• Published 1st Nov 2011
  • 13,090 Views, 951 Comments

Stories in Stone, Luna's Royal Guard. - TDR

The Gardens of Canterlot contain more than their fair share of stories. And more creatures than just Discord.

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Pay Dirt

Stories in Stone
Luna's Royal Guard

Pay Dirt

[7 days remain]


“Your left or my left?”



“Gaaaah! YOUR OTHER LEFT, I swear you are doing this on purpose.”

[6 days remain.]












[5 days remaining]

“Forget it Kaisur, it ain't happening.”

“Sir the entire 42nd is already in Canterlot, putting them on Gala duty makes sense. Give the Royal Guard a night off and it will allow my troops to see the Gala as well as protect it. I would rather have skilled combatants in place over glorified show ponies in case something goes wrong.”

“They went through the same training you did Kaisur and your a more glorified show pony then that lot could ever hope to be.“

“General Mustang, I do have to agree with him in this. We are still in a situation where attacks are likely, the griffon mercenaries are still unaccounted for as well as any of the red dragons that were spotted at the front. The Reds are the primary members of the flame party and thus the most dangerous of the lot. Having an extra layer of protection from the 42nd will not be a bad thing.”

Mustang glares between Jer'rahd and Princess Luna clearly annoyed. Ruin and General Shower stand back by the wall remaining silent and not getting any where near this.

“Fine, but I want Ruin and Shower there as well to keep track of them all. I already made arrangements to be Princess Celestia's escort this time to make sure she's guarded properly in public like this. So help me Jer'rahd if your ponies screw this up I will end them and then you.”

“If they screw something up, they should hope you get to them before I do, Sir“


[4 days remaining]

“We are not playing that!!”
“I like it, but its not fitting for this.”
“Sorry Bleu putting my hoof down on this.”

Bleu sighs as even Pip shakes his head and flings the music sheet over her head.

“Fine then, no Generic Blues. That would have been a hit, its comedic gold!”

“Which is why it won't fit, we only get six songs and then its mostly chamber music for the rest of the night. We need a bit of variety yes, but not of that sort.”

“Fine, but those two dance numbers stay. I doubt either of my students could handle any changes.”

“Alright. We can do that.”

“OK, we got two dance and a couple upbeat, most of them showcase how we play even the chamber music at the end. So we start with this and end with this.”
Crystal pokes two songs on the sheet of paper floating before her as the others look on and nod.

“I am sensing a love theme in this song list Crystal. You hitting it off with Rhede better than you're letting on?”

“I say we hit it off rather well considering neither of us wants anything but a good time.”

“And yet you still want this song?”

“Just cause I am having fun with him doesn't mean I can't see what he really wants.”


[3 days remaining]

“Whats going on here?”

Starfall's gaze shifts over the bodies on the pavement and the Royal Guard's surrounding them. Cloud Dancer remains back looking on to see what her mother was talking about. She suddenly winces and turns her head seeing the bodies. The Guard turns as if to tell her to back off, though he recognizes the pegasus and salutes instead.

“SIR. There have been cases over the last month of a string of murders of various mares of the night in some of the districts of Canterlot. We recently acquired enough evidence to find out who it was but before we could apprehend him,it seems however some one caught the perpetrator before us. The the female here was the last victim before he was murdered himself. We have confirmation that the male here was the killer we were looking for. “

“Any idea who got him?”

“No Sir, we think it might have been one of the 42nd that is in town. It is savage enough to have been something they would do.”

Starfall moves closer looking down at the body of the male pony curiously, glancing about the alley getting an odd feeling of deja vu. The body looked like it had been hacked apart by knives though there was a pattern she was familiar with and it made her blood run cold.

“This is a griffon attack........”


“ So much for my day off, I want a list of the air patrols in this area we need to find any holes and fill them. I have a bad feeling.”

“Yes sir.”

Starfall stood up glancing back at her daughter as the Guard patrol medics came in to clean up. If anything was going to happen it was going to be at the Gala. She was being forced to go to it this year, not that she minded much as Luna was forced to go as well, but this was not something she wanted to see.


