• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

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Chapter 94 - Wedding day jitters

It was after midnight, and a certain Thestral couldn’t sleep. Between the gentle snores of her partners, or perhaps the chirping crickets… who knows.

She gave a small frustrated sigh and slowly edged her way out of bed, being careful not to wake anypony before heading out of the door and towards the kitchen.

A nice mango should help her relax.

Twilight was out of mangoes.

“Well, buck me,” she muttered. She sighed louder this time and placed a pot of tea on the stove, not really focusing as a myriad of thoughts ran through her head. Despite what she’d said to Ledger before, she was still nervous as all hay about tomorrow. She was going to be Mrs. Midnight Song.

She stared down at her stomach as the pot bubbled away. “And then there’s you as well. Married and a Mommy… gods above, how the hell did this happen?”

“My son always did have a way to do exactly what we didn’t expect,” the voice of the Madame came from the doorway. “It was really bad when he simply locked himself in his room for several hours at a time to study. He’d always come out with some new trick that he’d pieced together from watching others…” She looked around at an empty kitchen, save for a boiling pot, then looked up to see Midnight hanging from one of the light fixtures, her eyes wide and fur on end.

“D-Don’t sneak up on a pony like that,” she finally stammered as she dropped back down to the floor and grabbed the pot handle in her teeth. She placed it on the counter and sighed before offering the nymph a smile. “Maybe he’s got a little Pink in him after all~”

“The worst it ever had been was when his sister cast an illusion on him to turn him white,” the older mare tittered. “He locked himself in his room for an entire day before coming out with a feedback loop spell, to prevent her from casting any magic at all. Including her illusions. That was when I got involved.”

“How do you deal with it?” Midnight suddenly asked as she poured two cups of tea. “Being married, having kids... I don’t… I don’t know if I can do this.”

“I thought that as well, when I first rescued the six drones from that black market,” the Madame said. “Nobuggy wanted them, and they were all...scarred. So I claimed them for myself, and began fixing them up as well as I could. It was always my intention to release them back into the public when they were functioning again…”

“You make them sound like Fluttershy’s pets or something,” Midnight giggled and sipped at her tea.

“I most likely did, right up until the day that Wishful asked if he could marry me,” the silver mare stated. “It was then I realized two things. One, they were living, intelligent beings that I had been sharing my home with for quite some time, not just some project to show that I could do better than the majority of nymphs.”

“And the second?” Midnight was really beginning to wonder how the Changeling Lands worked.

“Even if I accepted, my life wouldn’t be over just because I was now married,” the mare said before sipping her tea. “It would just enter a new, richer chapter, because now I was sharing it with another.”

“I’ve ‘shared’ with countless others,” Midnight said quietly. “Some more special than others though. Yet, I’ve always known how my life would go. Where I would end up. And then I got sent on that mission to Las Pegasus. Befriend some unicorn named Level Ledger and use him to bring down Toll Taker.” She sighed and stared at her half-full mug. “Now so much crazy stuff has happened, I can’t see the future at all. I don’t know what’s going to happen next…”

“That’s the thing that happens when you open up and share your life with others,” the Madame said. “So many things can happen, you don’t know which one is most likely. Though, if my son is to be believed, I know of one thing that is going to happen…” Her eyes strayed to Midnight’s midsection for a moment before returning to looking at the batmare in the eyes.

“You’re about to say something really sappy, even after checking me out like that huh?” MIdnight smirked and winked.

“Let’s just say I’m looking forward to greeting my grandchild,” the mare said. “I really should check in on Ledger more often if this is what he does when I don’t.”

“You have no idea what happens when you’re not here,” Midnight giggled and sipped at her tea again. “And… I want to apologise to you. A while ago, I did something I shouldn’t have.”

“Oh?” the Madame said with a raised eyebrow.

“The last time Purple Pop… uh, Wishful Heart came to visit,” she said. “We were out and about, and wound up talking with Sugar Darling at some point. I don’t know how, but the conversation turned and Wishful mentioned that nopony aside from you would ever love him and…” She closed her eyes and waited for the yelling. “So I fell back into old habits and proved him wrong and kissed him. It’s just, I couldn’t stand seeing somepony talk like that about themselves, not when he’s so kind and funny and… I’m really not helping my case am I?”

To Midnight’s surprise, all she heard was giggling from the Madame.

Midnight dared to open one eye and peeked at her. “That’s… uh, a really odd way to yell at somepony.”

“He told me just today, dear,” the Madame said. “And I don’t blame you for what you did, not really. All my husbands still have a few confidence issues from time to time, and I prove them wrong similarly. Even when I’ve born them all children, they doubt as to whether or not I love them.”

“And yet, I’m the one that’s doubted Ledger a few times,” Midnight chuckled at the reversal of their situations. “Mind you, when he curses Twilight like that, he makes it easy enough to believe. Silly little drone.”

“His anger always was something to watch out for,” the silver mare said. “He didn’t get very mad often, but when he did...it was either him cursing us out, or worse, he plotted.”

“Heh, maybe Twilight got off easy then, well… she got off a couple of times after that actually~” Midnight giggled and licked her lips over the delicious make-up sex they had. “Guess she won’t turn him into a foal again any time soon.”

“...I would ask, but I’ve learned better than to do that thanks to my daughter,” the Madame said.

“Ledger’s ‘special’ coffee and an Age Spell,” Midnight nodded. She gazed down and gave her tummy a rub. “Found out some interesting things about Parasite here too. Something about influencing the Colour…”

“True,” the Madame said. “You either can choose not to, and the foal will likely take after the parents, or you can try to do so, and end up with a foal that could...more directly take after one of the aspects of your personality.”

“Oh boy, this thing will almost certainly turn out Violet if that’s the case,” Midnight giggled. “I don’t know if I could handle that. Sugar and Two-Step are more than enough for me to handle.”

“It takes a lot of effort to force a Color onto a foal,” the Madame said. “The best we’ve been able to do is try and make sure that one trait will be more dominant.”

“And yet, you’re a Silver and Joy’s dad is an Orange yeah?” Midnight paused and thought about that. “Was Joyful a product of Colour selection?”

