• Published 20th May 2015
  • 15,645 Views, 3,255 Comments

Shifting Melodies - Thadius0

He's a unicorn accountant in service to a smuggling ring. She's a high-ranking Thestral in the Day Guard. Together, they fight crime. Too bad one of them's lying.

  • ...

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Chapter 48 - A bookworm is never really sated

A few days later, when Ledger awoke. He was treated to a sound he hadn’t heard before. The sound of someone trying to hack their lungs up in the bathroom. A quick check of his bed showed it was the bat-variety of his mares.

Quietly extracting himself and tip-hoofing over to the bathroom, the drone ran one hoof down Midnight’s back as she attempted to eject everything that was left in her stomach. “There there...you probably just had too much to...wait…” A memory surfaced of last night, during which only a small amount of alcohol was consumed by anypony during dinner.

“I feel like death,” she croaked before she hurked up in the toilet again. “Ohhhh, make it stoooop...”

“Middy, you didn’t drink any extra alcohol when none of us were looking, did you?” Ledger asked as alarm bells started to ring inside his head.

“Noooo,” she groaned. “Urgh, this sucks... I hope I’m not siuuurrghhhhh!”

“...I think it’s worse than that,” Ledger said as the bells became sirens. “You’ve been taking your potion, right?”

Midnight paused... oh sweet bucking Celestia....

“I....oh buck me....”

“That’s what got us into this mess,” Ledger tried to joke. “...what are we gonna do, songbird?” he asked more seriously.

“I dunno,” she sighed, laying her head on the edge of the bowl. “I suppose, I could always... stop it, if that’s what this is.”

“...Okay, I might not have asked for this, but I will leave that sort of decision up to you,” Ledger said. Of course, if it were up to him, he wouldn’t dare ask her to do such a thing.

After a few minutes, she started to feel better as she got up, moving to the sink so she could wash out her mouth. “Guh, that’s so nasty,” she groaned as she stumbled back into the bedroom, where Cider and Scope were waiting.

“Everything alright?” Scope asked.

“Y’all sounded terrible in there,” Cider added.

“Just a bit of morning sickness,” Ledger said blandly, like he wasn’t talking about a possible pregnancy.

Cider and Scope paused as their eyes widened. “Um, Ledger...?” Scope asked hesitantly. “You ah, know what you just said right?”

“Oh yes,” Ledger said without missing a beat. “The precursor to Midnight cursing my existence as a parasite grows within her, causing her body no end of torment, even after it’s been ejected from her womb.”

Midnight just blinked and clipped him upside the head, while Cider and Scope sat in stunned silence.

Cider finally got the nerve to speak up. “Middy, are you really...?”

“I, think so. I’ll need to see a doctor later to confirm it,” she said.

“What are you going to do?” Scope asked her.

“That’s... the million-bit question isn’t it?” Midnight wondered aloud. “Scopey, could you take over at the club today?”

“Uh, sure,” the Changeling nodded.

“And you need to get your business in order Levvy,” the bat added.

“Already on it. Scope, the minions?” Ledger asked of the small changeling. “They in position in my branch offices?”

“Yeah, took a while to convince them this was a good idea though,” she replied. She already missed having a gang she could call upon. “I swear you did this to ruin my fun.”

“If it works, it’ll bring us a lot of bits,” Ledger said as he pat the nymph on the head. “So today, we begin offering our messaging service across Equestria. Let’s just hope we don’t put the post office outta business.”

Elsewhere, a wall-eyed Pegasus gave a dangerous eye-twitch.

“I’d take having a gang over being rich,” Scope pouted. “But, whatever.”

“Cidey? Could you come with me to the hospital? I...don’t wanna go alone,” Midnight asked sheepishly, the apple mare nodding and smiling.

“Of course ah can,” she said. “An’ remember what we all said, we’ll be here fer you okay?”

“I know,” Midnight nodded. “Well, let’s get this over with then.”

“And remember,” Ledger said. “Whatever you choose...we’ll be here to help you with.” That being said, the stallion put the petite nymph on his back as he nuzzled Midnight one last time. “Just make sure whatever you choose is what you want.”

“....Yeah,” Midnight nodded as they left, and she and the earth pony shared a moment before they headed out also.

“So,” Scope asked as Ledger walked to his warehouse. “On a scale of one to ten, how badly are you really freaking out right now?”

