• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,110 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Salt of the Earth part 2 [22] [E]

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Salt of the Earth
part 2

[ Canterlot, out side the interrogation room at the Edge of the Canterlot Guard base.].

“Well Kaisur what is your opinion of that.” Mustang asked, rather softly for once.

Jer'rahd looked up having been lost in thought for a moment. His ears flattened to his head as he saw not only Mustang but all the others staring before he looked around noting the whole group was staring at him expectantly as well.

The yellow coated Pegasus mare looked young, but was far older than he was, her red mane and tail were streaked with blue and she wore a bright yellow and dark blue body suit that covered her entire form save her head ,wings and tail. It reminded Jer'rahd of the costumes that air show the ESO gave at Dullahan, perhaps the Wonderbolts based the clothing off hers? Twin gold stars of her rank as General were the only adornment to the other wise plain suit.

General Meteor Shower.

This was the first time Jer'rahd had met another of the five Generals aside from Mustang.

The other two worked for the Canterlot branch of the Royal Guard, sometimes. The unicorn mare was a bright pink coloration, she had a white mane that almost seemed to glow, her red eyes, however, unnerved him greatly as they fixated on him. Lemon Drop was the lead inquisitor for Canterlot, and her question mark cutie mark suited her personalty perfectly. Jer'rahd had met her once before after the groups “time” with Claymore, she was not a fan of the techniques he used and her suggestions on what should have been done instead were both fascinating and horrific. Jer'rahd had not wanted this mare any where near Rhede, but he had little choice.

Her partner and body guard was a rust colored earth pony stallion named Terracotta Brick, like Jer'rahd his cutie mark was a shield, unlike Jer'rahd his shield was covered in bloody spikes. He didn't talk much, but he didn't need to. The stallion was of an average height and build, but he projected an air of menace that probably would have run off a full grown dragon. Jer'rahd really wished to know his secret.

“He lied and with held information. His biggest mistake though was likely getting involved with The Order in the first place.” Jer'rahd admitted.

“Hmm, I still believe there is more to it than that.” Lemon Drop added causing him to look to her cautiously.

“There might be, I only asked if I could sit in on this, I did not think you would be asking what I thought of it”Jer'rahd responded.

“It is occasionally wise to get the opinion of the uninformed, you have known him longer than any one else here General. I was simply checking up on that. I was quite impressed how ever you managed to show such restraint once the subject of Dullahan came up.” Lemon Drop stated getting a snort of amusement from Mustang.

Jer'rahd blinked at the some what back hooved compliment. General meteor shower patted him on the head with a chuckle.

“Don't worry about it, I am sure everything will work out alright for him. He kinda balanced everything out with himself.” Shower stated.

“Crap don't work like in yer fantasy books Meteor. Hes committed a great many more crimes than just withholding information, and Kaisur, take that damn eye patch off, yah look like a pirate reject.” Mustang growled.

“Yes way to kill the mood Mustang.” Shower grumbled.

Jer'rahd sighed though he complied showing a brilliant red glow coming from his eye which gave every one pause.

“Seems I was right.” Lemon Drop grinned.

“That is still a damn weird condition you have there Kaisur.” Shower stated.


“Well boss?” Bleu asked looking up as Jer'rahd entered the meeting room where the others had been waiting.

“I am curious as to the outcome of this trial.”Starfall added.

“It wasn't a trial, it was more a interrogation, but he didn’t resist and didn’t try anything. I was only there as a witness, The tribunal will be deciding his fate, they have a lot to take in with whats been done.” Jer'rahd sighed.

“All this for just not telling you about that bitch you were dating?”Starfall snorted.

“There's far more than just that to contend with. Rhede is a bit more complex than he seems.”Jer'rahd sighed dropping down into a chair.

“And does that mean a damn thing?” Starfall questioned.

“Probably not.” Jer'rahd admitted.

“So if they do plan to hang him you gonna bust him out?” Starfall asked.

“That is not something you should be asking, Starfall.” Jer'rahd growled.

“But it is something you were thinking.” Bleu pokes his nose.