“No, it turns out Peaceful has some Pink in his family tree,” the mare said. “Apparently. I did a spell once she was born, and found that my Orange husband had a Pink grandfather.”

Midnight nodded and finished off her tea. “Well, if it’s genetics, then my foal will be Violet or Silver. So that should be fun.” She paused and looked at the mare. “Has there ever been a union of Changeling and Thestral before?”

“No, out of fear...on our side,” the mare said. “There’s still more than one story circulating about how Thestrals are the boogeypony that will sneak into bad little ‘ling’s rooms.”

Midnight gave her fluffy ears a wiggle and her eyes widened cutely. “But we’re such adorable little bats~ How can you be scared of us?”

“Tales from when one troop found a village and encountered a thestral guardian that didn’t feel anything while it denied them entrance,” the silver mare replied. “Which rapidly spun out of control when they got back home.”

“Ooh, yeah, some of us can do that,” she nodded. “Me included. Scared the hell out of Ledger the first time I did it.”

“As it would,” the mare said. “Imagine that you were trying to fight a pony that could turn invisible at will. Becoming somepony that doesn’t feel renders us blind to you with our emotion-sensing abilities, something we grow up with and hone from the youngest of ages.”

“Yeah, well I don’t use it much anymore. Don’t have to.” Midnight yawned and licked her lips. “So, anymore sage advice for your soon-to-be daughter?”

“Yes,” the mare said with a chuckle. “I know that when you actually give birth, you’re going to want to tear the chitin off my son. Please don’t, I can’t replace him.”

“I’ll try, but if he offers his hoof, I’ll likely bite it,” she giggled as she put her mug in the sink. “I suppose I should get back to bed. Ledger might panic and think I’ve run away if he wakes up and I’m not there.”

“Yes, please don’t cause him to think that,” the Madame said before adding her own mug to the sink as well. “I can tell he loves you, and he’s probably looking forward to tomorrow a lot.”

“I love him too,” Midnight said with a smile. And it was true, the pure love that washed from her was divine. “And underneath my nerves, I’m looking forward to tomorrow as well.” She shook her head and smiled, waving at the nymph before trotting off.

“Now let’s just hope that tomorrow goes well for all parties involved,” the Madame muttered. “And hope I don’t have to...persuade anypony out of acting on their nerves.”

The next morning, when Ledger awoke. The first sight he was greeted with was all of his mares sleeping in the same bed as he. Twilight and Cider snuggled him while Midnight lay off to one side, one hoof dangling over the edge of the bed while the other clutched Scope like a teddy bear.

And to think, after today, he might get to see it every morning. He sighed softly at the thought, before doing his best to get out of the bed without waking anypony. He wanted to make them breakfast for once.

He managed to extradite himself successfully, but as he got to the kitchen, he saw that it was already occupied by a purple drake and a lazy Changeling queen.

“Spiiiiike, more coffee,” Chrysalis moaned.

“You’ve already had five cups, your Highness,” he responded. “Oh, hey Ledger. ‘Sup?”

“Ledgeerrrrr…. coffeeeee~” Chrysalis pouted at him. It actually was kind of cute.

“Nahmuch Spike, just wanted to help make breakfast today,” Ledger said. “I can cover the coffee if you’d like.”

“Nah, Princess Crankypants there has already had her share…” Chrysalis poked her tongue out in response. “Think you could whip up something to eat. I already have pancakes going on here. And Twilight loves her pancakes…”

“Like the time she fell asleep in them?” Chrysalis snorted, causing Spike to laugh out loud.

“Hmm...how about a quick fruit salad?” Ledger offered. “Or I could fry up some scrambled eggs if you think the others would appreciate it.”

“Hmm…” Spike pondered. “How about some quiche, along with some scrambled egg with tomato and basil? Think you could make that?”

Chrysalis’s stomach gave a loud gurgle to voice her approval of this dish.

“The scrambled egg, yes, the quiche, I make no promises,” Ledger said. “Never done that before. Would you be so kind as to instruct me?”

“Sure,” Spike nodded as he tossed Chrysalis the spatula he was holding. “Take over princess. I have deliciousness to create!”

Chrysalis blushed at being called ‘princess’, grumbling under her breath as she flipped a pancake with her magic. Spike pulled some rolled pastry sheets from the fridge and begun showing Ledger how to make a zucchini and feta cheese quiche.

“This is basically scrambled eggs in a pastry, but we’ll make some separate for ponies that don’t like quiche,” Spike said as he cut the pastry with a knife and crushed some garlic cloves. “Can you grate that cheese and then put it, along with four eggs and a quarter cup of cream into a bowl?”

“On it,” Ledger said as his magic started to multitask, something he was good at. While he put a minimal amount of focus on the cheese grating, his attention split to measure out some cream and grab ahold of some eggs. A bowl floated down to hold all the ingredients once he was done with them.

Spike had already pre-heated an oven. It was amazing how much faster they’d heat up when you could breathe fire. He took the crispy pastry base out of the oven and layered the zucchini and feta in it.

“Once you’ve mixed all that together, pour it on top and bake for about a half hour,” Spike said as he turned back to Chrysalis. The nymph was… surprisingly good at cooking. Her pancakes were a delicious golden brown and smelled perfect. Ledger nodded and mixed the ingredients together, blending them to the same consistency before adding the mixture to the top of the base of their quiche.

“So explain why we have pancakes now, but that won’t be ready for another half hour,” Chrysalis stated as she flipped the last of the pancakes.

“Because, this is for the invasion force,” Spike said and as if they’d been waiting for that cue, the resident changeling’s stumbled in, moaning and groaning, only to be treated a spread of coffee with pancakes and a variety of delicious toppings. Syrup, berries, chocolate chips, whipped butter and powdered sugar.

“Good thinking,” Ledger said, before starting in on some scrambled eggs for everypony. It would take him a minute, and the pancakes would distract the others.

Chrysalis placed the final plate in front of Amy. Along with some decaf coffee, she was also served some heart-shaped pancakes, topped with cherries and strawberry syrup. The pink nymph chirped happily before kissing Chrysalis in thanks.

