• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,226 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH5: Tour De La Ponyville

Special Thanks:

Editor: DaMobbs
Proofreaders: Lord Sunder & Axel_Nyan


Eternal Rest no More

For one That Shall Walk out Through that Door…

There are Experiences to be Had

So Aren’t You Glad?

Friends are Easy to Find and Greet...

So When are you Going to Eat?


Chapter 5: Tour De La Ponyville

Twilight sat on one of her sofas, an open fiction novel levitating in front of her. Every couple of minutes, she would flip the page using her magic, seemingly engrossed in the book. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Spike making his way through the library, feather duster in hand, dusting off any surfaces. She lowered her book slightly.

“Spike, stop spreading dust everywhere. All you’re doing is just agitating it!”

Spike stopped dusting, turned to face her, and crossed both arms. His pink apron really stood out when he folded his arms, the words ‘#1 Assistant’ in plain view.

“Well excuse me, Princess. This feather duster isn’t a dust vacuum, it’s a duster! How else am I going to get all this dust cleared away?” Spike asked, slightly annoyed.

She merely rolled her eyes, emitting an ‘Ugh’ sound, before returning her attention to the book in front of her. As if on cue, a crashing noise came from the stairway, quickly growing in volume. She sat up with a start as she saw somepony tumble down the steps. A flash of blond hair caught her eye as the yellow object hit the floor with a sickening thud.

The blond sat up slowly while shaking his head, trying to regain his bearings.

“Darn it… It’s even harder to walk on steps like this,” the blond said. Twilight put her book down and trotted over to him before offering a hoof.

“Naruto, are you alright?” asked Twilight.

Naruto looked up at Twilight and nodded, placing his hoof on hers to help himself back up. He stretched out each leg before cracking his neck two times, once right and once left.

“I’m good… These steps are nothing”, he said as he turned around to face the steps, pointing at them with a hoof. “You hear that steps? You haven’t defeated me yet! I will beat you some day, believe it!”

Twilight’s face went from that of concern to confusion almost instantly. She blinked a couple of times and smiled.

“Well you’re certainly more energetic than you were yesterday. I’m glad to see that.”

Naruto turned towards Twilight sporting a sheepish grin. He certainly did feel better after all that thinking and a good night’s rest. It wasn’t very often he was shown such hospitality, even in his own world. That line of thought brought something very important to the forefront of his mind.

“By the way Twilight, this place is called… um, Ponyville, right?”

“That’s right,” she replied with a firm nod.

“Any interesting places around here then? I mean…”, Naruto started. He gestured at the room with a free hoof. “Your home is pretty cool, so I’m really curious to see what it’s like on the outside too!”

Twilight blushed slightly from the complement. “Well duh, of course. There are lots of things to show you in Ponyville. Are you still up for that tour I mentioned last night?” Naruto nodded and Twilight smiled once more. “Great!”

Twilight was about to walk out the door with Naruto in tow, until she turned to look at Spike. She eyed the purple dragon carefully, watching as he went about his cleaning duties and reorganization of unshelved books. She frowned, mostly due to the fact that he was taking longer than normal to finish.

“This room better be clean when I get back Spike. If it is, I might throw in a Red Diamond for dessert tonight.” Twilight said. The dragon froze when he heard her say ‘Red Diamond’ and found himself drooling almost uncontrollably. If anyone appreciated jewels, Spike definitely did. Well, at least his stomach did.

He snapped out of his daydream of ice cream and jewels before snapping into a militaristic salute.

“You can count on me Twilight!”


Naruto and Twilight found themselves walking down the main street of Ponyville, a cool breeze whisking past them bringing with a plethora of different smells. Flowers and freshly baked bread were the most dominant in the air. Ponies were out and about, some idly standing around enjoying the great day while others were in a rush to get to where they were going. Rustic houses and small gardens lined the street, each garden filled with vegetables, flowers, or a dazzling combination of both.

