• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,110 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Decaying Cliffs

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Decaying Cliffs

“I had heard about that seminar and I was going to go. Unfortunately I had a few other things to take care of that day and missed it, so how was it Fluttershy?”

“It was alright up to a point, but I think I got a bit carried away with some of the things he taught me.”

“Well aside from you being a bit less skittish than last time you were here, I don't see anything negative. Anyway, I am glad to have you here tonight.”

“It is nice to be able to come out here again, I have been far to busy lately. I am so far behind in reading your book too.”

“Its OK, take your time on it. I'm not going any where. I'm just glad you brought back my other copy, I need to fill it out the rest of the way.”

“Yes, sorry about that I have been so busy lately.”

“Its no problem, you all set then?”

“I'm good, go ahead Twilight.”

She smiles turning to the sword and casting the spell. She closes her eyes at the feeling of being pulled into the star filled void. Hopefully Fluttershy would not be too upset over what happened in the last few chapters. She pauses looking over the blade shards a moment deciding to try some one else this time, before she moves to the crossed group of heart arrows floating in the space.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhede shifts on the bench, rather leery of the situation. He was some what surprised Luna had invited him in, even if it was to just her sitting chamber, and not her actual bedroom. He could not recall the last time he had been nervous about being invited into a mare's room, no wait, it had been the twins. He had decidedly been nervous of his skills with those two, granted considering they passed out before he did, he had to count that as a win.

“Thank you for coming Rhede. “

“Not a problem Princess. So what can I do for you tonight?”

“Do not get your hopes up too high Rhede. Ever since Jer'rahd decided to have some one with me at all times, when I am able, I do try and talk with them. This is the first time you have pulled late duty.”

“I suppose so.”

“I gather you would rather be out chasing some mare or another?”

“Am I that easy to read?”

“Just a thought based on how I have seen you act.”

“Yeah well I suppose. Though I’ve not had the drive for anything serious as of late, far to busy.”

“Are you sure that is all?”

Rhede slid his gaze over the dark alicorn resting on the bench across the table. He studied her curiously, trying to figure her out. Everything he had seen showed she was only a little more subtle than Jer, and no where near the level of Celestia. This line of questioning was bothering him and she seemed hesitant about it. Well best to handle her like he did Jer.

“Your not very good at this are you Luna? Just ask what you want and get it over with. Trying to be sneaky doesn't work for you.”

“I think you would be surprised, though you are correct I am not very comfortable with it. While I do not have the mastery of it the way Tia does, I am far from as bad at it as Jer'rahd.”


“But yes, I should be direct, it is simpler. What is going on between you and Velkorn?”

“Well that was blunt.”

He sighs shifting on the bench and sighing lightly.

“Not a thing Princess. Not a thing.”

She takes note of his unease her ears perking up a little.

“So another question would be, why not?”


“The two of you seem to mesh fairly well together, but lately you both have been almost as business like as Starfall in regards to each other. Before the relationship was much, softer I suppose is the term.”

“Why bring this up...?”

“Because to me it seems like two of my friends are having issues with each other, and I would like everyone to remain as they are.”

“It is a little more complex than that Luna.”

“Only because you are making it to be. If I promise to keep it to myself, will you tell me how you really feel ?”

“Jer put you up to this?”

“No, but I am not blind Rhede.”

“Fine.... and no trying to play match maker either. Bleu does that enough. “

“I will not do that either.”

“Yes, I do care for her, enough that I know there is clearly some pony better out there for her. Even if the vision I saw was wrong, or already happened, I do not expect my end to be long in coming. I don't want her to be in love with a pony that knows he is going to die. Not to mention everything I have done, that is a great deal of baggage to put on any one else.”

“Those are rather bad excuses.”

“Maybe, but they are mine and they are reason enough for me to push her away towards some other pony or zebra or whatever.”

“I see.”

“So then now that your questions out of the way, by fair deal, I get one from you. So when was the last time you had yourself an enjoyable partner in bed.”

Luna frowns wondering if he was trying to flirt or he simply went for the most offensive question he could after what she asked him. She figured the latter by that grin on his face.

“Jer'rahd was right, you can be tactless.”

“Heh I am joking, regardless of how curious I am now. I've got something else to ask you.”

“And what is that? Not more tales of my past encounters I hope.”

“Nothing so base this time. I would like a open invite ticket to the Gala.”

“Hmmm? That can be arranged I suppose but why and for who?”

“Should be easy to tell. The Pelt's have busted their flanks to get PonyVille in enough shape to be habitable. The very least that can be done is to invite the whole family to the Gala. Maw in particular would love it.”

“I do not think Tia will have a problem with that though I am surprised you have not asked her yourself.”

“Been a bit busy lately.”



“Bleu, while I do appreciate that you were so willing to talk, I did not expect you to treat me like your own personal cushion.”

Luna glares at the small form of the dragonling curled up on her back and half hidden under the Moon Princesses' wings.

“It's cold, and your rather warm. Blasted sneaky spring nights, beautiful warm day and then the nights get so cold. No offense. “

“None taken, I do not control the temperature.”

“So what did you want to talk about?”

“Nothing specific though I suppose we could start with Jer'rahd. “

“Hmm? Whatcha wanna know? “

The little dragon had perked up at this, her tail flicking lightly against Luna's back, like a cat when something interesting was spotted.

“How is your relation ship with him?”

“Pretty simple really, I love him.”

She was taken a bit aback by the response and judging by the little dragons grin, Bleu had noticed the reaction.

