a seat.

She wait to see how long it’d take them to realise that she had all the tickets~

Scope, surprisingly, came back first, though she wasn’t happy about it. “You’ve got our leashes for now Sparkle,” she grumbled. “But the moment I get them from you, I am off.”

“Well see,” Twilight replied with a knowing smirk as she ordered three cups of coffee. “Don’t worry. We’re not going to be late and you won’t miss anything.”

“Gah!” Rainbow shouted as she landed a moment later. “We’re totally missing out of stuff!”

“I know, but Sparkle apparently thinks of us as dogs that need to be leashed,” Scope moaned.

“Keep barking,” Twilight smiled as she sat back in her chair and folded her forelegs. “It’s worse than your bite after all.”

“Maybe we should get Midnight to bite you when she comes back,” Scope said. “Oooh, or maybe I could.”

Twilight paused and looked at her. “Whhyyyy do I not like what you’re hinting at there?”

“Just sayin’, I am a ‘ling. I could become a tiny Thestral, and bite you so that you’ll be like Ledger was the other night.” The smile Scope was wearing was a wide and vicious thing.

“In public? You wouldn’t dare,” Twilight warned her. “And bear in mind that you two are the closest ponies here.”

“But just think of what it would do to you~” Scope purred. “All I want is one...little...ticket.”

The waiter brought out their coffee and set them on the table, as Twilight floated over a few bits as a tip. “No. We’re going to sit here. Enjoy our coffee and—”

“Got ‘em!” Rainbow cheered as she finished rifling through Twilight’s bag and clutched two tickets. “Later egghead!”

Scope, surprisingly, didn’t move, even as Rainbow bolted off into the distance. “And now that she’s gone, I can enjoy this with you,” she said as she sipped her coffee.

“...” Twilight just stared at her. “Um. wat?”

“Speed demon over there might not be able to wait,” Scope said. “But being around Ledger and Midnight and all their sap has taught me something. The best things in life are worked for. So I can give up waiting for the event if it means spending more time with you.”

Twilight just smiled as she lifted her coffee to her lips. She waited a few minutes and then her horn flashed as two tickets appeared on the table.

“Return to sender spell,” she giggled. One could almost hear the wail of despair.

“That’s gotta be handy,” Scope observed. “...You’re sure we won’t be late, though?”

“The event won’t start for another hour and a half,” Twilight replied as she sipped her coffee again as a brush of magic stroked Scope’s cheek. “Besides, I was only going to spend about fifteen minutes before we headed up there. We get to have a private conversation with Miss Yearling before anypony else does.”

“And when were you planning on telling the blue streak this?” Scope asked with more than a little amusement.

“She makes cute noises when she’s surprised,” Twilight replied calmly. “So do you actually.”

“I do not,” the disguised nymph denied as she sipped at her coffee. Twilight just giggled again as she added Dash’s drink to their own. The pegasus could just have bottled water.

“So not that I’m complaining, but why do you like a pegasus form more than anything? Do you just like flying?”

“That, and Ledger’s a unicorn more often than he’s not,” Scope said. “It affords me some privacy when I want to be out of his reach.”

“He is a little… overbearing sometimes,” Twilight nodded. She set her cup down and shrugged. “Still, everypony needs their own space every now and then.”

“It’s why I have my nest,” Scope said with a nod. “He doesn’t mess with it, and I don’t mess with his study...most of the time.”

“Scopey,” Twilight said gently. “Does Ledger know you took his book?”

“...Maybe?” she offered. “He just sorta left it there...It was like he was asking for it to be taken.”

Twilight groaned and shook her head. Well, as long as they returned it before he got back, he’d be none the wiser… at first~

A clock chimed and the alicorn stood up. “Okay, let’s get going. I’m sure Rainbow is swimming in her own tears by this point.”

“Yeah, let’s go pick up the blueberry before we see A.K. Yearling again,” Scope said, only gushing a little at the end. Twilight giggled and as they walked, she extended a wing and her wing tip brushed up against Scopey’s, linking their primaries together. It was basically the pegasi equivalent of holding hooves, and the alicorn just smiled as she looked straight ahead. Scope blushed up a storm, but didn’t take her wing away. She couldn’t bear to.

“I still can’t believe you talked me into this,” the crystal stallion grumbled as they walked through the street of Canterlot. “This city is up too high, the air’s too cold and these ponies are too nosy!” His last biting comment caused several nearby ponies staring at him to flinch and look away.

“You don’t have to come with me, you know,” Critical said as they continued on to the event. “Yearling only wants me there for some early-bird guests. You’re more than free to wander off and take in the sights if you want.”

“I am not walking around this frozen hellhole on my own,” he grumbled. “Besides, I came here to support you. Can’t do that when I’m lost in this stupid city.”

“Aww, you do care,” the disguised nymph teased. “And it’s no colder than the trip I made going to the city. Or the one we made coming back.”

“Yeah yeah,” he grumbled under his breath and blushed slightly. “I do have to duck off in a little bit though. I have an errand to run.”

“That’s fair,” the nymph said with a nod of her head. “I wouldn’t ask you to sit next to me all day, after all. It’s going to be really boring.”

As they rounded a corner, they bumped into somepony, and after muttering a brief apology, they saw what it was.

A line, stretching around the corner. And judging by the amount of ponies in said line wearing pith helmets, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what they were lining up for. Palette frowned and pulled out a map and stared at it. “The… hall isn’t for another six blocks.”

“She’s quite popular,” Critical agreed as she walked along the line. “Let’s just go and do what we came here for.”

As they walked, they overheard some conversations.

“So did you hear about the illusion show?”

“Well duh! I bought my ticket ages ago!”

“Same, lined up for two days to get it. I hope it’s worth it.”

“Got a friend in the Crystal Empire who saw it. Says it’ll blow yer freakin’ mind!”

“Hear that dear?” Critical called over her shoulder. “Somepony’s famous~”

“And they say her head grew three sizes that day,” he misquoted as they walked. “Careful love, you still need to fit through the door.”

“Which is still some blocks away, I’m sure you’ll deflate it in time,” Critical riposted. He chuckled and stepped up next to her.

“Wait til we get to the hotel. I’ll show you what a ‘big head’ can do~”

“Oooh, somepony’s feeling frisky,” Critical said as they drew ever closer to the hall. “I’ll hold you to that~”

They heard some shouting, as a blue pegasus hovered the the air a few dozen feet away, a small alicorn and an even smaller pegasus laughing harder the angrier the blue on got.

“Izzat another one of them princesses?” Palette asked. “Or are the wings and horn not as exclusive as I thought.”

“It appears that we have a few royal admirers of the series,” Critical observed. “Well, I have a show to put on. Shall we?” He nodded and followed her inside, where hopefully it would be a tad quieter.

Well, it was, at least for now. It didn’t take long for the pair to find the event’s benefactor, A.K. Yearling.

“Ah, you were able to make it in time,” the mare greeted them. “I hope the train ride was comfortable.”

“It’d have been nicer if somepony wasn’t such a grump all the time, but I take what I can get,” Critical replied as she gently nudged Palette.

He just ‘harumphed’ and looked away as both mares giggled.

“So, is this the little illusionist you were telling me about?” a mare’s voice asked. Critical turned and came face to chest with a huge white mare. And upon looking up, she was greeted with friendly purple eyes and a flowing rainbow mane.

“Ah, hello Princess,” Yearling greeted her. “And yes, this the one.”

