• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 62 - Planning to plan

At the Twisted Pony, Ace saw off another happy customer as the mare gave a contented sigh and stretched, trotting out with a wide grin and a healthy tip. The Griffon washed the massage oils from his talons and changed the cover on the table before awaiting the next customer.

Which seemed to turn out to be a black-feathered fellow griffon, who paused and gave him a look of confusion. “Huh...they didn’t mention they’d given my room to some other dude.”

“Hmm? Ah, well met Kinsman!” Ace greeted him with a hardy handshake that threatened to tear Jon’s arm off at the socket. “Are you here for some relaxation as well?”

“Got it all wrong,” the other griffon said as he rubbed his arm to regain feeling in it. “I’m here to be a massager. The mare up front said to come back to my usual room...guess they forgot you were usin’ it.”

“Yes, while my employers are generous with their bits, their ability to remember...not so much.” The Griffon tugged at his scarf to cover his neck more and nodded. “Well, I only have a half hour or so left anyway.”

“S’cool, I’ll take another empty room and correct ‘er in a bit.” Satisfied that he wasn’t going to lose the use of his arm, the younger griffon bobbed his head in a greeting. “Name’s Jonny. You?”

“Ace,” the elder Griffon replied. He looked pretty intense to be in a massage parlour. Jon smirked at him and seemed to be giving him a look-over before shaking his head.

“You look like more of a fighter, than a lover,” the younger griffon observed. “Judgin’ by all your trophies.”

“These?” he looked at some of the scars covering his forelegs. “Yes, well… my first job is an Instructor to the Royal Guard, this is just a side thing while I stay here in Las Pegasus.” He made a fist and punched the air, Jon’s feathers fluttering from the wind the blow made.

“Got it,” the younger of the pair said. “I do somethin’ like that as well.” He made to leave and look for another room that he could set up in. He paused as Ace clicked his beak.

“We should spar sometime, one as travelled as you must have some skill… Plus, any Griffon worth his wings should know how to fight!”

“Dude, I don’t fight,” Jon said with a roll of his eyes. “You’re the fighter? I’m the lover.”

“Hrrm, a pity, but I’ll not push it. Still, I can tell you could defend yourself well enough, a fight with you would not have been boring at least. The only other one in this city capable of giving me a challenge is my student, Midnight Song.”

“You know miss Midnight?” Jon said, stopping more fully and actually turning to look at the older griffon. “...That should surprise me more than it does.”

“Yes, most tend to be a little surprised… wait, you have met her already?” He looked the Griffon over and frowned. “You are not… a former suitor of hers are you?”

The younger griffon shook his head. “Nah, I’ve met a few ba- thestrals, in Canterlot, but she wasn’t one of ‘em. Met her a few hours ago when I was checking in with my bro. Cause she’s your student, I’ll...keep my beak shut about anything more.”

“Humph, I’m well aware of her… extracurricular activities,” Ace chuckled. “We would often help out each-other, hmm, I believe she called it being a ‘wingmare’? Regardless, if you were one, I was simply going to inform you of her new status is all. No need to get lockbeak around me hatchling.”

“I just think that she and her little family are a little more nutty than what I’m used to,” the black-feathered griffon said plainly.

“Hahah, that they are,” Ace chuckled and thumped him on the back. “Don’t worry though, once you get to know them, you either learn to ignore the crazy, or simply go crazy with them.”

“I hope not, my life’s an adventure as it is,” the younger griffon said before opening the door. “Well, I got a room to find. Seeya ‘round.”

Ace watched him leave and chuckled. “You’ve met them, you’re involved whether you like it or not now. Such is the way this story usually unfolds…” Something Jon said before suddenly clicked and the bird frowned.

“He’d better not be,” he grumbled as he started to walk towards the room Jon had entered. The younger griffon had just started familiarizing himself with everything in the room before the older showed up.

“Yeah?” Jon said. “You need somethin’?”

