• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH26: Wolfy You So Fine (Revised)

Special Thanks:

Editors: DaMobbs


Working on the Farm and Fighting for your Life

Must Everything be Filled with Such Stressing Strife?

A Life Saved, Albeit Reluctantly

Shows Her True Feelings Rather Conveniently


Chapter 26: Wolfy You So Fine

“Wow, for ah look alike, you sure got one hay of a kick!”

“Heh, what can I say, I’m the same as the boss in every way!”

It didn’t take long for Naruto’s clone to arrive on the farm. When it did, he brought Applejack up to speed on what happened earlier in the morning and why he was here in place of the real Naruto. Frankly, Applejack recalled the stunt Naruto pulled during Trixie’s show, but the whole ‘how’ matter confused her to no end.

Regardless, she let the matter go, seeing no inkling of a lie in the clone’s story or tone of voice. Frankly, she still had an able worker ready to go so it was no apples off her tree whether or not the real Naruto was here. Then again, it was Naruto who was here but not really here. The more she kept trying to think it through, the more confusing it seemed to get.

Despite the confusion, they were still bucking apple trees like a well-oiled machine: Quickly and efficiently. They were well on their way to filling up the first wagon and only an hour had passed.


With most of the trees bucked, Applejack called for a break, taking a seat underneath a freshly harvested tree before motioning for the clone to do the same. The clone leaned back onto the trunk, looking up at the swaying leaves while Applejack just looked at him with a smile.

“It’s only been a day, and you’re as quick as a tumbleweed in a dust storm.” Applejack mused. It earned her a smile from the clone.

“I’m a fast learner, Applejack. Couple more hours and I’ll have bucked all these trees by myself!”

“Whoa now, don’t get too over-confident, ya’ hear? I’ve seen how tired ya get from bucking a single row.”

“You kidding? I could buck over a hundred rows if I had to and not even break a sweat!” He said with a chuckle. Applejack merely sighed as she laid her head on her crisscrossed forelegs, taking in the view of an orchard devoid of apples for once.

“Sis!”, came a cheery voice in the direction of the house, ”Big Mac is up, Big Mac is up!”

A small yellow pony with a red mane and a southern accent rivaling Applejack’s came running into view. Applejack immediately sat up and looked at her with a shocked expression. The clone couldn’t help but tap his hoof on his chin. He swore he had seen her before but it just wasn’t clicking in his head. She certainly looked familiar.

“Big Mac is up? Are you sure Applebloom?” Applejack asked quickly.

“Applebloom?” The clone shot up onto his hooves and looked at the small pony carefully. His eyes lit up in realization. “You’re that pony I saved the other day!”

Applebloom looked up at the source of the voice and went wide-eyed in gleeful surprise.

“Oh! You’re the mister who saved me from the pond!” Applebloom shouted happily. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m helping your sister out. She told me about the situation with Big Mac, so…”

“Wow, you’re really kind to be helping my sister like that!”

The clone couldn’t help but chuckle from Applebloom’s praise. “Yeah, well…”

“Don’t kid yerself Naruto, clone… um, thingy.” Applejack tried to say, not knowing how to address the clone. “You saved mah sister, it’s only natural. Hey now, ah have an idea! Why don’t you swing on by later tonight for an Apple family dinner? I didn’t get a chance to properly thank ya for saving Applebloom after all.” She asked with a sincere smile.

“Dinner? Me? Really?” The clone didn’t know what to say. It would give him a chance to properly acquaint himself with Applejack’s family... that and who could say no to free, homemade food? Beats eating just plain apples day in and day out. The clone nodded his head rapidly. “I’m in!”

“Glad to hear it Naruto!” Applejack said with a smile.


After a quick visit to Big Mac, the clone left the apple family residence thirty-five bits richer and thinking about the upcoming feast. He could picture it now; home-made cooking covering a table completely filled with apple-related foods. He face-hoofed. Was there any place he could go that wasn’t Pinkie’s to escape that blasted fruit?

With a sigh, he began the trek back to the mansion. The clone could have just dispelled himself instead of walk back but his hard earned bits wouldn’t go with him.

As he entered the house, he noticed that the door was widely ajar. This earned a raised brow from the clone.