“It would put me at odds with everything else I have done up until this point. Ruin the heroic name I have made for myself, and likely make me a wanted pony in all of Equestria.” Jer'rahd growled. “ I would no longer be considered famous, nor be invited to any ritzy parties.”

“And that's a yes.” Starfall chuckled.

“Of course.”Jer'rahd grinned a little.

“He had better not.” stated a new voice as the door closed loudly.

The group froze, slowly turning to face the Princess of the Moon who had just come into the room while they were talking.

“Ahh, Princess Luna, we um … didn't see you there.” Bleu muttered

“I am sure Bleu. Need I see you locked up to make sure you do not try anything to free Pelt?” Luna asked.

“Do you think it would work?” Jer'rahd smirked.

“If I bind you up, it most certainly would.”Luna stated.

“What is it with you mares and bondage?” Jer'rahd rolled his eyes.

“What?” Luna asked.
“Also what?” Starfall questioned.
“Better fill us in on that one boss.” Bleu demanded.

“Pass. I feel too outnumbered to continue that conversation.” Jer'rahd grumbled laying his head down on the table and covering his face with both hooves.

“I'll let it go for now boss, but I am supposed to be watching out for your mental health after all this crap lately.” Bleu nodded sagely.

“Aside from now being completely done with any sort of dating or anything else similar I am just as angry and sarcastic as I ever was.” Jer'rahd sighed.

“Good to know. Doesn't mean my mission into that is over though, there’s got to be some one out there, Maw Pelt wants her grand babies!!” Bleu exclaims.

“ Gah......So anyway, what is the deal Princess, and be honest with us, even with that whole interview I sat through I am not sure what the actual charges are against Rhede.” Jer'rahd asked.

“Murder for one.” Luna stated.

Jer'rahd and Bleu turn to look back at Princess Luna at that, their eyes narrowing.

“What is that look for?” Luna questioned.

“Murder is hardly a charge that can be levied against him. 'Princess of Death.'” Starfall added. “ Or have you not heard you new unofficial title?

Luna winced and Jer'rahd sighed.

“If killing ponies who deserved it was something that we could even be charged with none of us would be here, well maybe Velkorn. I think you are more annoyed that he finished what you started. I am sorry about your reputation decline again Luna. I feel it was rather my fault.” Jer'rahd stated.

“It is fine Jer'rahd,It is not like you had any say of some one trying to murder you. Of which, why are you seemingly fine about his failure to inform you of Scarlet's motives?” Luna questioned taking a seat with the others.

“The Pelt's were threatened, and I got better. I can forgive that as it really only concerned me.” Jer'rahd stated lifting his head.

“Like Hell boss.” Bleu snapped.

“OK, Me and Bleu.” Jer'rahd grumbles recalling how as his partner Bleu would be exiled if anything happened to him,.


“And Starfall.”

“Have you forgotten the speech in the Garden already General?” Luna demanded.

“Gah, fine, but it is still something for just the two of us to deal with rather than the courts.” Jer'rahd muttered.

“The information on Dullahan, Camp Geode, and the situation with Velkorn however, are more for the courts.” Luna added.

“What about Dullahan boss?” Bleu asked staring at him.

“...............................” Jer'rahd winced.

“ Oh dear.....If you do not wish to tell her General......” Luna began.

“ No I do not, but she deserves to know as well. Rhede had information about the attack on Dullahan that he passed along too late. He was also supposed to kill Claymore and he refused, it was before any one knew what Claymore was up to And the rest well. You were there.”

“What...... what kind of information?” Bleu asked rather softly.

“Not much, it didn't seem to be anything more than implicating Claymore was up to something. His biggest crime was not marking the info urgent. And maybe not killing Claymore, I don't think he can be charged with NOT killing some one ….”

“.............. he knew?” Bleu muttered

“Not entirely Bleu.” Jer'rahd commented with a wince.

“That is not an answer.” Bleu snapped.

“Jer'rahd is simply wishing to spare you details that may be upsetting Bleu. We all know it is still a sore subject with you.” Luna added getting a glare from the dragonling.

“No shit Princess.” Bleu snarled.

