• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,210 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

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CH8: Royal Pain

Special Thanks:

Editor: Pissfer
Proofreader: Axel_Nyan


When One Realizes He cannot go back…

He Must Not Slack…

In Other Words, One must plant the seeds of a new life…

But Will One Be Able To Sow Such A Thing, Twice?


Chapter 8: Royal Pain

“The Everfree Forest, you are sure of this?” Celestia asked.

“Yes Princess Celestia. Spike and I found him at the edge of the Everfree Forest while looking for a particular mushroom. He was covered in this strange purple smoke, or fog—we couldn’t tell what it was.” Twilight confirmed to her.

The details were strange indeed. Celestia brought her hooves together, thinking deeply. If what Naruto said to her was true, he was definitely brought into this world under unique circumstances, and Twilight’s information on the event only contributes to it. But something about this didn’t seem right; the events just didn’t add up.

Celestia only sighed as she looked at Twilight. “Tell me my pupil, what is your reaction towards this individual?”

“Well… he seems nice, but confused at the same time. It’s like he was born recently with the way he acts.”

“Yes, I gathered the same idea. He is a rather… strange individual. However, he seems to be a nice young gentlepony, despite having some…” Celestia paused for a moment and eyed down at the ground before looking at Twilight once more, “unique features, to put it simply.”

Twilight gave a nod towards her teacher. They both stopped talking for a minute or two, as the silence consumed the room. Celestia looked back at Twilight.

“He is staying with you, correct?”

Twilight flinched a little at the sudden question, with a small blush across her face.

“Well… yes, I couldn’t just abandon him. He seems to be having all sorts of issues, especially with not knowing where he was, and this amnesiac vibe he’s giving off. It just screams ‘help me’,” Twilight said to Celestia. She gave her a firm nod.

“Do you know how long he will be staying?”

That really caught Twilight off guard. “Well… no, he never told me…”

“How long do you want Naruto to stay with you?”

“Until he’s gotten his bearings and is well enough to take care of himself. Basically, I would like to not abandon him.” Twilight replied.

“You do realize that having a young stallion, such as him, living in your own house would not be a healthy matter?”

Twilight tilted her head thoughtfully. “I don’t understand? It’s not like he’s been here for a long time. It’s only been a day or two since he arrived.”

“Yes, of course, but I am only worried for your well-being. There can be… circumstances to where a mare and a stallion could be… out of control, to say it simply.”

Twilight suddenly felt her face flush red. “W-what’s gotten into you, your highness? It’s nothing like that! Not at all…” her eyes darted to the floor, before coming back up to Celestia. “Nothing at all…”

Celestia locked her eyes on Twilight’s. A moment later, Celestia blinked as she nodded slowly.

“Very well… I will trust you with this, but please don’t let him live here for too long. Once he is well make sure you send him on his way. I am sure it would be only a burden on him and yourself if he stayed.”

Twilight blinked once at Celestia’s request. “I… Yes, your majesty, but I have one request myself.”

Celestia got up from the sofa and motioned for her to follow her towards the door. “What would that be, my pupil?”

“If he is to agree with it, I would like to keep him here until he has arrangements to live on his own, be it his own place or simply to be off on his travels once more.”

Celestia stopped walking and stared at the ceiling for a moment, while sucking her lower lip in thought. She stared back at Twilight.

“You are sure of this, Twilight?” Twilight nodded in response. Celestia sighed as she maintained the eye contact. “Very well. All I ask is that you do not keep him here too long. Also, do keep an eye on him. Send me a message if anything goes wrong. Understand?”

Twilight nodded confidently in response.


“Whew… made it… God damn that took too long…”

Naruto had been lost around town for the last half hour. He’d spent a good amount of that time running through and around the town trying to find his way back to that tree-house. If felt as if he’d taken two laps of the town and he’d worked up a decent sweat.

I really should’ve asked Twilight for a map or something before I took off.

Eventually he located the tree that housed both the town library and the lavender unicorn that had brought him in. He saw Spike sitting outside, reading the brown book in his claws. The gold-armored guards were still standing watch on either side the library door, so he assumed that Celestia and Twilight were not done talking just yet. Naruto walked towards Spike. Much to his surprise, Spike looked up from his book and waved at him.

“Hey, Naruto, where’ve you been?” Spike asked. “The guards told me you went for a walk, but you were gone for a good while!” Naruto merely scratched his head as he recalled what happened back at the farm.

“It’s a long story, but in a nutshell, I saved a drowning pony while I was walking around.” Naruto said like it was no big deal, but, to Spike and the guards it was a pretty big deal, immediately going wide-eyed at the statement. Spike immediately hopped up and smiled, while the guards just went back to their neutral demeanor after the brief shock passed.

“Wow, really? Who did you save?” Spike asked.

“Do you know two ponies named Applejack and Applebloom?” Naruto replied.