“A question,” he replied as he pointed at the table, which was...already occupied by a mare? “I trust you will keep this establishment pure?”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Jon asked with a smirk. “Besides, what the pony pays for, the pony gets.”

“You must be kidding?” he groaned. “Does the proprietress even allow such… debauchery?”

“They stopped tryin’ to stop me when they realized I brought in more customers than they were ready to lose by sayin’ I didn’t work here anymore,” Jon replied. “Everypony knows what I get up to, dude. And a lot like it.”

Ace wanted to tell him off, but if the owner didn’t have a problem with it, he couldn’t really argue it now could he?

Still, he took a step forward and stood over the mare, he raised a single claw and then his arm blurred as he pressed a few spots on her back. The mare’s mouth opened and she gasped, before her body spasmed and she moaned, before giving a contented sigh.

Ace clicked his beak and left the room, leaving the already satisfied mare with the younger griffon, who grumbled at being one-upped.

“Dude has no sense of how to work a mare,” the black-feathered griffon muttered. He knew those spots too, he just preferred to slowly hit them, over the course of a long, somewhat sensual massage. So that the pony would be more in the mood and ready for...other activities. Just poking them all at once lacked any real artistry.

The mare looked up and gave a content sigh. “Well, I feel a sudden chill, care to warm me up big guy?”

“I can do that,” the griffon said with a smile as he grabbed one of the speciality oils and began applying it to his claws. “Le’s begin. It’s been a few days since I last worked a pony, so I might need a minute…” He began rubbing her neck slowly. Some things you never really forgot~

After she left Level Ledger to his work, Midnight Song made her way through the city, wondering what she should do. If she went home, Rarity would try to stuff her in another dress, and Twilight and Moondancer were probably geeking up the place. Apple Cider was working, along with Fritter and who knows what Scopey was doing.

“Urgh! I’m sooo boooored!” she groaned as she wandered into the Strip. Since she was taken off of active duty, she couldn’t really go on patrol, despite being in full armour…

“You’ve been most helpful,” a slightly-familiar stallion’s voice said from up ahead.

“And you’ve been most thoughtful,” the voice of Sugar rejoined. “Making sure we don’t run into one another on that night.”

“Others gave me the idea, I’m merely the one executing it,” the male voice replied. Midnight looked up, not realising she’d walked all the way to the bar.

“Heya sexy mare, purple pops!” Midnight called out. Sugar and Wishful turned to her, and Wishful actually blushed before looking away, while Sugar just laughed.

“I didn’t know a fellow Violet could be so embarrassed over a simple kiss,” she teased. Wishful muttered something unintelligible. Midnight giggled and leaned in close.

“Aww, is somepony embarrassed?” she hummed. “I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. This whole baby thing is making me feel really weird.”

“It’s even worse for a changeling,” Sugar said. “Emotional stability is both hard and necessary. Our emotions would constantly in flux because of the pregnancy, and our emotions are what our young need to survive.”

“Yeah, well apparently I’m going to get worse before I get better,” Midnight hummed. “Twilight said that some Thestral mares even have to be locked up, because they get so dangerous.”

“If I know my son,” Wishful said as he looked back at Midnight at last. “He won’t let that happen.”

“He may not have a choice,” Midnight muttered under her breath. She shook her head and looked up. “So, get everything sorted?”

“Easy enough to do,” the disguised drone said with a nod. “You’ll not see our party when you’re having yours.”

“I even managed to hammer down a few more details about our night,” Sugar said, smiling all the while. “Oooh, the mares are going to love this.”

“I know we will,” Midnight nodded. “Oh, and Twilight still has Moondancer in case you were wondering. I fear that the nerd will last for quite a while at this rate.” She walked up next to Sugar, the nymph noticing that she had an odd twitch in her hind legs...Sugar just grinned and winked at Midnight.

“Ah well, just remember to return her where you found her,” the nymph sighed mock-dramatically. “And hopefully, in the same condition as well.”