“The boss really needs to lock his door more often,” the clone muttered. Fearing that it might be Blackie ransacking the house, he stood on his guard, nudging open the door and cautiously stepping inside. His eyes darted about the room, looking for any inconsistency that would shed light on who was inside. Thankfully, everything seemed to be where the boss had left it... which wasn’t really saying much as he lacked a lot in the personal belonging’s department at the moment. The only other places a pony could be would either be the kitchen or his bedroom-

Muffled hoof-steps broke his train of thought, originating from somewhere to his right. The door to the boss’s room was also slightly ajar, much like the front.

“The boss’s room?” He muttered. They sounded light for hoof falls which ruled out any big stallions like Blackie. Then who would break in?

“Naruto? Are you here? Ohhh where is that insufferable-?”

It was Twilight’s voice. Before he could call out to her, the door was surrounded in a purple aura and swung open fully, revealing the purple unicorn mare. “Naruto, I’ve been looking all over for you!” Twilight exclaimed upon seeing him standing there.

“Er, you have?” The clone hesitated.

“Yes, who else do I know that can scream like you? I heard that from my house for Celestia’s sake! I was worried sick when I couldn’t find you.”

“Oh, er, that, hehe. I just had a rather surprising morning, that’s all.”

“And what was so surprising that it warranted a town-wide scream?” chirped Twilight.

“Pinkie Pie decided to pop in for a visit this morning… more or less.”

“More or less? Did she do something that freaked you out or something?” She questioned.

“More or less…”

“Somepony is being quite vague this morning.” Twilight said suspiciously, eyeing him up and down.

“Look, she just freaked me out this morning, alright?” relented Naruto,”I was asleep, and she decided to wake me up in the most awkward way imaginable.”

“Wait, she broke into your house!?”

“No, apparently my door wasn’t locked. Look, it’s a long story and I’d rather not delve into the details at the moment. Long story short, the boss was fine with it so leave it at that.

“Whew… that’s a relie—wait…” She paused, her tone of voice changing from concern to suspicion instantly.

“The boss?”

“Yeah, I’m just a clone. The boss is off doing an errand right now,” he replied nonchalantly.

“What kind of errand?”

The clone opened his mouth, about to divulge the boss’ errands before clamping his muzzle shut with both fore-hooves.

Oh crud. I forgot; Twilight doesn’t approve of the boss going in to the Everfree Forest. If I tell her where he is right now—well, I need to keep my mouth shut.

“An errand for Pinkie Pie.” The clone said quickly.

“Not the answer I was looking for.”

“Er, well…”

Twilight stared harshly at the clone, wondering what kind of errand Naruto could be on to warrant such secrecy. The shadow clone felt a bead of sweat leave his forehead and streak down his neck. He couldn’t keep up this charade for much longer.

“For the last time, he’s on an errand! Y’know, the kind where a pony goes out and gets something done? Pinkie Pie asked him to get her a mushroom this morning, that’s all.”

“A mushroom?”

“Yeah, a red cap with white dots on it. No big deal, right?”

“Hmm… well I suppose no—wait a minute…” Twilight was about to agree with him again but stopped herself this time. Something was off. Gathering her thoughts for a few seconds, she immediately went wide-eyed. She herself went looking for that mushroom and the only place it grew in was in the Everfree Forest.

“No, she did not just give you that task.”

“Huh?” Now the clone was confused. Her horn lit up and with a bright flash, she teleported in front of Naruto, the space of an inch separating their noses.

“She didn’t send Naruto to get that Party Mushroom did she!?”

“Urk, w-well, uh… Maybe it was a different mushroom? Yeah, that’s right…”, replied the clone hopefully. Her unchanged facial expression proved otherwise.

“No, Pinkie Pie gave you a job to do, involving a red capped mushroom with white dots. I remember now… She gave me that same job a week ago and now she asked your ‘boss’ right!?”

“I uh…” The clone was running out of excuses now. He had been backing up from her, trying to break away from her oppressive stance, but with every step he took, she did the same. His flank thumped against something hard and a with a quick glance, found it to be the corner of the room. He was backed into a corner, both literally and figuratively. There wasn’t much choice but to come clean. He slumped his head and sighed in defeat.

“Yeah, he’s after the party mushroom, but please don’t go after him…” He said weakly.

“Are you kidding!? Of course I’m going in after him!” Twilight snapped back, already turning towards the door.

“W-wait Twilight, don’t go! It’s too dangerous!” She ignored what the clone said and dashed out the door. The clone sighed as he held his head, feeling a headache coming on.