“Meep,” Critical said at meeting another alicorn so suddenly.

Celestia chuckled and leaned down to nuzzle the little mare. “So you’re Level Ledger’s sister hmm? It’s nice to meet you, Miss Critical-Eye. I have heard nothing but good things about you.”

“Ah...thanks?” Critical said, not quite sure why an alicorn would willingly seek to welcome a changeling in this way. Doubly so for her, considering her illusions were all she had…

“Celestia, you’re scaring the poor girl,” Yearling chided her. “And I need her to be able to perform soon.”

“Oh, but I don’t mean to,” Celestia pouted, before another voice called out. The three ponies from earlier were trotting towards them, though the two pegasi’s eyes never left Yearling.

“Ah, hello Twilight Sparkle,” Celestia smiled fondly and waved them over. “I thought you might be here.” The two princesses shared a hug as Twilight looked at Critical.

“Hello,” she smiled.

“Hi,” the nymph said, not quite sure she was up to meeting all this royalty so quickly. “Palette, hold me. I need stability right now.”

The stallion chuckled as he shifted and allowed the nymph to lean against him. Twilight tilted her head and looked at the mare.

“Is she okay? Are you anemic or unwell?”

“Heh, no, this one just gets a tad overwhelmed sometimes,” Palette chuckled. And that was when Scope pounced on the Green…

“You! You’re working with Yearling? You’d better be impressive!” the Blue nymph said. Critical chuckled before looking over at Yearling.

“Maybe a small demonstration?” Critical asked the author.

“If you think you can, and still perform later,” Yearling nodded. “But use some older material, even Princesses and die-hard fans don’t get a sneak peek~”

“Awwww!” Scope, Twilight, Celestia and Rainbow all pouted in unison.

Critical giggled again and closed her eyes, focusing on the show that she’d pulled off back in the empire. The Ring of Destiny, the path leading up to the temple. As the scene played out, Twilight was torn between watching the amazing show and figuring out how her spells worked.

Rainbow was just fangasming all over the place and even Celestia wore an expression of wonder. Scope was humming thoughtfully at the show, and Critical giggled before she powered her horn down.

“Okay, I’ll give you this, it was better than the movie,” Scope eventually conceded.

“It was a’ight,” Rainbow said, playing it cool and trying not to squeal in front of Miss Yearling.

“The spellcrafting was amazing, even I don’t think I could weave such an intricate illusion,” Twilight beamed.

“Hear that,” Celestia smiled and nudged the green nymph. “Even the Element of Magic concedes to you.”

“Yes, well, it’s just a skill I learned,” Critical tried to brush off. She wasn’t sure who there knew...and she would rather not have that talk right now if it could be avoided.

“So, may I ask your name?” Twilight asked. “It wouldn’t do to not be able to address a new friend.”

“Of course,” Critical said with a small bow. “Critical Eye, your highness.”

Critical-Eye… why is that so familiar…? Twilight tapped her chin and gasped. “From Ledger’s journal. You’re his younger sister!”

“And now the secret is out of the bag,” the nymph moaned. “Why don’t you just tell the world?”

Twilight paused and gasped. “Ohmigosh! I’m so sorry!”

“Huh?” Rainbow flew over and looked at her. “So she’s related to your snarky bugbutt? Huh.”

“I think they all might already know love,” Palette nodded, now holding onto his mare.

“Celestia certainly does,” Critical said before her illusion faded away without the usual fanfare. “All I have are my illusions. It’s why I work on them so hard.”

“And they are amazing illusions,” Celestia smiled and leaned down. “And try not to worry so much,” she whispered. “My own Changeling lover might be cross if I picked on you for that.”

“I can’t help it,” Critical sighed as she nuzzled her stallion. “You don’t know the stigma of being one of the-” here her voice cut into Changeish for a moment, before she resumed talking normally. “-or as you might call them, Formlocked. It’s nearly as much of a social stigma as being a Noble is a social raiser. The two cancel each other out perfectly, more often than not.”

“I’m sorry,” Celestia said. “I certainly didn’t mean to cause you any distress.”

Yearling had been scribbling a few things down. Mostly, she was going to be a little excited to write her next adventure. But it meant a little field trip first.

And hopefully she’d make it back in one piece.

“Eh, I may have an issue in the past with Changelings,” Rainbow shrugged. “But you guys are cool. Heck, even Chrysalis has a wicked sense of humor.”

“You think being Formlocked is bad?” Scope said before gesturing to herself.

“...Point,” Critical admitted. “So, I do believe you came to talk with a certain author rather than myself…” the nymph subtly pointed out. Rainbow, Scope and Twilight turned and locked eyes with said mare.

“Great, use the best-selling author as a distraction,” she said. “Remind me never to pair up with you during a zombie apocalypse.”

“If it works, it’s a good tactic,” Critical said as her disguise shimmered back on. “Like how the pair of us got engaged.”

There was silence for a moment before Scope slowly turned to look at Palette. “Well, hope you liked living,” she stated ominously. The stallion blinked and looked at Critical with a confused expression.

“What’s she on about?” he asked.

“Remember how I turned to be more protective of my brother over the years?” she asked him.

“Not really, but go on,” the stallion replied.

“Ledger’s mellowed over the years about his sister as well,” Scope said. “In fact, in one of his recent entries, and I quote, If I ever meet the artist that my sister is shacking up with, I’ll scare him white and skin him alive!

Palette blinked and looked at Critical again. “Your entire family is freaking crazy,” he muttered.

“Wait until you meet my sister,” Critical said, already picturing how that would go.

“Pinks are friggen crazy,” Scope uttered before turning back to Yearling.

“I FOUND YOU!!” a voice roared and Yearling froze. That terrible howl from Tartarus could only come from one mare. The one mare she feared more than any life or death situation.

“Hi Mom!” Twilight waved and ran over to hug the mare.

“I’m so screwed,” Yearling moaned.

“I’m just gonna stand over here,” Scope said as she took a big step to one side, something Rainbow quickly followed suit on. Yearling was soon hiding behind them, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

And when Twilight Velvet walked over to the trio and smiled at them. “Excuse me dears, would a lazy sadsack excuse for an author be trying to hide behind you?”

“I feel like I should take offense to that remark,” Scope said. “Hey, Blue Dash, should we take offense to that remark?”

“Maybe?” Rainbow gulped. She really didn't want to anger the older unicorn any more than she already was. Also… “Blue Dash?”

“Eh, it works,” Scope said with a shrug. “So what’s our strategy?”

Velvet rolled her eyes and lifted Yearling with her magic. “So, I heard that instead of writing, you took a little vacation to the Empire. Must be nice not having a mountain of stacked work~” Sweet Luna, the room had dropped to freezing levels all of a sudden.

“H-heh, uh… It was for a good reason?” Yearling gulped.

“I’m aware,” Velvet replied as she put her down and shrugged. “It’s why I’m only mildly annoyed instead of angry.” She turned and looked at Critical. “So, you're the little magician she roped into this hmm? Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Twilight Velvet, the editor of this hopeless mare here.”

“Critical Eye, her illusionist,” she said with a small bow. “Please try not to harm her too badly, the job I got from her is the only reason I was able to convince this sack of grump to accompany me outside the Empire.”

“Ah, a crystal pony,” Velvet nodded and bowed her head, smiling politely. “A pleasure to meet you sir. I hope Equestria has been kind to you so far?”

“It isn’t bad,” he blushed lightly, rubbing the back of his head.