“Somewhere between and eight and a nine,” Ledger said honestly. “But it can wait until after she gets tested and makes her decision.”

“If you say so,” she commented. “Well, could be worse I suppose. All three of us could be preggers.”

“Eh, you’ve been shifting constantly, so I doubt you are. Cider, maybe. If she is, it’ll be a solid nine point five sort of day,” the drone replied.

“I could have been using illusions like last time,” Scope teased. She saw him stiffen up and giggle. “But as I said, I don’t think my body is cut out for that, so don’t worry.” She tapped her chin and hummed. “I wonder what a Thestral/Changeling would look like?”

“I think the comedy answer is, ‘whatever they want to,’” Ledger fired back before opening the door to the warehouse and greeting his loyal workers. Once the morning meet and greet was done, Ledger walked over to his old office. The one he’d used when he worked under Toll. The one he’d recently had the name painted over and replaced with Scope’s. That office.

“I’m so confused on who I work for now,” Scope sighed, not wanting to move from her spot on his back. “You, or Middy, I dunno...”

“The office is more of an offer, you don’t have to use it,” Ledger replied. “You could just as easily stay where you are or stick by Middy’s side. Your choice.”

“Meh, it’s not like I’ve been doing much these days,” she sighed. Then she got an idea as she hopped off and looked around the room. “I mean, it’s not so bad in here.” She put her front hooves up on the desk, her tail swishing from side to side, offering sparse glimpses.

“Mmm, but I think I much prefer my large desk...the one that offers at least some concealment from casual prying eyes,” Ledger pointed out as he turned around, his own tail flicking to show that she’d only barely gotten to him.

“Well if you wanna be boring I guess,” Scope shrugged as she went to move back down. “And I do have a lot of work to do...”

“Just saying I wouldn’t say no to an afternoon bit of fun, as long as you didn’t mind it being an under-the-desk sort of deal,” Ledger pointed out before walking off. He could just as easily go without. It was a good thing he turned, because he missed the wide, shark-like grin she was sporting.

Oh she was going to have a lot of fun later~ But first... she needed to plant a little seed.

She ran up to him before he could open the door and gave him a deep kiss, as her magic fondled his sleepy package gently.

“A little promise,” she said in a husky tone as she suddenly stopped and went back to her desk, not even hiding with her tail anymore. She may have also leaked a few pheromones...Ledger shuddered a little as the door closed.

He had...things to plan. Yes, that would distract him from his boner nicely.

Midnight gulped as she emerged from the doctors office, the cute mare waving her off, even as a small blush adorned her cheeks. That Thestral mare had been...really distracting.

“So,” Cider said as her marefriend walked up to her. “How’d it go?”

Midnight sighed as she looked at the mare, her ears flat against her head. “Well, it’s official I guess... I’m gonna be a Momma.”

Cider squealed and hugged the mare tightly, even Midnight had a small smile on her face. Now she just had to tell Ledger and Scope, and decide what to do about this.

“So what now?” Cider asked. “Wanna go and find Ledger?”

“...No, I’ll tell him later. I could use some ice-cream,” Midnight said. And she knew just the place, and somepony she hadn’t seen since returning from Roamania...

And a few minutes later, she and Cider were standing outside Sweet Scoops Ice-cream parlour. Midnight took a breath and walked up to the counter.

“Anypony home?” she asked, peering into the building, before a pair of cherry-red hooves pulled her in and hugged her against a vaguely-familiar stallion pegasus form.

“It’s my favorite batpony!” he cheered.

“Ack!” Midnight didn’t recognise him at first. “Oh, so you’re Cherry today huh... um, and not so tight please.”

Cherry didn’t respond for a second, before gasping and pushing Midnight away and staring into her eyes very deeply and intensely. “Something’s up. You were pretty happy when you came back, but now something’s happened to make you doubt it,” he deduced.

“A lot’s happened,” Midnight said as Cider approached the counter, peering inside.

“You okay Middy?” she asked.

“I’m fine,” Midnight replied. “Ah, also, congrats about the wedding,” Midnight said, giving Cherry a gentler hug. “I can’t believe Ace actually did that.”

“The hard part will be finding enough chain so that my threats of chaining him to the bed if he does something stupid again seem serious,” Cherry replied without changing his facial expression at all. “I’ve tried the scrapyard, but they never have enough.”

“Ace and I are birds of a feather,” Midnight said, letting him go. “So yeah, expect stupid stuff from time to time. Also...” She looked away for a moment. “I need...advice, and you’re the best one to ask about this.”

