• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH17: Chakra, *Snort Snort* (Revised)

Special Thanks:

Editors: DaMobbs


Confusion Galore,

For there is always more,

Chakra and its inner workings,

And let’s not forget the flank markings!


Chapter 17: Chakra, *snort snort*


“Naruto, how did you do that?”

Those were the first intelligible words that came out of Twilight’s mouth in the last two hours. She had followed Naruto back to the library all the while mumbling incoherently to herself. After they arrived, she plopped down on one of the many cushions on the floor of the library before she snapped out of her stupor.

“You mean my Shadow Clone?”

“Yes, you yelled those words when you were fighting Blackie and then ‘poof’, there was another you! How did you do that?”, she said questioningly, tapping her chin with a hoof. “Come to think of it, that explains what happened in the forest with Blackie, but Earth Ponies can’t use magic of that kind... Only Unicorns and Alicorns can. Just... how?”

“That’s…” Naruto paused mid-sentence. He didn’t know how to go about explaining this to her. Should he tell her the entire truth or hold off until a possibly better time? He opened his mouth but closed it a moment later. Now was probably not the best time to divulge the whole truth. Nonetheless, answering her question was going to be slightly difficult.

“Well, how should I put this… It’s not magic, but I guess it’s similar to it.”

“It’s not magic? What is it then?”

“It’s a technique that I’ve known for a very long time. It’s saved my hide so many times that I’ve lost count… Back when I was—“ Naruto immediately caught himself. He didn’t want to spill the beans now. “Anyway, I used to use it a lot, but now I’m limited by quantity apparently. I can only summon clones in certain amounts…”

“Certain amounts?”

“Yeah, hold on, let me show you.” Naruto took a couple steps back as he crossed his tails. Twilight just stood there and watched, her eyes scanning every inch of his body. He yelled out the name of his jutsu before he was enveloped in white smoke. As it cleared, where there was once one was now two Narutos: The hair, the headband, the jacket, everything was completely identical. Twilight’s eyes widened in awe. Spike ran into the room investigating the commotion and skidded to a stop, mouth agape

“Wow, how did you do that Naruto!?” Spike said in glee.

“I’m trying to explain it Spike… Now as you can see, it’s a perfect clone. Same hair, same voice, and we think the same way too. Needless to say, it has a LOT of uses.” Naruto said while the clone nodded along.

“That’s my boss, and I’m his partner in crime!”, the clone said while wrapping a hoof around Naruto’s neck. Naruto chuckled.

“That’s as simple as I can put it. The clones can do everything a normal pony could do, with the same limitations, given a few exceptions like…” Naruto ducked out from under the clone’s leg and whacked it upside the head. The clone grunted in pain, and Twilight and Spike gasped.

“Naruto, what was that fo-!?”Twilight was interrupted as the room was once again filled with white smoke. As it cleared, there was now only one Naruto left. She stared at him in confusion.

“How did…?”

“One hit.”


“The clones are very vulnerable to physical strikes. They’ll disappear once they get hit or if I choose to dispel them. Rarely, a clone can take two more hits before it disappears, but that’s only if I’m focusing hard enough. I used to be able to summon more than one, but I’m limited for some odd reason.”

“Wow… So that’s how you do it…”, she said as she levitated an ink jar, quill, and paper over. Naruto blinked a couple of times as he pointed a hoof at her.

“Uh, what are you doing Twilight?”

“I’m writing this all down. It’s so interesting! Do you know what this could mean for all of Equestria? If we could replicate this technique, it would be a colossal breakthrough in physical labor, jobs, and maybe even other things!”, Twilight said, scribbling down this information as fast as she could. Naruto gave a nervous chuckle as he placed a hoof on her quill. Twilight looked up.

“It’s not that simple… You need fingers in order to perform the technique… or, tails in my case.” He looked at Spike and then back to Twilight. “Besides, you can’t use it with normal pony magic.”

“You mean… unicorns can’t use it?” She said with a frown. It earned a shrug from Naruto.

