• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

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CH7: Experimentation & Savior

Special Thanks:

Editor: Pissfer
Proofreader: Meeester


With Business Concluded, One Feels Bored

What Does One Expect when talking to something, similar to a Door…

Wandering into unknown territory…

Reveals abilities beyond thy glory…


Chapter 7: Experimentation & Savior

With her business with Naruto concluded, Princess Celestia took Twilight aside to talk to her about a few things as well. What it was, Naruto didn’t know, since he was now the one waiting outside. He stared at the guards as they stood next to the door, not moving a single muscle. He poked at their armor, feeling the hard and cold surface. He looked back at the guards, and they still made no move. Naruto grinned slightly as he poked their noses too. No response.

Then he tried sticking his tongue out. No response. He crossed his hooves while standing on his hind-legs. Even though he had been human not long ago, he found it difficult to balance on hooves, falling on his butt once more. He sat up and stared at the guards for a couple minutes before growing bored. He tried talking to them.

“So uh… how ‘bout them ponies, eh? You two got any girlfriends I should know about, or maybe boyfriends?” Even with this line, the guards still made no reaction. Naruto was growing even more bored. These are really loyal guards. I’d hate to be one of them if it involves standing around all day and not moving a muscle.

He wondered what was taking Celestia and Twilight so long inside, a few minutes had already passed. He just sighed. He still had an urge to go to that farm-looking area he saw earlier, plus he needed to practice walking a little more. He looked back at the guards.

“Hey guard ponies, i’m going to take a walk. If the Princess and Twilight come out before I get back, let them know, will you?” The guards gave curt nods. Of all the reasons for a response, it was that? It didn’t matter; he needed to head to that farm.


Naruto kept improving his trotting as he crossed town, keeping the farm ahead of him. As he walked, he slowly started to increase the pace, going a little faster than he was before. He stumbled a couple of times but soon found himself in an easy power walk.

“So far so good… Let’s try a little jog…” He started running a little faster, putting one hoof in front of the next, making sure not to trip over himself as he does so. He was so focused on running that he soon ran face first into a wooden fence. He gritted his teeth in pain as he shook his head, tenderly prodding the sore spot on his nose. He looked up to find a sign on the fence post that read ‘Sweet Apple Acres’.

“I knew it, some kind of Apple Farm,” Naruto said to himself. It was worth exploring, since he hadn’t been anywhere else. This was a good opportunity to test his jumping skills, to see if he still had it. He backed up a little bit, getting some running distance. Then he ran as fast as he could, before jumping over the fence, cleanly… at least that was what he wanted to believe.

One of his hind legs caught the fence, and Naruto landed on the other side of the gate, face first. He growled in the soft dirt, spitting it out as he sat up and looked around. It seemed to be a typical farm, although what caught his attention was the endless amount of apple trees in front of him. His jaw dropped at the forest of apple trees, pulling him in subconsciously.

He looked up at the apple tree as he approached it, noting that the branches were well beyond his reach. He looked at the base of the tree then back up at the apples. This would be a good opportunity to see if his chakra system still worked.

A technique he learned back when he was a lot younger, when Team 7 was still in full swing. He remembered back when Kakashi was teaching him, Sasuke, and Sakura how to summon chakra to their feet. When done correctly, it allowed them to walk up walls, or trees. It had taken a while to understand how to do it, and it had become natural to them as time went along.

But he didn’t know if it applied when to a pony. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and focused. He pushed the chakra around himself as he directed it towards his four legs, storing the chakra inside his hooves. A small but brief chakra aura formed around Naruto as he opened his eyes. He looked back up at the tree, and placed a hoof on the bark…

As each hoof made a connection to the tree, he slowly started to walk up the tree. A hoof detached momentarily, but a small boost in chakra helped with that. He climbed the tree slowly and deliberately. Reaching both front hooves out, he threw his body towards a branch, desperately climbing up it. He soon managed to lift his entire body up, simply sitting on the branch. Naruto had beads of sweat on his face as he wiped it away with his left hoof.

He did it. It took some alterations, but he still had his chakra system and his own chakra. He took a nearby apple with both hooves and looked at it. It was a shiny red apple. There was a small bruise on the top, but it didn’t matter to him.