They passed by what seemed to be the market area. Market stalls stuffed to the brim with a bunch of different goods lined the square, each with a pony advertising their own goods. Ponies meandered around stall to stall picking up what they wanted, their wallet slowly growing emptier. From first glance, it was a pretty prosperous town, reminding him of the ones he passed through when he travelled through his world. It made him slightly homesick but he would get used to it eventually. Twilight noticed Naruto’s expression and stopped walking.

“Is something wrong Naruto?” Twilight asked. Naruto stopped as well and looked at her.

“Oh, nothing. It’s just… I didn’t notice before, but the air here… it’s so clean and fresh... and it feels… peaceful here.” Naruto said. Twilight tilted her head at this, but still gave a cheery smile.

“Well, feel free to breathe whatever air is around. It’s not going anywhere soon,” she giggled. This made Naruto chuckle. As he did, a small gurgling sound came from Naruto’s stomach. He looked down embarrassed as he scratched his head with his hoof.

“Eh heh… Guess Mr. Hungry down there doesn’t like the fact I haven’t eaten since yesterday, um…”, he said with a sheepish smile. “Any place to grab a bite to eat around here? I’m starving.”

“Sure, I know a nice sweets shop around here that we could go to. Would that be fine? I’m feeling a bit peckish myself.” A sweets shop… When was the last time Naruto had any sweets? It didn’t sound too filling, but then again beggars can’t be choosers.

“Lead the way! Haha.”

As they continued walking down the street, something caught his eye. It was a house... of gingerbread. Complete with graham crackers, icing, cherries, sprinkles, and gumdrops. He hadn’t seen anything that amazing before. He stood there in awe, his mouth slightly drooling. He looked at Twilight, the corner of his mouth starting to twitch.

“Do we have to eat that entire house? I mean, even I have limits...” Twilight giggled.

“Why of course we have to eat the entire house. Legends say that the first pony to eat it all in one sitting will never have to worry about going hungry ever again.” Twilight said sarcastically.

“Ha ha, very funny Twilight, mocking my hunger like that…” He said with a chuckle. In response, his stomach gurgled again. A slight red blush grew on his face as he walked towards the building with Twilight.

“This is Sugarcube corner. Mr. and Mrs. Cake run the place and they can make just about anything that includes sweets. A friend of mine even works there and she enjoys what she does,“ she said with a smile, ”But she can be pretty crazy at times.”

“I can’t wait to try out whatever they have here then! Although… Why would you call your friend crazy?”

“Well... you’ll see...”


Inside was actually pretty stylish. Rows of cakes, cupcakes, pies, cookies and whatnot lay on shelves and inside glass cases. It could have passed as a candy shop if not for the cakes on display. As they took looked at all the sweets, a high, obnoxious voice came from the doorway behind the counter.

“Oooh! Customers, customers! Welcome!” A flash of pink whizzed out the door and abruptly stopped in front of them. The pony had a pink coat of fur, hair of even lighter pink and a trio of party balloons on her flank. Naruto tilted his head as Twilight giggled.

“Hey there Pinkie Pie. How’s business?” Twilight said to the hyperactive pink pony.

“It’s going great Twilight! Ooh!” In yet another pink flash, Naruto found himself nose to nose with the new pony. He flinched backward slightly, his personal bubble having been popped rather instantaneously. However, it didn’t stop there. Pinkie Pie bent her head and neck in such impossible ways to examine every inch of his body that trying to follow it all made him dizzy.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh! Who’s this? He looks like a cat but maybe he’s a cat pony?” She poked her hoof at Naruto’s face. “What with the whisker marks…” She then brings her hoof up towards his ear. “And the spiky hair…” She caught sight of his tail and lunged for it, encasing it in a full body hug. “And this beautiful and fluffy foxtail of his…!” The pony paused, somehow floating above the ground, wrapped around his tail. “Wait… Foxtail? Why would a cat have a foxtail? Maybe you’re a catfox! Hee hee! No, Wait! A foxcat!”

