• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH29: Eyes of a Demon

Special Thanks:

Editors: The Gweat and Powaful Twixie, DaMobbs


The pursuit of knowledge is always good.

Especially for a wolf made of wood.

A meeting of a family, and an old granny.

Will find out what it means to see the uncanny.


Chapter 29: Eyes of a Demon

After the group’s hijinks with Twilight’s pursuit for knowledge and the wolf’s curiosity for books, Twilight asked Naruto why he was in her house to begin with. He needed to get to the tool store.

After getting directions to its whereabouts, they left, their quest ever closer to completion. Before they left, Twilight had given Naruto a special library card, giving him access to every section of the library. The wolf took the liberty immediately and checked out Ancient Nature.

It was only a short time before they got what they needed from the tool shop, also known as ‘Board & Nails’. It was crippling twenty bits out of Naruto’s finances, but as long as it involved getting the house fixed up, it was a wise decision. With supplies in a small bag between Naruto’s teeth, he set course for his home.

“Liffing thengs up vith your teeth ith hard. Pony life mush really be a pain,” Naruto said, his jaw barely moving with the bag in his teeth.

“The brown one offered to put the bags on your back, did he not?” The wolf said, teeth still clenched on the leather tome.

“Rell yeh, but I didn’t have any ‘saddlebags’. What, does heh thenk I’m a horsh?”

“You have the shape and characteristics of the trotted ones, yes.”

Naruto placed the bag down, his jaw aching. His eyes narrowed on the wolf. He didn’t quite understand what the wolf was trying to question.

“What do you mean?”

“You have the hard structure of hooves, the long snout of a horse, and the love for the small yellow strings you call ‘hay’. So, yes, this one believes you are a horse.”

“But, I’m not a horse, I’m some kind of… what did that lady call me in that tool store? A stallion?”

“A stallion is similar to a pony.”

“Would you get to the point? What am I to you?” Naruto was getting a little tired of the wolf’s riddles. The wooden animal looked to his left at a nearby field, puzzled on how to explain it simply enough for the stallion. It then let out a snouted sigh and looked back towards Naruto.

The wolf dropped the book in its mouth and opened it up to a random page, pointing to a particular text in the book. Naruto looked at it only to see it was pointing at the definition of what a ‘Stallion’ was.

“Here.” The wolf pointed. “This is what it means. Basically, male stallions are those of adult ponies. They are one and the same. The female term for ponies is considered ‘mares’. It would be redundant to call a male pony a horse.” The wolf flipped a page, curious on the magnificence wonders of the book. “Hmm, it would seem this one was mistaken. You are indeed a stallion, but you are also a pony as well. Therefore, you are not a horse.”

“When did you get so knowledgeable all of a sudden?” Naruto said, slightly peeved by the wolf’s suspicious intellect. It stared at Naruto blankly, and pointed a wooden claw at the book.

“This one learned from the containers of knowledge. Do you not enjoy the wonders of new things and fascinations?” The wolf spoke in its usual monotone voice and Naruto couldn’t tell if that was an insult, or encouragement for him to read more. The blonde pony rolled his eyes and trekked on, bag in teeth.

“Of course I do, but not from reading books that are one thousand pages long! I’ll never understand bookworms, always fascinated by the wonders of a book.” With Naruto saying what needed to be said, he trotted ahead of the wolf, who just sat there staring at the book. The it closed and bit the book, trying to keep pace with the blonde.

“It would seem Naruto considers one page to be a thousand pages. This one finds this concerning…” the wolf muttered.


When Naruto reached the door to his house, he opened and shouted “Trixie, I’m home!”

The house was deathly quiet and the air was still. He quickly placed the bag of supplies next to the couch and scrambled off to Trixie’s room, only to see that most of the leftover debris had been cleaned up. In fact…

“Why does the floor look so shiny in here?” Naruto asked.

The wolf peered down at the polish of the floor. “The floor is considered clean enough to see one’s reflection.”

