• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH9: Odd Jobs

Special Thanks:

Editor: Pissfer
Proofreader(?): Array


With no Wealth, comes with no Hope

One will be nothing but a Dope

But Opportunity, one brings

Will cause a thousand angels, to sing


Chapter 9: Odd Jobs

The next morning…

While Spike stayed at the library to do his chores and to take care of the place, Twilight and Naruto headed off to the Ponyville Square in hopes of finding Naruto a job.

I have no idea how long I’m going to be living here, but the last thing I want is to feel like I’m being a lazy bum. Naruto thought.

The square was bustling with activity as ponies went about their daily lives. The sounds of vendors promoting their wares, of haggling being carried out, of little fillies playing nearby. But what Naruto really noticed was just how pleasant the mood around everyone was.Everyone sounded happy, more so than he’d ever heard before in Konoha.

“This is Ponyville Square, Naruto. A place of fun, relaxation, and goods. As you can see, there are several stalls here selling their goods. And we’re not far from some of the more notable permanent locations, like Sugarcube corner - where Pinkie works - and Rarity’s Carousel Boutique. But you already knew that right?”

“Sort of… But I don’t think I was shown Ponyville Square in its entirety… But wow, it’s really busy here in the mornings.”

“It is, isn’t it? Now, over here Naruto…” She approached a nearby board, full of paper and bulletins and alike. Naruto looked at it curiously as he looked back at Twilight. “…is the Bulletin Board, or as some say it, the Request board. Ponies post odd jobs or menial tasks here that other ponies can do if they’re looking for a quick bit. Although, a lot of the requests are really are more geared towards part time employment. There’s not a lot of ponies that can’t just get help from their friends for the small things.”

Naruto gave Twilight a nod. This seemed kind of similar to the missions he did back in his own world, except they weren’t divided by rank or anything. In fact, as Naruto looked at some of the requests, he became a little interested. Some of them sounded odd to him though.

“’Looking for Manticore tail,’ ‘requesting part-time help at Sugarcube corner’, ‘looking for night-time bodyguards’, and ‘searching for a lost kitten’…?” he said some of the requests out loud. The last one made him cringe as memories of a demon-possessed cat filled his brain. He held a hoof to his head, remembering how one of his first missions as a ninja involved finding a missing cat.

That little demon possessed cat. The little rascal loves to run away from its owner and it never caused anything but trouble for the ninja that took the job.

Shaking the thoughts from his head, he looked towards Twilight. “Some of these look pretty nifty, and some of them look like something for someone with my expertise.”

Twilight gave him a happy smile. “Well I’m glad for that Naruto! I’m sure whatever request you take, you will excel at. Although…” she said as she pointed a hoof at the Manticore request. “Whoever placed this request must be a few books short of a stack… Manticore’s are pretty dangerous beings… I don’t know anyone that can take one on, at least not successfully.”


“Manticores are part scorpion, part lion, and part eagle. They’re very ferocious beings, very large and quite dangerous. My friends and I took one on a while ago, and we got lucky it didn’t turn us into manticore chow.”

“So how did you defeat it?”

“We didn’t. It had a thorn in its paw. After Fluttershy took it out, it became fairly docile and just ran off. Manticores are not to be trifled with however…” she said as she attempted to rip the request off the board.

“Wait.” Naruto stopped her from ripping the request down. “How much can I get by obtaining a Manticore tail?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Just tell me, Twilight.”

Twilight was a little hesitant at first, but his curiosity had triggered her own. She looked back at the request, “300 Bits… That’s a lot of money. And the request is from a pony in Canterlot.”

“Canterlot, what’s that?”

“You could say it’s a town for the nobles. The Royal Castle is also there.”

“I see…”

300 bits... that sounds like a lot of money. I might be able to afford a lot of things with that. Maybe even a house. But I’m not really able to fight right now, not yet. It’ll be a good idea to start with smaller jobs, use those for training and learning. The manticore request wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Naruto thought.


“Er, yes?”

“Are you okay? You were spacing out a little.” Twilight asked. He couldn’t let Twilight know about his plan to go after the manticore, since it would just worry the hell out of her.

“No, no… was just thinking about something… Anyway…” he said as he placed his hoof on the Sugarcube Corner request. “From what I saw inside yesterday, it can’t be that hard being a part-timer there. And it’s an hourly pay of eight bits… Sounds like good pay to me. Some money is better than none.” he said in satisfaction. Twilight merely nodded.