“You’ve complained about everything on the way here,” Critical deadpanned. As he made to rebuke her, she spoke up again. “Twice.”

“Heehee, he sounds like my husband,” Velvet giggled and winked at Critical. “Keep a tight leash on him. He’s cute, so another mare might try to snap him up.”

“Oh don’t worry,” Critical said as she hugged her stallion. “He’s all mine. Aren’t you dear?”

“It is as she says,” Palette nodded. “And don’t worry, we’re getting married sometime in the future, so I think she has the monopoly on me.”

“Speaking of marriages,” Twilight said as she walked up. Yearling had decided to escape. She’d rather deal with rabid fans than Twilight Velvet any day. Celestia had also followed her, to make sure she wouldn’t run too far.

Velvet turned her head and looked at her daughter. This… sounded serious.

“I’ve um…” Twilight blushed and fidgeted. “I’ve decided to marry Ledger with the others.”

Scope could barely stop herself from jumping her soon-to-be-wife again.

“You… you’re… what?” Velvet gasped. “I.. can’t believe it. My little girl... “ She started giggling and skipping on the spot.

“Ah, isn’t Ledger the name of your brother?” Palette asked his own fiancee.

“Yup, but if you think I’m going up against a bucking alicorn, you’re crazy,” Critical said.

“You could always out-snark her,” Palette chuckled and put a hoof around her. “Well, meeting your brother is gonna be a right interesting affair huh?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the crazy pony,” Critical snickered. Palette nodded, he was actually kind of glad for that. But he loved Critty, and if some uppity brother was going to try and scare him off, then he had another thing coming.

You respected your elders for a reason. Mostly because they’d plant a hoof up your flank if you didn’t.

Then they heard a cacophony of screaming fans and Velvet nodded. “Whelp, looks like the doors are open. See you all again if you survive,” she giggled.

“Buck that,” Scope said. “Twi, grab what we came here for and let’s run for it!”

“Uh, we came to see the show and get a signed copy of the new book?” Twilight replied and floated Scope over to her, placing her on her back. “Better?”

“Not really...can we try flying to get out of their reach?” Scope asked. “I’d really like to not be trampled today.”

“You’ll be fine my little Treasure,” Twilight giggled. Besides, it was a ‘No fly’ zone inside the hall. So pegasi wouldn’t cheat to get in line. They went to go and get their books signed and she pulled a little surprise out of her saddlebags. Two First Editions of the new book. “Advanced copies,” she giggled. “It has been agonising to not read them yet.”

“Have I ever mentioned I love you before?” Scope asked. “I don’t know that I have.”

“Many times,” Twilight replied and turned her neck to kiss the mare. “Now let’s go.” And with a pop of magic, she teleported to the waiting line.

Midnight stretched and yawned cutely. She smiled when the first thing she saw was Ledger’s sleepy face. Her tongue flickered out and tickled the tip of his nose, causing him to scrunch up his face. She kept up this new little game of licking various parts of his face until he groaned and opened his eyes.

“Hee, morning sleepy head,” she giggled and kissed his muzzle.

“Mmmph,” Ledger muttered and closed his eyes. “Five more minutes.”

Midnight sat back and tapped her chin. There was a way to wake him, but she said she wouldn’t do that while they were here.

And Ledger was outright evil when he won a bet. She suddenly shrieked as a scroll popped out of thin air right in front of her, landing softly on Ledger’s head.

“Mmmph,” he said, batting at the thing with a hoof. “What’s the big idea?”

Midnight took the scroll and stared at it. It was bound with a silver ribbon and had Ledger’s name on it. “Well it’s for you,” she said aloud. “Maybe it’s from your Mom or something?”

“Doubt it,” he muttered. “Fine...I’ll get up and read it.”

The disguised drone did so with a bit of sleep clinging to his motions. He slipped the ribbon off and opened the scroll up, reading the contents.

‘Dear Secret-Hoarder.

I hope this letter finds you well. And I also hope that you and Midnight are having fun.

Just a little thing I wanted to mention.

When you return. We’re going to have a little chat regarding our little Treasure.

This chat is mandatory. You will listen.

With all my love. TS.’

“Wow… who pissed in her oats?” Midnight whistled. “Sounds like you’re in a heap of trouble.”

“At least she closed it out with love,” Ledger said as he put the scroll in his saddlebags. “It might not be so bad.” Then he yawned widely, smacking his lips a few times for good measure. “What’s...on the docket today?”

“Well, I figured we could take a walk around the town. I haven’t been here since I was a filly after all.”

That information told Ledger that Lady Echoed might have pictures of filly Midnight floating around.

“But first we need breakfast,” Midnight said with nod as her tummy rumbled. “Parasite is hungry as well.”

“Coffee,” Ledger all but demanded. “I’m not getting out of this house without any caffeine.”

“...You’re assuming that a lot of Thestrals actually drink coffee?” Midnight said as she stretched her wings. “I drink it because I needed something to keep me awake during the day. But most batponies… well…”

“...You’re only going to get me to give up one of them for our stay here,” Ledger said with a half-hearted glare. “Caffeine or sex.”

“Wooow, sleepy Ledger just cannot take a joke huh?” Midnight chuckled. “Of course we have coffee, just how uncivilised do you think we are?”

As if on cue, there was a knock on the door and Sweet Heart entered. She was carrying a tray in her telekinetic grasp, laden with toast, fruit and sweet, delicious, life-giving coffee.

“Morning~” she chirped happily. Yes, Heart was very much a morning pony. Her boundless enthusiasm was pouring from her. “Did you sleep well~?”

“Well enough,” Ledger said. “Oooh, that smells wonderful.” He sat back on the bed and gestured for the tray to be brought closer.

“Maaangoooeessssss~” Midnight said in a half hiss/purr as the Changeling edged closer. She looked at the bat warily and then to Ledger.

“Um, weren’t her eyes green yesterday? Why are they red…” then her eyes widened in realization. “Oh my…”

Don’t tell anypony,” Ledger said firmly. “Or anydog. Or just anyone. And I advise you to give over the mangoes before she tackles you for them.”

The nymph nodded and floated the fruit over, which Midnight snared with her long tongue and tore into with a ravenous feeding frenzy. Ledger was going to need a shower now.

“And to think, she’s only going to get worse,” Heart nodded as she passed the coffee and toast to Ledger. Ledger did his own tearing into his breakfast, but at a much more sedate pace so that crumbs didn’t end up in the bed or any coffee spilled.

“This is why we’re trying to keep her out of combat situations,” he commented. “We’d rather nopony else make those connections.”

“Well, I don’t know how they might react. As far as I’m aware, you’re creating the very first Thestral/Changeling hybrid.” Heart couldn’t even imagine what that would be like. “And the child of a Noble no less.”

“And let’s not forget what Midnight is normally like,” Ledger said before sipping at his coffee.

“I sincerely hope you do not have Violet or Pink in your bloodline milord,” Heart shuddered and looked away. “You might have just doomed the world.”

“Violet, yes, my dad is one,” Ledger replied. “Pink, no, but my sister by one of my step-fathers is. Imagine growing up with a Noble Pink. And the first time she found sugar.”

“Hee, that must have been rather chaotic,” Heart giggled, taking a seat on the floor and idly biting into an apple as she got more comfortable with the conversation. It was rare that she got to talk with another Changeling. “Still, being a Pink isn’t about genetics. Say your entire line was Silver, dating back to the Original Ones. A Pink could still happen. It’s all about luck.”