“Really?” Cherry asked with a head-tilt. “But you’ve got Ledgie. What can I know that he won’t?”

“Well it’s just...I..um,” Midnight blushed and started to lock up as Cider reached over and petted her head.

“What mah little bat here is trying to say,” Cider continued. “Is that she’s gone and gotten herself pregnant.”

Cherry was still. Unnaturally still. This was cause for concern, as a still Cherry/Amy was a sign of the apocalypse. Cider waved a hoof in front of his face and sighed.

“Seriously? How am ah gonna tell Ledger that ah keep breaking everypony?”

The only accurate way to describe what happened next was, ‘there was an explosion of foal-shower related items in the ice-cream parlor.’ One second the items in question weren’t there, the next, they were, and they were accompanied by a rush of noise. One that might have been capable of interpreted as words, if you had ears that could hear at sixty words a second.

Midnight grabbed Cider and hugged her close. Sweet Celestia, they’d broken Cherry beyond anything she’d ever seen.

“THIS IS TOTALLY AWESOME!” Cherry eventually said at a speed mortal ears could hear. “Yours would be the second pony-changeling hybrid in Las Pegasus!” Then he looked at Cider with a curious expression. “...Unless you have one first, of course. Did you get tested as well?”

“Ah’m fine,” Cider nodded. “Ah actually remember to take mah potions... and ah should have made sure that Middy was as well.”

“Yeah well, I dunno if I’ll be keeping it yet,” Midnight sighed. This was apparently the wrong thing to say, as the air suddenly chilled beyond normal levels, even for an ice-cream parlor.

“Did you just say...what I thought you said?” Cherry said in an eerily calm voice. Midnight gulped, kinda wishing she had her armour now.

“W-Well, I just don’t know if I’m cut out to be a mother. This wasn’t planned, I have no idea what the hell I’m doing... I don’t even know what a Changeling/Thestral would look like!”

Cherry sighed as he put a hoof to his head and looked at the clock. “Look, the local schools take a lunch break in ten minutes. Stick around for that, please? I wanna show you why I love my job.”

Midnight gulped again, but nodded. Cider gave her a kiss on the head and looked at him. “Ah’ll get her some ice-cream while we wait,” she said. “She’s already a bundle of nerves.”

“Sure thing!” Cherry said, now his normal self as he bounced behind the counter. “What flavor?”

Cider blinked and stared at him. "Did you really just ask that?" she deadpanned. She pointed at Midnight, whom was eyeing the tub of mango ice-cream, a line of drool coming from her mouth as her ears wiggled a little.

“It was worth a shot,” Cherry chuckled before preparing the scoop. Midnight soon had her ice-cream and she nommed it with a happy smile, her tail wagging back and forth as she hummed, her current woes currently forgotten.

Cider moved up next to Cherry with a serious expression. “Ah hope that all you’ll be simply showing Midnight a possibility, and not coercing her into doing something she’ll end up regretting later. As much as ah may or may not want it. In the end, it’s her decision.”

“No fear,” Cheery hummed as he cleaned the scoop off. “I bet that in the end, they’ll do most of the convincing themselves. Five, four, three, two…”

An army of colts and fillies suddenly stormed the area in front of the parlour. Their exasperated parents trying to keep up with them.

And all of them calling for Cherry, the deliverer of sweet-treats. The pony managed to get them all in line, after only a few attempts. “Mister,” one asked. “Who’s that?”

Cherry chuckled before introducing Midnight as well as he could. “Meet miss Midnight Song,” he said from behind the counter. “She’s a friend of mine. Midnight, these are the foals.”

“No, really?” Midnight gasped in mock wonder. “And here I thought they were little aliens.”

All the kids laughed at that one.

“So, why does she have funny wings?” one Pegasus colt asked Cherry. Midnight snorted and spread her batwings, smiling and showing off a lot of fang.

“Because I’m awesome.” Midnight smiled. “So ah, Cher? Is there a point to all this?”

“Miss Midnight here is pretty silly, huh?” the pony asked the little ones. “It’s okay, I’ll understand if you have questions for her.”

“Ohh, your eyes look like a dragons, are you a dragon?” one filly asked.

“Are you a vampony?” another colt asked, Midnight’s eyes twitching slightly. No, bad Middy, foals were for entertainment, not snacking.

