• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,110 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Mine, Smelt, Forge, Sharpen. Part 2 [13]

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Mine, Smelt, Forge, Sharpen.
Part 2

The next morning saw them rested and on their way. Jer'rahd had wrapped the grip of the bone club in some of Velkorn's bandages to make it more palatable. After checking the map and finding what should be the path once more, they left the giant's shell to what ever else might wish to take residence in it and ventured forth. The trek only got stranger from there.


“Run faster!!!” Jer'rahd shouts.

“They are gaining Boss.” Bleu screams clinging to the stallions back.

“For the love of Celestia some one throw them a carrot or something.” Rhede shouts running along side the pair with Velkorn hot on his hooves.

The group thundered across a field making for a river on the other side of the open grass land, a herd of long legged rabbits with big nasty pointy teeth stampeded after them.


“OK Velkorn, what are these things supposed to be again?” Rhede mutters flicking his tail and sending a little green creature flying off into the river.

“Gummy Gators, I think, perhaps it was a mistake to stop for a drink.” Velkorn sighs Pulling a reptil off her hoof

“Well considering that they are either trying to eat me, breed with me, or drink my blood by sucking it through my spines, I am inclined to agree.” Bleu sighs.

The group looks down curiously at the dozen or so tiny toothless gators had latched onto Bleu, before their gaze turns to Luna. The only part of the mare they could see was one twitching hoof under the pile of green gators.

“Soo, I guess they really like the Princess.” Jer'rahd chuckles.


“You know Rhede when we were asked to collect firewood I had no idea the fire wood was going to try and collect you.” Bleu grins looking up at the pony.

“Shut up and get this thing off my flank Bleu.” Rhede curses.

Bleu smirks looking at the overly large flower that had latched onto Rhede's back side and had lifted him in the air trying to eat him tail first.


[Another night, another camp. ]

“So you expect me to talk?” Rhede asks.

“No mister Pelt I expect you to die!” Rhede responds in a fake deep voice waving a hoof for emphasis.
“Then he turns this strange gem laser thing and starts cutting the table I am strapped top up from between my legs.”

“No way that happened Rhede.” Starfall snorts.

“Seriously a line that bad could not be said with a straight face.” Bleu mutters.

“I swear on Princess Luna's cutie mark it is all true.” Rhede admits.

“Rhede if you do not get your hoof off my flank I will remove it at the shoulder.” Luna curses glaring at Rhede.

“Oops.”Rhede grins before Velkorn smacks him in the back of the head.


“So this is what its like to fly then?” Rhede asks.

“I think its more that we are falling up Rhede.” Jer'rahd comments from slightly below him.

[“Some pony get me down from here?”] Velkorn screams.

“What did she say?” Jer'rahd asks.

“You really need to learn Zebra Jer.” Rhede sighs.

“Yeah yeah.”

[“HAAAALP!!” ] Velkorn screams flailing around above them.

“Wow she does not like flying.” Rhede comments.

“Like I said, It's more like slowly falling up.” Jer'rahd comments.

The three earth bound ponies floated lazily up into the air as the fliers race up after them trying to catch the three before they drift up into space.


“OK so who are are you?” said Jer'rahd from Bleu's Body.

“I'm Rhede. Dammit, Bleu, stop feeling myself up.” shouts Rhede from Velkorn's body.

“But I am sooo sexy!!” complains Bleu from Rhede's body.

[“Some pony get me down from here?”] shouts Velkorn from Starfall's body above the others, wings flapping madly, both trying to get to the ground and not crash at the same time.

“ Open my wings up damnit, do not crash or so help me...GAHH!!” Starfall in Jer'rahd's body winces. “Okay that does not count against my never crashed record!”

“OK, tell me again what happened to you Princess?” questions Jer'rahd from Bleu's body.

“Oh, it seems I switched with myself.” says Luna from her own body.

“Goddess I hate this place, BLEU STOP THAT!!” Rhede shouts from Velkorn's body.

“Hey does this count for you getting inside of Velkorn if you know what I mean?” Bleu asks from Rhede's body.

“Some one please shut her up?” Rhede groans from Velkorn's body.


