• Published 18th Feb 2012
  • 24,227 Views, 1,897 Comments

My Little Naruto: Friendship is--WHERE AM I!? - DragonLS

Naruto's life is given a second chance in the world of ponies... beyond his will.

  • ...

CH28: New Party Members Pt. 2

Special Thanks:

Editor: DaMobbs

Proofreader: Meeester


A help of friends, or the help of foes?

Are willing to assist, such as those.

A wolf, a mage, seems like an unlikely alliance.

But one mare will do anything, for science.


Chapter 28: New Party Members Pt. 2

It hadn’t been long since these three souls decided to live together: the Timberwolf, bound by Naruto due to the Fox’s Chakra; Trixie, the Showmare and Illusionist that was rescued twice by Naruto; and the notorious fox-pony himself who gave these two the second chance they deserved.

A strange alliance, forged with but a simple goal in mind for the moment: fixing a house.

It wasn’t long before Naruto and his group arrived in front of the doorway filled with debris and wood. Naruto sighed half-heartedly whilst Trixie and the wolf stared at it.

“Alright, so this one’s yours, Trixie. As you can see, it’s blocked up pretty well,” Naruto said, kicking one of the wooden planks in the pile. “It’s been like this ever since I moved in.”

“Why would you move into a broken-down house like this though?” Trixie queried.

“This one agrees,” the wolf added. ”It is disadvantageous to obtain this home through trading means.”

“I got this house for free. The disrepairs came with it,” he astutely replied. “Besides, I didn’t have a home at first, so I couldn’t really complain anyway.”

“A house… for free!?” Trixie exclaimed, shocked. Naruto nodded. “You’re lucky, blondie. How big is this house anyway?”

“You didn’t see the outside yet?”

“I was asleep, remember?” she blandly replied.

“Ah, well it’s a two story mansion. I haven’t really had the chance to do a lot of exploring yet, what with other things popping up. Since the previous owner created a hurricane in here, most of the house is in disrepair, so I gotta do most of the repairs myself.

Trixie went wide-eyed at the part with the hurricane. The wolf raised a leafy brow.

“A… hurricane?” the wolf repeated.


There was a brief silence whilst Trixie pulled off a good impression of a goldfish.

“Why would he summon a hurricane in his own house!?” Trixie finally exclaimed.

Seeing as how he wasn’t getting anywhere with the small tidbits of the full story, he sighed and resigned himself to explaining the the events leading up to his fortunate acquisition. By the end of it, Trixie had resumed her goldfish motif but the wolf hadn’t moved nor responded the entire time, electing to continuously stare instead.

“You destroyed the scorpion-tailed animal to save a sick one,” the wolf finally replied. “An admirable feat.”

“You… you’re suicidal,” Trixie pointed out, finally finding the correct words. Naruto merely shrugged.

“Well you wanted the story… Now then, still want to stick with me? Last chance to back out,” Naruto asked.

The wolf and Trixie looked at each other. Trixie gave a frustrated sigh as she held a hoof to her head.

“Trixie’s going to regret this, isn’t she?”

“This one will be by your side, Naruto.”

Looking at each of them sternly, he could see the determined look in their eyes. Naruto crossed his hooves in deep thought.

A wolf and an illusionist… Never thought I’d end up with a group like this, but they’ll be nice to have around. Out of the two, Trixie seems to be the wildcard here surprisingly. I’ll have to see.

He nodded, happily grinning as he motioned to the pile of wood and rubble behind him.

“Alright then, first we need to get all of this wood out of the way. Trixie, can you use your magic?”

“Hmph, Trixie can do anything with her magic, just watch!” she boasted, stepping up to the edge of the pile.

Trixie stood firm and stared at the piles of wood. She smirked and a small magical aura formed around her horn. One by one, each broken plank was enveloped in her aura, as they whizzed past into the corner of the room into haphazard stacks. Naruto watched, impressed with her telekinetic abilities thus far. Trixie’s face started to sweat as each one was tossed aside. Trixie looked at Naruto through the corner of her eye and growled.

“Well don’t just stand there, help Trixie!” she exclaimed irritably. Naruto couldn’t help but chuckle at her though.

“Alright, I’m helping,” Naruto quickly responded, walking over to the side of the pile. ”Wolf, get the other side.”

“This one is willing to help.” The timberwolf barked.

Time passed as they dug the doorway out, slowly but surely removing the blockade piece by piece. It was looking less like a mess and more like a doorway. Naruto pulled a rather stubborn piece of lumber out of the way and tossed it into the ever-growing pile of assorted debris. This would have taken a good day or two by himself, but with Trixie’s magic and the wolf’s strong physique, they’d be done before nightfall.

