• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,110 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Cast the First Stone.

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard
by TDR

Cast the First Stone.

Twilight sighs, rubbing her temples with a hoof, glad all of that nonsense was over. It had been a very busy few weeks. She had spent the last few days watching pegasus train to increase their wing power. She was rather impressed by the improvement of Fluttershy, though it seemed Spike’s time with the teenaged dragons had rubbed off on him the wrong way. What little tact he had seemed to have vanished completely, although Peewee was a interesting addition to the family it did mean that Spike was with Fluttershy more trying to learn to care for the little Phoenix.

She glances back, watching Apple Jack read over what she had written so far. The farm pony was still rather miffed over her sisters involvement with the school paper rumors. While the farm pony claimed she was over it, the tone and ferocity was enough to clue Twilight in that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were not off the hook yet with her. Granted Rarity did go from supporting the Gabby name to turning on her in a eye blink. It was a bit of a hypocritical in Twilight's opinion, but at least it was over with.

“You all set then Applejack?”

“Yeah ah am. Still not seeing much on what might cause Princess Luna tah not want ta forgive these ponies though. They seem tah have been alright, just shoved in really bad situations.”

“Well so far everything I have seen is just them getting to the point where they are the Princesses' friends. I still have not seen what caused her to become Nightmare Moon. Though the story is hinting that the Second Dragon War might be coming to a close. Princess Celestia did say that it was after the war that she transformed into Nightmare Moon.”

“Wait a tick if Princess Luna became Nightmare Moon after the dragon war, why didn't that book ah yers say anything about it at all?”

“I am still trying to figure that out. Once the second dragon war started nearly all records of it and Princess Luna were lost except a few books for foals. The one that told the tale of her was one such book of old mare's tales. If I had not seen the name mare in the moon in another book I would not have even noticed. Neither of them mentioned the war, but there's only the rare document of the first Dragon war. Not many books survived from a thousand years ago. I suppose sooner or later I might find out why , but I am not liking what the implications might be. The few that are still around that even tell any stories of it likely were written long after the event with those who possible did not even understand what had happened. I think there was more too it than that though other wise Celestia would not have had me read the book. She must have known I would figure it out.”

“Mighta been somethin as simple as who ever wrote the book thought the Princess would handle it and didn't see a reason to go inta any detail as the why and the who. Having yer sister turn out to be a forcah evil is not something most folk's want well known....”

“Maybe. This might be the only way to find out though. I suppose I should get started and we can find out for sure.”

“Sounds good, Ahm still a few chapters back any way.”

Twilight nods starting the spell, she breathes in softly letting it pull her into the star filled void. Once the familiar void surrounds her she exhales the drawn breath not even really needing too here. Nothing had changed once more she felt something was building here, but right now everything felt stagnate. Even the stars that worried her seemed to have faded a bit and no longer seemed as menacing. She shakes her head looking over the windows with hesitation. Did she really want to see another battle? Even the victories with these ponies were ripe with horrors. She had a bad feeling before everyone of these conflicts and nearly every one had proven that feeling right.

She looks up at the crescent moon shaped window,moving towards it, planing to start with Princess Luna this time. Perhaps it would not be that bad.


Luna was pissed, the alarms blaring and the guests running about in a panic did not help that feeling. She had actually been starting to enjoy herself at one of these events for once and then this happened. She was never coming to another one after this no matter what Tia threatened.

Bleu had left the band and ditched her dress forming the armor around her that the Element of Laughter provided. Jer'rahd's own armor had already been donned and his medals and dress uniform shredded as a result. She was almost sure he was relieved at the destruction of the uniform. Not as if it mattered she had several more ready just in case. Bleu had been correct that it was fun teasing him.

He was already issuing orders to the Guard's and the 42nd in attendance Bleu had taken up guarding her on one side along with Jer'rahd. Rhede and Velkorn had done the same with Celestia. General Mustang and General Shower had taken off to find out what was going on as soon as the alarms sounded. Starfall and Maw Pelt both had gone to round up the younger ponies that were present to get them to safety.


Luna looks up at her sister it was not often Celestia used the Royal Canterlot voice. Her gaze shifts to the great glass windows showing the slowly setting sun. The Princess had decided to let the sun and moon sit on the edge of setting in order to create a cascade of light and glorious sunset for the Gala. Once the dance was over the night would have begun properly, but for now that would be on hold.
She looks back to the ponies scrambling about to get to a more sheltered area.

A explosion of glass and wood showers those who had not managed to move through the doors yet as a red dragon smashes through the large skylights landing on and crushing the refreshment table. It barely managed a roar before Jer'rahd, Starfall, and other members of the 42nd were upon it, ripping the beast into a bloody mess of scales and blood before it could attack any pony. Jer'rahd moves back to her side the moment the dragon breaths its last, flicking its blood from the Waning Moon his gaze turned more skyward now.

Ruin, and General Mustang and General Shower return taking up positions around Celestia letting Velkorn run over to check on the Ponies that were hit with the falling glass, Rhede however remained where he was on the balcony looking over everything from a more elevated position and listing in to what the Generals were telling Celestia. All of them turn to the group of griffons who drop in and the scream of rage that suddenly burst from Starfall.

The lead griffon drew Luna's gaze as the bird's eyes widened with shock at the sight of Starfall. The griffon's beak curled up into a sardonic smirk, clearly reconizeing her. She was clearly a female and a older, some what war worn one as well. The armor she wore had seen heavy use though remained whole. Her claws were covered in bladed gauntlets, that looked to be forged of star metal and she wore a pair of short swords tucked under her wings. Her fur was a dark brown that spread out to her wings and darkened until it became black at the tips. Her head was crowned by a fluffed mane of gray hair and feathers that fell down her neck with a pair of white markings over her cobalt eyes.

What caused Starfall to swear in front of the foals and take off across the ballroom fast enough to rip a groove in the floor was what was hanging from the griffons belt and scabbards. Tails, pony tails of varying coloration’s and colors including one that looked that looked much like Cloud Dancer's mane and tail.

“WIND RAZOR!!!!!!!!!”