He sunk his teeth into the juicy and colorful apple. He cleaned off the core immaculately, spinning it as if it were a cob of corn. He feels his stomach plumping up slightly as the apple settled in. He gave a light burp as he relaxed into the tree, satisfied with it, and threw the apple core down below.

“Ah, that was a good apple,” he said as he rubbed his stomach.

As he did so, he took a look at his hooves in front of his face. Not a single finger. Suddenly his eyes bolted open as he realized something. Something very important. He had control of his chakra, but he couldn’t use most of his Jutsu anymore. The seals required fingers. Without them, he wouldn’t be able to use... anything. His thoughts went forward with the Jutsu he did know and tried to think what he could use.

The Rasengan; a move that has saved Naruto several times in the past… He wasn’t sure he could use it, since that required the assistance of the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Although, it might be possible to perform the Shadow Clone Jutsu. It’s just one very simple hand sign after all... maybe it can be adapted.

He placed his hooves in a cross like pattern, with one arm crossing horizontally, and the other vertically. It could probably substitute for having no fingers. He crossed them and focused his chakra.

Shadow Clone Jutsu! Naruto yelled.

…As Naruto expected, there was no response. He needed fingers. He placed his hooves at the side of his stomach, feeling as though his strength had been cut in half... most of his jutsu were impossible to use. But he’d find a way, he always did.


“Come on you pesky apple… Egh… I almost got you…!”

A small, red-haired pony was trying to grab an apple dangling from a tree. She was holding onto the branch that held the apple, keeping herself balanced. She reached out and managed to touch it, giving a small smirk and suddenly brimming with confidence.

“Almost got you… I’ll show her… I’ll show everyone that I’m good at pickin’ apples. Maybe that’s what mah cutie mark will be too! It’s gotta be somethin’ about apples…!”

As she inched herself closer to the apple, the branch bent ever more. She paid it no mind as she made a desperate grab for the apple, catching it in both hooves. She gave a big, bright smile as she grabbed it.

Which quickly left her face as the branch broke.


Relaxing his head on the tree, he looked at the splendid view in front of him, seeing endless apple trees as far as the eye can see. It was a breathtaking sight. He spotted a small pond nearby. It was an odd thing to see on an apple farm, but then again, Naruto wasn’t an architect, so he wasn’t really qualified to make such a judgment.

Enjoying the view, watching the sun, even watching the fishes splash up and down in the small pond.

“Help me! I *blubble* can’t swim!”

Yep, just nothing but the fishes yelling how they can’t swim, Naruto thought.

There was something really strange with what Naruto just thought. He sat up and looked at the pond once more, squinting his eyes; he could’ve sworn he heard some fish calling for help.


Naruto’s eyes widened as he heard the words for help. He wasn’t imagining it after all! He immediately hopped down from the branch, ninja style, landing safely on the ground as he forced chakra into his hooves, cushioning his fall. He then sped off in the direction of the pond, where he saw splashing and heard the calls for help.

As the pond got closer, the thing that was calling for help became more apparent. It looked like a smaller version of a pony in his eyes, with a red mane and a light yellow-colored body. It seemed to be a child. The drowning pony immediately took notice of Naruto.

“Mister, Help me—blubububub—I can’t swim!” the young pony begged to him. In Naruto’s eyes, there was no telling how long the child would last. Looking at the pond, he focused his chakra into his hooves. He had to make sure it was a balanced amount of chakra, because water was completely different from a solid object. This required much greater control than climbing a tree.

He placed one hoof on the pond, and it stayed. So far, so good. He placed his other front leg out, and once more, it stayed in place. He slowly started to walk across the water, until he felt one of his hind legs sink slightly. Naruto managed to lift his leg before it pulled him under.

The young pony was shocked to see Naruto walking on water like he was. But eventually, her shocked expression came to a halt as the young pony slowly lost her strength and disappeared under the water’s surface. Naruto went wide-eyed and cursed himself, immediately reaching out to bite the pony’s hair. He could feel a very weird taste in his mouth as he was almost pulled under along with the young one.

