• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH16: Y U NO BRING DEAD ANIMAL!? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) (Revised)

Special Thanks:

Editors: DaMobbs


Revenge is such a fickle thing…

Especially when cursed with random mood swings…

And this obsession over a lost corpse…

…Gives him no excuse to show any remorse


Chapter 16: Y U NO BRING DEAD ANIMAL? ლ(ಠಠლ)

“I want my ramen…. Uwooo…” Naruto moaned while sucking on his hoof.

“Naruto, I can understand that you’re sad but screaming like a fil— I mean, madpony isn’t going to change anything! You’re lucky the hospital isn’t going to charge us extra for that window you shattered!” Twilight said with an intimidating glare.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… it’s just…” He began with a sniffle. “That there’s no Ramen in this place… or, heck, I’m surprised that you’ve never heard of it. How does one live without the king of all things tasty!?”

Twilight gave a small sigh as she tried comforting him once more.

“Naruto, it’s only Pinkie and I… maybe somepony else would know what ‘Ramen’ is?” Twilight said. Pinkie followed up her statement, bouncing up and down with a smile on her face.

“Yeah Naruto! I’m sure whatever this noodle heavenly goodness is someone is bound to know! I specialize in candy and cake, not noodles! Ooh!” In a blink of an eye, she disappeared from sight. A heavy weight pressed down on Naruto’s head causing him to flinch in surprise. “Maybe I should make licorice? Or maybe Licorice with tomato sauce!? Tomatoes are sweet, it would be a Licorice a la mode! Or maybe—” Her mindless babble was cut short when Naruto collapsed onto the ground, no longer able to support himself and Pinkie Pie’s weight. Struggling for air, he lifted his head up slightly to speak.

“Too… heavy…” Pinkie Pie merely stuck her chin up in the air, emitting a ‘hmmph’ before jumping off his head.

“No need to be all rudey rude pants!” Pinkie said with distaste.

Twilight couldn’t help but facehoof at Pinkie’s antics.

Naruto’s mental breakdown and Twilight’s recap of her story burned through so much of their time that it was already getting late. The nurse walked back in with the release papers and since nothing else came up during his stay, he was free to go. It feels good to be able to move around again, he thought. With his trusty Konoha headband on his head, his friends at his side, and the notion of a bigger reward, everything was right as rain. At least, everything was until he realized he was missing his jacket. The last time he had it on was in the forest and it wasn’t what you would call in great shape.

He felt somehow naked without it. Maybe they know where it went, he thought. He looked towards Twilight and Pinkie as they walked out of the hospital.

“Twilight, do you know what happened to my jacket?” Naruto asked..

“Oh, I almost forgot. We dropped it off at Rarity’s after we took you to the hospital. It was in tatters and covered in dried blood but we thought that if anypony could save it, she could. As a matter of fact, didn’t you save something for Rarity a while back?”

“I did? What did I save?”

“Don’t you remember? You found Rarity’s cat, Opalescence! When she saw the jacket, she told me all about what you did for her. She said that she was still very grateful for what you did.”

“It was nothing, really. I’m just glad to help, even though it was a request…”

“What do you mean?”

“Searching for her cat was a task that got posted on the Request Board.”

“So, that means you saved her cat in exchange for bits?”

“Pretty much… I was happy to help, regardless… although I do feel sorry for that cat… It looked like, um… what’s her name… ah right, Opalescence. It seemed like she didn’t want to go back to Rarity. Almost like it had a grudge or something against her…” Naruto said with a small cough. Pinkie Pie spoke up as well as she hopped behind him.

“Ooh, ooh! Maybe the poor wittle kitty cat hates her so much that she loves her? Love comes in different forms after all!”

“I... guess?” Naruto said in confusion as he scratched his head. Opalescence wasn’t his, so maybe it was just something that came from actually owning one? In fact, it did in fact remind him of a mission back when... wait a second.