“Well, yeah. They’re Twilight’s friends, and they own Apple Acre Farm.”

So what Naruto heard from Applejack is correct. He mistakenly trespassed onto the farm without knowing it. But, because of his trespassing, he was able to save the little sister of Applejack. That’s one way of introducing yourself to someone.

“I saved Applebloom. This girl, er, pony, named Applejack, came over to me and thanked me for saving her.”

“Wow! You must really be something to be saving Applebloom like that.” Spike said with a cheerful smile on his face. “Are you like a superhero or something?”

“Um… no, I was just helping out a pony in need, that’s all. I’m sure anyone would have done the same thing in my stead…”

They continued to talk about what had happened with Naruto at Sweet Apple Acres. A few minutes later they were interrupted by the sounds of the door opening. Naruto’s head immediately snapped in the direction of the guards. Two figures appeared between the pair as Celestia and Twilight exited the library. The guards stomped their hooves down as if signaling her arrival. Twilight looked at Naruto with a nervous smile.

“Hey Naruto, been waiting long?” She asked.

“Just took a quick walk is all, getting used to the surroundings and such.” Naruto said with a smile. Celestia was about to say something else when Spike suddenly hopped towards them.

“Twilight, Princess Celestia! Naruto saved Applebloom from drowning earlier!” He said with happiness.

Twilight’s and Celestia’s jaws dropped at the sudden information, as they looked straight at Naruto.

“Naruto did what?” They both said in unison. Naruto gave a small blush in his cheeks as he scratched his head with his hoof.

“Y-Yeah… I guess I saved a drowning pony on an apple farm... Did I forget to mention that with my walk?” Naruto said nervously, pretending to be confused. They still stared at him in disbelief as their facial expressions contorted towards a smile.

“That’s wonderful Naruto!” Twilight said with a cheerful smile. Princess Celestia looked impressed at the stallion’s heroic behavior as well.

“It is indeed. You just saved a pony’s life after all. I thank you, Naruto.” Celestia said.

Naruto couldn’t help but blush from the praise he was getting. Celestia looked to Twilight and then back at the rest of the group.

“Well then, I guess my claims may have been mistaken. Maybe your arrival was that of a blessing.” Celestia said. Naruto raised a brow at that.

“What does that mean?”

“It is nothing… But now I must go. It is getting to about time for my sister to raise the moon, so I must return to Canterlot post-haste,” she said as she spread her wings, her guards doing the same, before slowly lifting off.

“Farewell Naruto, may fortune favor you!” With that, she flew off, along with the guards, towards the castle-bearing mountain on the horizon. They watched as she slowly disappeared into the distance as Spike, Twilight, and Naruto watched.

Naruto blinked a little, wondering what she meant by her claims being mistaken. Nonetheless, he did know that his actions left a good impression of him on the Princess. And he knew that giving a good impression with someone of royalty was a good start.

“She ran off in a hurry…” Naruto said curiously. “What did she mean by raising the Moon, though?”
Twilight thought she’d seen the end of Naruto’s oblivious nature, but it seems she was wrong. She looked at Naruto with a dumbfounded look.

“Don’t tell me you’re not aware how the Sun and Moon works…?” Naruto tilted his head at her question, a puzzled look plastered on his face.

“It just goes up and down on its own,” Naruto answered. Twilight shook her head.

“Princess Celestia is in charge of the sun while her younger sister, Princess Luna, is in charge of the Moon. It’s how the day and night cycles work here.”

Naruto stood there, looking at her as if she’s crazy. “You can’t be serious…”

“I’m very serious.” Twilight said as she squinted with one eye.

Naruto looked up into the sky, and said out loud. “There’s so much to learn here, so much that’s different from what I used to know… It’s kind of sad…” He said with a frown. “It’s even more surprising how it requires two unicorns just to handle the sun and moon…”

“You mean Alicorns.” She said.


“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are called Alicorns; basically, a mix of a Pegasus and unicorn. They are two of the three that exist, and are very powerful.”

A mix of two species. That would explain how Celestia had both a horn and wings. He looked up towards the sun, and then back at her.

“So what did Princess Celestia talk to you about?”

“We mostly talked about how I found you and what the plan was for you while you are here.”

“I see… It’s probably none of my business to ask, but, did the princess come off as hostile towards me?” Naruto asked. Twilight raised a brow at him.

“No, I don’t think so… Why do you ask?”

“I’m not sure… I think it’s…” Naruto began, but then he just closed his mouth. He just shook his head. “Never mind… It’s probably just me. Still growing used to things here after all…”

Spike stood in the background, all quiet while he read his little book. He looked up towards them and shook his head, digging his nose through his book still.

“So how are you feeling so far? You’ve been here for a day or so now, and you saved a pony from drowning… Sounds like you’re quite the stallion despite being confused most... well, all of the time.” Twilight asked.

