• Member Since 13th Jan, 2014


I write horse stories.

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Discord needs something to keep himself occupied that won't make him end up as a glorified lawn gnome for another thousand years. Knowing that causing chaos on any scale he would like is off-limits, he decides to play his hands/claws at a diversion Celestia seems to have a addiction to: teaching students!

While the search for little ponies he can tutor in the ways of chaos is cold at first, he eventually stumbles on a little pony who seems after his own twisted patchwork heart. A little pony who's bossy. A little pony who's annoying. A little pony who, just possibly, reminds him a little of himself when he was just a few thousand years old.

Indeed, this "Diamond Tiara" is going to be the best student he's ever had!

Chapters (14)

Weeks have past since Tirek had been defeated. Life in Ponyville is back to normality, and Discord couldn't be happier, especially given the fact that all of his friends had forgiven his betrayal.

However, lately he's noticed that Fluttershy doesn't act like herself. She's constantly tired, a bit moody, and overall just not-Fluttershy. She claims to be fine, but Discord is done hearing that excuse.

And he will find out what's wrong. He has to...

.:Couple Portrayed:.
DiscordXFluttershy ( DiscoShy / FlutterCord )

Chapters (4)

After a year and a half of being on this site... FIRST STORY FEATURED! 4/29/14
I love you all.

Parents gone, check.
Castle to themselves, check.
Totally gonna be the responsible older sister... debatable.

Celestia finally has a chance to prove that she's old enough to stay home alone with Luna, if she doesn't completely mess everything up first.

Very short story, very cute story. Personal writing practice.
HERE IS A LINK to the artist of the cover image, of which I take no credit. Awesome gallery, check it out!

Chapters (26)

Have you ever been on a trip that you really did not want to go on? Well that's how I feel right about now. I'm Edward, just some 23 year old shut-in and I've been dragged along for a boring-ass vacation on some island in the middle of nowhere.

Although, it would seem that my destination would be somewhere very different. While still being in the middle of nowhere, I'm in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of talking colorful horses. What's worse, is I can't even understand a damn thing they are saying; but, oh it gets even better than that; I'm now somehow one of these things.

Before I can even think about getting out of this mess, I'll need to learn how to even walk and talk like one of them, maybe then I can get some answers and hopefully find my way home.

Earlier chapters are weak. You've been warned.
Rated teen for slight language and suggestive themes.
Edited by Darastrix. Pre-read by Azu.
Cover image by Sinrar.
Not a blatant self-insert.

Chapters (12)

There comes a point when you can no longer run from the things you've done. Ryan Williams believes that he has reached this point, but sometimes, just as we are about to close one door, another opens before us, changing our lives in ways we could never have imagined.

Update: Redemption now has a live reading! Done by Teraunce, you can find it here: https://youtu.be/W4vLoB3Lbk0
Go give it (and his channel) some love :D

Chapters (15)

Twilight and Celestia have been in a relationship for a while now, and Twilight decided that it was the right time to introduce her new marefriend to her parents. Celestia was nervous, of course, but thought little of it.

But when Twilight asks about Celestia's parents, things get far more complicated.

After all, it's always a little awkward when your parents aren't exactly ponies in the first place.

Now on Equestria Daily!

And in Russian!

Entry for the Fourth Twilestia Contest

Super special thanks to Fuzzyfurvert and Habanc for putting up with me and my silly ideas and generally being awesome, and to OnionPie and Craine for proofing.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Wanderings of a Non-Brony

After the six year journey around the planet in Wanderings of a Non-Brony, The human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in Equestria for good. He sees no choice but to settle down in Ponyville, ready to live the rest of his life as best as he can.

This is his life.

Edited by Marioland1 and Strike89

Chapters (56)

This story is a sequel to No, I Am Not A Brony, Get Me Outta Equestria!

After leaving Ponyville, the human TD Harrison Powell finds himself in even stranger territory than the land of the ponies. Will he find his way home? Or will he find out that he should have stayed in Ponyville under the watchful eyes of the Royal Sisters after all?

Edited by the amazing Jack Kellar and Marioland1

Special thanks to MyHobby for the cover art!!

Chapters (28)

I'd heard about the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic from my college roommate who is way too into the show. Disturbingly so, actually, but good gravy I would never watch the darned thing! What am I, five? I've got better things to do with my time than watch a silly little girl's show. However, that didn't stop... something from transporting me into the world of the show, so here I am... in Equestria... trying to get home. This is gonna be interesting.

Special thanks to GuyFace, Jack Kellar, Storm Shaker, Spiffy McSquee, and Goober Trooper for helping me with this one!

Chapters (26)

Cadence and Shining Armor visit one of their generals and his wife in the hospital to give their congratulations on the new born foal. However... the visit wasn't as routine as they first thought.

Based off ScopeEva's prompt/idea during a discussion. Told ya I'd put it on my to-do list.

Chapters (1)