At last, the final piece of debris was shifted out of the way and the doorway was officially cleared. Everypony—or everyone—sat down to take a short break, wiping the sweat from their brows. The white wolf bent over and picked up a loose piece of wood lying on the ground with its mouth and began chewing on it. He sat down and stared at the door, interrupting the panting of both ponies in the room with the occasional crunch of wood.

“Uh, what’s with the wood?” asked Naruto hesitantly.

“This one needs it in order to help regain lost strength,“ he noted, demolishing the rest of the plank in his teeth and swallowing. ”It also happened to be of the oaken variety, which this one finds most satisfiable. It was an exhausting effort, but this one is pleased with the result.”

“Eh heh, look who’s talking about ‘exhausting effort’, it’s like you didn’t break a sweat, wolf.”

“This one does not merely ‘sweat’ nor ‘break’ one either, but is a little tired, yes,” the wolf said, squinting at nowhere in particular.

Trixie mere panted heavily as she growled at the wolf. “Trixie’s been doing all the work here! Did you really expect me to remove every single piece of debris? My magic can only go so far!”

“Wasn’t it you who said that you can do anything with your magic?”

“There’s a difference between skill and stamina, and this was not of the former!” Trixie barked at Naruto. He scratched his head and chuckled.

“Alright, alright… no need to get fussy,” Naruto reassured, smiling at the doorway. “Why don’t we take a look and see what’s inside.”

The group nodded their heads, and walked through the torn up doorway, stepping over stray pieces of wood or plaster they missed. The first thought that ran through Naruto’s head was that the room was torn up, but even that was an understatement. The ceiling was perforated with holes the size of a full-grown pony. There was a small bed inside the room, albeit caked in dust, and a couple brown dressers complete with faded white drawers. Paint was peeling off the dresser and the walls and the walls that were still in tact looked extremely dingy.

In short, this room needed fixing as well.

Trixie took a step back, her face flush with anger as she pointed a hoof at the room, glaring at Naruto. “W-what is this abomination!? You expect Trixie to live in this... this garbage?” Trixie yelled at Naruto. The blonde took another glance at the room, and scratched his head.

“Wow, and I thought the living room was bad,” Naruto muttered out loud. The wolf raised a wooden brow at Trixie and Naruto, giving a small sigh.

“The chaos this one believes, will be a long one.”

“You’re tellin’ me… I guess I won’t be fixing up this room anytime soon.”

“W-what!? You’re just going to give up after what Trixie went through?”

Naruto spread his hooves toward the room. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not a repair pony. At best, all I can do is makeshift repairs, but we need something more permanent—Ah!” Naruto bumped his hoof into his open one. “There’s no tools here except for cleaning supplies, but… hm.”

Naruto looked at the room once more. The fact there were several holes in the ceiling was going to be a pain. He really needed to know how to make actual repairs. Trixie merely sighed in frustration as she began magicking in the pieces of wood that were still salvageable.

“Naruto,” she began, “I’ll need nails, a saw, and a hammer. I can use the leftover wood to make some repairs here. Do you think you could gather those three things for me?”

“You… can repair this?” he said, casting scrupulous glances at the room in question.

“What do you expect? Trixie’s a travelling performer, and my caravan wasn’t indestructible. I had to make repairs from time to time. A pony needs to learn to be adaptable to certain situations.”

“Like getting drunk in a forest?” Naruto mused.

“Yes, like getting drunk in the—Hey!” Trixie glared at Naruto, stomping her hooves on the floor. “Don’t you ever mention that incident again, you hear me!?”

“Yeah yeah, sure…” He looked at the wolf, who apparently had been silently watching the two of them bicker.

“This one does not understand the norm of conversation,“ he commented, shaking his head. ”Are you two fighting?”

“No, just some harmless teasing,” Naruto said with a toothy grin.

“Hey, are you going to keep this up or actually get what I asked!?”

“Fineeee,” Naruto said, walking out the doorway. “I doubt we have any of those here in the house, so I’ll just go see if there’s a store that has ‘em.”


Naruto walked on the dirt path in search of a tool store. He twisted and turned the map in his hooves and frowned.

“You would think that by having a map, I’d know the store’s location, but nope, nothing listing under tools or nails and whatever.” He pocketed the map and sighed. It was rather quiet, save for his own hoof steps, but another pair joined him a moment later. He looked over to find the timberwolf keeping pace.

“Uh, yo? I thought you were staying behind with Trixie?” asked Naruto.

“This one cannot tolerate the blue one’s yelling. It makes this one cringe and whimper.”

“You’re tellin’ me. She’s got quite the mouth. Makes me wonder how she managed to perform with such a personality as hers. Do performers even act that way outside of their shows?”

“This one does not know. What is a ‘show’?”

