• Published 1st Nov 2011
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Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Crystal Dust

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard
by TDR

Crystal Dust

Twilight stared at the sword. She was afraid to go back. She knew Jer'rahd was going to live, the statues and the tale Celestia told her proved that. Even if Celestia's recollection of events was skewed with age and second hand information, he was still the statue, alive. Despite that knowledge she could feel something bad was coming.

The actions of Rhede at the peace conference, Velkorn threatening to break her teachers legs, Jer'rahd being tortured, Nightmare Moon, it all was coming together. She knew it was going to get worse, but she did not know if she could handle it.

Rarity lounged behind her on the couch looking over the last chapter, her mouth in a small line as she read over certain parts of it.

“Is something wrong Twilight?”

The purple unicorn jumps at the sound of Rarity's voice her stare into space refocusing on the white coated mare.

“Umm no, everything’s fine.”

“I highly doubt that, you have been standing there for nearly an hour staring at that blade. Let me guess you have started to see things you are not comfortable with seeing?”

Twilight blinks in surprise.

“Errr yeah that’s it exactly how....?”

“I caught up fairly quick and I predicted that Rhede would do something like that. It fits his character. So when he actually killed the harpy is was not much of a surprise to me.”

“Rarity hes supposed to be the Bearer of Generosity, taking a innocent life is no way generous.”

“Because you are simply seeing one side of it, he did not kill the chicks and he did not cause the mother to suffer unnecessarily. Killing one innocent creature that could save multitudes that he would never even meet is something not every pony could do. Just because it may rekindle a war does not mean that it would really happen. If this is how all ambassadors act they will be arguing over it for years before anything happens, if it ever does.”

“Would you have done the same?”

“That is not something I can answer darling. I have never been put into a position where something that epic was placed on my shoulders. I would like to think I would be able to make a choice like that if the need arose. All these five have known is war. This is acceptably for their lives.”

Twilight sighs again.

“You should finish darling, do you really think Celestia would have suggested this to you if she thought you could not handle it ? Or if there was no forgiveness for any of them? Princess Luna has also asked for all of our opinions on the matter I would think we should be able to help her with that, but only if you can manage to finish translating what you see. Your talent for spells is far greater than my own, I doubt I could even cast that scrying spell to take your place. Besides you want to find out what happened as much as the rest of us do. As Fluttershy says you are gifted with the opportunity to learn things that even the goddesses have forgotten about history.”

“You're right Rarity. After everything I have said up to this point giving up now would just be hypocritical of me as well”

“ Well I was not going to bring that part up but yes. You can finish this little story up and then we can go have lunch together some where tomorrow. It is a little late now, but it should be fun. I always seem to need to drag you out of the house now a days. The sooner this is done the better. “

“Alright, I guess I am as ready as I can be.”

Rarity nods turning back to the book seeming happy to have helped out her friend, though Twilight was still leery.

She casts the spell, slipping into the space between the blade and her own mind looking about the starry expanse. The blank area of space where the stars that worried her should have been still peaked her curiosity though nothing else had seemed to change here. She looks at the windows sighing. Perhaps Rhede would not be as bad this time. She slides towards his window hoping for something cheery at least.

She freezes suddenly, floating back away from Rhede's window. Something was wrong here. There was Jer'rahd's window, Rhede's, Bleu's, Luna's, Starfall's, Velkorn's, and Jer'rahd's? Why did he have two windows ?

Twilight studies them a moment before realizing that there were not two paths to Jer'rahd. There was a path to Jer'rahd and there was a path to the sword. And the Dragon that was holding it.

She bites her lip, not sure if this was supposed to be part of the scry or not, but it was too good a chance to pass up to try and learn the motivations and goals of the dragons and perhaps more on the gods and star metal itself.

She dives into the sword's window, not sure what she was to expect.


The blade slams down against the chunk of stone cracking the rock, but not so much as cutting a small furrow. He had seen the pony slice through star metal as if it was butter with this thing and yet in his claws it would not do so much as bludgeon things.

This weapon had to be flawed, Bice had sliced his own finger open testing the blade and yet it could not even take a chunk out of wood in his claws. The green dragon had been testing it for most of the day accompanied by the screams of panic and terror coming from the dark silo behind him. The water should be at least lapping along the ponies sides by now and the sounds had yet to cease. The griffons he had watching had reported several of the chains had snapped as the General struggled to get free, but enough still held for there not to be an issue.

The dragon glanced over the mercenaries gathered around the silo listening to the ponies screams. Many of them had lost friends or loved ones to the General's hooves and were enjoying the screaming and the punishment of the pony as much as Bice. The Demon of Dullahan was almost as well known in the dragon lands of Flame Reach and Cindervale as the pony gods Celestia and Luna were. And he was much more hated. With his actions against the dragon forces he was made infamous to the point where the dragons propaganda machine had crafted tin versions of him and the rest of the 42nd so little dragons would have a bad guy to fight.

Bice would have found all of this concern over a single pony hilarious, if his mate had not been the first dragon the General killed when she lead the charge at Dullahan. Kaisur and the little blue bitch had been made heroes due to that fight. He was not happy when word of the laughing traitors escape had reached him. He wanted them both dead, but he would have to make due with Kaisur for now.

Even if the traitor made it back to the main Equestrian army, a large contingent of draconic forces was already on its way to the pass. It should currently be between his operation and the outpost the ponies had captured. So there was little he needed to worry about her, he was just upset he would not be able to kill her himself.

Granted the laughing traitor was a strong one, perhaps keeping her in chains to be a brood mother for him when she came of age would be a better choice. Insult to injury and only granting her death when he had a proper family line.

He sighed washing that idea away, it might have been viable if she was a green, but non purebreds were always looked down upon no matter how strong. The only one to ever be considered great was the orange dragon Krisis. He became one of the most trusted generals of Forge Scale before the great ones fall. And yet even with that level of status he was still looked down upon and treated as a second class citizen.

Bice turned glancing up at the mountain of Star metal. Who would have thought such a mundane task to explore a impact crater to seek more star metal for the dragon war machine would turn out to present him the chance for more glory than a front line fighter in the army. All due to an annoying little Diamond Dog Pup.

Bice was unsure what force chose the gods to be born, not being one himself he was not even sure he was allowed to think of such things. Some how fate had delivered this pup to him, a god afraid of its own shadow and easy to control.

The rest of the dragon empire knew he found something of course. One does not hide objects falling from the sky into the same location from an entire nation for long. The mountains might hide the fact from the other races of Equestria, but Cindervale was barely a days flight from here. No, Bice did not try to hide the mountain, but he did hide how the smaller meteors were called.