Peaceful and Wishful soon followed, giving their wife a kiss on each cheek as they sat down. Both were looking rather chipper, despite being uncaffeinated. Yearling’s drones sat down and happily dug in, enjoying the food for the deliciousness it promised and delivered on.

“Urgh, aren’t the four of you just a bundle of happiness today,” Chrysalis said. While she couldn’t feel negative emotions, positive ones were more sensitive in kind. It was how she was able to draw so much power, even from a brainwashed Shining. “Try and tone it down a few notches hmm?”

“Can’t,” Devoted said.

“Too busy eating,” Lucky added on.

“That’s still creepy,” Chrysalis muttered as she turned back to the stove. At some point, Amy had slipped a frilly pink apron on her without Chrysalis even noticing, so when the nymph finally did and turned to her marefriend with a raised eyebrow…

“Sure!” Amy said before kissing her again.

Chrysalis blinked and looked down, seeing ‘Kiss the Chef’ sewed on the front. “Of course…” she mutted and then smirked, turning to Ledger and waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

“Sorry, happily about to be married,” Ledger replied as he cast an amused smirk over to her. He was still working on his eggs as well.

“So was Shining,” Chrys smirked as she walked slowly towards him making kissy faces.

“We’d like this wedding to go off without a hitch,” the drone replied. “Why don’t you focus on your wife-to-be instead?”

“Aww, she doesn’t mind,” Chrysalis purred, still walking closer. “Hey Amy, wanna see me kiss Ledger~?”

“Not really,” Amy spoke up. “He doesn’t want it after all.”

“Bah! None of you are any fun at all,” Chrysalis pouted, then smirked and planted a big sloppy kiss on his cheek before cackling and running off to eat pancakes with Amy.

“Spike, make a note to get her back for that later,” Ledger said as he finished off one plate’s worth of scrambled eggs.

The drake nodded as the first of the ponies arrived, namely Yearling and Cider.

“Mornin’ y’all,” the earth mare yawned sleepily. She nudged Amy as she walked passed. “Ready t’be hitched lil’ lady?”

“Mmhmm,” the pink nymph said. “What about you?”

“As ready as ah’ll ever be,” Cider nodded before trotting over to Ledger and invading his mouth with her tongue with a rather exuberant good morning kiss. Once she released him, she licked her lips and nodded to herself before taking a seat.

“And good morning to you too,” Ledger replied. “Breakfast is either pancakes now, eggs now, or a fancy quiche Spike and I put together later. Your choice.”

“Hmm, some pancakes might be nice, but save me a slice of that quiche,” she nodded as Chrysalis served her some pancakes. Cider eyed the apron and giggled. “Don’t mind if ah do,” she hummed and kissed the nymph’s cheek as she leaned down to place the butter on the table.

Chrysalis squeaked and turned a nice shade of pink as she jerked back and frowned. Cider only giggled harder before she started to eat, the flustered nymph going back to her fiance.

“I blame you for this,” she pouted to Amy.

“Admit it, you like it~” the pink nymph sing-songed.

“Oh bite me,” Chrysalis retorted as she nibbled a pancake. A pair of talons gripped her shoulders as someone’s warm breath washed over her neck.

“Don’t mind if I do~” a voice purred before Ace nibbled her ear.

“Kyaa~!” Chrys shrieked in surprise and pleasure. It was… a very filly-like shriek, despite the fact the nymph had a rather deep voice normally.

“And thank you Ace, for getting my revenge for me,” Ledger said as he started in on another pan of eggs.

“Hmm? Well, if you say so,” the griffon shrugged. Chrysalis was at the end of the table, Amy next to her and then Peaceful next to Amy. Ace frowned and then picked Peaceful up effortlessly, depositing him in the next available seat before sitting down next to Amy and nuzzling her contently.

“Oh dear,” Peaceful said. “You, could have asked…”

“More effort that way,” Ace shrugged. “Besides, you have a cute flank~”

Peaceful blushed, the Madame blinked, and Wishful gave the griffon a thoughtful glance. “I’m not sure if I like him or not,” the drone eventually said. “On the one hoof, he’s fun, but on the other hoof, he hit on one of your husbands…”

The Madame waved it off with a smile. “I’m sure he only meant the best of things with his little compliment there.”

“Thanks to these two, I have come to appreciate the finer aspects of Changeling physiology,” Ace nodded. “Also, I did not mean to offend. I did mean that as a compliment. My apologies if I made you uncomfortable.” He sighed and tugged at his scarf, “Not everypony appreciates my… preferences.”

“I know I do~” Chrysalis purred. She sighed and leaned against Amy. “He makes the cutest little squawks~”

“Chrysalis!” Ace blushed.

“They were cute, when I could make him make them,” Amy said. “Now I hafta rely on you.”

“I don’t hear you complaining at the time,” Chrysalis said and kissed Amy’s neck. “But I’ll not do it anymore if you don’t want me to.”

“No, it’s fine,” Amy said with a wave of her hoof. “But you’d better believe you’re both getting a visit from Cherry once I’ve had this foal.”

“I look forward to it love,” she purred and nibbled her neck again. The she dropped her voice so only Amy could hear her. “Maybe I could have the next one~?”

What do you think I’ve been trying to get you and Acey to do?~” the Pink purred back before biting into her breakfast again.

Chrysalis let out a throaty chuckle and nibbled her ear. “No dear. I. Want. Yours.

Oooh, that sounds like fun,” Amy replied. “But let’s get married before we think about overrunning Las Pegasus with foals~

“Got it. Marriage, then invasion,” Chrysalis laughed and bit into her pancake, making a show of moaning lightly as she licked syrup off of her lips sensually. Amy shuddered a little in her chair before she focused on the food. She could have Acey punish the nymph later~

Around that time, Ledger suddenly felt a weight on his back as Scope teleported in, reclining on his back with her hooves behind her head.

“Sup bugbutt?” she said with a small yawn.

“Breakfast,” Ledger said. “What’s your fancy?”