“Yeah well, I think we can manage that,” she said. “Gods, this is uncomfortable. Maybe Ledger could use a little practise in aiming.

Wishful’s eyes widened before he studiously looked away from Midnight’s flanks, not wanting to appear like he was looking at them at all. His son and Midnight were going to get him in serious trouble at this rate…

Midnight leaned up to regale the tale privately to Sugar, perhaps she didn’t know of that particular little trick yet… besides, she did promise the mare a story every now and then. And, she’d caught that look of Wishful’s, she didn’t want to embarrass him further.

“Well, if you two don’t need me anymore, I’ll be off to find Grissom,” the disguised drone said, wanting an out of this conversation.

“Okay,” Midnight nodded. “I know he wants to check up on Levvy’s business, see how the other ‘lings are going. Maybe you might find him there?”

“Got it,” Wishful said as he turned and made to leave. “Have a good day,” he offered before walking off to find Pegasus Air.

Yes, he would rather look on his own than spend another uncomfortable moment around those mares getting directions. Midnight frowned somewhat, she knew that she’d crossed a line somewhere, but had no idea how to apologise without making it worse.

And Ledger was definitely going to question why his father was avoiding her.

“Sugar?” she finally spoke up. “I think I may have messed up big this time.”

“You did sort of kiss him,” the nymph pointed out. “Perhaps we should figure out how to best fix this together.”

“Well, I couldn’t stand having him talk so badly about himself and I wasn’t thinking as usual and then I just—”

Sugar silenced her with a hoof over her mouth and a small smile. “Inside?” the disguised nymph offered. The bat nodded and followed the mare. And the day had started out so well too…

Grissom sat in Ledger’s office, the whole place smelled faintly of disinfectant… Ah well. He sipped at his tea and after setting the cup back down on the saucer, he looked at the Changeling sitting across from him.

“So, had any trouble with your workers so far?” he asked.

“Nope, though there were a few rough spots getting them integrated with the local population,” Ledger replied. “Especially when the city’s Pink got wind of new ‘lings on the block.”

“Heh, I can imagine she caused quite a bit of chaos,” Grissom chuckled. “Just getting her to fill out the paperwork in ink that wasn’t pink-coloured was a real headache…”

“Color-changing ink,” Ledger suggested. “Get it from a local prank store, have it start pink so she uses it, then change to black for you later on.”

“I tried that,” Grissom groaned, placing his hoof against his head. “It didn’t change back.”

“...Well, that’s a new one, but not unexpected of Amy,” Ledger said as he sipped at his sweet tea. “Still, despite that little bump, it’s all been smooth as silk over here. Surprisingly. I would have normally expected at least a few issues.”

“As would I,” Grissom nodded. “I am glad to have been mistaken for once.” He took a sip from his cup and sighed. Neither had noticed the Violet stallion walk up to the door yet... “So, how are you and Midnight getting along?”

“Pretty well, despite her emotions whiplashing all over the place, I manage to keep reassuring her that I’m not going anywhere,” Ledger said. “Though sometimes it takes the others to point it out to me…”

“Midnight always was a hooffull, but, you’re doing well. Despite the fact you got her pregnant before marriage… but, I’m not too worried. I trust that you would have done the right thing.” He placed his cup down and chuckled. “I’d watch out for Moon though. Ever since she found out you had finally given her a grandchild… she’s been… excitable.”

“Duly noted, if Midnight tells me her mother is in town, I will do my best to avoid being spotted,” Ledger replied before Wishful pushed the door open.

“Well, I managed to coordinate with Sugar as to what the bachelorette party is going to be like,” the disguised violet drone said before sitting on the couch. “So now I know where to avoid going.”

“During the party? Or altogether?” Grissom laughed, as Wishful sputtered and looked to one side. The Thestral blinked and then tilted his head. What was with that reaction? “Have a rough day?”

“You could say that,” Wishful replied. “So, how are things here, son?”