It's mother listened to him out of fear and it listened to its mother. The tribe of dogs that lived out in this waste land were part of a gem mining camp. Not a very large one , but it turned out enough gems to keep it running. Until it was destroyed of course with the first manifestation of the pups power. The mother had explained that the child’s first reaction was glee, then panic and it actually tried to us its ability to push the great rock back into space.

That only seemed to have been able to slow it down though the impact destroyed much of the Diamond dog mining camp that was here and the amount of energy the little creature used burned it out. It was far weaker and frail than a pup of its age should have been, and until three days ago he had been terrified it would die costing him the one advantage that set him above other dragons.

Now Bice had everything, even if the pup died, or never managed to call down another rock of star metal. The Mountain of magic nullifying, god slaying ore he had would be enough to forge an armies worth of equipment. And if that did not set him for life, the proof of his killing of General Kaisur of Equestria and the possession of the signature weapon of said pony, would be enough to make him a legend, whether he was able to use the blade or not.

He glanced up as one of the griffons shouted that the General had broken another set of the chains. He growled lightly, yelling back at the bird to open the sluice gate and simply drown the pony before he got free of anything else. Even terrorized this damnable pony was far more trouble than he might be worth.


{Two Days Ago}

Rhede sat in the middle of what looked like a tornado's path. Books paperwork, furniture and bedding were strewn about every where, chairs were smashed, and daggers were buried in everything. The crimson pony in the middle of the room panting heavily struggling to choke back another sob.

When he had returned to his room the emotional mask he wore fell off and he simply let himself go.

He had spent the past day either trashing his bedroom and office or sobbing in a corner. He had known the moment he allowed himself any time, that he would break down like this and had done his best to make sure he was always busy.

Now that he was back in Canterlot, and Celestia had all but dismissed him from anything, he had plenty of free time. He knew the Princess had placed a pair of guards outside his room, he also knew he could get around them if he wanted too, but at the moment he had no desire to do so.

Velkorn had come by twice, once with food and once to try and talk to him. Rhede had not responded either time, simply hoping she left before seeing him in this state. He was far to used to hiding his emotions from everyone. Most ponies only saw him in a usual calm demeanor or alternating between total tail chaser and mildly angry. He did his best to remain neutral with his emotions, he knew he had slipped a few times in recent events, but the mask was always quickly restored.

He couldn't do that now he didn't want to. He couldn't hide his grief or the feeling of betrayal he felt with Celestia's reaction. So he holed up in his quarters and simply let it all out at once. He curled himself tighter on the floor trying not to think about anything, when a knock disturbed his sulking. He did not answer, as usual but the voice on the other side seemed to have expected that.

[“Rhede. It's Velkorn. I have just received a message from Princess Luna. She wishes us to join her at the front as soon as we can...................There is more..... Bleu has been hurt, and Jer'rahd is MIA.... what ever that means.”]

Rhede slowly shoves himself back up to his hooves kicking aside a table that had fallen in front of the door before opening it just a little to look out at Velkorn.

[“ It means Missing in Action Velkorn. Figures he would get in trouble without us.”]

The zebra's eyes widen at the sight of him, the disheveled hair and debris sticking out of his mane and coat. She barely caught a glimpse of the room behind him though her gaze refocused on him her expression steeling a bit.

[“Rhede are you....?”]

[“Alright? No, but I am feeling better than yesterday. So that is a start. How soon can you be ready to go?”]

[“Celestia is as well as I can make her and Baelit can handle anything else that comes up. My kit has been ready to travel since Luna and the others left. The question is how soon can you be ready to travel?”]

[“A bath and a bit of food would be nice. I suppose I should gather up my daggers as well. Most likely an hour or so. If we can get a flying chariot it shouldn’t take more than a day or two to get out there. A week on the ground of course. It all depends on if we can find some pony to fly us out there.”]

One of the Guards coughs looking over at the open door before speaking.

[“ Our orders are to not let you leave, sir.”]

Rhede raises an eyebrow.

{“You speak zebra?”]

[“Yes sir, Princesses orders that one pony guarding your room needed to. We are supposed to prevent you from leaving.”]

[“ You realize there are not enough Guards in this palace at the moment to stop me in the mood I am in?”]

[“Quite aware of that sir, however if you do plan to leave could you at least find another way out, I would rather not explain to the Princess that you just walked past us.”]


{Two Days Ago}

Luna looks out at the battle field, the dragons were clearly getting desperate. There were barely any other race present in this force, it was all dragons. Every single one of them bristling with star metal weapons and armor. The aura this much of the metal in one place gave off set her on edge. She could feel it pulling the very magic from the air around them. Bleu lay next to her on the out cropping , heavily bandaged and stuck in her pony sized form until she healed further. The dragon watched with just as much interest in the approaching army as Luna did.

“Have you any suggestions Bleu?”

“Aside from kill them all? No.”

The Princess turned her gaze to the angry looking blue dragon.

“These are members of your race and you are more blood thirsty than I have ever seen you before in the desire for their death.”

“These things, are not my race Princess. The only other dragons I ever considered to be my race were the ones from Celestia's school. And these bastards killed them. Your sister has a nice dream, but unless every bucking dragon egg gets raised by a pony they are gonna continue to think they are better than every one else just cause their dragons. If they were better than any one else, why would they be having so much trouble beating us.”

Luna smirks softly as Bleu lays her head on an uninjured foreleg with a slight wince at the movement.

“I suppose Jer'rahd's knack for strategy did not rub off on you as much as I had hoped.”

“Pffft, I don't need anything to rub off on me, I already figured this out. Starfalls already figured it out too.”


“Every one of these things is armed and armored to the teeth? What kinda dragon wears armor? These guys prolly don't know how to fight so encumbered I mean I am sure they had training to wear it but no combat experience. Yeah we can't use magic or the spell cannons on them, but the pegasus can fly rings around them and gut them before they can move fast enough to react. And the ones on the ground are even easier targets. Spell cannons don't need to do more than target near them, the explosion of earth and rock will tear the crap out of that armor from just the impact alone. The few that you see that don't have armor are the spell casters. Take them out first and then its just clean up. This lot is only dangerous if they get close enough or if we were all spell casters. Extra armor doesn’t mean much to earth ponies used to fighting opponents with it or to General Shower's.... eerrr Starfall's dragon slayer crews. “

Luna's eyes widen listening to Bleu, watching a grin widen on the dragons injured muzzle.

