• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

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CH18: It's Party Time! (Revised)

Special Thanks:

Editors: DaMobbs


Partying Like it’s Nineteen Sixty-five

Unfortunately, It’s about to take a nosedive

But before such a disaster

One must bow before the Party Master!


Chapter 18: It’s Party Time

Now that he thought about it for a second, Twilight never did say where they were going. She did mention that it was just an evening walk. However, why were they standing in front of Sugarcube Corner? He furrowed a brow wondering why she stopped here. He looked over to Twilight for an answer.

“Why are we here?” Naruto asked.

“I just need to pick something up… Won’t take long”, Twilight said as she opened the door. The door gave way to complete darkness on the other side. Not a single light was on and even though the moon was out, they could only see a foot or two into the shop. Naruto looked back towards Twilight.

“I think they’re closed… and forgot to lock the door.” Naruto grinned. “Oh well, let’s rob the place, I’m hungry anyway!”

“Hey! Touch the goods and you’ll regret it!”, came a random voice through the door. Shuffling and muffled voices could be heard in the darkness. Naruto glanced back and forth between the door and Twilight.

“Uh, the house just spoke to me. Is this place haunted?” Naruto said, confused.Twilight sighed in frustration as she bumped him through the door and into the shop. He yelped at the unexpected nudge and tripped over his own hooves onto the floor. Then the doors slammed shut without warning, plunging the once moonlit entrance into inky blackness. That did it. He was creeped out now.

“Uh… hello?” He spoke to the darkness. The lights turned on a moment later, blinding him.

“SURPRISE!” Several voices yelled out at once. Naruto scurried backward until he hit something cold and solid in shock. He squinted, trying to get his eyes accustomed to the light before opening them fully. His jaw hit the floor.

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, and Mrs. Cake stood in front of the other ponies who were crowding the shop. He didn’t seem to recognize any other pony in the shop at the moment. However, he wasn’t gasping in awe at his friends but at the bakery itself.

Balloons, streamers, ribbons, glitter, and confetti covered almost every surface inside the shop. Hanging in the middle of the room was a big cloth banner, the words “Welcome Naruto” in bright gold letters. Tables lined the walls, each filled with an eye-catching assortment of cakes, pastries, and food that smelled heavenly even from afar. A gigantic bowl of what seemed to be fruit punch was in the corner, some ponies already helping themselves to the sweet concoction. His stomach gurgled in anticipation of the feast ahead.

He stood there, stunned and surprised, waiting for his brain to catch up.

“Wha… what the... What’s all this?!”, he managed to blurt out.

“It’s your surprise party silly filly!”

In the space of a second, Pinkie Pie had managed to appear next to him with a party hat, shoving it onto his head. Naruto looked back and forth between where the pink pony was before and where she was now.

“I’ve been meaning to throw you one, but then I had to help out the Cakes on some orders, and then make sure all the treats were perfect, and then feed gummy and bathe him and then break the- mmph.” She was interrupted mid-sentence when Twilight put a hoof over her mouth, muffling anything else she said. Surprisingly, she just kept going even though none of it was understandable.

“I think he gets it Pinkie… Sorry about not telling you where we were going by the way. I mean it’s not called a ‘Surprise’ party if i told you!” said Twilight. Rarity stepped forward.

“Indeed dearie, I think it was about time we formally welcomed you to Ponyville and there is no better way than one of Pinkie’s fine parties. I still haven’t forgotten about my dear Opal, you know!”

“And Applebloom too,” chimed in Applejack, ”don’tcha forget ‘bout that either!”

“Eh, I’ve seen better but I guess you do deserve some thanks. We still lost the real fox with you and that whole ‘fox disguise’…” said Rainbow Dash. Naruto sighed in irritation.

“I’m not a fox. How many times must I say it for it to sink in!?”

“Well... but... um, then why do you have fox tails...?” Fluttershy timidly asked Naruto. Before he could answer, Pinkie Pie playfully nudged Naruto.

“Aww who cares!? I thought we were having a surprise party, not a debate on the facts of life! That’s next week’s party. Let’s try to stay on target!” Pinkie hopped away from the group of pony friends and into the middle of the room. She stood on her back legs so she towered over the rest of the ponies before taking a deep breath.



So despite the inevitable inquiry about his tails, it was quickly placed on the back burner as ponies enjoyed dancing, talking, and stuffing their faces full of food. The crowd was bustling and lively as party streamers and confetti stayed aloft in the air, as if they too were dancing to the music. Pinkie Pie rocketed around the room dancing, occasionally stopping at the food table to grab a cupcake or two before flying off once more into the crowd. Twilight was talking with Applejack by the punch table while Rainbow was animatedly gesturing and talking with Rarity and Fluttershy in the corner.