“The boss is not going to like this…” After placing the bag of bits down on the bed, he head-butted the wall and went up in a cloud of white smoke.


The black wolf shot forward like a bullet at Naruto, fangs bared and claws ready to rip into his flesh. Quickly, he dashed to his side, letting the wolf sail right past him before whipping his tails around and slamming them against the already airborne wolf. The wolf howled painfully as it flew off into the nearby bushes.

“Tch, c’mon, I expected a challenge from you furries!” He taunted.

He eyed the other two wolves carefully. One of them was a normal wolf with grey fur, but the other one was completely different. Where there should have been fur was wood, cracked and chipped just like on the trunks on the surrounding trees. Whenever it moved, it emitted a creaking sound similar to wood on wood. He never saw anything like it, and he couldn’t tell if that wolf was made out of tree bark, or just a freak of nature especially with its’ glowing yellow eyes.

The grey wolf made the first move, dashing forward before leaping at Naruto much like the previous contender. ‘Predictable wolves are predictable’, thought Naruto as he prepared to dispatch the attacker.

Naruto jumped and landed on the wolf’s back, anchoring himself down with his tails and grasping each side of its head with his hooves. A quick jerking motion was followed by a bone breaking crack. The lifeless wolf landed on the ground in a mangled heap with the blonde pony still riding on top. He placed a hoof on the wolf’s body, proclaiming his dominance to the wooden wolf.

“Wanna come at me or do you wanna run away and live to take a whiz on another tree?”

The wooden wolf placed a paw forward, growling its’ challenge to the pony in front of him. Naruto cracked his neck from left and right, limbering up for what he hoped would be a good fight.

“Fine by me,” Naruto muttered.

Rustling bushes betrayed another contender from behind him which was soon followed by a loud growl. He averted his eyes to find the first wolf emerging from the bush he threw it in. The grey wolf’s growls were soon followed by the wooden wolf’s. They both leapt at the same time, their intended target the blonde-maned pony between them.

‘A pincer attack!’ thought Naruto.

With the wolves quickly closing in, he waited until the last possible second before launching himself up into the canopy. With their target out of the way, the only thing left to break their pounce was each other. They collided in a sickening thud of wood on flesh and bone before falling to the ground.

The black wolf’s skull shattered upon impact with the wooden wolf’s head. The wooden wolf growled as its’ wooden skin or whatever that exoskeleton was protected it from any serious damage. Naruto furrowed his brows as he looked at them from his perch on a tree branch.

“You’re a feisty one, aren’t you? I’ve never seen a wolf made of wood such as you… And the way you took the impact of that headbutt. Very impressive…”

The wolf just snapped his teeth at Naruto in response. Naruto just growled as he couldn’t get a positive response from it. He propelled himself off the tree branch at the wolf. Using his tails, he spun around before wrapping them around the wolf’s neck. He used his momentum to send it flying into a rather hard looking tree. Splinters and pieces of bark flew off the wolf’s face, flying in random directions.

Naruto flicked his tails on the ground, giving them a look over to make sure they weren’t damaged or bruised in anyway. Surprisingly, they looked prefect even after that little tussle with Mother Nature and its’ predators. He looked over at the wood wolf to find that it wasn’t moving. With a sigh of relief, he sat down and took a small breather.

“Whew, I’m getting better at fighting, thanks to the tails at least.”

Seeing as how all the wolves were now disposed of, he looked over as where Trixie lay. A loud rattling snore was proof enough that she hadn’t been injured during the fight and that she was still deep in her drunken nap.

“Now what am I going to do with you...” It was obvious that she was in no condition to defend herself and if he did leave her here, she wouldn’t last long. So he decided to play the part of the good Samaritan.

“Guess I’m taking you into town with—urk!?” Suddenly, a sharp pressure radiated out from inside his head. He held his head as he slumped down onto the ground, trying to fight off the unknown pain as best he could. He could feel his grasp on his surroundings starting to slip as they were replaced with flashbacks of memories that were most definitely not his.

“Wow, for ah look alike, you sure got one hay of a kick!”

“Sis! Big Mac is up, Big Mac is up!”

“You’re that pony I saved the other day!”

“Dinner? Me? Really?”

“No, Pinkie Pie gave you a job to do, involving a red capped mushroom with white dots. I remember now… She gave me that same job a week ago and now she asked your ‘boss’ right!?”