“Luna please do not get the little dragon on my back angry, her claws are already digging into my spine. Bleu please calm down before I decide to see if I can get your claws filed off....” Jer'rahd winced.

“My apologies to you both, perhaps it is best if he explains it to you himself. If the tribunal finds in his favor of course. Though that is quite likely considering the evidence. Though I suppose the main question is even if he is to be released what then?” Luna added.

“Why should anything change?” Jer'rahd stated.

“Boss? But..” Bleu stared down at the back of the unicorns head.

“The six of us have proven we can work well together, when of course we are not side tracked by our own ends. Rhede IS part of this group. I will admit he is going to have to bust his flank to prove himself once again to be worthy of that trust, but still.” Jer'rahd sighed lifting his head again. “The pair of us grew up together, this is not the only bad choice he has made in his life. Likely the biggest and the one with the most fall out, but not the only. His intent was still to try an help others over himself. That attempt is enough for me to let him have a chance at regaining my trust back. Besides, Velkorn's been a wreck without him around and I will not be the one to make her cry by telling her he is never coming back if this goes bad or we turn him out.”

“You are far too trusting Jer'rahd. To want him back close to you.” Luna stated.

“You did not see him in there Princess, granted even if you did it is not likely you would have noticed what I did. I have known Rhede since I was a foal. I generally can tell if something is bothering him and I have never seen him look that bad before. To me he seems clearly remorseful, I've seen him like that a hoof full of times in my life. Then there is what's going on with Velkorn as well and how he is handling that. I am slightly proud of him.”

“Wait what is going on with him and Velkorn boss?” Bleu asked.

“Not my place to say. Celestia knows as do Mustang and a few others After all this they gave me the file to read.....” Jer'rahd grumbled. “ Just stop trying to get them together and let them work this out on their own.”

“I know a little more than you may think General.” Luna added thinking back to her dream walking earlier.”But despite this he kept knowledge he had a secret. A secret that may have saved many lives.”

“How many secrets have you and your sister kept that might have saved lives Princess?” Starfall stated suddenly.

Luna blinked looking over at Starfall curiously. The Pegasus simply sat at her place at the table listening to everyone. She didn't even look at Luna after the statement, her expression seemed a bored disinterest in the conversation.

“I was under the impression you did not like him. Yet you are defending him as well?” Luna questioned.

“I might not know the whole story, and he may annoy the crap out of me, but I never tried to give the impression I did not like him. He saved my life, so now I owe him and Jer'rahd.”Starfall stated flatly.

“I said you paid that off Starfall.” Jer'rahd growled.

“Ignoring you General, la la la.” Starfall sang putting her hooves over her ears.

“Feh.” Jer'rahd muttered dropping his head back to the table.“You know Princess you still have not said the official charges against him.”

“The Primary one is Treason I believe? Mostly due to giving The Order information.” Luna recalled.

“But if Rhede works for Celestia, shouldn't that charge be dropped? She did have him spying for her, because of him she knew who to feed false information to.” Bleu added in.

“He claims to work for my sister. Tia has not said one way or another.” Luna admitted.

“Really? Why? I figure she would have been all over this.” Starfall pondered.

“Tia has been feeling, off, as of late. Most likely she is still hungover from her Hearths Warming party.” Luna admitted sheepishly.

“WHAT?!? wasn’t that like a month ago?” Starfall demanded.
“Alicorns can get hungover?” Bleu gasped.
“Well that takes away the only reason I would want to be one.” Jer'rahd sighed.

Luna watched them for a moment surprised at the sudden shock from them. Her ears flatten a little as she looked a little sheepish as if this was not the reaction she was after.

“Well it does seem my attempt to lighten the mood a little has failed dismally, perhaps I should leave the humor to Bleu after all.” Luna grumbled.

“Ummm.” Jer'rahd questioned.
“Hmmm.” Starfall blinked.
“It is the first attempt we have heard out of you Princess.” Bleu stated.

Luna rolled her eyes seeming embarrassed by this.

“Well then Princess. What are we supposed to do wait? “Starfall asked.

“Yes, that is about all that can be done at this point, this whole thing is out of my hooves. And more in the tribunal and Tia's. She handles the legal system more than I do. Ponies seem to trust her decisions more than mine. At the very least they argue less.”