“At least as far as I know… Unicorns use magic, right? In order to use the technique I have, you need chakra.”

“Chalk…rah?”, she said, trying to say the rather foreign word. “You’re giving me so many words I’ve never heard of lately, Naruto…”

“Yes, well... I guess, heh. But anyway yes, Chakra; It’s what I use to perform any of my techniques. You could think of it as a form of magic or fuel but the execution is completely different. Instead of, for instance, magic coming from Unicorn horns, Chakra comes from the entire body, or, the Chakra… circulatory System, I think? Anyway, without Chakra, you can’t perform any of these techniques…. um?” Despite the fact that Naruto said writing it all down was pointless, she went back to writing down the details anyway. Naruto sighed but smiled anyway.

“Even when I say that it’s not possible to do for a normal pony, you’re still going to write it down?”

“Well, you’re a pony, aren’t you?” Twilight said with a smile. Naruto grinned.

“Well, not a normal one, but point taken.”

“These are a lot of details… so how do you implement this ‘chakra system’?”

“Um…” That was a tough one. He knew the processes of molding chakra by heart, but by explaining it in words was going to be a lot more difficult. He scratched his head, looking for an easier way to explain it to a pony with zero knowledge on the subject.

“That’s… hard.”


“Well… let’s just say I was never the brightest ki—er, colt in school when it came to studying.”

Twilight frowned and Naruto chuckled nervously.

“B-besides, developing the chakra inside your body takes time and training… It can’t be learned in just a few hours… But… I suppose it can be learned much more quickly if you have a trainer.”

“Alright, then explain!” She said with a slightly forced smile.

“I just said it’s not that sim—“

Before Naruto could finish, there was a knock on the front door. Twilight merely sighed in disappointment and frustration, the notion of something new being so close yet so far away was nerve wracking, to say the least. Twilight stood up and walked towards the door.

“Who is it?” Twilight said through the door.

“It’s, um, me…”, came a small and timid voice. Twilight smiled as she opened the door with her magic. Outside stood a familiar canary yellow pegasus with a pink mane, a trio of butterflies adorning her flank. Speaking of butterflies, Naruto raised a brow as he eyed her, eying her ass… well, the small butterflies on her ass anyway.

“Another one with a marking on her butt? What gives? Is there a special meaning behind them?” Twilight, Rainbow, and even Gary had these markings on their flanks but each was different.

“Oh hey there Fluttershy, how are you?”

“I’m fine… um, can I come in? If it’s okay, I mean…”

“Of course Fluttershy, come on in…” As she walked in, she gave a small gasp as she saw Naruto. In fact, it was a rather low-pitched gasp, and it seemed kind of cute the way she did it. But this did make Naruto tilt his head in confusion, seeing that she was staring right at him.

“YOU!”, she immediately shouted in a low-pitched voice that managed to convey her anger.

“Oh no… what now. Seriously, what, of all THINGS, is going to go wrong NOW!?” Naruto thought to himself. First it was the Manticore, then the hospital, then Blackie, and now a crazy pony is about to go ballistic over some random misunderstanding and will tackle him to the floor, rape him, and leave him for dead.

…He needed to stop thinking up these convoluted scenarios. Fluttershy stared at Naruto. For some reason, he started to feel weaker and more minuscule the longer he looked into her eyes. He wanted to look away, but something was forcing him to keep staring. Fluttershy moved towards him.

“How could you do such a thing to that creature? What did that Manticore ever do to you?! You had no right to march into that forest and start killing that little innocent animal! How would you feel if he did that to you!?”

“…Er,” Naruto tried to say, feeling her ‘stare’ dig into him even deeper, “For your information, I wouldn’t call him, um... little. He was pretty big, and, um… he tried to kill me?” Naruto said, trying to defend himself. She continued to look at him as she touched her forehead with his. He tried to ease back but she followed him until his back was against a wall.

“You should be ashamed of yourself! If you hadn’t killed it, it would be happily frolicking around the forest right now!”

