• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH27: New Party Members Pt. 1 (Revised)

Special Thanks:

Editors: DaMobbs

Proofreaders: Meeester


A Sleeping Drunken Mare

Awoken Rudely, Who Would Dare?

Fox, Wolf, and Ponies shall partake

In the confectionery blessing known as cake


Chapter 27: New Party Members Pt. 1

He could already tell this wasn’t going to end well. She seemed rather happy when she saw Naruto, but when she caught sight of Twilight…

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, Naruto,” whispered Twilight. ”She looks pretty mad.”

“She’s in pain too, don’t forget that. It’s better than leaving her in the forest in this state.”

“What is the meaning of this!?” Trixie shouted, only to hold her head as the pounding headache repeatedly reminded her she was in no condition to be raising her voice. She opted for a small whisper, which thankfully didn’t aggravate her headache. “Did you kidnap Trixie? I bet that purple bitch wants to show off her powers even more!”

Twilight stared at her incredulously. “For what reason would I do that Trixie? You know full well that it wasn’t for the sake of showing off, but to save the town.”

“And you blondie, you had to get in Trixie’s way and ruin her stunning reputation as well!” Trixie continued, not even acknowledging that the lavender mare had spoken.

“Says the mare who was crying and begging for help…” Naruto countered.

“Y-yes, well… Trixie is… um…” She didn’t know how to come back from that, seeing as it was entirely true. She just went ‘hmph’ and stuck her nose in the air.

Naruto and Twilight looked at each other, rolling their eyes simultaneously at the fact that she hadn’t changed a bit despite the Ursa incident. Naruto merely sighed as he looked at Trixie.

“Trixie, in case you didn’t know, I found you in the Everfree Forest... about to be eaten alive.”

Trixie froze, her stubbornness falling apart momentarily before it returned in full force. She lunged at Naruto, grasping his shoulders in her hooves and shaking him left and right.

“You kidnapped Trixie from the Everfree Forest!? How dare you! Wait until Trixie gets her hooves on you—“

“Urgh, your hooves are already on me!” shouted Naruto.

“Shut up you twit! You shouldn’t have kidnapped me in the first place!”

“In case you’ve forgotten, you were almost eaten alive!”

Trixie stopped shaking Naruto. She stared at him dead in the eye, looking for any sign of hesitation. “What are you talking about?”

“Apparently, you were too drunk to remember, but you were about to be a full course meal for a pack of wolves. I saved your flank when you oh-so-graciously passed out. You’re lucky I had business in the Everfree Forest, or else you wouldn’t even be here right now.”

Trixie blinked a couple of times, still trying to find proof that he was deceiving her. However, everything pointed out that he was indeed being truthful. In the end, she turned around with yet another ‘harumph’ and stuck her nose up in the air.

“I don’t believe you,” she quipped.

“How about you ask ol’ Woody over in the corner then, hmm?” shot back Naruto with a grin.

She looked over to the corner, the massive bundle of bark that was the Timberwolf occupying most of it. She went wide-eyed and opened her mouth to speak, nothing coming out. Then she yelled at the top of her lungs.

Naruto and Twilight covered their ears from the high-pitched scream. The only thing Twilight could think of was that her scream rivaled Naruto’s. Luckily, no windows broke this time and the wolf was thankfully still knocked out. Trixie quickly backed away into another corner of the house as she tried to process how they even managed to subdue such a monster. She pointed a hoof at it as her teeth chattered.

“Wha… what is that Timberwolf doing here!? Why is it in this house!? Have you lost your mind!? That thing is going to e-eat Trixie!”

“Would you calm down, Trixie. It’s not even awake,” said Naruto, jabbing at it with his hoof. “This one was with a pack of normal wolves and was, like I said, about to tear you limb from limb.”

“But why bring that thing HERE!?”

“Simple, I was going to ea—“ Naruto stopped himself mid-sentence when he looked at Twilight. She was giving him that scrupulous stare, complete with twitching eyebrow. He stumbled with his words until he reached more convincing ones.