“Doing fine,” Ledger replied. “Company is still surviving, and I’m even bringing in new business to Las Pegasus. Give Twilight and me a few more weeks, and things’ll be even better.”

“I still can’t believe that you included a princess into your herd,” Grissom snorted and smirked. “Just another step in taking over the world then?”

“First you control the shipping,” Ledger said as he adopted a terrible impression of a Manehatten accent. “Then you control the goods and the money...then you control the city.”

“I’ll get concerned when the mayor starts asking for extra funds to pay you rent,” Grissom said as he drained his teacup. Ledger devolved into snickers before replying.

“Can you imagine me in control of the city? I’d probably run the thing into the ground because something looked good on paper...Nah, I’m happy where I am, thanks.”

“You know that mayorship can be appointed by the Crown yes?” Grissom mused as he refilled his cup. “Hmm, I wonder if Celestia has some ideas for the next one…”

“Yeah, no, I fully intend to turn it down if she gets that idea into her head,” Ledger said with a shake of his head. “I looked into it: Being a mayor is really stressful and pays less than being a CEO of a shipping company. And with a foal on the way, I need all the money I can get my hooves on, especially to buy some rings.”

“Speaking of,” Grissom nodded. “You know you can always ask right? Moon and I would be more than happy to help you out…”

“I think he was intending to ask myself first, actually,” Wishful spoke up. “I was sent with a list of names I could draw on to provide funding, if Ledger needs some bits for the wedding.”

“It is tradition for the parents to provide for the wedding,” Grissom nodded. “Then again, you lot are hardly traditional. So it’s all up to you boy.”

“I’ll try and do it on my own if I can, thank you,” Ledger said as he politely turned both stallions down for the time being. “If I do need funding, I’ll let you both know at the same time, and you can decide who’ll help with what.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Grissom nodded. “Oh, I don’t suppose anypony has warned you yet?”

“About thestral mares getting a little,” Ledger forced himself to use a word other than ‘batty’. “Extra hormonal?”

“...You wanted to use the pun didn’t you?” Grissom deadpanned. “Still, I wouldn’t worry too much. Midnight is half Unicorn.”

“We still don’t know if that’ll make it better or worse,” Ledger pointed out. “Though Twilight is probably warming up some sort of testing apparatus to check.”

Grissom gave a shudder, that… scared him for some reason. “Try not to let her dissect my daughter hmm?”

“I believe the correct term would be vivisect, but I’ll do my best regardless,” Ledger said with a small laugh. “I’ve been told I can be very distracting.”

“You probably get that from me, your mother kept complaining about me distracting her from her research or her reading,” Wishful chuckled. “She stopped complaining after about a minute, though…”

“Aaaand that’s a mental image I didn’t need,” Ledger deadpanned.

“Hah! I only wish that would work on Midnight,” Grissom laughed then sighed. “Last time I tried… she offered pointers…”

“I have a book,” Wishful offered with a cheeky grin. “I’d be more than willing to let you borrow it~”

“Oh don’t you start,” Grissom said warily. “I get enough from her fans that wish they could have her…” This was stated with a groan that came from much experience with that problem.

“He’s probably talking about…” Ledger started before shrugging and looking at his desk as the last piece of paperwork on it started to be filled out.

“The Pony Sutra, yes,” the disguised Violet finished with a nod. “I never travel anywhere without my copy~”

“My wife owns a First Edition,” Grissom sighed. “Trust me, she’s rather well versed in that department… You ever wonder where Midnight gets it from?”

“And now that I know, I will be forever scarred just thinking about it,” Ledger replied dryly. The last piece of paperwork floated up to the top of the out tray, and the silver changeling canceled his spell before getting out of his chair and stretching. “Well, that’s more than enough mental scarring for one day, I’m going to go home and make sure nothing is going wrong if you don’t mind.”

“And here I was, just getting started on this,” Grissom chuckled and looked at Wishful. “What do you say to teaming up?”