Naruto looked up to see that the ceiling was still in disrepair which held stark contrast to the shiny floors. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the cleaning supplies he had used previously in a nearby corner. Naruto dipped a hoof into the mop, feeling it slightly moist. The ninja scratched his head in confusion.

“I didn’t expect her to go the extra mile of cleaning up the floor…”

“It is her room. This one believes that one’s possession must be comfortable.”

“Of course, stupid question for me to ask…” Naruto was impressed, and started to look at Trixie in a slightly better light, but one question lingered in his mind:

Where did she go? I didn’t see her when I walked in…

All of a sudden…

“La la la, la la♪” An audible melody came from outside the room. It was slightly off-tune, but hosted a rather beautiful voice, a voice he couldn’t quite place on whom it was. Naruto looked at the wolf and told him to stay put so he would investigate further.

He walked out of the room, following the sounds of the melody.

It’s coming from the bathroom.

Naruto immediately opened the door, only to be met with a confusing sight. Steam blew through the open doorway as it clouded his vision. The melody stopped, and when the steam subsided, he could see Trixie inside the tub: complete with a rubber ducky in the steamy water.

Trixie frozed as she saw the intruder in the bathroom, and so did Naruto. A minute seemed to had passed in their frozen states, and Trixie couldn’t help but quiver her lip in fear. Naruto tilt his head with a raised brow.

“Trixie, what are you doing?”

Trixie gave a small gasp as her fearful face quickly scrunched up into anger, her brows furrowed and her gritted teeth showed that hell was about to break loose. A scream broke loose from Trixie’s mouth and tore through Naruto’s ears, and possibly the rest of the house. He covered his ears, growling in pain.

“How DARE you peep on Trixie’s bath time! Get out, get out, get OUT!” Trixie yelled, splashing water at Naruto. she screamed and thrashed like a wailing banshee, and boy was Naruto afraid of her when she was in this state. He quickly ran out as the hot water seared his coat. He slammed the door shut.

He leaned his back against it with a sigh of relief, he was soaked hoof to toe, but alive. It took a moment for him to register that Trixie was taking a bath this entire time, and that he had walked in on her. He placed a hoof in front of his face, grumbling.

“She needs to lock the door next time… Huh?” Naruto looked up to see the wolf staring at him, dead in the eye. The wolf looked back at the door, and then back at Naruto. The wolf just shook its head in disagreement.

“What’s wrong?”

“Intruding one’s business is certainly an interesting pastime for you, Naruto.”

“Hey, it was an accident, how was I supposed to know she was in the bath!? The door wasn’t even locked!”

“Whichever passes the time, Naruto.” The wolf walked off.

“Hey, where are you going?! I’m telling the truth!” Naruto yelled.


At the kitchen table, Naruto was being scolded by the blue mare herself. Her soapy scent filled the room as she started belittling him for his ‘crime’. The wolf quietly sat there, observing the two.

“You have a LOT of nerve intruding on Trixie’s bathtime. Have you no decency!?”

“It was an accident! I didn’t even know you were in the bath!”

“And how is Trixie supposed to believe that? Trixie saw your lustful eyes looking down at Trixie’s body,” Trixie said with anger in her eyes. “She knows she is beautiful, but Trixie will not tolerate being peeped on!”

“Then lock the damn door from now on. It’s my house.”

“Hmph, Trixie did lock the door. You must’ve used a key or something to unlock it.”

“I did not! It was unlocked when I turned the knob. Get your damn memory right!”

“Trixie did lock it.”

“Did not.”

“Did too!”

“Did not!”


“Look, what does it even matter? You don’t even have breasts for cryin’ out loud. What is there to ‘look’ at!? You’ve got nothing that is even remotely revealing!

Trixie was about to shout back, but nothing came out of her mouth, due to not realizing how to retort to that statement. Her eyes darted back and forth, biting her lip, until her eyes lit up with confusion.

“Trixie does have breasts—What does that have to do with anything?”

“It has a lot to do with everything. Why else would you be so offended with me walking in? You don’t have two oversized balloons on your chest, for one!”