The griffons eyes widened at the charging pony and she launches herself into the air just avoiding Starfall's attack. The rest of her squad, was not so lucky and was flung about the room by the sudden explosion of color from the short range Rain boom. Chunks of the dead dragon showered the ball room though Starfall had already taking to the air in pursuit of the griffon. The 42nd rapidly fell on the stunned griffons slaughtering them where they lay.


“She is already gone Princess and she would not listen any way, I can assume that was the griffon she has been hunting all this time. When she comes back we can discuss this, but I know what she is feeling with that. So do you. We need to concentrate on getting these ponies to safety before any thing else crashes into the party.”

Luna glares at Jer'rahd before sighing with a nod before looking up feeling the magic pour off of her sister. A huge white and blue bubble shield suddenly springs to life around Canterlot castle forcing a great many of the attackers back away from the walls and buildings. At least for a moment any way. In seconds rents started appearing in the bubble nearly as soon as it was raised. The dragons and griffons were all clawing their way back in shredding the bubble like it was made of soap, rather than an alicorns magic.

General Mustang starts bellowing orders to the Guards as Jer'rahd and General Shower work to organize the 42nd and the air wing respectively. Cloud Dancer's tail is grabbed by the unicorn colt yanking her back down from following her mother. Luna was not sure what was said, but the pair move off towards the stage and the musicians still up there with Fox, Wolf, and Baelit in tow. She did not have time to stop them, but she would keep an eye on Cloud Dancer for Starfall at least, Velkorn seemed to be doing the same.

Celestia glides down from the balcony landing beside her sister looking rather worried.

“They are cutting through my shield Lulu.”

“How is that possible Tia? Even Forge Scale could not pierce that spell.”

Bleu groans lightly, as if realizing something.

“Princess you taught one of your students that spell right?”

“I did.”

“That spell was used to make the shield stones. We outfitted a great many troops with those stones during the last attack.”

“They dragons may have come across them and found a counter. I understand Bleu. Lulu do you think you could raise a shield to keep them out?”

“I learned the spell from you sister, and I have yet to be able to make it as strong, they would get through mine as well. We need a shield they have not broken before.”

Celestia blinks looking at Luna along with Bleu , then the three of them look over to Jer'rahd, the intent clear. Jer'rahd, however did not seem to notice as another wave of attackers had burst through the glass seeking whatever targets they could.


He glances back wincing as a griffon's talons rake across his armor. He slams his hoof down crushing its attacking claw and ending its life with a second stomp. He flicks the blood from his armored hooves before galloping over to them.

“Yes Princess?”

“We need you to put a shield up around the castle.”

Jer'rahd seems to stare at her a moment though it was hard to tell with the armor hiding his eyes.

“I am afraid I do not have that sort of power Princess. Not even close, I would be strained protecting the ball room, let alone the entire castle.”

Another explosion rocked the castle, Luna looked up wondering what they were attacking with. She could see smoke rising from where the Guard base should be. The explosion set off a cacophony of noise as the band seemed to struggle with gathering some of their instruments with the help of Cloud Dancer and the others. What they were doing up there instead of running for a shelter was beyond her , but she still had no time for children's antics, nor the insanity of the band members. Bleu winced at the crash, but made no effort to make them do anything, perhaps they were simply trying to protect their lively hood. It was still stupid ion her eyes, but at least there was an explanation. The explosion also knocked over a few candelabras setting some over turned tables on fire. Some of the Guards were working to put it out while the Princesses considered the options. Celestia was the first to speak.

“General, are you familiar with channeling?”

He looks to Celestia.

“Yes, We use it every so often to make more power full attack spells. A group of unicorn mage's pooling their abilities to share spells or cast a spell stronger than any one alone can make. I practiced with it a few times back in basic, but there has never been a reason for me to know anything more than the basics. I am not much of a caster. I never could use another's spell. That and I am not sure I am comfortable with the method.”

“That is fine, have others been able to use your shield?”

“ As I said I have not tired since basic , but I could share the spell then, it was never something any other tried to learn however, Celestia.”

“Good, remove your armor, we will need that ability.”

Jer'rahd looks nervously at Luna who sighs nodding. She glances at Celestia as her sisters dress fades out of existence. Her own had been shredded the moment she put on her armor. Jer'rahd looked flushed as his own armor faded back into the amulet. Luna was more amused at his reluctance than anything, but she also knew this if the situation was not dire, Tia would be taking full advantage of it to have a little fun at both her and Jer'rahd's expense.

The gray unicorn pony freezes in shock and Luna and Celestia move to either side of him, the sisters pressing against either side of him their own horns cross and lightly touch to his. Luna almost enjoyed seeing him sweat like this. She almost blushed herself feeling him tensing up against her side, but there were more important things to consider here. The expressions on Bleu and Rhede's faces were priceless.

“Thinking dirty thoughts about me General?”

“Wha.. no!”

“Oh prefer to have them about Luna more?”

“Yes I mean no I mean Gah, no Princess Celestia....”


“Tia please....”

“Fine, Lulu and just when it was getting interesting.”

The world around them faded into nothing but a star filled void.


Jer'rahd blinks, his gaze shifting around. A starry expanse stretched out before him, bright dots flickering across the darkness. Some shining brighter than others, occasionally one or more winking out of existence and leaving a dark void where they had been.

He had been here twice before, once when he died and then back in basic when he went though the futile training. He only now made the connection that they were the same place. He scanned over the stars with no small feeling of dread as more winked out of existence.

The common theory was that these were the souls of ponies, it was a debate he saw no point in at the time though for many other unicorns it became a heated debate. With his own experiences and what he was seeing now however he was inclined to believe that was what they were. Why some shown differently and some never appeared no one had an answer for. He did not think he could recognize any of them any way.

A flicker of light caught his attention and he zeroed in on three stars immediately. A brilliant solid red star that seemed to be what dew his attention, A smaller green star that seemed to spiral about itself and hovered near the red star And a flickering blue star that seemed a different coloration every time it flashed. His gaze pulled away from them to a Purple star with a rainbow colored glow about it , not far from the others. He was not sure why, but he knew who they were clearly. A small smirk crossed his face before he realized that he had yet to see Princess Luna or Celestia here.