“I would take you up on that, but I know my son. If we try to pester him again, he’ll paralyze our jaws while he makes his egress,” Wishful said with a smirk.

“Darn right,” Ledger said without missing a beat. “Throat invites problems. Jaw’s much safer.”

“Oh, so you’d do that to a government official?” Grissom asked. “And since your father was invited here, I could provide him with diplomatic immunity.”

“If either of you try to scar me again before I’ve steeled my mind against you again, yes, I will paralyze your jaws for all of three minutes while I make good my escape,” Ledger replied as he made his way to the office’s door. “Have a good day, you two.”

“Well, I warned you,” Wishful said as Ledger made good his escape. “How about we go find Flash, then, if we’re out of other entertaining things to do?”

“Well, who knows where the colt went after he left with those three mares,” Grissom nodded. “Still, I wouldn’t object to a walk around the city.”

“A walk it is, and if we happen to find him, so much the better then,” Wishful said as he got up from the couch. The Thestral stood and stretched before following the drone out.

“So,” he asked. “Why are you in a mood right now?”

“Things,” the disguised changeling tried to brush off the thestral’s concern as they made their egress from Pegasus Air’s base of operation.

“So, where should we start looking first?” Grissom asked as they left. “Do you think he’s even… erhem! ‘finished’ with them yet?”

“I think the question you should be asking is if they’re done with him,” the violet drone chuckled. “Hmm...maybe the hotels would be our best bet.”

“Well, let the search begin,” Grissom nodded, and the two headed out to find the wayward colt.

Moondancer teleported into the bar her marefriend owned… just in time to see said mare leaning over the counter groaning lightly, like she’d had waaay too much to eat.

Moon was fairly certain that Midnight had been here… but still, this was a good opportunity~

She slowly crept closer as she drew upon some memories and feelings, before directing her Love straight at the stuffed nymph.

“No no no, stop!” Sugar said as she clutched her stomach with both forehooves. “Please stop, I’m full as it is!”

“Aww, but I just wanna love my little nymphy-wimphy~” Moondancer cooed as she rubbed up against Sugar like a cat. “Don’t you love me too~?”

“I do, but Midnight apparently felt that filling me up with as much lust as I could hold would serve as an adequate tip for the advice I gave her,” Sugar said as she rubbed Moondancer between the ears with one hoof.

“Hmm, you gave her advice?” Moon blinked, her previous experiment forgotten. And no, her hind leg was not twitching because of the rub. She had an itch, Yes. An itch. “For what?”

“Remember that kiss she gave Wishful, Ledger’s father?” Sugar asked before sighing as she felt a lot more stable with her over-stuffed stomach. “Well, the drone’s apparently been acting embarrassed around her. Told her how to talk to him and what to say to make the situation blow away.”

“Ah, and, you think it’ll work?” Moondancer said as she climbed up to the bar and floated over a glass of water.

“I hope it will, otherwise Midnight will come back, and I don’t think I could take a repeat visit for another day or two,” Sugar replied before gripping the cup and sipping at the water.

“What the heck did she do to you? Aside for completely ruining my experiment… which, actually sounds about normal for her.” Moondancer shuddered… those scorch marks would never come off the science lab’s ceiling. Yeah, she shouldn’t have tried to figure out why Midnight couldn’t cook…

“Like I said, she wanted to say thanks, she remembered I was a Violet...and apparently, she knows a lot of sexy thoughts. Not that she needed to put in a lot of effort…” The disguised nymph put the glass on the counter and sighed. “I am going to be full for a long time…”

“Aww, she totally ruined my fun,” Moondancer sighed. She then smirked and looked at Sugar. “Oh, I got to see it too~”

“See what?” Sugar asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“Little Ledger,” Moondancer giggled, holding her hooves apart to demonstrate. Sugar groaned and rolled her eyes.

“Why does everypony but me get to see him?” she asked of nopony in particular. Moondancer giggled and poked her.

“Hey silly, recall what I just did to you?”