“Er, I mean examine it. I’ve never seen such a creature before, so I brought it back here, along with you.”

“Y-you’re going to feed Trixie to that animal!” she concluded dismally.

Naruto facehoofed. “Are you serious!? Why would I save you from being eaten alive if I was going to feed you to a wolf later? Think about it!”

Trixie didn’t know what to say. Her gaze shifted towards the floor, and then back at Naruto, trying to find truth in Naruto’s words. Eventually, she just sighed.

“Why save Trixie though?” Trixie asked in a hushed tone.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Naruto asked.

“Why save somepony that brought nothing but harm to the town? Trixie isn’t worth your time.”

“Everypony is worth my time… well, except for a certain black unicorn, but still! You were in danger, and I never leave anyone defenseless. In fact, there’s something I need to ask you.”


“Why were you in the Everfree Forest and drunk to boot? That forest is dangerous, and you should have known better.”

“Trixie wasn’t aware that stupid forest had carnivorous wolves in it!” snapped the unicorn. “That place was supposed to be my temporary home!”

“Your temporary home?” Naruto and Twilight looked at each other in confusion. Naruto stepped a little closer to Trixie. “What do you mean ‘temporary home’? Don’t you have a home in this… Hoofingeiger or something?”

“It’s Hoofington you dolt! And…” Her demeanor went from anger to depression instantly.

“…Trixie doesn’t really have a home to return to. Hoofington is my hometown, yes, but Trixie cannot afford a home.” she said, absentmindedly digging an imaginary groove into the wooden floor. ”I live on the road, in my former caravan as a travelling performer. Now that Trixie’s caravan is destroyed, her money gone, and her reputation destroyed... Where else could she possibly go?”

Naruto honestly was at a loss for words. A mare with no home to return to and no money to support herself? Naruto tapped his chin a couple times, pondering how to respond in a situation like this. Trixie continued looking down at the floor despondantly.

“And with no money,” she continued sadly, ”Trixie has no way of travelling or eating. Those cider bottles were the only thing she could salvage from her wagon. They were her celebratory drink after accomplishing the performance at Ponyville.” Trixie stifled a giggle. “Heh, this is the definition of irony. The spoils of victory ending up being the cause of her final downfall. Go ahead, laugh. Laugh at the show mare, and laugh at the pitiful star that had fallen from the spotlight and into a miserable hell.”

Naruto merely shook his head in response.

“Why would we laugh at you?” quietly asked Twilight. She could tell that Trixie was vulnerable at the moment. A few wrong words and she might spiral deeper into despair.

“Why shouldn’t you?”

“Because I don’t see this as a laughing matter.” Naruto added. “You were lost, you had a hangover, and that forest almost became your grave, but I don’t see why you would go this far. I’m not an expert on magic, but I can tell that you have a lot of talent, Trixie. Lightning bolts, illusions, telekinesis… It would be a waste to see you die despite the potential you have.”

“Naruto’s right. You shouldn’t give up after an event like that,” consoled Twilight, placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder, “And although I’m still a bit mad at how you treated the town…” Twilight trailed off, trying to find the right words to say to her without having her pissed off.

“Well, I’m willing to forgive you.” Twilight ended.

Silence fell as Trixie looked at the two ponies standing before her, willing to forgive her previous misdeeds and let bygones be bygones. She had lost everything on that fateful night, and they were willing to help her out. She looked at the hoof on her shoulder thoughtfully before it turned into a pout. With her hoof, she smacked the consoling purple hoof away.

“Tch, I don’t need your forgiveness. I just want to be left alone.” Trixie said.

“First you ask us to laugh at you and then you want to be left alone. You sure have some weird mood swings, Trixie.” Naruto pointed out.