He looked around a bit feeling a little odd however as he could still feel both of them against his sides and every shift and intake of breath of their bodies. He flushed and whipped his head about trying to surpress what he was thinking.


“ Alright how long are they supposed to be doing this th........HELLO!!!”

“Damnit Jer you're embarrassing yourself.”

Velkon moves around behind the group to see what Bleu and Rhede were talking about and whistles chuckling, making Rhede that much more annoyed. He storms over to a table yanking free a table cloth and throwing it over the trio.

“Jealous of what the boss is packing there Rhede? Or that hes the meat in a Princess sandwich?”

“Shut it Bleu...”


“Do take your mind out of the gutter General, Please.”

He winces looking around trying to find the source of Luna's voice. He was rather confused that he had not seen her yet though eventually a bit of motion above him drew his gaze upward. All he saw at first was the starry mass above him though it all seemed to be moving differently than the other stars in the void. After a moment he noted it was moving like Luna's mane he eventually took note of the slight curve of what could be her neck before he gave up trying to see all of her.

This place tended to reflect ones power level with size. While he had gotten used to being dwarfed in training he doubted he would even be as big as Luna's eyelash here.

“He is a stallion Lulu, and this is a rather intimate way of casting spells, to those unused to it. One can expect a few dirty thoughts. Or a whole bunch, he has some control, just be glad we did not need to do this with Pelt.”

He turns trying to find Celestia though he saw nothing but the expanse of stars. With as bright a coloration and personality as Celestia was he was expecting to easily see her or part of her any way, but there was no sign of her.

“Do not try to comprehend my sister here General, I can sense you are straining simply to see me. Tia is much the same to me as I am to you. She likely considers this a reason enough to call me little sister..... Now then, you will provide the source of the spell, Tia will power it and I shall shape it as it needs to be. Once cast it should be no trouble for her to maintain it and we can return to deal with the invaders.“

“ I am not sure if my spell is flexible enough to force them out while not damaging everything else as yours did.”

“Do not worry General, I do have a plan of my own. Lulu if you can, alter the stone spell we used before to affect everyone who is not supposed to be here?”

“That is risky sister would it not be easier to simply fling them away and then mop up whats left before they recover?”

“Perhaps, but if any one else is affected we can simply remove the spell from them and turn them back to normal later. If we catch the wrong pony and fling them out it will be a bit harder to save them. I would rather end this now with as little bloodshed as possible.”

“I shall see what I can do sister.”

“What do you need me to do?”

“Just focus on casting the shield spell General, Tia and I shall handle the rest.”

“Yes Princess.”

Jer'rahd sighs focusing on bringing up his shield. The energy came easily as if it was being fed to him from another source, his horn glowed a brighter green than normal. It was a odd feeling as nothing was forming but he could feel the energy from it being pulled away and tampered with as soon as it was cast.


“So how long have they been in there? “

“About thirty seconds or So Bleu.”

“What the buck is taking them so long Rhede?”

“You're kidding right?

The pair grow silent as General Mustang and General Shower approach, Mustang snorts looking at the Princesses covered in the blanket with Jer'rahd in the middle. If Rhede did not know any better he could have sworn the old stallion had a twinge of Jealousy in his voice.

“What the hay is going on here, Pelt what is this nonsense? Some sort of inane sleepover rite?”

“Do I look like a unicorn general? They said something about making a shield. I am sure they know what they are doing. Well the Princesses do....”

Rhede looks back at the trio as a green glow starts around the them, he steps back a bit reflexively as the sphere grows a bit larger before expanding suddenly washing over the surprised Generals and Element bearers before growing wider rushing out in a expanding wave. Another dragon drops down into the skylight striking the shield and being flung back its legs and body rapidly turning to stone. The force of the spell is enough to throw the now stone beast into a far tower shattering it against the battlement. Every Griffon and Dragon that touched the sporadicly expanding sphere was forced back and rapidly turned to stone. Most of them fell from the sky shattering against the hard ground. A great many of the invaders turned and ran from the expanding shield thus saving themselves a stony fate.


Jer'rahd did not need to see the expression or even hear the tone of her voice. The sheer violence and scorn in Celestia's near roar sent him tumbling through the air of the spectral space. The whole void of stars seemed to rumble with the Sun Princesses disapproval. When he could finally hear again after the initial roar it was only to hear the two Princesses nearly screaming at each other in argument.

“Luna what are you doing slow the transformation down , most of them are still flying.”

“I am aware of that sister. I am also aware I do not want captives from this attack, I rather hope all of them are flying.”



Starfall screamed out in rage. Her blades ran red with the blood of countless griffons and dragons that had gotten in her way. A path of bodies and wounded lay behind her as she tore after the source of all her hate.

Wind Razor managed to stay just ahead of her, whipping between buildings and using her own force to slow the pegasus down. The griffon was laughing at her the whole time, playing with her, flaunting the trophies of Starfall's fallen family, the whole thing was like a game to the twisted bitch. She could have over taken the bird if she just had a clear run for longer than a few paces. But the griffon kept changing directions, Starfall had yet to meet anything that could out fly her and this only added to her frustration.

Several of the guard had been shoved in her way or wound up there as well. They were dodged or knocked aside, her rage not such yet that she could not tell friend from foe. She could also tell she was being led into a trap, the difference there was that she didn't care so long as she killed Wind Razor

Rounding another building after the griffon the beast had finally stopped to wait for her lashing out at the pegasus with her star metal shod claws. Starfall did not even slow down, slamming hard into the griffon the birds claws piercing her armor and gouging into her sides. The impact kept Wind Razor's claws from digging in deep enough to cause serious harm and sent both of them crashing to the ground.
She kicks free of the bird, blades drawn before her hooves even touched dirt and launched herself back at her prey the moment they did.

Sparks flew as the griffons claws blocked the blades as Starfall attacked , metal clanging in the air the shock of the impacts making Starfall's teeth rattle as she gripped one blade the other dancing between her wings , hooves and tail striking out at any opening. A few light grazes flash crimson lines across the griffons chest and neck though the smug grin never left the avian's face. The griffon shoves back hard with her claws forcing Starfall back a few paces.