What Twilight mentioned to him earlier was an understatement. She looked like she was in a constant sugar rush with a handful of soldier pills thrown in for kicks. He never saw anyone or anything move that fast before. Even some of the ninjas back in Konoha couldn’t hold a candle to her speed and dexterity. Nonetheless, he felt more uncomfortable every second she was near him, that is, until he heard her call his tail a ‘foxtail’. Naruto furrowed his brows in thought and looked back. Now that he stopped to think about it, it did resemble a fox’s tail. It was bright orange with the tip a snow white color. Twilight came to the same conclusion as she gasped in realization.

“Hey, you’re right Pinkie! I’ve never seen a tail like this on a pony before…”, she said as she leaned in for a closer look. “I wonder why I didn’t notice it before…” Apparently, ponies have no sense of the term ‘personal space’ as she also latched onto his tail. “...But it looks soooo cute!”

Naruto grit his teeth trying to stay calm. Their touching of his tail sent weird sensations up his spine. It felt extremely weird and invasive. He tried to flick his tail away from the two ponies but had trouble at first. Trying to control an extra limb you’ve suddenly acquired takes deliberate thought and concentration, something that he lacked almost entirely. However, his tail complied and the mares just ‘awwed’ as it moved through the air.

“Personal... Space...”, he said, elaborating each world with a hoof stomp on the ground. ”A-anyway, what’s so strange about my tail?” He didn’t know why he had this tail but he had a feeling they wouldn’t know how he got it either, so he just played it off. “So I have a tail like this… I’m sure others have similar tails, right?”

“I don’t think so! I know eeeeeverypony in Ponyville,” she said darting off towards Naruto’s tail once more to resume her crusade over its fluff. “And I don’t know aaaaanypony here that has such a tail as yours! Especially with it being so fluffy…” She started pressing against it once more, “And cuuuute…”

Naruto flicked his tail away again, the weird tingling sensation from being touched still hanging around..

“C-can we just get our food and go Twilight?” Twilight looked abashed, bringing up a hoof to cover her mouth.

“Oh, right! Of course! Pinkie Pie, you can adore his tail some other time…” Naruto squinted at her from that comment, as if Twilight forgot she adored his tail too… “But we’d like to buy some of your cake, if you don’t mind?”

Pinkie’s eyes widened in glee. “Ooh! I didn’t know you two came here to buy some sweets! Well, what do you and Whiskers want to eat?”

Naruto placed his hoof at his nose, as if trying to pinch the base of it… But since he had no fingers, it looked like he facehoofed instead. “My name... is Naruto... not Whiskers, all right?”

Pinkie Pie tilted her head, her mouth in an O shape.

“Nah-rue-toh? Sounds like a piece of candy, or maybe a sandwich, or actually, maybe it sounds like a cat—“

“For the love of Celestia, can we just purchase a couple of cherry pastries?!” Twilight interrupted with a shout.


Naruto bit into a cherry pastry he had in one hoof, which he learned to curl his forehoof around. It proved to be a challenge as he was still adapting to this new body and its’ four legs. At least he wasn’t falling over every other step now, but that was with four legs to support him. With the pastry taking up a leg, the other three had to compensate for the fourth’s absence. Thankfully, nothing major happened concerning the ground and his face.

The crunchy, yet moist bread gave way to the delectable cherry filling inside as he took bite after savory bite. Naruto smiled, enjoying every morsel of the pastry to its utmost fullest . As they walked, Naruto started up some small talk to pass the time.

“I had no idea that pink pony would be so... well, crazy. It’s like she’s in an indefinite sugar rush without the crash.”

“Oh don’t worry about it. That’s just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. She’s always like that.”

“Well… Alright.”

As they walked, a rather exquisite looking building came into view. It was just as colorful, if not more so, than its’ neighbors but that wasn’t what caught his eye. It resembled something like a carousel out of a noble’s festival than an actual building. If not for the door and windows, he would have thought it was actually a real carousel. Twilight followed his line of sight before gasping slightly.