“Sounds good, Naruto! Let’s head on over there with the request!”


To say it was crowded when they entered Sugarcube Corner would have been an understatement. It was packed full of customers wanting pastries, sweets and other assorted goods. The noise inside the store was overwhelming and the heat was unbearable; caused by a both the fact that this was a bakery and having too many ponies in an enclosed space.

He could make out a blue pony, with a rather… unique hairdo, standing at the register. A pink pony rushed in and out of the kitchen like there was no tomorrow, carrying orders on her head. In the crowd there was a gray Pegasus with a goofy look flying around, bumping into ponies all over the room, bringing a smile to Naruto’s muzzle. The pony sort of reminded him of himself when he was younger. When Naruto’s attention returned to the area by the register he saw where the help was needed. They needed someone to keep the orders together, get the right pony the right goods and on their way.

The pony at the register was sweating as she got the orders taken care of. Naruto and Twilight eventually made their way to the register through the crowd.

“Yes, a strawberry cake, a dozen pastries… Um, yes, what can I get for you, sir?”

“Actually, I’m here because of the request board. You’re looking for a part-timer, right?” Naruto said. The pony’s face distorted into a look of glee, as she gave him a big smile.

“You’re here to work part-time!? Oh thank Celestia, you can’t believe how busy it is in here, I thought no one would accept it! Please, go to the back of the kitchen and talk to Pinkie Pie, she’ll fill you in! I have to get these orders straightened out!” she said as Naruto is pushed by the register pony. Twilight just stood there, watching as Naruto got shoved into the back, giggling at the abruptness of his disappearance.

“I’ll see you later then Naruto! Have fun!” Twilight shouted to him, though Naruto couldn’t hear her over the patrons shouts.

“Where’s my cake?”

“I want my pastries!”

“I’ve been waiting for an hour...”


“Yay, Naruto, you’re back! We’re going to have so much fun today!”
He didn’t think he would be meeting Pinkie Pie again so soon. Part of him wished that he’d never see her again, because this pony acted like she was on a sugar high all the time.

He quickly looked over the kitchen. There were a fair number of ovens on one side of the room. A table in the middle that was home to many cooling pastries and other goods. On the far side of the room was much of the counter space, much of it overtaken by ingredients, bowls and mixing utensils in a haphazard mess.

“Fun, you say? You do realize that there are tons of people out there looking for pastry blood, right!?” Naruto said with a dumbfounded expression. Pinkie Pie merely smiled at him as she patted his soft tail… which he promptly flicked away from her.

“Oh don’t be silly! The more people, the more fun! But the more fun, the more orders I have to take…” She paused for a moment, a frown creasing her face. “But hey! Now that you’re here, it’ll be double the fun and we’ll fill orders even faster!” she said, quickly perking up as she rushed over to grab an apron and then rushed back to Naruto. He could’ve sworn she made the entire trip in under three seconds. This pony had way too much energy… But that wasn’t always a bad thing. A lot of energy could be a good thing if channeled properly.

“Quickly, put this on so we can have so much fun making things together!”

She’s underestimating this situation... she’s much too carefree. Then again, I was like that when I was younger. Boundless energy, pulling pranks, doing anything I could to show people that they weren’t always right about everything.

No. I can’t think about that right now. I have a job to do, I need the money.

He placed his head under the loop of the apron, and clipped it on at the back with both his hoofs. It was a plain white apron with small smudges on it, presumably from cooking ingredients.

“Alright, so what do I need to do first?”


Pinkie may have seemed to be carefree, but when it came to baking she seemed to be able to completely focus her energy into the job. The rate at which she could keep cakes, pastries, turnovers and other baked goods coming was ridiculous. It was everything Naruto could do to keep up for the longest time, and all he had to do was give the finished goods to the waiting customers.

Then there was the fact that she didn’t use a timer, and Naruto couldn’t spot a clock in the room. Pinkie just pulled stuff out seemingly at random, but he’d never heard anything but admiration for the cooking from this place. Pinkie Pie seemed to have an ability that allowed her to catch missed steps and just intuitively know how the goods were baking.

Eventually he got used to the pace she maintained and soon found himself helping to prepare the batter in between orders. Once he got up to pace, he started chatting with Pinkie a little.