“Tisk Tisk . So eager to rush to your death little pony?”

Starfall growls around the blade in her mouth, tearing forward and ripping up the cobblestones lashing out in a dervish, one cut short as the blade in her mouth is caught in a gauntleted claw. She rips the blade free her tail striking out holding the blade like a scorpion only to have that caught as well. Her eyes narrow as she kicks at the griffon yanking one blade free the other snapped in half by a twist of Wind Razor's wrist.

“I grow tired of this. I had hoped you would be more fun than that idiot you were married to.”

The griffons tail lashes out between the beasts legs the tip of it capped in a blade, plunging deep into Starfall's chest, piercing through the armor of harmony. She yanks back, blood oozing from the wound, the griffon presses her advantage, claws and tail lashing out,opening more gashes and cuts across the pegasus form.

Wind Razor lunges forward suddenly catching and shattering Starfall's other blade her clawed hand gripping the pegasus by the wing and slamming her to the ground on her back. Before Starfall could even move Wind Razor Drove two large shards of her own broken blade into her wings pinning them to the ground.

She screams out lashing out with her hooves and trying to rip herself free Though the Griffon knocks her blows aside gauntleted claw closing around her throat metal tips piercing into her neck lightly.
She leans her beak in close to Starfall's face practically laying atop of the pony. She reaches back to her belt pulling out a pair of bloodied tails. Starfall recognizes them at once, Starshine and Stormsong, the griffon had already been to her home just as the test had predicted....

“Lovely only two more to complete this set. I expected so much from such a famous pony. Though you are rather lousy at hiding your secrets from your own people. The news media was kind enough to track down your location for me more than once. I just needed the chance.“

Starfall shivers at the sight of the new trophies her rage turning to fear at the griffon atop of her.

“Your tail will make a delightful trophy. Killing you is going to let me write my own ticket. Who would have thought taking out a couple of useless grunts when I was bored was going to lead me to a trophy like you. I could retire after collecting the bounties on you alone. But that would be boring. One more to go in this set anyway once I have your tail. I was hoping to kill that little filly of yours in front of you or the other way around, but I’ll settle for choking her to death with your tail. Won't that be fun? Mommy and daughters last outing before they are both out for good. Any last screams to make at me pony? Any begging?”

“I am going to kill you and I will make it hurt.”

The griffon laughs her grip eased about Starfall's throat just enough to let her speak. Wind Razor seems about to respond when a wave of green washed over them, the sarcastic grin on the griffons beak freezing in stone as Starfall watches. She falls over landing heavily atop of Starfall pinning her to the ground more securely than he had been while alive. She blinks a moment struggling a little before she screams out thrashing futility at the stone and the ground as stone dragons and griffons crash down on the ground around her shattering on the earth.


The Bubble of the shield surrounds Canterlot, a soft green glow of light falling over the entire city as the dome of green light circles it. Several of the attackers who had not made it into the city yet struck at the shield nearly instantly turning to stone and slide across the shield to fall and shatter down the mountain side. The rest hovered around the shield looking for a way in, swarms of dragons and griffons continued to collect around the green orb surrounding Canterlot, like flies around rotting meat.

Luna and Celestia stepped away from Jer'rahd, the unicorn's ear were flat as he looked between the two wondering briefly if he was going to wind up becoming deaf. The Princess of the sun had taken control of the shield away from Luna, though The Goddess of the Moon had already done more than enough damage to the enemies' ranks.

Celestia was clearly disappointed and Luna was still refusing to even think her course of action was not justified. Jer'rahd would rather be dropped into the ocean than be put in the middle of those two arguing again. It was like a pair of hurricanes clashing over who would do the most damage. Pointless and terrifying. Celestia takes note of the ponies around the trio and the rather grim look on General Mustang's face.

“General Mustang what is the situation?”

Jer'rahd lifts his head, ears still ringing from the shouting match glancing over to Mustang wondering what had brought that expression to his face. General Shower had moved to the stage to yell at the band members, Cloud Dancer and the others up there to get to a shelter. Ruin as always stood by watching over everything clearly wishing to be out fighting rather than playing guard. As mustang approached Jer'rahd caught a glint of metal though a tear in his uniform, likely from a griffon though Jer'rahd was not sure why his eye was drawn to it until Mustang stood before Celestia.

That glint was revealed as a Star metal dagger. One that was rapidly slashed across Celestia's neck by the General.

The Princess of the Sun's eyes widen as she falls, blood spraying from the wound. The General turns flinging out his other fore hoof, a chain of the same material slamming into and wrapping around Luna, the force of it enough to throw her back into a wall to collapse in a heap.

Ruin was the first to recover from the shock. Red energy pouring from his armored back forming blade like wings, he surged forward as Mustang whirled on the charging suit of armor, his mouth opening wide as a gout of pure white fire burst from his maw engulfing Ruin. The warrior ponies armor melts along with the stone under his hooves and on the wall behind him at the great heat of the fire. The blast set several tables and draperies on fire that were not even near the blast and reduced the armored pony to a pile of molten slag metal.

Bleu surged forward with a roar the armor forming about her as she charged with Jer'rahd and Rhede right behind her. Mustang turns into her charge rising up on his back hooves Bringing on around and smacking Bleu away as if she was nothing. She cries out tumbling back across the floor crashing into both Jer'rahd and Rhede. General shower's eyes remained wide her jaw dropped, still in shock that her father-in-law had just stabbed Princess Celestia and attacked Princess Luna.

The green shield flickered above them disintegrating as the power supplying it faded out much as Celestia's life blood did across the dance floor.

“One hundred years of planning, a hundred years of preparation for this conquest. The plots the suffering the degradation of having to live like this. A hundred years in this rotting pony suit.”

General Mustang's skin seems to stretch and warp tearing along his spine and rending clothing as spikes burst forth from his back increasing in size as bright red wings burst from his back as well. The General's whole form warping and twisting, the tearing of skin and flesh echoing in the room as his cutie mark shreds a long serpentine tail covered in red scales ripping out as the rapidly growing dragon bursts out of the skin of the general with a roar, like a butterfly leaving a cocoon.