The group again is sitting around a fire along with a great many little tribal teddy bear looking things with spears and bows. Of course this wasn't their camp, and the teddy bears had been rather hostile at first.

“So I say oatmeal are you crazy?!” Bleu crows getting a laugh from the gathered swarm of bears and a small head shake from Starfall. The pegasus glances over to the unreadable armored face of Jer'rahd.

“OK let me get this straight. They are little teddy bear things right?” Starfall asks.

“Right. Pretty sure they are called something else, but their language is all gurgles and growls to me.”Jer'rahd agrees.

“And they tried to eat us when they first met us, right?” Starfall asks.

“Right again, Starfall.” Luna sighs.

“And they think Bleu is a goddess because she fried a few of them with lightning right?” Starfall comments.

“Right.” Jer'rahd nods.

“So why did we agree to stay here again for the night and join their party? Seems a little dangerous.”Starfall asks.

“Because Goddess Bleu demanded they put Rhede in a dress and make him dance for her.” Luna smirks a little looking out over the fire to the large clear section of the wooded village that Rhede was currently dancing around in wearing nothing more than a grass skirt.

“Oh …. OK I can handle this then.” Starfall laughs noting the bit of Drool coming from Velkorn's lips as she watched Rhede.

“Seriously hate this place.” Rhede shouts.


“YUB YUB!!” scream the teddy bears in agreement.


[Another night, another camp, though one devoid of teddy bears this time.]

“Fine Starfall since you are so insistent. I will answer, but you will then tell me about your husband and why you joined the Guard.” Luna snorts.

“..........alright Princess. The price of my curiosity it seems. Most ponies here know some of it any way.” Starfall sighs.

“You asked for something private, you should expect to give back in return. Why you wish to know I am clueless however.” Luna sighs.

“Just hoping to understand you a bit better is all Princess.”Starfall comments.

The group gathered around the fire early in the night and as usual talk started though this time Starfall had started to steer it with the help of Bleu and Velkorn, towards Luna's first love. The mood was pleasant enough till then, after the question was asked you could have made ice cubes in the air around Luna. Rhede and Jer'rahd had the decency to at least move away to the other side of the camp and pretend not to be interested in any of the questioning, though they had at least one ear perked the whole time.

“My first serious love was one of my guards. I had crushes and interests before much as every other young mare, but this was the first real love. The last of good friends had died, it is one of the prices of being a goddess that you will outlive every one around you save other gods. It was barely a hundred years after the Discordian war, the land was for the most part peaceful again. This left me little to do to pull me away from what I had lost, even my sister could not keep my spirits up. I stayed in my quarters all the time simply mopeing, I suppose is the word. There was one guard that was assigned to protect me who took it into his head that his mission was to cheer me up. He tried simply talking to me at first and I largely ignored his banter. He switched to jokes, strange tales and other absurd viewings of the world. It seems he took my silence as a invitation to continue. It got to the point where if the day was not filled with his rambling it seemed odd. He brought sweets from the kitchen for me, even though I simply could have ordered them and he would get in trouble if he was caught filching. Eventually he started with the pranks. Tia had always been a fan of that type of humor, but it was never something I could bring myself to try and enjoy. The first ones were rather simple, items moved from where they were supposed to be, a blade glued into its scabbard. It eventually got more complex including one instance where he managed to get the Guard Captains entire office glued upside down to the ceiling. He was a rather creative earth pony, he took the punishment without any issue, seeming to consider that I had yet to smile worse than any thing his superiors could dish out. Some of the jokes did get a small smile or two from me, but it seemed he wanted more than just that.”

The group watches noting the soft smile Luna offered as she stares into the fire. The entire area was silent save the crackling blaze.

“Eventually he got the idea to set a bucket of mashed alfalfa on top of a door ready to douse any who walked into the hall to come into my chambers. Perhaps he thought to only catch a maid or his change of guard duty, but this time Tia had decided to come pay me a visit. The look on his face when my sister walked through the door and was covered with mashed Alfalfa was a bit to much for me to hold back the laughter. Tia chased after him through the whole castle yelling at him and flinging gobs of mashed alfalfa after him. When she finally caught him she turned his coat plaid for a month as punishment. She went easy on him as she was happy to see me out of my depression. He wound up being rather happy as I started responding to him rather than just being there. It was not that long after it became a bit more serious between us and we formed a bit of a relationship. It was perhaps the best three years I have had in my life, then Sable came into the picture.” Luna's tone darkened considerably and she seemed to nearly spit the name.