“Oh, you’ve never been to Rarity’s boutique here before, have you?” Naruto shook his head at Twilight’s question. “Well, let me show you the place. We’re good friends and her store is probably the best place for pony clothes in all of Equestria. Her tailoring skills are ‘top notch’, as she would say.”

Naruto shrugged. “Alright, sure! Let’s go!” They both finished off their pastries at the same time before proceeding towards the boutique.


As they walked the doorway, Naruto could see vast amounts of clothes, tailoring tools, and mannequins scattered all around. This was, indeed, a tailoring shop. A small voice drew his eyes toward a snow white unicorn. She appeared to be concentrating on a mannequin which was on an elevated platform surrounded by mirrors. She was wearing red glasses and had a tape measurer hanging loosely around her neck. Her purple hair was styled in such a way that it curled and swirled around itself.

“Hmmm, this simply won’t do… It needs to be somewhat longer…”, the white unicorn said, taking a few measurements with her tape measurer. She turned away from the mannequin that had the unfinished design and walked to a table with piles of fabrics.

“Uhh.. Rarity? Are you busy?” Twilight said, trying to get the white pony’s attention. Rarity’s head popped up from the table and turned to face her smiling in delight.

“Oh, hello deary! How are—you…!?” Rarity’s smile turned into that of absolute horror. Her jaw dropped as she saw Naruto. Her eyes darted all over his body, apparently giving him a once over to end all once overs. He froze in place, not wanting to elicit something like the crazed pink pony from before out of someone else by accident. Then her eyes slowly crawled to the back of her head and she collapsed on the ground unconscious. Twilight had already sprung to action, her horn glowing to slow the white pony’s fall before catching her in her hooves.

“Rarity?! Wake up! What’s wrong? What happened?!” She said as she shook her repeatedly, trying to wake her up. Instead of helping, Naruto just scratched his chin trying to stifle a giggle.

“I know I’m good looking, but not THAT good…” Naruto said with a chuckle. Twilight turned and voiced her own opinion at a much higher decibel level.

“Stop clowning around and help me Naruto!”

After a few more seconds of jostling and shaking, Rarity came to albeit slightly dazed and confused.

“Uhhnn…”, she groaned, rubbing her head. “Where am I…?” She locked eyes with Naruto once again before he pupils became the size of pin needles.

“EEEEEKKK!! THAT LOOK!” The sheer volume caused Naruto to stagger and fall on his ass. Rarity immediately stood up and looked at him with a repulsively.

“Just what are you wearing!?” She immediately walked to Naruto and picked up a corner of his jacket with a hoof. “This terrible orange color scheme…” she then started ruffling Naruto’s hair, “and that AWFUL hair! You look positively dreadful darling! How can you stand to walk around like this!? I mean-”

Naruto was about to say something about how insulting she was being—especially since he loved the look himself—but caught himself when she froze and stared at an area behind him. He followed her eyes and found them fixed on his furry tail. She approached it. Naruto rolled his eyes in annoyance, waiting for the stream of insults about his weird tail as well. However, a familiar tingling went up his spine/ He whipped his head around to find the white pony hugging and petting his tail.

“Oh my…! This tail…! It’s simply wonderful! Your fashion sense may be horrible, but your tail… It just screams style!”

Once again, Naruto had to flick his tail away from another clingy pony, now hugging it to protect it from being assaulted by everybody else.

“Ok, what gives?! What’s with everybody and hugging my tail? That’s the third time today!” Naruto complained. Rarity backed away a couple of steps.

“I’m not surprised, darling! Your tail is simply fabulous! Ohh, it’s such a shame I do not have something as high quality as that. It would be simply divine!” Naruto began to inch his way towards the door.

“Well, it was nice meeting you, um… Rarity, right? But me and Twilight really should get going…” Twilight was still just standing there, an amused look on her face, deciding it best to just watch the proceedings instead. Hearing Naruto’s plea for help however, she finally spoke up.