The beast rears up, flinging free the discarded skin and looking down at the ponies before it. It grows even larger than Onyx Wing had been. His scale's glowed a fiery red, small bits of flame lapping over the edges as he stretches out to his full height. The the glowing fire dances over his ash black claws casting a silvery light about them.

“You should see the looks on your faces.......”

The sounds of explosions and combat resume as the attack begins again at the shields fall. Swarms of enemies continue to arrive Some appearing as if brought hereby a gate spell, many surging up the mountainside itself. Red dragons, black dragons, griffons,several trained beasts, and a small number of half breeds swarm over the city meeting the 42nd and the Guards directly.

General Shower finally manages to speak though she barely seems able to stand.

“What... what happened to Mustang?!?”

The dragon glances over to her snorting a bit of flame.

“You never met Mustang, he was dead in the first war. I just took his place. That idiot you married is not even his, it was adopted to keep up appearances before I killed Mustangs wife. An embarrassing mistake there having to pretend to care about some damned ponies, I will rectify that later.”

Shower cries out, flying at the dragon her body igniting in a massive ball of fire. The dragon barely seems to notice, his attention focused more on the alicorns. Just as she is about to strike his arm whips up snatching her out of the air slamming her to the ground and pinning her down with a clawed foot. He growls, gripping her wings and tearing both from the prone mare.

General Shower's screams echoed across the ball room and likely could be heard across Canterlot. Jer'rahd, Bleu and Rhede surge forward again though they are forced to doge aside as a gout of flame leaves the dragons maw turning the floor they had been standing on to molten slag.

The band cowered at the back of the stage, having not made it out in time with the others. Several other ponies hid in the back with them. Sparkler standing in front of them trying to protect them with a guard spear he had gotten. Baelit was watching from behind one of the curtains wincing at the sight before him.

The dragon tosses the wings up, snapping them out of the air and swallowing them like a delicacy. Pegasus blood drips from his jaws as he picks up the limp mare and flings her out of a great window. Shower falls out of sight to the ground below. A host of Griffons dive after the body intent of getting a meal of the General. The echo of hoof beats is heard and the vanishing tail of a zebra tail is seen darting out of the ball room after the wingless pegasus.

“Ahh, I missed that taste, how you creatures can survive off plants is beyond me. I always preferred the wings however, the meat is much leaner.”

The Waning moon tears across the dragons chest ripping through scales and drawing blood forcing the red dragons attention on the pony whose magic flung it. Jer'rahd snaps the blade out of the air gripping it tightly with his jaws and surging forward , Bleu and Rhede flanking him in the charge. Bleu's maw parts a arc of lightning firing out at the dragon as a barrage of Daggers from Rhede fly towards the beast.

He sidesteps the bolt a large wing curling over his side deflecting the smaller blades. He whirls , his tail pelting Bleu across the head as Jer'rahd ducks under the attack. Rhede flings another set of blades with his tail as Jer'rahd leaps at the dragon going for his throat.

The beast shrinks suddenly, dropping down letting the pony sail over him before returning to normal size and grabbing the short blond tail of the armored unicorn whipping him back and throwing him into the floor. Jer'rahd cries out , his armor saving him from the worst of the impact but as he bounces off the floor the dragons tail swings around smashing into him and sending him to crashing into Rhede, flinging them both across the room towards Bleu. Bleu moves stopping them both from impacting the wall behind her though the Waning Moon slams hard into the wall near the stage burying itself half way in the stone.

“You have been a nuisance to my plans for far to long you insignificant piece of shit. Your damnable luck and annoying tenacity have screwed me over for the last time.”

The dragon gestures,symbols etched into the scales of his forearm glowing brightly then vanishing as a dome of light forms around the trio Trapping them inside. The magic sphere rapidly contracts washing over the three before they fade out of existence forcibly teleported away.

“Watch your world crumble Jer'rahd Kaisur. Suffer knowing you can do nothing. Watch your world burn then die. And when it is all gone you will know what it feels like for me to have watched you succeed for so long. Now begone.”

The group vanishes leaving the dragon alone with the bound Princess of the Night and the dying goddess of the Sun.


A burst of light fills the cave as Jer'rahd, Bleu, and Rhede crash to the ground at the other end of the spell. Jer'rahd is on his hooves in a moment gaze sweeping the darkness trying to figure out where they were.

“Buck it, where are we now?”

“I dunno Jer, but we are not alone here.....”

The sound of digging and growling fills the air. Bleu spits out a bolt of lightning, the flash of light sending a swarm of Diamond dogs back into the shadows.



The dragon paces towards the bound Luna as she struggles. He growls, pausing long enough to plant a kick into Celestia's belly sending her body tumbling away to crash at the base of the stage.

“You and your toys have caused me no end to trouble mare, if not for your dogged insistence on keeping the 42nd and the Guard active I never would have gotten this close. But every chance you got you went out on your own or over my head to change how things were going. Dullahan would have been mine already if not for your sending me and that idiot out there. The Guard would still be in the Dog lands if you had not gone out there yourself and ripped their god apart. And you sent Pelt to the zebra lands ruining that stalling tactic as well. Between you and that idiot you set me back years. I expected that of you, but when he started following by example and doing things his way no matter what I said all with your support.”

He growls looking down at the bound Princess.

“But here at last, all that work and all these setbacks are finally coming to a head. Celestia has fallen, and do you know why I left your pathetic little self alive?”

“So you can gloat like a villain in a bad spy book? By the stars Rhede was right, there are creatures who say things like that.”

“I will not deny my ego has some to do with this. But it is that spell you placed on my father that is the real reason. A rather potent enchantment to hold a god.”

Luna struggles in the chains the star metal making her magic useless just like the cage she was in.

“Silverclaw..... so that's who you are.... what makes you think I would free that monster any way?”

“I expect resistance Princess, in your mind set now I have no doubt you would never give in to any sort of torture you think I might come up with. However despite being a pervert onyx Wing has his uses, he made a little crack in that armor you wrap yourself in. I command a rather large army princess and most of them are far from home and their mates. I am quite sure they would line up around any camp if they were given the chance to get a bit of flank from a goddess, pony or otherwise. All I have to do is wait until you are broken, and when you are little more than a quivering mass of violated mewing flesh willing to do anything to make it stop, I will ask again and you will free him. And after that I might put you out of your misery, or throw you back to the troops, depending on my mood.