Jer'rahd shifted uncomfortable in his armor noting the others were also looking uncomfortable at her sudden mood change.

“Sable was a earth pony inventor and researcher, her primary field of study was the creatures created by Discord and how to remove them. Several of her inventions had been put to use to deal with some of the ones still bothering Equestria even that long after the war, including developing a method for removing parasprites using music. Her skill and intelligence at even a young age had Celestia take her as a favored student, providing what ever she needed for her studies, and covering for any mishaps that happened as a result. She likely was the brightest pony that ever existed. Unfortunately she had a number of emotional problems, the one in particular that started everything was her jealousy. Her colt friend at the time had broken up with her. The way he put it later was that she spent so much time working on things, that he never saw her and she was always more interested in whatever she was working on then him. A bit selfish I suppose, but understandable as well, he broke it off as politely as he could and was not even sure she had noticed what he said to her.” Luna sighs closing her eyes , her ears flattening to her head. ”She had, and a month or so later when he found another mare friend she lost it fully. She had been studying the very make up of the draconequus and had become quite interested in his chimeric make up. She had created something using that knowlege, and in her rage at finding out her colt friend had moved on with his life without her, released it to kill him. Things did not go so well for any one. The creature was unstable and dissolved into some sort of amorphous blob that grew larger the more it killed and ate, incorporating bits of its victims into it self, usually their final pain filled screaming faces. It killed every one in the town but her, as she had the sense to flee. She made it to Canterlot to report the creatures attack, thinking to avoid the blame, there was a hoof full of survivors however who had seen that she was the one who released it, including her former colt friend who was the main target. He informed my sister of where it had come from, as he had seen it in her lab while they were still together. Tia has a way of getting the truth out of ponies and Sable broke down almost immediately, this did not save several other towns and hundreds of ponies from being taken into the mass of the creature. The beast set its sights on Canterlot, carving a path of death towards it. Sable was put to work under heavy guard to find a way to stop it, the guard were sent out to hold the creature back, including my love, they were able to hold the creature back long enough for Sable to finish her work, though none of them survived. As the goddess of war I wanted to be out aiding the Guards in holding it back. Tia had kept me at the castle until the device was complete sending me to use it the moment it was. As I activated I the device I saw his face in the mass the same smirk on his lips that was always there before the creature was disintegrated by the device his face burned away before my eyes. It took all of Tia's power to stop me from ripping the mare apart when I returned to the castle. My sister had her sealed in stone and placed near the statue of Discord in the Royal Gardens. I did not think it enough and tried many times to destroy the statue hoping that she could see and feel what I was doing to her as she was locked in stone. Tia stopped me every time. Eventually, I sank back into depression and fled the castle. I flew till I could no longer fly then ran until I fell, then I simply cried. Tia told me I stayed in that spot for nearly a century, my tears filled all the low lands of that place creating a inland sea.”

“The Great Hooper Sea in southern Equestria.” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Yes. Named after him.” Luna admits.

There was no further conversation that night even among the watches.


“Alright I need an explanation again.” Starfall asks.

“Shoot.” Jer'rahd responds.

“What the hay are we ?” Starfall asks.

“Not sure, part diamond dog maybe, though thinner and hairless?” Jer'rahd admits. "More like a monkey i think."

“Well at least our coats or skin is the same color as we were .” Starfall mutters looking at her bare , gray foreleg that had five stunted claws on the end of it.

“Not sure why Bleu is a dog though... why did Rhede faint, Jer'rahd?”Luna asks.

“The, ahem, personal anatomy of these things is much smaller than normal.” Jer'rahd comments.

“So his junk shrunk and he went thunk?” Velkorn asks looking down at Rhede still laying on the ground.

“Not how I would have put it Velkorn, but yes. Though I do have a question for you all. What are those big bags of flesh things on your front?” Jer'rahd asks. “ And why are Luna's bigger than the rest of yours?”