“Bah, who needs you anyway!?” She immediately stood up but fell over momentarily afterwards. She was still wobbly from her hangover, and being weak wasn’t helping her cause. She lightly pounded her hoof on the floor, clearly frustrated at her physical state.

“Urgh… This is humiliating.”

Naruto merely sighed at the spectacle. “Twilight, give me a hoof and put her on the couch.”

Twilight nodded as Naruto went on one end of Trixie and Twilight on the other. Trixie weakly fought back, something about how they should unhoof her at once, but with her current strength, it was more like a pathetic wiggle.

They brought her back to the couch to lay down, Trixie now mumbling something about how they’re a bunch of idiots. In reality, she was rather tired, and that nasty headache was still chipping away at her head. She looked at them rebelliously for a moment before burying her face into a cushion on the couch.

Naruto waited a moment longer before walking out the front door of his house and into the sunlight. Twilight, still confused at the proceedings, followed him out. He took a look up at the clear, blue sky and sighed.

“This is a fine noodle of a mess I’m in…”

“You mean we’re in.”

Naruto just stood there in silence for a few seconds, wondering what course of action to take.

No home to return to, huh… similar to my situation. I’m dead in my own world, and I have no way of going back. She’s almost like me. He thought.

“What are you going to do with her?”

“I’ll let her rest for a while. Then I’ll just go from there.” he turned to face Twilight. ”For now, you should head home. It’s been a long day, I’m sure.”

“Oh no, you’re not getting rid of me that easily. I want to help.” She pleaded.

“Trixie is still sore with you Twilight. I wouldn’t want to risk pissing her off any—“

“Language, Naruto…” scolded Twilight.

“Sorry, can’t help it.” he shrugged. “Anyway, I don’t want to anger her further, and with you here, it probably will. When she calms down, then you can help but trust me. I’ll take care of it, alright?”

“If you say so Naruto, but let me know if you need help, alright?”

“Of course.” he nodded.

“And don’t you go near the Everfree Forest again!” she said, already trotting away from the house.

“No promises, Twilight.” He chuckled.


After Twilight had left his house, he went back inside to see that Trixie was sound asleep. After all that, he’d be surprised if she wasn’t.

Now he needed to figure out what he was going to do with her, including the Timberwolf. Speaking of which, he still needed to see if it was edible. Peeking out the front door to see if anypony was around, he slammed it shut.

Naruto stopped for a moment, hooves poised over the lock . He placed a hoof in his pocket to see that he still had the Party Mushroom, and sighed. He crossed his tails to summon a shadow clone and in a cloud of smoke, it appeared. He tossed it to the clone, telling him to get it delivered to Pinkie Pie and pick up the payment.

After the clone gave a salute, it dashed out the door and off into the distance with ninja-like speed towards Sugarcube Corner. He couldn’t help but smile.

This is going to make jobs so much easier…

He closed and locked the door again. Making sure Trixie was still asleep, he picked up the unconscious Timberwolf with his tails. It was rather heavy and awkward to hold, but thankfully it fit through the narrow doorway into the kitchen.

He placed it on the floor, and looked around the kitchen, hoping that Gary had left behind cooking utensils and pots. The egg that he left on the counter earlier caught his eye again.

He scratched his head in confusion.

“I really need to figure out what’s with this stupid egg. Maybe I can make a really big omelet with it?” He said out loud. “Still, maybe I should ask Gary about it? It was in his house after all, and he used to live here… maybe he left it here by accident?”

A rather disturbing growl coming from somewhere. He looked down at his stomach and patted it.

“Hungry again huh? And I thought that fish was enough.” The growls were audible once more, this time with a more aggressive rumble. He frowned at his stomach, as if it was begging for food. “You had fish damn it! What else do you want from me!?”

The growls grew even louder and more disturbing. That’s when it clicked. He turned around to have his vision filled with bark and fangs. The Timberwolf was awake, and it wasn’t angry. It was pissed. Naruto suddenly found himself holding the wolf at bay with his hooves and tails. The wolf’s mouth leaked saliva as it dripped onto Naruto’s face.