“Yeah, I read about it in the Orange hive,” Ledger said before killing his coffee. “Pinks tend to happen because the mare that was carrying the nymph was overwhelmingly happy. Though, they couldn’t figure out anything else that might relate to the appearance of a Pink.”

“We’re special,” Heart giggled. Midnight had finished her fruit, but was still hungry. And then she locked eyes with Heart… and the apple she was eating.

“Uhoh,” Ledger said before he resumed nibbling at his toast. “Sweet, you might want to watch out for today’s weather of pouncing batpony.”

“Huh?” Heart looked up as Midnight pounced, her tongue already in her mouth, licking up all the apple juice. The nymph flailed her limbs as the bat continued to make out/eat her.

“Middy, if you don’t stop soon, we’ll have no choice but to add her, and I don’t think she’d like that,” Ledger said once his toast was finished.

Midnight didn’t respond. She just wanted this delicious apple. And Sweet Heart was starting to get into it a little as she embraced the bat. Eventually Ledger walked over and forcibly separated them with no small difficulty.

“Middy, down,” he said in a stern voice. “Otherwise I’ll call it as you losing your own bet.”

“Aaaaappleee~” she hissed and tried to bite his hoof, her fangs pausing an inch away from him as she blinked. “Wait. Wat?”

“You went red-eyed again, Middy,” Ledger said, tapping her nose with a hoof. “You’re gonna need to try and control yourself if we don’t want everypony knowing you’re pregnant.”

She shook her head and groaned. “Bleh! I finally ditched puking every morning and now this?”

“The cravings will kick in if this is happening,” Heart explained. Living in a thestral city gave her quite a bit of experience in this subject. “I’d say you have another month or two before she starts getting over-protective. You said you were involved with multiple ponies yes?”

“I haven’t actually mentioned that, but yes,” Ledger said. “Why? Is it something to worry about?”

“Last night, Lady Midnight said you were one of her fiance's. The others seemed to glaze over it though,” Heart replied. “But, well I don’t know, but it could be. Her reasoning may become impaired and she might see the others as… well, somepony trying to steal her mate away. She may even react violently.”

“But… I don’t wanna hurt the others,” Midnight said, tears in her eyes. Ledger responded by kissing her, before cupping a cheek with a hoof and holding her gaze.

“I know,” he said. “We’ll find a way, I promise. You won’t hurt anypony else. You helped save me. Let me help you.”

Midnight nodded and nuzzled him. Heart felt bad she’d brought such bad news. But it was better for them to be prepared.

“Look, if you think you might have trouble, then come back here. We have more experience in this matter than you could ever have.”

“True enough,” Ledger said with a nod. “Maybe I could read a few books about it while we’re here as well? Get a little knowledge before we leave so that we’re not entirely helpless?”

“We have a sizable library here,” Heart nodded. “I’ll be more than happy to take you there.”

“And now I feel like Twilight is here in spirit,” Midnight giggled as she gulped down her coffee. “Paaaah! Much better!”

“So a tour of the town to start with with Middy, followed by a study session in the library so I have some knowledge in the afternoon,” Ledger summarized. “Well then, shall we?”

“Yup!’ Midnight replied and kissed his cheek. Today was shaping up to be nice and relaxing…

Outside, it still had that feel of perpetual twilight, the enormous cavern lit by glowing stones and countless fire scones.

“Mmm, this place is still too dark for my liking,” Midnight said. “I prefer the sunlight.”

“It’s not so bad,” Ledger said. “I mean, it could be worse.”

Somebat dropped down from the sky, so silent that even Midnight hadn’t heard her.


“Oh, heya Shady!” Midnight waved, but her fellow thestral didn’t share her enthusiasm. In fact, Ledger could feel the animosity this bat had towards his marefriend.

“And is it just me, or did it get colder in here?” he questioned aloud.

Nightshade stepped closer as her wings flared and she hissed at Midnight, who blinked and looked at Ledger.

“She’s challenging me,” she explained.

“What, need your stallion’s permission?” Nightshade replied.

“No, she’s her own pony,” Ledger said with a wave of a wing. “I trust her, as much as she trusts me. But really, do you need to indulge her?”

“Hmm, I wonder, do I?” Midnight said and looked at Nightshade. “I’m kind of on vacation here. Exactly why should I fight you?”

“Because I will prove once and for all that I’ve exceeded you!” she yelled. “I will prove that I’m better than you!”

“Like beating her in a fight would prove that you’re better than her,” Ledger said with a roll of his eyes. “Hell, I’m pretty sure I could break all of your bones, but that wouldn’t make me better than you or her. Better is subjective depending on the viewer. Right now you’re about as impressive as a kitten mewling for attention.”

The look of indignation on her face was priceless. Her face twisted into a scowl as she walked towards him… at least until Midnight snared her hoof and flipped the mare over her shoulder.

“Do NOT touch my stallion,” she growled. “Fine. You want a fight? You want to see if you’ve finally surpassed me? Then bring it!”

“Midnight, dear, remember what we said about controlling yourself at breakfast,” Ledger warned her.

“I feel fine,” Midnight said, flashing her emerald eyes at him. Several thestrals were already gathering, as Lady Echoed Song also exited her home.

“What in the name of the Moon is going on out here!?” she demanded.

“Apparently miss Nightshade doesn’t know the first rule of interacting with the new Midnight,” Ledger idly commented.

“Captain Nightshade!” Echoed said sternly. “Explain yourself. Now!

“I am challenging Lady Midnight Song to a duel,” Nightshade replied. “I can never be sated until I am sure of it.”

Echoed sighed and looked at Midnight. “And what say you. In your condition…”

“It should be fine,” Midnight said quietly. “I won’t put myself in any unnecessary risks. If it gets too much, I’ll throw the duel. Honor or not, it’s not worth it.” She looked at Nightshade and spoke up. “But somepony needs to know her place. And, I am curious to see how much better you’ve gotten.”

“Well, somepony’s certainly grown from the mare she used to be,” Ledger commented. Midnight swatted his flanks and grinned.

“Gotta be a responsible Mommy right?” she whispered to him, kissing his cheek. “Be right back okay?”

“If you say so,” Ledger said as he just watched. He was also prepared to do his part and intervene if it came to that. He didn’t think that Nightshade mare would stop if Midnight called for the fight to be over…

“Well, seems we have a duel then,” Echoed said as the quickly increasing crowd cheered. The two were given a wide space to play with as Nightshade flexed her wings.

“I will beat you this time,” Shade growled and screeched at Midnight.

Midnight just stood there, as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Beginnend Kampfmodus…” she whispered in Griffic and opened her eyes. “Alright Nightshade. Whenever you’re ready.”

The other thestral screeched as she launched herself at Midnight. Ledger instantly recognised it as Midnight’s fighting style, and the two exchanged a few blindly fast blows. Ledger also noticed that Midnight sometimes turned to block, protecting her stomach area.

“Well,” he said as he watched. “Remind me never to get in a serious spar with either of them. I doubt I’d last.”

Both mares separated and screeched again as they attacked, now bringing their wings into play. While they were both unarmed and unarmoured, those sharp barbs on their wings could still scratch and tear skin. Proof when Midnight received such a sting across her Cutie Mark and pulled back, Nightshade wore a smug expression on her face.

“Heh, guess you aren’t as good anymore,” she taunted. “What’s the matter Midnight? Getting slow in your old age?”