She’s right. I’ve made a good amount of progress and figured out where I stand in terms of abilities. I’m gonna need a little more training to improve what I do have, but I’m mostly going to be playing it by ear while I get used to things here.

Getting used to things here... I can’t repeat that enough. Here, in an unknown world that’s completely unfamiliar... all I can do is get used to it. There’s no chance of getting back to Konoha. Well, I hoped there was a way, but I don’t want to put too much thought into that. I’m going to have to adapt until I find out if it’s possible or not. Then again, my world is in constant war, always an ongoing conflict. Especially with the Akatsuki who were hunting him and the Kyuubi.

It was a miserable life. It was ironic how my death took me from a world of endless chaos and placed me in a world of peace and tranquility. There was no war, everyone seemed to treat everyone else equally. It was nice to be able to walk through the streets without everyone avoiding me for being the Kyuubi’s host. This was paradise.

“—aruto! Are you there?”

Naruto snapped back to reality as he heard Twilight’s voice. “Huh? Yes? Did you say something?”

“I said, are you feeling alright?”

“Oh, yeah… I’m fine… Once I get used to things here, I… I’ll be alright, I think.”

Twilight looked a little puzzled at Naruto’s last response, but she merely shrugged. “I see… Well, okay then! Do you have any idea how long you’ll be staying for? I mean, it’s not a problem or anything… But my house is pretty boring to most ponies… what with all the books, and me asking questions, and…”

“No, that won’t be a problem... I just...” But in a way, she had a point. He couldn’t stay with her forever. It would just be a burden on her. He took a moment to think about how he was stuck in this world. He needed to get his hooves under him, learn how to live on his own.

He looked at Twilight. “I do need to make some progress if I’m going to be here in Ponyville for a while as I don’t have anywhere else to go. There’s no point in acting like a lazy bum. I need to get active.”

Twilight gave a smile at Naruto. “That’s the spirit Naruto! But what do you plan to do?”

“Hmmm…” That was a good question. He didn’t know much about the history of this world, he didn’t have any money, and he certainly didn’t have a home of his own. These were the three most important things that he needed to attain.

“What does the currency look like here in Equestria?” Twilight tilted her head at Naruto’s strange question. “What kind of money does this land use?” He corrected and simplified himself.

“You’ve never seen the—“ Stopping in mid-sentence, she was feeling a little tired of the weird questions, and just decided to answer it without question.

“The money here is called Bits. They’re small coins that we use to purchase anything of value. Come inside, I’ll show you.”


Sitting on the sofa, he could see a few coins laid out on the coffee table. They were golden and round, with a slightly different colored rim around them. He held one coin with two hoofs, to get a good look at it. He blinked a little. No paper money, but just coins? It would be a burden if one had to carry a bag full of these.

“There are a number of ways to get bits. Mainly you get them from...”

“Working?” Naruto interrupted.

Twilight nodded before continuing, glad that he understood this much at least. “Right. I get bits for running the library for example.”

Naruto gave a firm nod. He knew that he needed money. Without money, he would be quite limited in what he would be able to do here. He needed a job, he knew that. But first, “Twilight, I have a request.”

“What is it?”

“I would like to live here for a little longer. At least until I get enough money to get a home of my own. You have treated me with a lot of kindness… heck, more kindness than I’ve ever been given. I’m not here to abuse your kindness or anything, but barely having any possessions of my own - money, property, or anything else - I am rather lost here. So…”

Naruto stood up before promptly falling to his knees, bowing towards Twilight, startling her with the sudden sentiment.

“I ask of you… Please let me stay here. I’ll pay you back somehow once I’m all settled in.” Twilight didn’t know what to think of Naruto’s response. He was definitely appreciative of what she had done for him, which she could see. She waved her hoof towards Naruto.

“H-hey, no need to go that far, Naruto… I can’t just abandon a pony in need after all… Please, get up.” She stammered nervously. Naruto returned to his hooves per her request. “For now, just get some rest. We can decide on what kind of work we can find for you tomorrow, alright?”

“Why not start right now?” Naruto asked. Twilight pointed her hoof towards the window.

“It’s already nighttime Naruto.”

Naruto blinked at her response. He walked towards the window and found that the moon was high in the sky with no trace of the sun to be seen. He looked back at Twilight with his mouth agape.

“But it was just sunny! How did the night come so quick—oh…” As he remembered that the two princesses control the day and night cycle, so the day and night cycles switch a little more quickly than he was used to. But he started to wonder…

If the sun and moon cycles are controlled by two princesses, does that mean if one went missing, it would cause an eternal day or night? The whole idea was still confusing to him.

Twilight walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder. “You’ll get used to things around here, I promise Naruto.”

Naruto couldn’t help but smile at that. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll get used to things around here… No matter what…” He said towards the window, and then back at Twilight.

“…Believe it.”