“Can we just get out of here without the questions Jer'rahd.” Starfall grumbles having the smallest of what ever the bags were.

“Least most of our armor changed with us.” Luna points out.

“Yes, for some reason I think I would feel amiss, running about uncovered like this.” Velkorn comments.


[Another fire, another camp.]

Jer'rahd blinks looking down at the dragonling and the necklace she is held up to him. A jagged bit of metal wrapped and tied to the end securely with the length of a thin vine.

“Is that?” Jer'rahd asks.

“Yeah... your grandfathers sword, well parts of it. I figured if it had managed to help your grandfather kill dragons, and your father defend Equestria, plus all the stuff you've pulled off with it, there was no sense letting it rest just yet. Got a nice cut on my finger from it too, so its still eager and thirsty for blood, this things far from done. I made six of these, I figure we could all use a bit of the luck and protection it seems to give. Well that, is if its alright with you. It is yours.” Bleu comments

“Nah, that is actually a rather nice gesture Bleu.”

“Damn right.” Bleu snaps. “ You better apprciate it you know how hard it is to itch scales when cuts heal?" The little dragon proceeds to pass them out to the group, taunting Rhede a little with the piece she was giving him.

Luna regards the bit of metal with some interest, her gaze shifting to the other bits the others put on as well silently pondering to herself.

Jer'rahd smiles feeling the cool blade against his chest, he had felt out of sorts without the weapon, or at least a bit of it near him.


“ Giant three headed dog?” Starfall sighs.

“Yep, I told you boss was really good at what he did.” Bleu cackles

“Meh.” Starfall mutters. "I know he's good but all he did was just toss that big bone weapon of his and the dog ran off after it.”

“Something the matter Starfall?” Luna asks.

“Nothing, it just seems that this was kinda tame compared to everything else we have had to deal with. It was an easy win just by Jer'rahd being a clever pony.”

“Hey every one there’s a bunch of flaming half whatever those things we were before coming out of that gate the dog was in front of . They do not appear friendly. Um, hey Jer, why do they have pitchforks?” Rhede asks.

“OK, I need to keep my big mouth shut.” Starfall sighs.


[Another campfire.]

“Alright,I did agree Princess. I kinda hoped you forgot. I know it has nothing on your story though.” Starfall grumbles.

“Mine was over two thousand years ago Starfall, you are already a bit behind in that regard.”Luna comments

Again Rhede and Jer'rahd feign disinterest, but they still have their ears perked listening.

“My brother introduced me to Loc, they had evidently met in basic training and become friends, the two of them spent most of their time together when off duty. Loc never really got along with his family before he joined the Guard and after he did join they disowned him. They were the type who were fully against violence of any kind. My brother invited him to our parents place when they both had leave and that’s where I met him.” Starfall mutters looking down into a bowl of cooked oats with a small grumble.

“We hit it off rather well right from the get go. That built up rather quickly to the point where he proposed to me and I accepted. It was a simple wedding that really only had my side of the family in attendance, he never cared about that and so neither did I. He and my brother were both stationed together in the northern lands and both of them came home when ever they had leave. We spent two years of our life like that. When I became pregnant he put in for his last tour, a last duty assignment in Ice Crown get enough bits so we could live comfortably until he found other work. My brother had plans to quit as well and get married to his mare friend as soon as he was out, provided he managed to find one.”

Starfall pauses with a small smirk that fades, though Bleu and Velkorn listened with Rapt attention Luna was already prepared to expect the worst, she had read the reports from Ice Crown when looking over Starfall's files.

“They were on a routine patrol when a wing of griffons attacked them and killed them both. I had just gone into labor when I found out, my parents flew out to the base to retrieve their bodies for burial and my sister stayed with me. The same Griffon wing that killed my brother and my husband stalked and killed my mother and father as well as they returned with the bodies. One of the carriage fliers survived and told the Guard about a silver and black griffon who lead the wing, she seemed to be gunning for my parents directly. Once she killed them she took their tails mounting them on a belt that had my brother and husbands tails as well.” Starfall explains.