That was when Midnight all but vanished, reappearing above the younger mare and delivering a powerful kick to her back, sending her tumbling into the dirt.

“Yeah, definitely not at their skill level,” Ledger said with a sage nod. “I’m just barely better than the average pony.”

Nightshade came screaming out of the dust cloud her crash had formed and tackled Midnight in mid-air, causing the two to resort to bites and blows with their wings before they separated again and landed back on the ground. They suddenly shot forward and clashed again, trading hoof blows that were either blocked or countered, as Nightshade flipped and brought her hind hoof in a downwards arc that Midnight blocked by crossing her wings, before lashing out with her left foreleg. Nightshade’s tongue shot out, wrapping around it and yanking it off course.

Once they backed away again, Midnight panted lightly and smiled. “Hmm, you really have gotten better Shady. Not too bad at all.”

“And yet if I know Middy, that was a warm-up to her,” Ledger commented, fully aware that they could hear it thanks to their thestral hearing. Midnight smiled slightly as Nightshade chuckled.

“Releasing limits! First Beat!” she said in a flat tone as Ledger felt the mare’s emotions slip away. Midnight barely had time to react before a hoof struck her side, sending her tumbling across the grass.

“When the buck did she learn that?” Ledger asked, now slightly panicked. “Oh crap. Please tell me you learned Beat Break from Ace, Middy!”

Midnight was a little distracted right now as the now much faster mare closed in again. Midnight defended against a few of her blows and went to strike back.

“Second Beat.”

Midnight found her hoof grabbed and she was yanked into the air, before another blow struck her back and sent her face first into the grass again. Owww, this wasn’t fun anymore.

“Dammit all,” Ledger growled. “I don’t want to have to jump in Middy...but I won’t let you take this if you don't defend yourself!”

Yeah, cause that was so easy to do… The thestral stood up, brushing some grass from her coat as Nightshade landed a dozen feet away.

“Third Beat.” She vanished as Midnight closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Nightshade struck from the side, knocking Midnight into the air and a few more blows hit her, each time, Midnight rolling slightly to protect her abdomen more than anything.

“Bloody Iris!” Nightshade hissed as Ledger recognised the incoming attack. It almost looked similar to Midnight’s ‘Dirge of Death’.

His mare turned as Nightshade blew past her, then quicker than his eyes could follow, Midnight had her hooftip pressed against Nightshade’s forehead.

“Beat Break.”

The concussive blast sent Nightshade spiraling into the ground, a small impact crater forming when she hit it. After the dust cleared, the thestral mare just lay there with a stunned expression. Even the cheering crowd was quiet as Midnight landed and took another breath, exiting her improved battle trance. Ledger slowly walked up next to his mare before looking at the one in the crater.

“Gotta say, that was impressive Middy,” he said before kissing her cheek. “She’ll recover, right?”

“Wha… how did…?” Nightshade just lay there, staring up at the cavern above her. “But the Lyrica…?”

“Isn’t something I need anymore,” Midnight replied. “It was never about using it for power, it was about using it to control my own inner demons.” She lifted the mare up and gave a small grunt as she did. She was going to be sore for a while. “Though, I’m pretty damned impressed that you learned it all on your own. If you’d fought me a few months ago… then who knows.”

“You’d still have won,” Nightshade admitted. “You’ve always been so amazingly strong. I just… how?”

“What can I say,” Midnight smirked. “I’m Midnight Song. And I’m very good at what I do~”

“Still…” Nightshade winced as the crowd started to disperse now that the fun was over. “You were holding back. I could tell by the way you blocked.”

“Yeah, well…” Midnight winced again. Her back hurt now. “Gotta protect the little grub inside my belly.”

“Little…?” Nightshade gasped and punched the mare’s shoulder. “You bucking idiot! Why didn’t you say something? I’d never have challenged you if I knew!”

“And then this grudge match would have festered for much longer, and who knows what it would have done for your friendship?” Ledger said. “I said it before, I’ll say it again. I trust Midnight to do what she thinks is best. Now whether or not that’s actually the best thing to do is up for debate…”

“Oh bite me,” Midnight muttered. “Still kicked your damn flank, stupid kid.”

“You’re stupid!” Nightshade argued back as the pair went off on a tangent of foalish schoolyard insults.

“Mares, if I need to, I will break this up by breaking you,” Ledger threatened. “And in your states, I’m pretty sure I could. Let’s just admit that we’re all capable of stupid mistakes and move on, yes?”

“...Fine!” both mares pouted and walked… well, more like limped on either side of him.

“So, where are we going?” Nightshade asked.

“Home to make sure no serious complication develop from your little bout,” Ledger said as he led them back to the house of Echoed Song. “And don’t make me get the rope. I will leash you both if I have to to get you seen to.”

“Ohh, is he always so kinky?” Nightshade giggled.

“Hmm, we haven’t done petplay before,” Midnight replied and gave him a saucy wink. Ledger merely rolled his eyes as he kept walking at a nice, sedate pace so they could keep up with him.

“Keep it up, I’ll just file that away for later,” Ledger said. “You might not like what happens when we’re not on vacation anymore.”

“Mmm, oh, I think I’ll like it very much~” Midnight purred and Nightshade blushed and looked away. Oh? Now that was an interesting emotion coming from her.

Somepony had a crush~

“Just keep in mind our little bet,” Ledger said. “Though I don’t know how you’re going to keep to it.”

“Through sheer force of will,” Midnight nodded and bounced. Ahh, yep, that was a bad idea as she winced painfully. Once inside, Sweet Heart showed them to a room and explained that she’d already called a nurse.

“You should go and check the library Ledgie,” Midnight said and kissed his cheek. “This might take a little while.”

“That was my plan,” Ledger said before smirking and pointing at a bed. “Middy, sit. Stay. Good girl.”

She jumped up onto the bed and sat there, wagging her tail happily.

“I have no words…” Nightshade said as she took the other bed. “All my respect for you is gone Lady Midnight.”

“Says the mare that just got her flank served to her on a silver platter,” Ledger said without looking at Nightshade.

“Hardly, it was more of a bronze one,” Nightshade scoffed. “Don’t you have a book to read or something?”

“That was the plan,” Ledger said. “Can I trust you two to not kill each other while I go read?”

“Meh,” Nightshade replied as she lay back on the bed, relaxing. Mmm, cloudbeds were the best~

Midnight smiled and lay down also, though she did flick her tail to one side as she did. That should give Ledger something to think about.

After all, she never said she wouldn’t tease~

“Then in that case, I have some required reading to catch up on,” the disguised drone said before looking around for Sweet Heart. The nymph was nearby and nodded as she sent off a messenger to fetch the nurse.

“Okay, they should be seen to shortly,” she nodded. “What would you like to do in the meantime?”

“Library,” Ledger said as though it were obvious. “I have a few things to read up on while I’m here.”

“Very well, if you’d follow me,” she said and trotted off. Spending the day with another Changeling? This should be fun~

The library was quite nice. It was nowhere near the largest that Ledger had been in, but the building was carved into the side of the wall and Ledger could see that the Diamond Dogs had put quite a bit of effort into detail.

Not to mention all the thestral texts that he’d never even heard of before~ Twilight would probably give her horn to be in his position right now.

Aaaand now he was thinking of Twilight taking the position he liked her in~ He blushed and shook his head as he walked up to the front desk, lowering his voice so that he wouldn’t be disturbing other patrons. “Excuse me?” he whispered.