“The boss is not going to like this…”

After that had passed, his brain felt like it had been bludgeoned with a hammer multiple times before being pummeled back into his skull. His face brimmed with sweat, trying to resist the urge to throw up as he tried to stand back up.

“Urgh, what the heck was that? Why am I— wait, the farm, dinner, Twilight. These aren’t my memories! Wait... these are my clone’s memories?” He closed his eyes to sort out the memories in his head. He dove into each one, now understanding what had happened to the clone since he sent him to the farm this morning. The big question now was how in the world this was happening.

“So my clone did its job, it ran into Twilight, and now she—oh crap. She knows where I am.” He was still a bit addled on how this was possible, but he didn’t want to stick around while she was on her way here. Looking at Trixie and the wood wolf, he just sighed.

“Guess I’ll bring back a souvenir with me.”


After summoning a clone to pick up the wood wolf, he placed Trixie on his back and proceeded towards the path that led back to Ponyville. He tapped his pocket to make sure he hadn’t lost the fungus during the fight. The slight bulge in his pocket was a welcome resistance as he stepped through the underbrush and onto the path. His thoughts began to creep up on him as he walked down the path towards the exit.

What are the odds of finding fish here in this world? So there’s definitely edible meat around here that I can hunt for if I ever so choose. Yet another reason to visit the Everfree every now and then. Now that I think about it, some of the ponies at the market a couple days ago shooed me away for even mentioning meat. I wonder why?

I also need to figure out why Trixie was in the Everfree to begin with. She should have known that it’s dangerous to even be there. Then again, she’s not from around here, so maybe she wasn’t aware of the dangers? Still doesn’t explain why she was completely smashed.

That wood wolf takes the cake though. I’ve never seen anything like it before. A wolf, made of tree and bark? It’s unheard of. Might be worth examining it more closely at my house.

What about the clone’s memories? How did they transfer over to me? Is it because it dispelled itself and transferred what it experienced to me? It’s worth experimenting on if that’s the case. I never knew my clones could actually do that. Then again, they never really lasted that long during combat..

As his thoughts wandered about, he reached the exit of the Everfree Forest, smiling at the sun shining on his face. However, his smile quickly turned south as Twilight comes into view further down the road, gasping for air. Beads of sweat were on her face, inhaling and exhaling as she walked—more like stomped, actually—towards Naruto.

“Na-Ru-To…!” She exclaimed, anger dripping off each syllable. Both Narutos involuntarily took a step back from the sheer intensity of her voice.

“Er, boss? I think we should run while we still have the chance...” His clone whispered into his ear. Naruto shook his head before taking a step forward with a nervous smile.

“Hey Twilight, what’s up? Beautiful day isn’t--” He was interrupted as his shoulder was occupied by Twilight’s hoof. She opened her mouth, ready to let loose a slew of angry words, when her eyes caught sight of the pony on his back. How she didn’t realize it sooner is anyponies guess. She pointed the hoof on his shoulder at the sleeping azure unicorn.

“What in Equestria…? Is that Trixie on your back?” Naruto nodded, shifting the mare on his back to a more comfortable position. Her eyes wandered over to the clone’s back and gasped, jumping behind Naruto. “And is that a Timberwolf too!?”

“So that’s what they’re called! I tell you, those things are durable bastards, much more than a normal wolf. This thing and a group of other wolves were about to chomp down on Trixie here.”

“But… but what was she doing in the forest? And why are you carrying a Timberwolf on your back in the first place!? Just why did you--” She was about to ask another question before Naruto placed a hoof on her lips and shook his head.

Naruto looked back at Trixie, and then back at Twilight. “I’ll tell you when we get home. I’m sure you need an explanation after all…”


The small hike back to Naruto’s house was thankfully uneventful, save for Twilight’s constant badgering about what happened in there. When they did manage to get to Naruto’s house, he placed the sleeping drunk on his couch and the Timberwolf’s body in the corner. The clone dispelled itself shortly afterwards, its task completed.

Naruto took a seat on the wood floor and gave a small sigh. He looked up at Twilight who was still standing up. Her face was somehow portraying bewilderment, confusion, anger, and curiosity all in one go. He brought Twilight up to speed on everything that happened from when he woke up to leaving the Everfree Forest. He didn’t know why he was telling her this either. To say Twilight was angry is an understatement, but she managed to not wail on him even though she oh so wanted to. She took a deep breath and sighed, visibly calming down.