“I have heard about a griffon who collects trophies like that. She goes by the name of Windrazor. She was part of the terror campaign the griffons ran, hunting down entire families of soldiers she killed. She was rumored to be very good at it, even managing some targets deep in Equestria to complete her collections. “ Rhede comments.

“I knew that much already Rhede. I also know that I am going to kill her, painfully. She made what should have been one of the happiest days of my life one of the worst. There's also the chance she still knows about my sister and Cloud Dancer. I will not allow anything to happen to my foal while I still breathe.” Starfall growls.

“That explains why you joined the guard. As well as why you have no trouble letting the media know who you are.” Jer'rahd comments.

“I want her to know who I am and I want her to know I am coming for her. If she is the collector like she acts she will want my tail as well. So long as she is focused on me she won't find out about my daughter and sister.”Starfall snarls

“So that is why you wished to transfer to the northern posts at first, To hunt this griffon?” Luna asks calmly.

“It is Princess.”Starfall admits.

“So long as your family remains in Canterlot, no harm should come to them. Griffons are still not allowed in the royal city.” Luna states.

“Still, I need to see this birds corpse nailed to a rock before I am going to feel comfortable. And to recover the rest of my families remains for proper burial.” Starfall states.


“I have died and this is my eternal reward.” Bleu whispers drooling heavily.

“OK, what the buck? Chocolate geysers, on a marsh land made of pretzels and peanuts? Is this even sanitary, let alone possible?” Rhede questions.

“Discord did have a thing for chocolate.” Luna sighs.

“Bleu don't do that, GAAAH!!!” Jer'rahd yelps.

Jer'rahds' magic grabs the little dragon by the tail yanking her back as she dunked her whole head into one of the erupting geysers. The dragonling seemed to be trying her best to drink the whole erupting hot chocolate stream and if not for Jer'rahd holding her tail she would have been blown away by the erruption.

The gray unicorn growls slapping her on the back until she coughs up the chocolate that had nearly drowned her.

“Sooo goood.” the dragonling coughs.


“RUN AWAY!!!!” Jer'rahd shouts.


“SHUT UP AND RUN!” Luna shouts.

The group tear off through the woods being chased by what look like walking trees made of Poison Joke.


[Another night at camp.]

“You want me to do what?” Jer'rahd asks.

“Well you have been listening to what we have spoken of. There must be something in your life to compare to the sort of stories we have told the last few nights.” Luna comments.

“Have you seen the papers on what happened in Dullahan keep?” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Good point, and that covers Bleu as well.” Starfall comments.

“Why are you seeking sad stories any way Starfall?” Jer'rahd asks.

“I was not to start with but after mine, I do kinda feel a little better. I figure there might be something to get off your chest. Might help us under stand each other a bit better as well.” Starfall adimits.

“If you want something sad ask him about when his grandfather died.” Rhede comments.

“Rhede.” Jer'rahd growls.

“Oh?”Luna asks.

“Pneumonia and a bad heart do not mix.” Jer'rahd snaps.

“Cried for days, poor Jer did.”Rhede smirks.

“I was much younger.” Jer'rahd glares at Rhede.

“It was barely ten years ago.”

“Shut up Rhede. That is not something to joke about.”

“The crying or the death?”

“Why am I friends with you again?”

“Because I amuse you so.”

“This is true, do you still have the skirt from the teddy bears? That was the most amusing thing you've done in a while.” Jer'rahd grins.

“I'll shut up now.” Rhede sighs.

“Good. To answer your question though Starfall I do have something of interest. I am still amazed the papers have not spread this every where .” Jer'rahd mutters.

“It does seem they have left you alone lately, save the horror stories and questioning your sexual prefrence of course.” Starfall snarks.

“I finally met my mothers parents.” Jer'rahd mutters.

“Oh crap Jer..... I did not even know they were still alive?” Rhede perks up looking over at the gray unicorn. “ They are still alive right, you didn't kill them?”

“Yes, they are still alive Rhede. I might have inherited my grandfather and father's disdain for them, but not the burning hatred. Though after meeting them for the first time, I have that now as well.” Jer'rahd admits.

“So what happened then?” Starfall asks.