The elderly thestral looked up and blinked. “Ehh ... un ponei?” he stared for a moment and cleared his throat before he shrugged. “What can I do for you?”

“I’m looking for any texts relating to a thestral mare’s instincts and urges during pregnancy,” Ledger explained. “I know of a pregnant one back home and we don’t know much about that in Equestria. Any help you can give me would be quite useful.”

“Lock her up and run,” he chuckled as he got to his hooves. “Might get to keep all your limbs.” He shuffled through the library and came to a small alcove in the wall. “Books you want are here. Best of luck pony.” And with that, he shuffled off again.

Ledger blinked before he pulled the books out of the alcove and started to read. It wasn’t...encouraging.

‘Thestral mares are prone to violent outbursts and wild emotions. In the past, stallions and mares whom got too close had even been killed. However, the last century has shown a weakening in this… curse for the lack of a better term. Perhaps in the next hundred years or so, we will see it gone altogether.’

“Yeesh,” Ledger said before flipping the page, looking for symptoms to watch out for and how to treat them.

‘The crimson eyes are amongst the first signs. Showing along with the bouts of morning sickness. After the first month, these symptoms may decline, but this is what some dub ‘The Eye of the Storm’. It only gets worse. A thestral’s cravings tend to vary, depending on the mare. But one thing they have been known to go for is blood. Perhaps this is where those ridiculous novels stemmed from?

For them, it is an easily accessible source of iron. They may also crave sweet fruits, fresh fish and other things.’

“Mkay,” Ledger said, turning the page again and looking for the next symptoms he would have to watch out for. Forewarned was forearmed.

‘Around the six month period, the protectiveness sets in. As the foal develops, the urge to protect it at all costs increases. Another thing to mention for any father or mother, is that a foal born from a Thestral and another species, may also affect this stage. We thestrals are an adaptive species, and traits from the other parent my show. Ponies for instance, usually have a much calmer pregnancy, and so if the father is a pony, the thestral mother may not even show this stage.’

“Right, so watch Middy when six months comes to pass,” Ledger said. “Anything else I should beware of, oh wise tome?” With that, the currently-pegasus drone turned the page again.

‘And the father must remember above all else. Through all the annoyances, the mood swings and violent tendencies that may or may not result in the death of every sentient creature around you…

The mare carries ‘your’ foal. And believe me reader…

Every. Single. Second is worth it.’

“Well, I don’t know how Midnight could get any worse, but I will at least try to rein her in,” Ledger said as he closed the book. “Hmm, any more sage advice from any other book here?”

He found a few that might be useful, along with one titled ‘So you knocked up a Thestral. What the buck were you thinking?’

“HIYA LEVVY!” Sun Song cried out as she popped out from one of the bookshelves.

“Gah!” Ledger said, flailing a little as he fell backwards, clutching the precious knowledge to his chest. Sun giggled as she climbed out of the shelf like a big bat-shaped spider…

Well, she tried anyway. She soon paused, flailed and paused again.

“My butt’s stuck.”

“You deserve that,” Ledger said from his position on the floor. “What did I do to deserve your sneaking up on me and acting like a bloody Pink?”

“Pink? I’m not pink,” Sun giggled from her bookshelf. “More like a chestnutty brown. And, I was bored. So I’m here to play with you~”

Ledger sighed and put the books to one side before he rolled back onto his hooves. “How the buck did you get in there anyways?”

“That’s a secret~” she sang and held out her hooves for him. The stallion sighed again before grabbing hold of her hooves and tugging. She soon came free with a comical ‘pop’ and landed on top of him.

“Heehehee, that was fun~” she giggled from her perch. Ledger groaned and pushed on her with a hoof, trying to get her to get off of him. She rolled off and landed on her flanks, still giggling.

“I knew you were fun,” she smiled. She was freaking adorable. And… well, how old was this mare anyway? She stood up and dusted herself off. “So...watcha doooooin’?”

“Reading up on what I’m likely to encounter in the next few months,” Ledger said, indicating the books with a wing. She picked up one of the books and blinked.

“You’re pregnant?”

“Do I look like a mare?” he deadpanned.

“Ohhh, that makes sense…” then she gasped and lowed her voice to a loud whisper. “Unless bugpony boys can get pregnant?

“Then why would I be looking at books dealing with thestral mares?” he pointed out. Maybe soon she’d pick up what he was hinting at.

“Mmmm…” Sun tilted her head and rocked back and forth. She recalled something about her mother wanting Heart to ‘take care’ of them if they needed it. And that tone was only used when her Daddy came home.

She gasped and looked at Ledger. “Did you get Sweet Heart pregnant!?”

“No,” Ledger deadpanned. “I’ve only known her for a day, and Midnight and I have a bet regarding no sexing going on during our vactaion. I’m not about to lose it.” Did he have to lead this batpony to the right solution?

Sun hummed and rocked again, before looking at him. She frowned and then gasped, pointing a hoof at him. “I feel asleep on the couch with you that one time. Am I pregnant?”

“No,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “At least, not as far as I know. And you’re running out of thestral mares I know. I’m sure you’ll get it right.” Eventually.

Sun giggled and laughed at him. “Heee, you should see your face!” she cackled and Ledger realised he’d been played like a fiddle. “I know Middy’s pregnant Levvy. I’m not that stupid.”

“...Then what was the point of all that?” Ledger asked with more than a hint of exasperation.

“Because it was fun,” she giggled and pointed to her forehead. “You’ve got this pulsing vein right here, it looks funny.”

“Yes, well, if you don’t mind, I have more than a few books to read before anything major starts to happen, so…” Ledger moved to gather up the books again.

“Aww, party pooper,” Sun giggled and looked out a window. “Have you taken a look around the city yet?”

“We were going to before Nightshade jumped us,” Ledger said as he moved to start reading one of the books. Something grabbed his hoof and he dropped his books as Sun hauled him off with surprising strength.

“Then let’s go have fun!” she giggled.

“Ah, wait a moment!” Ledger said as they passed the front desk. “Sir, if you could send those books I was looking at to Echoed Song’s home, I would be much appreciative,” he said, doing his best to fight Sun’s pull for long enough to make his request.

He gave him a nod as he was yanked away. There was much fun to be had after all.

“See, isn’t this better than a dusty old library?” Sun screamed as they gripped a small wooden raft that tore down the raging river at the base of the cavern.

“I’ll let you know when we stop,” Ledger said, not daring to let go for a second.

“Stop?” Sun blinked as the river entered a long, dark tunnel. He could see a small speck of light growing closer as razor-sharp rocks whizzed by his head by mere inches. “Your wings working?”

“No, I’ve been too terrified of all the rocks whizzing past to open them, for fear of breaking them,” Ledger replied. “This thing does end, right?!”

“Oohhh yeah!” She yelled. "GET READY!” The light suddenly grew blinding and the intense rocking of the boat stopped.

Mostly because thin air was now below it, as they exited the side of the mountain, foggy oblivion was what awaited below them.

“WHHHEEEEEEE!” Sun cried out with unbridled joy.

“AAAAAARGH!” Ledger cried out with unrestrained terror.

“AAaaaaaaaand! NOW!” she yelled as she kicked off and flew into the air. Ledger followed suit, glad to be done with the raft and happy to be in the air as his pegasus self.

“If I ever ask you for something fun to do,” Ledger said. “Hit me upside the head, because I will have clearly lost my senses.”