“Jer'rahd was there for me when Platinum died, she was the only family I had before he came along. She was like my big sister and then she met Jer'rahd. I might have at least had a brother in law if things had happened differently. As it stands I just have a brother now, he did not need to do any of what he did for me. At best I was a helper of a mare he fell in love with, he could have left me to my own ends, but he protected me. He even stood up to,and threatened you and your sister to do so. The only other pony to ever do anything even close to that for me was Platinum. How could I feel any differently after that?”

“Ahh, I see.”

She gives a rather creepy smile.

“You seem a bit relieved at that Princess. I wonder why.”

“What are you implying !?”

“Oh, I think you know.”

“I know I am better than I was two months ago, but honestly is all any of you think about sex?”

“See, I did not bring that up Princess you did. Why is it something you care to discuss!?!”

“Actually there is something I would like to discuss. I was hoping you could actually help me out with something I have been meaning to learn”

Bleu's wings stand out a moment as she stands up her attention focused a bit uncomfortably on the Princess.


The little dragon perks up further clearly expecting something naughty, by the sudden fanning straightening of her wings.

“Do you know how to dance?”

“Well that went in a different direction than my mind did.”

“With what I have noticed of how your mind works, I am glad it did not go that route.”


Velkorn takes a sip of her tea looking to the Princess on the other side of the table curiously. She did not recall that she had been on duty tonight, but Luna had asked for her to be there. Perhaps she had something wrong with her, Velkorn was no expert on Alicorn's but considering all she had done with just Princess Luna over the past few years she likely knew more than any pony ever had.

[“ Velkorn if I might ask something personal.” ]

[“You may ask Luna, but that does not mean I have to answer it.”]

[“Fair enough. Is there something going on between you and Rhede?”]

Luna winced watching the zebra seem to deflate a bit with a deep sigh.

[“I could tell that was coming, but it still hurt.”]

[“You did not wish to talk about it then?”]

[“ I will, but I would ask you keep it from the others.”]

[“I have made that promise enough lately. It has become easy to agree to, but progressively more difficult to follow. I will not tell the others.”]

[“Despite what I wish, no, there is not, he made that quite clear the day you were captured. I have had time to get over it, but it still hurts.”]

[“Why do you stay here then, was he not why you came to Equestria in the first place?”]

Velkorn smiles and Luna's ears perk wondering if she said something funny.

[“Despite what his ego might claim, and what it might look like, I did not follow him to Equestria. I came here in my own pursuit of knowledge. Pony kind has different practices than the zebras for medical purposes, the buffalo, and the dragons do as well. I came to expand my skill in healing primarily Luna. Rhede was just a hopeful bonus while I attempted to learn more. I have learned many of the Buffalo's medicines and all of what the ponies have to teach, I have even picked up several things about dragons and sea ponies as well. Even a few tidbits which allow me to help Alicorns in some situations. If I had stayed at home I would know none of this.”]

[“But why stay with us, doesn't just being near him still hurt knowing you lost him?”]

[“Yes. But so long as we are both alive there is a chance he may change his mind. I stopped openly chasing him, but my feelings have not died. Besides I have friends here, and being part of your Guard puts me where I need to be the most.”]

[“I am afraid I do not follow. Why is being one of my Guard important?”]

[“You are the Goddess of War, Luna. You will be at the forefront of any conflict. And I will need to be there with you to help any who need it.”]

Luna smiles closing her eyes a moment.

[“My sister chose the proper pony for the Element of Compassion.”]

[“No. She did not.”]


[“She chose the proper zebra.”]


“Honesty Princess where did you even find these ponies?”

Luna smirks and shakes her head. Starfall had heard that Luna was talking to every one and had one upped the others. She had shown up for her task this time with several bottles of rather strong booze with her. Likely just to taunt Jer'rahd who she was relieving on duty, but also as she seemed to expect some rather personal questions and wanted to keep the edge off. It was some what odd that one usually so strict with herself while on duty would do this, though Starfall had brought up that this was less like a pulled duty and more like just talking with a friend. While Luna did want to ask a few things the conversation had drifted rather rapidly to talking about the Generals Luna had under her command.

“Well Ruin was on a pedestal and the others were all war veterans.”

“On a pedestal? With that much armor its no surprise, he nearly makes Jer'rahd look nude with what he has on. What the heck is his story any way.”

“My sister cannot even answer that one, Ruin has been around longer than any document or memory any one has. He has himself sealed in stone between battles in order to live long enough to find death in conflict from a worthy opponent. He wants nothing else, I have never even seen him eat or drink, he simply fights. I am not aware if he even sleeps.”

“Crazy, there's more to life than fighting. Though if he gets frozen between battles why is he still awake now?”

“He believes that a conflict will come soon and is not worried about waiting for it so he does not miss it.”

“Well, what about Three Bear?”

“He joined the Guard years ago and proved himself quite skilled in the War of the North, it was there he befriended the Ursa's and earned the name he has, as well as his status as Chief and as my General. He is quite honorable and a terror in battle on his own. He does not wish to fight however and is more than willing to simply accept a peaceful solution. I have not seen in a month though General Mustang has him assigned to New Dullahan to watch over everything there.”

“OK, how about Mustang, that ones old enough to be your father even.”

