• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2012


Just a fan of fun stories, looking to enjoy them, and when I can finally grab enough time for myself write them once more!

Reading Now 927 stories
  • Reading Now 927 stories - 11352 unread chapters This is the stuff I'm currently neck deep in and waiting for it to update just like my icon would.
    Created by Camlio
    - October, 2014
Found 528 stories in 65ms

Total Words: 42,715,330
Estimated Reading: 16 weeks



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Naruto's life has been taken and is given a second chance at life due to certain circumstances. However, what he didn't realize is that he would be living in a world of ponies and magic, not in his own world. Will Naruto learn to put his past life behind and accept this strange new world as his home? Or will he reject it outright and find a way back to Konoha?

Rated T for Blood, Violence, and Language.

Image is from a user named VertreV from Deviantart. Give 'em a round of applause!

Chapters (30)

Now an audio drama series!

It's been around 8 years since Twilight's coronation to being a princess and the cutie mark crusaders are in their last year of high school, but they still don't have cutie marks. As time has gone on they've learnt not to let this bother them and it's hardly at the front of their mind in this studious and stress-filled time.

Twilight invites the three to attend the Grand Galloping Gala for the very first time and the three are ecstatic, but Scootaloo is nervous. A colt named Shiner that she had rejected to be her date to the gala was to attend and she realised she still has feelings for him. Once she confesses to him he softens up immediately and the two begin a beautiful relationship.

Shiner has his cutie mark, which gets on the girls' minds and they decide to once again dedicate a large amount of their time to crusading for cutie marks, with any help they can get, but their friends, relationships and school life stand in the way.

GeneralZoi Pony Creator Codes for OCs!

Shiner: 343M005010DBDBDBFEF99E02900003FD3UN173C040201001W0540000FF7FFF05107F3FCC004CB2
Applebrown: 2A1D00100089883DFFC49D0040100FE48UN183722B40000081CC8304FEDB8009107F3FCC004CB2
Uncle Applcore: 372A004000D3A900FFC49D0290000BB96UN1333014200020C06D5252FF7FFF0F107F3FCC004CB2
Aunt Applestalk: 352S0S600029EF4DFFC49D0070100BB96UN183702800100190824B4BFF7FFF0O107F3FCC004CB2
Quick Quilt: 2Y4T000100E0DEFEFFC49D00A0100BB96UN1837501000000A1CC0000FE808004107F3FCC004CB2
Mr.Stitcolt: 3K37004200EEFE00FFC49D037000C00BAUN183710B000500R1000000FFFFFE06107F3FCC004CB2
Prince Regal Crown: 1O2I000210FEE0FDFFC49D0300015FC00UN1935108000001N000098CFF7FFF06107F3FCC004CB2 (ACCESORIES: 066CC66066CC66066CC662CC0000066CC6604E8FBAFFFF8C7D10000066CC666D10000066CC66)
Chemist Carpenter: 3B2S00510093A541FFC49D0090000FE1AUK173B009000102I1FFFFFEA1A1A019107F3FCC004CB2
Mr.Baker: 324B007000AFAFAFFFC49D0240000BB96UN331411900000070000000FF7FFF0T107F3FCC004CB2
Buckingham Ghost Pony: 2Z5K004010FE7575FFC49D00040BAF0FEUN313430000000180F2E8FEFF7FFF0A107F3FCC004CB2

Chapters (10)

The Great Equestrian Foam Sword Fight is a fabled event that happens once every fifty years. To win the event, one must incapacitate another pony using the most dangerous weapon known to pony-kind.

The foam sword.

The winner of the event is also said to win untold riches that nopony knows about. With everypony trying to win those riches, the strongest bonds will shatter, the dirtiest of tricks will be played and all bets are off. After all, there can only be one winner.

It is also one of the few times were a pony can legally knock out another pony using a piece of foam.

Tagged other due to fimficiton only allowing 5 characters.

Chapters (10)

Link is reborn in Equestria, unaware of his fate he lives his life day to day. When ponyville is attacked Link takes up arms and embarks on an adventure of self discovery and continues the eternal fight between good and evil. undergoing rewrite

Chapters (3)

Everyone knows the story of how Geo came to be in Equestria, how he came to meet Twilight Sparkle and the Mane Six, and how he fell in love only for Fate to royally screw him over and send him back to his own world.

But what if he had met somepony else instead? Namely Cheerilee, the stalwart teacher of Ponyville's young. Through their time together, they both realise that they can learn so much from each other — including how to love.

But when jealousy rears its ugly head, the consequences can be very dire indeed...


Part of the Alternate Geoverse.

It is simply an idea that I've had for a while and wanted to write. The story starts after Geo is shot and ends up in the forest clearing. It is written in first person from Geo's POV.

Characters will be tagged as they appear.

Chapters (11)

Long after the wedding and the fiasco with the Changelings, Shining Armour and Cadence are finally settled in at home. But one bundle of 'joy' may just end it all.

Getting the help of his younger sis', Shining try's to keep the foal a secret from his wife. But how long will she remain a secret, and how will ice cream cones get involved?

Edited by: The Princess Rarity

Chapters (8)

Third installment of the Leech series - you'll need to read the other two first to understand this. I apologize for this in advance.

After months of being worshipped as heroes, Trixie and Leech must finally face normal life as Canterlot citizens - it seems in the superficial culture of Canterlot, even heroism has a shelf-life. After the furor has died down, Trixie has begun working the cabaret circuit with her magic shows - but can she compete amid Equestria's most talented and powerful unicorns? Her discovery of a new power may help her...

Meanwhile, just how does a changeling with the IQ of an empty potato sack get by in a society with such incredibly high standards?

(Original Trixie pic from mlp.wikia.com, ham-fistedly modified by me.)

Chapters (17)

A strange creature named Yoshi from the Mushroom Kingdom has appeared in fair Equestria. An unknown threat has caused strange occurrences back home, and he needs assistance. Does the root of the problem lie in this new land he has descended upon?

After the origin of the threat is discovered, Yoshi is delayed by an unfortunate injury, giving him ample time to make new friends and form new relationships in Equestria. When the method and opportunity to save the Mushroom Kingdom and go home are revealed, will he do it? With all the new friends he's made, Yoshi may find that leaving Equestria might be more painful than he thought.

Will Yoshi ultimately choose to stay with his new Equestrian pals? Can his Mushroom Kingdom family conquer the danger without him?

Warning: There are non-canon references abound in this story. Be prepared.

Edited and Proofread by Shahrazad.
Cover Picture by Norm.

Chapters (22)

After GLaDOS is uploaded into a potato battery, Wheatley humiliates the AI even further by uploading her into a project that was abandoned by Aperture a long time ago. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself in a deformed body of flesh and bone that resembles an equine, and is just as powerless as one too. It comes with all of its needs and bodily functions as well. To make matters worse, she's trapped in a land full of insufferable creatures that just want to make 'friends.' Will GLaDOS' cold, sadistic sense of humor and morals get the better of the ponies? Or will they peel away the once artificial being's metallic shell and find that there's a softer side? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Story Theme: Tyler Bates - I Love You (Watchmen OST)

Thanks to Meeester, MrJoshy, and funkyferret for proofreading/reviewing.

Cover by Fedte16.

Chapters (16)

This is the story of a young pegasus stallion, or you specifically. After the passing of your mother, and your ever increasing distant father, your brother has never felt safe in the cloud home. Afraid of heights and normal life in Cloudsdale, you decide to abandon your former life to start a new one on the ground, in a town called Ponyville. While there you find a cute mare that runs the local post office who goes by the name of Ditzy Doo.

Chapters (15)