Trixie gawked at the stallion. “What are you even talking about? Trixie could have balloons on her chest if she wanted to if that would keep you away!”

“No, that’s not what I...” Naruto’s words were stuck in his throat. “I mean, I didn’t literally mean balloons, but...”

No look of revelation came over the blue pony’s face. That’s when he realized that he was explaining human anatomy to a pony. He facehoofed.

“Argh, just lock the door when you’re using the bathroom next time,” he said, clicking his tongue. Trixie just gave a small ‘hmph’ and kept quiet. The sounds of flipping pages were audible from both ponies ears. The wolf attempted to ignore the two by browsing through its book, but the wooden animal gave a snorted sigh, its reading time too noisy to even bother. The wolf looked up at the two.

“This one thinks you are both too loud. The argument between closed doors and the art of bathing is deemed ridiculous.”

“For your information, we mares need our privacy when taking a bath,” she sneered, glaring at Naruto, “especially when living with a peeping tom.”

Naruto slammed his hooves on the table in anger. “I am NOT a—,“ Naruto started, but he held his tongue. He realized it would’ve just been another ongoing loop on how he’s the bad guy. He merely sighed and shook his head. “I’m not going to correct you again.”

Naruto looked out at the window, realizing it had grown a bit darker outside. There was still the matter of heading to the Apple residence. He needed to find out if his clone’s memories still hold true. He got up from his seat and headed out towards the doorway. Trixie and the wolf raised a brow.

“Where are you going, Naruto?” the wolf asked.

“I gotta head out and do some errands.”

“But what about dinner,” Trixie complained. “Do you expect us to starve?”

“What am I, your mom?” Naruto retorted. “There’s still some leftover cake here.”

“But Trixie is sick of cake. One can only handle such sweetness for so long! Can’t we have something else?”

“In case you didn’t realize, I just acquired this house recently, and I barely have anything edible here. But…” Naruto reached into his jacket and pulled out a few bits on the table. “If you get sick of cake, go out and eat.”

Trixie looked at the three shiny coins and gave Naruto a glare “Three bits? How will that get us anything?”

“I don’t know? Buy an apple or something. Like I said: I’m tight on money, so manage with what you can,” Naruto explained, but Trixie merely puffed her chest out.

“Fine…” Trixie agreed finally.

Naruto looked at the wolf. “Make sure Trixie doesn’t get into any trouble.”

The wolf barked in agreement.

“Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!?”

Naruto just ignored her and headed on out.


Arriving at Sweet Apple Acres, Naruto passed through the front gate and towards the front door of the house. He gave a small sigh, seeing all the windows lit up from the outside. In fact, their house looked pretty big in size, and looked similar to the barns around the field.

“Well, they certainly don’t live inside a barn. It’s just a house after all…” Naruto muttered to himself. He knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” said a voice from the other side of the door, which was a voice that was all too familiar to him. Naruto gave a small smile.

“It’s Naruto, Applejack. You invited me to dinner?” he yelled through the door. A couple of small metallic sounds came from the door, and it suddenly opened wide with Applejack in its place. Applejack was cheerful, adorning a warm smile on her face. She waved a hoof into the house.

“Well, don’t jus’ stand there. C’mon in!”


Naruto sat at the dinner table with the family gathered for a traditional Apple family dinner. Apple Pies, Apple Cobbler, Apple juice—everything on the table was apple-related. It was the first time he’s ever seen anything like it. Regardless, he couldn’t say no to a free meal. There were only a few guests of the family around the table from what he could see: Big Macintosh, Applebloom, and Applejack.

From what Applejack told him, the Apple family was much bigger than this, but were scattered all over Equestria. They gathered here in Ponyville for a grand celebration weeks before, but only for a short while before departing back home. Naruto was surprised that the Apple family would be so huge and seemingly affluent.

Meanwhile, however, some small banter was exchanged here and there as Naruto continually ate an Apple Pie in front of him.

“So, mister, how’d ya save me?” Applebloom asked from across the table. Naruto gulped down a slice of pie and looked at her.