“He is not quite that old Starfall. But he is quite close to or over a hundred I am sure. He is very active for as old as he is and shows no signs of slowing down yet. He has been around since the first dragon war, he fought in that and practically destroyed entire units on his own. His strategies were amazing and he was unparalleled in bravery. He married shortly after the war and sired several children including Meteor Showers husband. Stonehoof is his youngest, born right before his wife died, he was the baby for a while though he was mostly raised by other members of the family as his father was constantly in battles. He is also the only one left alive aside from Mustang himself. Tia thinks his long life has something with his ability, he is nearly immune to magic.”

“That can't be right Princess Celestia was flinging him around like a rag doll.”

“Nearly immune is not the same as completely immune. She was likely burning through quite a bit of power to do any thing like that however. His ability is quite potent. I have noticed that you are of course, saving the Pegasus for last.”

“That easy to read?”

“It is quite clear you have respect for General Shower.”

“Considering that she has raised three foals, remained married, made the rank of General and is one hard push away from being able to do what I do with out any real effort? Yer damn right.“

“Honestly what can I tell you about her that you do not already know.”

“Not likely much. But give it a shot any way.”

“She fought in the war of the North as well. She is the only contact Mustang has with his grand children. Stonehoof and Mustang got into some argument a long time ago and though likely neither remembers it they both are still pissed at each other. Shower is the only one who speaks freely to them both.”


“Yet you have done all the same, except achieve the rank she has.”

“Or keep a family together......”

Luna sighs as Starfall readily drops back into depression.

“My sisters mare friend hates me, my sister has issues with me, and My daughter is reaching the age where hanging out with her friends and colts is more interesting than spending any time with me.”

“Every foal has to grow up sometime.”

“Except I have missed most of her life....”

“You have done the best you could, we all likely would have been dead three times over if not for you. We would still be battling the Bone Hounds. The Weindigo would have not have been changed, and the problems with the seaponies still would be unknown as we would not have escaped the behemoth. Then there are the countless lives you have saved with your abilities. You have done more for your daughter and every other child of Equestria than any other pony has. You should be proud of that.”

“Yeah...... “

“I think you have paid Jer'rahd back enough times as well.”

“Heh, I doubt that, besides I still owe you and Velkorn now, and even that annoying little dragon. You have no idea how many Guards she has tried to hook me up with.”

“Actually I can imagine.”


“There is one question I have for you Luna. “

“And what might that be Jer'rahd?”

“As far as I know every one else has at least been invited into your sitting room while on duty, yet why am I left in the hallway?”

“The one time I did invite you in, you would up covered in my socks and dress undergarments. The rumors were flying for months.”

“I was drunk. “

“As was I, but there no need for a repeat of rumors.”

“I am believing more you simply want me to suffer. But then I realize your sister dropped the same thing on you.”

“Ugh yes. Do not remind me. She was so entertained last year she is forcing me to go this year.”

“And you are forcing us to go. “

“What, you would not share a friends suffering to help ease it.”

“You are trying to look cute I know it, and there is a door in the way so that fails Princess.”

“I am getting predictable then.”

“Considering we have pretty much been talking every few nights for the last few months like this. I am hope I am at the point where can follow some of your quirks. “

“It has been quite entertaining. I do not sleep much any way at night, it has been nice to talk to some one else who was awake. “

“Not much else to do for us at this point. The clean up is almost over, the destruction of the castles has started making the Darklands normal. Before too long we might have to change the name of them. New Dullahan is now a official outpost. Bleu was quite thrilled they rebuilt the monument at the new keep. I am not happy it is bigger now.”

“You could not have avoided that. Though to return to what we were discussing before our talk becomes depressing again, will you do it?”

Jer'rahd smirks slightly not sure if Luna could see his grin or not.

“As if I would refuse to be your escort to the Grand Galloping Gala again, though I would ask one thing.”

“And that is?”

“I would like to arrive late enough to miss the singing this time.”

“I could not agree to that more.”


“Wait you want me to do what Princess? Please say that again because there is no way that can be right.”

Celestia smiles looking at the rather stunned dragon across from her at the table. She floated a few papers over to the dragonling as she spoke.

“I would like you to be in charge of the entertainment this year. We have a band coming in as it is, though I want you to make sure everything is settled with them. The dance was rather cut off last year due to the riot, though while fun, I would like to have a dance this year. With your background with the ESO and music in general, I believe you would be best suited to this. It is not as if my Students are doing much lately that needs supervision.”

Bleu looked though the paper work on the band that was selected reading over it. She suddenly bristles. A low growl emerges from her throat, the spines along her back crackling with energy as she rereads the name of the manager, slash lead singer.

“Something wrong Bleu.”

“How much control of this event are you giving me Princess?”

“So long as there is a decent band and dance, you are free to do as you wish. Why is there something wrong with my choice? The manager was quite persuasive about his groups talents.”

“Yeah Proudmore's a slick bit of manure, nothing wrong with the band though except hes in it. If this name was not in the contract I would be thrilled. “

“Well the contract does state the liaison to the court has final say over any details. And that is you now Bleu.”

A grin that very much matched the one she gave when hearing about Claymore crosses the dragonlings face. And for the first time in many years, Celestia felt very uneasy with one of her decisions.


“So she put you in charge of the music, that's rather impressive. Gala bands are make or break situations.”

“I know, which as me a little worried.”

“You'll do fine. So who is the band? “

“Proudmore and the Nocturnal Miracle.”

“That name sounds familiar for some reason, a bit egotistical though, to have your name then the bands.”

“Really so maybe she did tell you the name boss.”

“Hmm who?”