“Um… I think you’re a few noodles short of a ramen bowl here… I’ve seen how nasty that Manticore can be, and it didn’t look… lonely or innocent. In fact, it seemed quite happy to see me as its’ next meal!”

Twilight intervened and stepped in, separating them with her hooves.

“Alright alright, that’s enough you two. Fluttershy, Naruto has his own reasons for going after a Manticore. I know you’re upset, but it’s just a misunderstanding! Um…” Twilight was desperately thinking of a way to justify Naruto’s actions but was coming up short. She glanced around for another way to defuse the situation and found it in the most unlikeliest of places.

She grabbed Naruto’s tails and shoved them into Fluttershy’s face.

Fluttershy went wide-eyed when she felt the soft furry texture splash against her face. She involuntarily took a breath and the scent of strawberries with lemons invaded her nose. She momentarily forgot that she was scolding Naruto and relaxed her stance.

Naruto yelped as he immediately jumped towards the ceiling and planted his hooves on it, said hooves chakra infused. He was like a frightened cat hanging from the ceiling. Fluttershy and Twilight gasped while Naruto glared angrily at Twilight.

“Dang it Twilight, what part of ‘don’t touch my tails’ do you NOT understand!? You know I hate it when anyb-pony does that!”

“N-Naruto!? How are you doing THAT?”, she said while Fluttershy stared in disbelief.

“How… how are you up there? You don’t have wings… Are you a bat perchance?” Fluttershy asked.



After Naruto got down from the ceiling, he had to explain to the group that it was another application of chakra and that they should just leave it be for now. This thoroughly confused Fluttershy but he promised to explain it in more detail later. Fluttershy also decided to put the Manticore scolding on the backburner for now but she wouldn’t let this slide so easily.

“So what brings you here Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, um yes… Pinkie Pie told me to give a message to you Twilight… It’s um…” She brought her mouth towards the purple unicorn’s ear and whispered into it. Naruto just stood back, not able to hear a word of what the yellow Pegasus was saying. While that went on, he stroked his own tails with his hooves, nurturing it, hugging it… defending it.

“I’m getting tired of these ponies hugging my tails… It’s like it’s fox season or something, and they all want to go hunting for a fur coat… That would be pretty scary if that was the case…” He muttered to himself.

After what seemed like a minute, Twilight turned to face Fluttershy again and nodded her head. Fluttershy turned towards Naruto and gave a small smile, despite the fact she was still peeved.

“Well, it was nice to meet you, um, Naruto. But I need to get going now… The next time I see you, I hope you feel sorry for yourself.” She said shyly as she walked towards the door. This only caused Naruto to blink in in either disbelief or confusion. He couldn’t decide between the two, mainly because it was such a sudden switch from an angry, confident pony to a timid, shy pony. He looked at Twilight.

“Does… she always act like that?”

“Not always… she’s usually very shy and reserved around new ponies. It’s weird she would explode like that… but then again…” She nudged an elbow towards Naruto, “You did kill a Manticore… so you kind of deserved it. She loves all animals, hostile or not.”

“Yeah, I kind of gathered that from the whole evil eye stare and such.”

“Yeah… So anyway, want to head out somewhere?”

Naruto raised a brow. “Go where?”

“Just… somewhere, maybe take an evening walk?” Twilight said. Naruto looked out the window. It was already evening and the sun was already dipping below the horizon. Naruto started to wonder why she would want to take a walk with him anyway. Eventually, he just shrugged.

“Alright, why not.”


Luna’s Moon peeked over the opposite horizon as it began its nightly trek across the night sky. Crickets were abundant and chirping constantly, owls hoo’d the night away, and not a single pony was out tonight.

Everypony, that is, except Naruto and Twilight, who were taking an evening stroll, at least, that’s what Naruto had assumed. Since they were out alone, he had a chance to ask Twilight some more questions. Questions… For some reason, questions have been the only thing he’s been asking and answering since he got to Equestria. When will they ever stop, he wondered? When will it just be joyful conversation instead of questioning every single damn thing he sees?