“Harvested foal souls and the anguished tears of the lost, with a side of bacon,” Scope said. Ledger rolled his eyes and levitated the plate of scrambled eggs he’d already made, ready for consumption.

“Meh, guess that’ll do,” she said as she took the plate, placing it on her belly and started eating, not moving from his back. “Couch Ledger is Best Couch,” she commented with a mouthful of eggs.

“You’re just lucky I love you too much to make you move,” Ledger said as he started plating the second batch of eggs. “Lemme know how they turn out, a little dragon told me to add a few things.”

A second later, an empty plate hovered in front of Ledger as Scope belched. “More please.”

“You are a regular breakfast destroying monster, aren’t you?” Ledger said with a sigh. The plate was removed and replaced with the second, fresh batch of eggs.

“And yet, you just said you love me~” she said, taking the fresh plate. She looked over at the Madame and winked. “Bet you never thought you’d hear your colt say that to another nymph huh?”

“After his last encounter with a nymph, no, I rather thought I wouldn’t,” the silver nymph replied. “Thank you once again for helping to fix him.”

“Oh, then watch this~” He could feel her shift as a yellow tail flicked his side. “See? And he’s only mildly freaking out.”

“Mostly because I know it’s still you,” the drone said. “I’m pretty sure that one day, you won’t even be able to use that against me.”

That was when some very light pheromones tickled his nose, causing him to breathe deeply for a moment before shaking his head. “Dammit all Scope, you know I don’t like it when you do that,” he muttered. “Especially not in front of others.”

“And as you said, the more I do it, the more you’ll get used to it until it doesn't affect you at all,” she said, still eating her breakfast. Ledger snorted as he started on a third pan of scrambled eggs, doing his best to ignore the pheromones.

She eventually stopped and reverted back to normal. No reason to antagonise him too much before the wedding.

Plus his mother was giving her a murderous glare, so there was that.

And then every changeling could feel a wave of Lust approaching, like a storm on the horizon…

“Spike, quick! How much longer on that quiche?” Ledger asked. “The Midnight approacheth.”

“About ten minutes?” he replied. “Is that a bad thing?”

“She’ll certainly be here before then,” Ledger muttered. And him without any eggs. He would glare at the nymph on his back, but he had a pan to attend to. “Crap, we need to stall her somehow until something is ready for her…”

“Why don’t you throw Joyful at her?” Scope suggested. Speaking of, they were still two Changelings down. Joyful and Critical were absent.

“Not only do I not have her, I only want to stall her, not give her the means to level the castle,” Ledger said. “Hmm…” He then got a wicked smirk on his face. “Oh Scoooope~”

“...What?” she asked dubiously. This wasn’t going to end well…

“Do you think you could distract Middy until I have some eggs to offer her?” he asked sweetly.

“Distract me how?” Midnight’s voice said and everypony looked up to see her standing on the ceiling, looking down at Ledger. The drone laughed weakly as he looked up.

“Oh, you know, in any way possible until these eggs are done. Shouldn’t be long, but I like to have my options open.”

“Huh? If you say so,” she shrugged and fell from the roof, landing in a seat next to Lucky. She turned and looked at the two drones. “I can wait for breakfast. Meanwhile…” She licked her lips and looked at them. “I believe I need to get to know these two better~”

“Not much to say,” Devoted said with a shrug. “I’m one of the best bodyguards to come from the Blue Hive, and now I belong to Yearling.”

“And I’m just the luckiest drone to come out of the Yellow army,” Lucky said. “They actually asked me not to come back if I could avoid it.”

“You’re lucky, so they asked you not to come back?” Midnight said with a raised eyebrow. “And you’re the best huh…?” She looked him over and hummed. “I suppose… well, how am I to judge how effective a Changeling guard is.”

“I kept her alive in the Lands so far, no easy feat,” Devoted said.

“And they asked me not to come back because of a simple fact,” Lucky added. “I survived, yes. My squadmates...not so much.”

Midnight blinked, then her eyes moistened as she looked at Ledger. “Honey? Can I cuddle them? I think they need a hug.”

“You might want to ask Miss Yearling if you can do that,” the drone said as he flipped some of the eggs over so as not to burn or undercook any part of them. “Though I suppose what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her…”

“Yup! Hug time!” Midnight declared as she grabbed both drones into a warm hug. Her leathery wings certainly felt different to Yearling’s feathery ones. And they were a lot warmer. Her fur was a little shorter, but incredibly soft and just radiated harmless affection.

“Well, this is different,” Lucky said.

“And not altogether unpleasant,” the blue drone added.

“Enjoying yourselves?” Yearling said from behind them, her tone flat and unamused. Midnight giggled and moved away as Yearling looped her hooves around their necks. “So… canoodling with another mare while I’m asleep huh?”

“She started it,” they said at the same time.

Yearling gave them a stern glare, before it softened and she broke down into tears of laughter. “Ahahahaooomygosh! You should see the looks on your faces!”

“Wow, and I thought I was unnecessarily mean,” Scope whistled.

“Are you finally admitting that your harsh ways are unnecessary?” Ledger asked before plating the third set of eggs.

“To any except you,” Scope nodded. “But just because it’s unnecessary, doesn’t mean it isn’t fun~”

“Truth,” Yearling giggled and kissed her two drones. “So, what’s for breakfast? I need fuel for my creative juices!”

“Sorry, but if you want eggs, you’ll have to wait,” Ledger said. “This plate’s for Midnight, and I can only scramble so many at a time. There might or might not be pancakes left over, thought there will be a quiche in…”

‘DING’ the oven pinged and Spike reached in to pull out the large pastry, his bare claws gripping the red hot pan.

“Ahh, cooked to perfection,” he hummed, looking at the crispy pastry and soft eggy interior.

“Magnificent, so that’s another bit of breakfast out of the way,” Ledger said. “At least, once it cools off a little. Don’t want them to burn themselves eating it.”

“I smell something delicious~” Twilight hummed as she teleported in. She kissed Ledger and Scope on the cheek and smiled. “Ready for today?”

“I am, but first we have to survive breakfast,” Ledger said. “Spike, I can only man one pan at a time here.”