“Yes what is it sergeant?”

“We just received news, they caught a griffon in the city limits.”

“Show me.”


Starfall was not thrilled to be bringing her daughter to the Guard post with her, but she had to know. Cloud Dancer also did not seem to mind, though she was focused a bit more than Starfall liked on some of the training recruits. Something to deal with later, the griffon was first.

She moved to the door and was stopped by General Shower.

“What are you doing here Air Commander? It's supposed to be your day off.”

“I heard about the griffon and saw the murder site. I want to know a few things, Sir.”

“This is not your investigation go home.”

“General, Sir, I need to know something first.”

“Tough. We are dealing with this go away now....”

“The griffon is claiming it was hunting the killer because he killed its chick and mate, its telling you about a hole in the patrols it used to get into the city.”

Shower stops dead and looks back at Starfall.

“Who told you that? As your superior I demand to know who leaked that information.”

“The former bearer of my element told me. And there is a great deal of things that do not add up about that story.”

“There was a hole in our patrols exactly where he said it was. Not much odd about that.”

“Did you pull any pony from any where else?”

“Just gala duty, with the 42nd there, its that much of a stretch on the guards.... What else do you know?”

“Not much, the test was cut rather short, but it was hinted at something terrible after this griffon shows up and was killed.”

“Well he's very much alive for now any way. There is not a plan to execute him anytime soon either. Any how get out of here before you daughter starts drooling over the new recruits.....”


She looks back seeing her daughters nose pressed to the glass of the window looking out into the training yard.

“Starfall..... I'll keep you in the loop for this... don't worry.”

“Thank you sir.”


[2 days remaining]


“Hmm, whats wrong Bleu?”


“Really, I don't think I'm doing to bad.”

“GAHHH, how can you even say that?!?”

Jer'rahd smirks.

“Miss Janis if you would like to start again? The rest of you please start the song again if you don't mind.”

The band starts playing again and the pair start to move, Jer'rahd follows along perfectly with everything Bleu and Janis had been showing him. At one point he actually covered for a mistake she made. The second song started and he shifted styles to a slower if some what closer dance that had Janis turning a bit red and Tiger barely able to play properly. Bleu simply stood there her mouth agape at what he was doing.

“How, why, where, who, what the BUCK BOSS, when did you learn that?!?”

“I think I had it down about two days ago, though I came in to practice again yesterday to make sure.”

“Then why the heck were you doing so crappy when I showed you?!? I'm pulling my spines out in frustration here.”

“Yes sounds just as annoying and frustrating as when you dyed my mane and tail pink a few weeks ago.”

“You, what, you've been plotting revenge this whole time?”

“No, but this was just too good of a chance to pass up. It beat Starfall's idea of hot sauce candy.”

“Gah, you, you, ….. dammit boss, get out of my studio.....”

Jer'rahd chuckles walking out as Bleu glares after him till the door closes, then she smirks.

“Took him long enough to start to lighten up. Alright ponies we got him out of the way and the Princess finished up yesterday lets get some lunch. Tiger stop wishing injury on the boss till after the show.....”


[1 day remaining]


“OK we done with the panicking we can get one more set in practice then bed.”

“Sounds good Bleu.”


The Grand Galloping Gala so far had gone off with out a hitch. Between the 42nd patrolling the grounds in full armor and gear and the Pelt family with their usual boisterous nature, many of the more uptight nobles had left, not even staying an hour. Which seemed to suit those that stayed just fine. The Song spell had caught Cloud dancer, Fox and Wolf Pelt, Velkorn's nephew Baelit, and one noble colt. Luna and her guard had done their best to avoid it.

Luna glanced out from her hiding place noting the annoyed nature of Celestia standing at the top of the stairs greeting the nobles as they trickled in. Rather than the large frilly and feathered gowns they had worn the previous year Celestia wore a rather simple dark colored dress with very few frills that allowed easier movement in case she wished to dance. Thankfully her sisters annoyance was tempered some by the short length of time any pony was willing to speak with her due to General Mustang's menacing stare.

