
Twilight Sparkle a popstar and popular author on many websites and apps goes to a school named Canterlot High school. On her first day she meets three formally people;her childhood friends. Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. The drama is that she was a crush on one of them seens childhood and is best friend with one of them and is jealous off one of them.

Read more to find out how she gets expose by a traitor, misses her chances to confess and gets to have a high school life she never dreamed about.
Sadly for Rarity a bad Cowgirl has a crush on her.

Even though this story is a TwiDash story I want to put Rarity and Applejack in it 'cause they'd really fit in my story really well as how AJ is a badgirl Cowgirl and Rarity is a dram queen and a millionaire. So I hope you enjoy it.

Chapters (2)

[Note: This Story is best read in night mode, The reason being is Rarity's speech color]

Caine Alstart. Who is he? Well he's just your regular average high school student. As Caine fell asleep after watching Kamen Rider Gotchard vs Kamen Rider Legends he wook up in the woods with the Legends Driver beside him. You think that would shock him but the true shock is when they discovered they have hooves instead of hands. How will he be able to handle this? Where even is he? And why is he a horse? Only time will tell. No... a GORGEOUS TIME!!! can tell~

Chapters (2)

After discovering the parties that Diamond Tiara goes, Scootaloo decides that she and her friends are old enough to do the same. Gradually the nortune exits become more frequent and take a different course.

Chapters (1)

Discord grows jealous when a Pegasus colt befriends Fluttershy and threatens their relationship, but dark and sinister things occur when the Tree of Harmony gets destroyed and the sun and moon disappear. The MANE 6 must set out to save Equestria as well as the entire world by venturing out to new and far away countries and wielding new and powerful artifacts.

Shipped couples: 

  • Fluttershy ♥️ Discord
  • Twilight ♥️ Flash Sentry
  • Rarity ♥️ Spike
  • Applejack ♥️ Caramel
  • Pinkie Pie ♥️ Cheese Sandwich
  • Rainbow Dash ♥️ Soarin
  • Starlight ♥️ Sunburst
  • More in the future

Warning: there will be lots and lots of Fluttercord, which will be the main shipping in this series, so if you're not a fan of this ship, then this story isn't the one for you.

Chapters (2)

Set a few hours after the events of “For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils.”

Sweetie Belle was able to fix the headdress and save Rarity’s career, but her mind still lingers on the premonitions from her dreams and what they say about her as a pony.

My Slice of Life entry for the A Thousand Words III contest.

Proofread and revised by Love and What Came After.

Artwork: By ManDuMustBauskaneMen

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sugar and Spice

One chance encounter leads to another, where Sour Sweet meets the demure Coco Pommel.

But will things turn out sweet or sour?

You don't really need to read "Sugar and Spice" first to understand what's going on, but it'd be appreciated.

A thank you to Scholarly-Cimmerian for proofreading before publishing. Cover by me.

Two of six.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is picky, judgemental and quite frankly, annoyed about some of the relationships and shippings going around in Equestria. She has taken it upon herself to save relationships or break them up!

Chapters (1)

That the prior genius plan failed isn't her fault. Chrysalis can only think in brilliance, so how is she supposed to anticipate what the moronic ponies might come up with? So now there's some kind of magical law called the Doctrine Of Signatures, which in this context means that if the Bearers have something from her, they can use it as a channel to ward her off? Well, two can play at that game. All she has to do is tap into her diminished minion reserves and send someone out to collect all of their signatures. And once she has the complete set to funnel her own magic through, it's vengeance time.

It's a brilliant plan.

So naturally, she's going to make it rely on an idiot.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Cover image from FluttershyTheKind at DeviantArt

Chapters (1)

Lucky Coin has always been an avid worker. When he’s told to jump, he says “how high?” When told to fill out form A38, he asks “how fast?” And when told to apply heavy sanctions on a struggling widow who forgot to declare a purchase she’s made half a decade ago, Lucky ensures that it’ll be his absolute pleasure.

It’s with this kind of go-getter attitude that Lucky secured himself the prestigious and heavily sought-over position as the new liaison between the Equestrian Revenue Bureau and the municipality of Ponyville. The catch? After rifling through the new files he inherited, much to his shock, he winds up uncovering the fraudulent background of an Element Bearer.

What can be done when criminal activities originate from a pony with diplomatic immunity? Can the Bureau find a loophole to hoofcuff the perpetrator? And if so, will Equestria stay safe with one of their protectors wasting away behind bars? Is this bureaucratic maelstrom and its many political ramifications even worth the hassle?

For Lucky Coin, the answer couldn’t be clearer: The law supersedes everything. It’s up to him to set this mess straight.

Chapters (1)