Jer'rahd glances back from the papers on his desk at the little blue dragon who was staring out the window of his office to the training grounds below.

“That does not help me much Bleu, is has been a long time.”

“I suppose she might have mentioned it, but it was not something she talked about.”

“You planning to tell me or just taunt me about it?”

“ Any other time I would continue teasing you. Not feeling up to that now.”

Jer'rahd turns around his attention fully focused on the dragonling , the name already set him some unease.

“Proudmore was her first agent from when she went by Silver Sparkle. He pretty much promised her everything and gave her little in return, making her work for him for practically nothing and keeping most of the profits for himself. He even made sure she never received any fan letters or gifts from the ponies that loved her, he made sure that she thought she was barely worth anything. Treated me like crap too, but the last straw was when he convinced her sleeping with him was a way to advance herself into stardom. Claimed he was doing all this work and everything for her and was getting nothing in return. She gave in and he took what he wanted and left with all the profits from her latest concert. I had been collecting all the fan letters he had been throwing away and when I found her crying over it I did my best to comfort her and I gave her all the letters I had kept. I was way to little then to do anything about Proudmore directly, but all those letters seemed to be enough for her. She almost gave up singing because of that piss bucket, that was a betrayal that stuck with her a long time. The letters helped her recover, knowing ponies loved her singing regardless of what he had said. She seemed to finally be getting over it when she met you.”

“There are plenty of places to hide a body in Canterlot.”

Bleu Smirks though takes note that Jer'rahd was serious.

“I have this boss don't worry. You have other things to worry about. Like how your going to protect Luna if some noble asks her to dance.”

“Wait what?”

Bleu smiles knowing he was still pissed by the glow in his eye though he was fairly easy to derail sometimes.

“Generally when there is a dance quite a few nobles ask to dance with the Princesses. Its sort of a status thing, Celestia and Luna either have to refuse or accept, all invitations to not offend any pony. This year Celestia is not letting Luna refuse an offer to dance. So you need to figure out how to hover around her while not getting in the way of her dance partners.”

Jer'rahd dips his head a bit pondering something, though Bleu was really hoping he would go the route she was trying to steer him towards.

“Well I suppose there is no help for it.”

“No help for what Boss?”

“She does not refuse her sisters wishes very often, so likely the Princess is going to accept who ever offers first simply to get it out of the way. And while seeing her dance again from the sidelines would be interesting. I doubt letting her dance with whoever would be very conductive to my being her escort.”


“So then, between your new task and revenge, I do not suppose you might actually be able to teach me how to dance?”

Bleu pauses for a moment realizing she had a victory and also was making herself more problems. Of course he would not know how to dance, he was a war pony for crying aloud....

“I think I set myself up for more work than I thought I would have.”

“What was that ?”

“Yeah sure boss. I can do that.”


A small group stood outside the entrance to the Palace ballroom, two Royal Guard's barring their way inside. A large white unicorn stallion, with a well groomed light blue mane and tail stood at the front arguing with the guards. He wore a pale blue suit that matched his hair and waved a fair sized suitcase at the unflinching Guards faces. A Microphone crossed by a rolled scroll marked his flank.

Just apart from the irate stallion and the Guards was the rest of the band,they had settled in and were already looking bored. A orange coated earth pony stallion with a green mane and tail was the only one still standing. He carried a large bass guitar case and was more than willing to let the Guards search it or what ever else they wanted just so the white unicorn would shut up. His cutie mark was a deep blue base guitar with bat wings. The open case was marked with the ponies name,”Tiger lily”, and contained a powder blue bass guitar with a name engraved in silver on it, “Lady Macbeth.”

Laying on the ground near him were a pair of unicorn mares that were the same cream coloration though one had a pink mane and tail and the others hair was lightish red. The first had a rather large case that was already opened with a mix of various interments, including trumpets, flutes and several stringed instruments. The Pink Haired mare's cutie mark was a page of sheet music though it seemed covered with notes for various types instruments and play styles. The name on her case was “Crystal Wind.”

Her twin laying next to her had a guitar case that was also open to be inspected, her cutie mark was also a page of sheet music though the notes on it were clearly for guitar only. The name etched on this case was Janis Wind.

A bit further from the others leaning against a tree was a fairly pudgy black and white coated unicorn pony. His mane and tail was also black and he wore a pair of sunglasses hiding his eyes and a black fedora dipped down over his horn and face as he napped. A large box was open next to him showing the set up for a large piano, magically contained in the smaller box until it needed to be used. His cutie mark was a selection of black and white piano keys. The name on the case was “Pip Elwood.”

The final pony was a tall thin pegasus stallion of the same black and white coloration as the sleeping pony. He leaned heavily on a large collection of drums and cymbals, twirling a drum stick in his wing feathers. He wore a pair of sunglasses and fedora much the same as the pony on the ground. His cutie mark was a pair of crossed drumsticks over a snare and high hat combination of drums. The name on one of the smaller drum cases was “Sun ray Elwood.”

“This is an outrage, I am performing for the Princess herself at this years gala and you armor plated ruffians are daring to stop me !?!”

“Sorry sir but orders are orders. We have been informed to stop everyone trying to enter any part of the palace and check everything. If you will not submit to your gear being searched you will not be allowed into the castle.”

“Give it a rest already boss and just let them search your crap so we can set up and practice?”


“A limp hoofed scumbag full of parisprite droppings and rotten fruit with a garnish of Diamond dog entrails.”