“The moment they attack is the moment they fall, and then we can go after Boss.”

“Indeed. I would rather do that sooner than later he has been there for little over a day. There is no telling what is going on. I have another concern as well.”

“And whats that Princess?”

“This cannot be all of the dragon army. This force is quite well armed and rather large , but they attacked Canterlot with a bigger group than this. Most of all that we have been attacked with have been small forces of dragons and mercenaries. There are no mercs in this situation. They are all dragons down there. Where is the main force?”

“Prolly flying over the mountains further down to come up behind us. Sounds like a good plan. We can only get so many in this pass, the camp on the other side is largely unprotected.”

“I believe that to be the case as well Bleu. With luck Starfall's Patrol will say for certain.”

“We need boss back. He's much better at this strategy stuff.”

“I am not unskilled myself in strategy Bleu, but yes I too would like Jer'rahd back.”


{Two Days Ago}

[“What do you mean you're leaving Auntie? The Princess has not fully recovered yet.”]

Velkorn tugs another strap tight around her waist securing the saddle bags to her form before beginning to fill them with bandages and herb mixtures. Baelit had not taken her decision well and had been following her around trying to convince her to not get any closer to the war than she was already.

[“Celestia is well enough Baelit. You simply need to make sure she does not strain herself, this includes refusing any of her offers and attempts to seduce you. When her magic fully begins to come back she will be out of the woods, but until that point the Windigo's powder will continue leeching magic to heal her wounds. She has some of it back now, but it is a far cry from what she should have.”]

She slips her books and writing tools into the bags as well, tightening them closed as Baelit paces.

[“So you are going to help, Princess Luna despite what, Princess Celestia thinks of the matter?”]

[“Luna is the Princess I follow Baelit. I am one of her Generals and she is my friend. Besides some one needs to be able to watch over her and make sure she comes back so Celestia can yell at her.”]

Baelit snorts though moves out of her way as she gathers some more supplies from the desk he was in front of.

[“Are you sure you are not just chasing Pelt still? A desperate mare still chasing a former love for another round with him?”]

Velkorn pauses looking back at her nephew, that was a great deal more venom from him that she expected directed towards Rhede. Perhaps he thought that the earth pony was still leading her on, or perhaps he was taking stock fully in what Celestia had said. In either case he was clearly trying to get a rise out of her and get her to not go. It would not work.

[“In case you have not noticed nephew despite your seeming path of imitating him, Rhede has a bad habit of leaving children behind him where ever he goes. As I have yet to be with any sort of foal, suffice to say it is clear he has not had me once, let alone avoiding a second round. I am going because it is my task to do so as Luna's General and as her friend, the same as Rhede is. “

She closed and tightened another bag glancing at the position of the sun outside the window of her store room. Baelit still seemed aggravated at her choice and her words. Though Velkorn was not quite done yet.

“Now I will say however if I come back and the Princess is surrounded by little striped alicorn foals I will assuredly have you gelded then bronze those parts so I can beat you with them. I am not so blinded by my own infatuation that I miss yours in regards to my patient.”]

Baelit's eyes widen and he takes as step back as Velkorn smiles sweetly towards him.

[“Do not assume you know everything about Rhede or me, nephew. Rhede is not the only one who has killed in order to protect others. How I feel about him is none of your concern either. Keep watch on the Princess and do not do anything foalish while I am away and everything will be fine. This is not the first time I have ventured into a war zone.... and I am sure it will not be the last.”]

{One Day Ago}

The whole area was a no fly zone now, the dragons had brought their own spell cannons and catapults and any time a Pegasus came any where near the base of the mountain in the air the sky was filled with rocks and spell blasts.

Starfall and a few others were quite content to fly over the army bellow using clouds for cover, or some times simply floating the clouds over the dragon forces to keep them panicked or waste ammunition.

The last order the Princess had given her, sent the Pegasus and her elite team on another scouting mission. The small unit of pegasus had taken to calling themselves the shadow bolts and they could add to Starfall's own Sonic Rain Boom by staying in her shadow thus creating a larger effect.

Luna had been correct a large force of mercenaries and dragons were moving along the edge of the mountains from both the north and the south, slowly working towards the encampment the ponies had set up on the other side of the pass. It was a simple tactic,just a pincer movement that would either force the army through the pass unprepared or simply wipe them out with numbers.

Equestria had very skilled and focused warriors but with the mercenaries the dragons outnumbered them in their homeland. The magic of the Princess, the spell teams and the tech from Celestia's students should have balanced that out. But with the star metal being every where those options were limited. Morale had hit a rather excessive low as well with Jer'rahd's capture. He had a percent for ripping victory out of anything that was presented to him and the troops reveled in that.

They revered Luna, but they worshiped him. She doubted Jer'rahd had any idea he was regarded that highly among the soldiers under his command. He would also be annoyed by it, which only raised him higher in many of their eyes.

The slower moving forces circling would be in a position to attack in two or three days. She hoped Luna had a plan for this before then.

Starfall sighed landing lightly on a cloud over the pass and looks off into the distance in the direction of the crater. Bleu was nearly panicked and Luna was clearly worried. Starfall was worried as well, but for the moment there was nothing they could do. She had a job to do and could not let this bother her, Jer'rahd had been in worse situations.


The screaming had ceased and died down to panicked panting and gasping for air. The pony had broken enough chains to keep his head above the water for nearly two hours now. Even Bice was in awe of this unicorns endurance, the horned ponies were supposed to be the weak ones of the race.

It really did not matter the water was still filling in and there were still enough chains to keep him from reaching the surface once the water rose just a bit more. The whole city seemed silent around this tower, after all the trouble this one had caused in just three days they all had been listening for the last few hours to the panicked screams and now the final gasps for air and whimpering coming from inside the silo.

Eventually silence was all that was heard and one of the griffons stepped out onto the catwalk waving a taloned hand, a smirk on its beaked face. That smirk vanished as shouting came from the other griffons in the tower, the one who ducked outside to wave that the pony had finally gone under stepped back inside. He was blown back out of the doorway a moment later as screams briefly filled the air from inside the silo, white smoke pouring out of the door and through cracks in the roof.

The birds body landed at the base of the tower with a meaty thunk. It smelled strongly of roast chicken. He looked down at the corpse, eyes widening at the cooked griffon. Its flesh was flash seared, most of the fur and feathers melted off and its eyes ruptured from the blast of heat. That was not smoke. That was steam.

The tower shook suddenly as if something smashed against the inside of it, dust fell from the outside as the walls started to develop hairline cracks. Another impact in the wall knocked loose the outer scaffolding and tile from the roof.