“Alright then.” Jer'rahd stated sitting up and slamming his hooves down on the table. “New plan. Some pony go get Velkorn and I am going to go reserve Sibete Emperiyon for the night. This month has been crap and I rather want to forget about it all before the new year starts. To the Bar!”

“Boss is this really the time for that?” Bleu questioned.

“Well we can't do anything for Rhede, there’s no battle going on, I am still to injured to train, and until Rhede gets freed or Princess Celestia picks another pony to be bearer of Generosity, we have nothing to do at all.” Jer'rahd snapped.

“Good point.” Bleu admitted.

“So long as I'm not buying for everyone, I'm in.”Starfall stated.

“I could study the books more.” Luna admitted

“No, not this time Princess. It is hard enough getting Starfall to come drinking with us, we have her this time. You can read any time, tonight you come out with us.” Jer'rahd ordered.

“Me and boss here are not taking no for an answer Luna.” Bleu grinned wide.

Bleu climbed up to sit on Jer'rahd's head so she can stare the Princess in the eyes. Jer'rahd winces as she scrambles up his head, his ears flattening to his head.

“I asked you not to make the little dragon angry Princess. I don't like her when shes angry.” Jer'rahd yelped.


Princess Luna stared into the shot glass looking at the multicolored liquids seemingly stacked on top of each other in a strange sideways rainbow. The tender added another color to the top that stayed as the top layer. She was unsure how one could stack liquids but the tender, a Pegasus with one wing, was doing just that.

“What was this one called again?” Luna asked in general.

“Its a tribute to Starfall. The Sonic Rainboom. Best not have too many of those, its strong stuff.” Jer'rahd laughed.

“You have had three of them already and you seem alright Jer'rahd.” Luna commented.

“It is because that idiot seems to have developed a incredibly high tolerance for alcohol. Rather than listen to his doctor like he should about the effects of it in such massive quantities he seems intent on making me look like a foal and completely invalidating my claims of it being bad for him in large amounts. Another of those shots please Star Cloud, thank you, where was I oh yes. Complete disregard for the medical profession and any sense.....” Velkorn rambled on.

The entire group simple watched Velkorn continue to go off on Jer'rahd, who simply smiled having seen this once before. Bleu managed to down Jer'rahd's drink when he wasn't looking and scampered off to hide behind Starfall before he could retaliate.

“Jer'rahd does this happen often? I never thought I would see this. Velkorn speaks unrhyming pony perfectly when drunk off her flank?” Starfall shook her head.

“You should have been here the first time, Starfall. It was even funnier when she was trying to hit on Rhede at the same time. Usually she tends to be more subdued with her drinking. From what you said however she was already working on a bottle before you dragged her out here with us.”

“While it is a interesting phenomenon, I do not see the humor in it.” Luna stated.

“Likely as you have not had anything to drink just yet. Sooner or later she might start speaking fancy again.” Jer'rahd chuckled finally noticing his drink was gone and turning to glare after Bleu.

“This is the primary reason I tend not to drink with them very often Princess. They lucked out that Cloud Dancer is gone to a sleep over so I was free tonight. Jer'rahd tends to find things either way too funny or way too sad when drinking. So its a fifty fifty shot, either he is going to be depressive or hyper. Bleu is the same way, the pair of them are more fitting partners than I think they realized at first. Particularly since both of them can down enough booze in one sitting to knock out a buffalo herd. Star Cloud here can close the bar for the rest of the week just off one night with those two in here.” Starfall listed.

“Yup, helps give me time to restock too. S'why I don't mind making it a private bar for a night when you folks come around.” Starcloud admitted.

“So why is it you are simply sticking to the low alcohol drinks?” Luna asked Starfall.

“Because some pony has to guide this lot home afterward.” Starfall sighed. “ Never really been a heavy drinker.”

“That and you have a tendency to wreck the place trying to do some stunk or another when your smashed.” Starcloud stated.”Violent drunk that one.”

“Yes, thank you for sharing that Star Cloud...”Starfall growled.