“Fine,” Sugar grumbled before looking away. “Still not happy though. You went and had fun without me, leaving me stuck here in my club with nothing to do until Midnight came in…”

“While I would question how you got that Lust from her,” Moondancer hummed. “I’m talking about that directed emotion. Ever think to try using that on another ‘ling? Like say, Lust~

“Not every Noble can give emotion back. It’s something you either have a knack for, or don’t,” Sugar explained. “Some common changelings can have that knack too, but it’s rarer. Last time I tried, I released it in a cloud around me...and then had to deal with two dozen horny nymphs.”

“Oh, you must have been sooo devastated,” Moondancer giggled, imagining her slowly sinking into a pile of moaning ponies.

“I was sore for two days,” Sugar replied with a happy little moan. “It was fun getting that way, but I’d really rather not do it again without proper planning.”

“Well, Twilight could get him up with just a thought, that’s the point I’m trying to make here,” Moondancer said, kinda wishing she could have seen that. Oh well, now she had a plan for the future~

“Really?” Sugar asked, turning to look back at Moondancer. “But he’s a Silver...that doesn’t really make sense…”

“Have a good think about what his dad is.”

The nymph thought for a moment before making a soft ‘oh’ of realization. “Well...that explains that, then.”

“You never knew he was half-Violet?” Moon asked her.

“It didn’t really click, usually changelings are one or another. Sometimes when the colors mix, you’ll get things like a loyal yellow, or a brave red. Hybrids aren’t...uncommon, but I don’t think we’ve ever had a Silver-Violet-Noble before.”

Moondancer hummed at the new information. Then she noticed something and sighed, “Sugar? You’re drooling…”

“He’s the only other Noble in Las Pegasus, and I learn we have something in common,” Sugar said as she wiped her mouth with a hoof. “I tried once, but he was still...scarred. And scared. And now it’s too late. Don’t deny me my fantasies, please. They’re likely all I’ll ever have.”

“You know, I’m still trying to figure out what we are, and if Ledger’s an example, trying to keep a Changeling exclusive is almost impossible.” Moondancer sipped her water and sighed. “And...after Midnight and I… I don’t, I don’t know if I could try an exclusive relationship again. At least, not right now.” She groaned and thunked her head on the bar. She had no idea where she was going with this after all.

“I suppose if they agreed, then I don’t mind. Who knows, maybe I’ll get to play with my Middy again.”

“Hmm…” Sugar hummed while tapping her chin, before an idea struck her. “Something like a regular meet-up, then? I’ll not spring it on them right away, dear. I want time to get to know you first, and they deserve to have their wedding.”

“True enough, I can’t believe that Ledger is lucky enough to not only marry Midnight, but two other mares as well.”

“Herding apparently hasn’t been a thing for a long time,” Sugar commented. “But I don’t think Ledger will think himself lucky when spring rolls around…”

Moondancer chuckled...then laughed, and kept laughing until she was having trouble breathing… After a few minutes, she finally calmed down and took a few gulps of water, panting heavily.

“I dare say that even he might find the spring months a little...tiring,” Sugar commented again, once Moondancer had calmed down.

“You have...no idea,” she panted as she gulped some more water. “Okay… so let’s do… a little math.” She inhaled and held it for a second, then exhaled. “Better. Now, first he has an Earth Pony, known for their strength and stamina. Next, he has a Changeling nymph, and you little sexbugs are insatiable on the best of days. And third?”

“Midnight Song, but she’s already pregnant,” Sugar pointed out. “I suppose if you wanted to be technical, you could say that fourth, he has a recently ascended alicorn mare…”

“Ahh, I forgot about the pregnancy,” Moondancer nodded. “You see, because Midnight is technically half Unicorn, she actually goes into heat like a regular pony, it just doesn’t last as long. And when the Spring Full Moon rolls around…”

“Is there something about full moons I don’t know about, in relation to thestrals?” The disguised nymph asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Mhmm,” Moondancer sipped her water. “Thestrals are tied to the phases of the moon. And during a full moon, they get… amorous.”