“Dammit, you suck at playing dead!”



Back in Princess’s lair, in which she was laying on her soft cushion, she felt a slight tremor. Assuming something was going on with Naruto, she waved a paw and a bright hole the size of a pony materialized before her. The wooden wolf that Naruto had fought before was there, viciously snapping his jaws as Naruto fought to keep it back. She tapped her chin with a paw, utterly fascinated at the beast before her.

“Amazing. That Timberwolf is quite durable… Smashed into by a wolf, slammed into a tree, choked into unconsciousness, and it’s not even bruised... I think. He’d make a spectacular ally.” She merely sighed at her own response, however. However, it’s a shame that it only listens to its animal instincts…”

She walked off her cushion, stepping closer to the bright hole, and placed a tail on it. She grinned devilishly.

“What if I gave it intelligence? Or perhaps I could rob it of its free will and turn it into my obedient slave. Both sound rather nice…”

Princess looked up at the distant ceiling, devoid of any color or defining physical qualities, before shaking her head.

“Nah… Too cliché.”


“Urgh, you darn dirty mutt, get off me already!”

As Naruto fought to keep the wolf at bay, he lost feeling in his tails. In fact, he couldn’t control them at all! The tails wiggled and went berserk as they shot out in random directions, each snaking through the air to the same destination; the Wolf’s forehead. Both Naruto and the wolf stopped for a moment, wondering what this unknown phenomenon was.

In an instant, red chakra burst through his tails and into the wolf’s forehead. The wolf stumbled off of Naruto, holding its head as it writhed in pain, letting out pained growls and yelps. The chakra began to slowly envelop the wolf’s body, starting at his head and moving backward until it encompassed even its tail. Its limbs collapsed underneath him as he succumbed to the chakra ravaging its’ body.

Naruto couldn’t believe his eyes. Was it Princess that did this? Regardless, he couldn’t stand to see the creature tortured like this, especially with that red chakra. Ironic, seeing as moments earlier he wanted to cut it open to eat it.

The beast’s wood color slowly changed from a brown tone to a dull white color, almost to the point of snow-like. All the swirling energy began to drain from the body towards a single point: its forehead. As the last traces of red chakra flowed into that point, it began to rotate, forming a miniature whirlpool. Almost instantly, the chakra exploded out leaving behind a circular swirl similar to the whirlpool that was there before. The symbol dimmed from a bright red light to a subtle glow that you could see if you paid close attention.

The symbol looked very similar to the one on Naruto’s flank, except it didn’t have the extra markings. Seeing the wolf transform from a dark brown to a dull white was rather interesting to say the least.

Just what did Princess do to that thing?

He looked at the wolf for a moment, only to watch as it lifted itself off the floor and onto its own legs. It wasn’t angry anymore, and it certainly didn’t seem hostile. Its glowing yellow eyes were much different than before. They were glazed over when he was face to snout with it but now, they were much more clearer. It looked at its front legs, then its chest, and then the rests of its pale, white body.

The white timberwolf looked up at Naruto and stared at him.

“This one wonders what you have done to it.”

Naruto blinked a couple of times, wondering if his ears had finally betrayed him. He rubbed them, wondering if he was hearing things all of a sudden. He stood there silently, not bothering to answer what he thought he had imagined. Assuming Naruto didn’t hear him, he repeated its statement.

“This one repeats itself, and wants to know what you have done to it.”

His jaw hit the floor.

You’ve got to be kidding me… It’s speaking, it’s actually speaking! Princess, what in ramen’s name did you do to it!? He thought, panicking slightly inside.

The wolf was speaking. He could understand what he was saying. No growls, no barks, not even a howl. To say he was utterly flabbergasted would have been a drastic understatement. Naruto dumbly pointed a hoof at himself.

“Are you… speaking to me?”