“Ah, that’s right, other than being a wolf, you don’t know much on how things work here, huh?” The wolf shook his head, and Naruto sighed. A light bulb lit up inside his head as he grinned. “Ooh, I’ve got an idea! Let’s go to Twilight’s! Maybe she’d know how to solve this problem, and maybe help us find a tool store!”

“Who is this Twilight? She is not similar to the blue one, correct? This one’s ears do not want to ring again.”

Naruto stopped for a moment. He looked at him with a raised brow.

“What do you mean?”

“The blue one sings a chorus of painful disasters within this one’s ears. It is unnerving. Do all four-legged ones yell such indescribable syllables?” the wolf asked. Naruto tapped a hoof on his chin, thinking.

“Well,” Naruto said, giving a small chuckle, “from my experience, they only do that when they’re extremely scared, in intense pain, or extremely angry. So you’ve got nothing to fear, buddy!” He put a hoof on the wolf’s wooden shoulder, but the wooden predator’s expression didn’t change, if he had one at all.

“This one sees… let our group continue to this ‘Twilight’ then.”

“That’s the spirit! On to Twilight’s!” he exclaimed, marching forward. “I’m sure she’ll treat you with open han—er hooves.”


After arriving at Twilight’s front door, he rapped the door with his hoof three times, eliciting a small commotion from within.

“Who is it? I’m in the middle of something right now!” came a female voice, which Naruto recognized as Twilight’s. He gave a smile at the door.

“It’s me, Naruto! I need a favor!”

After a few seconds had passed, Twilight opened the door with a loud creak and a smile on her muzzle. Her hair appeared to be a bit ruffled, along with a small quill pen tucked behind her ear. Naruto raised a brow at her and pointed at it. “What’s with the quill?”

“Oh, I was just making a friendship report to the Princess.”

“A… friendship report?” Naruto asked. First time he’d heard of such a report. “What’s that?”

“It’s simple! I write a report to the Princess every week on the lessons of friendship that I’ve learned. Like you, for instance. You taught me something about not abandoning a pony in need, especially since you were lost that week ago.”

“Oh. That seems... interesting?” Naruto replied questioningly.

A report on friendship? Weird.

“You speak of words dealing with the problems of other four legged kind. This one thinks that is unselfish of you.” the wolf mused causing Twilight to blush.

“Well thank you Mr… huh?” She looked around, only to find Naruto and nopony else. “Er, who said that?”

“This one asks you to look outside to your left, four-legged purple one.”

Twilight peeked her head out of the doorway and looked left, only for her eyes to dilate with what her vision is looking at. A white, four-legged animal made of bark was looking at her with perceiving eyes. Twilight’s mouth gaped, her mouth quivering. The wolf raised its wooden brows and immediately covered its ears.

“This one does not want to hear the ringing sounds of pandemonium again!” the wolf exclaimed.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Naruto said, confused. A loud shriek assaulted Naruto’s ears as Twilight screamed her lungs out. The blonde covered his ears in agony as the lavender unicorn shuffled backwards as fast as her hoove could carry her.

“What’s that Timberwolf doing here!?” she said as she charged up her horn. “Get back, Naruto!”

Naruto looked blankly between the wolf and Twilight, realising a moment later why her horn was glowing. He quickly stepped between the cowering wolf and angry Twilight. “Wait, Twilight, don’t hurt him!” he exclaimed. “He’s completely harmless!”

“A timberwolf, harmless?” Twilight asked, surprised. “Don’t be ridiculous! You saw how hostile it was back at your house!”

“You four-legged ones do not understand this one! This wooden one does not understand why these ponies have the ability to sound like the sirens of old!”

Twilight’s eyes widened when she heard the animal speak. “D-did that Timberwolf just talk?” she stammered out in surprise. The timberwolf uncovered its ears and nodded.

“You heard this one correctly. This one speaks in your language, and is harmless,” the timberwolf confirmed. Twilight just stood there, blinking. She couldn’t quite believe what both her eyes and ears were telling her. This wasn’t just some rudimentary parlor trick or an illusion. Naruto sighed in relief when Twilight relaxed her stance and the glowing aura around her horn dispersed.

“What’s going on here, Naruto?” questioned the confused, purple mare.

He looked back at the Timberwolf, and then at Twilight before motioning inside. “How about you invite us in and I’ll explain everything?”


Naruto and Twilight sat down near the coffee table, while the Timberwolf roamed around the library, perusing its vast rows of condensed knowledge. The wolf’s eyes scanned over each of the books, reading each of their titles before moving on down the rows.

Meanwhile, Naruto began explaining how the wolf came to be. To say Twilight was confused was an understatement.

“So the wolf gained intelligence after your tails touched him? But how did that happen?” Twilight asked.