“Are you a Thestral?” another filly asked and Midnight nodded.

“Yes! This one gets a cookie!” Midnight cheered as she tossed the filly a treat. She looked at Cherry and grinned. “Oh hey, so they’re kinda like owning a pet?”

“They’re more involved than that,” Cherry said with a roll of his eyes. “Little filly, what sort of treat did you want today?”

“Oooh, I wanted a chocolate-cherry cone,” the filly said before putting a few bits on the counter. The disguised pink nodded and got to work making a monster of a cone for the smart little filly, who blinked a few times at the size of the cold creation once it was presented to her.

“Mister, I...only had enough for a small…”

“Did you?” Cherry said as he looked at the bits again. “Whoops! Well I can’t put this back, and it would be a waste to throw it away. Tell ya what, take it and don’t tell anypony what I did, okay?”

“Yes mister!” she said before taking the thing to her own table and attacking it with gusto.

“Aren’t you spoiling them just a little?” Midnight chuckled as she looked at the long lineup.

“Look at that smile on her face and tell me it’s not worth it,” the stallion replied as he served the other colts and fillies, each time discreetly sneaking them a little more than what they had paid for.

“Yes, they’re very cute,” Midnight agreed. “But so are puppies and kittens.”

The line had vanished quite quickly thanks to the expert scoop-work of the red stallion, who was now coming around his counter again to sit next to Midnight. “I was there for these mares when they wanted to drown their sorrows in ice-cream,” he said. “When they wanted to know why they couldn’t find mister right. They brought their new stallionfriends by one day, and I and my co-worker gave them the once-over. I was there for every step of their lives, these little ones.” He smiled as the colts and fillies ate their ice-cream, remembering those events fondly.

“So what, are you saying you’ll be there for me as well then?” Midnight raised an eyebrow.

“Already was, dear.” Cherry patted one of her forehooves reassuringly. “But let me reassure you with a little something I’ve learned from the mothers here.” He coughed and raised his voice instead. “Actually, let me ask them. Dears? What was it like, having a foal?”

“The most painful thing imaginable!”

“Sweet Celestia, those weird cravings!”

“The morning sickness, without the fun of drinking.”

“Lugging around that weight...I swear some of it’s still on my flank...”

“My little one using my bladder as a punching bag... I have never peed more in my life.”

Midnight’s brow knitted into a frown as she looked at Cherry. “Yeap, I’m totally convinced now...”

“One more question for them,” Cherry said with a raised hoof. “Was it worth it?”

Every mare present smiled and nodded, holding their colts and/or fillies close. “Every moment is worth it.”

The young ones of course either complained or kept eating their ice cream, wanting not to waste the delicious cold treat. Causing more than a few stained coats. Cherry giggled at the sight as he drank in the pure happiness and motherly love.

“It’s not that I hate kids or anything,” Midnight finally spoke up. “It’s just... what kind of mother would I be? My job as a Guard is both busy and dangerous. What happens...what happens if I don’t come home one day?”

“Midnight,” Cider started, but the Thestral raised a hoof to stop her.

“No, it’s a legitimate concern. And, I can’t just quit the Guard either. I don’t-I don’t know if I’m ready for this...”

No mother is really ready, right ladies?” Cherry asked aloud. A chorus of ‘no’s’ met his question. “And besides, the fact that you’re worried about the foal?” The red pegasus booped Midnight’s nose with a hoof. “Proves that you’re the right sort of mother.”

“Yeah I...” she sighed again, this was weighing pretty heavily on her mind. “I’m gonna think about it some more.” She gave Cherry a kiss on the cheek and then flew from the building, leaving Cider there with him.

“Ah reckon it’ll turn out fine,” Cider hummed. “Still, ah wonder if this’ll throw a wrench into our weddin’ plans.”

“Acey and I can totally move ours up to match yours if you decide that you wanna get wed before she shows,” Cherry pitched in. “We’ve only got a few things left to find, and we don’t really have a date set yet. Sometime before the next year is all we know right now. I’d actually prefer a set date to surprise him with.”

“Jus’ another thing to talk about later ah guess,” Cider mused. Which reminded her, she still hadn’t told her folks or her sister that she was even getting married yet. Whoops.

“Well, guess ah’ll mosey along as well. Y’all take care of yerself Cherry.”

“You too!” The stallion said before leaning in and whispering in the mare’s ear. “And if I were you, I’d check out your greenhouse when I got back home. You might have a bat infestation.” With that, he was bouncing away and humming happily.