“Yeah, yeah,” the drake said as he put the quiche on the bench and moved over to the stove. “Perhaps if you ditched your little accessory there…”

“You know, roasted dragon sounds pretty tasty right about now,” Scope said with a fanged grin.

“I wouldn’t say that again if I were you,” Ledger said. “She’s been known to bite.”

“She can bite through dragon scales?” Spike asked with a small smirk. “Besides, wouldn’t she rather bite you instead?”

“He makes a compelling argument,” Scope nodded and turned so she was on her belly and nibbled his neck.

“She can turn into a dragon, I’m sure she could do it then,” Ledger said as he started on a fourth pan of eggs.

“True, but that would take effort, I’d need to nap and I doubt I’d be allowed to sleep through the ceremony,” Scope said.

The last to arrive was Sugar and Moondancer, followed by Palette and Critical.

“I really hope our own wedding won’t be so crazy,” Palette muttered. “I doubt the Crystal Empire is as laid back about it as this place.”

“I suppose that would depend on if Cadence got involved or not,” Critical hummed. “She certainly made a spectacle of the last wedding~”

“True enough,” he replied. A thought occurred as they walked past all the others and he chuckled. “Maybe I should just take you away and elope?”

Critical moved to reply, but the Madame beat her to it. “I would hunt you down for that,” she said, sipping at her coffee. “I would hunt you down and do all sorts of terrible things to you if you did that to my daughter. And then I’d let Inspired have a turn.”

Palette shrugged. “In the end, it’d be our decision. But I wouldn’t do something like that. I have a wonderful wedding with my wife, and Critical here deserves no less.”

For that, he got a kiss from the green nymph, and several changelings saying ‘aww’.

“Yeah, well…” the stallion just blushed and mumbled, even as his coat shone with his Crystal effect. He couldn’t help it whenever Critical showed him enough affection. She hugged him and practically radiated happiness.

“Aww, they’re so adorable,” Sugar cooed. “Moonie?”

“Mm,” Moondancer replied listlessly, already muzzle-deep in a mug of coffee. “Too early, don’t care.”

“Don’t they remind you of somepony?” the violet mare asked.

“...They do?” Moondancer replied. They’d been up half the night with Sunset, and she was exhausted. “Context.”

“I remember a time when you were easily flustered as well,” the nymph said. “Specifically when I first dropped my disguise in front of you. You were adorable all passed out like that.”

“Ah…” Moondancer shrugged as she sipped her coffee, before her head thunked on the table and she started snoring.

“Oh dear,” Sugar sighed. “Ah well. Hopefully that coffee will kick in soon. Ponies, how do you manage without emotions to draw on for energy?”

“We live,” Twilight replied as she took a slice of the quiche and nibbled on it. Midnight did the same, her ears giving a happy wiggle, a sign it was truly delicious.

“Apparently so,” Sugar said. “Ah well. She’ll come around for something to eat soon enough, I hope. I’d rather she was awake for the ceremonies today.”

“You… don’t know yet?” Midnight said with a raised eyebrow. “There’s a surefire way to wake her up you know.”

“Do tell,” Sugar said, now giving the batpony her undivided attention. Midnight looked at Ledger, waiting for him to give her the green light.

“Your call,” the drone said as he minded his latest pan of eggs.

Midnight giggled and got up, moving behind Moondancer. “Paying attention love?” she said, putting on a Trottingham accent. “I’ll only show you once.” Sugar nodded as she waited for the show.

Midnight leaned forward, and then suddenly and sharply, nibbled the base of her neck, just to the side of Moondancer’s mane. The reaction was instantaneous, the unicorn yelping sharply as her head snapped up, her eyes wide.

“I’m up, I’m up!” she said.

“Welcome back to the land of the living, love,” Sugar said, tittering slightly before kissing her cheek.

“Huh? Wha? Midnight Star Song!!”

Midnight paused and looked at her. Sometimes a pony was given a middle name, hers being her grandmother’s ‘Star’ part. And Moondancer had just said that in front of everypony… The bat turned and looked at Ledger, pointing at him.


“No what?” Ledger said innocently.

“Whatever it is you’re thinking. Banish it to Tartarus now!” Midnight declared. “That goes for each and every one of you!”

“You are no fun at all,” the drone said. “How do you know I wasn’t thinking something sexy?”


“Ah well, I guess there goes that idea,” Ledger said. “After all, you just said…”

“Ledger. Explain. Now!” Midnight said, stalking closer to him.

“Nope, you just said not to even think about it,” Ledger said, thoroughly enjoying this.

“Ledger, stop teasing her,” Twilight said and booped his nose with her magic. The drone crossed his eyes and shook his head before snorting.

“Well, I guess I can tell her I was already planning on what we’d do tonight, but since she said not to think about it…”

Midnight snorted, then smirked. “Mmmmaybe I should show off my super power~” she purred. “And there’s so many drones in the room right now too~”

“We do have a wedding to get ready for,” Ledger pointed out. “We’d never get there in time if you did.”

“True… plus I might just get murdered if I did that.”

Wishful blinked and looked at his wife. “What the heck is she talking about?”

“I get the feeling we don’t want to know,” the Madame said. “Shall we go and bring some breakfast to little Joyful?”

“I guess, I wonder why she sleeping in so late, normally she’s…”

Pinkie trotted in, little Joy on her back with a very round tummy as she burped.

“Best. Cupcakes. EVER!” she cheered.

“Oh dear,” the Madame sighed as she pulled her daughter to her, in an effort to separate and contain the amount of Pink in the room. “And what have we told you about having sweets for breakfast?”

“Um… that I could?” she blinked cutely and smiled. The silver nymph just beeped her silly daughter’s nose before shaking her head.

“Eh, was worth a shot,” Joyful shrugged.

“Don’t worry Mrs. Gossip Ma’am!” Pinkie saluted. “They were sugar-free.”

“Oh good, the last thing we need before the proceedings is this one getting all hyper,” the Madame said before nuzzling her daughter.

“Aww, but I could make this wedding fun!” Joyful grinned and looked at her brother and sister expectantly.