“Naruto, you shouldn’t have gone into that forest again. You of all ponies should know how dangerous it is.”

“That’s just it: I was told it wasn’t dangerous during the mornings. I guess Pinkie was wrong. But hey, I managed to find out some new things at least!” Naruto exclaimed.

“Which is?” Twilight curiously asked, her inner student getting the best of her anger momentarily..

“Because there’s fish here, all the fish I can eat!” He said in glee.

Silence followed Naruto’s revelation. Twilight just looked at him with a look that clearly said ‘Are you kidding me?’

“…How is that an accomplishment?” Twilight deadpanned.

“Huh?” Twilight sighed.

“Some ponies and animals around here have a taste for fish; I’ve even seen Fluttershy feed some to her animals sometimes.”

“Well… It’s just I haven’t had any for such a long time. I was beginning to get sick of eating apples all the time,” he said quietly.

“Why didn’t you just find something else to eat if you don’t like--” Twilight just shook her head. “Ugh, we’re getting off topic here Naruto. I’m not here to discuss food with you. What else did you discover?”

“I discovered there’s alcohol here too,” added Naruto.

Twilight facehoofed. The lack of knowledge that the pony in front of her lacked was astounding on so many different levels that it almost rivaled Pinkie Pie. Almost.

“Naruto, did you come from a different planet or something? Equestria always had alcohol. You don’t always see it in public, but we still have it. We do have grapes here in Equestria after all.”

“I never knew an apple drink could have alcohol in it too…” muttered Naruto.

“Apple drink?”

“Something called ‘Apple Cider’. I saw Trixie chugging some down in the forest.”

“That reminds me Naruto, why was Trixie in the forest anyway... and drunk too?”

Naruto took a look at Trixie on the couch, her snores breaking the silence rather noticeably. Its a wonder she wasn’t waking herself up with snoring like that.

“That’s what I want to find out when she wakes up. So until she sobers up, your guess is as good as any.”

“Naruto.” Twilight said in a firm voice. “What are you planning by bringing her here anyway? She may have just been a show off, but she caused a good amount of trouble and damage to the town when she was here.

“I wonder that myself sometimes…” pondered Naruto.

“You don’t even know why you brought her here?”

“It’s better than leaving her in that forest for the predators to lash out on her. Did you want me to leave her back there like this!?” he snapped back.

“No, of course not! I didn’t mean it like that Naruto.” She turned her head away and took a breath. ”I just mean you need to be more careful. Do you know how worried I get when you go off on your own like that?”

“At least it was worthwhile. I saved another pony! Heh heh.” He said with a chuckle. Twilight wasn’t however.

“Anyway, why bring that Timberwolf here anyway? Fluttershy’s going to throw a fit if she finds out you have one in here.”

“I’ve never seen a wolf covered in wood before, so I figured I’d take a closer look at it, and see if it’s edible.”

Twilight blinked. She rubbed her ears, thinking she misheard him.

“I’m sorry, what was that last part?” She said nervously. Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

“Huh? I said I was going to check if it’s edible. When something is as hard and tough as that, it’s gotta have some good meat inside!”

Twilight didn’t know how to respond. Her face contorted in a multiple range of emotions: Disgust, fear, and even confusion. She took a small step back.

“I… really hope that was a bad joke Naruto.”

“Why would it be a joke?”

She held her tongue, instead choosing to give him a cold hard stare. He stared back, blinking every now and then without any hesitation whatsoever. He was serious.

“Naruto… you do realize that ponies don’t eat meat from animals?”

“They don’t? But what about the fish then?” Naruto asked, confused.

“That’s different. Fish are a sustenance from the sea, I'd go into long and complicated details about it, but that's not the point. The point is, what you’re saying to me right now, is that you plan to eat that sentient animal?”

“Sheesh, now you’re acting like that Fluttershy pony… What’s so bad about eating a wolf? Also, intelligent? You’ve got to be kidding… The first thing that they did was try to make me into their next meal!” Naruto countered.

“That still doesn’t make it right to eat it, Naruto. It’s considered cannibalism around here and ponies won’t take too kindly to it!” She countered back.

Naruto merely sighed as he shook his head. “Fine,” He said with a shrug. “I won’t eat it, since it’s such a sin around here.”

“Thank you…”

“I’ll eat it in secret…” he muttered.