“How did I save you?” Naruto said, confused.

“Well yeah, Ah don’t quite remember it neither; all I remember is fallin’ in the lake, an when Ah woke up, Ah was in mah bed,” Applebloom said, unsure of herself.

“Hey there, Ah’m curious too,” Applejack said from across the table. “How’d ya’ll rescue Applebloom anyway? Was it some of that same fancy magic ya used back when Trixie was all a holler?”

“Er, heh, sort of. I guess you could call it magic? It’s magic only I can use,” Naruto explained. Applebloom raised a brow at Naruto, her face riddled with confusion.

“Magic?” Applebloom, unsure of herself. “How can ya’ll use magic? I thought only them unicorns could use that?”

“It’s special magic. Where I come from, it’s called chakra. It’s what we ninjas use.”

“Neen…jah?” Applebloom and Applejack said in unison. They looked at each other with mirrored, perplexed faces, and then looked back at Naruto. Being the listener that he is, Big Macintosh sat there silently as he watched the three talk it out. Naruto rubbed his neck, trying to see how he could explain it to them.

They’re not familiar with the word, huh? Come to think of it…

Naruto never did research to see if the pony equivalent of a ninja existed here. Given how different things were here with unicorns and pegasi, he didn’t think there would be an equivalent. It would be a topic that should be brought up to Twilight, however.

“You don’t know what a ninja is?”

Applejack and Applebloom shook their heads.

“Never heard of such a thing ‘round these parts. Does it have something to do with that magic act you did in front of Trixie?” Applejack asked, in which Naruto just shrugged.

“Well, yes and no. We ninjas are agile beings that can cling to walls, walk on water, and even use elemental ‘magic’ as you call it. Let me demonstrate…” Naruto got up from the table and walked over to a wooden support beam, knocking on it.

“See this wooden beam here?” Naruto asked, with the two of them nodding and watching intently. “Well, watch this!”

He closed his eyes and focused chakra into his hooves. A slight blue glow could be seen radiating beneath him. Finding the right balance in each hoof, he lightly pressed against the beam with one hoof, and then another, and kept on until all four were on the solid surface. Applejack, Applebloom, and even of all ponies, Big Mac, gasped as they watched the spectacle unfolded. Naruto was practically walking on the impossible at a particular angle.

Naruto smiled as they watched him do his fancy walking on the support beam. He let loose one hoof to pretend that he was about to fall, which made them jump out of their seats, but he placed it back on like a suction cup, saying he was alright. He gave a small chuckle.

“See? Nothing to it. It takes months and maybe years of practice to balance and control chakra.”

“Wow… that’s amazing mister! Could ya teach me to do that?”

“Eh heh… I’d love to, Applebloom, but it’s not that simple.”Naruto walked up the beam until he got to the second floor, and frowned at her. “It takes a LOT of practice. So much practice that I had to study it since I was a child—er, a colt,” He quickly corrected. “But even then, it wasn’t easy. It takes a lot of dedication to be a ninja, and only the talented and gifted can do so.”

Applebloom frowned at Naruto, disappointed. Naruto saw this and gave a frown of his own. He hopped off the beam and landed right in front of her. He placed a hoof, rubbing her head. “But don’t worry. Maybe someday, when I’m not busy, I could show you the ins and outs of what they do.”

Applebloom’s eyes lit up with a smile. “Really!? Do ya think Ah could get a cutie mark for being a ninja too, maybe?”

“Er? I don’t know? Do they even have ninja cutie marks here?” Naruto had no idea himself. That’s when a stick started poking at his rear end. Naruto’s pupils shrunk as he was surprised on who could be poking him.

“Who put this yeller table here? ‘Er we decoratin’ again?” said an elderly voice from behind. “It’s all soft. Ya didn’t order something from that furniture store that gave us that broken rockin’ chair, did ya? I have half a mind ta know what kinda cheapskate would take advantage of us like that!”