Only Maw Pelt seemed unaffected by this, to the point of actually staring the General down while she talked to Celestia. She went on about everything, from the set up of Ponyville, to her idiot son, random gossip, and talk of her new baby. Fisher and the foal were the only ones not in attendance as the mare had drawn the short straw to miss the Gala, Wedge however had taken the night off to stay with her. It was about the time that Maw Pelt wandered off that Luna finally decided to make her presence know, much to the evident relief of Jer'rahd who had been practically sandwiched in the small hiding place with her. He had rather weakly protested, though she was to focused on avoiding her sisters attention so she would not have to greet any pony to pay much attention to what he said.

Luna slowly slips out of hiding walking up slowly to the pair at the top of the stairs trying to hide the smile that she had missed all this nonsense. She wore a dress nearly identical to her sisters though pure white instead of her sisters darker one.

Jer'rahd followed along with breathing a sigh of relief, nodding to General Mustang who simply glared.

“Enjoying yourself Tia?”

“I was wondering where you were LuLu.”

“Being fashionably late is all.”

“Bah the Princess has been hiding around the corner the whole time.”

“General Mustang, I would do nothing of the sort.”

“Sorry Princess Luna, but I had to stand here though all this, its not right in my eyes that you and Kaisur get to avoid it. But' I'll deal with him later.”

Celestia chuckles a bit as Luna sighs at being caught. Jer'rahd simply shrugs more annoyed at the mass of medals Luna had found for him to wear than anything else. He had worn armor that was lighter than all of these, though he had been pulling off a few here and there when the Princess was not looking so he could at least move. Mustang seemed in the same boat only barely having more decorations than he did.

“So shall we join everyone else in the ballroom LuLu?”


Rhede for once, was alone here. Though unlike last time he was making no effort to chat up any of the mares here. Most he recognized from last year and the rest were family. Plus the idea that his mother could wander up at any point in time and derail any sort of progress he made with any mare was more than enough for him to keep to himself. He was a bit disappointed that Crystal had been too busy, a rather fun mare though neither of them had any intent to make their meetings into any sort of relation ship. He moved around greeting a few cousins here and there dressed once more in rather fine ambassadorial robes.


Velkorn was leery of returning to this years gala. It was only the idea that Baelit was going to be there as well representing the Queen's Cross that even got her to show up. She had purchased a some what more subdued red dress, still upset over the gown that was destroyed the previous year. She was also not actively looking for Rhede, so her nerves at least ,were much calmer. She was still announced as Queen of the zebra lands as she entered though, she had almost forgotten she still carried that title. Despite her desire to give it up the government in her own land had made sure she kept the title while she was looking out for Princess Luna's interests in Equestria.

It had not taken her long to be set upon by some of the Pelt mares asking questions about how she and Rhede were doing, the telling of that story still pained a bit , but the at least Rhede's family could agree with her on that he was being an ass. Granted the three of them immediately dragged her off and tried to hook her up with other single stallions.


Starfall was worried, she had told Princess Luna what had happened and several new precautions had been taken. Even with all that she had opted to come in her uniform with her weapons rather than a gown or even her dress uniform. This had worked out quite well, as most of the nobles she did not want to talk to left her alone and a few of the ones that still wanted to speak with her, at least minded their tongues a bit better for fear she might cut them off.

The best thing about this however was Cloud dancer was here. Starfall nearly squeed at how cute she looked in the frilly ball gown, though she was also a little worried. Her daughter was already talking to Rhede's brothers, Fox and Wolf. There was also a white unicorn male she did not recognize and Velkorn's nephew. The zebra prince was likely the oldest of the group though not by much. One of the nobles mentioned he was the grandson of one of one of the families that had been part of the secret society that Princess Luna had wiped out. The last of his family had died in Manehatten which left him a heir to a great deal of wealth and power. It seemed however he had become one of the main contributors to the relief effort and rebuilding of Manehatten selling off a great many of his family properties and simply taking a small home here in Canterlot.