“Wait, wha?” Cider blinked as he pronked away. “What the hay does he mean by that?”

It wasn’t until the sun was setting before Ledger and Twilight arrived at Cider’s home. Well, their home. And once they got inside, a rather surprised Thestral awaited them.

“Levvy?” Midnight asked warily. “Do we have another Cider Incident on our hooves here?”

“In a sense~” Scopey sang out from the living room.

“Scope told you nothing, I assume,” Ledger deadpanned.

“This is so much more fun,” the nymph giggled from her rafter-cloud-nest-thing. Midnight glared at him.

“Ledger. Explain. Now.”

“A certain nymph took a certain alicorn’s form, and said alicorn might have caught the tail end of me bending ‘her’ over a desk,” Ledger commented.

Midnight looked from the blushing alicorn to Ledger, to Scope, then back to Ledger... before she fell to the floor and bust a gut laughing at that.

“Hilarious,” Twilight deadpanned.

“No, hilarious was me teasing you for the rest of the workday and working as many double-entendres into my sentences as possible,” Ledger said with a small laugh.

“Level Ledger, there are plenty of cactuses with my range of teleportation, don’t make me get one.” The Alicorn said with a terse tone. “And Midnight, are you going to laugh like that all night?”

The Thestral caught her breath and looked up at them from the floor. “Phewww, I needed that. Thanks for the giggle Bookworm~”

“For the record, your highness, all you had to do was make one back, and I would have considered the lesson over and stopped making them,” Ledger decided to inform the alicorn.

“What. You... Argh!” Twilight snorted as a part of her mane stuck up and her eye twitched. She raised her hoof to her chest and made a sweeping motion as she exhaled. “Okay. I’m good.”

“Well, come upstairs with me and I’ll be the judge of that~” Midnight cooed, sliding up next to her.

Twilight rolled her eyes and sighed. “I’ve been with your stallion all afternoon, I’m exhausted.”

Midnight’s brain screeched to a halt, before she looked at Ledger with righteous fury. “What did you do to my adorkable princess!?”

“I tried to prepare her for you,” Ledger said with a bit of snark. “Something I might have failed at if she didn’t know what she just said and all the ways it could have been taken.”

“Oh, I know exactly what I said,” Twilight giggled as she walked towards the living room, her hips having a very nice sway to them. Ledger sighed and made a cliche’d observation at that moment.

“Hate to watch her go, love to watch her leave.”

Midnight pushed him into the living room and sat him on the couch. “Look, before we do anything else. I want to tell you what happened today. At the doctor’s...and after.”

“You have my attention,” Ledger said, giving her his undivided attention. Something like this demanded it.

“Well... you were right,” she said. “I’m pregnant.”

Twilight gasped and put a hoof to her mouth. Ledger made to hug Midnight, thinking she might want or need the comfort. But the mare shook her head and sat him back down.

“I’m not done yet,” she said. “Look, I’m not gonna lie here. I’m scared. Really scared. I don’t... I don’t know what to do, what I should do... but, I did decide on one thing today. And, I want your honest opinion on it. All of you.”

“I promise to give you nothing but,” the disguised drone replied. Cider and Scope nodded in agreement.

“I’ve...” Midnight wiped a tear from her eye. “I want to keep it. But, I can’t do it alone...do you, want to help me?”

“When…” Ledger said before finally drawing her into a hug and saying his answer barely loud enough for the room to hear.

“When did you think I ever didn’t? I would always help you, even if it was you charging into battle.”

“I dunno,” she cried. Her body shaking slightly. “This isn’t some battle, or you sleeping with a mare... this will affect the rest of our lives! I don’t...”

Everything we do will affect the rest of our lives,” Ledger gently pointed out. “This is just doing so in a manner that would add another to them, forever. If that’s what you want, I see no reason not to help you.”

“An’ y’all already know mah stance on this,” Cider nodded. “Ain’t no way in Tartarus ah’m gonna let you go at it alone.”

“A little kiddy I get to mould into my own image?” Scope said with a maniacal cackle. “Oh this will be great!”

“He or she is gonna be bigger than you after a couple of years,” Midnight snapped back and Scope’s laughter stopped quicker than Pinkie walking past a cake factory.

“Touche,” she said with a nod.

“And we’re friends,” Twilight said. “If you ever need anything, just let me know okay?”