With Naruto’s rear being poked even more, his tails flicked the stick-like thing away and he turned around, only to see an venerable, green mare, white hair tied into a bun, and she looked… wrinkly. The elderly mare frowned as she got a good look at Naruto, and proceeded to shout at Applejack.

“Applejack? When’d ya get a coltfriend? ‘Er ya hiding something from yer dear ‘ole grandma again?”

Applejack gagged on her apple strudel and Naruto immediately jerked back, hit the table and yelped.

“H-heck naw, Granny! Why would I do that!? N-Naruto’s not mah coltfriend!”

“W-what she said. I’m just a visitor!”

“Oh, a visitor?” The old earth mare asked, in which case she smiled at Naruto. “Welcome ta our home. Ah’m Granny Smith, and this is my wonderful family!”

A granny with lapses in memory... this isn’t going to be fun.

“Er, sure. Nice to meet you, Ms. Smith. I’m Naruto Uzumaki.” Naruto said formally, but Granny Smith shook her head in disapprovement.

“Aw, ya don’t need to be so formal, just call me granny, grandma, anythin’s fine.”

Naruto rubbed his head in confusion.

So, that’s what an older pony looks like, huh? She sure looks old and wrinkly. At least she doesn’t smell like wet socks or anything.

“Hmmm… Naruto? What a strange name...” She leaned her head to the left of Naruto, staring at the two tails from behind. She pointed her cane at it.

“Oh my, do we have a fox infestation?”

“Those are my tails, actually…”

“Yer tails? Yer one weird lookin’ earth pony to have fox tails waving about. Let me git a good look at ya.”

“I don’t think that’s—“

“Now, now, just let me take a small look at ya.” She circled Naruto very slowly. She took a close look at Naruto’s oddities, poking his tails with her cane.

It was a agitating for two reasons. For one, she walked very slowly; even a snail could beat her with that kind of speed. Two, he didn’t like being poked. Eventually her broken merry-go-round came to an end, stopping in front of him. He could’ve sworn that whole ordeal took five minutes.

“You have a very strange cutie mark. What’s it supposed to represent?” She asked him. It was something that Twilight had pointed out to him once before and even he didn’t know.

“I don’t know?” he replied honestly.

“You don’t even know what you’re good at?”

“Well, maybe I’m good at fighting? That’s what ninjas do after all.” He guessed.

“Fighting? Now who’d wanna cutie mark like that? And what’s this Neenjah thing?” Naruto was about to say something, but Granny Smith just placed a hoof on his mouth. “Ah it’s no matter. Here, let me look at yer face.”

Now Naruto was getting uncomfortable. Why did this grandma want to examine him so badly? Was he that strange of a pony to her? Or maybe she just wanted to give him a kiss? Such a thought made Naruto shudder.

Well, given how I have fox tails, anyone would strike that strange… But I hope to god-or Celestia, whichever—that she doesn’t kiss me.

She placed a hoof on his chin, and looked deeply into his face, with her hoof adjusting the angle of his face.

“My my, you’re a handsome young feller. Back in my younger age, there were colts and stallions like ya. Always hard working, and even full of energy. Ya seem to have that trait.”

“I’m always aiming to help others, ma’am.”

“What did I tell ya ‘bout being formal? Young’uns these days… Hm?”

That’s when she started to stare deeply into his eyes. Naruto’s sapphire-like eyes drew her close to him. Naruto couldn’t tell what she was so fascinated about, though. It did make him uncomfortable. He gritted his teeth and gave a slight blush when she kept drawing closer to him.

What the hell is she doing!? Did I just jinx myself!? Oh please no, don’t kiss me! Don’t you grandmas know what it feels like to be kissed!? Wait, I don’t think I do… But don’t friggin kiss me!

Granny Smith stopped for a moment, before adjust her pupils toward him. But then, her eyes dilated to small pins as she immediately backed away, as if someone smacked her across the face. If she was slow before, she was going maddeningly fast on trying to get away from Naruto. He stood there, dumbfounded on what was going on. Granny Smith backed away into a corner and pointed a hoof at Naruto.