“Dare I ask about Rhede?” Luna stated still staring at the liquid before her.

“Same as Jer'rahd and Bleu only trouble is he likes to sing, and Rhede cannot sing.”Starfall winced.

“And you, you inebriated sapphire hued dragonling. You should not be encouraging him to go out and drink like this. This is not a celebratory time. One of our own is currently in chains and here we are drowning the night away like like...... what else drowns the night away, something to do with oranges I am sure. No no oranges are impossible to say … confound your pony language how are you supposed to rhyme things with orange! What do I do if I want a citrus drink for breakfast and the waiter does not understand Zebra!? “Velkorn ranted.

Luna shook her head looking down at the drink as the others laughed at Velkorn's ranting. They seemed to be having fun, even Velkorn, who was currently coming up with new and interesting uses for the word buck.

Surely one drink could not hurt. ============================================================


Another crash sounded from the hallway as yet another potted plant fell victim to the stumbling pair of ponies. Luna whipped around belting Jer'rahd with a wing as she tries to shush the shattered pot of dirt on the floor, before giggling madly. Jer'rahd straightened up managing to get his hooves under himself and neatly ducking the princess's wing as she turned back around.

“I really did not expect her to just fall off the stool like that, and land on Bleu of all things...”Luna giggled.

Luna slid on the tile a bit flapping her wings to keep her balance and bouncing off the somewhat more solid Jer'rahd before careening down the hallway to crash to a stop at the carpet before her door.
“Ooh, found my room.”

“Well Velkorn did land on Bleu once before like that, but Bleu said she could catch her. Starfall should get those two home alright. You on the other hoof I figured would handle your drink a bit better. Big mare like you ...” Jer'rahd snorted with a smirk.

“You better not be calling me fat general... I mean it... make you wish I only threw you into a lake..” Luna snarled.

“Nah, just tall... You're like a half dozen apples taller than me.”

“Oh that’s alright then hehehhe.” Luna giggled.”Besides I cannot recall the last time I drank anything, and I was fine until Starcloud gave me that bottle of what ever it was.”

“Yeah never seen that blue stuff before, smelled pretty good though.... before you downed the whole bottle any way. Some one needs to teach you to share Princess.” Jer'rahd grumbled.

Jer'rahd helped the Night Princess back to her hooves, nearly falling over her as he did so. Despite his high tolerance he had been trying to drink to forget tonight and had far more than he usually did.

In pulling Luna back to her hooves, his own gave out under him and he fell back hard onto his rump laughing. Luna snorts at his evident amusement and pushed open her door staggering inside , tripping over the rug a few paces in and crashing back to the floor again her wings fluttering madly as she fell into a fit of giggles. Jer'rahd pushed himself up right and moved through the doorway as well to check on her.

“You alright princess? “ Jer'rahd asked noting her rear in the air and her back legs kicking as she have pushed half scooted herself closer to her bed. He couldn't stifle another laugh though that was silenced by a pillow magically thrown into his face.

“Stop laughing at me …. hehehe its not funny ….” Luna giggled

“Then why are you laughing?” Jer'rahd demanded moving over to help Luna up, the door swinging closed behind him.

“I do not remember … though it was something amusing. I said stop laughing.” Luna ordered.

Several servants and Guards watched the pair stagger into the castle and practically trash the hall on the way up to Luna's room. The small group watched them until they both slipped into Luna's room and the sounds of laughter and random crashes echoed down the hall way before eventually going silent. The fairly large group waited for a while before they all started to wander off to start the rumor mill something fierce.


Luna winced as a bright ray of sunlight struck her in the face. She rolled onto her back, slapping a pillow over her head hoping to quiet the pounding going on in her brain. It took her a moment to realize the pounding wasn't just in her head but some one knocking on her door.

“Go away!” Luna called out with a wince at the sound of her own voice.

The knocking persisted and Luna finally climbed up out of bed pulling her blanket over her head like a cloak. Each step she took causing her head to throb. She blinked at the clicking of her hooves on the stone floor, where was her rug? A quick glance around showed it was over one of her chairs and table in a odd makeshift foals fort.