Naruto paused mid trot. “Wait… Rarity is sewing my jacket back together?” Twilight nodded.

“Well yeah, I just said tha—”

Rarity, right?”

Twilight hesitated. “Ok, just where are you going with this Naruto?”

“She hates my personal taste in clothes, heck, you saw it too! Why on earth would she agree to fix it?”

“Oh come now… I’m sure she doesn’t hate it.”

“She fainted when she looked at me,” Naruto rattled off. This earned a nervous laugh from Twilight and a furrowed brow from Pinkie. Pinkie hopped in front of Naruto and placed her face up against his, her eyes staring into his and her warm breath tickling his face. He froze, not wanting to trigger the pony into doing anything he might regret. Seconds ticked by and she just stood there..

“Um…?” Naruto hesitantly asked.



Her outburst caught him by surprise, sending him sprawling back onto the ground in pure shock. Pinkie Pie just laughed when he landed on his rump.

“Did she faint like that?” she asked playfully.

“NO AND DON’T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN.” Naruto shouted in response. Pinkie laughed even louder as Naruto dusted off some dirt and grass from his fur.

“C’mon silly fillys! Be happy! It’s always talk talk talk and think think think! What you need is to have fun with one of my Pinkie-rific Parties!”

“A party?”, Naruto asked skeptically.

“Of course silly! You were supposed to have one the other day, but since you had all those boo boos, I had to postpone and change the theme! But now that they went bye-bye, we can have the party! Yay!”

“Don’t I get a say in this somewhere?” Naruto asked Pinkie, but he never got an answer as Pinkie Pie zoomed off in a cartoony manner leaving a trail of smoke in her wake. Naruto’s mouth fell agape.

“I… guess I don’t.” Naruto said, slightly annoyed.

“Ugh… that Pinkie Pie is always such a hoofful” Twilight mumbled.


Eventually, they arrived at the door to the Carousel Boutique. The door opened as a grey mare with wings stepped outside and took flight. Naruto watched as she flew off until some nearby clouds cut off his line of sight. Something about her seemed familiar though, as if he had seen her somewhere else before…

Naruto just shrugged and they both entered the store to find Rarity standing in the middle of the store. She donned a sophisticated smile as she walked up to her friends.

“I hope my jacket is in one piece now...” He thought.

“Well now dearies! What brings you here to—oh my?” Rarity gasped. Rarity walked behind Naruto before pausing. Call it a sixth sense, he immediately grabbed his tails.

“I swear, if another pony grabs my tails…” Naruto said with a frown. Rarity cocks a brow at his comment.

“I wasn’t going to Naruto…” Rarity said.

“Liar…” Naruto thought. He just KNEW she was going to pet his tail, like everypony else. He got all touchy-feely when someone touched his tail and it ticked him off some some random reason. In fact, WHY did he get ticked off whenever someone touched his tail? Was it because of the freaky, spine tingling sensations? He didn’t know and the only explanation he could come up with was that he just ‘knew’.

During his inner conversation with himself, Rarity took advantage of a hole in his tail’s defense and reached in. She placed a hoof on each side of his tail and simply pulled them apart, separating his two tails. An electric jolt flew up Naruto’s spine, startling him out of his thoughts. He jumped forward, pulling a 180 spin mid-air, and landed facing the perpetrator.

“I KNEW YOU WERE GOING TO TOUCH ‘EM! I KNEW IT! I FREAKING KNEW IT!” Naruto shouted. Rarity gave a dainty chuckle, covering her mouth with a hoof.

“Oh come now, I was merely curious. It looked so fluffy that I couldn’t resist,” she said before adopting a slightly more serious expression, “Although I am also quite curious to know how you grew another tail.”

Twilight gasped. She had been with him that entire time and she didn’t even notice the extra tail. A quick peek at Naruto’s tails confirmed that he did, indeed, have two and that she was not hallucinating.