“D-Devil! Demon! From the d-depths of Tartarus,” Granny Smith shouted, with her trembling like a madpony. “K-keep away from me!”

“W-what the hell!?” Naruto blankly said.


“There! All fixed up!”

Meanwhile, back at the house, Trixie had just finished repairing the ceiling of her new room with satisfaction on her face. It wasn’t a perfect job, but at least she didn’t have to worry about anything falling on her due to disrepair. It’d keep the rain out.

She walked over to a small bag in the corner of the room and grabbed an apple from the bag, biting into it. The soft flavor of the apple flavor filled her mouth before giving it a small swallow.

“That stupid Naruto, making Trixie buy such an inadequate dinner for herself. Does he not know how to treat a mare?” She was still bitter for having to shop for her own dinner, but given Naruto’s money situation, she had to bare with it. She gave a small sigh as she looked around the room. She took another bite of her apple before giving a small sigh.

“At least Trixie has a roof over her head, but I still demand something better!”

“This one believes you demand too much.”

Trixie looked to her left to see the wolf at the doorway, still reading the book he had checked out from the library. Now that Trixie thought about it, she wondered where the wolf had gotten that book. She trotted up to it and took a peek at the book.

“Trixie demands to know where you got that book.”

“This one has received this from the horned purple one.”

“Horned purple one?”

“Yes, the unicorn that lives in a tree. This one wonders why she would desecrate a tree and make it a home, but it’s not the business of this one.”

She tapped her chin, trying to figure out what it meant by the ‘horned purple one.’ Then, thoughts of Twilight came into her head, and it suddenly connected.

“You mean Twilight Sparkle? That bitch?”

“This one does not believe her to be a dog, but that is her name.”

“Why did you pay a visit to… to… that show-off?”

“This one and the blonde one were lost, and sought directions from her.”

“Hmph, and she let you have that book too, I imagine?”

“Borrow is the proper term. This one merely used a library card to use it for a brief time.”

“That hussy is always being the good pony around here. ‘Ooh, I’m a librarian and I read books all the time’, fah!” She gawked at nothing. “Trixie will have her revenge with her one time or another.”

The wolf sat there silently, continuing to read its book. Trixie was expecting a response, but nothing came. That’s when she stomped her hooves in front of the wolf, in which it merely looked up.

“What is it you wish of this one?”

“Trixie expects you to agree with her!”

“This one remains neutral” It said nonchalantly, flipping a page in the book. The wolf squint its eyes as he found something interesting. “Hmm, did you know that the Preek Goddess, Gaia, is a rough translation for 'earth' and 'land'? It’s based off of Preek Mythology. A curious legend,” the wolf mentioned as it continued reading.

“Stop ignoring me! You are supposed to support Trixie in her time of need!”

“This one neither hates nor loves the purple one; therefore this one has no positive or negative opinion of her.”

Trixie’s eyebrow twitched, pissed off with the wolf’s neutrality. She merely sighed as she looked out the window, looking at the full moon of the night sky.

“Trixie swears she will hop back on top once she is in a better situation than this trash heap.”

“Hmm… it talks of giant ponies that are the mother of Gaia, even of other gods, a truly interesting myth…” The wolf shuts the book and looks at Trixie.

“Blue legged one, this one has decided with a name.”

Trixie raised a brow at the wolf, “Why would Trixie be interested in this?”

“Everyone needs a name, and this one believes it should have one too.” The wolf concluded.

“Alright, how ‘bout Trixie calls you ‘Slave’, how about that?”

The wolf squints its eyes, disappointed. “This is not a satisfactory name. This one believes you are angry, too. Perhaps you should take a nap?”

“Trixie is not angry!”

“This one sees steam coming from your ears.”

“Urgh, you know what, just get out of Trixie’s room,” she said as her good will snapped. She hurried the wolf out of her room. “Trixie needs her beauty sleep, and will astound everyone when she is at her tip-top shape! So leave Trixie alone!”