The Guards both shift aside a bit as a Blue dragonling walks down the steps towards the unicorn stallion her eyes burning with rage at the sight of him, and she seems barely restrained from lunging for Proudmore's throat.

“What is this thing doing here? Is it not your job to kill these disgusting creatures, Guards?”

Bleu tisks waggling a claw.

“Is that any way to talk to your Canterlot liaison you stupid son of a donkey turd and a puddle of hydra vomit?”

“Impossible, there is no way some little shit of a creature like you is in charge of anything outside of latrine duty. And I doubt any would even trust you with that.”

The others in the back had moved a bit closer having reconizd the voice before they actually saw her. The band was in a bit of shock at her appearance here.

“Holy crap, Ray is that Bleu?”

“Looks it to me.”


“Getting louder and louder the more you get insulted. That just makes you look dumber. The Guards are not arresting me cause for the moment they answer to me, boss lent me a few for staffing duties out here. Beats drill I know so I got quite a few volunteers. See if I was less of a dragon, I would have been on you and clawing off your face and ripping out what ever part of you makes you go. Including that limp pubic hair you call a dick for what you did to my sister. You nearly ruined her and took her money. But like I said I am better than that. So all that's going to happen is you are not going to play here.”


“You don't listen shrimp dick, I am in charge of the music for this event and I say you don't play. The band, they are more than welcome to play, but you are not. The contract states the band plays, it does not state how many members of the band there needs to be. So it is playing without you,unless you want to violate your own contract. Those stipulations you set are rather high for cancellation. I doubt you could afford them as well as bear the bad press you would get for failing to preform at the Gala after you were documented as such.”

“I am the lead singer in this you little blue piece of crap, without me they are nothing, same as your dead little bitch. She was NOTHING before me. And now she is Nothing.”

Bleu twitches a bit and the Guards actually move further out of the way leaving a clear path between the two.

“I should have tracked you down and killed you then Proudmore. But she did not want me too, she was too sure it was her fault.”

Bleu takes out a scroll breathing on it letting green flames consume it. She sighs closing her eyes a moment claws clenched at her sides before she begins to speak again.

“But she is gone now and I am in charge here. And I will say this again and slowly for your feeble little mind. You are not allowed with in sight of the Gala. Your band is still contracted to play however, unless you wish to pay the cancellation fee.”

“You have no say in anything lizard, as if I would believe the Princess of Equestria would put one of your kind in charge of a gala!!”


The Guards turn and bow to the Princess of the Night as Bleu does the same. The band members stare in shock before before scrambling to their hooves and bowing as well, with the exception of the pudgy unicorn who continue to sleep.

“Princess Luna , I did not expect to meet you before the Gala , this is not something that needs to trouble you your highness. It is simply a matter of miscommunication as to this creature thinking she is in charge.”


“That is crap I have a contract to preform here. I will see you lot strung up before a court for this violation.”

The Guards moved back before Luna weapons drawn and Bleu shifted to her full size the armor sliding over her form as she towers over the lot of them her tail curled protectively around the Princess of the Moon.

“That sounded like a threat to me boys what do you say?”

“Indeed. Ms. Scale”
“I agree, it did sound like a threat.”


The white stallions eyes had gotten as big as the cymbals on Sun ray’s drum set, His gaze shifted between the towering dragon and the Princess and the Guards on the verge of wetting himself.


The two Guards surge forward their horns glowing pulling his bags from him and lifting the still protesting and whimpering stallion into the air carting him off. Bleu shrinks down her armor fading as as she smirks, grinning wide. That grin lessens a little as an annoyed Luna glares down at the dragonling.

“While it is clear he deserved that, I do not like the idea that you would send me a message just to get me to come out here for some sort of petty revenge. Tia and I were in the middle of hearing petitions from the court and nobles.”

“That was not the reason I called you out here Princess. Well not the ONLY reason.”

“Oh? Then what is the other reason?”

“Your first dance lesson. We have a band now.”


Luna looks up at the five ponies in various states of bowing, and or sleeping on the other side of the walk way.

“Seems some friends of mine got the band back together.”


It took a bit for the band to get themselves over the fact Bleu was in charge and the Princess of the moon was watching them set up. Bleu was bouncing among them issuing hugs and taunts and making herself more of a hindrance than a help to the set up. They did not talk much as Luna was still standing there growing a bit impatient, though it was clear she was not exactly eager to go back to the court to hear more nonsense about taxes and zoning.

They managed to set up and play a few melodies. Bleu chose one to play over and over as as a decent practice song. Bleu kept her pony sized form helping the Princess place her hooves and to move with what her partner would be doing. The lesson lasted only about an hour or so as Luna caught on quickly having a excellent sense of balance and form. She still needed a lot of work, but there was a little over a week to keep going with that. The Princess thanked the band and Bleu before heading out with a flash of magic. Bleu grinned and was immediately tackled by all the band members trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

“GAHH HAHAHAHA Get offa me !! Hehehe, Damn Pip seriously have you gotten fatter?“

“Bleu what the hell girl, what is going on, how the heck did you get this gig, what happened, where you been all this time?”

“Ray seriously one question at a time, and really git offa me I can't breath!

The lightish red haired unicorn mare, Crystal, hugged the little dragon.

“I can ask you idiots the same thing, I thought you guys broke up when Tiger lily and Janis broke up.”

The earth pony basest and the other unicorn mare glanced at each other before looking away sheepishly.