Starfall looked over at the five again with more interest than worry now, her motherly instincts had kicked in a bit at hearing about the colts loss. He at least seemed to be trying to restore his families name. It was the interest her daughter seemed to display in the colt that brought the worry back up.

“You had better not turn out like the rest of your family Cyan Sparkle...”


Bleu shivered a little, her tail whipping as she tried to shake out the stage fright. Countless shows and events, and she was still terrified right before showtime, every single time. She glanced back as the others pretended and adjusted themselves to deal with stress in their own way. All except Pip who was taking a pre show nap. That stallion could sleep through anything. The nobles were all gathered and shuffling about curious as to who the Princess had gotten this year. The troops of the 42nd were milling about as well, keeping watch on everything though also intent on the show, having heard how her last performance went. The dance floor was clear at the moment, it likely would be for a song or so yet. Both Luna and Boss knew the third song would be the cue for the dancing. She would have loved to be there to see the look on either of their faces when they realized they had practically been trained to dance together. She really hoped Boss would ask Luna, though it could be the other way around. She glanced at the clock and sighed..... Show time.


Twilight pulls back from the sword, a loud knock sounded from the front door in a oddly rhythmic beat. She knew who it was immediately. She glances back at the gem, having moved the images and sounds from the sword early. She was rather impressed with what she had seen this time. She had just finished removing some of the information that had nothing to do with the songs, and prepared the gem to start right at the bands opening song. It was perfect for recording. She worried a bit at the last part but as soon as the recording was done she could get back into it.

She moves opening the door to greet Vinyl and Octavia, the pair starting to greet her then stopping and staring for a moment, a little confused and worried.

“Umm. Hello Miss Sparkle. Is everything alright?”
“Whoa Grape, what the heck happened tah you?”

Twilight sighs as Octavia jabs Vinyl in the ribs. She had fixed her hair at least, but the bandage and eye patch were still on ,and the cut on her face had not healed fully.

“A long unimportant story, nothing to worry about really.”

“Umm, OK, So what'cha got for us this time?”

“I must admit your excitement was easily seen in your message. What you have uncovered thus far has been quite beneficial to the musical community as a whole.”

“I have almost an entire concert this time.”

“Oh, who is preforming?”

“The Platinum Swan.”


For once it was the calmer earth pony that had lost her cool and nearly knocked Twilight down in excitement. Vinyl however simply winced.

“You mean THE Platinum Swan? The royal court musicians Platinum Swan?”

“Oh, well I guess they did impress Princess Celestia then.”

“I didn't expect chamber music. What a drag.”


“I don't think it will be what you expect. Either of you. This was their first performance ever after all. “

Twilight backs up as Octavia seems to be on the verge of freaking out in excitement. Vinyl sighs again and glances around before smirking and swatting the earth mare hard on the rump with a hoof. Octavia yelps and whirls on Vinyl who keeps her smirk staring back at the now flushed earth pony.

“Calmed down now Tavi? Cool, alright Grape you got us set up, lets do this thing.”

The pair set up their part of the equipment and Vinyl activates the gem.


The curtain slides back opening the stage and the dark forms of the band members sitting at their interments. The lights flare on lighting them up as a fast paced piano and guitar piece starts. Bleu dashes across the stage sliding to a stop before a mic as two spotlights cut on focusing on her and Pip. She adjusts the mic a bit fluttering her blue wings folding them against the suit. She quickly adjusts the sunglasses and fedora she wore glancing back to make sure her coloration matched pips before grabbing the mic.

“We're so glad to see so many of you lovely ponies here tonight. And we would especially like to welcome all the representatives of The 42nd Luna's Hoof, who have chosen to join us here in The Canterlot Palace Ballroom at this time. We do sincerely hope you all enjoy the show, and please remember ponies, that no matter who you are, and what you do to live, thrive and survive, there are still somethings that make all of us the same. You, me, them, everybody, everybody.”