“Just how are you so good with this, Pinkie? It’s like you have a sixth sense on baking! It’s pretty amazing.” Naruto said. She responded with an over-excited smile.

“Because, silly, I work here and I love to bake! Ooh, ooh!” She stopped what she was doing and ran up towards Naruto as she stared at him in a creepy way. “And I love to party too! Well, mostly parties that I make… But hey, I love parties! Do you love parties?”

“Y-Yeah, I think I do? I haven’t been to a party in a long time though, so-”

“You haven’t partied in a long time!? We need to change that! I’ll make us a party for tomorrow! It’ll be super-duper fun!”

“N-No, that’s quite alright, really, but we should be--”

“Aww, but why not…?”

As she was pestering him to agree to a party, Naruto pointed a hoof at one of the ovens. He could see a large fat of bread pushing up against the screen of the oven.

“Because that cake is about to explode, Pinkie! Get it out, quickly!”

As if triggered by his statement, the oven exploded open, sending cake, bread and batter all over the place. Naruto just stood there, dumbfounded at the even bigger mess that the kitchen was now in.

Pinkie, on the other hand, simply licked the batter off of her face. She smacked her lips a couple times and gave a frown.

“Hmm, too much butter, not enough sugar!” she said with a giggle. She rushed off to mix up a new batch. Naruto was frozen to that spot, shocked by what he had just seen.

There had been something about the way she had licked some of that batter off of her face. There was something about the manner in which she did so, freezing him in place as his cheeks flushed red. He soon got himself back to work as he remembered what he was doing here. He shook his head and went back to work, not wanting to delay anything further.


Everything went smoothly for the remainder of the morning after they cleaned up the aftermath of the cake explosion. He soon found himself fairly bored as Pinkie was able to keep up on much of the baking on her own. He was happy to be done with the rush; it had been more hectic than he expected. He wondered how often the guy from Ichiraku Ramen felt like that.

The pony that had been at the register walked into the kitchen with a cheerful smile. “Good work Pinkie Pie. And you too, um…” She began, stopping abruptly as she realized she’d never gotten Naruto’s name. “My word, I’m so sorry. I put you to work without any introductions. You’ll have to forgive me; it was just so busy in here,” she exclaimed hurriedly

Naruto grinned as he scratched his head bashfully. “It’s no problem. I’m just glad I could help! I’m Naruto.”

“And I’m Mrs. Cake. Again, very glad you could help out in the kitchen with Pinkie Pie. Ever since my husband fell ill we’ve had issues getting through the startup rush in the morning. So I had to put in a request on the Request Board. I thought no one would come, since most everypony is already busy in the morning. I’m sure you understand.”

“Yeah, I can, and it’s no problem. I’m just glad we we were able to get this out of the way.”

“Yes, of course.” Mrs. Cake said. In response, Pinkie Pie placed an arm around Naruto’s neck.

“You should’ve seen him Mrs. Cake! He was going nearly as fast as me with filling out all those orders, it was all like *swoosh*, and all *wham*! He’s amazing!” Pinkie Pie said, barely understandable with the speed she spoke. Mrs. Cake rubbed her chin as she took a good look at Naruto from head to hoof. He couldn’t get used to how people kept looking at him. He couldn’t look that strange, could he? Mrs. Cake just shrugged.

“I see… you’ve definitely worked hard today Naruto, so therefore…” Mrs. Cake placed a small bag in his hooves, jingling slightly. “A little extra for the great help you’ve given us. 10 extra bits plus the 24 you earned in just a few hours, totaling 34 bits. I hope you’ll work with us again sometime. You were a big help, thank you.” Mrs. Cake said with a smile. Naruto merely gave a nod as he placed the bag into his jacket pocket. He took off the apron from over his head and placed it on the counter.

“You bet, Mrs. Cake. If it ever gets really busy again, I’ll be sure to help, if I can.” Naruto said with a smile.


With a job well done and money in hand, Naruto left Sugarcube Corner. Mrs. Cake said that it had only been a few hours. Three in fact, if his math was right. He started looking around town as he munched on a pastry that he’d received from Mrs. Cake. He heard the sounds of chatter and business going about, though he didn’t see Twilight anywhere. He was getting used to the surroundings, soon he would have an understanding of where everything was. It was just a matter of exploring.