“Yeah well, we found it was a little hard to get gigs on our own. Eventually we just started playing together again. It's great to see you Bleu, we heard what happened to Platinum though .Sorry about that I wish we could have been there.”

“Its alright Sun Ray, a lot of stuff has happened, if you all had been there you probably would have been killed too. I guess I have a bit of time to fill you in.”

Bleu started the story rambling off in a bit of excessive detail on some parts though leaving a few things out of the entire last few years, in particular everything about the failed mission for aid, and a few other secrets, that should not have been passed along.

“Damn you have been busy. So do we get to meet your new boss before long?”

“Oh yes, I am teaching him to dance as well.”

“Really? Why not get him and the Princess on the same floor then, its easier to teach two newbies and from what you said they seem to like... oooooooohhhhh. Clever girl.”

“Yeah, I thought as much, still trying to play match maker huh you annoying little lizard?”

“Hey its not my fault you two didn't work out Tiger Lily, you two seemed perfect, what the heck happened any way?”

The two looked a bit sheepish again.

“We couldn't agree on anything and pretty much fought most of the time, there was other stuff but mainly as he's just a wus who won't stand up for himself.”

“Better than a vicious harpy trying to control everything and picking fights with everyone.”

The group turns ignoring the two as Bleu watches the argument a moment more before ignoring them as well.

“So tell me Pip, Crystal, Ray... How did you get sucked in by scumbag, you know what he did to Platinum.”

“Its been bad with all these wars Bleu, no pony gives a crap about music, they are all to interested in setting their bits aside for the war effort or stockpiling. Despite all that some how Proudmore always managed to get paying gigs. He made us an offer, and it was either refuse and give up music, or play by his rules. His contract is murder too, I have yet to figure a way out of it.”

“That's pretty bad if you can't weasel out of something Ray. Find the stallion of your dreams yet?”

“Pfft the contract even states I'm not allowed to chase them while with the band. Makes finding love a bit hard.”

“No luck with me either Bleu, least my sister got to have a bit of love there for awhile. I'm not even allowed to have any fun unless its with Proudmore, and that ain't happening. We need some pony really good at loop holes to find our way out of this.”

“You guys still have a copy of this contract..... I might know a pony, but I will need you and your sister to put on the charm hardcore to convince him.”

The fat pony had been silent all this time lifts his hat pulling a rolled parchment from out of it before pulling the hat back down over his eyes and offering the scroll to Bleu.

“Ahh, OK, thanks Pip.

“Ooh been a while since I’ve done a good tease. Hey sis we got a vamp job?”

The other unicorn turns from the argument as the earth pony she was arguing with snorts in disgust.

“Oh who's the lucky target?”



“Oh buck..... hello Bleu. What do you want?”

The little dragon practically dances into the office flipping up to land on the one small clear spot on Rhede's desk meeting the annoyed earth pony's gaze with her own rather bright chipper one. Whether it was the work he was doing, or the fact she had matched his coloration right down to the one black colored leg, it was clear he was annoyed.

“Is that any way to greet a friend?”

“What do you want?”

“Pfft fine. Got a job for yah.”

“I have a job, and you're interrupting it.”

“Jeez when did you get all grouchy, most likely cause you have not gotten laid in a while.”

She boops his nose with the rolled up contract scroll and his ears flatten to his head.

“I have said before, you are not my type, why don't you go bug Jer'rahd?”

“That's the next part of the plan, but this is first, and I didn't mean me. JANIS, CRYSTAL, get in here.”

The twins all but floated in the door, sashaying into the room like runway models, their hair was down half draped over their forms, light silks barely covered their flanks as they wandered in delicate hooves barely sounding on the wooden floor of the office. They were going full out for this, Bleu knew a couple of exotic dancers who would be jealous. Bleu glanced back at Rhede the tip of her tail pushing shut his wide open mouth. The two made their way to the desk and around it pressing to either side of the red coated stallion.

“Oh you were right Bleu, he is good looking”

“Bleu has told us quite a bit about you, most of it good, which is surprising for her.”

“These will be the two your work on my little job helps.”

Rhede glances between the two mares rubbing against him and smirks.

“And what exactly is it that needs to be done?”

Bleu unrolls the scroll letting him read it over, the two mares backing away a bit as he scans over the contract visibly wincing at some of the dicier things.

“Who ever wrote this was scum, clever but still scum. But there's a couple of little loop holes I’ve spotted already. I can get them out of this Bleu.”

The dragonling cheers and starts darting off with the ponies before Rhede coughs, slamming a hoof down on the desk.

“No no, just you Bleu, you want me to do the work, these two stay here for a bit to get better acquainted. Other wise you find yourself another pony to do this.”

Bleu was about to protest when she saw the look on his face. It was not his usual perverted grin. He looked rather pissed, and a good bit of it seemed to be directed at the three of them. Bleu glances to the pair who wince a little, but shrug seemingly resigned to this. She finally heads out of the office feeling bad for putting the two mares in this situation.


Rhede looks between the two mares who do not seem to be too happy to have put them selves here. Rhede for the most part ignores them a bit writing out a few things on a blank parchment before spitting out the pen and glaring at the two.”

“So which of you is Crystal and which is Janis? Or do I need to guess, in some sort of odd foreplay game?”


“You two are good at the seduction thing, but I’ve been trained in recognizing and ignoring it. Regardless of what Bleu might think, I am not doing this because you two tried to vamp me. In fact I am insulted she thought she had to do that to ask me a favor. She annoys the piss out of me but then so does Jer, and both of them I am legally related to. All she would have to do is ask me, and I likely still would have done something.”