“What was that?”

“I said I’m a bit peeved by it though,” He lied.

Twilight sighed at his answer but then went wide-eyed. Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

“What? Just because I’m peeved at something doesn’t mean you should give me that look.” She continued staring at Naruto, with a quivering lip. He just furrowed his brow and sighed, not noticing something breathing down his neck.

“Look, I said I won’t eat it, alright? Stop giving me that puppy dog-eyed look. Hm?” That’s when he felt something wet hit his shoulder. He placed a hoof on it and pulled it back, a sticky tendril of drool stretching between the two. Twilight pointed a hoof behind Naruto in fear.

“N-Naruto, behind you!”


Out of instinct, he immediately leaned his head to the right, avoiding a nasty chomp that could have landed on his head. He turned around to see the Timberwolf, no longer dead but very much alive and very pissed off. Out of reaction, he punched the wolf in the face hard, yelping as it backed away. Naruto waved his hoof. He was right. It had a ridiculously hard head.

“Damn, you bastards are tough… Is that how you treat ponies that bring you into their home!? You’re a guest, dammit! Act like one!” Naruto mocked.

The wolf merely growled in response. Naruto sighed angrily.

“Fine, you want it translated in your language? Here then: Woof woof wha woofey woof woof. There, you satisfied?”

“Naruto, this is no time to be fooling around! You need to get rid of that thing!”

“Why not? I’m having fun!”

“You call danger fun!? Watch it!” She shouted, pointing a hoof at the wolf.

The wolf pounced on Naruto while the two of them bickered, but Naruto rolled onto his back and propelled the wolf over him with his hooves. Before it sailed complete past him, his tails snaked around its neck, effectively choking him. The wolf snapped backwards from the momentum of his leap and Naruto’s taught tails, landing hard on the floor with a yelp. The wolf snarled, twisting and turning in Naruto’s hold in its attempt at breaking free. As time passed, its thrashing and movement began to lessen to the point where it no longer moved. When Naruto let go, it slumped back down onto the floor.

“Now, as I was saying Twilight…” He said while turning around, as if nothing had happened. “I won’t eat it.”

“You killed it Naruto!” shouted a distraught purple unicorn.

“Wrong. I thought I killed it earlier but then it sprung back to life like it was a zombie. So then I decided to just choke it to unconsciousness. It’s merely asleep now.”


“You said it yourself: If these things are sentient creatures, then I guess it wouldn’t be right to kill it, right?” Although I’ll have to eat it when I have the chance…

“I, well… I didn’t expect you to change your mind so quickly,” explained a rather shocked Twilight. One second he wanted to eat it and the next he was all for not eating it.

‘What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her’, thought a smug blonde pony.

“Can someone tell Trixie what the racket i—Agh… My head…!”

Naruto and Twilight froze in place. They slowly turned their heads towards the couch to find the once snoring pony awake and slowly getting up.


Trixie looked at her surroundings. No longer was she in that blasted forest but inside a house of some sort. Her head was thumping out a painful rhythm further intensified by the light in the room. She looked to be in a fairly large room lying on what felt like a couch. She cursed under her breath.

Where am I? What is this place? Last I remember I was in my tent drinking a fine bottle of hard cider and—urgh…

She held her head in agony. It hurt to think, and everything else she could recall was a fuzzy mess.

How did I get here though? It’s a bit of a dump, but it doesn’t explain why I’m not in the forest.

She weakly got off the couch and onto her hooves. Almost immediately, nausea hit her in full, and she had to fight back to the urge to puke. Her limbs felt like gelatin and combined with her headache, she felt like crap. Not the best way to wake up.

She took a quick glance around the room. Thankfully, it seemed she was alone at the moment. At least nopony would see the Great and Powerful Trixie in this-

“Hey there Trixie, feeling better?”

She stood there, paralyzed. That energetic voice struck a chord deep inside her. It belonged to that pony that saved her all those days ago. She slowly turned her head towards the voice to find the blonde, clad with his jacket. On his forehead, that stupid metal headband that was bending light directly at her eyes.

“You… You’re that blonde!” She turned her head to see somepony else beside him. At first, it was a fuzzy blotch of purple but it cleared up quickly. It was that lavender unicorn that showed her up and stole her spotlight. Her frown was soon joined by an angry glare.

“You’re… You’re that bitch that—argh!” She kneeled down, holding her head in agony.