“You can make the party fun,” Ledger said. “I’d rather there not be any hiccups in the actual ceremony, thank you.”

“Aww, party pooper!” Joyful pouted. Pinkie had vanished, off to set up the ceremony as breakfast finished without any further ado.

“So…” Midnight stood in Twilight’s room with the others. “Just a few more hours huh…?”

“Yup,” Twilight said as she pulled out a checklist. From somewhere. Supposedly. “So that means we’d better get started right now to make sure we’re ready when the time comes.”

“You and your checklists,” Scope sighed. “I’m surprised you don’t have a checklist for your checklists…”

The lavender mare coughed and looked aside, a small blush adorning her cheeks. “I’m not that bad,” she said.

“Oh. My. Gods.” Scope blinked, even as a smirk split her face. “You totally do, don’t you?”

“Not saying,” Twilight replied, clearing her throat loudly. “So, first up-”

“At least Ledger doesn’t keep a book about his books,” Scope continued. “Or…” She paused and tapped her chin. “Actually, I got nothing for this.”

“Well that was short-lived,” Midnight giggled. “Hehe, Scope was short lived…”

“Mistress, I will smother you in your sleep,” Scope muttered. “And nopony will find the freaking body.”

“Now, now,” Cider chuckled and ruffled Scope’s mane. “Be nice Scopey. We’re all family, or will be soon enough.”

Twilight was getting completely and utterly ignored…

“Rarity!” She called out. “Time to fit us!”

“Oh cripes,” Midnight cursed as Rarity all but materialised into the room, dragging a rack of dresses behind her.

“Excellent, I’ll be taking care of the brides. Coco is seeing to the bridesmares and Sassy shall see to the grooms.” She turned and looked at Ledger. “Head down a floor and take the first door on your right if you would.”

“I can do that,” Ledger said before giving all his mares a kiss. “Now, all I ask is that you be gentle with them,” he said to Rarity.

“We shall be fine,” Rarity waved a hoof and smiled. “Now say goodbye, for you shan't see them until the ceremony.”

“Bye dears,” Ledger said, waving at them. “Take care, and try not to give Rarity too much work?”

Rarity turned, her horn aglow as she smirked. “Aww, that’s so cute. You think they have a choice~”

The last thing Ledger heard was Midnight and Scope calling for help before the door slammed shut. He shrugged before going on to his appointed place, whistling a small tune as he went.

By the time he reached the afore-mentioned room, he opened to door to see Aerial Ace frowning over the suit he was in. He frowned as he tugged at the collar, which didn’t hide the massive scar around his neck.

“I will be wearing my scarf regardless,” he said adamantly.

“But it clashes with your suit,” Sassy argued. “Why must you be difficult…?” She turned her head as Ledger walked in. “Ah, perfect timing. Do talk some sense into him. A wedding is no place for wearing such a ratty old scarf.”

“You have a point,” Ledger mused. “What happened to that pink one I saw you in every now and then? At least it goes with Amy.”

“Ledger. Not helping," Ace frowned.

“I don’t see the problem,” Sassy sighed. “Scars are supposed to be all masculine aren’t they? I really do not think anypony will mind in the slightest.”

“Oooh, or, idea,” Ledger said. “You could make him a new scarf specifically for this wedding.”

“How am I supposed to create something like that in such a short amount of time?” Sassy sighed again. “Loathe as I am to admit it, I am no Rarity.”

“Well then, I doubt I could talk him out of wearing his scarf, even if I had years to try,” the drone replied. “I mean, I could speak up with how he’s spent so long with Amy and Chrysalis that I’m sure they’d be able to overlook his lack of a scarf for one day. Or even how a changeling with scars is actually one of the most attractive things to a nymph. Shows them the drone’s a survivor. But in the end, it’s his choice.”

Aerial stared at him, his stoic expression boring into the Changeling like it had the first day they’d met. How he’d seen through his disguise like it wasn’t even there.

“So help me Level Ledger…” he said slowly, meticulously. “If you are lying to me…”

“No, seriously,” Ledger said. “I saw a squad of Yellows walk into the Violet hive, scars crisscrossing their chitin. All ten of them were taken by nymphs to their ‘private rooms’ in two minutes.”

Ace sighed, and for the first time ever, Ledger could feel his emotions. He seemed to be just as nervous as he was.

“I’d rather fight a full-grown dragon,” he muttered under his breath. “Fine. Then I shall go without. Any negativity is on your heads though.”

“So be it,” Sassy smiled and patted his shoulder. “Trust me, it matters not what anypony thinks. As long as you and those mares are happy, that is all that matters.” Then she turned to Ledger and smiled widely. “Your turn~”

Ledger sighed and took his natural form in a flash of silver. “Honestly, it’s going to be such a relief, not hiding this anymore,” he said.

“Hmm, it’s rather intriguing,” Sassy said as she started putting his suit on him. “Those fangs and eyes just scream ‘predator’ to me, and yet… I’m not really all that bothered by it.”

That was when the door opened and Fredrick, along with Shining Armor entered, both wearing the same suit.

“Well now, so that’s what you look like huh?” Shining gave Ledger the once over. “Do I still call you Ledger? Or is Secret-Hoarder the preferred name now?”

“Either’s good,” Ledger replied. “Though, I’ve been Ledger for so long, it just fits me now.”

Shining nodded and bumped Fredrick with a hoof. “Fred and I have just been getting acquainted. Apparently you never told him about your little bout of karaoke in the Empire~”

“I can barely even remember that, thanks to all the alcohol I had,” Ledger grumbled.

“Perhaps we should go out sometime then?” Fredrick chuckled. “I rather enjoyed our night out before. We should do it more often.”

“Maybe if Cady lets me,” Shining agreed. He looked Ledger’s suit over and whistled. “Nice!”

“Why thank you Mr…” Sassy paused as she finally realised who was there. “P-Prince… Shining… Armor?” She squeaked and swooned, ready to faint.

“Focus, Sassy,” Ledger said. “Wedding first, Prince second.”

The unicorn mare blinked and shook her head. “R-Right. Of course, forgive my unprofessionalism.”