Bice stepped back still clutching The Waning Moon, looking up as the impacts started sounding faster, Masonry and dust falling from the stone tower. Cracks began forming showing up deeper in the silo's side. The sudden noise had put all those around the silo and much of the rest of the camp on high alert.

A section of the silo finally crumbled from the impacts, A burst of stone rubble and steam rushing from the hole hid it from view for a few moments Though his guards rushed to surround the area with the hole expecting anything. As the steam cleared a pony sized hole was clearly punched in the side of the silo, a small trickle of steam still leaked from the hole though there was no other side of movement. The hole remained empty, but the fading rays of the sun did not seem to pass very far into the hole.

Bice was not sure how long every one stood there bu he was the first to move towards the hole. This had to be some last spell of the Unicorns a large enough fireball or series of them when he died. A contingency to try and take out whatever had ended his life. Bice snorts a gout of green mist escaping his muzzle. That would fit the profile of this damnable pony, vengeful to the very end.

He rises to his full height a towering green dragon that rivaled even Onyx Scale for sheer size. He had always been proud of how large he became later in life, it was one of the reasons his mate had been infatuated with him, and why those he hired were so intimidated by him. Bice clamors up to the base of the silo his claw still gripping tight to the General's blade as he cranes his head up looking into the hole.

The green dragon peered into the darkness before him trying to see past this strange wall of shadow just on the other side of the hole. A split suddenly formed in the black shadow, the darkness parting as if cut along a line. As the shadow parts it reveals a milky white surface that seemed to be filled with smoke or some kind of cloudy liquid. Bice blinked in response some what unnerved though before he could do anything else a red ring around a mass of black slides through the white and stops in fully in this view.

It took the green dragon a moment to realize he was staring into a red eye. One that was larger than he was and slowly starting to glow.

Bice screams,dropping the blade and taking to the air as fast as he could, leaving the troops and the eye behind as he fled. The gathered force looked at their leader fleeing, then at the silo at a loss as what to do.

Then the structure screamed as the metal bracing bent and stone work shattered releasing a dark shape that could not have possibly fit inside the silo.


Twilight pulled back into the space between worlds and swallowed hard. Something had happened in there and she was torn between her curiosity, and the terror she had felt the dragon experience. It was not a natural fear it was something primal that even she had felt.

Curiosity won out, even if she needed to suffer through the fear Jer'rahd was going though to find out she wanted to know how that thing got in there. She alters the scrying a little to go back to before the griffon stepped out on the catwalk. Although this time she dove into the window of Jer'rahd's sword shard.


Darkness, water, fear, and the laughter of a sea goddess still lingering in his ears. He did not feel the chains, he felt tendrils of seaweed and finds holding him down. He did not feel his body screaming at him as his struggles, opening wounds and turning the water around him red. He felt the spears and claws of hidden sea creatures clawing at him devouring his flesh as he still struggled to live. He smelled his blood on the water and that simply added to the fear and panic. He did not feel the strain for air or the screaming from his body as he put it though more torturous exercises. All he knew was that he needed to get away from this and out of the water.

“This guy is pathetic, do you know that?”

“True, but this is the one that the other wanted, he was the only one present that we could touch aside from the other.”

His head dunks under the surface as the chain pulls taught about his neck. His legs kick furiously, his hooves already spit and cracked from their constant contact with stone and steel. His hooves were broken and bleeding where he had slammed them against his bindings in a effort to get free until the water rose high enough that he had to swim. He thrashed and yanked against the bindings still holding him down, every muscle straining to get away from the water filled darkness.

“Look at him though, will this even be useful to her?”

“All of these creatures have a weakness, The mixed one had its heartbreak, the strong one had hate, that one had her jealousy, this one has fear. But that is not even his weakness, this is a fake fear brought on by suffering.”

Another chain snapped and he scrambled up, his broken hooves no longer touching the stone as he paddled trying to keep his head above water, eyes little more than pinpricks in the terror and madness that was gripping him. Jer'rahd's heart pounded, threatening to explode as he continued his efforts to get free.

“If it is not fear what is this ones weakness then? All I taste is the terror it fills him.”

“His weakness is the same as his strength, the same as the element he bears. A loyalty that is almost zealous, a devotion to a small collection of souls. That one in particular. She will easily use him, just as the one before her used the strong one. And he will follow her until the end of days.”

His body finally gave out. Three days of torturous struggle and conflict, hours of fighting panic and the water rising sudden catching up with him as his body failed him. Blood loss, wounds, and the strain he had placed himself in was too much, and it was past time for it to give out. All his muscled seized, cramping hard stilling his paddling and submerging him again. He fought past it for a last gulp of air before the weight of the chains still about him drug him back down to the stone floor. His body not responding to his commands any more.

“ Damn, that was pathetic.”

“He lasted this long, that is exceptional for a normal pony.”

“He ain't normal.”
“We had best act quickly then, he is no use to any one dead.”

Jer'rhad finally took notice of the voices. The panic slipped from his mind as he sunk further. The assurance that he was once again bound for the after life calmed that fear enough to hear the talking.

“Hey colt, wanna kill everything and rip the throats out of all that rise against you?”

“That will not work idiot.”

“Then you do better you moth eaten piece of crap.”

The unicorn blinks rather having hoped he would see his grandfather again instead of some argumentative faceless voices.

“I have a proposition for you Jer'rahd Kaisur. Do you know what shall happen when you expire? Your friends will mourn and then with out your aid they will fall. The dragons shall move on and sweep over Equestria killing any that rise against them. The survivors of Canterlot, the inhabitants of Pony-ville and Manehatten, the Pelts. All of them will die.”

“Oh yeah, depression, cause that always works.”

Jer'rahd's back hits the stone floor his body limp, a cloud of his own blood clouding the water above him blurring the single pin prick of light far above him on the catwalk and even that started to go black.

“Even if you live there is a good chance that they will all still die. However there is a way. We can give you the power you need to protect all that you love, all that you care about. The power to destroy any who threaten what you hold dear. And all that we ask is your loyalty, not to us, but directed towards one you already serve. Our proper avatar in this world. The one you know as Nightmare Moon.”

The darkness approached closer his lungs burning as they filled with water.

“You can die here or continue to serve as you have been,only better. With our aid you can show those who seek your death that there is no barrier you cannot over come when protecting what you love. What is your choice Kaisur?”

“Better chose quick, that meat sack of yours won't hold up much longer.”