“So you’ve never heard of ‘Ramen’ before?”

Naruto was now talking to Mr. Cake, whom Mrs. Cake had introduced him too soon after the party had gotten completely underway. They started off with idle banter about their daily lives in Ponyville before it eventually ended up with Naruto constantly questioning the baker about ramen. Maybe it was just a fluke that both Twilight and Pinkie didn’t know about it. He needed to here it from a cook... or qualified baker in this case. Mr. Cake shook his head.

“Nope, can’t say I have Naruto, sorry.”

“Oh…”, he said, his stance noticeably deflating. Three strikes and that’s that, Naruto thought. Ramen didn’t exist in this world... or he was just asking the wrong ponies. Regardless, he still had no leads on finding ramen again. Mr. Cake placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder.

“Keep your head up Naruto,” he said cheerfully,” I’m sure somepony knows about it. From your description, it sounds like a foreign delicacy. Maybe you’d have better luck in one of the bigger towns. Then again, you could always make it yourself since you seem to know a lot about it!”

Now THAT was an idea. Naruto making his own Ramen? A while back, he did help out Ichiraku when they were in a tight pinch. Ichiraku taught him and his friends the steps on how to prepare and cook the perfect bowl of ramen. How could he have forgotten such a thing!? He could open his own shop and eat ramen whenever he wanted! As Naruto drifted off into Ramenland with a lifetime ticket, he was jerked away by Pinkie and dragged onto the dance floor.

“Wh-what are you doing Pinkie!?”

“What do you think silly? You’re going to dance with me!”, she said, twisting her body in such ways that made even Naruto cringe. He watched as she danced across the floor gracefully avoiding some ponies and purposely nudging others during her maneuvers. Naruto panicked as he was suddenly flung around the room by Pinkie Pie’s hooves. Despite the incredible G-force he was undergoing, he couldn’t help but wonder. How was Pinkie bending in such ridiculous ways and how was she holding onto him with no fingers!?

Naruto was beginning to get dizzy from the crazy dancing, trying to tell her to stop.

“P-Pinkie, s-stop! I don’t even know how to dance, and this is definitely not ‘dancing’!”

“Of course it is silly pants! Everypony dances like this!”, she said as she dropped Naruto to the floor in a tangled pile of limbs.

“Who in the world dances like this!?”

“I do!”

“That’s not the point!” Naruto thought once more as he shakily stood up.

As the party continued, everyone seemed to be having a spectacular time... that is, except for Naruto who was still being flung around the room like a rag doll. After what seemed like an eternity, Pinkie Pie finally let Naruto go and ventured off to find some hot sauce of all things. He honestly didn’t care at this point what she did as long as it didn’t involve him for a while. With each step, a twinge of dull pain shot up his front legs as he made his way to the nearest seat.

He sighed in relief as his legs were now off the ground. He eyed the crowd as he sat there and he soon found himself deep in thought. Back home, he never recalled attending such a large party. In fact, when was the last time he even went to a party? It felt alien to him... probably because the ‘parties’ he attended weren’t of the happy kind. A tear fell down his face as thoughts of the Third Hokage’s funeral passed though his mind. Even though it was a long time ago, he could still remember it as clear as though it was yesterday. However, this was not the time to reminisce.

As he wiped the tear away, he noticed something in the corner of his eye; A certain somepony that seemed rather familiar. Next to the doorway was a gray mare with a rather sophisticated black hairstyle. She was fiddling with a wooden object—a violin Naruto guessed—and it sent a blaring alarm into his head.

“Where have I seen her before…?” She definitely looked familiar to him, but he couldn’t place a finger, or hoof, on it. Something was telling him to go up and talk to her but he didn’t know why.

As he got up, Twilight walked over to him. “What’s wrong Naruto? Not having a good time?”

Naruto smiled. “Oh, yeah I am. I swear, this party is crazy with Pinkie Pie around, ha ha…”

“Heh, I know what you mean. I saw that she was really having a good time. I’ve never seen Pinkie dance like that with someone before…”, she said rubbing her chin.

“And let’s leave it at that… my arms hurt from dancing with her…, he said, rubbing his arms for emphasis.

“That rough, huh?”

“Yeah… I didn’t know she could bend that way while dancing… Or hold onto someone like that… or even headstand like that… or twist her arm in so many different directions… It’s like she’s not even a pony!”

“Well you know her… Pinkie Pie doing the impossible…”, Twilight giggled.

“Although I wish you danced with me…”, she muttered afterwards.


“Oh, nothing! Ahaha…”, she said with a nervous chuckle. Naruto tilted his head in confusion.