The mares look at each other a bit surprised though Rhede continues.

“I don't know of your connection to her, but if I find out you all are using her for your own ends, it will not go well for you at all. A few band members will not even make a dent in the number of ponies I have made vanish, are we clear?”

Both of them looked shocked, but Crystal recovered first storming over to the desk and returning the earth ponies glare.

“I don't know who the buck you think you are, but no pony threatens my sister, we did not ask her to do a damned thing, she offered. For you to accuse us before you even know a damn thing you.. you ....... gah you asshole....”

“Yes, very eloquently put, however that was not a accusation. That is what will happen if you do anything to hurt her, period. Despite being a dragon she is family, and as you are quite to jump to your sisters defense I am just as quick to jump to mine. If you have no intent to do so and what you say is true then there is nothing to worry about. But if you do plan on causing her any harm after all she has been through, it would be best if I found you before the others did, because at least I will end you quickly. Here.”

Rhede rolls up the scroll he had written flipping it towards the mare at his desk who catches it with her magic.

“What you need to do is simple. The contract has you as members of his band. It states that if any one member is a cause of the bands inability to preform that member is to be fired, with a rather impressive fine. Of course there's a sub clause excluding the manager from the fine, but he can still be fired. Now the other thing in there is that unless the majority of the band members vote for the band to break up it is the same as quitting which is another fine. The lead singer was also given sixty percent of the vote in this. Since he is fired now the remaining percent can vote to break up. With no fine there for you are out of the contract. All you have to do now is talk to the liaison, namely Bleu, and have the name changed to what ever sort of band name you want.”

Crystal and Janis blink looking at him rather surprised he found that out so quickly.

“Now then, before you get too in awe of my skills , my specialty is information, this is just another aspect of it. I will give you two this as a freebie as well. Princess Celestia has been looking for a set group of musicians for the court for a while now. She is a bit annoyed at having to negotiate contracts every time she wants a little music. You impress her she is likely to want to keep you on permanently. Even Bleu is unaware of that little tidbit.”

He stands up looking down at both of them rather enjoying how tall he was sometimes as he could easily see them both like this.

“One last thing, I do not make mares bed with me by trickery or force. I have no plans to take advantage of either of you due to this, regardless of what it likely seems like to Bleu.”

He smiles looking at the rather stunned mares.

“Though if either or both of you were willing to meet up with me later with a more honest intent, I doubt I would refuse then. Now get out of here. You only have a little over a week before the gala and you need a new singer.”


“So then we have everything now?”

“Yea Rhede came through, surprised he didn't keep you two longer though. “

“Well, we kinda made arrangements for later.”

Crystal and Janis smirk and Tiger Lily turns grumbling back to Bleu. Sun Ray lifts his hat and speaks up.

“We do have another problem Bleu.”

“And whats that Ray?”

“As much as an ass as he was Proudmore was the lead singer.”

“I've heard his singing, Pip farting on a snare drum would be better. Besides you have me now.”

“No offense Bleu, but you were more a comedian than a singer.”

“Hey, I'll have you know my high notes can shatter glass.”

“I was there for that Bleu, use of a lightning bolt does not count.”

“I sneezed.”

“I hope you've been practicing at least “

She growls a bit darting up to the stage where they had set up grabbing the microphone and shifting to her pony sized form.

“I took the stars from my eyes and then I made a map
And I knew that somehow I could find my ay back.
Then I heard your heart beating
You were in the darkness too
So I stayed in the darkness with you...”

The band stood there a bit stunned at the near perfect pitch match for Platinum's singing, Tiger lily seemed about to respond when he was cut off by another voice behind them. The singing was no where near as good as Bleu's though the male tone was a nice match for the chorus, though clearly the singer was not a professional.

“The Stars,
The Moon ,
They have all been blown out.
You left me in the dark.
No dawn,
No Day,I'm always in this Twilight.
In the shadow of your heart.”

Bleu smirks as the others turn to see a gray coated unicorn with rather raggedly cut amber mane and tail standing behind them. He exhales a bit looking up at the group his red and green eyes meeting their stare.

“I wondered if you knew that song Bleu.”

“ I was wondering if I would ever hear you sing outside a shower.”

“I rather like that song.”

“So whats up boss?

He floats the note up that she had sent earlier.

“You asked me to come for my dance lesson. And that was a great deal better than listening to Mustang bitch.”

“See added benefit.”

“So who are you all?”

“This is the band boss, they were Platinum's band for a while before every one kind splintered off though seems they got back together. “

She flies over landing in the middle of them to do the introductions Pointing first at the pudgy Black and white unicorn.

“That's Pip he plays the piano. The thin Pegasus next to him is Sun Ray. Hes the drummer. The twins there a Janis and Crystal, Janis plays guitar and Crystal plays, well pretty much everything, horns lyres, harps anything. Finally that's Tiger Lily over there hes the basset. Guys this here is Boss, Jer'rahd Kaisur.”

“Kaisur? The same Kaisur who's known as the Demon of Dullahan.”

“I have been called that But Jer'rahd is fine.”

“I thought you would be bigger.”

“That I do not get very often, but it might explain why no pony recognizes me at first.

“Well enough with the introductions back to work. Play what we were practicing earlier for this, same two songs go chop chop.”

The group darts off back to the partially set up stage as Bleu starts to try and instruct the Unicorn.