Jer'rahd closes his eyes, the image of his friends, and his life flashing past them stopping on the Princess of the Night. It was one of the few times Luna had genuinely smiled. He focused on that not able to bring much more than the twitch of a smirk to his face.

“He has chosen.”

“Bout damn time.”

The catwalk above the water filled silo was silent as one of the griffons stepped outside to let the dragon know the pony had gone under finally.

“ HA five hours almost on the beak. That's fifty coins yah owe me Pinion.”
“Damn it . Stupid pony why couldn't you have lasted another hour!?”

The other griffon laughed as the grumbling tan feathered Pinion glares down at the water fumbling for his coin pouch to pay. He paused a moment leaning over the railing.

“Hey Goshawk you see that?”

“Yah ain't getting out of paying me Pinion just cough up the money.... ehhh?”

The reddish brown griffon who won the bet leans over the catwalks railing peering down into the water filled silo.

“What is that?”

A pair of glinting red lights near the bottom. The water around the lights suddenly started to bubble and the griffons both cried out in alarm. The both dove for the door just as the third griffon came back in to see what they yelled about. Neither of them made it as all the water in the silo below them suddenly flash evaporated into steam as the spell rocked the body of the pony below.


Luna screams out, leaping from her bed, wings and legs tangling with the covers as she fights against them, her magic ripping apart the few items in the room and carving gouges out of the walls before she managed to ascertain this was the waking world.

Jer'rahd was alive.... but....

Those thoughts had barely formed in her mind before Bleu ripped apart the canvas that served as a door for the small quarters that Luna had taken. The Blue dragon had changed to her largest size and ripped off nearly all of her bandages. Most of her wounds had reopened from the effort as well, as she burst in ready to kill anything even remotely threatening to the Princess.

Luna allowed her to play body guard, even in her state, at the very least to get her mind off of Jer'rahd. The dragonling still blamed herself for leaving him behind, despite what he order Bleu to do. The Princess had no doubt that if Bleu found out he had been killed she would charge into the enemy herself, seeking her own death at the expense of as ,many dragons as she could take down with her.

Of course if that dream was true, there would be bigger problems than a suicidal dragon.

“Luna what is it? Whats wrong?”

The dragonling whipped her head about trying to figure out what had happened in the room. They had placed Luna's quarters in a out of the way smaller cave that was no where near any of the major targets that might be hit, or any of the former officer's quarters the dragons had here. Even so, several of the officers had thought there was a chance of a diamond dog tunneling into her room and as such Bleu posted herself on guard. It took Luna a few moments to compose herself and settle her thoughts from the dream before she could answer her General

“ Bleu. Get me Starfall,..... no... Get yourself to a medic and send some one else to get Starfall.”

“I am already here Princess. Something has come up.”

“There is something going on at the crater isn't there?”

Starfall blinks her ears flattening.

“That would make sense in light of the events unfolding in the dragon camp, yes.”

Luna rips free of the remains of her covers cursing softly and trying to regain some sort of dignity. Thankfully her Generals were in little mood for finding her predicament funny. Though she might expect a remark from Bleu at a later time.

“What is going on then Starfall?”

“At least half of the force blocking us has started to move. Spotters reported a green dragon landing in the camp about ten minutes ago in a clear state of panic. Near as we can tell he was brought to who ever is in charge in the camp. It was not long after that he took to the air again headed in the direction of Cindervale. It did not seem to be a messenger, The dragons mostly use the mixed colors for those. Since that time a rather large group has split off and started making its way towards the crater. The spotters report that the one in charge seems to be leading the march to the crater. So what ever it is, its big.”

“Do you think maybe.... Boss?”

Luna sighs everything was pointing towards that very answer.


The soldiers and mercenaries at the ruins of the tower quaked in their armor. Griffons, Diamond dogs, the occasional dragon, orcs and Rams stood around the building where they came to see the General die.

The thing that had come out of the tower should not have been able to fit inside of it. It was easily five stories tall, judging by how it stood over what remained of the silo. At first it seemed a large dragon but as the steam and dust cleared the idea that it was a dragon was quickly dispelled. It was longer than the largest Tank they had in the city from the tip of its wide muzzle to the barbs on the end of its massive spined tail. Like the Tanks, a large carapace covered its back with jagged spikes protruding from it at random intervals. Its legs were very much like those of a dragons though thicker ,more muscular, and tipped with wicked claws that were as long as a griffon. More spiked barbs ran along its joints, throat and underside. A large pair horns rose from the top of its head , curving sharply forward and resting just over the creatures eyes. It hung its head low, nose almost touching the ground the reptilian nostrils flaring and kicking up dust with every breath on the ground before it. The creatures skin seemed to writhe and twist like it was composed of shadows that barely stayed together to hold a solid form. The colors of it shifted between a midnight blue, dark gray, a deep shade of purple and black. It all seemed to blend together and slowly shift along the creatures skin so that no part of it seemed to stay the same coloration long.

As the dust settled from the destroyed tower the beast did not so much as move, steam still rising off of its form. The moment of panic seemed to ease as the creature did nothing for some time. Most of the troops began backing away , or setting up a defensive circle around the creature. Over half the cities guard was already present for the execution of the Demon of Dullahan, so they did not have far to go.

A small group of Diamond dogs placed themselves in front of it. All of them sporting the new armor made of star metal, ready to deal with what ever this thing was. Their advance froze as a red light washed over them reflecting off their shiny armor. Looking up at the beast they saw its eyes were open and casting the red light, though it had yet to move. The group remained frozen trapped in the gaze of the creature, the beast seemed to disregard them rising up on its back legs. Tendons popped and bones cracked as the creature stretched rising up to nearly twice its crouched height before dropping back down to all fours its attention returning to the armored Diamond dogs.

Then they were gone, the creature barely seemed to move and only some of the quicker eyed individuals even registered the motion. The impacts rumble was felt a moment later, the beasts fore claw was impacted against the ground where the armored dogs had stood. The unit was little more than a fine red mist and a gooey slurry between the creatures fingers.

. It lifts the clawed hand, soaked in the blood and gore of those it just killed, a long black tongue slipping from its fanged maw dragging raspily over the palm. The tongue slide back into the mouth with a loud slurping noise after the hand was cleaned. The creatures jaws closed and it grinned,its face nearly splitting open all the way up to the base of each horn. Impossibly white teeth gleamed in the red light of the setting sun.

As it moved again, the city screamed.


princess Luna practically had to drag Bleu to the medic who forced the dragon to take her tiny sized form again before bandaging her up citing the need to conserve what they had and not waste it on a reckless dragon.