“It’s quite alright,” Shining nodded and lifted her hoof to kiss it. “Thank you for setting time aside to help us with this.”

Sassy did faint that time, Ledger substituting as a fainting couch. He grumbled and looked over at Shining with a disgruntled expression. “And now I can’t even get my suit on.”

“What?” the unicorn shrugged. Sassy eventually revived and resumed her task of dressing Ledger, even as a permanent blush adorned her face.

“I wonder how our mares are doing?” Ace idly wondered.

“Trying to put Midnight, Scope, and Cider in a dress,” Ledger said before wincing. “I can’t imagine that’s going well at all.”

“Oh come on!” Chrysalis said, holding a dress in her magic. An exact copy of the one Cadence wore to her wedding. “It’ll be hilarious.”

Rarity’s eye twitched and she looked at Twilight for assistance.

“Chrysalis,” she said. “Your grandfather had the most interesting of ideas to help make you behave~”

Chrysalis yelped as her magic flared and the dress was incinerated. “You know Lady Rarity, I do believe whatever you have crafted for me will be perfect.”

“Naturally,” Rarity nodded. “And where the heck is Miss Amethyst? She’s cutting this awfully close…”

“Here I am!” Amy said as she appeared behind Chrysalis. “Had to make some minor changes to the decorations with Pinkie, she needed the help of all the Pinkness she could get her hooves on.”

“I shudder to think how that might have gone,” Rarity sighed as she lifted the mare over to her. “And I thought that Midnight would be the difficult one. Turns out Chrysalis isn’t quite as reformed as I’d thought.”

Chrysalis just poked out her tongue.

“Chryssy,” Amy said. “Unless you’re going to use that tongue of yours, stick it back in your mouth.”

“Yes Mom,” she replied, folding her forelegs and pouting. The door to the adjacent room opened and Midnight emerged, the gleaming Crystal Armour polished so it would sparkle, but not enough that it would blind those to the mare wearing it. It wasn’t a complete suit, and a long, intricate lace train flowed from the back of it. In place of a helmet, she wore a silver tiara, nestled in a flower crown as a lace veil covered her eyes.

“I feel ridiculous,” she muttered. “This armour isn’t practical in the slightest…”

“You’re the one that wanted to wear it,” Twilight pointed out. “You could have had a nice dress, but you were set on your armor.”

“Cause it’s pretty and…” she sighed, realising she was contradicting herself. “I’m so not ready for this…”

"Ah reckon y’all will be fine,” Cider replied, nuzzling her lightly. Her dress was a light cream colour, a ruby red apple brooch pinned to the centre of her chest.

“I guess,” Midnight nodded. “Just gotta go for it huh?” She gave a weak chuckle and pointed at the other room. “I think Scopey’s more worse off than me.”

“More worse off isn’t a phrase, Mistress,” Scope’s voice came from the other room. “...I’m not coming out there like this.”

“Aw come on Scopey,” Midnight replied. “You can’t get married locked in a closet. I would if I could, believe me.”

“Whut’s the matter?” Cider asked in a soothing voice. “Why won’t y’all come out love?”

“I look ridiculous like this,” Scope moaned. “Secret won’t want to get married to a foal.”

“So it’s your size?” Cider gave a soft sigh and smiled. “You know Ledger isn’t bothered by that.”

“...I am,” the nymph said. “I don’t want to give anypony any reason to try and stop today. He wants it too much for that...”

Cider had no reply for that. She knew that was a very real possibility. Heck, she hadn’t told half her family she was marrying Changelings.

“Well,” Midnight spoke up. “What about a disguise? I’m sure Ledger won’t mind. And I don’t. I know that a cute little nymph is underneath it~”

“I...I could do that,” Scope said. “I think I have a disguise that could even work with this dress…” There was a blue flash from the edges of the door, and when it next opened, Scope’s more Noble self walked out. “What...do you think?” she asked.

“Well,” Rarity was the first to speak. “Now I’m thinking I have to resize the dress…”

“Well,” Midnight moved up next to Scope and nuzzled her. “I think you look beautiful, no matter your form~”

The nymph just blushed and did a remarkable impression of Fluttershy. “”m not,” she said.

“Well ah think you are,” Cider joined in, nuzzling her other side as Twilight grinned and placed a chaste kiss on her lips.

“We all do,” the alicorn said. Scope just blushed harder and ducked her head again. She couldn’t take such compliments very well today.

“A few minor adjustments, and this dress will be almost as stunning as the one wearing it~” Rarity chimed in as she removed the dress to do just that.

“‘m not beautiful,” Scope muttered. “I’m an ugly little runt…”

“My dear, would even be here if that was the case?” Rarity tittered. “I mean, honestly. You just had three wonderful mares tell you how much they love you. And since you aren’t wearing a dress to mess up right now…”

It took a half-second for Midnight to get that cue and pounced on the now-Noble nymph, kissing her deeply. Scope moaned at the feeling of her love, instinctively returning the kiss and finally accepting that maybe…

Just maybe…

They actually found her beautiful.

“Oh look, it seems she finally gets it,” Midnight mused as she pulled back and booped her nose with a hoof. Apple Cider and Twilight each took a turn showing their love as well.

“I suppose if we get our kisses out of the way now, we won’t hold up the end of the ceremony too much,” Twilight giggled.

“You all love me,” Scope said. “Actually love me, for who and what I am...I can’t hide from that. So I guess I’ll just have to accept that either you all have brain damage, or I’m actually beautiful.”

“In Middy’s case, maybe both?” Cider smirked as Midnight swatted her shoulder, then got yelled at by Rarity for trying to damage the dress.

“Of course you’re beautiful,” Twilight hummed softly, pulling her into a hug. “More than the stars in the sky.”

Scope blinked a few tears from her eyes before she returned the hug with all she was worth, earning them another reprimand from Rarity about the dresses.

“Honestly, it’s like you want to go out naked instead,” the unicorn muttered as she finished making the adjustments to the dresses. “Even Amy is standing still. So how is it possible that you cannot?” Still, she wore a smile as she re-dressed Scope in her wedding gown. “There, simply lovely~”

Scope did a little twirl in front of a mirror, to look at how she looked at, before sitting down and softly crying. “There’s...no way I can be this pretty,” the nymph said.