“Wow, I can’t believe I didn’t notice it until now! You somehow obtained another one during that battle with the Manticore!” Twilight said.

“How in the world does one forget when someone... somepony gains another tail!?” He thought. “Is she that blind? Did they just blend together into one tail? Gah, I don’t know… thinking about this is making my head hurt.”

“Ah, yes. Twilight did mention that you bested a Manticore. You’re very lucky you’re still in one piece! What in Equestria drove you to willingly fight one?”

“It’s… a really long story… but let’s just say it was to save a life.”

“And bits.” Twilight added.

“Er, yes… and for bits, too. But the ‘saving a life’ part was much more important!” Naruto said.

“I see… you’re saving all sorts of lives aren’t you? First Pinkie Pie and Twilight and then yet another… You’re a rather heroic stallion aren’t you?” Rarity said.

“Well, I wouldn’t really say that… Right time, right place I guess?” Naruto said with a bashful smile.

“Now I’m curious. How in Equestria do you have TWO tails now?” Twilight asked

The topic he was attempting to skirt had come up anyway. The question now was should he tell them that he had a demonic entity sealed in his body capable of flattening mountains and creating tsunami’s with a flick of a tail or that he’d always had two tails?

Maybe they’d buy the ‘I’ve always had two tails’ story instead, he thought. He shook his head and straightened his forehead protector before deciding to feign ignorance for the time being.

“It’s a mystery to me, to be honest. Even I don’t know my body that well.” That was only part of the truth. He knew that Princess had somehow given him the tail but the process eluded him. Even now, he still wondered just what he did to trigger the transformation and release some of Princess’s chakra. Twilight and Rarity exchanged gazes for a few seconds.

“You don’t know?” Twilight asked.

“Nope. Remember when you first found me and how confused I was? Only Go—er, Equestria knows what else my body could do without my say so! I’m as freaked out as you are hehe.”

The explanation was simple, and even though it was more of an ‘I don’t know answer’, Twilight and Rarity let the topic slide. At least for now.

“A-anyway! Enough about my tail! Is my jacket fixed yet Rarity?” A shiver went through Rarity at the mention of that horrific excuse for clothing. A small, but nervous chuckle escaped her lips.

“Oh… yes… ‘that’ dreadful thing.” Naruto rolled his eyes.


“Yes… that… torn up rag… it was absolutely more hideous than it was before. All those scratch marks and torn pieces here and there… and my... all of that BLOOD! I can’t believe that your... jacket... survived as long as it did in your capable hoofs!”

“Uh… just in case you had forgotten… I was ALMOST TORN UP BY AN OVERSIZED FELINE!” Naruto said, shouting the last couple words.

“Which you shouldn’t have fought in the first place,” she retorted.

“Ugh… look, Rarity. Is my jacket back to the way it was before it was destroyed?”

Rarity bit the bottom of her lip for a moment then gave a small nod. She turned and walked to a corner of the shop laden with bolts of cloth and pony mannequins strewn almost haphazardly about. On one of them was his jacket, just as pretty and sleek as the day he bought it. Rarity levitated it off and floated it over to his now outstretched hooves. Naruto grabbed it and smiled, looking at it like it was a long lost relative. It had survived yet another brush with death and now it was even softer and cleaner than before!

However, he came to realize that he had left the majority of his possessions in their pockets, namely his bag of bits. He stuck a hoof into each pocket, feeling around for that bulge of money. As he went through each pocket, he grew more and more frantic, finally upending his jacket and shaking it. A piece of white string lazily floated out and onto the ground.

Twilight noticed that something was troubling Naruto. “What’s the matter Naruto?”

“My money! It’s gone!”


After the small freakout, he asked Rarity if she had seen his bit bag in his jacket, to which she stated that he had nothing of the sort tucked away in the pockets. Naruto’s mood took a nosedive, the realization that he was broke until Gary paid him his reward and that he couldn’t pay for her services. Rarity waved him off, stating that it was unnecessary seeing as he had done so much for her already, but if it made him feel better, he could pay later. Naruto beamed and bowed in gratitude for her generosity.