The three of them were considering the options when a series of cries from outside drew their attention. They darted out of the medical tent Bleu clinging to Starfall's back to see most of the camp rushing towards the north eastern side of the pass. He alicorn and the pegasus take to the air flying up to the top most point of the mountain the base was built into. Most of the troops were gathered below pointing into the distance. The three of them followed the gestures looking off into the distance.

The orange glow of the sun was barely visible any more and Luna had yet to raise the moon for the night. For the moment everything was unnaturally dark. Which possibly was the reason so many had noticed what was happening.

Far in the distance in the direction of the crater, the sky rained fire.


“Buck it, can't you go any faster?”

“General Pelt sir. If you would like to get out and push feel free, other wise shut up so I can do my job.... sir.”

Rhede grumbles loudly sinking down into the wagon again. Two Guard Pegasi pulled the sky chariot through the air. Another twelve Guard ponies teamed up to pull six other wagons loaded with supplies and troops, all of them headed to reenforce Princess Luna's position. A squadron of pegasi flew Guard duty and two of the carts had a spell cannon mounted ready to be fired.

Velkorn moved to sit next to Rhede, her head down with her cloak's hood hiding her face from view.

[“So are you going to calm down and talk? Or shall you remain pent up and full of stress?”]

Rhede sinks lower into his seat, sulking still. He could have snapped back at the Pegasus pulling the cart, but the stallion had been pulling it nearly non stop for the last two days with only short rest periods for food and small naps. Velkorn had provided a herb mixture to aid any who wished. All the Guards complained it tasted like crap ,but the effects of it were quite easy to see, as none of the ones who had taken it seemed to slow or falter at all. Acting after one draught as if they had a full nights rest and were fresh to pull again.

The mixture was one she had found in the books she brought back from the Windigo lands. She and Baelit had spent a great deal of time translating them. Occasionally with Princess Celestia's aid when she was bored enough for paper work. So far Velkorn had used the mixture sparingly, despite the Guard's insistence that they did not need to rest if she had something like that and could fly there straight. Velkorn claimed it would not be good to use in excess and only doled out a measured portion when she felt it was needed.

[ “No, I am not really ready to talk about it.”]

[“ I am sure it would make the time go by faster Rhede. Then you would not be so prone to bother the Guards every few minutes”]

Rhede looked at the hooded zebra having the uneasy feeling she was smiling under that cloak.

[“You're going to be very insistent on this it seems. Pestering me until I give in?”]

[“I did learn that skill from the third most annoying pony I know.”]

[“Right. Wait I got knocked down to third?”]

[“ Celestia knocked Jer'rahd from first place. So then Rhede are you going to tell me?”]

The scarlet colored pony sighs shifting uncomfortably.

[“There is not much else to say that I have not already shouted at Celestia. I am dissatisfied with the way she is doing things. None of this should be happening, we could have done this after the first dragon war and been done with them completely. But she only fights when there's no other choice. I have seen her in a fit of rage before, she has a fiery anger that rivals that of the sun she controls, but she will not use it. She could have ended this war herself after she and Luna sealed Forgescale ,but she chose again to simply strive for peace. And now this.”]

[“You have always supported her, why have your views changed so suddenly. Your families loss?”]

Rhede's head dips a bit further and he closes his eyes, ears flattening to his skull. Velkorn was not sure she liked the depressed Rhede.

[“Yeah, others have lost just as much if not more, but I can only think of what my family lost. If Celestia had done something back then ,my father would still be alive. Buck even Jer's dad might still be around. He died in a skirmish with the griffons a long while back when we were colts. But that war only came about because the griffons thought we were weak after the dragon war.. Still seems forever ago. I think I finally realize that all of the ponies who died, didn't have to, it could have all been prevented. Every other nation thinks Equestria little more than some weak willed race with no desire to fight, who follows a ruler who just turns the other cheek when some one bloodies her. “]

[“ I am sure she has her reasons for what she does.....So you think she is no longer fit to lead then?”]

[“If peace really worked like she seems to think it does Paw, and my other siblings would not be dead. I think Luna's way has a better chance of keeping those who are left alive safe. Kill every threat before it gets a chance to be more than a threat.”]

[“ Have you not considered everything happens for a reason. The actions you have taken and the thoughts you now have are shaped by that tragedy. What you do from this point on will be guided by those thoughts. That has been what has been shaping Jer'rahd most of his life. One tragic event after another. It is why he presses on so hard.”]

Rhede chuckles humorlessly.

[“No, not quite right.”]


[“Jer doesn't do what he does because pain drives him. He does what he does to prevent that pain from being experienced by any one else. He is as close to all of us as he is because of that. He knows all of us have had that same pain at some point in their lives. Bleu's Partner Platinum, your brother, Starfall's husband, Luna's love. Everyone has lost some pony important to them. And he realizes that we will do all we can to prevent any one else from feeling that pain to the best of our abilities.”]

[“ That would seem a sound idea save that your loss has only just happened.”]

[“This is not the first family I have lost Velkorn. Just the most at one time. The Pelts are a big family, but a close one. Barely a year goes by without a member of it dieing. Be it out of accident, age, or war. And every death is a blow to every one in the family. But by the same token, every birth is a celebration. Its something that paw and my grand da told me. It was the whole driving force behind why they did what they could to have as big a family as possible, legitimate or not. Every foal a blessing, another soul that added to the families warmth when deaths cold touch takes one of us.”]

Velkorn lifts her head looking at the earth pony slumped in the corner of the wagon.

[“Your promiscuous nature has been to give that joy to your family? Why then are you so against Maw Pelt finding any of the foals you have sired?“]

[“I tried that when I first started sowing my wild oats. Maw wanted me to marry every one of them even the ones that wanted nothing more to do with me. So over time I stopped telling her.”]

[“Dare I ask how many foals you actually have out there in the world?”]

[“Do you really want to know that question? I tend to give generously to any mare willing.......”]

“GENERAL, SIR. I think you might want to take a look at this.”

Velkorn sighs, seeing a small hint of the old Rhede start to emerge in their conversation. The pair of them rose looking towards the distant mountains where the pegasus pointed.

Past the mountain range where they were headed the dark sky was lit up by streaks of fire falling from the sky as if the stars themselves were being ripped out of the night sky to crash flaming to earth.

“What the buck is going on over there?!”


The beast stalked through the city, hunting. Its paused every so often sniffing the air before ripping apart a building to attack the occupants huddled inside. It was making a meandering line towards the mountain in the craters center. The city behind it was ablaze It had singled out and destroyed every black smith shop that was in the path, the shattered forges quickly igniting the collapsed buildings around them.