The whole crowd remains silent staring, clearly expecting something much less flamboyant ,loud, and fast paced as what was going on before them. The all blink, nearly in unison, though some of them start nodding in time slightly as the songs tempo picks more. A few of the stubborn nobles that had not been put off by the Guards or the Pelts but were complaining about both , started to scoff and make for the exits with this. Then Pip starts to sing with the rest of the band accompanying him on the chorus.

“Everybody needs somebody to love Someone to love (someone to love)
Sweetheart to miss (sweetheart to miss)
Sugar to kiss (sugar to kiss)
I need you (you) you(you) you (you) I need you (you) you (you) you (you) I need you (you) you (you) you (you) the morning
I need you (you) you (you) you (you) When my soul's on fire
I need you (you) you (you) you (you)”

None of them miss a beat and quite a few of the Guards and the Pelts seem to be enjoying the song . Most of the nobles remaining still seem in shock as do both princesses though a small smile starts creeping across Celestia's face.

“Sometimes I feel
I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me
I never never never have a place to hide
(I need you”

A few of them finally start getting into it or at least the beat had a few hooves tapping.

“Sometimes I feel
I feel a little sad inside
When my baby mistreats me
I never never never have a place to hide
(I need you) you you
(I need you) you you
(I need you) you you
(I need you) you you
(I need you)”

Bleu had spent most of the song either dancing around or joining the chorus. The attention was cause a bit of a spectacle, it was not very fluid or rhythmic but her motions still kept time to the music. She slides back to the front of the stage, grabbing the mic in her claw.

“You know ponies when you do find that special some pony
Hold that stallion, hold that mare
Love him, please him, squeeze her, please her,
Hold, squeeze and please that pony, give 'em all your love
Signify your feelings with every gentle caress (signify)
Because it's so important to have that special some pony (hold)
to hold, kiss (kiss), miss (miss), squeeze (squeeze) and please (please)”

Bleu stares up at the Princesses on the overlooking balcony and smiles seeing Celestia's grin and the look of shock on Mustang's face. Both Luna and Boss remained some what impassive looking however they had expected something although the constant shifting of Luna's glowing mane was keeping time to the music as well.

“Everybody (woo hoo hoo) needs somebody ( i need some)
Everybody (woo hoo hoo) needs somebody to love
( ev-rybody)
Someone to love
( needs somebody) Sweetheart to miss
( ev-rybody)
Sugar to kiss
( needs somebody)
I need you (you) you (you) you (you) I need you (you) you (you) you (you) I need you (you) you (you) you (you)
I need you (you) you (you) you (you)
I need you
( ev-rybody)
I need you
( needs somebody)
I need you
( ev-rybody)
I need you
needs somebody
( ev-rybody)
needs somebody
needs somebody”

Pip was hitting this quite well, alternating between playing the piano and pointing out at those in attendance with a hoof every time he yelled out “you”. The music kicked up a notch at the last chorus before ending with a crash of instruments and a last horn flare from Crystal.

A few ponies, mostly the Pelts, offered applause, though the other nobles join in soon after, clearly not sure about the change in the musical venue that was presented to them. Bleu smiles flinging off the suit and hat, her scales shifting to the black and white pattern that she had taken while dealing with the Weindigo. She knew a great many of those attending would not understand this song, but even in the native Zebra it sounded rather beautiful. .

<”Do you remember love,
Love from a tormented heart,
Not fleeting, as with music at night,
But an eternal love,
Now tainted,
Now tainted,
Go now and reclaim it,
Go now and love.”>

Janis added a bit of the back ground chorus along with Ray and Tiger. Crystal was going to get a work out with this one. She ran her hooves across a long tube blowing along it to create a wind effect before switching to a bamboo flute. Bleu's own voice felt strained a bit at the high notes. The flute died off and Bleu started again in time with the guitar.

<”Recall the times
when you were happy.
Recall the times
when you laughed.
Life is wonderful,
Do you have faith in it?
Turn your face to life,
To eternal joy.”>

Most of the crowd was simply watching, though it was easy to tell who under stood Zebra as most of them seemed on the verge of crying, Velkorn actually was, Rhede had vanished from sight. Typical. It was an old song from the heyday of the Warlord conflicts. Bleu took a breath as the tempo increased.