“This one is speaking to you.” It said, flicking its timber-like tail around. “Will you not answer this one’s question?”

“I-I don’t know. My tails did something to you, but I-I don’t know what—”

“Interesting. You claim you did something to this one, but you do not know what.”

“’This one?” Naruto asked, catching on to its weird way of addressing itself.

“Yes, you are speaking to this one. You are speaking to no one else. Is there a problem?”

“No, but, geez, this is weird. Where’s Twilight when you actually need her?” he sighed.

“This one does not understand. Who is this ‘Twilight’?”

“Would you stop calling yourself ‘this one’! It’s getting annoying!” shouted Naruto.

“This wolf offends you?”

“No, I mean… argh! You know what, give me a second okay? I need to think this through.”

He didn’t know how to go about talking to the wolf, despite the fact it was actually able to talk. That’s the weird thing though: how was he able to speak to it? He had a feeling it had something to do with Princess. But for what reason? What did the Princess hope to gain by making it actually sentient? It didn’t make sense.

Then again, nothing made sense when it came to Chakra and magic. He was pretty much at his wit’s end whenever he tried to question anything around here anymore. Naruto merely sighed as he looked at the white wolf who sat there patiently. He smacked himself once, hoping that it really was a dream. Sadly, it wasn’t and now his cheek stung.

“What do you remember before you started realizing you could speak my language, wolf?” he said, massaging away the pain.

“This one does not seem to remember much, other than it attacked you. This one assumes it was hungry and desperate. Then, a crumbling darkness as a sea of red enveloped this one, a demonic figure with a gaze so powerful, it melts even the coldest and hardest ice.” he finished with a visible shudder.

“So Princess does have something to do with it…” Naruto mumbled.

“This one wonders who this ‘Princess’ is?”

“Probably the cause of your language and your… transformation.” He concluded. “I don’t know how she did it, but it seems you’re able to speak, and you’re a different color to boot. That little brat confuses me to no end.”

“This one sees… A demonic figure whom is named Princess. I believe this is what you would call ‘Irony’.”

“Irony, really?” questioned a curious Naruto.

“Demons and monsters alike do not wish to be called a Princess, but merely a figure of destruction.” he said in a monotone tone. ”This one thinks such a name is cute, instead of feared.”

“I don’t know why she likes it so much. Probably because—urgh, look at me, I’m talking to a wolf about the nature of irony.” he laughed

“This one does not understand your statement.”

“I’m talking to something that tried to kill me and Trixie! This is so damn weird…”

“Ah, this one believes you mean the Azure horned one? This one watched her for a long time.”

That caught Naruto’s attention.


“This Azure horned being seemed to be incapable of walking and muttering to herself, always going back into this triangle-like cave and yelling at the brittle barked ones like it was howling at the moon. It was a weird spectacle that this one and its friends found truly disturbing.”

Sounds like she was drunk off her ass and yelling at trees, or yelling at her tent… When you’re drunk, anything could happen.

“It drove this one and its brethren to watch her closely, and then…” The wolf trailed off, muttering to itself. Naruto tilted its head in confusion.

“And then…?”

“This one does not remember. It is a blur.”

“I see… Do you know how long she was in that forest for?”

“This one believes two moons have passed since then.”

“You stalked her for that long?” Naruto asked skeptically

“This one and its kind could not help itself; it is upon instinct and curiosity that brought this one to her.”

“You were planning to eat her.”

The wolf stood there silently, nodding its head. “It is a possibility.”

“You’re awfully nice for someone who just got hit by a blast of red chakra. Aren’t you mad? Angry? Spiteful? Anything?”

“It is strange, and yet, this one likes it. This one is calm, content, and—“ The wolf was interrupted by a loud growling sound. Naruto looked at the wolf with a blank face.

“And that was?”

“It seems this one is hungry.” It said, looking down at its stomach. “It admits that it has not eaten in some time. Is there a source of nourishment nearby?”

