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Life has a weird way of messing with you. You might get screwed here or there, out a job, maybe a stab in the back, nothing you can't get back from. Then there are those times. The times you can't get back from within your wildest dreams. And the universe couldn't cut me a break and make the impossibility simple. Nope, didn't get to stay human, didn't get the luxury of being transmorgified into a pony, griffon, or other, I didn't even end up as an already established pony within the candyland of Equestria!

Nope, for me, I wake up not as Pinkie Pie, but instead inside the mind of Pinkie Pie. Back on the rock farm when she was a filly. My name ain't that important anymore, but Pinkie's taken to calling me Mena. And it's gonna be a long, windy, freaky road ahead, ain't it?


[Tags will be updated if need be. Dark tag there for overall and reoccurring themes. And while it's not enough to warrant the tag there may be adventure elements from time to time. Critique is welcome and I hope you enjoy!]

Holy cow, featured on day/night one! Thank you muchly so everybody!

9/19/2023: Overall grammar overhaul for existing chapters.

Chapters (14)

A young human child wakes up in the dragon lands as a dragon, following some unforeseen events he ends up in Equestria with his new dragon friend of the same age. Follow his insane journey as he tries to make sense of it all and the ponies try to make sense of him. Eventually a certain goddess discovers his strange actions and ideas have something in common with a certain bearded wizard of the past.

Editors: skultech, Albert Manhattan

Fully Edited as of 8/8/14

Chapters (18)

(Second Person fanfic)

You have just moved into your new apartment and look forward to your new job at a bakery. You think life could not be any better, that is until you meet your neighbor who looks and acts like Pinkie Pie. Will you get along with this hyperactive funny girl, or will she drive you insane?

Chapters (11)

It's late. So late, in fact, that it's early. The clock in the room reads well past one in the morning. There's also a storm hammering against this girl's home, trying to lull her to sleep. Stubbornly, she remains awake, drawing, surfing the internet, and basically procrastinating another night away.

So, what is it that makes this night any different from another one that she has lived through? What strange occurrence occurs that makes it stand out? That changes her life forever? That changes the course of- Oh you get the idea.

Have a look through "A Twilight Landing" and find out. Follow Twilight through her journey on Earth, her quest to return home, and the people that help her along the way.

Author's Note

This story runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse". Those stories are, So Many Wonders, My Little Marriage, Abhorsen, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. :pinkiesmile:

Art Work

A Game of Geometry by Balthasar999

Other Related and World Relevant Works
Bap : Being a Pony

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Everypony from the collab group, Alex Nuage, Cold Spike, Firebirdbtops, Stormy Weather and everyone else involved!

Chapters (32)

On a fateful night, Alex wins the divine lottery and is approached by Hermes, an Olympian god. He is promised one wish, whatever it may be.

Alas, the encounter doesn't quite work out like he hoped it would.

Alex finds himself thrown into a world that is wholly unfamiliar to him. Gone are his dreams of meeting the mane six. He doesn't even have the luxury of keeping his human form.

Having to deal with an unfamiliar surrounding and a new body, this story follows him on his way to find his own place in this alien world.

Character tags will be added as they become relevant. Teen rating is mostly for some bloody scenes. (nothing too gory). Also, the prologue plays far off in the
future of this story and we won't be returning to that point in quite some time.

Join the Discord, where you can discuss the story, but also just make new friends!

Divine Universe, the FimFic group all about the Divine Entertainment universe!

Arrival Arc:
Chapter 1 - 9
23,198 Words

Journey Arc:
Chapter 10 - 28
48,381 Words

Scholar Arc:
Chapter 29 - 63
133,627 Words

Disclaimer: You may encounter several broken image links in the notes of this story... sorry.

Chapters (64)

A human wakes up in the everfree before the events of nightmare moon. Or adult Luna and Celestia. Oh, and he’s a bird. A magical bird, but still a bird.

Chapters (58)

"Always expect the unexpected in life, after all, life is unpredictable." Jeff Manns, a 20 year-old high school graduate, has finally moved out of his parents home. Jeff's life couldn't be better, he has a job, he's living on his own, the whole world before him, and he has... six magical miniature fillies? How did these creatures end up in Jeff's life, and what does he even know about taking care of these three inch tall fillies? Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

Sidenote - the lovely Fred2266 has actually done a reading from a long while ago on some of the first chapters on this story! So show him some support and enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlrBLTmK4B0&t=19s

Chapters (9)

We all know that Twilight Sparkle went back to her own world after she defeated Sunset Shimmer. They know it too. So why is it that on their senior trip they see a girl that looks exactly like her?!

Chapters (4)

A 16 year-old boy is transported to Equestria and given the form of a dragon. He makes several unexpected friends and at the same time will discover his own powers, but will the ponies trust him because of it? He will have to convince them if he is to stop the upcoming threat and restore balance to the magic of Equestria.

Chapters (15)

This is a one shot. It is the first one I've ever written and it was done in one session.

Dark tag is for implying certain outcomes.

Alexander suddenly finds himself in the world of Equestria without any explanation at all. He finds himself as one of the Pinkie Pie clones from the episode "Too many Pinkies" and staring at paint. He dares not move as he knows what's coming if he does. With only his knowledge of MLP:FIM and the memories of the clone he now inhabits he has to find a way to stay, while keeping the real Pinkie Pie out of danger as well.

This one, is a hard one.

This idea hit me like a truck after reading "Drifting" Written by: ShadowKirby

Featured: (2015-05-14) to (2015-05-18) Thank you all! Also, this story now has a sequel, it's called "This is worse!".

IK+ likes? Holy Guacamole!:rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)