Strengthening his back, he pulled the young pony out of the water and threw her towards the other side of the pond. He could see the young pony land safely on the soft grass, and gave a sigh of relief. But this relief was short-lived as he felt his feet almost give way under him. He couldn’t relax, not yet. He slowly walked off the small, though deep, pond and onto dry land.

He collapsed on the ground as he tried to catch his breath.

That was scary. Forcing my techniques into a rushed experiment was a big risk. Good thing it worked out.

He still had a lot to learn about this furry body of his, and he needed to adapt as soon as possible. He eyed the young pony, examining her from head to toe. Good, she seemed to be breathing.

But Naruto wondered where it came from. Did it live on this farm? As he was trying to gather his thoughts on this, he stood up, hearing voices from the distance. The voices had a peculiar accent to them, and they were shouting for someone, ‘Apple Bloop’ he thought.

As the voices got closer, he saw an orange pony galloping towards him. It looked like a female pony in his eyes, sporting a cowboy hat and a blonde mane in a ponytail, and a dull orange body. And her accent, he’d never heard anything like it before.

The awkward hat-wearing pony went wide-eyed as she saw the young pony collapsed on the ground, wet and shivering. She gritted her teeth, staring right at him.

“YOU, BLONDIE, WHAT DID YOU DO TO APPLE BLOOM!?” the cowgirl shouted. Naruto waved his hooves in front of him.

“Whoa, calm down! I don’t know who this Applebloop or whatever her name is, but I had to save a drowning pony from that lake there!” he said as he pointed towards the lake. The cowgirl pony raised a brow as she took another look at the pony, and then looked at Naruto as she pointed towards the pony.

“You saved Apple Bloom?” Naruto gave a nod. He assumed the young pony’s name was Apple Bloom.

“I was just minding my own business until I heard shouts for help. I came here as soon as I could and saved this drowning pony, from, well… drowning,” Naruto explained.

The cowgirl pony relaxed as she walked over to Apple Bloom, nudging her.

“Apple Bloom, wake up,” she said as she nudged her sister.

“She’s going to need rest. That whole experience took a lot out of her,” Naruto said.

The cowgirl looked back at Naruto, and then at Apple Bloom. She gave a firm nod towards him. Naruto grabbed the pony using his front hooves, and placed her on the cowgirl’s back. She gave a big smile towards him.

“Thank ya kindly, stranger. If it weren’t for you, ah wouldn’t know what would have happened to mah dear little sister… So thank ya…”

“It’s no problem… My name’s Naruto by the way.”

“Mine’s Applejack, pleased to meetcha,” she said as she placed her hoof in Naruto’s. They could both hear a big, deep voice within the distance. Applejack looked back at Naruto.

“Well, I gotta get back to my brother. He was lookin’ for Apple Bloom too. I owe you, Naruto, I really do,” she said with a big smile.

Naruto merely smiled back, “anytime Applejack.”

With this response, Applejack was about to head off, until she looked back and got a good look at Naruto.

“Bah the way Naruto… Did I mention you had a…”

At this point, Naruto wished he didn’t have ears. He KNEW what she was going to say, he just knew it. So he saved her the trouble by interrupting her.

“Yes, I know, I have a fluffy foxtail, what is with everyone and my tail!?” he ranted. Applejack tilted her head at his comment, and merely shook her head.

“Ah was going to say that those whisker marks were kinda cute, they look kinda like a kitten,” she said with a slight blush. This took Naruto by surprise, a blush forming on his own muzzle.

“Oh… I suggest you get off the farm as well. It’s off limits. I’ll make an exception this time because of what ya did, but ask for permission next time,” she said as she galloped off towards the distant voice. He was still a little stunned at the whisker comment, since it was a bit different than his fox tail. He shook his head, venting the heat in his face.

“Huh, at least that Applejack pony is… nice, I think?” Naruto said to himself. He didn’t want to linger here any longer, not wanting to cause any more trouble than necessary. He galloped off in a random direction, jumping over a fence as he got to it. He assumed he was off their property now, but one more major detail had to be solved.

He had to figure out where the hell Twilight’s house was.