“Er, sorry about that Naruto. I didn’t expect Rarity to-” Twilight began, but was interrupted by Rarity.

“Oh my… pardon my manners Twilight, I didn’t mean to ignore you. I just couldn’t help myself when I saw this… mishmash of fashion stroll into my shop. I might have gone overboard... just a tad."

A ‘tad’, Naruto thought, was an understatement.


“Again, I’m sorry Naruto… I should have known better than to surprise her like that… She’s normally so reserved and well-mannered. I guess that meeting somepony new like you was just a little too much at once.”

“I ‘kind of’ noticed... What with the fainting and pestering over my choice in clothes…”, Naruto said in a deadpan tone. Twilight frowned.

“I hope you’re not mad…”

“What? Oh, no. Just a little rattled, that’s all…” Naruto said. So far, today had felt more like a mission gone wrong than an actual tour of the town. Then again, he did manage to meet some of the more... interesting townsfolk. A pink pony on an unending sugar rush and a white pony who made the fashion police look bad… It was quite a day so far.

“It can’t get crazier than this,” He mumbled to himself. As if on cue, something fast him hit from behind, sending him flying forward before faceplanting into the hard, dirt road. When the world righted itself, he attempted to get back on his hooves only to find that something was on his back, preventing him from moving.

“YES! I found the fox Fluttershy! I TOLD you I could find him!” He turned his head at the voice to find a cyan pony with wings sitting on his back, a smug grin plastered on her face. Her hair would have made rainbows jealous. The pony in question then proceeded to grab his tail, sending that peculiar tingling feeling shooting up his spine again.

“Hey! What’s the big idea, bird-brain!? Let go of my tail!” Naruto growled. The pegasus raised a brow as she leaned in closer to Naruto.

“Hey wait, you’re not a fox! What did you do with the fox you fox!?”

Oh great, yet another one, Naruto thought.

“Oh, no no no Rainbow Dash… That’s not a fox… That’s a pony… I mean, I think so…”, said a soft voice. A moment later, a yellow pegasus with pink hair landed next to them. Naruto assumed that this Rainbow Dash was the one sitting on his back, judging from the visual cues and the name.

“I can see that! I bet he’s hiding the fox so we can’t find it. Hey,” said Rainbow Dash, poking his head with a hoof, ”where did you hide the fox?!”

Enough was enough. He flicked his tail out of her grasp and shook her off his back angrily. Once back on all four hooves, he turned to face the newcomers with built up anger in his eyes.

“Can’t I go more than two minutes without being assaulted by random ponies!? First it was a pony going all sugar-rushed at me, then it was a pony mocking my fashion sense, and now…” He said, glaring at the blue pegasus, “it’s a blind, four legged excuse for a pony who can’t even tell apart a pony from a fox!”

“What was that!?” Rainbow Dash said, slamming her head against Naruto’s, who began to press back against her just as hard. “Who are you calling blind you cat-faced wannabe!?”

“Oh now it’s cat-faced? Are you sure you don’t need glasses or are you just that brain dead!?”

Twilight and Fluttershy just stood there, watching the argument unravel in front of them. As their two colleagues kept verbally abusing one another, they struck up some small talk. Neither of them wanted to intrude on a moment such as this and the tension in the air had reached an all time high.

“Uh… So, Fluttershy, eh heh…,” she said, turning her head towards Fluttershy, “what brings you and Rainbow here anyway? I heard something about a fox?”

“Oh, yes… One of my foxes ran away in the middle of the night. Rainbow Dash and I were looking all over Ponyville when we came across you guys. Oh... he must be so scared... I hope he’s alright.”

As Naruto and Rainbow Dash bickered in the background, now on the subject of rainbows and cotton candy, Twilight nodded towards Fluttershy.

“Ah, I see. Yep, definitely have to find that fox before it gets lost…” Twilight said offhandedly, her attention mostly on the two arguing ponies. She pointed her hoof at Naruto.