Luna's eyes widen in a panic.

“Kaisur will not be coming to a rescue this time. The Diamond Dogs are having words with those three as we speak, Wind Razor is already likely wearing the pegasus tail and the zebra has fled. Your generals are all dead, as is your sister. What hope do you have left Princess?”


“We do not have time for this argument. Do it Bleu.”

“Like buck I will boss, do you know what happens to those letters I send? They turn to ash before reforming where I send them. I am not burning you to a crisp.”

“Luna is alone with that dragon and Celestia is dying, if she is not already dead. This may be the only chance I have to get back in time to do anything. I need to go back not stay here and add to the body count of a war that should have been over.”

Piles of Diamond dog bodies lay about them already. The creatures still massed in the darkness of the caves around them. Their first frontal assault met with horrid failure against just these three. The rest fell back waiting for back up and trying to figure out what to do.

“Buck it Bleu. After everything we have been through with the Princess and after all that nonsense you have done trying to get Luna and me together. You are going to tell me that you are going to let something as simple as not knowing what might happen stop you?”

The dragon looks at Rhede who shrugs a little.

“Jer has a point. If it works he might be able to get back in time to do something. Or he could be showing up to die.”

“It will work, and I will save her.”

Both Bleu and Rhede look at him as he nearly growls out the last words. Rhede sighs and Bleu slaps her face with a claw, all the plans she made to get Boss and Luna to hook up back firing at this point. She couldn't speak for Luna, but last time the boss had that look on his face, he had been fighting to save Platinum. If she didn't do this and something happened, boss would never forgive her.

“Fine..... it had better. I don't need to think about if it doesn't....... Your ready?”

“I was ready when I first asked you Bleu. Can you handle things here?”

“I would like to know where we are, but these dogs are pathetic Jer. We got this, go save the Princess, and Velkorn if she is still there.”

Jer'rahd lets the armor fade from his form looking over at Rhede with a small smirk at how he tried to play off being worried about the zebra.

“I wouldn't worry Rhede, she is probably out patching some one up.”

Bleu inhales deeply green flame escaping her maw as she builds it up finally breathing the crackling energy out. The flames wash over Jer'rahd searing his unarmored form. He did not even have time to scream before he was turned to ash and whisked away on a unseen wind.

“That didn't look good.”

“You think Boss'll be OK Rhede?”

“Beats me, knowing him he should be fine once he gets his flank kicked around a bit. I am more worried about ourselves however. There's more down here than dogs.....”

A roar shook the cavern as something massive approached from the shadows sending the Diamond dogs swarming away. A few cheers sound from the dogs at the approach, clearly this was their reinforcement.

“Glad Jer didn't hear that or he never would have left.”

“What? You wanted him to go?”

“Jer's got the best chance out of all of us in succeeding, he drew blood with that blade of his. Besides with no one else there to back him up and his back to the wall protecting Luna he can go off without us getting in the way. Now then shall we meet our new friend?”

The roar echos again much closer this time and the thud of its foot steps shaking the cavern and showering them with dirt.

“I hope it wants a tea party.”


Another explosion rocks the castle, the dragon glances back as a tower collapses outside, smiling as it fell.

“I think I have changed my mind. Even bound Princess, you are too much of a danger, to much of a martyr for these bits of meat to rally behind. I should kill you and simply spend more time studying the spell to free him. I am sure I would find something eventually, with you two gone and your subjects reduced to the food source they are I will have plenty of time.”

The great dragon moves yanking the Waning Moon from the stone wall turning back and advancing on the bound Luna. He looks down at the weapon as the blade seems to tremble in his grasp.

“A blade like this, forged to kill gods and enchanted by the goddess of the moon herself. Quite potent, when it tastes your blood will it grow in power, or destroy itself I wonder? Let us see...”


“Ka what?”

The sound of smashing wood and the loud twang of metal strings snapping and flying about echos in the room along with a collective gasp of shock from the band still on stage. Silver Claw gets a strange expression on his face and turns around, the remains of a blue bass guitar tumbling down his armored back as he looks down at the trembling earth pony that hit him.

Tigerlily spits out the arm of the Lady Macbeth wincing at the sound of the shattered instrument hitting the floor.

“Leave her the buck alone...”

Silver claw turns away his tail lashing out to strike the nuisance sending him flying onto the stage with a crash of drums and symbols and the scream of Janis.

“See, even the weakest among you will rally to your aid. That is not acceptable you need to die in obscurity.....What is that..?”

A green flame rose from Luna's horn spiraling from the tip to grow larger as it floated away from her. Silverclaw looks to the Princess who seems just as surprised as he was. The green flicker of flame approached the floor between the two slowly growing larger. The scream was heard first, as if a soul was being rent into pieces, this was followed by ash swirling in the green flame before the dust solidified into the skeleton of a unicorn. Liver, intestines, stomach, and a still beating heart reformed from the green fire the green flames still dancing over the organs as lines of sinew and muscle started to cover them. The muscle started forming over the skeleton giving it a strong build before skin started appearing over the muscle in patches growing quickly. An amber mane and tail all but erupting from the form as a wash of gray fur sprouted covering the body with an effect similar to wind blowing through fields of wheat. A silver shield with a black chess knight in the center appears on its flanks as the pony drops a few inches to the ground, hooves scraping against the stone. Its eyes snap open, green flames flickering in them as they reform lifting to glare up at the dragon. A snort from the unicorn sent out a last burst of emerald fire as his lungs reformed, smoke pouring from his fur and nostrils.

Silver Claw steps back looking down at the Jer'rahd. His eyes widen further as one of his clawed feet does not move from where it was. Looking down the dragon saw the slow craw of gray stone creeping up his legs turning his flesh to rock. His head whips about in panic trying to find the source before his gaze fell on Celestia.

Her eyes were open staring at him with a menace that no one but Rhede and Luna had ever seen. Her horn glows softly forcing the stone form on the great dragon. Blood soaked her coat, but a hasty bandage had been wrapped about her neck to stanch the flow of the wound.