She winced at trying to think of how it go there, her first attempt to open the door with her magic nearly causes her to drop to the ground in a yelp as her magic fizzled out. The knocking got a little louder at the sound of her cry which Luna answered with a few choice expletives that had been out of use for a few thousand years. She finally pushed the handle open with a hoof groaning again at the overly cheerful smile on the other side of the door.

“Good morning Lulu, looks like you had fun last night.” Celestia chimed.

“Not so loud Tia.........”Luna winced” Ugh, remind me never to get into a drinking contest with any dragons ever again. Especially Bleu.”

“Easy enough to do. Have you seen General Kaisur? I was going to inform him that Rhede was being judged today, but no one answered at his home and Starfall said he escorted you home. Goodness Lulu what happened to your room?” Celestia gasped.

Luna turned her eyes widening as she finally viewed the expanse of her bed room. Aside from the rug fort, her room was in total disarray. Pillows, blankets, chairs, a few of her dress clothes, and stuffed animals were flung everywhere, one of her tables was embedded in the wall over her dresser even. There was not a thing in the room that looked like it had not been thrown against the other side of the room. Or both sides of the room, there seemed be a fort of some kind set up by her dresser as well with a few of her chairs and the window's curtains.

“Wha......? “ Luna questioned.

“How much did you drink last night Lulu?” Celestia whistled before her ears perked up.
“ Hmm do you hear that?”

Celestia pushed past Luna and wandered into the room, her light hoof falls sounding like drums pounding in Luna's head. Celestia paused looking down at a pile of Luna's socks and stockings behind the fortification by the dresser, noticing an amber colored tail poking out of the pile. The Sun Princess moved a few of her sisters stockings aside to find the still passed out form of Jer'rahd wrapped up in the curtain like it was a blanket with a pair of Luna's sexier stockings tangled around his horn. Some how the stallion was still asleep.

“Oh dear Lulu what did you get up to last night? I know the poor stallion has suffered with mares lately but I had no idea you were willing to go this far to cheer him up.” Celestia snarked grinning wide as she looked back at her sister.

Luna blushed fiercely,winced, blushed again and then screamed out loudly in a a rapid fire speech in the Royal Voice, screaming out that 'there was nothing going on and not to jump to any conclusions'. At the same time her horn flared, wrapped the whole pile of clothing around Jer'rahd in a aura and teleported him quickly out of the room.

The sudden shock of casting a powerful spell like that dropped her to the ground, cradling her head with her hooves whimpering. Her sisters laughter at the reaction did not help the pain or embarrassment.


Jer'rahd awoke to the feeling of falling, not that the sensation quite registered at first, at least not until the sudden shock of ice cold water sent him flailing about to get back to the surface. Climbing out of the pond he looked up seeing Canterlot Castle and a group of gardeners staring at him. He whipped his head blinking confused at the strange length of lace cloth wrapped around his horn. Pulling it off he looked curiously back at the pond where a great many more stockings and a rug floated.

Tossing the one that had been on his horn back over his shoulder into the pond as well he trudged off shaking the jacket he wore dry hoping to get home before he froze. He had woken in stranger places after drinking too much, though a pond full of laundry was a new one.


Starfall stood alone with Princess Celestia in the Goddesses' study. The others were of course late or simply still missing in the case of Jer'rahd, She rolled her eyes, she knew she should have walked those two home as well. Right now she was in Princess Celestia's favorite meeting place, her tea room, with a spread of various treats and at least three kinds of tea in a ornate set on a table with enough cushions for everyone who was supposed to be here. The Sun Goddess was supposed to go over the part of her plan to retrieve the Elements of Harmony. Of course with the others still not being here yet, the Princess seemed bored and Starfall was getting annoyed.

“Well what was the verdict Princess?”Starfall asked suddenly.

“The council has decided to place Pelt in my care.” Celestia commented.

“I am sure he will love that Princess. Where is you sister any way? There have been some … rumors floating around..” Starfall commented to keep the conversation going.

“Luna is not feeling well, it has been a long time since she drank that much and it is not sitting that well with her. I have been told some Guards did find the General Starfall, so at least that is good news.” Celestia tried to hide her wide smile without much luck. Starfall knew that look, the Princess knew something. She hated that look.