“I’m not sure,“ he partially lied. ”These tails have a mind of their own. Who knows what they could be planning?” Naruto answered.

I really should talk to Princess about this at some point. I need an explanation myself…

“What they’re… planning?” Twilight said, tilting her head to the side. “They have a mind of their own?”

“Er, well… sometimes they act without my permission,” he quickly fibbed. ”They’re weird like that.”

“Still... a sapient Timberwolf.” Twilight got up and ran up to the wolf, grasping its head in her hooves and turning it in every which way. The wolf arched a brow at this sudden intrusion of personal space.

“What is it you wish of this one? Are you planning to sing more notes of pain and agony?” the wolf blandly asked. Twilight hesitated in her examination.

“Er, what do you mean?”

“He means are you going to scream in his face again? The wolf’s been getting that a lot lately.” Naruto chuckled, to which the wolf growled.

“Becoming deaf is not this one’s wish.”

“I’m only joking, lighten up already…”

Twilight carefully examined the wolf’s face, noting the slight discoloration compared to other timberwolves out there. She also took note of the strange symbol that was embedded into its forehead.

“It’s strange though…” Twilight said. “Such a transformation with the addition of intelligence. I-It’s practically impossible!” The lavender mare squealed in glee. She couldn’t help but grin at Naruto.

“Can I study and experiment on it?”

“No!” Naruto shouted, knowing full well what Twilight’s ‘examinations’ usually dealt with. “Just… just leave him be, alright? I don’t want anymore crazy things happening to him. He’s been through a lot already as it is!”

“No need to yell, Naruto. It was just a question…” Twilight looked at the wolf and frowned. “It’s a shame though. You could’ve opened up previously unexplored areas of magical theory and biology that nopony ever dreamed of.” She looked between the two with a barely perceptible glint in her eye. ”Maybe just a little—”

“I said no, Twilight!”

“Oh come on, pretty please?” she begged, tapping her hooves on the ground in frustration.

“Why do you want to experiment on him so badly!?”

“Well you don’t see any other white, talking timberwolves out there, do you?” she replied smugly.

As the two bickered on, the wolf continued to scan the books with his eyes. Oddly enough, he could understand the words placed on the tomes of knowledge. ‘Gods and Goddesses’, ‘Preek Mythology’, and ‘Ancient Nature’ only a few off the top of his head in this section alone. However, the book ‘Ancient Nature’ caught his eye.

The wolf pawed the book off the shelf. It made an audible thump as the book burst open to a random page. He laid down and let his eyes roam across the words imbedded into the book. The book seemed to deal with mostly nature and its past, and the history behind several plants, animals, and even food sources.

“C’mon, Naruto, just let me borrow him for a day; we’d be missing out on an important discovery!”

“I said no! Go find another timberwolf to borrow.”

The timberwolf had enough of their wailings and merely glared at them.

“This one is absorbing knowledge; please do not disturb the white-legged one.”

Their arguing ceased almost immediately. They both locked eyes on the wolf, who was now laying down, head bent down and eyes roving over the open book. Twilight was the first to break the tense silence.

“You’re… reading?”

“Indeed. This container of knowledge seems to hold vast amounts of history on this one’s kin, including several other creatures and myths.”

“Oh, you mean ‘Ancient Nature’? I’ve had that book for ages! You’re right, though.” She levitated the book away from the wolf, only for it to sigh in disappointment. Twilight flipped through a few pages, smiling. “It’s been awhile since I’ve read this. Many millennia ago, there were ancient forest creatures of unknown kinds that are either extinct, or just mythological beasts. Most of them are from Preek culture, which was several thousand years ago beyond my time, and—“

Twilight stopped mid sentence when she noticed the wolf was eying the book she held in her magical grasp. She exchanged glances with the wolf and the book before realization dawned on her.

“You want to check this book out?“ she politely asked. ”It seems you have an interest in it.”

“Is that what that container is called? A ‘book’? It has peaked this one’s interest, yes.”

“Oh, well, I can let you borrow it for a while, if you wanted. I’m sure there are many things unknown to you about pony culture. Heck, why not check out a few more books while you’re at it?”

“This one is… curious. You have vast amounts of… books, some reeking of extremely old age. Are you a collector?”

“I’m a librarian,” she pridefully announced, motioning at the library in its entirety. ”It’s my job.”

“A… librarian. A rather strange title for such a position but yes, this one would be overjoyed to have a few more books of its choice, namely something dealing with your species.”

While Twilight and the wolf discussed their similar interest in books, Naruto couldn’t help but rub his head. A wolf interested in reading? That was something but there was one thing he couldn’t help but wonder.

“I just hope he doesn’t eat the books…”