After that, she slammed the door right in the wolf’s face, but it stood there unphased. The wolf gave a small sigh. The wolf bit into the book and walked off toward the couch, where it made itself comfortable. It laid its head down and thought about what it had read.

“Yes… this one is nameless no longer. This one will call itself…” The wolf paused for a brief moment as it muttered its speech, while slowly closing its eyes, off towards a deep slumber. One word escapes its breath.


Meanwhile, back in Trixie’s room…

She stomped toward her bed, and sat on it. “The nerve of that damn wolf, thinking it has Trixie all figured out. Trixie will show everyone, even that Naruto pony.” But then she looked at herself, and the room around her. She couldn’t help but be thankful for the blonde pony, however. In fact, her emotions were a bit of a wreck.

“Trixie is lucky that Naruto brought her into his home, unlike some other ponies out there…” She muttered. Not many ponies were willing to give her the time of day to help her out in her past. In fact, she had become something of a minstrel; Always performing her acts alone, gathering the bits from her performances to survive, and all of that came to a grinding halt because of the Ursa. She sighed as she laid her head on the pillow. She attempted to grab some sheets to cover herself up, only to realize that she was grabbing thin air.

She looked up, only to see she had no such sheets. In fact, it was just a bed cushion she was lying on, with nothing to cover her up. She rolled her eyes as she tried to drift asleep, giving a slight shiver to the cold air around her.

“If it weren’t for Naruto, I wouldn’t have anything to sleep on…” Her last thoughts as she drifted off to sleep.


“Man, what a crazy day…” Naruto said, opening the door to his house.

The Apple Residence’s house went to hell that night. After Granny Smith kept shouting the devil’s name at Naruto, he thought she finally went senile. He wondered why she acted that way. If it wasn’t the devil’s name, it was how Naruto’s eyes were that of a demon’s. Despite Smith’s senile moment, Applejack sent Naruto on his way, and thanked him for coming over. It was rather hasty, but she did have to handle Granny Smith after all.

He had a feeling Princess had something to do with this, but it was only a guess. Right now, he was just tired and wanted to go to sleep.

He walked in inside, to see that the house was deathly quiet. A snore could be heard from the couch. Naruto took a peek to see that the wolf was sleeping, and only smiled at him. He then walked over to Trixie’s room, only to see it closed. He gave a small knock to see if she was awake. Part of him wanted to open it, but given the events in the bathroom, he decided against it. He only assumed that she was asleep as well. After all, he didn’t want to have another shouting match with her.

Naruto couldn’t fully keep his eyes awake either, judging how that whole thing at the Apple Residence took a lot out of him.

Sleep sounds really pleasant right about now…

He walked into his room, which was only lit up by Luna’s Moon in the sky. He really had to consider getting some lights for this house, or maybe a few candles. He took his jacket off and threw it in the nearby closet, and collapsed onto the bed. As he got under the covers, he realized something felt a bit off on the bed, like the bed had sunk in a little bit. He sighed.

Damn bed is probably collapsing. It’s old after all.


The sun shined brightly on Naruto’s face. He groggily rubbed his eyes. His vision blurred as he tried to get a good visual of his room wall. As his eyes fully opened, he attempted to get out of his bed, only for something to pull him back.

“Mmh… don’t leave me Mr. Fuzzum Wuzzums…”

That really woke Naruto up. He flinched as something wrapped around his lower stomach, holding him firm to the bed. He could smell a slight, soapy scent coming from behind. He turned his head, only for a flash of silver to meet his eyesight. Naruto went into a silent panic as he sees Trixie sleeping next to him.

“T-Trixie!?” He shouted out. Trixie didn’t like the loud voice that much, and squinted her eyes open, trying to get rid of the sleep in her eyes, but to avoid the glare of the sun that met her face. She let go of Naruto and blinked, trying to piece together what was in front of her. Her eyes opened wide when she realized Naruto was with her in the same bed. She handled it the best way she could, given the situation.

She screamed in his face.

Author's Note:

Note: May have some future minor fixes, but this is more or less complete.