The subject of many was Twilight’s symbol on her butt. Naruto stared at it for a bit, wondering what it meant. Twilight caught Naruto staring at the symbol on her flank, or just her flank, and glared at him.

“Um, why are you staring at my behind?” Twilight asked bluntly. To Naruto, it sounded like a hostile response, as if she was offended. He immediately realized what she meant by it and gave a small blush.

“Y-Your behind? I’m staring at that picture on your behind!” That made it sound worse, but Twilight was slightly more shocked at his lack of knowledge of cutie marks. She looked back at her mark and then back at Naruto.

“…Of all things, I can accept not knowing about money, or our race… but what a cutie mark is, Naruto?!” She said, almost shouting. This in return made Naruto slightly chuckle.

“Well… I’m like a newborn, like you said when we met, remember!? Little ones need to learn more about the world, right?”

“Don’t take my words out of context Naruto…” Twilight said in frustration. “I find it amazing how you don’t even know what a Cutie Mark is… okay, let me explain. A cutie mark is something that ponies all get eventually. It shows what their special talent is, or what they’re really good at. Mine for example is a star, which shows that I’m good with magic.” She explained. “And yours is… wait…”

Twilight stopped walking and turned on the spot. Naruto stopped as well and soon found Twilight making her way towards his rear. He grabbed his tails and held them closer to his body in defense. Twilight rolled her eyes.

“I’m not going to grab your tails Naruto… I need to see your cutie mark.”

“And you got mad at ‘me’ for looking at your flank…” Naruto mumbled to himself.

“What was that?”

“Oh nothing… Proceed…”

“Now, I’m sure I saw it somewhere bef—ah, here it… is?” Twilight walked around towards Naruto’s left flank, and could see he did indeed have a cutie mark, but what he had was really… strange. It was a swirly circle, similar to a whirlpool, and it had these other tiny markings on four points of the giant circle. Twilight blinked a couple of times, not recognizing what this cutie mark could mean. Naruto found it odd to see Twilight in silence like this, especially since she had a habit of talking to begin with. He turned his head to his left flank so he could see what his mark was.

Even Naruto was confused. If this thing was supposed to represent what he’s good at, then he wasn’t seeing it. But for some reason, it looked really familiar, like he’d seen it somewhere before but he couldn’t put his finger, or hoof in this case, on it.

Giving up, Twilight met her gaze with his. “Do you know what this cutie mark is Naruto? This is a first for me…”

“It looks familiar, but I don’t really see what it represents…”

“Me neither, it’s very odd… Might be worth looking it up in the books once we get back, that is, if you’ll let me?”

“Sure, if it doesn’t involve touching my tails again…” Naruto said bluntly, but this only made Twilight giggle as she playfully shoved him with a hoof.

“I can’t promise that, but I’ll try.”

As she said this, a small cold breeze blew towards them, causing Twilight to shiver slightly from the cold.

“Brr, I forgot how cold it gets during the night… I should’ve brought a coat or something…”, Twilight said, rubbing her forelegs to warm them up. Naruto looked at her for a moment as they walked along the road, and gave a small sigh.

“God I hate seeing a girl like this… You better damn well appreciate what I’m about to do…”, Naruto thought. He brought one of his tails around Twilight, comfortably hugging her with it around her neck. Twilight flinched slightly as his tail circled around her neck..

“W-what are you doing?”

“Well, you’re cold aren’t you? I’m just sharing my warmth.”

“D-d-don’t be silly! I’m fine N-Naruto, it’s not l-l-like I can’t handle… oh my…” Twilight stuttered, but then she started to feel how soft his tail was and the warmth that it carried. It was as good as any hoof-knitted scarf she had ever worn. It’s as if she could just melt in its warmth. She just gave a small smile and sighed as she leaned more into it.

“…Thank you Naruto…” She said to him quietly as they walked through the empty, moonlit park.

He’s so sweet…”