Starfall ponders the rumors she heard, adding that to what the Princess just and her expression before her eyes widened.

“Oh crap they didn't?” Starfall asked.

“Well, Lulu feverishly denies anything happened. The General was still mostly clothed and wrapped in a rug on the floor when we found him. After that he sort of got lost again however.” Celestia chuckled.

“And here I thought after all this time Jer was finally starting to pick up some of my tricks. “ Stated a tired voice from the doorway.

“Out already Rhede?” Starfall asked.

“Not officially, though I heard the verdict and expedited my release.” Rhede sighed walking over to the two and taking a seat by Celestia's table rubbing the back of his head.

“You should not do things like that, the military council is not very thrilled with you.” Celestia admonishes.

“Well I reported to my parole officer first thing” Rhede grinned to Celestia. “So I figure it will be OK, there's only a few ponies whose opinions I even care about any way. And most of them I thought would be here. Where the heck is every one?”

Celestia sighed her ears perking a moment at something from the hall.

“I see. Starfall I would suggest you take to the air for a moment.” Celestia stated her magic collecting all the tea set on the table before her.

“What? Of Course Princess” Starfall stated hopping into the air hovering over the room as Rhede looked to the Princess curiously before his own ears perked and he looked to the door.

Before he had a chance to move a black and white blur n slammed into him, the double doors hitting the wall well after the impact. Rhede flies back over the table crashing into the pillows on the other side and rolling over the floor to impact a couch on the far side of the room with a grunt of pain.

Celestia and Starfall stare as Rhede struggled to escape the pillows and Velkorn's grip. After a few moments of hugging him the zebra suddenly starts yelling at him in Zebra, before going back to hugging the pinned stallion, then outright slapping the floor out of him with a pillow then hugging him and cursing at him again. During this rapid fire one sided bout Jer'rahd trotted up with Bleu sitting half asleep on his back.

“Rhede got out early I see. Sorry I'm late needed a shower and a change of clothes.“ Jer'rahd stated.

“Ah General how are you this morning? “ Celestia nearly purred.

“Not too bad, strange, and rather cold morning, but everything’s been going good since then why do you ask Princess?” Jer'rahd responded.

“No hangover or headache?” Celestia blinked.

“No, Bleu was a little ill earlier, but I think she got over that.” Jer'rahd stated, the gray unicorn oddly chipper for some reason.

“I think it was that diamond I ate for breakfast, tasted more like stained glass.” Bleu hissed.” Gonna have a word with that jeweler.”

“Neither of you are feeling anything? I thought you went out drinking last night.” Celestia gasped.

“We did. Bleu doesn't get hangovers at all some how. and mine tend to be rather light unless I go all out. Even then a shot of something in the morning usual fixes that up Princess. Why is something wrong with Luna? I don't see her around.” Jer'rahd quizzes.

“She is decidedly hung over.....” Celestia stared in awe at the pair of them.

“Hey boss that adds another notch of legend to our names right there.” Bleu cackled.

“What is she talking about?” Celestia questioned.

“You're right Bleu, how many ponies can say they out drank one of the Goddesses?” Jer'rahd laughed.

“My sister is a bit of a light weight in that regard Jer'rahd. Though if you really wish for a another notch you could always try to out drink me.” Celestia smirked.

“Why boss that sounds like a challenge to me.” Bleu smirked standing up on Jer'rahd's back and leaning on his head.

“NO, I am cutting you two off for a while just no!” Starfall shouted.

“You cannot tell me you did not have fun last night Starfall.” Jer'rahd snarked.

“Not nearly as much as you did it seems Jer'rahd” Celestia purred.

“Hmm what do you mean Princess?” Jer'rahd asked a little confused.

“You do not remember anything?” Celestia's smirk faded.

“That happens with him sometimes, Boss has had one too many blows to the head.” Bleu sighed.

“Last I remember was bringing your sister back to her room, then I woke up in a pond.” Jer'rahd commented.

“Oh there is so much fun I could have with this if there was time.” Celestia cursed under her breath.

“What was that Princess?” Starfall asked.