“I don’t have anything in this house at the moment. I just moved here, actually,” he gestured around the kitchen for emphasis, “so I’m still furnishing the place. I just wish the fridge was furnished…”

“This one sees… This one will need to eat something soon, preferably food or wood.”

Naruto blinked at the last response. “Wood is part of your diet?”

“It is the natural digestive system of this one. This one is made of wood, is it not?”

“It makes sense now that you mention it… You’re made of wood after all.” he added thoughtfully.

“Indeed. However this one needs a mix of other nourishment. Wood on its own is not enough to sate this one’s hunger.”

There was a loud knocking noise coming from the living room making Naruto freeze on the spot. If anyone found out that he was harboring a Timberwolf in his house, he’d be in deep trouble. The wolf tilted its head, looking at the spot where the sound came from.

“Hey! Why is this door locked!? Open up boss!”

Naruto relaxed, glad that it was only just his clone. He looked back towards the wolf.

“Well, lunch’s here!”

The wolf raised a wooden brow.


After opening the door for his clone, his clone hoofed him one of the two boxes he was balancing in each hoof. Apparently, the clone had to knock on the door with its hind legs. The clone was a little startled to see the Timberwolf up and about, but Naruto re-assured him that it was harmless for the moment.

When the clone placed the two large boxes on the kitchen counter, he high fived Naruto and went up in a cloud of smoke. The wolf was rather confused on how there were two of him in the first place.

“This one wonders how there were two of you?”

“It’s one of my skills.” he said with pride. ”Basically, I can produce a complete clone of myself. It has my abilities, my personality, almost everything. It’s just not as strong as I am.”

“That… is confusing.”

“Trust me when I say you don’t want to hear the complicated version of it.” he chuckled out.

“This one wishes to hear about it later, though.”

Naruto opened the boxes as he talked to the wolf. “I’ll think about it.”

As he opened them, he was met with an air of aroma that he never thought possible. Browsing through the thoughts of his clone, he found that Pinkie was extremely excited when she received the party mushroom. The application however still creeped him out.

What is with her and fruit punch anyway?

Mixing a mushroom into fruit punch… That seemed rather weird, but she was the party pony, and she knew what she was doing, so Naruto merely shrugged it off.

Getting back to his senses, he looked at the cakes and couldn’t help but be amazed. Two cakes covered in contrasting frostings: One was red in theme, and the other was blue. The red cake was adorned with an assortment of strawberries, cherries, and raspberries. The blue cake was adorned with blueberries and blackberries.

The cakes looked incredible. Almost too good to eat actually, but he’d find a way around that momentarily. The aromas of both cakes mixed together, assaulting his nose with a mixture of fresh fruit, hot cake, and frosting.

“It smells really good…”

The wolf placed his paws on the kitchen counter to lift himself up and took a whiff. He brought his head back and gave a nod.

“This one appreciates the smell of the fruit and this… what did you call it?”


“Indeed, cake. It seems satisfactory to eat.”

The cakes were already cut into small slices, there being ten on each cake. Thankfully there was a dining table in the center and a few kitchen chairs, but with his past experience with the leftover furniture, he was skeptical that they could hold his weight.

He set the cakes up in the middle of the square table, seemingly made of oak. Bringing up a chair, he slowly lowered himself onto it, ready to spring up at the first sounds of cracking wood. He felt the chair creak and groan under his weight, but it held up under the strain. He gave a sigh of relief, while the wolf looked at him, puzzled.

“This one wonders why you are so silent?”

“Oh, sorry. It’s just I had a chair break on me earlier before, and I was prepared to take a dive if this one broke on me.”

“Understandable… This one will eat on the floor.”

“Oh come now, take a seat and eat at the table.”

“This one does not wish to intru—”

“Nonsense, now get your tail in this seat and eat with me.” he interrupted.

The wolf complied with Naruto’s wish, and hopped into the seat next to him, its seat also creaking under the added weight.