“I was invited to another nobles party, mostly a show for the media. I was still fairly banged up from Dullahan, this was before everything with Bleu cleared, so she was still stuck at the hospitol.”

“Crap I missed a party.” Bleu grumbles.

“You missed a long drawn out exercise in straining my patience. The noble who invited me had been escorting me around introducing me to other ponies like I was some sort of trophy that he managed to get to show up. If Celestia had not ordered me to maintain good a impression for the Guard I would not have been any where near it. “ Jer'rahd mutters crunching down on and swallowing a mouth full of an oat bar.

“Half way through the party the pair of them practically jumped me. I had no idea who they even were at first and was simply swept along in the rapid fire conversation they were having with the reporters there. It was about this time they started referring to me as their grandson, playing up the relation to the media of how their blood line was responsible for one of the greatest heroes in equestrian history. “ Jer'rahd explains.

“Goody so they went right for what annoys you the most then?” Bleu sighs.

“With all the media presenting you do, songs of praise still bother you?” Velkorn asks.

“Boss here hates when ponies call him a hero Velky, he wants to avoid the media as much as he can. They just don't let him.” Bleu grumbles.

“I am doing what I am supposed to be doing, protecting the rest of the lands to the best of my abilities. I just keep getting placed in situations where my abilities are enough to make a noticeable difference.”Jer'rahd explains.

“If I did not already know better I would say you were being humble.” Starfall chuckles. “ So what happened?”

“Once everything they were saying sunk in I suppose I went a bit over board.”Jer'rahd admits.

“Are they still alive Jer?”Rhede asks.

“Yes Rhede, I already said that.”

“Then you didn't go overboard.”Rhede grumbles.

“Any way when the pair of them finally picked them selves up from where I flung them, I went on a bit of a tirade. Let the media and every other noble in the place see my rage at them. Gave full disclosure on everything they had done to me.”

“Hold on I seem to be missing some things here that Rhede and Bleu seem to already know.” Luna questions. “ Do you mind filling me in?”

“My mother was a unicorn, my father a earth pony. Her parents did everything in their power to stop the wedding up to, and including trying to have her kidnapped to save face. When all that failed they disowned her. When she became sick they could have used their money, their wealth to get a better doctor to save her life, instead they let her die which practically ruined my father. It was about this time my grandfather explained something he called the rule of three. My father never recovered from her death and spent his remaining years in a personal war to try and preform heroic enough deeds to enact the rule and bring her back. When he was killed my grandfather raised me until his illness took him when I was younger. If it had not been for Rhede and his family allowing me to stay with them I would have been out on the street somewhere. They took the house almost as soon as my grandfather died, took all his bits to pay for medical and countless bills and taxes suddenly levied against the house. Soon as they owned the building they leveled it, destroyed the house I grew up in in less than a day, barely even let me take anything out of the house. They did their damnedest to wipe out the fact that my father, mother, and I ever existed. I couldn't even bury my grandfather in a normal plot, as they denied every attempt to do so with some law or another or something. They even paid for judges and others to demand the exhuming of my mother father and grandmother for some stupid reason or another. If not for the Pelt's allowing a section of their land to be used for the burrial my family's bodies would still be sitting some where awaiting a court hearing.”

The group regards him in silence, Jer'rahd remained calm in the telling , but Rhede and Bleu both seemed to get pissed off enough for him.

“Any way I told them exactly what I thought of them and what they could do with their pride at my accomplishments. I promptly disowned them right then and there. Made sure the whole of the party could hear me. The whole time I kept moving towards them as I yelled until they were ushered out of the party before something happened. Killed the rest of the party mood for everyone else too. By the time I was going off about how they did not even have the decency to come to their own daughters funeral I was screaming to a empty room.” Jer'rahd comments

“I did hear about a evacuation of a city block a bit back but not what caused it.” luna mutters.

“Boss is kinda the most feared pony in Equestria. If something like that set him off enough for him to be throwing old ponies around I seriously doubt the media wanted to find out what would happen if they wrote about it, or pressed him for info.”