The draconic forces quickly massed and brought all three of the remaining Tanks to bear on the monster. Even trained as they were the creatures fought and struggled against their handlers attempting to run away from the monster rampaging in the city. Eventually one of the Tanks charged at the monster, ripping a path through the buildings as well as it rushed the shadowy form. The giant turtle managed one snap at the monster, the huge creature side stepped griping the Tank by the side of its shell and flipped the massive terrapin onto its back. The shadow monster wasted no time grabbing the protective shell on the under side of the flailing tank ripping it free with no visible effort. The massive turtle gurgled its last bloodied breath as the monster tore into the exposed soft flesh of the turtle devouring from its own shell like a bowl of chunky turtle soup.

It did not eat more than a few large bites before it lifted its head to the other two Tanks. It flung the remains of the first meal aside and charged at the others. The tanks and handlers both panicked and started to flee smashing through what ever was in their way in an effort to escape.

The creature pounced on the closest, claws tearing at the creatures shell, ripping apart the Diamond dog handler and knocking chunks out of its protective carapace, before the Tanks thrashing knocked it off. The dark creature landed hard enough to shake the ground, but recovered quickly pouncing on the Tank once again. It's claws tearing at the exposed head gripping it and pulling as hard as it could, the Tanks head ripped free of its neck with a sickening pop of snapping spine and tearing flesh.

It sat on the shell, gnawing on the skull of the Tank before lifting its head to roar. The sound echoing across the crater. The cry sounded like a siren mixed in with whistle of a train and the death wails of a score of accident victims merged with the howling of a timber wolf accompanied by baying hounds on a trail.

The sound was enough to incite panic in those still in the city, and cause some to flee from the nearby buildings in order to run. The creature made short work of those in easy reach, though it did not bother to chase the others as it advances on the mountain.


Hooves thundered down the mountain side out of the pass, the air filling with armored pegasus. Cannons roared from the pass, the shots crashing randomly into the dragon forces that remained before them.

Princess Luna and Starfall had seen the distraction caused by the falling stars, as a chance to strike and they took it. Luna sent out every earth pony and pegasus she could, leaving the spell casting unicorns to prepare everything to move and fire the cannons. Their abilities would be next to useless against the armored dragon and they all needed to be prepared to press forward as soon as they took care of this force.

The camp on the far side of the mountain was was gathered up and carried through the pass by the unicorns as the battle was met. Some complained of the work load that was usually left for earth ponies , but they all did what was needed. Princess Luna set a few of them to rig the pass to collapse on itself once they were out of it. This would stall the dragon ground forces on the other side as well as give pause to any who thought of running away at this point.

The crash of steel against steel as the two forces collided resounded through the valley echoing off the tall mountains. Luna and Bleu stood on a cliff near the outpost, looking down at the forces below them. Both of them were practically chomping at the bit to go down there and join in. Starfall had stayed behind for just that reason, to make sure that the pair of them did not join in. Bleu was too injured and Luna would be a liability down there.

“So what woke you up Luna? Never did say why you were freaking out when I busted into the cave.”

“A reason to make haste towards that crater. Something is going on there that may be more problematic than anything the dragons can come up with.”

“I would expect so Princess. It does not normally rain fire.”

“It may become normal Starfall, depending on what has happened with General Kaisur, it may do more than simply rain fire.”

Bleu looked up at the Princess a bit confused. The ponies below were pushing the dragon forces back hammering into them like a wave of armored flesh. A group of pegasus fold their wings, shift all their weight to their spears, and drop from the sky impaling a large dragon and pinning him to the ground to be finished off.

“I can't tell if that was scary or sorta romantic.”

Luna blinks looking down at the dragonling confused.


Bleu scrunches her face up and does a rather bad imitation of the Princess.

“If something happens to Jer'rahd it may do more than rain fire. Wow you are all pissed off and ready to break some heads if something happened, like hes already your stallion.... I am starting to wonder did something happen on that little trip you two took together, hmmmmm?!?!?”

Bleu cranes her head up, a wide grin on her muzzle, her face inches from Luna's. The Princess turned to seek help from Starfall in regards to Bleu, though the pegasus had the same half grin on her face looking up at The Princess just as curious as Bleu was.

Luna stuttered fighting for the words, her face flushing magenta as she steps back from between the two.

“ Is .. is this really the time to talk about this sort of thing?... I mean, No. No, nothing happened.... “

Luna sighs the blush fading and her ears flattening against her head.

“It is not that I will be doing anything to avenge him when we get there.”

“Oh and whys that Princess?”

“Because Bleu, depending on what has transpired. We may need to kill him.”


The mountain shook, rocks tumbling down and bouncing of the shadowy hide of the creature as it rammed into the base of the towering stone. Its horned head crashing into the rock splintering the star metal, and sending great gout’s of stone flying. It smelled something inside. Something it wanted badly. A little godling that it was driven to destroy along with this rock.

It didn't care why or how, but it knew that was what drove it, and when that task was complete it would be free. The other was not close enough to force it to do anything and only this mission was left before it. Nothing short of death or a command could stop it and it savored being allowed to wreck chaos and death this long.

Its head broke through the rock wall, burying itself all the way to its massive shoulders. It shook its head looking around the massive chamber. Almost a throne room with its size and gaudy displays of dragons in various acts that the species considered heroic.

No, not a throne room. A church, a church to the dragon gods. The beast recognized Forge Scale's visage on several Tapestries, as well as Onyx Wing, Silver Claw, and several other dragons of various hues.

It took in all of this in barely a breath, before its focus locked on the two forms huddled against the back wall behind an altar. A female Diamond dog, and a little pup who had started crying at the sight of the monster bursting into the church and blocking the only exit.

It regarded them a moment and grinned, rows of teeth in its maw seemed almost infinite as the smile slide back separating the broad head in half. Suddenly it lunged at them mouth opening wide. The female shoved the pup out of the way as the monstrous head crashed into the spot where they were snapping closed quickly over the dog and alter with enough force to shower the pup with rock dust and the gore of its mother.

The small brown diamond dogs eyes widen at the sight a piece of its mothers arm falling along the rubble next to it as he creature yanked its head back.

The pup looked down at the segment of arm that was all that remained of its mother, tears flowing freely before it roared out a pitiful scream of rage and hate, glaring up at the beast.

