
Victory over Equestria seemed so certain for Queen Chrysalis... until it was torn from her hooves at the last minute by the efforts of Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Shortly after that embarrassing defeat, Chrysalis's entire army is imprisoned by squat little green creatures she can only assume are agents of Celestia, while she herself is soon isolated from her subjects and cut off from her connection to the hive mind. Alone, for the first time in her life, Chrysalis struggles to survive long enough to reunite with her own kind.

Inspired somewhat by Shadowflash's Thanatos' Creed, this is my attempt at writing a Fallout crossover with a bit of an unconventional twist.

Pre-read by Shadowflash and Best Pony.

Rated Teen because it's a Fallout story and contains violence.

Chapters (5)

This story is undergoing major changes, and just might be integrated with another story of mine. Thus, this one might not be started again until the other is complete. It is by no means going to be cancelled. I made a promise to a colleague, and I intend to keep it. This WILL be completed, just at a later date.

Murphy Dryadson had just left the E3 convention. Or rather, tried to. He kinda got outsmarted by an interdimensional deity. The result? He got sent to a land previously thought to be make-believe, as the character he was dressed as. Complete with a mark on his hand containing a power that grows each passing day. Now he's in the middle of a war and has to figure out how to get home.

Typical Mondays, as always.

This story is not originally mine. Indeed, the author of the story had lost interest in it, but didn't want to see it sitting and rotting like a piece of roadkill on a highway. So, he entrusted it to me. The author is no less than the exceptional writer and word weaver, BlueSun52. Go give him a look (and a follow, if you please), his work is amazing.

Now, to clear some things up.

First, this will not be exactly the same, sadly, as the admins make clear rules against such things, plagiarism and all that. No, I'm afraid it will be quite different. The main character will be the same, of that you can be of sure of, so don't worry about that.

Secondly, if you've any suggestions or comments or, especially, concerns, please notify me. I would greatly appreciate it, and, admittedly, at times I may need it to keep going at a steady pace.

Finally, story tags will be added as the elements of said tags appear, just to add to the mystery.

And that's about it. Now, please enjoy the story.

Chapters (1)

I used to be a human, but then I pissed off a wizard. Now I'm stuck in "Ponyville", in a land called "Equestria", and with no apparent way back home. I'm also pretty sure that I've just replaced somepony. I'd rather not have to answer any tricky questions, so I'm better off trying to be this unicorn whose name has been forced onto me.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm not a pony.

[Rated Teen for extensive use of vulgar language and sexual references.]

[Cover art made by richhap on deviant art. Unamused Twilight, go figure.]

[Brybrythesciguy is working on a cool audiobook of this story right HERE. The characters' voices are even simulated with an AI! I definitely recommend giving it a listen!]

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to Chaos is Displaced. The Tale of Loki!

Home is where my heart is, now I just have to find it. You know in a Void of Infinite realities. This should be "Fun".

After defeating the evil Twilight, Loki now lost in the void. Unable to find his Equestria he is forced to travel though the void itself.

Can he make a difference as the newly titled God of Balance, or would he fail to live up to the name?

All in all with two voices in his head a least he wouldn't go bored.

Co-written with thunderclap

Chapters (14)

Three tenno find themselves stranded on a small planet on the outermost region of the origin system after a sabotage mission on a Grineer Famorian results in faliure. They quickly find out that the planet is inhabited by intelligent life forms, and that said life forms are the new target of the Grineer and their twin queens.

Can the tenno neutralize the grineer threat or will the planet and it's inhabitants be utterly destroyed?

Warframe is owned by DE (Digital Extremes)

Chapters (16)

Diets are no fun and Mrs. Cake finds herself needing to lose a few extra pounds if she wants to keep the attention of her loving husband.

Psychological/Body horror based off of the nightmare that is dieting.

Featured on 5/30/2021.

Chapters (1)

Ryan O'Connor was a young man with a long career in medicine ahead of him. Was being the operative word, as Ryan has been dead for a long time, only brought back a monstrous bio-weapon that he helped create. Now on his third life, he finds himself in a world he never expected to end up in. How is he still alive, and more importantly, why is he surrounded by ponies?
[Prototype]-MLP Crossover

(Please excuse continuity issues, the story is currently undergoing a rewrite.)

Chapters (20)

The fourth great ninja war has ended, orochimaru is defeated, the Akatsuki killed, but for naruto, everything comes at a price.

Chapters (10)

“Demonstrate to the world, there is ‘No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy’ than a U.S. Marine.”
~Gen. James Mattis

Excited for his first deployment, young marine LCpl. Kevin Brooke and his fellow squad mates of Bravo Company 2nd Battalion 1st Marines, begin their journey through the Pacific Ocean with the U.S. Navy carrier fleet. On their second day of voyage, they encounter a large floating crystal, ending in a swift and devastating battle.

After awakening in an unknown world, four ships (‘USS’ Anchorage, Princeton, Spruance & Michael Murphy) must adapt to a land filled with talking ponies while finding their way back home. However, during their stay, Queen Chrysalis rebuilds her army to take on her new enemies, and Brooke slowly unfolds the depths of a forgotten past.

*Edited/Proofread by Dumbgamer999, totallynotabrony, & Groggari
*Rated for graphic violence, language, and gore
*Additional Tags: Random (occurs a few times in the story), Comedy, Dark, Thriller
*All characters (humans) in this story are fictional and are not affiliated with the U.S. military and other international militaries
*This story takes place several months after S03E02
*My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro Studios & Lauren Faust

-November 24, 2014 -- Wow... I have no words what to say about this. Thanks so much for this achievement.

Chapters (22)

Having survived their trail by fire as drafted soldiers of the Legion, Trixie, Blossomforth, and Coco Pommel have been assigned to a newly formed unit called the Underwatch. Its purpose; to investigate and counter the newly discovered threat of a race of giant underground dwelling spiders referred to in Legion folklore as the Lurkers. Now part of a patchwork unit made up of various Legionnaires from all across the Barrier Lands, Trixie and her friends must contend with the extreme personalities of their comrades as much as the danger they'll be facing in investigating the machinations of their arachnid adversaries.

This is a sequel story to Legionnaires of Equestria, and is based upon the Upheaval series by Visiden Visidane.

Chapters (7)