“Aw come on,” Sun cackled. “That was heaps of fun! And you didn’t puke or pass out once!”

“No, but I’m pretty sure I considered it several times,” Ledger replied. “I think my heart is still racing from that…”

“Let it race Ledger,” Sun said seriously as she hugged him close and stared at the horizon. “Lets you know you’re alive!”

“I’m pretty sure there’s a difference between my heart beating and my heart trying to claw its way out of my chest,” he dryly replied. “Sheesh, it reminds me of the time my Yellow step-father decided to try and teach me combat reflexes by throwing all manner of attacks at me.”

“Ohhh, that's how Middy used to train me and sis,” Sun nodded. “Okay! Now that we’re nice and warmed up. Wanna do something really fun?”

“Only if you tell me what it is first,” Ledger stipulated.

“Flying!” Sun giggled as she began to ascend the cliff. “I bet Middy will be there as well.”

“She was kinda banged up,” Ledger said, even as he started to follow. “She might be down for a bit longer.”

“We’ll see~” Sun sang. Once they reached the topside entrance of the cavern, he saw what must have been dozens of thestrals, as well as Midnight and Nightshade glaring at one another… or they were about to make out. One of the two.

“Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t bet any bits with you,” the currently-pegasus said to his guide.

“Yuppers. No thestral would wanna miss out on this. Well, ‘cept for the ones that want to miss out on this.” Sun flew over to the pair and pulled Nightshade into a wet hug, causing the mare to yelp.

Midnight blinked and then looked at Ledger. “Hmm, do I wanna know why you got my cousin all wet and excited?”

“There was a raft involved, may it rest in pieces,” he replied.

“Ohhh, you took him Cave Rafting?” Midnight asked her cousin. “Did he scream like a little filly?”

“Oooh, yeah,” Sun giggled, nuzzling Nightshade.

“Get a few gropes in in the dark?” Midnight asked.

“Yup, don’t think he noticed though~” Sun smiled again and licked her lips.

“I wondered why you were holding so tight,” Ledger commented. “I thought it was just the situation.”

“Yup!” Sun giggled. “I liked his flanks the mostest~”

“They are very nice flanks,” Midnight commented as she got a hoofful as well. “Mmmm, so firm~”

“Is it ‘Grope Midnight’s stallion’ day?” the pegasus commented, before looking at Nightshade, wondering if she would be the next mare to try.

“Pass, I still think you’re an ass,” she said in a scathing tone.

“That may be true, but there’s more to me than that,” Ledger said as he finally squirmed free of Midnight’s hold. “I’m an ass when I need to be, an intellectual more often than not, and thanks to Midnight, I’ve gotten a much better life than I had. I’m not just an ass, much like Midnight is not just a pervert.”

“Of course,” Midnight giggled and kissed his cheek. “You’re just mostly an ass.”

A high pitched whistle filled the air and the bats grinned. Time to rock and roll~

“BOOOYA!” Midnight cheered as the swarm fell towards the open mouth of the cavern, but none had opened their wings yet. “Join me Leeevvvyyyyyyyy…”

“Oh, I can tell that we’re going to have questions to answer once we land,” Ledger said with a sigh as Midnight forgot to call him ‘Clear Skies.’ “Nothing ventured…” With that, he folded his wings up and dove after her.

Several more bats whizzed by him, all determined to reach the bottom first. And as they neared a point about a third of the way down, they opened their wings as a screeching filled the air and they made a hard right-angle turn, flying into one of the many caves pocketing the walls. Ledger instinctively gave himself thestral eyes again as he followed after the batponies, not wanting to fly into a wall he couldn’t see.

It was a good thing he did too, as sharp stalactites jutted from the ceiling and walls, he had to pull off a few fancy tricks he didn’t think he could do to avoid becoming a Ledger shiskabob.

The thestrals seemed to avoid them effortlessly, and Midnight even turned and flew backwards for a moment, waving at Ledger as she avoided a stone by mere inches, causing him to hiss in concern.

“I don’t know how,” he said, dodging at the last second another piece of what looked like very pointy rock. “You do this without looking, but please don’t make me worry!” Every emphasized word indicated another dodge he’d had to make.

Midnight just smiled as she ran along the wall, avoiding a few small rocks, before using a larger one as a springboard. They exited the tunnel and repeated the process through two more before emerging through a waterfall near Moonspire.

And when Ledger landed, he found a horde of thestrals waiting to grab him and toss him up in the air for victory. Thankfully, once he saw the crowd, he lost the thestral eyes, as they’d bring up more questions that he did not want. Now all they would have to do is deal with Nightshade…

And once they put him down, Midnight hugged him from behind and kissed him deeply as Echoed approached.

“Well now, so you actually lived through that. Not bad, not bad at all.” She hummed and turned to the crowd. “As proof of his bravery, willingness to dive into the darkness and his complete and total insanity. I am happy to announce Clear Skies an honorary Thestral!”

The crowd erupted into cheers again. Ledger just looked to the side, not willing to admit he may have cheated just yet. Especially not in front of so many very sensitive ears.

Soon enough the crowd dispersed, a feast would have to be prepared afterall. Only Sweet Heart, Sun Song and Nightshade remained, along with Midnight and Echoed.

“So…” Nightshade asked with a raised eyebrow. “What was with the weird nickname?”

“Oh, that was his name, Level Ledger,” Sun giggled. “He’s such a silly Changeling.”

Tell it to the world why don’t you?” Ledger hissed. “I was kinda keeping that under wraps!”

“Ahhh, whoopsie~” Sun giggled and skipped away as Nightshade glared at Ledger.

“Membrelor Dă-mi un motiv pentru care nu ar trebui să te rupe de la nivelul membrelor!?”

Midnight growled and stepped in front of him as her eyes flashed red. “Prieten sau nu. Atingeți-l și tu voia!!!”

“Oh my…” Heart said with a terse look. Ledger sighed and stepped between the two mares, before glaring at Nightshade.

“Try me. I took apart a little pegasus mare for being twice as cocky as you. Last I heard, her physical therapy was going well. She might be able to walk unassisted soon.” Then he turned to Midnight and his glare somehow intensified. “And if you think I’m going to let you kill somepony just for threatening me, then clearly you don’t know me well enough.”

Heart handed Echoed some popcorn that she’d gotten from… somewhere. The older mare taking some and chewing as they watched the spectacle.

“Well tell her to back off!” Midnight growled again, her crimson eyes not leaving the other Thestral.

“What if he’s a spy here from the Hives!?” Nightshade said. “He could have used freaky Changeling brainwashing magic or something—”

“And that’s enough of that,” Ledger said, cutting her off as he returned his attention to Nightshade. “All the mares in my life are well aware of who and what I am. And if we’re going to talk about this any more, I request we do it inside, away from prying ears.”

“I agree,” Echoed said. “Though Ledger, would you like to know a very easy way to break up a fight between two thestral mares?”

“I’m willing to listen,” the pegasus said.

“They say demonstration is always a quicker way,” Echoed giggled and flared her wings, before bringing them down with a devastating slap that floored both mares. “Now you two play nice,” she said. “Or I will hurt you~”

“Yeas Ma’am…” they both mumbled from their dirt pillows.

“And when you can stand, you’ll both know where to find me,” Ledger said as he walked inside, brushing past Echoed on his way up to the room he and Midnight had claimed. He needed time to destress from all this frustration, or else he was going to make really rash decisions.