Well, that’s two chairs that won’t break on me, he thought happily. A thump from the living room caught his attention and he froze. He knew who made that noise and here he was eating cake with the same wolf that tried to eat them both.

“Trixie demands to know this delicious aroma that Trixie smells!”

Naruto turned to find Trixie standing in the doorway, cradling her head with one of her forehooves and her eyes closed.

Oh lord, here we go…

Trixie, with her dirty coat and couch hair, strode into the room a lot less wobbly than before. It seemed that a nap was what she needed to get rid of that nasty hangover she had from before.

“Trixie has to say blondie, your house is a mess, but it must be nice if you can cook something as good as—“ She froze mid-stride, he eyes wide open and taking in the scene in front of her. The wolf and Naruto looked at each other befuddled, the former wondering what made her shut up for once.

She went wide-eyed. Her bottom lip quivered, and she fell on her rump, her rear legs no longer able to keep her standing.

“Ahhh! It’s awake! Kill it, blondie! Quickly!” She yelled. They both covered their ears as she kept on screaming about different ways in which he could take care of it. It reminded him of a particular bedtime story, actually…

“Trixie, stop yelling! For pete’s sake you’re going to make me go deaf!”

“This one agrees with fox pony!” The wolf exclaimed. Trixie immediately stopped shouting like a madpony out of sheer shock. As if her eyes couldn’t get any wider, hers were about to pop out of their sockets. If Naruto looked closely enough, maybe he could see the internal gear locking up in her head.

“D-did… did that wolf just talk!?” She said, scooting backwards away from it. “W-what in Celestia’s name…?”

Naruto just shook his head. “If you’re done yelling, want some cake? We’ve got plenty to go around.” He said, hoofing a slice into his mouth.

“W-with that thing? B-but it’ll eat Trixie!”

“Do not let this one put fear into your heart. This one comes in peace.” The wolf said calmly.

“And why is it speaking all weird? Trixie does not understand what is going on!? Explain Blondie!” Trixie meekly commanded.

“Trust me; you’re not the only one, but the wolf is harmless from what I can see. Now do you want to eat or not?” Naruto said, motioning for her to sit down.

Trixie was skeptical with the wolf at first. She stepped a few inches forward, cautious of what the wolf might do. It merely dipped its muzzle into the box and grabbed a slice of the red cake and placed it on the table, gnawing at it like it was a chew toy.

She eventually brought up the courage to sit next to Naruto, keeping an eye on the wolf the entire time. She looked towards Naruto.

“Are you going to tell Trixie what is going on?”

“Like I said, your guess is as good as mine.” he said after swallowing his third slice. “Just accept the fact that there’s a talking wolf in my household.”

“But Trixie cannot accept this! This is unheard of!”

“Like it’s unheard of to see you drunk in a forest…” Naruto retorted.

“This one is disturbed at how loud you are, especially when drinking that strange liquid.”

“Why you…!” Trixie was about to leap over the table, but Naruto kept her down by placing a hoof on her shoulder.

“Calm down, both of you!” He said, slamming a hoof on the table. “I’m not exactly comfortable having a drunk showpony and a talking wolf in my house. Also, Trixie?” He looked at the mare in question. “I need to know what you’re going to do after you’re done eating.”

“Why should Trixie tell you?” she quipped.

“Because I’m concerned. You told me earlier that you don’t have a house anymore, so where will you go? Without any money, you don’t have many options.”

Trixie was about to retort, but she kept her mouth shut. She hadn’t given it any thought. Being drunk in a forest would be a good way to spend the last of her days, but that didn’t seem logical anymore. She shook her head.

“I don’t know…” Trixie said, giving up her 3rd person for once and grabbing a blue cake slice from the box. She examined it carefully before taking a small bite from it. She stopped in mid-chew, and immediately shoved the entire thing into her mouth.

“This is delicious!” She said grabbing another helping, although chewing on that one much more slowly. Naruto found this scene to be odd though. It almost seemed like a setup to a joke too.