“Erm, alright… By the way Twilight…”, he said as he pointed at the gray mare, “Do you know who that is? She looks familiar… but I can’t remember right now for some reason.”

“Hmm…” Twilight followed his hoof and locked eyes on the mare in question. She was fine tuning a violin as if to pass the time. She frowned and looked back at Naruto. “I’ve never seen her before. Maybe she’s a friend of Pinkie Pie since she’s the one who sent the invitations.”

“I see… Thanks anyway Twilight…”, he said as he shook his legs out, trying to regain some sensation, “I’m gonna see who she is. Something about her is bugging me…”

“Er, wait Naruto!” Twilight exclaimed. Naruto turned around. “What’s up?”

Twilight opened her mouth to say something, but no sounds came out. She gave a small blush, trying to figure out what to say to him.

“Is something wrong?”

“…you could dance with me…” she said in a barely audible whisper.

“Er, come again?”

Twilight gave a small sigh as her blush grew a little brighter, the lump in her throat threatening to jump out. “C’mon Twilight, you can do this…”

“I was wondering… Once you’re done talking with the gray pony… ifyoucoulddancewithme?” She finally spurted out in her best imitation of Fluttershy. She held her breath, the lump in her throat now mysteriously gone after saying what needed to be said. Naruto frowned.

“But I can’t dance...”

“I can show you how… if it’s alright?”

An invitation to dance... from Twilight. This was a first. Nobody had ever asked him this before and he didn’t know how to go about answering. Not wanting to hurt her feelings, he just nodded and grinned.

“Alright, sure. Why not? Can’t turn down free dance lessons now can I?”

“Y-Yeah, of course! A free dance lesson, hee hee…” She said, forcing a giggle. Naruto didn’t exactly get what was so funny about it but he followed suit.

Once Twilight walked off to do something else, Naruto finally focused his vision on the gray mare. For some reason, her violin was now tilted against the wall and she was still sitting in the same spot next to the door.

Naruto swerved through the crowd of ponies. Why did she seem so familiar? He wracked his thoughts to find an answer but he came up with a big, fat nothing. As he got closer to the girl, she turned her gaze towards Naruto and went wide-eyed when she saw him. It developed into an angry glare before she turned her head away.

“What’s got her noodles in a bunch?” Naruto thought. He stopped in front of her.

“Hi, enjoying the party so far?” Naruto said with a cheeky grin. The angry mare looked at Naruto with a quizzical look before sighing.

“So the guest of honor comes to talk to me. Quite the friendly colt, aren’t you?”

“Well, I wanted to ask you something…”

“Oh? And what would that be?”

“Just… have I seen you somewhere before?” One of her eyes developed an involuntary twitch as he finished his question. She made a small ‘hmmph’ before rapidly turning her head away. Naruto couldn’t help but scratch the back of his head on confusion.

“Er, what did I do? Did I make you mad?”

“I’m madder that you don’t know who I am. How can you not recognize me?”

“That’s why I’m asking you if we’ve met before? I’m not that good with new faces.”

The gray mare sighed in irritation as she stared angrily at Naruto.

“Are you serious? Grr… maybe you’re not the one Father mentioned… probably just a look alike or something…”

Naruto grew more confused. Just who was she? She had a sophisticated air around her... and what exactly did she mean by her father.

“Do… I know your father?”

“You don’t remember him!?”

“Maybe we’d get somewhere if you’d actually answer my question with an answer and not another question…”

“And I wished you would remember who I am, if Father’s description of you is correct, or else I wouldn’t be wasting my time here!”

“Why does this angry mare remind me of Sakura…?” Naruto thought to himself. A woman who doesn’t get to the point and argues over trivial manners, or someone that just loves to argue for the sake or arguing? Yep, sounds like Sakura-chan alright... Although the lack of physical abuse is quite lovely.

As they argued, there was a solid thump on the front door. Naruto glanced at the door a split second before it slammed open, sandwiching him into the wall. Naruto grunted in pain as the door continued to squish him against the wall. He wondered who in the world would open a door so violently.

“I do not want to go to the hospital again…”, he muttered to himself. He went wide-eyed when he heard an all-too-well familiar voice though.

Naruto couldn’t see him, but he could hear him. A coarse voice, like gravel on gravel, shouting out obscenities as the party came to an abrupt stop. The other ponies stared at the doorway to find a black stallion with a Hammer cutie mark and a busted, swollen lip.

“Alright, where is that blonde of a filly? I know he’s in here!” Naruto sighed in annoyance

“Oh no… not again… For the love of god, not AGAIN!” Naruto muttered to himself, while doing something he was finding himself to be doing a lot lately.

Banging his forehead against the door as quietly as possible.