
This story is a sequel to A Demon In Equestria

An ancient evil, King Sombra, brutal ruler of the Crystal Empire, has returned, and the threat of his dark power looms over the Equestrian Empire. It is up to the Twilight Sparkle and her friends, accompanied by the demoness HellCaller and her apprentice, the Great and Powerful Trixie, to stop him once and for all.

A crossover between a more sword and sorcery style MLP and the Pathfinder setting.

Cover art courtesy of Ambris and used with permission.

Chapters (4)

When MTU sophomore Midnight Lancer bumps into a pretty little country mare, he figured it was little more than a happy accident, just a way to make a new friend on his way to orientation. Little did the stallion know, hiding just beneath her soft fur and cozy smile was a mare wrought with trauma, obsession and a rather strange talent with rope. Will he be able to make it through his second year of college in one piece? Probably not.

Content Warning: This story will delve into some darker themes, such as mentions of traumatic incidents like abuse and blood as well as featuring stalking. If that's not your style, don't be afraid to skip this one!

This is my first story on here so please feel free to give me any constructive feedback if you decide to take a chance and read!

Chapters (2)

In a world after the horrors of the Great War with the changelings and a rampant Cold War with the Griffon Empire. The new atomic bombs made from crystals have changed the conception of the world and war; the nuclear tests on the southern islands of Equestria and Griffonian by the two superpowers of the moment have awakened something that will change the paradigm of a world mired in mistrust.

In a world with an increasing presence of nuclear energy, creatures that have lived long before even ponies or griffins evolved begin to awaken in a world that lived unaware of what was below them. A new age begins for this world, whether they are ready or not.

In this context, Starlight Glimmer, one of the most notable scientists in Equestria's nuclear program, finds herself involved in an adventure of extreme risk and titanic battles; motivated by the search for explanations for the death of her great friend, which will later become a search for revenge, the unicorn will travel half the world to recover the life that was taken from her.

The natural balance has been broken.

This story is fully based on Legendary's 2014 Godzilla Movie, personally one of my favorites due to its setting and relative realism compared to its sequels. I will seek to be as faithful to the original material as possible, giving it my favorite touch, which is the military. It is not for nothing that I chose Equestria At War for its atmosphere.
Speaking of which, Equestria At War is a mod for the game Hearts of Iron IV. The story is based on the geographical locations that we find in the mod, however, it may not respect the lore in a reliable way and I took certain creative liberties for this adaptation.
This is my first fic and I would appreciate all kinds of feedback.

Chapters (4)

It is the year 0211 of the Celestial Calendar, two centuries after the Solar Unification War which brought all the nations of the Earth under the rule of high sovereign Princess Celestia. Technology has advanced greatly under the guidance of the immortal monarch, and humanity has taken its first steps into the stars.

After generations of relative peace and stability, the Earth Sphere is embroiled in a new conflict when High General Luna, dissatisfied with the complacency of her sister, forms a coalition of space colonies vying for an independent government on the moon. The rising tensions between the two sisters finally culminates in the bloody Selene Revolt, sparking the great and terrible Sister's War.

Twilight Sparkle is a graduate and prodigy of the Celestial Institute of Technological Research, and has spent the last three months helping to develop a new weapon for the Celestial Forces. A Mobile Suit utilizing the Compact Harmony Engine of her own design. When the Coalition launches a surprise attack on the project's research facility, Twilight is forced to sortie in the newly completed "Gundam", and discovers that this weapon- and this war- hide more secrets than she knows.

Chapters (4)

Sometime after the incident with Sludge happens, Spike's been more and more conflicted on where he really came from, he never properly got the answer as to where he came from, and this incident only made him question it more. But one day, he wakes up to receive a strange letter that's in his room. And upon reading it, the letter surprises him greatly when it says that it's from someone who claims to be his mom, and that she is in a world of Dragons, the Dragon Realm, and for them to finally meet and for Spike to understand where he came from, he needs to go there in order to find her.

The letter had a potion that looked to be able to teleport Spike to this world, and after heavy thinking, Spike decides to go on his own to find out what really happened to him by himself, he leaves a letter for Twilight and the others to let them know he's going out on his own to find his own calling. When he arrives in this world, he meets a purple dragon by the name of Spyro, and after learning about eachother's problems, Spike and Spyro team up in order to stop the threats that come in their way, while also trying to find Spike's mother..

Chapters (4)

King Sombra has seized control of most of Equus, and even with every kingdom joining the fight they stand no chance against the mighty stallion who calls himself a god. Every enemy defeated becomes another member of his grand crystal army, and only one mare has the power to stop him. The only problem is she wants nothing to do with it.

This is an Amory Wars crossover, but you don't need to know the story for context. I wrote it to stand on its own. Loosely inspired by the King Sombra AU from the show.

Chapters (1)

Misty remembers everything about the second worst day of her lifeā€”the day she was filly-napped. She hoped she'd never remember it again, especially since she already found her father, and now that she remembers, she wished she could forget.

That is...until a fellow unicorn friend teaches her why it's so important to remember every aspect of her past, even if those memories only bring pain and heartache.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy's Desires

Anonymous Commission

A spin-off of my longstanding Fluttershy's Desires series, this takes place right after "The Lie". A stressed-out Rarity notices how blissful and serene Fluttershy has been lately, and when the pegasus notes that a special treatment courtesy of Pinkie Pie is the secret to Fluttershy's relaxation, Rarity gets curious. She goes up to Pinkie Pie, requesting that whatever she did to Fluttershy, she wants the exact same treatment.

Fluttershy may have left out the fact that she's asked Pinkie to tickle her silly.

This is an OLD fic of mine that's being allowed to see the light of day. And by old, I mean I wrote this almost 7 years ago and haven't really looked at it since. So this is gonna be a fun surprise for all of us.

Story contains: Bondage, tickling, and a drastic blast from the past from the writer's perspective.

Chapters (1)

During her pregnancy, Derpy's friends try to help her learn important skills, including how to feed a foal.

This story is a sequel to Derpy's Going to be a Mommy!

Please leave a comment and any feedback you have; it would really help and make my day! I mean, I'm 25 and writing MLP fanfics in 2024; it's clear to say I don't get much social interaction :derpytongue2: every comment means the world to me (even the critical ones)!

This story was given the T rating and the tag just to be safe since some of you lovable screwballs might get a kick out of the feeding scenes; however, the story is not intended to be graphic or lewd.

Chapters (1)

When Babs Seed goes missing in the heart of Manehattan, Applejack and Apple Bloom waste no time in looking for her. But as they delve deeper into the city's shadows, the sisters find they may have bitten off more than they can chew.

Written for The Writeoff Association's event: "Something Ain't Right".

Chapters (2)