<”What happened to those days?
What happened to those nights?
Do you remember
How you turned to grief? Do you remember
How you turned to sorrow?
Is the blame mine or ours?”>

Bleu was hoping the effect was hitting Rhede where ever he was, Singing a love song in another language was only really useful if the targets could hear it. She was not done trying to get those two together yet.

<”Our feelings grew faint
What caused our grief and fighting?
Can there be beauty in life?
Search for it.
Can there be happiness in life?
Believe it.”>

The others finish up the chorus as the music slowly dies out. Bleu was surprised at the applause though, it seemed more had understood the song than she thought. Perhaps having the Queen's Cross and the Queen of Zebra's around Equestria was helping some to break the language barrier. Her gaze turned up to the balcony and the look of shock on Luna and Celestia's faces. Jer'rahd looked completely derailed for a moment until Luna nodded which caused Celestia more shock. Rhede was up there as well and was trying hard not to laugh at the situation, clearly thinking Jer'rahd still could not dance. Mustang simply looked pissed, though likely more that Rhede was up there than what Jer'rahd had asked of Luna.

Bleu Glances back to the band and nods smirking, they all smile readjusting for the next song.

A great many heads turn watching Princess Luna and General Kaisur come out to the floor along with rapidly shushed cheers of encouragement, likely from Fox, Wolf, and perhaps even Maw Pelt. A few nobles notice and make a path for the two nearly all of them quite surprised having never seen Luna come to the dance floor with any pony. While they all likely note this is the start of the dancing, they all clear a section of the floor for just this pair to have them have first dance.

The beat starts as one of the pegasus manning the lights moved a magic spotlight onto the pair. Bleu worried for a moment that one or both might back out with this much attention on them particularly Boss, but he seemed steadfast. Crystal had pulled out a pair of maracas shaking them lightly.

“Fly Me To The Moon
Let Me Play Among The Stars
Let Me See What Spring Is Like
On A-Jupiter And Mars
In Other Words, Hold My hoof
In Other Words, Darling, Kiss Me”

Bleu was doing her best not to smile as she sang, this was a better seat to watch this than she had hoped. The two moved slowly across the floor both their hooves shifting in time with the music and her words, it was an older song so nearly every pony knew it. They also knew the general dance moves used with this song. She had trained them well it was flawless. Though the best part was both Rhede and Celestia doing impersonations of fish. Both where in shock having thought neither of their siblings could dance the slightest.

“Fill My Heart With Song
And Let Me Sing For Ever More
You Are All I Long For
All I Worship And Adore
In Other Words, Please Be True
In Other Words, I Love You”

She took a breath as the band played on, the soft rumba having the pair back off and nearly touching horns on more than one occasion, just as planned. The two of them seemed to be completely ignoring the fact every pony in the ballroom was watching at them as they moved.

“Fill My Heart With Song
And Let Me Sing For Ever More
You Are All I Long For
All I Worship And Adore
In Other Words, Please Be True
In Other Words, I Love You”

Bleu shivers, glad they were doing so well, but she was not entirely certain whether the pair was simply going through the motions or were actually feeling any thing.

“Only you....
only yoooou
Fill My Heart With Song
And Let Me Sing For Ever More
You Are All I Long For
All I Worship And Adore
In Other Words, Please Be True
In Other Words, I Love You

In Other Words, I Love You”

The music died off with Jer'rahd and Luna slowly pulling away from each other ,still staring at one another. That lasted for a moment before the Pelt family and Princess Celestia started cheering the two. Both of them suddenly turned bright red attempting to hide the blush from each other and the crowd surrounding them. Neither of them succeeded that well.

Bleu grinned she knew what she had taught them to dance like for the next song and seeing these two get closer was the primary goal of this whole thing now. Well and to make sure Celestia hired The Platinum Swan full time, though with this they were clearly a shoe in and after only three songs as well.