Silver claw roars flinging the Waning Moon at Celestia. The blade arcs true before a loud clang sends the blade spiraling off to the side impacting a wall and sticking there. Velkorn pulls back her hood revealing herself standing before Celestia shaking the hoof she used to deflect the attack trying to get some feeling back into it.


“There are two here in my races guise, it is not my fault we look the same in your eyes.”

The stone creeps higher to the dragons waist and he growls looking down then starts to laugh rather crazily. He glares down at Jer'rahd who returns the stare.

“A century of planning ruined by a half horn, a slut, a race traitor, a one trick pony, and a striped bitch. Truly I have fallen as low as I can. Seems you were well named though Jer'rahd Kaisur, Shield of gods.... it never ceases to amaze me how you ponies manage to be so stupid about your names when they almost always seem to match what you will do with your lives or what your identifying mark will be.”

“What the buck are you talking about?”

“Your name is old draconic.... I wonder if your family even knew that. No matter this is not over, this will not keep me from my mission.”

The stone rose faster as Celestia seemed to strain, the dragon now fully stone below his neck. Luna growls struggling in the chains cursing the dragon.

“If I decide not to shatter you out right beast, I will be sure to place you right in front of your father so he knows how much a failure the thing that he spawned is. Hopefully you will be awake to see that disapproving stare he gives, forever.”

The stone creeps up covering the dragons head the sardonic grin freezing in place on the beasts maw. Everything remains still a moment more before Jer'rahd falls over in a heap not able to keep himself upright any longer.

“What.. Jer'rahd!?”

“I would rather be eaten by another giant tortoise than go through that again. I can't move.....”

“Not well enough to let it be, that seemed more like a turtle to me.”

Velkorn checks Jer'rahd rather quickly before pulling the chains off of Luna. She looks over the Goddess of the moon before running back over to Celestia as she collapses again.

“Where are the others General?”

“I don't know.”




The giant six legged armadillo like creature roars again, jaws slamming shut around the dragonling gulping it down with out a second thought before it moves to advance on the red coated pony.

“Buck.... I can't believe shes gonna do this. HURRY UP IN THERE!!”

The beast stops confused before it screams out in pain trashing wildly as a much larger and fully armored dragon claw rips free of its belly a second claw tearing through from the inside shredding the giant creatures form from the inside out. Eventually the beast collapses crashing into the side of the tunnel as a fully armored and much larger Bleu bursts out of its chest like some alien parasite.

She staggers a moment shaking the gore from her form before promptly turning and throwing up a very large portion of bile and blood. Rhede starts to laugh before the smell of the body hits him and he has to fight back the urge to vomit himself.

“Let this be a lesson Bleu, don't follow Jer's example. Oh buck what did that thing eat?”

“You mean aside from me? I really need a shower. Lets get going before any of the Diamond dogs think to attack again.”

“ Fine just walk downwind Bleu...”


“Velkorn how is Tia?”

“I have stanched the blood flow, but my skills at treating gods are limited you know.”


“Well Jer'rahd seems better at least, though I am surprised princess you are not trying to make every griffon and dragon still around deceased.”

“I would like nothing better than to do just that Velkorn. But some one has act as the ruler in this time of crisis ,and my sister is in no shape to do so. I am barely in a shape to do so, but I am holding back my anger for the time being.”

Luna's gaze wanders to the ones up on the stage and a battered, but oddly happy earth pony practically being smothered over by one of the unicorn sisters. Luna could not remember the name of the mare, though the earth pony was Tigerlily. She was not sure why a musician would risk his life like that for her, though perhaps it was not for her, but for Celestia or even the mare fawning over him now. In any case that act had stalled the dragon enough for the chain of events following it to come to pass. She would find out what he may want as a reward later, for now there were other problems. Several doctors had come in as well as dozens of guards and wounded civilians from the palace and city. She remained where she was as Jer'rahd ran about shouting orders on where to set things up, he was clearly worried about Rhede and Bleu though he had no idea where they had been sent, aside from it was filled with Diamond Dogs.

Her sisters sun was still above the horizon as Celestia had not gone to lower it before the attack began. Luna had not bothered to try and move it either, leaving the sun light lingering to help in the effort to remove the last of the attackers and find any survivors. Her gaze shifted again to the giant statue of the red dragon, eyes narrowing as her gaze fell to the shredded uniform and skin of one she had trusted. One who had betrayed her and Equestria as a whole, and nearly destroyed everyone. She could not deal with this openly, but it was limiting her she could not trust any pony now.....

A glint of light caught her eye, she looked over at Velkorn and the simple necklace adorned with her cutie mark hanging from the zebras neck. A glance to Jer'rahd showed he wore the one he was given as well as an element bearer. She looks down at the bit of metal from the General's sword still hanging from her neck. No there were those she could still trust. If to do nothing more than what she expected from them they would not betray her. They were her friends.

“General Kaisur.”

“Yes Princess?”

“ As soon as the situation here is secure you are to find the other element bearers as fast as you can.”

“Understood Princess I already have a good idea where Starfall is and we also found General Shower, and General Three Bear.”

“General Shower is still alive?”

“Barely they are bringing her in now she cauterized her own wing stumps to stop the bleeding and had at least a twenty kill count before she collapsed. The head of the Queen's Cross Baelit found her and is trying to bring her in here now.”

“And Threebear?”

“According to the reports, he just arrived at the outskirts of the city he is not in very good shape either.”

“Have them both treated though keep them both away from here for the time being I do not want any more surprises. We will move my sister to her room as soon as Velkorn thinks she is able to be moved.”

“Understood, we also have a doctor here claiming to be the personal doctor of you two.”

“Saw Bones... I expected him to sleep through all this. Do not let him near Tia.”

“If he is trained to be able to help alicorns shouldn't...”

“I said no General. Until this is settled I am not going to trust any one that I formally did.”

Jer'rahd winces a bit and Luna sighs though he nods.

“Are you going to trust us enough to let us help?”

“....... Only you five.......”

He nods.