“Nothing Starfall, Velkorn please let Rhede up so we can get started.” Celestia ordered.

“Not just yet Princess we should wait for your sister and I need to talk to Rhede.” Jer'rahd stated letting Bleu slip from his back though he looked expectantly at Velkorn.

The zebra mare reluctantly leaves the earth pony and heads over to the table with a bit of a huff as Rhede climbs up to his hooves. Rhede trotted up to Jer'rahd looking down at the unicorn, nearly nose to nose with him.

“So how have you been holding up Jer?” Rhede asked.

“Not well, I get another psycho mare friend who had connections to you, and then you vanish and go on a vengeance spree without me. Vengeance tends to be my Shtick.” Jer'rahd stated.

“Yes well, sorry about stepping on your hooves there.” Rhede smirked. “Look I know you said you forgive me but I bet there's a bit more too it than that. So where does this leave us, particularly since you know about Velkorn now and well … everything else.”

“ As much as it might amuse me to see the two of you together just so some one will have you pinned down, I've told every one else to lay off and let you two deal with this on your own. I consider it a mistake, but it's not my place. Its your business though you should probably tell the others , but again, that's your business. As for the two of us..... Listening to all that you had to say, I rather felt I did not know you as well as I thought I did.”

“Well I had to change a little eventually.” Rhede admitted.

“I suppose so.” Jer'rahd stated.

“So I suppose that puts us back at the beginning?” Rhede asked.

“Do you really want to go that far back? It's not like you could beat me now anyway.” Jer'rahd smirked.

“I beg to differ, so long as you're not in that armor of yours.” Rhede chuckled.

“Pfft, I would not need it to beat your scrawny flank.” Jer'rahd grinned.

“Really now?” Rhede smirked.

No one else in the room saw the blows coming until both ponies had managed to smash their hooves into the others face. The small group stared as as the pair of them started going at it in earnest both Jer'rahd and Rhede landing blows on each other like they were fighting a hated enemy.

Rhede managed to rear back dodging a swing from Jer'rahd before he plowed into the smaller pony's side sending them both rolling back. The others dove for cover and Celestia yanked her tea set out of the way again as the brawling duo crash through her table and continue rolling trading blows until the crash into the far wall.

Despite this Celestia and the others were still in a bit too much shock at the fighting of the two friends to interfere. Velkorn and Starfall finally move to break the pair up , though Bleu stops them pointing out that both of them had shit eating grins plastered across their faces.

After a few more minutes of this both of them rear up suddenly and land a right cross on each others muzzle, sending them both crashing to the floor from the others blow , where they lay there panting and laughing .

“So, who the buck are you new foal?” Rhede asked with a laugh.

“Names Jer'rahd.” Jer'rahd added panting.

I'm Rhede.” Rhede panted

“Rhede, yeah I think I know your name by now.” laughed

“Well Jer, care to see the farm?”

“No fair shortening my name without asking first .” Jer'rahd cackled.

The pair remain on the ground laughing as the others simply looked on at them like they were complete idiots.


Twilight yelped loudly, flying across the room and crashing into her couch, knocking the whole thing over and sending a shower of books falling from the book shelf behind the couch down onto her .

“Whoops, too hard. Sorry Twi, guess I don't know my own strength.” Applejack muttered sheepishly

Twilight lifted up out of the books, one open atop her head like a hat. She glared over at Applejack on the other side of the room.

“ What did you do that for..........Don't tell me.......... you forgot how to use the Gem?” Twilight sighed.

“Well that little shove worked too didn't it?”Applejack admitted. “Sorry to cut you short sugar, but it has gotten late and I need tah head back fer supper before granny starts tah worry.”

“That’s fine.” Twilight admitted pulling the book off her head and climbing out of the pile. “I will definitely remind you next time how to use that gem to get me out. It's a lot less jarring and there's less clean up afterward.”

Author's Note:

I fixed a few things in this part too. Mostly the name of the bar and the bar tender. I also pointed out that Luna got drunk from a 'special' drink given to her as later books and chapters show gods have a hard time getting drunk. i think this is Starcloud's first appearance too.

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