“More likely the media was paid off to keep the disgrace silent. Nothing worse for nobles then to have their dirty laundry aired. So who were they any way Jer? Been rather curious about that side of your family for a bit. I never managed to find anything. If you disowned them,and they covered it up, i'm not likely going to find anything out.” Rhede sighs.

“I don't really care who they were. They called themselves Bluebloods when talking to the media before I flipped out though.” Jer'rahd admits.

“Is that a name or a mark of royalty.” Bleu asks.

“A name, though a rather important one in noble circles. They are the only group that can trace their line back to actual royalty.”Luna states.

“Related to you and your sister then?”Starfall asks.

“No, not to us. But a god none the less.” Luna admits.

“High ranking nobility though Jer. You could do a lot of good with the sort of power that comes from that name.” Rhede points out.

“I refuse to be associated with a group that intentional abandons one of its own to die for such a stupid reason. If I was a more vindictive pony I would do all I could to ruin them, but at this point it hardly seems worth it. What is done is done and ruining them now will not bring any pony back that has been lost.” Jer'rahd sighs.

“Better pony than I am, Jer'rahd.” Rhede admits. “ I wouldn't leave a scrap of their dignity or fourtune left in their hooves.”

“No, I am not Rhede.” Jer'rahd comments. “I just don't see the point now.”


“I take it back Rhede, this is far more amusing than the skirt.” jer'rahd chuckles in a higher pitch than normal.

“Stuff it, you're in the same boat Jer.” Rhede growls.

“Yeah, but I don't check to see if my dick is back every three seconds.” Jer'rahd laughs. “And we're still ponies which is better than the last time.”

“Oh how I miss not so little Rhede.” Rhede whines.

Bleu laughs at Rhede from atop Jer'rahds back as they walk through the strange mist.

“But you look even sexier now Rhede, or is it Rhedete?” Bleu chuckles in a slightly deeper voice.

"Rhede can still be a mares name Bleu." Jer'rahd chuckles.

The dragonling seemed completely unchanged beyond her voice, and that she had a rather large bushy mustache.

A tall black alicorn stallion and rather uncomfortable looking pegasus stallion trotted along behind them with a male zebra tagging behind. The zebra seemed more than content that this odd area didn't make her fly again.

“How you holding up in that armor boss, it really doesn't even look like you've changed genders at all past your voice.” Bleu comments tapping on the helmet

“Interestingly enough, the armor seems to fit perfectly now. Not baggy or tight any where.” Jer'rahd admits.


“Starfall.” Jer'rahd comments

“Yes Jer'rahd??” Starfall sighs.

“Please do not ask me what these are.” Jer'rahd comments.

“Not a problem.” Starfall admits.

“At least what ever they are, isn't attacking us.” Bleu admits.

The group pauses for a moment more regarding the sight before continuing past the small grove of trees. Each tree had a strange door set into it. One door was shaped like a brightly colored egg, another like a turkey, still another like a gourd with a face carved into it, and one like a garishly decorated pine tree. It had however, gotten to the point that none of them were the slightest bit curious about what they found here any more.


[Another camp.]

“...So if it had not been for Rhede, I surely would have been dead.” Velkorn explains.

“So this zebra was the one who turned your half brother evil then?” Jer'rahd remarks.

“No, he was already going bad, that was an issue from his dad. His adviser just made it worse, by filling his head with evil verse.” Velkorn comments.

“Zebra's name was Bloodtail, A necromancer of all things, he escaped the initial onslaught and then came back for Velkorn.“ Rhede mutters, not seemingly interested in the story, something Jer'rahd found as odd.

“He was impossible to get rid of, his intent was to make me his love.” Velkorn snorts.

“Did not work out to well for him this time either. His attentions were one reason she hid in the woods to begin with.“ Rhede states.

“I thought Velkorn was out there to hide from the warlord?” Jer'rahd responds.

“That was the other reason , the warlord let her stay in the fort so long as she just healed his people. When she started trying to heal the enemy he got pissed and she left.” Rhede mutters.