Several hours later Bleu was stretched out on her back grumbling. Jer'rahd had gone back to work and the others were continuing the set up or just taking a break.

“Oh By Celestia why did I agree to this he is hopeless.”

“I dunno Bleu once he got something he held onto it pretty hard. “

“Its just getting him to hold onto it. Why you wanna try to teach him Janis?”

The mare glances back at Tiger Lily and smirks.

“Yeah ,I'll be his dance partner for a while.”

“You really think that will make Tiger Lily jealous enough to try anything?”

“Nah, but I like watching him squirm.”

“Still stuck on him huh?”

“Hard to hide huh?”

“Well from me any way. Its clear you two still have feelings for each other.”

“Yeah its, just he infuriates me so much, hes so damn passive even when arguing and he is right he still gives up and lets me win. Its like he doesn't have a spine.”

“I'm sure hes got more of one than you think. He is still hanging around you even though its clear it hurts him.”

“That's likely just due to him not wanting to leave his comfortable normal little life.”

“Maybe, where did Crystal go anyway?”

“Likely to bang the hell out of your stallion friend, he's a strange one.”

“So long as she doesn't get attached Rhede not that sort of pony.”

“Neither is she.”

Bleu smirks a bit then hops up onto a table to yell at the others.

“Alright ponies listen up we got lots to do and little time for it. We need to get a song list that will impress Celestia, practice the crap out of those songs, finish teaching two ponies to dance and then finally pick a new band name.”

“Dancing’s your thing Bleu, we'll help but I'm a little too leery to hold either of those twos hoof for this. They are dangerous I can feel it.”

Bleu glares at Tiger Lily who stares back for a moment before turning his head sighing though before she can answer Sun Ray pipes in.

“Me an Pip got family in Manehatten. They're still around cause of that pony. You tell us what you need Bleu and you got it.”

Pip nods his hat still over his eyes a and Janis glares back at a rather annoyed Tiger Lily.

“Still trying to wus out of everything huh Lily? Really should remove tiger from your name it doesn't fit.”

He glares at Crystal though turns his attention to Bleu.

“Band'll sound flat without a base Tig you sure you want out, over a couple of ponies with blood on their hooves? I'm not exactly clean myself in that regard.”

“Like I have anything else to do Bleu, fine.”

“Thought so. Alright so lets get practicing we have little over a week now. The Grand Galloping Gala is in nine days, we have to get all that done by then and I want my students to be able to dance for at least two songs you get me? Your under my command now so you do what I say got it.”

“Riiiiiiight, fine then O mine Captain. What is the first order then?”

“We go hit a bar and think of a band name!!”


“I still like Blues Bronies.”

“Ray that does not even make any sense, Blues I get, but what the heck is a Brony?”

“Brony? I thought he said Brownie.”

“Janis you should not try to think when hungry.”

“What about Dream's old band name.”

“What you mean Not a Clever Pony? It has merit, but it makes us look dumb and sounds like a solo artist.”

“Short Skirts and Explosions?”

“Your interests aside Tig, that won't do either too long, makes us sound like we are part of that stone and rotate trend that started.”

“I don't think that’s what its called Bleu.”

“Don't care , it'll never catch on sounds like just so much screaming with music behind it. Endless Twilight Maybe?”

“Nah there’s already a group named that Bleu. Played with them a while, not to bad a group.”

“Seapony Choir?”

“No way in any sort of hell, any pony on the planet could imagine.”

“Crap we have been at this for hours.”

“I got somthin.”

“Huh Pip? What have you got?”

“We all met causea Platinum, and regardless of what we think everything we do is gonna be colored by her memory cause of how we met. Anything we do is gonna be a extension of that memory, those meetings. A continuation of her last song. Kinda like a dieing swans cry is supposed to be its most beautiful, we need to work towards making her memory like that. Unlike a swan however this is gonna go on as long as we remember her. Platinum's Swan Song. Or just Platinum Swan.

“Pip, why the buck don't you talk more often?”

The fat pony shrugs and goes back to his meal. His brother smirks and pats him on the head letting the larger pony go back to the half the menu he ordered while the Pegasus goes back to his two pieces of toasted white bread.

“So we have a name then?”

“I like it. I am sure my sis will too.”
“It fits rather well.”
“Heh, good going Pip.”

“So its settled. “

Bleu stands up in the table raising her glass, the others lift theirs as well.

“To The Platinum Swan.”


Twilight steps back reaching a hoof up to rub her eyes. She glances back as Fluttershy looks up from the couch.

“Something wrong Twilight?”

“No not really ,though I think there's another musical number coming up here. And I have heard that name before.”

“What name?”

“Platinum's Swan.”

“You mean The Platinum Swan?”

“Hmmm, you know it?”

“Yes, I think. I am not much one for music, but I think it has something to do with that earth pony you gave the music too.

“Vinyl and Octavia. I was thinking of contacting them again though I want to see whats going to happen this time first.”

“Might be for the best. If you're done for the night Twilight I am going to head home, though I can come back later if you like. I did not quite finish reading the story yet.”

“Sure when ever you want to come back Fluttershy. I have most of my evenings free and scheduled for this sort of thing.

“OK, good night Twilight.”

Twilight waves good bye to her friend and starts to clean up, checking the calender to see what was planned for the next few days. She blinks at something looking back and forth a few times flipping the pages of the calender back and for the a few times looking at a couple of dates. Something did not feel right.

“ Wait.... when am I supposed to plan everything for next month...... oh no...”

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