Midnight sniffed, as her eyes got huge and watery. Ledger had very little time to react before he was being drowned in her tears and her love. It just...poured out of her. All of her affection, for all of them. He actually had to stop himself from eating it, it felt like too much for even him to handle.

“Ack,” he said as he held one hoof to his stomach. “Ooof. Full. Somepony. Help.”

“I would, but there’s a table right there and I fear for my innocence around you,” Twilight giggled.

“No, seriously,” Ledger said as he finally broke the hug with Midnight to hold at his stomach. “She’s...pouring the stuff out. It hurts to think about eating another drop. Somepony help.”

Scope was staying well away from ground zero, but even from her perch, she groaned slightly.

At an ice-cream parlour in the city, a yellow sneaking a late treat tilted his head at the red stallion serving him.

“Do you... feel that?”

“I taste that,” the stallion replied before ringing his fellow ‘ling up. “Four bits please.”

Cider rolled her eyes and walked over to Midnight and gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. “Now calm down sugar, it’s alright. But ya might wanna tone down the drama before our cuddlebugs pop.”

“Huh?” Midnight sniffed as she looked at Ledger nursing his stomach. “Heehee, and I thought I was supposed to be the pregnant one.”

“You...filled me,” Ledger said, groaning afterwards. “That has...never happened. I have...never been this full.”

“Now you know how I feel after sex!” Scope called out from her nest. Twilight just flushed red again as Cider shook her head and wet to start on dinner.

“Hmm, I wonder if Ledger’s up for being on the receiving end one of these days,” Midnight mused. “Scopey can swap genders~”

“Nope,” Ledger moaned out. “Not happening. Nuh-uh. I don’t need Scope getting revenge on me for all the times I’ve stuffed her.”

“I like the sound of that~” Scope teased, before putting a hoof to her mouth. “Urh, shouldn’t have moved...”

“Ah hope y’all are hungry, ah cooked up a storm today,” Cider called out from the kitchen.

“Sorry, pretty full,” Ledger moaned before deciding to make a tactical retreat. “I’m...gonna go sleep this bounty off until I don’t feel like exploding just from moving.” His horn lit up silver as he prepared to teleport out of the room.

Midnight grabbed onto him as he did, and the two vanished, whisked away to the bedroom. The Thestral giggled as she appeared, lading next to him on the bed.

“So we meet again,” she smiled.

“Too full to play,” he groaned before turning over and gently massaging his stomach. “You can walk back or I can send you back, but you’re not getting any sexytimes.”

“I don’t care,” she whispered as she hugged him from behind. She closed her eyes as she leaned her head against his back and sighed lightly. “We’ve come a pretty long way since that first day huh?”

“Got even longer to go yet,” Ledger commented idly. “I wanna...have you stay here, cause I love you and I know you need to hold somepony right about now...but I also wanna remind you about a certain alicorn under our roof…”

“I so wanna tell her to wait, I mean, she was the one that showed up unannounced,” Midnight said as she held Ledger a little tighter. So much had happened in the last week or so, and it didn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. “But yeah, I suppose you can’t rest with me loving you like I do either.”

“Just give me a half-hour to process all this love, and I won’t mind your usual amount,” Ledger said as he sighed and enjoyed the hug. “But there’s still a very confused bookworm in the house, probably as confused as you were after I bucked Cider for the first time. I think you should do something about that, cause I’m in no position to.”

“Pfft, you’re just passing the bit,” she said as she let him go and got up. “Besides, the difference is that I’m in love with you, she isn’t.”

“She just saw me bending ‘her’ over a desk not too long ago and basically confessing my infatuation with everything she represents,” Ledger returned. “I think a little clarity would do her wonders.

“So tell her you’re a pervert, got it.” Midnight giggled. Then a thought occurred and she smirked so hard Ledger could feel it. “Oh, and you know that this means you can never tease me for kissing a Princess now, right?”

“I’m not somepony that wants to kiss all the alicorns within hoof’s reach, but point made,” Ledger returned. “See you in a bit?”

“Yeah,” she gave him a light kiss, but one filled with love none-the-less. “I love you... Secret-Hoarder.”

Hearing her speak Changeish... there was only one response that would do.

Și eu te iubesc ... Moonlight-Sonata.”

Midnight smiled, giving him another kiss as some tears dripped onto his cheek. She wiped her face and trotted downstairs. She had a Princess to flirt with~

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