An Illusionist.

A talking wolf.

And a ponified human with the spirit of a fox demon’s child.

Calling them an odd combination would be a start, but it wouldn’t do them justice. Everyone sitting at one table, eating together. It was weird, but he would quickly adapt. Trixie was still a little freaked out over the wolf, but it was understandable, seeing as that same wolf tried to eat her.

Huh… this is weird…

“Hey, I never caught your name, wolf.” Naruto asked.

“This one does not have a name.”


“Must this one repeat itself? This one does not have a name. It never had one.”

“Great, you’re sounding like Princess now…”

Trixie stopped munching on her cake and looked at Naruto, confused. “Who’s Princess? You mean Princess Luna or Celestia?

“No, someone else… Alright, look.” He said, finishing his cake slice. “It seems pretty obvious that you don’t have a home to return to, Trixie. Wolf, I don’t know about you; what are you planning to do?”

“This one plans to stick by you.”

Naruto blinked. “Stick by me? Why?”

“You bested this one in combat not once but three times, you granted this one speech and you fed this one too. This one feels somehow… drawn to you. Like this one was made to be with you, to honor you, to be by your side. Therefore, this one will do as such.”

“You don’t have to go that far.” he said slightly abashed.

“Nonsense, this one feels obligated to do so. Please grant this one’s wish.”

A timberwolf by his side. A part of him wished Kiba was here to tell him how to properly take care of a wolf, but since it could speak, he probably wouldn’t need him. The wolf spoke in an articulate way, as if it had a air of wisdom around it. Naruto merely sighed as he came to a decision. Having a wolf around could have its uses.

“Alright, fine. I’m Naruto by the way.”

“This one finds it a pleasure, Naruto.”

“Hey! Don’t leave Trixie out of this!”

The wolf and Naruto looked at Trixie puzzlingly.

“What do you mean?”

“Trixie wishes… Trixie wishes to stick with you too.”

“…Say what.” Naruto deadpanned. He didn’t plan on her sticking around too. This loudmouth would quickly gnaw at his patience the longer she stayed here. It would be for the best if she’d go as soon as she’s able.

“I don’t think so Trixie.”

“What!? Why not?”

“I can see your potential, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to stick with me, in my house of all places… You’ve already caused a ton of problems for the town as is.”

“But Trixie can be useful to you. Please, I’m asking you to let me stay here for at least a short while to get back on my hooves.” She pleaded, once again dropping her 3rd person speak. “I have no home to return to, I have no money, and I smell like a pig. Please, I’m asking you to let me stay.”

Naruto looked at her for a moment. She looked sincere, despite her earlier attitude, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t lying about it. He leaned back in his chair for a moment, tapping his hooves together in thought. Then an idea struck him.

His house was still a wreck, and even by himself and his clone, there was only so much they could do. The fact that he didn’t know much about carpentry didn’t help. Plus, Trixie had telekinesis and other types of magic spells. Having a Unicorn would be handy in the long run.

“Fine, you can stay... but on one condition.” Naruto began. Trixie perked her ears up. “There’s a room barricaded by debris and wood just outside this kitchen. If you can make it accessible, it’s yours. Don’t make me regret this.”

“That’s it? Hah, with Trixie working on it, its as good as done!” she said proudly.

“That’s quite a bit of confidence you’ve got there, but besides that, you’ll need to help me around the house too. I don’t want any slackers around here. Are we clear?” He looked at the wolf, who nodded and then back to Trixie, who also nodded.

“Good… Oh, also, wolf? I have a special condition for you as well… huh?” That’s when Naruto saw the wolf gnawing its teeth on the wooden table. When the wolf saw him staring, it stopped chewing, puzzled.

“Yesh, Narutoh?” The wolf said, its mouth still clamped to the table.

Naruto looked at the table for a moment and then looked at the wolf with a frown.

“Don’t eat the furniture…”