As they walked out, Naruto’s jacket felt much more snug and comfy than before. He couldn’t help but hug himself. Twilight found that to be a tad creepy as they walked down the path.

“Enjoying yourself Naruto? Do you want some time alone while you two catch up?”

“Oh hah hah Twilight, but yes I am. I thought I had lost it for good. If it was a girl, I’d kiss it!”

“T-Too much information Naruto!” Twilight exclaimed.

Naruto laughed at his own awkwardness mostly for the benefit of Twilight. So far, the past two days had been a mixed batch of surprises. The hospital released him with a clean bill of health and he’d lost his prior earnings but now his jacket was better than ever. Not only that, but Gary had even promised him a substantial increase in what he was going to be paid. All of that would go towards making Naruto’s future in ponyville much easier. Twilight giggled, catching his attention once more.

“Well Naruto, it’s been a rather long day. Ready to go home?”

“Definitely! I’m just about ready to—“, he started before feeling a tug at the bottom of his stomach. No, not exactly at the bottom of his stomach… but he felt a… tingling sensation between his legs. He blinked a couple of times as he looked at his flank, wondering what was going on. However, the feeling grew exponentially stronger until he realized what exactly what was about to happen.

Naruto jerked his head left and right, looking for an area to hide from prying eyes. However, there was nothing but houses and open street surrounding them at the moment. Twilight tilted her head to the side, wondering what was wrong now.

“Naruto? What’s wrong? You look like you’ve—“ She didn’t finish her sentence as Naruto rushed by her as he talked in a nearly unintelligible fast way.

“ohmygodgottagogottagogottagogottagoitsgonnaburstmeetyouatthelibrary!” Naruto spurted out before dashing down a sidestreet. Twilight couldn’t get a word in edgewise as naruto had already fallen out of earshot.

Twilight just stood there in the middle of the street, eyes locked on where he had disappeared from sight. She sighed. Just when she thought he was a normal pony, he would do something spontaneous and weird enough to make her second guess herself. It reminded her a little of Pinkie Pie but having one around was more than enough. In the end, she just chalked it up to being a stallion, hoping he’d be back to normal, or at least as normal as possible, when she saw him again.

Twilight sighed once more before continuing down the street to the library. As she turned the corner, she collided with another pony, sending them both into the ground. She rubbed her head where they had hit and almost immediately sprung into an apology before realizing just who she had bumped into.

It was none other than Blackie, the blacksmith. She had hoped to never run into him again, but unfortunately, when you live in a town as small as ponyville, it’s easier said than done. He picked himself up off the ground before scowling, obviously still angry for what they had done to him earlier. She braced herself for the verbal assault. However, his scowl turned into a smirk.

“Why hello there... fancy meeting you here on a glorious evening such as this? All alone I take it?” Twilight couldn’t believe the nerve of this pony, having the gall to strike up a conversation after all that happened a couple days ago. Twilight grew irritated

“I don’t see why it’s any of your business…”


“Ahhh, god that felt great…” Naruto said as he walked out of a group of bushes. He chuckled.

“Hard to believe I held my bladder in for nearly a week… Maybe I just forgot all about it because of this whole ‘new body’ sort of deal… But since I’m getting used to it, maybe my body is returning to normal?”, He said to himself. He looked up at the sky, then at the ground, and then at sky once more. “...Maybe I’m just thinking too much… whelp, which way was the library again?”

Naruto walked in a random direction, hoping that he would end up on the main street eventually. A few moments later, he turned a corner and froze mid-step when he looked down the street. He jumped back around the corner and pressed against the wall, taking another peek around the building.

Blackie and Twilight were talking at the other end of the street.