“That’s Naruto by the way. He’s new in town… Or at least, I think he is. I was giving him the tour when we found you girls.”

“Oh, yes…” Fluttershy, however, seemed more interested in Naruto’s tail than the fight at hand as her eyes tracked its every move.

“You want some of this ya piece of cotton candy!?” Naruto shouted.

“Who are you calling cotton candy you catfox!?” Rainbow Dash shouted back.

“That doesn’t even make any sense!”

“It makes sense to me!”

“He has a nice tail… It looks so adorable…” Fluttershy said with a slight blush.

“Yeah,” said Twilight, stifling a giggle.”He gets that a lot.”

After a few more minutes of constant bickering from Rainbow Dash and Naruto, Twilight had had enough of this and forcefully separated the two using her magic. They both yelped in sudden realization that they were no longer on solid ground and began squirming, trying to force their way out of whatever was holding them.

“Alright alright, break it up! Let’s be friends and stop fighting!” Twilight said, looking each of them straight in the eyes.

Despite the fact that they were being held aloft by magic, Rainbow Dash opted to flap her wings, giving her the appearance that she was just hovering there. Naruto, on the other hand, just hung in the air limply. Rainbow Dash smirked, savoring this small victory over the orange pony. He noticed his current predicament and just scowled, turning his head to look away from the three mares.

“Hmph, fine. My mouth is tired from shouting so much.”

“So is mine…” The both latched onto each other with icy glares until Twilight walked between them.

“Look, can’t you two just shake hoofs and be done with it? This isn’t a proper introduction at all!”, she said, releasing them from her telekinetic grip.

Rainbow Dash and Naruto looked at each other once again, still staring. Naruto squinted, and so did Dash. Second after agonizing second passed by, neither wanting to be the first to back down. Finally, Naruto took the high road and broke the stare first, turning his head down.

“I guess we got off on the wrong fo—er I mean hoof.” He raised a hoof. “Names Naruto. What’s your name?”

Rainbow smirked at Naruto as if his name was the funniest thing she had heard all day. She lifted a hoof and planted it on Naruto’s, each doing a quick single shake before withdrawing them.

“I’m Rainbow Dash, and you’re looking at the fastest pony alive!”

“Fastest alive, eh… You sure are pretty fast with your mouth…”, said Naruto with a small snicker.

“Why you…!”

Twilight put her hoofs between the two as they almost went at it again.

“How about we take a break, hmm? You can get to know each other later when we’re not as busy… Rainbow Dash, don’t you and Fluttershy have a missing fox to find?”

Rainbow Dash nodded at Twilight before looking at Naruto with disdain.

“We’ll meet again, catfox! You can bet your mane on it!” Rainbow Dash took off into the sky once again with such speed that she seemed more like a cyan blur than anything else. Fluttershy took off as well, albeit at a much slower speed, before waving at them and trailing after her friend.


Naruto rubbed his head lightly as they continued their walk through town. It had been a long day and it wasn’t even time for dinner.

“Is life here always this… random? Always admiring other pony’s tails and tackling them when they least expect it?” Naruto asked Twilight. She shook her head.

“Not always, but it’s not everyday that somepony as unique as yourself comes to town. What do you want to see next?”

“Well…”, said Naruto in thought. Ahead in the distance, Naruto could see a large barn up ahead. He squinted, trying to get a clearer picture of the building. It could be a barn for animals or maybe it was a house shaped like a barn. His curiosity was piqued. He pointed at the barn with a free hoof.

“Well, how about—”

“Twilight! Naruto! Emergency!” A purple dragon came running around the corner towards Twilight and Naruto, panting and sweating. “I’ve been looking all over for you two! You need to come back to the library, quick!”

“Why Spike? What’s the matter?”

“It’s… Your house… Princess Celestia is there!”

Twilight felt her jaw drop.

“P-Princess Celestia is here!?”