About an hour later, the door opened slowly and Midnight poked her nose in. “You… still mad?”

“Upset, frustrated, disappointed, yes. Mad, no. At you, no. I wish that reaction from Nightshade was less typical, but it’s not like she’s in the minority. And it’s not like I can’t see things from her point of view either.” Ledger said all this while laying on his back on their cloud-bed.

“Being a cute bugpony is tough huh?” she said as she stepped a bit closer. “Believe me, I know how you feel.”

“I assume I’m not going to be entertaining her at all today,” the disguised drone said with his eyes still closed. “Nor dispelling any misconceptions she might have about me.”

“Well, she did say she was sorry. We had a good talk and she understands now. She’s just... “ Midnight sighed as she sat on the end of the bed. “She’s Captain of the Town Guard, and I don’t think I have to tell you how hard-headed and proud she is. Though, that might be a little bit my fault.”

“I just wish,” Ledger said, choking up a little bit. “That the first reaction she had to me...wasn’t fear, or anger, or hostility...I just want to be...understood. Las Pegasus, I could probably walk down the street as myself by now. Anywhere else? Fuck no!

“You know that I barely left the house when I was a filly,” Midnight said quietly. “And I was home schooled, because all the other foals were too scared of the ‘weird bat pony.’ I know… that it’s hard,” She placed a hoof on his leg. “We’ll get there someday.”

“Someday is never today,” Ledger said with a sniff. “And...I’m getting sick and tired...of trying, only to be met with fear. It’s...It’s an emotion that’s a kick to my gut to taste.”

“Is that… why you haven’t told Fredrick yet?” Midnight asked him. “You know, he’s pretty cool with Changelings. Even Scopey’s met him undisguised. He didn’t know it was her though.”

“Nah, I told him before I asked him to be my best stallion,” Ledger said. “Even showed off. He wasn’t afraid...he was more angry I thought so little of him. But then, ponies routinely think the worst of Changelings, so why shouldn’t I hide?”

“Because then you’d be proving me right that a simpering coward like you is unworthy of Midnight,” Nightshade said as she walked in. “I mean, do you even listen to yourself. I’ve heard little fillies whine less than you.”

“Oh joy, it’s the bigot,” Ledger said, not opening his eyes. “I thought I tasted arrogance.”

“Better arrogant than a little bitch,” she replied. Midnight rose off of the bed, but Nightshade held up a hoof. “I only came to apologise for my reaction. I had a job to do, and you lot haven’t had the best reputation until recently. Still… for what it’s worth, I am sorry.”

Ledger didn’t say anything, but he did open his eyes and roll off the bed, landing on his hooves and looking at Nightshade. “Huh,” he said. “Actual honesty when you said that. That’s...unexpected, but not unwelcome.”

“Don’t get used to it,” she replied and looked away. Ledger took that opportunity to show her his actual form, to gauge her reaction to it. Mostly because he was curious as to how honest she was. With a flash of silver, his Noble self took his pegasus guise’s place.

She yelped and jumped back, more out of surprise of the sudden action more than what he was. She took a breath and glared at him, then looked his form over. “Huh… you look different to the Changelings I’ve seen.”

“I get that a lot,” Ledger said, tasting her emotions and actually smiling. “Huh, no fear. Whaddya know, Middy. I guess that day might be today after all. Just...not here.”

“...What day are we talking about Ledger?” Midnight asked. “We’ve had a lot of days. One with screaming. Ones with yelling. One with fire and explosions…”

“And ones with ponies that don’t actually fear me?” the drone asked as she sat on his haunches. “How many of those have we had?”

Midnight paused and tapped her chin. “Three?” she tried, going for the first number that was planted in her head.

“Eh, I count a few more than that, but not many,” Ledger said with a shrug as he sat there patiently, waiting for Nightshade to ask her questions that he just knew she had to have. “It’s always...nice, to be like this and not taste fear. It’s the best feeling.”

“So uh… why did you fall in love with food?” Nightshade asked Midnight. Ledger blinked before laughing.

“They usually ask me that question,” he observed wryly.

“Ehh, he is pretty tasty~” Midnight giggled as certain thoughts entered Ledger’s head. Like their very first encounter of that nature. “A sweet little buggy with tasty creamy filling~”

“Aaaaaand now I remember why I don’t hang out with you,” Nightshade said flatly.

“But yeah, she saved me at my lowest, we’ve been there for each other through thick and thin, how could we not fall for each other?” Ledger asked. “Though, now that I know you eat bugs, Middy, if I wake up to you gnawing on me, I am getting a newspaper to discipline you with.”

“Mmm, kinky~” Midnight said, nibbling on his shoulder.

“Aaaand that’s my cue to leave,” Nightshade turned a nice crimson shade and turned around to head out.

“Hey Nightshade?” Ledger said before she left entirely. “Thanks for trying to understand. It means more than you know.”

“Ergh! You’re so damned sappy,” she grumbled. “Just grow a pair already.” Still, her emotions said the the insults weren’t really serious. “Have fun with your wife Midnight. I’m out.”

“Aww, can’t we play with her as well?” Midnight pouted. “I thought we were bonding?”

“Apparently there’s only so many sappy moments a mare like Nightshade can take,” Ledger pointed out before kissing Midnight.

“A mare like me?” Nightshade paused and turned. “Oh now I have to hear this. Go ahead… Ledger was it? What kind of mare am I?”

“One that hates to show off your more sensitive side, and thinks she has to be tough, otherwise everything regarding her reputation and image are shot,” Ledger replied. “I know a nymph like that. If not for the species gap, I would totally be calling you a bigger version of her.”

“She really is a kind of like a bigger Scope,” Midnight nodded, moving around behind Nightshade. “Mmm, now I’m getting… ideas~”

“Middy, down,” Ledger said. “No messing with her. We don’t know where she’s been.”

“Excuse ME?” Nightshade exclaimed with righteous indignation. “I’ll have you know that I have never…” She suddenly stopped, turned a deep red and looked away as Midnight smirked widely.

“And now I know more about you than I ever wanted to,” Ledger replied. “Probably explains a good bit about you as well. Pent up sexual frustration.”

“I… gah! WHAT!?” If she could get any redder, Ledger was about to find out.

“It’s not healthy, not having sex for that long,” the drone said sagely. “Causes you all sorts of stress just because you haven’t worked it out of your system. You should really see somepony about that.”

“What in the flipping Moon are you suggesting!?” Nightshade flushed more.

“Well, certainly not me or Midnight, we have a bet regarding abstinence for this vacation,” Ledger said. “Maybe you should just go down to the bar, have a few drinks, and look for a cute stallion or mare that catches your eye, and see where things go from there?”

Nightshade looked at Midnight and sighed, before she glared at Ledger and stormed out of the room.

“Aww, she was fun to tease,” Midnight pouted. “And you can’t say you wouldn’t have loved teaching her some manners~”

“I have enough mares in my life as it is,” Ledger deadpanned back.

“I know, I’m just kidding,” Midnight replied. “Sides, I told you already that other thestrals don’t really… well…” She didn’t have to explain to him of all creatures why she wasn’t attracted to thestrals.

“Can’t blame you,” Ledger said as he redonned his pegasus guise. “But for now, I’m gonna just cuddle you.” With that, he was back on the bed and cuddling the buck out of Midnight.

“I suppose I can live with cuddles,” Midnight giggled. “A wife’s work is never done.”

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