“As you wish Princess, it's a start. VELKORN! talk to Saw Bones over there, find out what you can but don't let him near Celestia. You three up there quite flapping around trying to look busy and track down Air Commander Starfall. You up there on the stage get your injured down here to be treated. I don't care how comfortable he thinks he is, then get your flanks out of here and in with the rest of the other guests. Fox,Wolf. find Maw let her know whats going on. You colt you guard Cloud Dancer with your life cause if anything happen to her I will not get in the way of Starfall. Get her to the shelter. NOW EVERY PONY MOVE WITH A PURPOSE, IF YOU DO NOT HAVE SOMETHING TO DO I WILL FIND YOU SOMETHING!!”

Jer'rahd continues to run about shouting orders at every pony who even slowed down in his line of sight. Velkorn had moved over to talk with Sawbones evidently interested in something he had in a small box. Though once again that left Luna alone with her thoughts and the unconscious form of her sister.


“So what now? Do we have a plan B?”

“Considering where we are, no. I don't think we have a plan B Bleu.”

“Buck I really hoped we had something else....”


The pair looked up at the overly large Diamond dog standing on a rock behind what could easily have been thousands of Diamond dogs in fully military gear surrounding them. More than a few of the armadillo like creatures thrashed and growled among the ranks as well eager to be turned loose.

“Well I suppose we surrender.... this has been a rather horrid misunderstanding..... I am Ambassador Pelt of Equestria.....”

“Ve know who you are, that is vhy ve are even bothing to give you a chance to surrender. Ze price for turning you two back over to you lands shall be quite exceptional.”

“Buck me....”

“Much fun as that might be, is this really the time Rhede?”

“Quiet you.”


Velkorn sighed finishing the last stitch in the wound on the Princesses neck. Her breathing was ragged but it was stabilizing. This had been the most insane thing she had ever done. Celestia should have been dead. A cut that deep into her throat actually severed a major artery, The amount of blood that was on the floor was more than was even in the bodies of most ponies and yet it was still gushing from Celestia until the wound was sewn shut. Doc Saw Bones had been useless except for one thing. He had a set of surgery tools given to him by Celestia made out of star metal. Clearly the Princess liked being prepared for any event, but to plan this far ahead?It was insane. Perhaps it was not that far ahead as the doc said she only gave them to him a few years ago, about the time of the Diamond Dog campaign when Princess Luna was attacked. The tools had helped immensely though she had to cut some of Celestia's own mane for thread that would work for the stitches.

As she closed the main wound the best she could hope for was that the Goddesses' own healing could take over from that point. She looked down at herself her muzzle and hooves were soaked in the Blood of the Princess, and splotches of it covered her chest and neck. It had been messy having to do all the delicate work by hoof and teeth. A unicorn could have helped immensely and yet Luna would not let anyone but Velkorn close. She knew the Moon Goddess was suffering after what happened with Mustang, she only hoped that lack of trust did not cost Celestia anything more.


The nobles and higher ranking members of the Guard were constantly badgering her, and all Luna wanted to do was find a dark corner to cry in. That option was not available to her though. Starfall had not come any where near her since the gala, Velkorn had stayed with Celestia. Bleu and Rhede where still missing, General Shower and General Threebear were both injured severely and Luna was not quite trusting of either of them any way.

Only Jer'rahd had been with her the whole time doing what he could to help her out barely even sleeping. She had been raising the sun and the moon for the last four days now and he looked like she felt. Even he was gone right now, to go speak with Starfall and find out why she had not come back. As much as she wanted him to stay, she could not deny him from finding Starfall. And if the nobles had given her so much a moment to herself she would have gone with him.

This meeting was called the moment Jer'rahd had left her side. The nobles were clearly waiting for him to be gone. As the last active General she had he was more than willing to stare down any pony that said something he disagreed with. He had actively thrown one unicorn out of the meeting after a snide comment under his breath made about the Princess.

She had been here three hours now listening to them babble about damages repercussions and intent of what to do in rebuilding. Not a one even mentioned a counter attack or even a hint that they should do something other than roll over an take this from the Dogs and the dragons and the griffons.

It was when one of them jokingly suggested that they hire Griffon mercenaries to protect them as the Guard did not seem to be doing a good enough job that she finally lost it.


The nobles in the room were all huddled against one wall the table they had been at had been shattered and torn to splinters by the raging form of darkness that was Princess Luna. She had been screaming at them and smashing everything within her range for the past twenty minutes now. If she had not flung bits of the table at one of the nobles trying to escape they likely would have all fled. Still they tried to talk their way out of it

“But Princess Luna your sister always sought a peaceful.......”


“What, what do you want us to do then princess Luna?”


“And how long will this last, this nightmare campaign against everyone, Princess.”


“That is a near impossibility Princess, many races do not even really see us as anything but food. There is no way we can change all of their minds.”



Twilight pulls her head back with a gasp, the green reptilian eyes that Luna had when she was yelling had seemed to be staring directly at her as she pulled back where the same as Nightmare Moon's.

Was this what had been the turning point? What had happened to Celestia? She was clearly alright now, but a wound like that. And the griffon and dragon, she had never encountered anything with that degree of evil. Even Discord seemed more like a prankster compared to what Silver Claw and Razor Wing had done and were going to do.

“Sugar cube are you alright?”

“Yeah... yeah I’m fine AJ. Just a bit more information than I wanted. Its darker than I expected too. “

“Nothing good happening in here I suspect?”

“No … they won.... sorta..... and we know it turned out alright in the end any way, but GAAAAH. Its frustrating, I know what happens but not why.”

“Calm down Twilight. Tell yah what. I'll talk tah the girls and we'll have a picnic this weekend just tha six of us, be nice tah get you outta here every so often get some fresh air, a little bit of time tah relax. Not like there's any rush No ponies going any where for a while and everything seems worked out any way. A lil picnic should do yah some good.”

“Yeah that sounds nice..... I need to write all this down before I forget though. I think I am done with the scrying for the night however.”

“Well alright I figure I should head home get a little shut eye myself . We'll see about getting that picnic going here shortly. A nice calm outing.”

“Alright well have a good night AppleJack. Be careful going home.”

“No worries, not that late yet.”

Twilight follows AJ to the door waving good by before turning to finish up for the night herself.

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