The piano solo started and she watched both of them wince and glare up at her though there was very little force behind that glare from either of them. Tiger started strumming as Bleu began.

“Come and share this painting with me
Unveiling of me
The unicorn that never failed.”

Ray moves upon the stage a little closer to Bleu adding his voice as a back ground accompaniment. Others crowded on the floor reconizeing the melody or the tempo even if the songs lyrics were eluding them. Another old tune but with more modern lyrics, Platinum sang this version once and the dragonlings voice struggled to match that emotion. She smiles regardless of her memories, as Luna and Jer'rahd got even closer slowly sashaying around with the song.

“This deep sigh coiled around my chest
Intoxicated by a major chord
I wonder
Do I love you, or the thought of you?”

She shifted her gaze up to Celestia and the look of shock on the Princesses face. Oh this was soo perfect. They band had to be a shoo in with that expression of amazement. Her friends were set, Luna and Boss had to wind up realizing they felt something for each other after this. Now if only Velkorn and Rhede would hook up things would be perfect.

“Slow, love, slow...
Only the weak are not lonely”

Bleu closed her eyes putting a little bit more into the song more than a few nobles had begun dancing as well, picking up the slow beat and tempo and following the moves of Princess Luna and Jer'rahd.

“ Southern blue, morning dew
Let-down-your-guards, I-love-you's
Ice-cream castles, lips-to-ear rhymes
A slumber deeper than time”

She drags out the last word as Crystal starts playing one of her horns.

“ Slow, love, slow...
Only the weak are not lonely.”

Jer'rahd and Luna seem to be ignoring everyone else rather focused on each other. Bleu exhales letting the bands solo continue slowly building up. She utters the last few lines in a hushed whisper that carries over the mic.

Slow, love, slow...”

The music hits its crescendo, slowly fading out with a piano solo. Bleu grins wide not able to hide her enjoyment at the pair on the floor before her. They were pressed to each other in this slow dance, forms moving with the music as it continued.

As the music dies, she looks out over the crowd of ponies not having realized how much she missed doing this. If the war ended she would have to go back to touring or at the very least preform with The Platinum Swan again.

She gestures for the band to start the next song, mentally setting herself up for these next two before the chamber music would start. She takes a breath to begin just as a sudden explosion rocks the palace, shattering the large glass windows in the ballroom, as a ball of fire erupts from what looks like the Canterlot Guard post in the distance. Seconds later the alarms sound and the air is filled with the war cries of griffons and dragons.

Bleu looks up as the ponies around her start panic and curses.



Vinyl pulls her head back, her ears flattening, Twilight was sure she was not happy with that ending either. though the unicorn mare recovered rather quickly.

“He. four songs this time. You always find something interesting Grape. I like this one too, I can mix a few of these easy specially that first one.”

“You will do no such thing, for something of such a legendary piece of history it must remain unsullied by your hooves Vinyl.”

“HAH, wait till you hear it Tavi, even you have to admit I’m right on this one. Any way Grape same deal with the bits and fame?”

“Yes, that would be fine, just make sure you send the copies to every one I asked,just like before.”

“That shall not be a problem Ms. Sparkle. I suppose we are done here as I cannot wait to actually transfer this and listen to it. I also do wish to get back to Canterlot rather rapidly. I have heard the dragon migration will pass by here any day now and I do not wish to be caught outside in that event.”

“Oh yeah that is coming up. I always wanted to see that. Thank you again for coming Miss Scratch, Miss Octavia.”

The pair pack up the gear rather rapidly, bidding a good night to Twilight. She shuts the door considering before starting her plans to get ready for the dragon migration.

“Well first off, I'm going to need a trench.”

Songs used.

Everybody Needs Somebody to Love. >>> Blues Brothers Motion Picture soundtrack.
The Best is yet to come.>> from Metal Gear Solid 4
Fly Me to the Moon [Yoko Takahashi Acid Bossa Version]>>> Neon Genesis Evangalion version.
Slow Love Slow>>>> Nightwish

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