He soon found himself standing in front of the request board as he wandered around town. It was about noon. It would be nice to tackle another request before he finished up for the day: more work in his attempt to make enough money for other things. The request for the manticore tail was still there.

I wonder why no one’s picked up that request yet... Maybe there’s no combat-type ponies around? That’s a little strange.

But regardless, he couldn’t take on a manticore himself, at least not at the moment, if they were as vicious as Twilight made them out to be. He would need a weapon, maybe some gear to help protect him. He shook the thoughts out of his mind. The request for the missing cat was still there. He rubbed his chin, reading the request.



Missing Cat: Opalescence

REWARD: 20 Bits


There was a picture of the cat alongside the request. It was white and fluffy. It looked like one of those rich cats that was groomed well and given proper treatment. Thinking back, Twilight mentioned there was a town called Canterlot for the nobles. Maybe it was a noble cat?

His line of thought was cut short as he finished reading the request.

If you find my precious Opalescence, please deliver her to Carousel Boutique

So the request was from Rarity, the fashion pony that had fainted just from a glimpse of his outfit. Suddenly Naruto didn’t really want to accept the request. But... Rarity was one of Twilight’s close friends, and the money wasn’t something to ignore either. This would be a good opportunity, both to prove himself to Rarity and to make a little more money.

“This shouldn’t be a problem, I’m totally experienced with cats,” he exclaimed after he pounded his chest with his hoof. Although this was about as far from the truth as it could be, it helped him to just say it out loud.


As Naruto entered Carousel Boutique he found himself worrying about Rarity seeing him a second time. He didn’t have a choice though, he needed to know where she’d last seen her cat. Rarity came out from the back of the store as he entered, and the bell on the door had signaled his arrival. She frowned for a moment, then seemed to recall herself and put on an awkward smile.

“Oh my, it’s the dearie with the cute fox tail! How are you?” That cheery greeting caught him off guard. Why had she frown then? Maybe it was a mixed expression; being offended by Naruto’s fashion- or lack thereof - but happy to see his foxtail again.

Why wouldn’t these ponies stop admiring his foxtail?

“I’m fine. I came here about your missing cat, was wondering where you saw it last?”

“Oh, you’re here to find my precious Opalescence?” she said with glee. She slammed her hoofs on the counter as she looked at him, her face contorting to a display of pure glee.

“Oh I’m so happy you took my request, Naruto. I don’t know what I would do without my poor, sweet, fluffy Opalescence. She means the world to me, you see. Ever since she ran away I’ve been distressed and worried. Please find her. Please!” she despaired, flinging herself at Naruto,her hooves flying around his neck. He stumbled backwards, catching a whiff of her shampoo as she hugged him tightly, to the point at which he couldn’t breath.

“Alright, Alright. Uh, I can’t breath Rarity.” Rarity obliged, letting go of his neck and backing up a few paces grinning sheepishly. “Now, where was it that you last saw Opalescence?”


“This is more trouble than it’s worth.”

An hour had passed since he’d left Rarity’s. The last time she’d seen her cat was in her boutique, then she said that it must have wandered somewhere in town, most likely around Ponyville Square, so that’s where he was going to start. He looked around the marketplace, the request board, and even under a couple of boxes and barrels, but there was no sign of the cat.

How can something so white and fluffy be so hard to find?

As he searched around he heard the sound of a hammer on metal. The sound led his eyes towards a small little shop. He peered inside, finding a black stallion with a gray horn. His fur looked a bit puffed out and he had a couple of scars on his face. A picture of a hammer and an anvil was on the stallion’s butt. Naruto kept wondering what was with the pictures. Then he noticed the furnace and anvil within the store.

“There’s a blacksmith here in Ponyville?” He wondered out loud. He could see an array of weapons and armor on display, ranging from long swords to daggers to small kitchen knives, and tools requiring a craftsman’s touch. The black stallion looked up at him, not showing much emotion in his voice.

“You here ta look or ta buy?” he said in a deep and grizzly voice. Naruto merely shook his head.

“I’m just here looking… I didn’t know a blacksmith existed here in Ponyville…” Naruto said. The blacksmith just shrugged as he went back to smacking his hammer against the anvil. Naruto looked closely at the Blacksmith’s work, and realized he was using unicorn magic to move the hammer and hold the blade in place.