“Makes sense now. I am sort of sorry I missed that whole conflict.”Starfall adds

“ We caught him when he came back to try and kidnap Velkorn. He broke into the palace and managed to make his way to her room to wait for her. Of course like most days she stayed in the hospital til rather late and I would up having to bring her back. Well when I opened the door for her he was evidently tired of waiting and started flinging the spells he had prepped at the first thing to come in. Zebra spells are different from Unicorn ones. The more complex the spell the harder it is to cast, that parts the same, but even powerful zebra spells can have reduced cast times by making them target a specific thing. Like a fire ball that hits only male ponies would have half the time to cast as a normal one. Or take that spell and make it all the males with black manes, the cast time drops more. Bloodtail had some very potent spells of charm and paralysis for Velkorn. Unfortunately for him they hit me and since I was not the target, fizzled. After beating the snot out of him he was arrested and charged with attacking a ambassador, that way he could be extradited to Equestria and away from the Zebra lands. I had security increased, but we did not let on he made it all the way to her bed chambers. No sense in giving any dissidents the idea they could get there easily. After he came to Canterlot I am not sure what happened to him.” Rhede explains like he was reading from a script.

“Tia put him in the garden.”Luna anounces.

“You have mentioned the garden a few times now Luna, what is it?” Starfall asks.

“It is a prison Starfall. While I have no issue holding an execution for those who deserve it my sister is more in charge of Equestria's justice system than I am. She does not kill, she won't do it no matter how heinous the crime. It is a code she set up for herself long ago that she has followed for thousands of years. She has yet to break it since then as far as I know, she first started adding to the garden when Discord was defeated and turned to stone. I believe what the Elements did to him gave her the idea. While he was not the first inhabitant, he was the first she put there. Others followed including Sable and Forgescale. Anytime an crime was committed that goes beyond what a simple bit of jail time or a fine would pay for the offender is sealed in stone and placed in the garden at Canterlot to serve their time.”

“Would have to be a big garden.” Rhede mutters. “There's a lot of ponies out there who deserve that sort of thing.”

“It is much like this place. It is much bigger inside than it is outside. It took us a great deal of magic to make it so. There are hundreds of statues of ponies and beasts sealed there. I do not even remember half of their crimes or what some of them even are. While Discord was the first we put in the Garden and the dimensional displacement is an enchantment we set on it, we were not the first to add anyone to the garden itself. It was there before we came to power and will likely be there long after.”

“She put Claymore there didn't she? Bleu growls.

“Yes, Claymore is in the garden as well.” Luna admits.

“I thought he was going to be executed?” Bleu snaps.

“Bleu calm down and think about it, the bastard is trapped in stone forever. Frozen in stone watching the world go by.” Jer'rahd comments. “If that doesn't help, I'll buy you a nice heavy mallet when we get back .”

“Nah forget it Boss. Though I hope pigeons poop on him.” Bleu snarls.


“Now this place is creepy. A bunch of those weird hairless diamond dog skeletons too. What ever these big metal birds were they must have been eating them off the boats. Look you can see the insides of a couple burst open and spilled the bones out.” Bleu mutters.

The group slowly winds its way around the large piles of ships and planes. All of them seemed to be crashed or run a ground here far from any water. Piolets and crew of all of them still on board , their bones bleached, some still wearing the tatters of their uniforms and clothing. Star fall flies down to glide above the group.

“This place is really odd, its like a ship and metal bird grave yard, and from the air its one big triangle.”Starfall mutters.


“RUN FASTER!!!” Jer'rahd shouts.



Again the group thunders across a field fleeing from a strange green blob of a monster waving a multitude of very phallic looking tentacles in the air.


“Are we there yet Boss?” Bleu asks.

“No.” Jer'rahd responds.

“Are we there yet Jer?” Rhede questions.

“No.” Jer'rahd grumbles.

“Are we there yet Jer'rahd?” Starfall qwerries.

“No”Jer'rahd growls.

“Jer'rahd please do not fret, but I must ask, are we there yet?” Velkorn riddles.

“NO!” Jer'rahd shouts.

“Are we there yet General?” Luna grins.

“GAAAAAAAAH!!” Jer'rahd yells storming ahead of the group marching across the field they had been crossing.

“You are correct Bleu, this is rather fun.”Luna admits.

“How long till the boss snaps, a fun game for the whole family.”Bleu cackles.

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