“Oh my,” Sugar said with a smile. “Well, that’s going in the book, to be sure. I can only imagine what she would be like during a spring moon.”

“Oh, I know exactly what she’s like,” Moondancer sighed wistfully. “I think I still have the bite marks…”

“Still, Twilight at least should have Earth Pony endurance as well,” the disguised Violet nymph pointed out. “Unfortunately for her, Ledger knows a few weak points of pony anatomy, pegasi especially… something he demonstrated quite well when he first arrived.” The nymph hummed as she calculated the odds of Ledger making it through spring. “So he might be able to stand up for… one night?”

“Unless you and I teach Twilight a few useful spells~” Moondancer giggled. Ledger was going to get revenge on her anyway. Might as well plan the next step.

“Let the colt have his fun for that one night,” Sugar said with a smile. “Then we’ll teach her.”

Moondancer raised her glass and nodded. “Well, how about a toast? To the craziest ponies in Equestria!”

“To the madponies we seem to have surrounded ourselves with,” Sugar said as she raised her own glass to tap against Moondancer’s. “Because whenever we get bored, they’ll be there to make things interesting.”

“Amen to that,” she giggled. Which reminded her, she needed to bring Sugar to Canterlot sometime. That would prove to be most entertaining~

It was later afternoon by the time Flash Sentry left the hotel. He didn’t really know if those mares were wholly satisfied or not, Swift Wing was surprisingly resistant to showing any sort of positive emotion.

Still, he was very satisfied, and if this little slip of paper was to be believed, then he also had their addresses. He all but sauntered down the street, like a peacock with it’s feathers out. It wasn’t long before Wishful Hope showed up, followed by Grissom.

“Told you I knew where he was,” the violet coated unicorn said to the thestral.

“Well there you go,” the Thestral hummed as he walked up to Flash. “And you look like a cat who got the cream.”

“Ohhh, I wasn’t the one who got the cream~” Flash giggled, swaying a little. Wishful burped suddenly, before holding a hoof to his mouth.

“Excuse me,” he said. That colt’s lust, even sated, was powerful. Not as powerful as Midnight’s, but then, no pony’s was.

“Ohh, man, I feel like a new stallion. Hell, I feel like a stallion!” he nodded and flapped his wings a few times. “Well, that wasn’t the way I expected to start the day, but I’m not complaining.” He looked at the other two and gave them a smile.

“So, what’s next gents?”

“Hmm, we do still have a party to plan, only this time, I know where we should avoid. Though, I rather think we were avoiding a place like the mares were going to anyways…” Wishful hummed. “Also, we should probably avoid any actual gambling. Did we already go over that before you...went to do some extracurricular activities?”

“Yeah, I believe so. ‘sides, I don’t have the money for that,” Flash said.

“I think the most important detail is still amiss,” Grissom spoke up as the trio walked aimlessly down the street. “Such as, when we are actually doing this?”

“When is it traditional to do such a thing?” Wishful asked, looking at both Grissom and Flash for an answer.

“Usually the night or two before the actual wedding,” Flash answered, as Grissom nodded.

“That gives us plenty of time to plan, then,” Wishful replied. “In case one of us hears something that we think we should visit that night.”

“Sounds like a plan, so we should find out when they plan on getting married. That would be most useful,” Grissom nodded. “So, shall we visit the soon-to-be-betrothed?”

“I’ve no objections,” the disguised drone said before looking at Flash. The Pegasus nodded, having no objections either. Internally, Wishful was...uncomfortable.

Because going there meant meeting Midnight again, and she seemed to keep turning every meeting uncomfortable in some fashion or another. Maybe, he mused. Maybe this one time, things would be different.

Author's Note:

All the griffons, all of them!

Like the story? Consider dropping Aus and me a dollar on my Patreon. It's always appreciated.

Half the money will not go towards making a room out of solid gold.

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