The blacksmith looked up a few moments later as he realized Naruto wasn’t leaving. “Not many people need weapons these days… Or armor for that matter. Some say there isn’t enough bloodshed to warrant it…” The blacksmith began to say, Naruto listening intently. “There hasn’t been a war in a very long time… You have these royal soldiers from time to time, passing by. But they seem to be mostly for show. Most ponies just buy weapons and armor as collection items, and not for practical use… it’s an insult to a blacksmith’s pride.”

Naruto saw some wisdom in the blacksmith’s words. “Peace is a good thing to have though, right?”

“Of course it is, but you have all these lollygaggers being all talk about being all rich with their fancy words of etiquette… You would think some ponies would be cautious nowadays. No one has a mind for war, but instead they have a mind of being show-offs.” The blacksmith gave a bored stare at Naruto. “But that’s not the point. The point is my skill is going to waste.”

“So why do you keep doing the things you do?”

“I gotta make a livin’ somehow. Selling weapons is what keeps me fed these days.” the blacksmith said. As he moved his head from side to side, relieving the stiffness from his neck, he looked at Naruto.

“So, ya interested in buying something to show-off with?” The blacksmith asked. Actually, now that Naruto thought about it, this opportunity right here was perfect. If he was going to be hunting for a Manticore, he would need a weapon or two. He couldn’t chop something off with his bare hands after all.

“Actually… I was hoping to buy a weapon, for hunting purposes.” Naruto asked. The blacksmith raised a brow.

“Hunting what, bunny rabbits?” the blacksmith said with a chuckle.

“A Manticore.” Naruto said without hesitation. The blacksmith went wide-eyed at Naruto’s response before chuckling heartily.

“A Manticore, heh, that’s a good one, filly. You’re ten years too young to be hunting big game like that…” he said as he kept on laughing. “But fine, I’ll humor ya… Why do you want to fight a beast like a Manticore?”

“It’s a request on the Request Board. There’s a reward for getting a Manticore Tail.” Naruto said. This made the blacksmith laugh even more.

“Filly, there’s no way you can take on such a beast. Most of ‘em tends to be ten to fifteen hoofs tall, with monstrous claws, and a ferocious bite. Not to mention the scorpion tail. You’d be a dead colt before you could say ‘Oh no, I’m dead.’”

“I’ve probably fought worse…” Naruto retorted.

“Oh really… what have you fought before?”

“I’ve fought giant toads, giant snakes, and I’ve even had to fight monstrous abominations that were too distorted to even let live in the world.”

The unicorn blacksmith just lost all control, stopping his work as he held his gut in laughter. Naruto was getting annoyed at the black unicorn not believing him. While the blacksmith flailed about in his laughter, he slammed his hoof on a nearby barrel. Something white jumped out. Naruto’s eyes widened as he noticed that it had white ears and white fluffy fur, though covered in black spots, likely from the smithy materials.

“Rarity’s cat, it’s here!” Naruto shouted. The blacksmith stopped laughing as he saw what Naruto was talking about.

“What in Equestria is a cat doing in my material barrel!?”

Startled by the shouting, Opalescence ran off. Naruto widened his stance as the cat bounded towards the door.

“Oh no you don’t you puff of fur!” Naruto was suddenly across the room with the cat in his teeth. The blacksmith could only stare, wide-eyed and slack-jawed, at the pony that had just seemingly teleported to the doorway. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen. Or rather what he hadn’t. The pony’s speed was amazing..

Naruto walked back towards the blacksmith with teeth full of fur. “Now do you believe me?”

The blacksmith blinked a couple of times as he gave a smile. “You’ve got speed filly, but that doesn’t mean you have combat experience,” he said.

Naruto just shrugged his shoulders, “Well anyway, it was nice talking with you. But right now, I have a reward to collect for this troublesome cat…” Naruto said. He was about to walk away until a voice from behind him shouted out.

“Hey, wait a sec filly.” Naruto looked back to see the blacksmith walking towards him. What he said gave Naruto a smile that spread across his entire muzzle.

“The name’s Blackie. Filly, you make me laugh. You pay the bits and I’ll make you whatever Manticore fighting weapon you like.”


AN: Just a FYI: The filly term is used on purpose. Yes, I know it means a female horse. Yes, several comments have pointed it out. And no, I am not using it wrong. There’s a reason why I’m calling Naruto a ‘filly’. :o