“Well, I’d like to voice my disagreement to that statement,” Twilight giggled as Scope got nuzzled by Midnight and Cider. “Hehe, and here I thought Midnight would be the one most nervous about getting married in front of all these ponies…”

That was when Midnight’s eyes widened and she went as stiff as a board. Scope caught on to the fear and moved to sit in front of Midnight, before placing a hoof on her withers.

“Mistress,” she said. “You know this isn’t like then. I promise you, Ledger loves and cares about you. He’s doing this for you, not him. For you and the foal.”

Midnight nodded slowly as Twilight sighed and her horn lit up. A pleasant scent filled the room as Midnight became much more relaxed.

“Uh…” Cider sniffed the air. “That, that smells like…”

“Mmmaangooeessss~” Midnight giggled. “And I’m okay now. Thanks Scopey. I was being a bit silly huh?”

“You’re always silly,” Scope retorted with. “That’s just one of your charms that attracts changelings to you like mangoes do you.”

“Really?” Midnight tilted her head and wiggled her ears. “You like me being silly huh?”

“More like we’ve learned to deal with it. I’m pretty sure normal went out the window when you started dating changelings.”

“Why be normal when it’s so much fun not to be?” Midnight giggled and gasped as Rarity tugged at her mane with a brush. “Careful now Rare Bear,” Midnight winked and gave her a sultry stare. “At least buy me dinner before we get to the mane pulling~”

Rarity sputtered and blushed, deciding she’d assist Amy with her mane first.

“Like we’ve said so many times before,” Scope sighed. “You’re just completely incorrigible.”

“And yet you love me for it~” Midnight pulled all her mares into a hug as she got a whack on the noggin via Rarity’s brush. She just giggled and hugged them anyway.

“So,” Wishful asked his son as he walked up towards the hall. “Feeling the nerves set in yet?”

“Oh, just a little,” Ledger said. “Mostly because I’m so not used to walking around as myself for as long as I have.”

“I still can’t believe you’re doing that,” Wish nodded. “I mean, kudos and all. But that form in this country? I can’t tell if you’re crazy, brave or simply brain damaged.”

“Who said I had to pick?” Ledger asked. “I’ve been around Midnight enough that all three are entirely possible.”

“I seriously wonder how you dare tempt fate like that,” Wishful sighed. “But yes, that mare is… unique. You make sure you take care of her and the others hmm?” He paused and then stopped walking, placing a hoof on Ledger’s shoulder. “I’m proud of you son.”

“Thanks dad,” Ledger said, giving him a quick hug. “So, ready to watch your son get married, pony-style?”

“This should be an event. Oh, and I made sure one of the windows was left open… you know, just in case.”

“I highly doubt that anypony will need to make a quick escape,” Ledger sighed. “You’re just inviting Midnight to dive through it in an escape attempt.”

“I think you’ll be fine.” He gave a deep belly laugh and pointed at his wife in the front row. “Your mother’s on bat-catching duty. Her wings so much as twitch and it’s TK Time.”

“Yowch,” Ledger said. Out of everypony in his house, his mother was the only one that outmatched him in TK. And that probably just because of age and experience. “I almost pity Midnight if she tries to run.”

“As do we all,” Wishful nodded. “Well, I think it’s almost time. Ready to become a husband to four mares?”

“Not really, no, but I can’t put it off any longer,” Ledger said as he took a deep breath.

“You know,” Wishful hummed as they walked down the aisle. Ledger could already hear some hushed whispers and gasps over his form. And even above the joy that everyone had, he could feel some wisps of fear. But his father’s voice cut through all that.

“Get two more mares, and you’ll be just like your mother~”

Ledger did his very best to not picture or respond to that at all. Plus, who would he even ask? What, was he going to add a regular unicorn and pegasus, to round out the type of mares in his herd? Not bloody likely.

As if reading his mind, Wishful kept poking. “You know, Twilight’s got some cute friends. Like that Fluttershy mare, or Miss Rarity? I wonder how close they are as friends hm?”

Dad, shut up,” he hissed. He didn’t need those thoughts at all. Plus, Discord would never forgive him or stop pranking him if he went after Fluttershy. He’d had enough of the Chaos Spirit to last a lifetime.

“What about that Rainbow mare? She has flanks you could bounce a bit off of.”

Seriously dad, stopit,” Ledger whispered.

Wishful chuckled and left his side to take his seat, Ledger finally realising that the talk had completely distracted him from everything else. He and Ace now stood at the altar, Princess Luna on the other side, wearing a stunning cobalt and silver dress. Ledger felt very small, even in his Noble form, and just stood there, waiting for the inevitable.

“Buck up,” Fredrick chuckled. “You’re only about to change your life forever after all.”

“Not helping,” Ledger whispered back.

“I’m here to look good and hand you your rings, not help,” the griffon chuckled. “That’ll cost you extra.”

“I’ll give you that damn fish recipe I bartered for in the Crystal Empire if you stop talking.”

Fredrick smiled and zipped his beak, Narrow was in the second row and rolled her eyes at her griffon’s antics.

Ace fidgeted awkwardly, his eyes darting around, assessing everything. Ledger chuckled and whispered to his fellow groom. “You know, it’s just a wedding, not a combat situation.”

“Tis a battle none-the-less, one I must win!” he whispered back.

“I think you’re both being a tad overdramatic,” Luna whispered and smiled. “Hello again Ledger. It has been a while.”

“Indeed it has,” Ledger said with a nod. “Thank you for helping to keep the nightmares at bay. I don’t think I’d have healed half as well if you hadn’t.”

“Tis nothing friend Ledger,” Luna nodded and tossed her head proudly. Unfortunately, that was taken as a sign to start and music started to play as Luna looked around flustered. “Oh ponyfeathers.”

“Well, this will be interesting,” Ledger mused. Ace gulped and nodded. Well…

Here they go.

Author's Note:

Wedding march - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLoJW0YFHkM

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