The monster was amused at this little display of defiance. That amusement faded to curiosity as the tiny Diamond Dog raised both its paws to the temples ceiling its hands and body starting to glow red. The pup closes its fists as if grabbing something and yanking down quickly its hand reaching back up again into the air as if grabbing something else. It sped up grabbing and pulling nothing from the air above it, the small canines gaze locked on the massive head of the beast.

The monsters eyes narrowed at the magic and the strange fluctuations of power going along with it. The pup was already bleeding from its nose, and its eyes were turning red as its tears also turned to blood. It had yet to stop screaming in its rage as its own power started to consume it..

The monster growls ready to finish it off when it sensed something. Ripping its horned head free of the temple wall, it shook off the debris and turned its gaze skyward.

The sky it self was burning, and falling towards it.


It had not taken long. With half the force gone, the fire from the sky, and the rush of ponies, what dragons were not killed in the initial assault were fleeing now. Shedding armor and weapons in an effort to run away faster. This gave Princess Luna and the unicorns a few good chances for parting shots to reduce the numbers further.

The Goddess of War wasted no time ordering the troops to march on, only allowing them enough time to gather the fallen into wagons to be brought along, before making the entire army move double time towards the crater. She flew ahead along with the entirety of the pegasus unit. Starfall flew next to her with Bleu clinging to the pegasus's back.

The fire had stopped falling from the sky, the earth ceasing its rumble from the impact of the falling stars. Bleu had sworn she saw something glowing green in the dust cloud as the rocks ceased their falling, though that faded quickly. The small dragon was still hoping Jer'rahd was alive. Luna was torn between the fear he was dead, and the worry that he was not.

The Princess thought of the pair of books in her saddlebag and what they claimed. Any one who was touched by the magic of the ceremony could gain their gifts, if they heard the voices and accepted the offer.

Luna had been there herself, she heard them, and she accepted the whispers. They gave her the power she had wanted. They asked only she continue her war. That was a easy thing to agree to as that was what she desired most any way.

If the night mare was real however then Jer'rahd may have accepted the same offer. Despite his loyalty and abilities, he was just a pony, not a god. He had not even prepared for the ceremony as she did. There was no telling what might have been done to him, or if he was even Jer'rahd any more.

They caught up with the force of dragons that split from the group they just destroyed at the craters edge. All of them were gathered looking out at the dust covered remains in the crater. There was no mountain, there was no city, hundreds of smaller craters and fires filled the larger hole in the earth making the scene look like a surreal alien planet. Multicolored flames from burning rocks and huge crystalline boulders dotted the smoke filled hole. Pools of melting rock flowed casting a menacing orange light over the entire scene.

Starfall and her company bank and dive towards the dragon troops on the ground sending them scattering further along the edge seeking to regroup. The ponies rushed against the small force blades meeting and blood beginning to flow again.

A nearly indescribably roar filled the air freezing both forces in their tracks. All eyes turned to the crater's edge as a massive clawed hand made of shadow rose from the smoke filled pit and slammed into the ground on the craters edge. Black claws dig into the rock, the shadowy scales of the arm tensing as the muscles flexed ,and another claw slams into the rock next to it digging in.

The ponies and dragons backed away from each other and the edge as the dark form hauled itself up onto the lip of the crater. Smoke pouring off its cracked and chared form. It looked as it it had been burned alive and did not have the good fortune to lay down and properly die. The crackle of burnt of flesh was heard as the beast opened its eyes, the red gaze falling on the dragons, before swinging to the ponies and then locking solely on the Princess of the Night.

“Luna what the buck is that thing?!?”

“That is why we came here Bleu. Though what to do with it will depend on it.”

“Looks like it's half dead.”

The creature moves away from the ledge taking a step towards Luna a low growl in its throat as it regarded her. The Princess seemed unphased looking up at it and uttering one word in the Royal Canterlot voice.


The beast snorts a great torrent of smoke and blood from its nostrils. It closes its eyes again,its whole body seeming to solidify in place like a stone gargoyle, the skin around its horns starting to flake off and turn to black ash. The first few flecks seemed to start a chain reaction as the rest of the creature starts to dissolve, its flesh turning to black dust that vanished in the shadows after leaving the main body.

The legs disintegrate and the massive thing falls forward, the shadowy torso strikes the ground and explodes in a shower of dust and ash that filled the air removing all visibility with the tsunami of ash.
Two small lights appear in the middle of this dust storm, a bright red one and a dimmer green one.

The ash eventually fades out of existence leaving a gray coated unicorn with a dirty blond mane and tail in the center of the dissipating mass. His body was covered with scars, all of them healed over with the scar tissue a odd dark gray, giving him the look of a mismatched zebra. A steel chain with a bit of metal attached dangled from his neck. His Cutie mark was a silver shield with a black knights chess piece in the center, although the piece itself now sported a pair of curved horns on its head.


The dragons roared at seeing the pony and made to charge forward and destroy him. Jer'rahds horn glowed a soft green and another whining scream tore through the air. The Waning Moon slams into the ground between Jer'rahd and the charging dragons, halting them all in their tracks. The pony lifts his head looking at the armored dragons and smiles baring a set of fangs rather than the normal equine teeth.

With the arrival of this strange pony who bore the weapon of the Demon of Dullhan, as well as the monster he was moments before, coupled with the force of pegasus and the Goddess of War behind them, the dragons did the smart thing. They turned and ran.

Jer'rahd stood there for a time barely seeming to move at all or even breath. Princess Luna slowly trotted up to him, informing Starfall to keep Bleu back. She readies her power to strike Jer'rahd down if need be. He turns his gaze back around to her looking up at the taller pony with a small smirk on his face.

“General Kaisur..?..... Jer'rahd?”

“Yes Princess?”

His voice seemed harsh, and some what unfamiliar as if he was trying to learn how to speak again with fangs. Granted she had a bit of trouble with that too at first.

“Are you alright? What has happened here?”

He takes a moment glancing over at the Waning Moon then back to her.

“I can honestly say I have been better, though I have also been worse. As for what happened....”

He turns fully looking back at the strange sight of the crater, the motion sending more ash from his fur that faded into nothing.

“ ….. I finally learned a new spell.”

He then promptly collapsed at her hooves.


Twilight was unsure if her legs gave out when she broke the spell, or if the spell was broken because her legs gave out. In either case she was on the floor in a heap. Rarity was over to her side almost immediately helping her to regain her hooves.

“Twilight Darling are you alright, what happened?”

“I am not even sure to be honest, I witnessed some magic that shouldn't be possible. I also saw the start of why the group was so feared. Luna was not the only nightmare of that time.”

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