“What’s Blackie doing here with Twilight?” He asked himself. Naruto could see their lips moving, but he wasn’t skilled in reading lips and he was still out of earshot. He couldn’t exactly hear much from his current position and he couldn’t move down the street without being noticed. A quick look at his surroundings and he grinned when his eyes fell on a cardboard box lying next to a garbage can.

He dashed over and brought it back to the corner. Thankfully, it was big enough to accommodate his entire body and it even had a conveniently placed hole where he look out from. A devilish snicker escaped his lips and he slowly walked down the street, now camouflaged.

He managed to close the distance quite quickly and was soon in eavesdropping distance. His tails flicked around, with curiosity abound to know what was going on. He leaned his ear in to listen.

“—telling you, it’s not Naruto’s fault he lost the Manticore… or well, maybe it is… but you shouldn’t have done what you did that night!” Twilight said to Blackie.

“Ya don’t get it do ya, you stupid foal! Me and Naruto had a deal. I give him a discount and a free delivery service, and he lets me have the Manticore corpse. He broke his side of the deal so I can take whatever the buck I want. Plain and simple!”

“You are being completely unreasonable! Naruto, Pinkie Pie, and I were in mortal danger! What other choice did he have?”

That’s when Blackie acted, picking up Twilight with his magic. His horn glowed with a dark aura as Twilight was engulfed in the same color. Twilight was caught off guard and her attempts to dispel his magic was rendered ineffective once he had her completely wrapped in his magic. Blackie flung her a short distance away and into a nearby bush. She yelped as she hit the bush but thankfully the branches and leaves cushioned the impact. She tried to extricate herself from the bush but Blackie placed a hoof on her shoulder, pinning her down.

“He had a choice ya whore of a foal! He could’ve just sacrificed you two to complete the deal. But no, that goody-two-shoes decided to try and play hero. Well I’ll tell ya somethin’ missy.” Blackie leaned his mouth towards Twilight’s ear, and whispered “That filly ain’t right, and if he can’t honor a deal, he should just drop— AH, what in tarnation!?“

Blackie was interrupted by a sharp pain in his flank. He whipped around, ready to face the... box. He blinked, momentarily surprised to find not a pony, but a box had hit him. However, that was just the outside. Whoever was inside going to pay dearly.

“Grrrr, do you know who you’re messing with you twit!? Come out of there and face me like a stallion!”


Blackie growled in anger before deciding to take the initiative. “Fine then! Have it your way!” He used his magic to rip open the box. A white cloud of thick smoke erupted from the inside as the flaps fully opened, sending Blackie into a coughing fit. As the smoke cleared, he looked back down at the empty shell of the box, flummoxed at what just happened. The only thing left inside was a small slip of paper, with a picture of a rather familiar face, whiskers, and a wide grin.

Then Blackie recoiled as something hit him in the head. He yelped, mostly in shock, before rubbing the spot where it hit. Unknowingly, he had removed the hoof pinning Twilight down and she moved a few feet away. Blackie spat at the ground when he saw the pebble that had hit his head now lying in the grass. He turned around to find a yellow pony leaning casually against a wall, tossing another pebble in the air with a free hoof.

“You’ve got a lot of nerve Blackie… I wanted to believe that you were a good pers— I mean pony, but obviously I was wrong. You don’t respect me or my friends,” Naruto said as he let the pebble hit the ground. He began to slowly walk towards the black unicorn. “All of this over a stupid manticore? I know persistence but this is just you being a stupid, greedy idiot… and I’m usually the local village idiot around here!”

Blackie frowned in anger. “Buck that! You knew what our deal was and you should have honored it!”

“I did honor the deal Blackie. I ran into complications, in case you’ve forgotten…” Naruto took a deep breath and then exhaled before looking Blackie in the eyes. “The Manticore had the upper hand and the longer we kept fighting, the more likely I was going to die. Sending it over the cliff was my only option. Then the girls showed up…” Naruto’s gaze shifted towards Twilight then back. “All the more reason to end the fight quickly. Lives are more valuable to me than bits Blackie, and you should respect that.”

“I want my corpse, dammit!”, he fumed.

“Tell you what, if you want that body so bad just jump off that cliff. It should still be at the bottom even now. Besides,” Naruto began with a smug smile, “What about the wings? I chopped them off, and they didn’t go flying over the cliff… unless the wings had minds of their own.”

“The wings were gone by the time I went back to grab them.”

Naruto blinked. “Wait, what?”

“By the time I was done being this whore’s delivery boy, the wings disappeared from the Everfr—“

Blackie never got the chance to finish that sentence. Naruto charged into Blackie, tackling him onto the ground, pinning him in place. Blackie grunted in pain from the impact of the ground and the constant pressure from Naruto above.

“Don’t you EVER… call her such a thing! Apologize, now!”, Naruto said angrily.

Blackie smiled. Naruto was confused until Blackie’s enveloped him in his magic, lifting him high into the air.

Twilight gasped. He had had everything under control until now but he was powerless while in the clutches of his magic. Twilight began to charge up her counterspell, her horn growing brighter as the spell grew in power, until Naruto turned his head towards Twilight.

“No, wait Twilight! I’ve got this!”

“But Naruto! You’re suspended in the air! You can’t do anything!”

“Just trust me! This is my problem. Watch and learn!” Naruto turned his head towards Blackie. One could say he was in quite the pickle; Suspended in midair, no way to counter, and no normal ways to fight. A delightful smile graced the black unicorn’s face.

“Oh she’ll be watching alright, when I fling you into the sky, filly.”

“Oh really… tell me. Who are you flinging into the sky?” Naruto said with a sheepish grin. Blackie blinked a couple of times, wondering what he was playing at. He had to be bluffing so he just kept smiling.

“You, of course, who else could I be sending in the sky, filly? I guess you really are as stupid as they come!”

“Hmm… If this was a normal case, then yes, I seem to be powerless…” Naruto said, still sporting his grin. He flicked his tails into a familiar cross position. “But what if I said this wasn’t a normal case?


Blackie flinched from the sudden shout. His ears picked up a very faint popping sound from behind and turned to see what caused it. He was met with a solid hoof uppercut from below. The punch was so powerful that it flung him into the air, doing his best impersonation of a corkscrew, before landing on the ground with a thud. Naruto, no longer held aloft by magic, fell to the ground as gracefully as an elephant, that is to say, with a heavy thud.

Naruto grunted in pain but still kept smiling. Twilight just stood there, eyes wide and mouth agape. She saw TWO Narutos! The one that punched Blackie was laughing as he picked up the other Naruto who joined in laughing. They both strode over to where Blackie’s unconscious body lay before they began prodding him with a hoof.

“Hey boss, he’s out cold. What should we do?”

“Just leave him there. I’m sure he’ll have learned his lesson when he wakes up. Besides, I’m sure he’ll have a field day figuring on what happened, hah hah.”

She rubbed her eyes, not believing what she was seeing.

“How… who… what… two of them… but how!?” It made absolutely no sense. He was an earth pony. He just used magic. He had no horn and yet the proof was standing next to Naruto that he just used magic.

“Thanks for getting me out of there Naruto Number Two!”

“Heh heh, no problem boss! Just doing what I’m made to do!” They gave a high-hoof, the clone disappearing into smoke as they touched hooves. Naruto felt good after knocking Blackie out, mainly for the trouble he had caused his friends... and especially Gary. Naruto continued to smile as he walked up to Twilight.

“Are you alright Twilight? Guess it’s a coincidence we’d both show Blackie whose boss, heh heh…”

Twilight just stood there, eyes open but unfocused, attempting to rifle through her brain trying to make sense of what just happened. Naruto tilted his head, wondering what was wrong with Twilight. He waved a hoof in front of her to no avail. He scratched his head with a hoof and sighed.

“Great, I think I broke her…”